I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS BY J. L. PESWINGTOS & CO, PETERSBURG ADVERTISEMENTS GEO. Z FEENCH & CO , Huccfcsotta to OUT-rSB & FRBKGH Fayotteville Street, OUt iTAXD OF TUCKER, ANDREWS CO.,) ARB CLOSING OUT OFFICE OF THE PETERSBURG B. .B. CO., i PlTaasBtrae, Va.., August 14, 1865 i mHE Petersburg Railroad Company are now PW T to tr Wort Freight and Passengers to and from jutermediate nations, Rjtes of iuVJenu ..?t7,VoD.SiV?aT at the depot in Petersburg om.V"V .VdVt .uch places freight intended for vt t wU only be received for transportation Dy w shipment will 7 j g are ready to receive it, aa the Company 'VSpJible for such freight whila Company will only he rMpoBBH0B.T M- DUNLOP, . on their traini. Superintendent, aurll-tf v 7 B.aaaa iZ5ji" W L. Ch.t, hate "a."" ' . . . toffither -for the this day asseciatea weuoc purpose of conducting a . AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, Under the Firm and style of TODD, PUGH & CO., A the Old Stand of JJRITTON, TODD A CO., No. 09 Sycamore at., PETERSBURG, VA. where tbey witl be pleased to eee their old friends and They will keep on hand a well selected stock of & gMMantBa . ,....... -lz : Frem the Ion? experience of our tfomn n t-.-. i " -' - - """roi ture UI paOUO r- "iigo. BJittHAKii TODD C. C. PDQH. auglm WM. L. CflltVES. 1 - ; Thomas R. Moore iReipeetfally announces to tbt public that be has resumed THE HAT BUSINESS Zfo. 116 Sycamore St., PETERSBURG, VA., and haying receired a New Stock of Goods Is prepared to sell on as reasonable terms as may be found elsewhere. He solicits the Wholesale and Retail Trade. Mr JOHN WOODHOUSE will be pleased to see his old friends and eostomers. augl7-2w kobt. a. MiiiiK. aOBT. TANNAHILL. MARTIN & TANNAHILL, 129 Sycamore street, PETERSBURG, VA., Will give prompt personal attention to the sale of TOBACCO, COTTON, WHEAT, CORN, FLOUR, BACON, AC. And respectfully solicit consignments from their old friends and the public generally. We also FILL ORDERS FOR GOODS on tie most favorable cash terms. . aog7-3m HOTELS' AND BOARDING HOUSES. JAJR-A-TT'S HOTEL, (TsaxniDs or wjsldon bailsoad. ) PLATT fc SIMMONS, Proprietors. Jai-H PtATT, Ja. aug7-3m Gao. 0. Simmons. W. H. Kbcmeot, A. W. Wkitbhiad, Formerly of Norvell House, Petersbu-g. Va. Lynchburg, Va. BOLLINGBROOK HOTEL, PETERSBURG, VA. . Itr accommodations are .first-class, being the largest and best House in the city Rooms large and; well venti lated, and furnished with elegance and comfort. Suited to the tastes of all. Location fine, being near all the principal depots, and in the business part of the city. augl4-lw EXCHANGE HOTEL. HILLSBORO' STREET. THIS HOTEL, HAVING" BEEN CLOSED FOR some time past, will now be opened by the subscri bers for the accommodation of the public. No pains or' expense . will be spared to make the Ex change a first oUss Hotel. . i RANDALL A BOWEN, Je 22-tf Proprietors. PIONEER LAND OFFICE. L. IP. OLDS & CO. Principal Office .... RALEIGH, N. c. SPECIAL AGENCIES: WlLMMOTOH, Nbw Bbbrb, goldsbobo. Q&SBNIBOKO, SALiSBUBT, Chablotts. 336 Atlantic St., New York, and 123 South St., Philadelphia. AGENTS IN ALL COUNTIES SHERIFFS ACTING WHERE THERE ARE NO SPECIAL APPOINT- Our Agents all receive like compensation, viz : one (1) per cent commission on all sales through their Descriptive Lists or Applications. BEGINNING immediately after tfepvwar collapsed, we eontinue to receive application tjm buyers and srsofReal Estate, andj invite a stilore extended use of this cheap convenient, liberal, and satisfactory Rules in the hanisoalAgf1s. b -Titles gaaranteed according to our rules. : ( No. 14. ) .FOR SALE. Cotton, Tobacco, Turpentine, Corn, Mining and otoer Lands, Mills, Town Property, Ac, Ac. All enquiries promptly answered with .Maps, Eiagrams and Sketches, if required. Owing to accumulating business of other kinda, I would beg to transfer the management of the Land Office to tny son, Mr. G. E. OLDS, for whose skill, tact and energy 1 can vouch. L. P. OLDS. i eat) Hon. H. W. Miller's office, east of the capitol. aug31m AXES. MAdPHERSON A DONALD SMITH, ( Lato styled Smith A Brother, ); New Fork. BREWERS OF BAST INDIA AND BITTER PALE ALES, FOR 0ITY AND SOUTHERN USE. Theseales are of improved quality, brewed with great 1 ii v, yiMiu) uum nil auu aiiciijkucuiiig ).uu vau w rlUd on for parity. Brewery, Westl8th-et., between 7th and 8th avs. j 15 3m OL. VI THE NEWS. The Ucion Stat Committee of New York met on Thursday at the Astor House and prepared a for the Slate Convention. It will he composed of three delegates from each Assembly District, and will beet at Syracuse on the 20th of September. officers to be nominated are Secretary of State; Coniptoller, Treasurer, Engineer, Canal Commis sioner, Prison Inspector, two Judges of Appeals and Clerk of Appeals. The call is addressed , to 4 -the Union Electors of the State who supported the Ad ministration of Abraham Lincoln in the prosecu tioni of the war against treason, apd who are in fa vor of sustaining the Administration of Andrew Johnson and Reuben E. Fen ton. i -t-An opportunity has been afforded by the gov ernment, to owners ef farms upon which forts have been erected, to receive the buildings and other t-irialaft indlsmantiing the works as com pen -Ireaoy acceptetrliie-oirer, 5ut u tumo;aun leulama a a Urge amount of valuable property ' unaccepted requiring guards for its protection, it is probable that the government will shortly withdraw the cf fer remove the buildings, &c, and leave the own ersof lands the unpromising alternative of getting their claims for compensation through Congress: Th Washington Republican. understands that Maj. Cen. Phillip H. Sheridan indorses the propo sition of the merchants and planters of the South west set forth in their petition to the President t r I - -""'J 3 tax all cotten 15 per cent, and to abandon its at- I tempt to confiscate any of the staple on account of ' any supposed right acquired by the United State oh account of it having been claimed by the Con federate Government as its property. j-It is stated that, in addition to the vessels here tefore mentioned, the whaling bark Pearl, of New London, was destroyed in the Pacific Ocean by the rebel pirate Shenandoah. The last heard from the; Shenandoah was on the 28d of June, when she was steering for a feet of some sixty whalers in the Artie Ocean, with a prospect of effecting their destruction, though energetic efforts bad been made to" give them timely wafning. -j A communication has been received at tbe War Department from General Sully, conducting thej military expedition against the Indians in Da kota Territory, in which he-very confidently ex presses the opinion that a permanent peace can now be secured by the government with the Sioux aucl Cheyenne tribes on the Upper Missouri river. A meeting of the Richmond Press was held on Saturday to take sli ps to give President Johnson a proper reeyption on the occasion of hi expected visit to Richmond. A committee was appointed torn queet a meeting of tbe citiaens to perfect the arrange ments. The Democrats of Minnesota held the ir eonven tion for the nomination of State officers on Wednes day , tie 16th inst. Resolutions were adopted sus taining the reconstruction policy of the President ; in favor of the Monroe doctrine ; opposing a pro tec tive tariff, and denouncing the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus. ' I The Rebel General Slaughter has published a letter, in which he fully exculpates General Mejia and the Imperial forces from the charge of aidi g the Confederates. He says that not a rifle or a musket ever crossed tbe'Rio Grande or otherwise entered the Confederacy through the Imperial lines. : A Lexington dispatch says the Senate of Ken tucky will stand Union, 17; Democratic, 21. W e have gained enough in this part of the State to give us fhe Lower House, but we cannot tell how the Southern portion, of the State has voted. i I The Ohio 44 Democratic State Sovereignty Con vention " met at Columbus on the 18th, and nomi nated ex-Congressman Alexander Long for Gover nor. Strong State Sovereignty resolutions were adopted. A Mr. Stowe eloped from Burlington, Vt , last week, with the wives of three prominent citizens. All the women were mistresses of the scamp. The guilty parties crossed the Canada border closely pursued by one of the wronged husbands. J The census of the blacks of Memphis is being taken,, and it is estimated that there are over 20,000 of them in that city, or mere than half of the whole population. p GqvjJParsons of Alabama has deposed the Mayor mony of freedman. A new Mayor 1sTero &6 who will accept an agency of the Freedman's Bu reau. A conductor on the Erie railroad has absconded lafter robbing the' company of a large amount I Gen. Grant left Chicago for Galena on the 18th. Duncan R. McRae and John Minor Botfs, were at the Presidential Mansion on the 18th. I A woman in San Francisco drowned herself because she was not going to be married. The publication of the Richmond Ifaquirer will be resumed at an early day. Senator Doolittle, of Wisconsin, is at Wash ington city, ( The soldiers demolished several h jDfs of ill fame In Salisbury a few eight ago. Tbe venerable William and Mary College, ot Williamsburg, Va., is abcut to be reopened. Some of its buildings and a portion of its funds have been saved. V RALEIGH, THURSDAY, AUG. THE CITY. f Sword PbksektationOt Tuesday, previous to the departure of the feginetit, tbe members of Co. 44 n. " of the Sd InfautryN. Y. Volunteers made a handsome presentation ofk sword, sash, belt and re volver to their comroandef first Lieutenant Milon J. Br wn, as a mark of their appreciation of his kind ness and gentlemanly conduct while in command of the company. Mr. WUlara F. Omham in a few brief remarks euTsed the character of Lieut. Brown, while he djltd the many acts of generos ity ntperienced by ne company at his hands. Lietft- Brown in a rwt and eloquent speech replied, drling on the gooJ conduct of the men, and con clified by saying that Je should ever prize the gift in roemory of the Jiernbers of "Hn Co. The -rhne affair came off h great eclat the entire . present m imc, aWanv 1"? offices of arm mcharR . members from other conipa .v. .,in,mnv : seve 1 1 " K"i rpen t. It must be deeply gratifying to the authorities at Washington to know bat they have such officers in their service as Lieut. Brown, who while h yiel s to none in the discharge of his duties can by his kindness and gentlemanly demeanor enlist the sym pathy and admiration of the men of his command. Pb vost Court, Aug. 23 Several trivial matters disposed of in tbe usual way. The negro shot by private Ryan of the 3rd N. Y., noticed yesterday, has elnce died. Ryan had not been apprehendpd at 3 p. m. It is said the soldier loaded his gun with corn to try an experiment on the rjegro, apd if so, be was uo doubt astonished at tbe result. S T. Dpne, tbfl absconding clerk noticed vester day, reaches the city Tuesday evening, ar-d was sent to the county jail. . . . Important t Tbavkllerj Thre ha beer great inqniry bv persons d siroas of gng f nth o know what amount of unfinished road there may vr between bre end Augusta, Ga. A gntleman con nected officially with one of the lines states that therp 'ia an unfinished work of ten miles between Kinga ville, S. C, and B-aochville and soother of forty miles between BrancbviHe and Auenata. The roads from Angnsta to Motile are said to be in a pr p r runLirg order. Leave To Day. The 4th New Hampshire Reg iment leave for home to day. Many of the boys of the 4th have become attached to the 44 City of O ks," and we are not surprised to learn that sotn of them will return again. Far wind and a pleas ant sail to the boys of the 4th. Another Change. Capt. J. E. Mclver 28th Michigan Infantry, took f-ossession of the -Provost Sanctum yesterday, relieving Capt. . Adams who goes home with his regiment Pers sal We are glad to hear that Gov. Hol den is rapidly recovering his health, though of this there could be no doubt, as he is spending a short time at Kittrel's Springs, where the Dr., never fails in restoring his guests. Mb. MiLLKRthe newly appointed Postmaster for this city has received his commiion, and will at oocenter upon the discharge of the duties of tbr office. The publication of the Wadesboro Argus has been resumed. Terms, $1:50 for six months, $1: OQNbr three months. RALEIGH MOftEY MARKET, REVISED DAILY BY B. F. GRADY, EXCHANGE BROKTft. 13, Fayetteville Street. Buying Rate.. Gold $1.40; Silver$1.35. North Carolina Bank Notes Bank f N rrh Carolina, Cap Fear, Roxboro. C--arl:tte, Farmers. Mtrcbants, Miners and PlaoUrs, 30 cents on the dollar; L xtngton, Thomafville a i Wp.dfBt'On, 26 centu on the dol'ar; Comnaercia', Wilmington, C irnta rp and Gi'eenaburo' MnMiai. 20 cents on the ri l ar; Wahingrtnn, FayetteviU , Clar endon and Ya(;cy i If, 16 cent? o" t'-p 'tol a' B-nk Ntps" of other Southern Stat 10 a 80 cents on thedollar. Northern State Bank Notes 85 a 90 ,6' 's un th'- dollar. N w Y fk Ex -haf-g-, J rfrcpn dismimt. North Carolina bonds, old sixes, wirh all tbe coupons aindd 1861, $70. D tachei r '.. 35 cents on the dollar Si E W ADVERTISEMENTS. AOTICE. THE Committ to adnoinigter the Oath of Amnesty, wilt meet at the Co-irt Hooge in Rleigb on th 24'h unddailv thereafter yntil otherwise ordered . between the hours of 10 a. n., and 12 va., and from 2 to 4 p. m It is hoped the people will come forward promptly. u A. WIO'Jif K J. C BHD 0 w f moiVf anc?4 2t LUBLIN ,& STIISTEE, WH0LXS&&S DIALKR8 IS BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 61 Sycamore aog24 lin street, PETERSBURG, VA. John H Hill, of Randolph, announces him elf a candidate for Assistant Doorkeeper of the ensuing Convention. aag24-td Daily Standard copy till day. HEADQUARTERS DI8 RALEIGH,) Raleigh, Ji, C, Aug . 23, 1866. 8FKC1AL ObDEBS No. 14. iXTAer.j TT CAPT Kaleijrb is dpi CAPTAIN JOHN E. MelVER, 18th Miehf. Icfantrv, Provost Manbal, Diitrict of Lateiirh is he rsbt aoDOintetf rumnnandant of the Post of Raleigh, and will perform tbe duties or Provost Mar shal in addition to the duties of Post Commandant. By command of Brig. Gen'IM. D. Harbiv. H&NKY A. BALE, aug241w Capt A A. A. O. . . ... - - 24, 1865 m. 240 STATE ITEMS. Candidates ros th CosTKBTioir. -T' - f .ar- lotte D mwrat learns that, in Linooln c J bn Pbif r, Wallace AUxtoder and W. P. H are cDdniafS f-r the State Ccnventiou. ! (U-.U-n county. Dr. Wm. Sloan is a candidate. Iu Mckleoburg, A'Xioder Melver an.s J TI??v'y Wii c are announced, by advprtiiemeo. codi diUes. In Rowan ounty, Hon. N. t5"ydei 1 .M. L. Ho'mea are mnouoced &a candidate!. 1-. Y ?iip, Jude Pearson is a candidate without opp ai ina . In Surry, H P. W dUfrri. I . Cil dwell, Rufus L J: iar soo. Iu Wilkf-s, C. J C'wles and P. Hurtoa In Forsyth. I G, Lab and J H Strbuck. Iu Moore, A. k M-D-nild aud Bryan Tno. Id Chatham, -T jhx, MtD r a'd aud R v. VV. P. Taylor. Ekc UBAGINU. . r It ! ex'rerneiy er,c urgo g to wht S hert) gtij juiit ptiple ot all cuss-- a.d all politics givo fr the A imn naiuu . 1 Gov. H Ido, and buw eiLttly and loyally tbe) euooai at.d sustaia tbe auntoiiu.h y-t tt k U iud Stitea. Aa far aa Rowan cuuty ie coicerued it is thr'Ughly pacifiVd and recout true ted, .hi ci we tiupooar; it is tbe sauie throughout tbe State. We will 6oon begin to reap tbe substantial beueuis of Peace. Conscript Hunters. A correspondent of the Cincinnati GanetU, who is makicg a tour through the mountain district ot Wes tern North Carolina, writes trom Dan bury : Each coui.ty had an organization composed -of men exempted for viri us read ms, and it was their duty to bum d 'Wti aod capture, dead or a'ive, all desert n, Co scrip-! and meu woo h.vi " lakeu to the bush" to ivi'id ci ;i-cnpn u. Tom was tbe direction iu which ii, l.ld i-itM ifi.i.U vhh ul ca('tat luuked to Bccun xui-uoii. Al4u -huk d tutir duty aaotteu as thej tur d. tt.nl, Mi jn.y appan-Qt lack of williugoess ii perform it insured tbe r Cul of tbeir ext-mptiou au. iitVolved tbe iiecesbity ot tuuriug the army, tbe best Uniuu mt-u vvete curiipelird to bunt at times. But ii was strange hiw tew corscripa toese mtn fouud.- Svill, the ru-.J ii y were ever-Eealoun in the work, lest hey might ou rtieved andseut .to the tront. Hun dred a ol uitu have boeiiphot down in (Mid blood, their r perty deairoycd uud tneir families tttrued out to starve. Uusb nds, fathers and sons have been fed Cor three j'ears in these woods by wives and children ; and often the steps ot ttuse were tracked to find the hiding place, and, when found, murder almost always t.ll wed. e saw many who had lived in caves since the first conscription. Now nearly all ol this persecuting class are the most forward in their prote tatious ot Unionism, and some are even aspiring to otiice. They do not seem to feel tbe "degradation and deep humiliation of returning to the old Union as keenly as Governor Perry, of South Carolina, does. One of tbe worst of this class, who not long 8i nee t ok an old, gray-headed man from his plough and hung him, on the charge of harbor ing deserters, and destroyed the furniture of a poor widow for the same reason, ran for constable at a meeting of tbe magistrates, and only lacked a few votes of an election. Geo fia. Savannah, Aug. 12, 1865. Gen. Sttedman has leaned an order providing that, to the abaence of tbe civil courts, and tn localities where do agency of tbe Freeamen's Bureau is estab lised, all questions of wages and debts between freed men and the whites will be decided by the provost marabaia. The contracts between sucb parties will r,c adhered to, unless procured by fraud. PiovibioD id also mads tr compensation to freed i jen driven away by former owners after an engage ui nt has been made ; also where a treedmaD has been maltreated aud leaves his employment. Vagrants and idieit are to be arrested and put to bard labor. Provoa' marsbi l shall collect all money found due to r sdrueu and pay it over to them. Offices have been pened iu Savanoah, Augusta, aod other places, where Udiee can have the amueaty oath administered 0 them. The NuptiAl Tie. Has been described as a knot fixed with t e tongue which tbe teeth cannot un loose. But the teeth themselves, if beautiful by the a d of 25ozdont, are powerful agents in producing the facma.ioit whi h leads to marriage. Tbe charm, to which this ddictous preparation lends to tbe brea h, too, baa a dec dedly hymeneal tendency. White teeth and a pure breath ! What heart can fesist them. MARKET REPORT ooaaacTKD daily by E. A. . W H I T A K E R. Grocer and Dealer in Provision. Apples Dried, $125 per bushel, ' Green $t 00 per bushel, Butter 35c per lb. scarce. Cheese -40c per lb Chit'kers 40c a pieoe. CoflVe 50c per lb. Crn $1 00 per bmhel. Kgsrs 35c per dnxen. Flour Superfine $11 per bbl. ; Hides Green 10c. " Dry 15o. Honey in omb, 25 to SOe per lb, L.amb-12MH5c per tb. Lard 25c per lb. Meal $1 per bushel. Mullets- None. Mackerel $18 per bbl. Onions $2 00 per buaheL Peaches dried I0o per lb. Peas White $100; Stock PS io$l, &mTin 40t eer pe-Jk. Potatoes Irish $1 00 per bask. ' Sweet. hw, $2 ner basael. Sugar Crushed 60e per lb Brows 3& 8Trup -40c50 per sMaB. Soda Oookin?. 25o per poosd. Salt -$2 00 oer hnihel. Tallow-I0c3) prlb. Herrings $;2 per bbl. Rice 15c per lb Candies -Adamantine. 4fe lb per box. Soap Turpentine, 20o per lb. limestone 60c par lb. THI& EX7KIC81VE STOCK OF O X- O T H I N 3r , CENTS' FURSISHING GOODS Hats and Caps-2, MILITARY CJXT HIJN G , MILITARY TRIMMINGS AND EOUIPrY.ENTS, STJTLEU GOODS, chasing elsewheie. ' liH K " 1 " '' nastiig el jy 17 i? - - . . .. . r ... ... WOOD FOR T SKALED prpiai v ill t- e v tn t u until 20'h S?nteub i nrxi, f. i, ,i. quantiij of Wood fu r.be u.- ! tt. , ii ic in - t Capitol aud lor tbe Statu ConvenUou. thi '.u ui. i ter and tpring. The woyd to be gouud oak and hickory, to he d- Uv. i el and measured in the wood hu&u on the capitoi t-quai e from time to time as requit ed. Bidders will eiate the price per cord a wnicii ?br will furnuh it. The riirht of riectiBr bids nor acriintafefus ti the State it reserved. KOb I'. H b K A I) L t Y , au?22 t20s K ?p. r of tJaj.it'! HOUSE FOR BET, A8PLENDID two-etor b-n urn (nt ii iio iooi.. There is also a .e .! and a splendid well of watt-r. t- . - - aug21 tt N T t IRKCOMM TTKK o d will me.-i at Bii.ks' -liuab--'8 on Moaaa ih- 8 ' thews' District on Wnio m O l i . O 1) B I n W J hL.-Li aujr22 td FOR SALE, AN ereellent Piano, r. ry little ied, f Bo-t r lum u faoture. Origiaal co-r $s 0 K .r (, i u n a ply to H. P. lLt.l M() A t. aus;l7-5t Couin ik.-1'.d il id. '&. CPTNGM. friO accommodate the puo.i he Ita A Ua n . J Kail ro d Compiny wi'l mke r.l". ii any kiud when the Patterns are lumi.li dtt h i ho). aapll-tf Ueii'l -up't. Standard and Sentinel copy till forbid. WAN TED, ANT ONE baring a good otton Gin, ard a tZ"od Horse. Bagftv lor Kockawar) and Uarn-hs. to cheap, can And a purchaer by addr sinif " H P P through the Kaleigk P.O. 3t WOTICB 4 LL persons af warnet' aiat tr-ine with or girinjf to ay wife DKLIX A JvJHVSO ao thins, the expectation that I wilt oar 'h-refor She ). abandoned me. JOSUCA JUtlNSoN. au2S-2t DISSOLUTION rpHKtirm of PHILLIPS A BOWfcN. No 15 Vayette X ille street, hare this day dissoiy-d pa'tnership br mutual consent. All prtiea having claiina against said firm will present them to A. J. Phil ip immediately. A. J PHILLIPS, aug23 St W. W. BOWEN. BACON! BACON! BACON! 4ni( L8 PRIMK SHODLDEltS, AjyJVJ 60 boxes Adamantine Candies. 60 reams Wrarbini? Paoer. 20 boxes fine Chewing Tobacco. B P WILLIAMSON A CO. aaj23 m WAN TED -One thousand bushels FLAlSKED. auglb Im DK. W. Ii. illLLKK. Standard and Sentinel copy. CALL AND GET ONE OP RICHARDSON'S GOLD CIRC ULA RS GIVING THE PKlCr OF UwLU EVERY DAY DURING THE WAR. If you owe any person--GET ONE. If any person owes you GET ONE. Mailed to any part of the State on receipt of TW EN-TY-FIVE CENTS. Address W. R. RICHARDSON, jy 18-tf Ktleitfh. N . C. ADOL.PH COHN, W H O L. E A I E O R ( 1 1 R GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Gold8boro, N. C. ioihmcl: AlonxoT. Jerkins. Cmpan Shops, S. C. Wo S. Ravner, Baltimore. Md MeDaniel A Irby , Lrncl.burg, Va. jr 14.3m D. T. C ARRAWAY, WITB Manufacturers and Dealers in" TIN AND SHEET IKON WARE, HARDWARE, Holloware, Crockery and Glat-ware, Tale and Pocket Cuttlery. CookJnjr Storct, Lamps. Kewn- Oil Ac. 44 Fayetteville Street. Raleigh, N. C Je 24-3m COTTON. COTTON, COTTON (rood COTTON It il b to th- int-rcst of parties holdiaf Cotton to oat! on th- underiirn d ,gU-tf W H A - TH' KKR FOR SALK. JA))T4RD8 4 4 BRt WN SHEETING WUU 609 yards English Lo c"tb. 00 bunches C;t-"o Yam. B. P. WH.l,.4Mg0.V 4 CO., anfll-tr CommUsbn M..C..r t. 600,000 CONFEOEO ATC" WANTED BONDS IWILL p.T Dftje.DU i-er $ fHT 6 7 9p1 g cent. Bods of the so ott.d 0frn . . 4, l,nd' TU o-le, .oet-. a. ,e . . u'r enriositie4of the past, tboBH.boidiri tr.ea sx a- pportuauy of f atta soasraijtg ror theaj, which is be'" aaf22-3t' Ml taaasft Broker; EaJsigb, K.'c.

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