B ; J. L. PENNIKGTOA & DO. TERMS THE 3STEWS. . Hon. Charles E. Mix, chief clerk of thel Indian Bureau, has been appointed secretary of th com mission Wiich starts for Port Smith. -on the 18th inst., for the purpose of entering into negotiations With the lat? rebellious Indians. j The manager of the Boston Theatre is to pay Anna Cora Mowatt Ritchie $25,000 for aq eight months' engagement. The coat of Coi.UIrich Dahlgren has. beer found in possession of Charles Davis, of Mathews cpunty, Va. It had five bullet holes in it. ' The Secretary ofWar has ordered, in th case of George V. Painter, a citizen, tried by notary commission on the charge of murdering a Federal soldier, ..nd-sentenced to be hung that the pro ceeding,. are illegal and void; and the pnsoi.fr wiL be turned over, by the proper officer, to the civil authorities for trial. John VT. Forney and John Covode are men tioned as successors to Secretary Harlan, of the Interior Department. " '. . ; Oapt.Fitzhugh and Maj. Shearer, ex -Confederates, have been driven out of Hagerstown, Md., by " returned Union soldiers." A negro woman, With a fortune of $500,000, advertises in the Parispapers for a husband. j Admiral Porter has been appointed Chief (ad interim) of the Bureau of Navigation of the Navy 'Department. The Colored Men's State. Convention of jTen- nessee is still in session at Nashville. On Thursday, Governor Frownlow was invited to address them, but declined the yivitation. j Fenry B. Jenkins, paying teller of the. Phoenix Bank, New York, has been arrested upon the charge of embezzling1 $240,000 of the funds of the institu tion. He confessed his guilt. j Report says that Col. J. W. Forney's income from the Washington Chronicle and Philadelphia Press is over $50,000 a year. j The town of Lincoln, in New Hampshire ihas not furnished a soldier in the late war, nor raised a cent in the prosecution of it. A Northern paper calls ex Secretary Benjamin " a wandering, pondering, squandering Jew." Gen. Edward Johnston, of the late Confederate eervice, has arrived at Richmond. Brig -Gen. Mercer, of the late rebel army, has been sent to Fort Pulaski. The Great Eastern, with the Atlantic cable on board, has a freight of full 25,000 tons, eqaal to tha too Dag of the entire fleet with which telsoiv, won the great victory of Trafalgar. The notorious guerrilla leader, Captain Fort, came into the town of Holly Springs, Mississippi, a few days ago, and, ridiDg to a livery stable, ordered his horse fed, aud began swaggering around in the mot disagreeable "manner. Mr. Tom Cohen, an old citizen, who had resided there for years, made some remark; to Fort, which very much incensed the monster. Sev eral words were passed between them, when Mr. Co hen is1 represented to have turnedofco walk away. Just at this juncture Fort drew his pistol and fired three abots, Mr. Cohen expiring a .few hours afterwards.- After committing the murder, Fort jumped on his horse and escaped, and, at last accounts, was at large. i Advices from East Tennessee represent that Etneri:n Etherttdge did not get a single vote for Con gressmen In his district, except fro n ooen who; stjll support the doctrine of secession and its rightfulness. The gold coinage at the United States Min it, Philadelphia, for the month of July, was $108,65 68, nearly all of which was In double-eagles, and the silver coinage for the same time was $10,241 71 the round thousands, of the amount being in half dollars, the rest In bars. The copper coinage was divided aa follows: 12,958,000 cents, 505,000 two cent pieces, of the aggregate value of $72,330. The total num ber of pieces of all kinds coined at the mint during the month ls4,40 1,1 11, of the total valua of $191, 255,34. General Hoffman, Commissary General of Prison ers, Jb busily engaged in adjusting the accounts of pa roled and released soldiers, preparatory to their final discharge. A report is in course of completion, giving the number of prisoners held by both sides during the war ; the aggregate number of deatha from various causes, and other matters of great moment. We learn that the 80th87th, 47tb, 62d, 54th, 57th, 70th and 80th regiments Ohio Volunteer In fantry have. been ordered to Little Rock, Arkansas for master out of service, preparatory to being sent home for final discharge. 1 a dirty HtUe hamlet in Newfoundland,noted princi pally for iruge musquitoes, untrustworthy people and beautiful bay. The hither terminus ot tbe At- llantl; cabla Is at Heart's Content. I It It rumored that General Joseph E. Johnston ! willing to aocept the position of superintendent of some railroad. Fnr tMa ndtfnn his hiffh executive 4 - UBW WW. ability and great scientific attainments eminently fit , mm, and one of the many .reconstructing roads of the iSoath would do well to secare his erviceB. The j stockholders of oar own Richmond and Danville rail iroad (says a Richmond paper), will soon be called voptra to elect a president, at which time they could riot better subserve their interest and the State's than by uniting the offices of president and superintendent, ibd appointing General Johnston thereto. His mili tary status cannot be urged against his holding a place so entirely separate from politics ; and his prac tical gjod sense, combined with his thorough knowU dga of the Improvements in tbeoclence of mechanics, iwlll soon make the road the best in the State, as It is already the most Important. The New York correspondent of the Richmond Bulletin writes : foweU; mber of Mrs. . President Davis, jStawSn? u tbuNew Y9rk Hotel yfty aTh.? oi1 and ft crow of Southerner art there. The St. Nicholas is also full of ex-rebels. VOL. VI. RALEIGH. THURSDAY, AUG. 17, 1865. NO. 234 Judge Swann, of Tenneesye, it is said will eettto in this city. Coionel Owen, president theVirgiL:a Teno-. s ra Iroad, i at the Hoffman House J. K Holcombe, Maurice Moore, Jr., and a number of other Lvnch burgers, are at the Anson. House Nearly all the leading railroad men of the South are in town. General (Granby) Reynolds and fam'ly are expectedhere daily. It is stated positively that General R. has been notified by legal advisers that he is the lineal descendant of the Earl of Warwick is, in fact, the Earl of Warwick, and the last of the "King-makers." A Paris letter says : "Abd-el-Kader is the Hon'of the day. But it musj -be said that during this scorch ing weather, (thirty-four deg. Chevalier in the shade) there are so few lions here that he shines at small expense. The Emirvft accompanied by two of his wives. They are both Circassians, and neither more than fourteen years old. One Is a blonde and the other a brunette. They are said to be handsome, and to have cost sixteen thousand frames. These ladies peep ovtr the garden wall running along the Champs Elysoes of the house in the Rue Lord Byror, assigned to Abd-el-Kader for his residence. But las . they are always closely veiled, the wonderment that must be defirted on their fares at tbe spectacle before them cannot be en. Foor other wives and more than thirty children remain at Damascus, where one hun dred thousand franca a year, allowed by the French Government, support this very large family. The French newspapers, forgetting that Abd-el-Kader's wives are ignorant of French and never read journals, cite for their benefit an article of the code, which de clares that a slave tbe moment he touches French ground Is. free, and therefore the two fair Circassians, were they so minded, could quit the Emir and be at liberty to walk about Paris. - . STATE ' ITEMS. A most Shameful Outrage. A m st brutal nd shameful outrage has been communicated to the military authorities at Wilmington as having occur red on Wednesday night last week between that city and North East sfation on the Weldon railroad. Some six negroes, clad in uniforms and armrd with muskets with bayonets, visited two or three houses, tock all the money they could fiud and beat and abused the occupants in a cruel and shameful man ner, piercing them quite severely with the bayonets at different times, and threatening frequently to kill them outright. Only two names of the three men beaten could be remembered Mr. Williams and Mr. Collins. One lady wa treated In a similar manner. One of the rascals have since been recognized, and is now held uudcr arrest at North East bridge by the military force there. Williams and Collins live, it is said, about six or eight miles from . the city, where the affair occurred. It is sincerely hoped that some clue may te. given by which the whole of the brutal scamps may be brought to justice. So the Wilmington Herald informs us. Labge Cabqo Sale or Molasses. A heavy cargo of molasses, consigned to Mr. Edward Jones, arrived at Newborn, direct from Guba, a portion of which which was sold at auction Saturday by W. L. Poalk, auctioneer, by the bbl. and hhd. at 42 a 60 cents per gallon. The balance Is in store for sale bf Mr. Poalk, Pollock street, who is one of our advertisers. An ex-slave named Denlaon, vho had been em ployed at Taylor's Hotel, Jersey city, died at the Almsbonse, on Snake HlUa few days since. At the request of the dying man a lunatic . named Nelson wrote the following will : August 3, 1865. I, Aaron Denlson, of Hudson county, Almshouse, State of New Jq Sbut a na tive born of Newborn, CraVen county $f North Carolina, where I had lived as a slaWuntll .the spring of 1860, from whence I came to these parts, do make and declare this to be my last will and testament: I leave to Mr. Nelson Rollins, who has been attending me, one coat, one pair of pantaloons, one neck tie. one vest, besom and collars, together with three shirts, one black hat and the ring on my finger. ' his AABON H DKNI80N. mark. In presence of Mr. Nelson Rollins . This includes the trunk, with its contents. At the meeting of the Directors of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, on the 11th Inst., very little business was transacted beyond the selection of addi tional officers. We annex the list of persons chosen: Secretary and Treasurer. J. W. Thompson. Superintendent of Transportation. William Smith. . General Freight Agent. GL. Dudley General Ticket Agwnt.W . M. Pbfeson. Road Master. John Crone. - Agent at Goldsboro' A. J. Galloway. Agent at. Weldon. John Campbell. Passenger Train Conductors. E. D. Browning, J. R. Ivey.H. D. Gilbert. Freight Train Conductors. W. R. Bryan, J. E. Leggett. Conductor on Tarbore' Branch. R. A. Watson. The election of superintendent was postponed until the 1st of September next, applications are to be re ceived for the position natli that day. ' We learn that the following members of the Guil ford Grays, most of whom are residents of Greensbo ro', are still at Point Lookout. If addressed as below letters will reach them : J. W. McDowell, J. F. McCulston; W. Dennis, W. D. Dennis, E. B. Higgles, H. C. Reltzee, J. H. Causey, W. L. Donnell, J. R. Biler, DQ. Foust. W. F. Owen, Co F. 19th Division. G E B E 8 tt it Efforts are being made to establish a Union League at Wilmington. The preliminary meeting was held Monday last, but adjourned over to this evening. a THE CITY. Offieers'&ttd Soldiers Can obtain extca copies of the Progress' of tins date, containing a full account of the dinner given to Cen. Ames, at the . Yarborough House, on Tues day evening. . . ... . & A Reminder. If there are any of our patrons to whom the following will apply, they can call at cur counting room and relieve their conscience at once : How happy are they Whom the editors pay, And have squared up for one year or more, Tongue cannot express The great joy of the press, When delinquents have paid the old score. Printers all the day long Laber hard for a song A fate that is hard, all agree " They hare worked night and day. And of court want their pay, To buy sugar, and coffee, and tea. One would hardly believe, What small sums they receive, For the paper addressed to each name ; But the price is so small; That the good people all, Will pay up far thifear of the shame. 9mm Elements of Wealth. Not long since, in the editorial columns of this paper, .we expressed the opin ion that North Carolina and other Southern States were not half so near poverty as despondent people would have the world believe. The evidence of the correctness of our conclusions have been accumalattog for two months past, aod now more than ever shows i tsel f Eyery train from south, west and north of Raleigh is freighted with ccrttou, tobacco, naval stores and other representatives of wealth. Let the people press their productions- into market Judiciously and all will bo well. I. O. O. F. It may be interesting to the members of this fraternity in Raleigh to know that Isaac M.- Veitch, Most Worthy Grand Sire of the Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. of the United States has officially proclaimed that every act or declaration of any kind whatsoever, intended to impair. the supreme author ity of the Grand Lodge" of the United States, over the whole fraternity, is null and void,' and of no force or effect whatever. Noeth Cabolinians in New Yobk. Among the North Carolinians in Gotham, we notlGe the names cf W. R. Myers. James BaDger, Reuben Jacques and John Kenoett. A New Village which we propose to christen with the name of Mixville has sprung up on the square east of the North Carolina Railroad depot. The guard have tents on the front line and in the rear are a number of improvised frame buildings. It has very much the appearance of settlements we saw on our first trip to California in 1856. A Valuable Wobk. We are under obligations to Messrs. Wm. B. Smith & Co., of the Southern Ffeld and Fireside Publishing House, in this city, for Pro fessor Emmons' Geological Survey of North Carolina. We have been able only to make a partial examina tion ot the two . handsome and substantially bound volumes in wttlch it is embodied, but .that has been ample to recommend the work as one of peculiar In terest and high value. As exposltorsef the mineral and agricultural wealth of the State, we do not well see how they can be dispensed with, especially by parties who are seeking channels for new or addition al Investments of capital ; or who are desirous of be ginning manufacturing or mining enterprises. It is au. authoritative, scientific display of the resources of North Carolina, ancT we commend It to all who feel Interested in scientific investigation or hare speculative penchants to gratify. See the advertisement of the firm elsewhere . Randolph CotjnTt. We had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Blair, member of the. late Legislature from Randolph, in the city yesterday. We vore pleased to learn from him that quiet reigoed.through- out his county, and that abundant crops would be made. The corn crop of Randolph, Mr. Blair assured u, would be quite large. . . . ' Tax on Stock Dividends. It is important for our readers to keep themselves posted in respect to the decision of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue at Washington. In giving returns of yearly in comes, it is held that stock dividends are to be in cluded, and that such dividends are liable to taxa tion in estimating gains, profits and income. Personal. We saw In the city yesterday, Hon. R. R. Bridges, of Edgecombe, the new President of the Weldon and Wilmington Railroad. We learn that among other things he is here for the purpose of having that Improvement turned over by the gov ernment to the company. He is a gentleman of rare business habits, thoroughly practical, and will, if successful, manage the line over which he presides with consummate ability. Drainage. We observe with much pleasure that the city authorities are repairing various worn out streets, and providing at all points admirable drainage- t New Advertisements W e invite attention to the new advertisements of John G. Williams & Co. Gold and Bank notes for sale Thomas'P. Moore, No. 115, Sycamore street, Pe tersburg Hat Business. B. P. Williamson & Co. Piano for sale. Thanks. We are again under obligations to the Southern Express company for late papers. Provost's Saxctot, Aug. .16, 1865. A cititen was brought in under arrest from the country charged with deserting his wife and taking on with another. The Provost gave him a good lecture on matrimony, and then set him free on his promising to return home and behave himself like a man to wards his lawful wife," . A boy, aged about 14, and living seven miles from the city, made complaint to the Provost thai a man whose name be gave had taken from him vict armis, a mule lent him by government in order that he might support his poor, delicate, feeble mother. Capt B.,'with his natural kindness of heart, showed his . sympathy with the youth as be related in simple and unaffected language the story of the inhuman conduct of the guilty repro bate, and will doubtless exert himself with more than ordinary energy to detect tbe villian and bring him to punishment, as well as aid the sufferers in repairing their loss. Business at the sanctum is not brisk as of yore, and we trust it will lessen until, va payment for their past labors, the officials there shall have a good time. MARKET REPORT CORRECTED DAILY ST El. W HITAKER. Grocc and Dealer in Provision. Apples Dried, $1 25 per bushel, " . Green, $1 50 per bushel, Bacon Firm, sales at 270c per lb. Beef 10c per lb. -Butter 35c per lb. scare. Cheese 40c per lb. Chickens 40c a piece. Coffee 50c per lb. Corn $1 00 per bushel. Eggs 35c per dozen. Flour Superfine $11 per bbl.; Hides Green 10c. Dryl5e. Honey in comb, 25 to 38c per lb. Lamb 1215c per lb. Iard 25c per lb. Meaf $1 per bushel. Mullets None, Mackerel $13 per bbl . Onions $2 00 per bushel. Peaches dried 10c per lb. Peas White $100 ; Stock 90 to $1 ; QardeaiOcper peck. . -Potatoes Irish $1 60 per bush. " Sweet, new, $2 per bushel. Sugar Crushed 50c per lb i Brown 26c Syrup 60c per gallon. Soda Cooking, 25c per poand. Salt $2 00 per bushel. ' Tallow 10c12K per lb. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - -- - j FOR SALE, 4 N excellent Piano, very little used, of Boston manu J facture. Original ost $550. Per particulars ap ply to B. P. WILLIAMSON A CO., augl7-5t Commission Merchants. AT 44 FAYETTEVTLLE STREET, 'FLal&l&ljL, 1ST. O., SWEDES AND ENGLISH IRON, German and Cast 8TEEL, English Island M0LA88ES, Old GoTernment Java COFFEE, A, C. and Crushed SUGAR , BABBITT'S READY SOAP MAKER get a box of this and astonish yourself at the quantity of Soap it will make only 60 cents. THERMOMETER CHURNS, WATER PAILS, WELL BUCKETS and ROPE, COOKING STOTES, AG. D. T. CARRAWAY, augl7-3t With Habt A Lswu. FOB SALE. 4,000 NOTES ON THE BANK OP N, CAROLINA, 6,000 " , . CAPE PEAR, 1,000 " " " " " CHARLOTTE, 7,000 MISCELLANEOUS, 5,000 GOLD COIN. JOHN G. WILLIAMS M Ot)., augl7-lt Brokers. Thomas R. Moore Respectfully announces to the public tbat he has resumed THE HAT BUSINESS No. 115 Sycamore St., PETERSBURG, VA., and baring received a New Stock of Goods is prepared to sell on as reasonable terms as may be found elsewhere. - He solicits the Wholesale and Retail Trade. Mr. JOHN WOODHOU8E will be pleased to see his old friends asd customers. ang!7-2w Goodspeed Steamship. Line BETWEEN N. YORK AND NEWBERN. THE A NO. 1 FINE STEAMSHIP E L CI D , D. B. HOB ART - - - Commander, Will sail directly fqr New York on SATURDDAY, August 19. at hxA P- H. o For freight or passage, having unsurpassed accommo dations, apply at W. H. Oliref A Co.'s Brick Store, feot of Craven street, U augl6-td C. P. GOODSPEED, Agent. V. S. MILITARY RAILROADS. Morehead Cityaad GolUbor6 and Golds boro and Raleigh Llnei. qARS LEAVE NEW BERNE FOR KALfcIGH AT 11.30 A.M. or Morehead City at 4.50 P. If. RETURNING. Leave Raleigh for New Bernt at 10 A. M. Leave Morehead City for New Berne at t.2t A. M. WILMINGTON AND GOLDSBORO LINE. Leave Goldsboro for Wilmington at 3.10 F. M. Leave Wilmington for Qpldsbore at 4.3t A. M. . J.rB. VAN DYNE May24-tf Siperimtendsit. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily, I Year ,...$!0 00 Dily, 1 Month....... tl t Weekly, 1 Year 3 00 6 Months.... 150 " 6 Month...... 5 00 3' Months. J-m. 3 Q0 Must be D&id in advance in all cases or tho rnr will not be sent; and the paper will be stopped when the time paid fpr e spires, unless renewed. . NEWSBOYS A AD NEWS DEALERS Will be furnished at tha rate of i nor hnnrirl nnii. All prders moit be accompanied by tbe money. D VER TISINO RA TES. Ordinary advertisements, occnnrinir nnt mnn than lines solid minion, or one inch space . 1 insertion ......SI 00 2 Weeks... $6 00 10 Ou 15 00 20 00 3 00 50 00 2 1 50 2 00 2 50 3 00 3-50 1 Month 3 4 " 2 Months. 5 . 6 " . 1 Year.. b Larger adTertisements, where no contract is made, will be charged in exact proportion. . ' YEARLY CONTRACTS Will be made in accordance with the following schedule 6 Mni,thg...$H" a . i 45 00 1 1 2 " 6 ' 45 00 1 2 " 6 ... U " fi)0 I "6 " 50 0 1-4 I Yt " 1 " 75 00 1 2 " 1' ... " 100 00 l i . a 1 " 1 1-4 " 3 1-2 S 1 - 3 Only those who contract fbr one foui , on i column, for ene, three, six, or twelve months. the benefit of these terms. Contract advertisers must pay by th others in advance. All advertisements must be marfe i. and no advertisement will be insvrttd Advertiaementa .ioaerted .mce, tw . week will be charged One Dollar a q sertion. OUR CIRC OLA TJ ON' Is larger in the city and throng bo i tbt Stale than anv other paper in Worth Carolina. The Progre is read in the camn and am one the. nnU m mnh iirr number of persons than any other papW, and hence i imoortance aa an aulTertiainir mwHinm ihi.niHnni h. wa. looked by business men. SPECIAL NOTICES. Soecial Notices will be aet in mfnl nn IaiHbH an1 in. serted under the Special Notice head, and One Dollar a Square charged for every insertion. LOCAL COLUMN. Only short notices will be admitted to the Local Col umn, at the following rates : One Line, One Day SI 00 I ThrerLines.One Day S2 00 Two Lines, " 1 50 1 Five Lines, " 2 60 Ten Lines, or more, at the rate Twenty-five Cents a Line for each insertion. FUNERAL NOTICES, MARRIAGES, tc. Will be charged same aB Advertisements, and must be paid for when handed in, or they will not appear. The above Rates will be adhered to in all cases, and as we have to pay dash for everything in our business, we must demand cash. June, 26, 1865. J. L. PENNINGTOV A ro. TO SUBSCRIBERS AND ADVERTISERS. We have te pay cash for paper, ink and labor, and we must hare more cash from those for whom we work or we cannot pay our current expenses. We know there is but little money in circulation, but there are but few persons who want a newspaper that cannot spare the money to pay for it. Personsseeing their paper marked must remit the money or it will be stopped. Advertisers must pay in advance for all transient mat ter, and business men who advertise regularly will be expectedto pay their bills monthly. Job Printmg'mustbe paid for when delivered. J. L. P. 3t CO. . GEO. Z FRENCH & CO SUCCESSORS TO CUTTER & FRENCH Fayetteville Street, (OLD STAND OF TUCKER, ANDREWS A CO.,) ARE CLOSING OUT THEIR EXTENSIVE 8TOCK OF CLOTHINGr, GENTS' FURNISHING CQ0t8t Hats and Caps, MILITARY CLOTHING, MILITARY TRIMMINGS AND EQUIPMENTS, . SUTLER GOODS, 4&C Call and examine this stock before pur chasing elsewhere. LADIES, READ THIS! SDOZEJf spools Green St Daniel SPOOL COTTON, white and black, at 65, $t 30 6 dozen yard shoe lace, '2 1 " 1 yard corset lace, 15 1 Box, 6 cards, hooks and es, 14 6 Slips black and drab thread, 42 12 dozen China shirt buttons, 8 6 Papers eood pins, 14 rows, vf 6 " Smith's Sewing Needles, 25 3 Hanks darning cotton, 18 12 spools black sewing silk, 25 2 Boxes suspender buttons. 25 I Gross good black rest buttons, So 3 Piece black shirt braid, 27 2 Quires note paper, 25 .1 pack fine envelopes, 10 4 dozeji good lead pencils, .18 X " penholders, 6 1 " " pens, 10 6 Pieces white tape, 2b $5 05 The above goods packed nicely io Paper Box and forwarded to any address on reoeipt of a $5 greenback by JOHN KERMODL", 91 North Eutaw street, augo Baltimore, Md. ADOLPH COHN, W H O L E i A L E CROCER ASD - GENERAL COMMISSION , MERCHANT, GoldBboro', N. C. lirmvoi: Alonzo T. Jerkins, Company Shops Wm S. Rayner, Balymere, Md. MeDaniel h Irby, Lynchburg, Va. ys 14-3m jio. r. roiap. w. h. ccvikoiii. Foard & Cuninggirri, flvmt&ii$ & Commission pmhant$ If ear Old County Wharf, . NEWBERN, 1ST. C. aug t-l , N. J