7 It If I IS I .. 13 i ! f I 5. f v 1 DY J. 1. PKitnXGTOX & CO. THE NEW Affairs on both the Texin and Mexican' bides r of the Rio Grande were quiet atfie date; of j latest advices. Two " colored soldiers were executed at Brownsrille on the 28th ult. for outrages on fe males. An entire division of the Twenty-fifth m th occasion, and the ! . .nnrance. discipline and deportment of the troops t$ loDeUhc tme of enthusiastic commendation on .rf nf hoth Texan and Mexican spectators, great numbers of whom were present. hi. fnrce of Republicans, stillvered Cortina, aroun ! MaUmoras, but hadt made.po foiattack on the town, and it was not Opposed hat he would, . bis numbers beioj; too insigniflcant A Matamoras paper revives the story that Ex-Seiator Gwm is at j tbeheadofthelmperiaJgoYerament of the Mexi can State of Sonoro, at an annual salary of sixty thousand dollars, bat without any ducal or other noble title. , : It ia expected that n order will- -soon be is sued at Washington, mustering out all general of ficers who 8? rem ain in ' the service drawing heavy gala8 and doing no duty. The number of those 10 have not responded to the invitation to resfen d who have therefore to be removed by - ? more summary process, is said to be nearly two hundred. The number of other officers who will also be relieved with the Generals to whose staffs they, have been attached, is of course very large. The Alexandria (Virginia) Gazette, speaking of : the Episcopal Seminary there, says: "We believe that the .Seminary, Bishop John's residence, and the other buildings, on the Seminary Hill, having been, or are about to be turned oyer to their owners. The sale of the. frame building, erected during the war, adjacent to the Seminary, is to take place on Monday, the 21st instant. These buildings" are to be torn down and removed.' j The following citizens of Petersburg were par doned by the President on Wednesday : Reuben Ragland, James M. Venable, Thomas Withers, R. A. Hamilton, Peter McEnry, Leroy Ro per, William H.Johnson, Joseph B. Dunn, D. B. ' Lenumt J. F. McTl vaine, t. Mcllwaine, John 'J,.Miildrey and James G. Parton. . An order has benn issued by General Terry, mustering flut of service the 81str 98th and 100th ' New York, the 10th Connecticut, and the 188th Pennsylvania regiments All of these regiments have een ground Richmond, exceptvfh 98th New York, which has been on duty at Danville. : ' lit. Col. James D McBride, late e 6th U. S ' Colored Artillery, attempterkto horsewhip Gen rehral Meredith in Washington Sunday night,' -)e- cause he was "a copperh ead and seewjsionist" The General knocked him down, and a poiic-man car jried hira to the station-house. Vhmi the Colonel's head hit the pavement, probably he wished it was a copperhead. . The Washington correspondent of the .Pitts- H burg Commercial says that it has good authority for v , ay inx that: on account of his health. Secretary A j- - Stanton will retire from the Cabinet in a few weeks, , at the furthest; . i;t f U- . ! A New Orleans correspondent says tc property ! J of John Slideli, comprising tffeht' hundred and forty- " itwo.bts and squares of ground, with stores, dwell- $100;410. Before the war it was estimated at SSuOOO. Confiscation at this rate-is not likely to add much to the United States Treasury by way of : J reimbursement o4 the expenses of the war. - The next session of the University of Virginia, will commence oi the 1st of October next, and ter minate July 3, 1866, the . Faculty, and the mode and measure of instruction beins the same as here tofore. The one hundred ud second regiment of United States colored troops have received orders to be mustered out of tfie service. It is said that the war department order direc- ting the discharge of certain troops in Texas will not materially diminish the force in that State. Personal General Joseph E. Johnson and lady reached the city of Richmond last Friday evening, and are stopping at the Spots wood Hotel. -he National Intelligencer of Wednesday shows up the inconsistencies of Mr. Forney's Chronicle with an unsparing hand. "A The Washington Chronicle, an Administration oriran. savs the New York News denounces the - - o - - atrocities oi Champ Ferguson, the guerilla and out law. Certainly, replies tbtfpeus we denounce till rascals alike, the guerilla who murders ; his en emy, ancle'' editor, who want'his icriesny murdet ed. We are constantly denouncing the editor of the Chronicle. . The body of a Union ofceer, with every ap pearance ot a foul luurdaffwas discovered on Fri dav. in VV illiamsviile. ' near SDrinefield, III. The discovery "causes -.miitih' exciteient., The 1 1th- Missouri cavalry arrived at Cairo Thursdav. on their War to St.fouis. Ther have withUhema -pet alligator, whih ;has accdmpanied j i j , thtfm through all their marches" and fighting. A lead mine has been opened in Winona coun ty,'Minn'es'ta, and ' company organized with a capital of $25,000o work the same -Ford' 8 theatre has been completely metamor phosed. . The stage box in which President Lincoln was assassinated was removed to make way fer the new,fire proof floor, the building will be ready in i r r.fA-utn or. r vlw" vutveo. r - "Sepulchral news reaches us from Autin, ays a paris letter:,, "the graT-diggers have Struek ! l he neonle of Autin must not T . . therefore, die, unless they . wish their, bo dies to remain unboried. We see no other, way of opposing the pretensions of men wfco live by oth er people's deaths. Such a result as . this it was scarcely supposed would be produced by the law VOL VI. STATE ITEMS. M -( ; A mass meeting was held in Craven county, Wed nesday last, and amoDg;sotheToJutions ydoptedi we find the following : Resolved, That we do not recognize at loyal and worthy of public confidence or public sqSrage, any political party In this country, other than that known as the National Union party ; and to ts party we i pnage our iauniui co-operation and snport, io ki ourtate, Congressional and Presidential elections? Besolved, That we do heartily appiovi the min istration of Andrew Johnaotr, Presideot of the United States, and will to the utmost of our ability sustain the same. Besdved That the appointment of W. W. Holden as Provisional Governor of North Carolina meets our most cordial approbation, and. that as our Executive wfl will faithfully sustain hipslo his administration. Resolved, That we invite all the loyal citizens of the county to meet us,st Newborn on the 26th day o August, at 10 a.Mlor the purpose of nominating suitable person represent us in the approaching 6onTention t? be held for this State. Resolveti, That we have the fullest confidence in the high capacity, Integrity and general worth of W. Wadsworth,Esq , and heartily recommend him to the citizens of Craven county, as a fit representative in the approaching State Convention. Central Baptist Association.- This body will meet with the Baptist church at Franklin ton on Thursday before the 2nd Sabbath in October next,- Rev. W. T. Brooks to preach the introductory and Prof, Wm. Royal to preach the Missionary sermon. Rev. Dr. Graven and" Sr S. Jackson of Randolph have been recommended for tbe Convention by a meet ing at Trinity College. . A Budget of Compliments The Ladies Re sponsibleWilmington Herald and Fay etteville News. ' ! v 1 From the'Wilmington Herald. Flattering Opinions. Our amiable young friend at Fayettevjjle ffho presides over the seven-by-nine sheet printed there that cost one hundred and fifty dollars, all told, according to his own statement, in dulges iu some very flattering comtneuts on the national troops and officers. In reprinting his re- mar we do not deseto be understood as in any manner endorsing them. ' We merely desire to let the youbg man be heard. But at tbe same time we have an Indistinct remembrance of having ?een something In his sheet a tew weeks ago about tho time the troops were withdrawn from that town about the ' gentlemanly conduct" of said troops, their "uniform good behaviour, " regrets at parting, etc., etc. . it is singular that they have sosuddsaly fallen in his eft& matlon as to be now but " elevated hod carriers," Inferiors to the " true southern gentlemen," etc. But time thus modifies all our opinions. Lt the public judge. lea follows the article from the News ; and heie is the last named journal's response : From the Fayetterilla News. The pimp charges us with having complimented the ) Federal truqy whlck . wee stationed tor,. for " unrtorm good Oehavlor, and "gentlemanly con duct." to all of which we nlead auiltv. and all of- "Whlch we aver agairxi But that the gentlemanly con duct or the uniform good behavior of these officers and men entitled them to more consideration socially and; especially in tbe eyes of Southern ladies, to our own men, who by birth, education and natural southern instinct, in our opinion, are far their supe riorB, we cannot assent. We would as soon recognize I.I 1 . J.- ..." 1 .1 tne Claim oi uie pimp io aecency, ana as soon tol erate his admission that those men were fitted for tbe society Into which some kindly disposed people would have had them introduced. That it would beimpos- sible to give him such an entrance into soeiety it is only necessary to remark that he is the writer who said that the negro should be credited where his state- men tcoonlcted with that of the white man ; that he published in his own paper under these capitals : " THE DIHECJr Llxv a charge that he, the editor, had lied, and in his comments said that to give a man the lie was no argument at all ; and that he made an unwarranted attack on Dr. Love, and whan called to account, preferred to be posted as a coward and a common liar, to giving the Doctor- the redres3 which he demanded. Theae things would unfit him for social position : and will hereafter deter us from noticing his vile productioos in the columDS of our paper. New York asd Yellow Fiver AlarMing Re port. The New York TPorWhas the following: The last steamer from New Orleans to this city brought intelligence that the pestilential scourge, the yellow fever, had appeared at Havana to an un- . . . a. .1 ft 1 3 usual extent- Aitnougn tne mortality it nas causeu wasrnot recorded in the news, many must have fal len victims to its ravages. Yesterday afternoon a report was circulated m this city, that this terrible l r there bp some passeqgers on the vessels Irom tu ' . . r. bai The health 'officer should act promply and firinly in the matter. If by any lack of care or misnap, tnis ureaa uisease snouia appear in tnis ci ty,! the present sultry weather would facilitate its increase, and swells our lists of mortality to the ex tent of those which marked the first visit of the chblera. The city authorities should at once take action on this matter, and the Board of Health should be immediately convened, to devise such J ineasures && may be necessary for the safety of the I C1v- -Suit Against tab .United States. Ten Millions of Dollars Involved.---Ex-Judge Allen has com menced a suit in behalf of the leading brokers and bankers of WalF street and vicinity, to restrain As sessor Gilbert from levying, and aheridan bhook from collecting certain taxes. The Internal reve nue authorities claim to levy a tax on ail sales made by brokers on their own account, tbe same as for stocks, eta, sold on commission lhe bro- kers. through their counsel, have given notice of I Jheir intension to apply for an jnjunctipn to Judge Nelson, to prevent tne collection oi tne tax. iney I 1 : ...Jn. fha rtamtinn it An Hera VolcAn in fn-rrnr- i e .l.;,... ! .,, Mr Samuel 14 :nrtnotr A tele. tant District Attorney, intends to contest the ap plication, on the ground that the decision ojTJudge Nelson havine beenf appealecf from, the taxes must be paid until that decision is sustained, and also that tne eJUHoiw. fwwcto-.H uc wun wuiu not be invoked in a case of this kind. The argu ment will 'take place some time, during the latter part of this month; New ivtk pevss. tSee new Advertiements in to-days paper, in an other column. SS IPS 0 ill RALEIGH, MONDAY, AUG. TKGE CITY. Provost Marshals SANcnjM.5aZtgrA, Aug. 19th, 1865.' This morning any number of soldieTS came before the Assistant, some complaining of having their watches taken from them ; others of alh their greenbacks ; while others were brought l'p for being drunk and disorderly. The latter class consisted of soldiers and citizens. One yourrg man, a citizen, was arrested far sel ling whiskey on the streets. He lost his whiskey, but vjas let go, he promising not to be guilty Df do ing so again. Some hard characters were arrested during the afternoon. There is more of the gang at large yet It appears that this gang attacks citizens and sol diers, if they think they haTe any money about them. Citizens should be on their guard until the balance are arrested, for which purpose an energetic effort is being made. The inaugural labors of the new ProVost, Oapt. Adams, have opened with full houses ind we fear that instead of decreasing the work of the office always severe will become even mor laborious than in the past. We shall be gratififd if disap pointed. - t r- Cleaning Up. We observed the custodians of the cleanliness of our city hard at work, last Stur day, superintending the removal of the rubbish from the streets; particularly in the vicinity of tbe market house. Yesterday morning market square looked as if clad in a holiday suit and we accept it as an augury tbat as far as practicable the whole city is to bi maintained in as good. sanitary condition. We are not unmindful of the truth that the muni cipal authorities are not overburdened wish financial possessions and that from want of such means their operations are 'much restricted; but we hope there will be taxation in any and every form if requisite to preserve the pubjie health, keep off cptitaglons and as well the oders sonnetized in this "Colcmn a week since. North Carolina Mail SERviCE.-Th'e Postmas ter (Jeheral is moving with considerjle energy, at last, in restoring mail service in Nprl, Carolina. He has accepted the offer oNathvl Moyden, President of the Central North Carolina Railroad Company, to convey mails from GolJsborough by Boon Hill, Pimj Level, Smithfield Station, Clayton, Auburn, Raleigh, Cary, Morrisvilie, Cedar Fork, Brassfield, Durham, University Station, Hillsboro', Mebanesville, , Haw River, Graham,., gnipany's Shop, Alamance, Gibsonville, McLeansville, GriteboroV Jamestown, High Point, Thomas ville, Lexington, Holtsburgh, Salisbury, China Grove, CWnoord, Harris' Depots and Query's, to Charlotte, 223 miles and back, daily, or as much oftener as trains may run, at the rate of $50 DdzixuTe per an- num. The Dead. From an offitial s'CafCSU'errt bJii" interment of Confederate soldiers in Blandford Cemetary, at Petersburg, we note the followingi j from this State : Jas. J. Burnett. Camden coifnty; Samuel Saiyer, J Curricuck; Martin Tillison, Granville; J. H. Tulley, Lijm f! rimAnt- and F, H. Hawlcins. Rowan. Friends of the deceased, who wish either to re move their remains or place some mark over their graves, will find no difficulty in doing so, as identi fication is probably, an easy matter. , . .' Reported Robbery. It is stated to us that a squad of soldiers visited Vinegar Hill, last Friday n "riight, stacked their arms, and then proceeded to I plunder indiscriminately the passers-by. The gen- tleman who give us this information, says that one person, passing in a carnage was naitea, taKen from the vehicle, and stripped of a number of val uable things. We do not vouch for the accuracy of the state ment, but if true the military authorities oh a prop er representation of the facts and identification of the parties will meet out punishment to the guilty. County Court. The mVfcistrate of V ake meet in solemn conclave to-day for the purpose, specially, nfn injectors of election, admin 1st ermg, the I -ill .it ili amnesty oath, aod doing other things important and unimportant. As a feast of preparation for the elec tion, many persons will doubtless "swallow the pup," aj3 the paroled have It. No Mail from causes unknown reached us by Saturday night's train, from the north, east, south or west, f rom this cause, ana me couiueiuuu the government has interdicted the use of the tele graph by the press for the present, we are without our usual late and lull summary ot northern news. In Petersburg. The following Raleighites .wre ... J lL. - JJ...t!Antl.t in Petersburg, last Friday, at Jarretts: M. R. Preston, B. Smeads, and Hisses K. and S., J, McPheeters; W. Drogan, Miss Partridge M., Jor dan, C. S. Hines and J. Shaw. ' '. At the Bollingbrook, Geo. W. Masa, George n. Wilsftn, Wm. Smith, John O'fcrien; Andrew West and S. Leverinc. i: j Bb in Time. The steamship D. H. Mount, Ctvpt. Backlos, will sail direct for New York from Newborn, next Saturday. We hear tbe accommodations of tihls tine, both for freight acd passengers, spoken of as very superior and safe. Timely notbe is now given sbip pers4n which to get tbein freights ready. A Chance. Residences hava been for a long time very difficult to secure in this city.- Parties wishing to house themselves (or the remainder of the year should" cohsult the notice of Mr p. fl. Belying 21, 1865. NO- 237. Government Sales it will be seeL tV- rUce at Charlotte on Wednesday, Thursday r i FNiday next. To the number already in, one for Y .c-Moty. is added. See the advertisement of Col. B v 1. A Fallen Angel. A fair bat fra-.i vrKi?an, known to belong to the society of the demi tnondes, while displaying her equestrianism in the vicinity of the railroad bridge, fell from her horse yeeteri iy, aud unfortunately received no hurt. New Troops. We learD that tbe 120th re-imeat Indiana infantry reached the city Saturday night, and will be stationed at Raleigh, In lieu of tin; troops to be mustered out under late orders.' Another regi ment i8on its way. Funeral Notice. Tbe Funeral of the late Mrs. BION H. ROGERS will take place from the Episcopal Church thia .Monday) afternoon, at i o'clock. Friends of the family and the citizens generally are invited to attend. aug21- It RALEIGH MONEY MARKET, RE.VISED DAILY BY B. F. GRADY, EXCHANGE BROKER, 13. Fayette ville Street. Buying Rates. Gold $1.40 : Silver $1.35. North Carolina Bans Notes Bank of North Carolina, Cape Fear, Roxboro', Cnarlotte. Farmers, Merchants, Miners and Pt. ters, SO cents on the dollar; Lexington, Thomaavihe and Wadesboro', 25 cents on the dollar; Commercial, Wilmington, Commerce and Greensboro' Mutual, 20 cents on -the dollar; Washington, Fayettevilla, Clar endon and Yanceyville, 16 cents on the dollar. Back Notes of other Southern States, 10 a SO cents on the dollar. Northern State Bank Notes, 85 a 90 cents on the dollar. New York Exchange, per cent discount. North Carolina bonds, old sixes, with all the rnnnnns attached since Mav 1861. $70. Detached 1 " ' coapons, 35 cents on the dollar. MARKET REPORT CORRBCTED DA.ILY BY El. A. . W HIT AKHlJtt. Grocer and Dealer in Provisions. 4 Apples Dried, $1 25 per bushel, Greea,$l 00 per bushel, Bacon Firm, saleg at 2730c per lb. Beef 10c per lb. Butter 35c per lb. scarce. Cheese 40c per lb. Chickens 40c a piece. Coffee 50c per lb. Corn $1 00 per bushel. Eggs 35c per dozen. Flour Superfine $11 per bbl. ; Hides Green 10c. Dry 15c. Honey in comb, 25 to 30c per lb. Lamb 1215c per lb. Lard 25c per lb. Meal $1 per bushel. Mullets None, Mackerel $13 per bbl. Onions $2 00 per bushel. Peaches dried 10c per lb. Peas White $100; Stock 90 to $1; Garden 40c per peck. Potatoes Irish $1 00 per bush. ' Sweet, new, $2 per bushel. Sugar Crushed 60e per lb ; Brown 25c Svrup 60c per ifallon. ' Soda Cooking, 25c per pound. Salt $2 00 oer bushel. . Tallow 10c 12 per lb. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE BEST, MOST EXPEDITIOUS ANL tin ROUTE TO THE Northern Cities, TIA North Carolina Railroad, Raleigh & Gaston Railroad, ' . Petersburg & Weldon. Railroad AND TH1IR ' VARIOUS r CONNECTIONS. Passengers by this lime will leave CHARLOTTE at 3 o'clock p. bj., arrive at Raleigh 4.30 a. m. Leave RALEIGH 5 o'clock a. m., arrive at Gaston 12 a. m. Leave GASTON 1 p. m'., arrive at Petersburg 6. 8 p. m., and leave that night for Richmond and the north, or stay in Petersburg, get a good night's rest and take the cars for City Point, connecting with the Jamea River steamers for northern points. Passengers for western or southern points will leave Petersburg at 5.30 o'clock a- m., arrive at Gastoa 11 a. m. Leave Gaston 11 a. m., arrive at Raleigh T p. no. Leave Raleigh at 7.40 p. m. and 6 a.m. Passengers are respectfully requested to get tickets before entering the cars. WILKES, Eng. and Sup'lN. C. R. R. A. JONSOK, Bup't Raleigh A Gaiton R. R. R.M.DUNLOP, angSl-tt Sap't Petersburg A Weldon R. R. .-4r Rantinel. Recorder. Salisbury Union Banne? and Peteriburg Expreu publdiiiv. Charlotte Democrat' ana ureeniuoro x"' weekly, tiU forbid. A. J., Sup't R.4G.B.B- ANTED One thoiuand bw FLAXSEED. VV augl8-lm Standard asd Sentinel copy N P4Ay K ft T I SEM K ST'.S G oodspeed Steamship Line BETW.ERX X. YORK AND NKWIiKIltf. TnS A NO. 1 VIVE 'STEAMSHIP. D. H. MOUNT. UACK1NS - - - - - Commander, Will Mil direct! for New York on .S VTUKDI'AY, August 26, "at 5's !'. M. Knr :r-iifht rr pa. -waif, hating ansurp 1 .rrsmin- datimu, apply at W. II Oliver 4 t'o.'s B .'k Store, ot of Ciai-fen Street, to aasr 2 ltd C. GOODSPKKn. Agent. The steamer El, CID will follow the D. U.Moant, and ail from taw port at 5K o'clock on Saturday, Sept. 2d. CANE BRAKE LAND. w ft FOR BALE, 1000 aeret Cane Brake Uotton L.ana, thirty miles from Wilmington, on a Railroad, ready fur use, and the first offered in this State. Soil reported on by Prof. Emmons. Price moderate, as party is en- eased in merchandizing. Apply lor particulars oi wu well located ana wen eustaine piece i-i yr'FckJ - elements of fertility, to , T t i f amg21-lt KlUAtlUK rrijE. HOUSE FOiv A SPLENDID two-tory building, ontainin rooms. There is also alt necessary out-h SIX ouses and a splendid well of water For particulars apply to U. n. r5.i- mt at i'oil Office. t aug21-tt FOR SAltE 4 w li f p;. rir little uiied. ot Boston uaanu j facture Original cost $550. F?r Pjhcuj ap B. P. WILLIAMSON & CO., Commission Merchants. ply to angi7-ot TERMS. RJLTES OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily, 1 Year $10 00 I Uil, 1 Month. $1 00 ' 6 Months 6 00 Weekly,! Year. 3 00 3 Months 3 00 I " aionms.... l ou Must be paid in advance in all cases or the papn will not be sent; and the paper wiU be stopped when the time paid for eipires, unless renewed. NEWSBOYS AND NEWS DEALERS Will be furnished at the rate of $5 per hundred copies. All orders must be accompanied by the money. AD VER TISINO RA TES. Ordinary advertisements, occupying not more than ten lines solid minion, or one muu Bi 1 insertion , $1 00 2 " 1 5'; 2 Weeks $6 00 1 Month 10 0U 2 Months 15 0C 3 20 00 6 3 00 1 Year 50 00 a -i uu 4 n ."....r 2 50 5 ' 6 w 1 Week u Larger advertisements, where no contract is mad be charged in exact proportion. YEARL Y CON 1RACTS 1 Will be made in acco-dance with the toll -.wiij ci. 14 column, 1 Month. $30 00 1.2 " 1 " 45 00 I it i i 60 00 14 u 3 it 50 00 1.2 " 3 " 75 00 1 ti 3 f 100 00 1-4 col. 6 Moui bs.. 1-2 " 6 ... " - 1 "6 ' .. Io Ov 1-4 " 1 Year....... 175 i0 12 44 1 44 00 00 1 44 1 44 ....... 300 00 Only those who contract for one-fourth, one-half, or a .column, for ne, three, six, or twelve months, will recede the benefit of these terms. Contract advertisers must pay by the month, and all others in advance. ' . . . . All advertisements must bo marked a specified time, and no advertisement will be inserted " till torbid. Advertisements inserted onoe, twice or three times a week will be Chared One Dollar a square lor every in sertion. OUR CtZCULATlON Is larger in the city and throug&QUt the SUte than any other paper in North Carolina. The Progre: i read !n the elm and among the people by a much larger number of persons than any other papr'Mandfhhent" importance as an advertising medium ihou. B01 De orer- looked by business men. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special Notices will be set in minion, leaded, and in rted under the Special Notice head, and One Dollar quare charged for every iniertion. LOCAL COLUMN. Only short notices will be admitted to the Local C4t nmn, at the following rates : One Line, One Day $1 00 .Three Lines, One Day $2 00 Two Lines, " 1 50 Five Lines, 2 66 Ten Lines, or more, at the rate ol Twenty-live Ceiits a Line for each insertion. FUNERAL NOTICES, MARRIAGES, &c. Will be charged same as Advertisements, and must be paid for when haaded in, or they will not appear. The above Rates will be adhered to in all cases, and as we have to pay cash for everything in our business, we must demand cash. June,26, 1865. J. 1,. PEN MNOTU v A CO. TO SUBSCRIBERS AND ADVERTISERS. We have t pay cash for paper, ink and labor, and we must have more cash from those for whom we work or Mnnntnav onr current expenses. We know there is but little money in circulation, butthere are butfew persons who want a newspaper that cannot ipare tte money to pay for it. Personsaeeing their paper marked must remit the money or it will be stopped. Advertisers must payinadvancefor alltransient mat ter, and business men who advertise regularly willbe expected to pay their bills monthly. Job Printintr mustbe paidfor whendelivered. J. L. P. A CO. GEO. Z FRENCH & CO , SUCCESSOBS TO CUTTER & FRENCH Fayetteville Street, (OLD STAND OF TUCKER, ANDREWS Jt CO.,) ARE CLOSING OUT THEIR EXTENSIVE STOCK OF GENTS' FUBMSHtNG GOODS Hats and Caps,- MILITARY CLOTHINGr, MILITARY TRIF1MINGS AND EQUIPMENTS, . SUTLER GOODS, &c., &c. fec. Call and examine chasing: elsewhere. jy 17-t? this stock before pnr- vu coanuons.