jjY j. L. PESXIXGTOX & CO. THE.NBWS. The following severe sentence has been pasael upon Colonel Louis Scbirmer, of the Fifteenth Ne.fr York artillery, .and duly approved j by tha Presj- dent : . J " To be cashiered and dishonorably dismissed the gerricesf the Understates, forfeiting all pay and that inav herealier pecome. Z d tQ biay be 6 tb sunr ofUnj I warren. iu doswu "'uv j.- i:ej years; and also that he be forerer qualified from ! holding any office of honor, st or profit unde, Ihe Government of the United Mates. Among the charges against this officer were the following : . . ... i. "Embezzlement and misapplication of aoney held in trust and belonging to enlisted men.T Urunfcj Ann nn dntv." ''Wilfully causing arm to be def stroyd belonging to the United States,' d Knowr indr making false musters of men,! anq wilfully iiminir m net r-roTT wherein such lals musters i i. J "t3" t i r winttrnMl." The reeiment ofwni i ne wan formerly colonel has been mustered o I leave for home in a few days. and will j - -T ' . j i -A correspondent of the Hartford Jentdt thus nouiM tbe Witftffatral or Horace Gfeely ffoiiu the 7W&wn: "It has been unofficially announced that Mil. Horace Greely has ceased to control or eren to conj- I duct the New York Tribune . It is r said the fact twill be officially announced in a few days. The causes that lead to this action are only guessed t J am of opinion that he has been crowded out by outside influences. He originally owned the entire property of the Tribune, but in an evil hourtrans formed it into a joint stock company. He retained, .however, control of the paper by contract, but what does a contract amount, to when one of the contracting.parties enter into it for the sole purj pose of accomplishing its ultimate vacation ? The present controllers of the Tribune are not known toj the public. I i - The Chronicle, the Washington Chronicle, speaking of the mendacious Raleigh correspondent Jof4he Associated Press at Raleigh, N. C, says : I "yill somebody let the World know who is this! .correspondent of the Associated Press f If he is the same who, during the war, became infamous as a; manufacturer of bogus news from Newbern, no one : will be surprised at anything that may emanate from that quarter. Let us have his name.0 I j The doctors specially devoted to the care of cholera patients, have tried a curious experiment,! the object of which is to ascertain whether that dis ease is caused by a peculiar state of the outward; air, as has been supposed. They sent up two' balj loons, one from a village as yet untainted by the! epidemic, ana the other trom Alexandria, a quar-; tsr of fresh beef was suspended to each balloon, ,-hich was allowed to float for a certain time in the) " dr. On making these balloons descend the meat j rhich had floated over Alexandria was completely-! lutrifled, whereas that which had been suspended i iver the healthy village was perfectly fresh. The I quarters of beef had been cut off the same animal. On -Monday, tlour commanded in Richmond, Try fair prices. Family sold at $12-50 to $13; . jperfine $10 to $10 50; Extra $11 to il-iK all I Jchmond inspection. Brands of Baltimore and I Tew York Inspection were held at lower figures. Rev. G. W. Lan gnome, an eminent and popu lar divine, ot the Methodist periuasion, is preach- 'ag regularly every Sabbath at Liberty Hall, Alex- ! itndria. i ' f It is stated in military circles that five thou ;and of the troops are now on duty in the depart ment of Virginia, are to be mustered ; out of service right away. I The Philadelphia Press (radital). illustrates its ! theory of freedom of elections by 6aying : ' Poes j iny one suppose that Etheridge would be allowed j to enter the Capitol as a member, no matter how jreat the majority that returned him. Undoubted ly not." The result of the election in Kentucky is four Republican and five Democratic members of Con gress. The Legislature is Democratic, thus secur ing a Democratic United States Senator. The seats of four Republicans elected to Con Bresson Monday last, in Kentucky, are to be con tested bytheir opponents upon the grounds of gross and flagrant frauds, and the alleged manner in Which the election was conducted. it I The Administration intends to let Maximillian alone, and thus keep out of a war with France. I Paul Morphy, the champion chess-player, has returned to New York, and is preparing an anno tated volume of his games. "The rumor that he Was on Beauregard's staff" is stated tot be untrue. I The Springfield Republican s ays there is an un usual scarcity ., of servant girls in that city, and recommends the Freedmen's Bureau to send colored jirls to supply the deficiency. I M ajor Howard, A. A. General on the staff of !Xajor General" Hartsuff, has been promoted to a Lieutenant Colonelcy. f Canadian traders complain bitterly of the " sil ver nuisance." and call on the Government to put a duty on it make the banks receive it as legal .tender to any amount, or do something to relieve them of the quantities of the " stuff" they are com pelled to take instead of bills. Poor Qanad ians . I The Shelby ville (Tenn.) Union of the 5th of -Augnst, says : " The clerk of our county court is sued during the month of July, 422; marriage li censes. The number issued to white j persons, 16 ; to colored 406. He issued as high as 106 in one 3ay. Is there a county in this State can beat this ?" I The Boston Herald says Major General Hooker i toon to proceed to St Louis for the purpose of lead ing to the altar lu marriage a wealthy and beautlfu Mdow of that city. -. Generals Bchofield and Wherry, U. 8. A., were WMard's, in Washington, Thursday. I The American House and the handsome residence t Mrs. James E. Iglebart, at Annapolis, Md., were troyed by fire on Monday morning last. Vol. vl STATE ITEMS. ' HEALTH of Wilmington The health of Wil mington Lj said lo be'sof d. The Herald of bt 16th aays : One of the OiObt prominent mercnts of thi town. now traveliCg through the Stale on business, writes back that ne ie every wherp met by the people with the belief that our city isovefrHn with yellow fever. IuYCSttgatk.ii into the orlgiu of ibis bell t has hovsn hiia in eeverai IrihUuc that ugtaU of Nvw .rn commercial houeo uave passed along jad .ihead of him and used this malicious report to entice business from its accustomed channels. The result is that a very general alarm prevails in the agricultural dis trU.t, aod people are p rjsltivj ifra to tt do uuaiDess. It .Nevrberu ptctfj to ouiSa itsti upon such mendacity as this, It wilt assuredly fail. Such re torts avaii.UKually fcr a short time, hut in the eud re Ooil with redoubled effect upon those who m&ke use of them. Once more we make the assertion that u t only is there now none, but there has not beeu a case of yellow fever in this town this season. W'imiogtoa was eever more healthy at this seasou ot the year at any former time. Isobody has soy occaeiou to feel the slightest alarm la coming here to transact busi ness, and we hope the people ot the interior will not be frightened away by the bugbears ot joaloas and nprincipeld rivals. A wife of sixteen, married fifteen months, Las had pher husband bound over t keep the peace before Justice Connelly at Wilmington. Husband sober L and industrious, but the spouse says is jealous as the old scratch. All the liquor saloons where dead shot, was dealt out by the glass, have been closed in Wilmington, I but low grogeries do a smart business on the sly. : We are happy to announce the fact, says the New bern Times In connectfon with the return of this excellent officer, that the most amicable good feeling aud harmony exists between the Military and civil authorities he. The rumors about a cbaage of government, tkat have been flying over the city, are baseless. The military are determined to leave the civil authorities frea control over the affairs connect ed with the municipal government, and will render very assistance to prevent lawlessness and rioting. Policttoan Feltlas, who was shot by to guard at Graven street jail In Newbern on Monday night, will probably have to suffer the amputation of his left arm, at the shonlder. The ball In passing through Che wounded man's shonlder fractured the neck of the hemuret. He is suffering very much. The President has appointed Jesse Whelr W be !tl of the Itmituti revenue fcr the several dis tricts of North Carolina, and Francis R. Miller as Surveyor rf Customs at Wilmington. A correspondent of the Petersburg Expr ess, wri ting from Easter, in this State and speaking of the corn, says ; ' . ' ? Some idea of the expected abundance may be gathered from one single fact. Farmers in Warren, Franklin, Granville, Wake aad other great corn -growing coantles, are willing nbw to contract at $2 a $2 60 per barrel. Vegetables and fruit are also very profuse, and although bacon is somewhat scarce, the coantry people ar? living luxuriously and happily. - Of Rev. Mr. Kingsbury, recently ordained in this clly, be writes: I understand that the Rev. T. B. Kingsbury whose recent change in church relations, has crea ted considerable comment, contemplates publishing in book form at an early day, his reasons for so un looked for and important movement. Mr. K., as many of your readers are probably aware; was for many years a prominent member of the North Car olina Conference, but some two or three months since signified his Intention of leaving the ecclesiasti cal body with which he had been so long connected, and expressed a desire to identify himself with the Baptist church. The formulas of examination, ordi nation, baptism, etc., were all enacted at the Baptist church in Raleigh some three or four weeks agora, the presence of an immense congregation, and notice of the event appeared in the Raleigh papers. Mr. Kingsbury is now at Wsrrenton, having assumed the pastoral duties of the Baptist church in that place. Being a man , of unblemished character and very high attainments In the literary and theological world, his forthcoming book 1s naturally looked for with very great interest. How the Signalling to Valentia was Managed. Valentia letter in the London News. You are, I imagine, award that no speaking is at tempted, but that all the signals here received are re stricted to the insulatlen and conduction of the cable. Two cells only are made use of , as I am Informed, from this side, and the same power, I believe, from the ship. I am perhaps telling you nc thing new, but it can do no harm if I repeat that the system is as follows : At ten minutes before every hour (Green wich time) the ship commences signalling to us. The ordinary signal Is five reversals, one every two mln ntes ; the signal for every fifty miles paid out is as before, commencing ten minutes before tbe hour, but ten reversals, or one every minute ; and that for every fifty miles run by the ship two reversals of two min iates each, then two of one minute each, and then two more of two minutes each. I am often in the Instru ment room, and watch these signals. Two clerks Switch one the reflecting galvanometer, and the other the chronometer each calling out "time" and "over" respectively, and you generally hear the two words come from them at the same instant. The signals are unmistakably clear, with a slight oscillation at each end ; and it ia most curious and interesting to watch these oscillations, and know that you are there by watching and noting every roll of the big ship, which is at this moment upwards of five hundred miles distant. - A frightful accident occurred at the Queen's Thea tre,' In Hall, recently, Aery was raised that the roof was falling, and tbe people rushed to the doors In crowds. One man now lies in a precarious condition, and ptv manv others were seriously hart. The scene Is described as most heartrending. RALEIGH SATURDAY, AUG. TELE CITY. Militabt Changes. Capt. Barrett, whose regi ment is on the eve of departure for hojne, has been relieved from duty as provost marshal by Captain Adams, who has entered upon the discharge of the : functions of district provost marshal and post commandant. We learn further that tbo division and brigade headquartere have been discontinued. It remains to be seen whether the same efficien cy will distinguish the future government of the city as in the by-gone. Capf , Barrett, who is about to leave us, has won in the estimate of all good men the very highest position, by Ws refusal to be guid ed by the caprice of any class in the community. In our view ke consulted only the wish of his gov ernment in every raid and effort against immorali ty, and the people of Raleigh place a high estimate on him for the fidelity to duty and the peace of the community. We shall still have among us, at least for i brief time, Lieut. Graves, whose zeal as assistant provost in behalf of the same results are appreciated. We hear Capt. Adams well spoken of by the officers whom he has succeeded, and therefore can not contemplate that he will be less severe against vice. We shall see. ' Butteb and Egos. There has been for jeveral days past, an extreme scarcity of butter and eggs at the market, which has caused much inconvenience to families. Hardly an egg or a pound of fresh butter was to be seen yesterday morning. And we were in formed by a prominent business firm that they could 1 have sold hundreds of dozens t f eggs during tbe day. Cannot our country housewives stir up their cows and hens and make them contribute a little more liberally to the support and comfort of the city people. Good prices and quick sales await all that may be offered. We appeal to tbe farmera to send In these thiags, and do not dispose of them to hucksters before or after reaching the market squire . Hoeked. A vicious cow, the ownership un known, made a successful horning demonstration against a little boy, named Glorsocb, yesterday, in the vicinity of the Lunatic Asyluci. He attempted to drive her towards the city, in his gambols about the hill, when she unexpectedly turned against him and caught him on her horns. One toss, however, relieved him from his projection, and with an agil ity surpassed by few, he retreated beyond her r&ch. Jle was badly frightened but net injured, - Excitement Without (Unas. It la astonishing to note the percentage of fxcltable temperament in the world. Thursday evening, just as tbe cars from Goldsboro' reached the depct in this city, and when the engine was making scarcely any headway, the third car made a jamp off the track. A hundred people made for the spot wife lightning speed, only to discover the train standlog still ; nobody hurl; and very few frightened. Johnnv is Gorao Home The soldiers whose regiments are included in the lists specifying those which are to be mustered out are quite jubilant over the good time comine. It is eenuina chirr or the indulgence of good feeling and those of the troops who have made the acquaintance of our peo pleprivates as well as officers will carry with them many good wishes for their future happiness and success. To Business Men. We have iust received from New York a large stock of Cards, Commercial Note and Foolscap paper, &c, and can now print cards, circulars, catalogues, &c, as cheap as the same can be had In the United States, and in the best style of tbe art. For fine work we have tbe fastest and best press in the city. Orders solicited. Comio. We hear that two regiments of the twenty third army corps are coming here io lieu of those troops which are to be mustered out. They are western men, and we hope will prove themselves as acceptable as the departing veterans. Not So. Tbe report that negro troops are to gar rison Raleigk and vicinity is withont a shadow of foundation. Tbe most of them are to be sent away from the State. So much for the evidences of oar earnest and sincere loyalty. The First Obdei jm the new Brigadier Gen eral commanding here, appears this morning. It is not important, however, as it merely announces the changes we have noted in another place. Petertburo Railroad. It is imporfant to ship, pers and travellers to read the advertisemeut of this road elsewhere. Acquaintance with the require ments of the company will save many perplexities. See advertisement of John G. Williams & Co., brokers and bankers in this city. It is an old firm and responsible as it is energetic Cotton. The markht is quiet with considerable quantities arriving. We hear of no sales in the city at present, though quanities of tbe article have accumulated at the depot. Fun To-Nigbt. Another great crowd filled the City Hall to repletion last night, and "Gleason and Birch's Ministrels entertained them with Euch success as to create the most approving applause. The bill for this evening Is a rich one both in quality and lenetn. It you wish to drive off ennui, go and see them. 19, 1865 NO. 236. Monstaet. W sometime since furnished table efthe ratof-g"td( io Richmoud, daring the years 1812, and '64, and a similar statement for Raleigh for the same period. As of some interest to our rea der, we now supply them with the mean rate in New York, during same time, as follows: 1862. 108f 103 10U lOlf 103 106$ 114 114 120 1274- 131 181 1863. 148 162 155 150 148 144 184 128 185 148 148 150 1864. 155 159 164 175 179 222 258 286 225 January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, ?iectnrtt?"-j Oiftobti, November, December, 2IW 245 22Sf A ootemporary there says it has the bert authority for bdheving tnat the amount of specie eot South, overland, baa for late weeks averaged nearly one mil lion dollars per week. . - Hangs Fire. Reports prevail here that the question of the U. S. Msrsha'ship of tbe district of North Carolina ia still undecided. It will be re membered that it was first conferred on Mr. W. R. Richardson, who could not qualify under the test oath, and then rumor had it that Mr. Jeff. Fisher had been given the place. He did not qualify, we believe, and now the story is that Mr. R. will be the man. There may be some truth in the state ment, as tbe President in the exercise of his pero gative of pardon can fit any man in the State for the position. RALEIGH MONEY MARKET, KSVISED DAILY BY B. P. GRADY, EXCHANGE BROKER, 13 ( Fayette rille Street. Buying Rates. Gold $1.40 ; Silver $1.35. North Carolina Bank Notes Bank of North Carolina, Cape Fear, Roxboro', Charlotte, Farmers, Merchants, Miners and Planters, 80 cents on the dollar ; Lexington, Thomasville and Wadesboro', 25 cents on the dollar ; Commercial, Wilmington, Commerce and Greensboro' Mutual, 20 cents on the dollar; Washington, Fayetteville, Clar endon and Yancey ville, 16 cents on the dollar. Bank Notes of other Southern States, JO a SO cents on the dollar. Northern State Bank Notes, 85 a 90 cents on the dollar. New York Exchange, per cent discount. North Carolina bonds, old sixes, with all the coupons attached since May 1861, $70. Detached coupons, 35 cents on the dollar. MARKET REPORT CORBHCTBD DAILT JT 1C. V. "W HITAKBRi Grocer and Dealer in Provisions. Apples Dried, $1 25 per bushel, sf Green, $1 00 per busbel, Bacon Firm, sales at 2738c per lb. Beef 10c per lb. ' Butter 35c per lb. scarce. Cheese 40c per lb. Chickens 40c a piece. Coffee 50c per lb. Corn $1 00 per bushel. Eggs 35c per dozen. Flour Superfine $11 per bbl.; Hides Green 10c. Dryl5. Honey in comb, 25 to 39c per lb. Lamb 12 15c per lb. Lard 25c per lb. Meal $1 per bushel. , Mullets None, Mackerel $13 per bbl. Onions $2 00 per bushel. Peaches dried 10c per lb. Peas White $100 ; Stock 99 to 91 Gardea40eper peck. Potatoes Irish $1 00 per buih. Sweet, new, $2 per bushel. Sugar Crushed 50c per lb ; Brown 25c Strap 60c per gallon. Soda Cooking, 25c per pound. Salt $2 00 oer bushel. Tallow 10c12K per lb. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JOHN G. WILLIAMS & CO., Gold and Silver Coin, Ba nkNotes, Northern Exchange- BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, augls-lw Deposits Receired-tHs HEADQUARTERS DIS. OF RALEIGH,! Raleigh, N. C, Anguit 18, 1866. 8peeial Ordr, -No. 9. aXTBACT. II. Captain M. ADAMS, Aasiatant Preroat Marshal, District t Raleigh, is hereby appointed Commander Post of Raleigh, with superrision of all matter hereto fore under charge of Post Prorost Marshal. By command of Brig. Gen. Hxedib. A. MAKLAND, A. A. A. Gen'L HEADQUARTERS DISTRICT OF RALEIGH, 3 Hixaiss, a. C, Office of Post Commandant, August 18, 1865 Special Order, No. I. In actordance with Special Order No. 9, Head quarters District of Raleigh, August 18, 18f S, the under signed aerebj assumes command of the Post of Raleigh. M. ADAMS, augls lw Capt Comd'g Post. OFFICE OF THE PETERSBURG R, R. CO.,1 PiTiMscae, Y., August 14, If 5 j rtlHE Petersburg Railroad Company are now prepared I to transport Freight and Passengers to and from Petersburg, Vi., to Gaston and Garysbarg, N. C, and intermediate stations. Rates of Freight can be ascer tained by application to any ef the Company's Agents Outward freight must be rasrAin, and Inward freigh can be paid oh mutht at the depot is Petersburg'. At Stations where the Com pan j hare no Warehouse, some one must be in readiness to receiTe shipments on arrival of trains, and at such places freight intended for shipment will anly be received for transportation by the Company when the trains are ready to receive it, as the Company will only be responsible for such freight while on their trains. BUiJT 11. DVNLVr, auglt-tf Superintendent. XTTAIfTED One thousand bushels FLAXSEED. v j augi-iia Standard and Sentinel topy. auglf-lm A DR. W. R. MILLER. TERMS. RATES VF SUBSCRIPTION. DaiJy, 1 Tear.... $10 60 j Dllj, 1 Month....... 31 0 ' 6 Months...... 6 00 Weekly, 1 Year....... J 00 3 Months.. 3 00 6 Months.... 1 50 Must be paid in Advance in all eases or tbe paper will not be sent ; and the paper will be stopped when tbe time paid for expires, unless renewed. - NEWSBOYS AJVD NEWS DEALERS Will be furnished at the rata of $5 per hundred copiee. All orders must be accompanied bj the money. AD VER TISINO RA TES. Ordinary advertisements, occupying not more than ten lines solid minion, or one Inch space 2 Weeks $6 00 1 Month.................. 10 On Months. 15 00 3 41 20 00 6 " 3 00 1 Year.... 60 O0 Larger advertisements, where no contract is ot ic, will be charged in exact proportion. YEARLY CONTRACTS Will be made in accordance with the iolloWing schedule 1 insertion................$i 00 2 . 1 60 5 14 2 00 v 2" ISO h . 5 00 1 W ftr cn 1 4 column, 1 Month. $30 00 1-4 col. 6 Months- vo 1-2 " 1 " 45 00 1 2 " 6 . ! 1 " 1 "60 00 1 6 1-4 " 3 " 50 00 1-4 " 1 Ym. I. 1-2 " 5 " 75 00 1 2 " 1 1 " S " 100 00 I "1 ... 3... Only those who contract for one founb, oue b i. column, for ene, three, six, or twelve moxubb, win i . c i ike benefit of these terms. Contract .ivrHrrs must i bvth -th. m i .. others in ad van ' All advertiaemeate must be mieu a tp-v- u J ' and no advertisement will be i.i.-rted " ni - Advertisements inserted oacr, tw ic or i-- week will be charged One Dollar a tqiari: lor e ertion. OUR CIRCULATION Is larger In the city and throughout tbe State titan any other paper in North Carolina. The Proyree i rad tn tbe oamn and among the' people by a muct larger numoer ot persons tnan any otner paper, and etnee us importance as an advertising medium should not be over looked by business men. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special Notices will be set in minion. leaded, and lu- Rrted under the Special Notic head, and One Dollar a Square charged for every insertion. LOCAL COLUMN. Only Bhort notices will be admitted to the Looal Col umn, at the following rates : One Line, One Day $1 00 I Three Lines,One Day $2 00 Two Lines, " 1 50 1 Five Lines, 2 50 Ten Ldnes, or more, at the rate ol Twenty-nve uents a Line for each insertion. FUNERAL NOTICES, MARRIAGES, Ac. Will ba oh arced same as Advertisements, and must be paid for when handed in, or they will not appear. The above Rates will be adhered to in all cases, and as we have to pay cash for everything in our business, we must demand cash. June, 26, 1865. J. L. PENNI5GT0- & CO. TO SUBSCRIBERS AND ADVERTISERS. We have to pay cash for paper, ink and labor, and we must have more cash from those for whom we work or we cannot pay our current expenses. We know there is but little) money in circulation, but there are butfew persons who want a newspaper that cannot spare the money to pay for it. Peraonsieeing their paper marked must remit the money or it will be stopped. Advertisers must pay in advancefor alltransient mat ter, and business men who advertise regularly willbe expected to pay their bills monthly. Job Printing must be paidforwhendelivered. J. L. P. A CO. FOR SALE, A' ply to N excellent Piano, very little used, of Boston manu facture. Original cost &ou. or particulars ap- B. F. WILLIAMHUr 4 UU., augl7-5t Commission Merchants. AT 44 fATETTEVILLE STREET, SWEDES AND ENGLISH IRON, German and Cast STEEL, English Island MOLASSES, Old Government Java COFFEE, A, C. and Crushed SUGAR, BABBITT'S READY SOAP MAKER get a box of this and astonish yourself at tbe quantity of Soap it will make -only 50 cents. THERMOMETER CHURNS, WATER PAILS. WELL BUCKETS and ROPE, COOKING 8TOVE3, AC. D. T. CARRAWAY, augl7-3t With Hart A Liwu. FOB SALE. 4,000 NOTES ON THE BANK OF N. CAROLINA, 6,000 " " , " CAPE FEAR, 1,000 " " " " " CHARLOTTE, 7,000 MISCELLANEOUS, 6,000 GOLD JJOIN. JOHN GWILLIAMS A OO., augl7-lt Brokers. GEO. Z FRENCH & CO , SUCCESSORS TO CTJTTEB & FRENCH Fayetteville Street,! OLD STAND OP TUCKER, ANDREWS A CO.,) ARE CLOSING OUT THEIR EXTENSIVE STOCK OF C O T I CENTS' FURNISHING CCD Hats and Cups, MILITARY. CLOT HI u MILITARY TRIMMINGS AND EQU.Hfvt SUTLER GOODS, Call and examine chasing elsewhere. jyI7-t? this stock, before pnr To the Members of tbe Approaching Con Tendon. I ball be a candidate for tbe Principal Clerk sblpof theN. C. Bute Conrention which meets iu Raleigh on tie 2d daj of October next. anglfrtd v Respectfully, JAS. H. MOORE. - Thomas R. Moore Respectfully announces to the public that be has resumed THE HAT BUSINESS 2Vo. 116 Sycamore St, PETERSBURG, VA., and baring receired a New Stock of Goods is prepared to sell on as reasonable terms as may be found elsewhere. He sencits the Wholesale and Retail Trade. Mr. JOHN WOODIIOUSE will be pleasad to set his old friends and easterners. aaxU-Jw