HI rv5. r BY J. L. PESSIWGTOS & CO. THE NEWS. For Latest Naws, see ITourtti Page. A proposition is seriously talked of in Norfolk to establish a direct lin e of steamers between that place and Liverpool, The Postmastar-General jbas just ordered the resumption of thewrtaily mail Service from Macon "to - Columbus, Atlanta, Ohattanoo ga, and to other im portant points in Georgia, by railroad. - CoL J. J. Seibells, of. Montgomery, Ala., died in that city on the 8th. He was! formerly United Stales Minister to Belgium, was as Douglas man in I860, 'out afterward gave in his adherence to seces sion, and joined the rebel army. He was a candi date for the Provisional Governorship of Alabama, and has recently been laboring earnestly to promote reconstruction f The RichmonJSepubl'c says that after the sur render of Gen. Lee, his son, William B, F. Leo, '. without loss of timefep aired to the White House, determined, notwithstanding the lateness of the season, to attempt to make a crop of corn. Three i: young men, formerly of hi3 command, attended him, a German and an Irishman, and two freedmen were subsequently added to their force. They be- " gin ploughing on te 29th of April, and have made a splendid crop of corn, estimated at 1,500 bushels. This example is worthy of imitation bv otbbrf tb - . F. Ir. V s. , J. L. Pugh, of Alabama, and Eli S. Horter, ex- members of the United States Congress, and late members of the rebel Congress, have arrived in Washington. The finances of the Treasury are moving along quietly and'easily, trie cash rece ipts from internal J-r-revenuean theoustoms being so liberal as to enar -ble Mr. McCu lough to meet all the urgent demands for cash which is now, from the certificate of indebt4 edness, falling due. About thirty millions of these mature this month, and about twenty millions .du ring September. Tin's will relieve the Treasury from its principal burden between this and the ap proaching session of Congress. The Secretary has the discretion, if required, of making a farther issue of compound interest notes Maj.-Gen. Meade, accojm pan ied by Brevet Maj. Gen. Webb, Inspector-General; Col. Balchelder, Quartermaster, and Lieut-Gol. Meade, A. D. C, are on a tour of inspection through the Department of Virginia, North and South Ibarolina, of the Military Division of the Atlantic Tjiey will be absent sev eral weeks, and visit all thjj .important points in these departments. They rill first visit Richmond, via Gardonsville and some 'pf the old baftle-fieWs. Though the President has! not seriously contera- plated any visit to Richmond, as has been so fre quently stated by the Richfno nd papers, it is, after all, not unlikely that he may make, the proposed trip. . j ' Thursday the President pardoned C. H. Slo- corabe, of Louisiana, and Henry Taylor, of Va. A noted woman of the Southern persuasion, now in Europe, writes a most vidlerit and insulting letter i. to the President, pouring out her wrath for the ''muraer'as sne caiis it, m mrarourratt. John Muir, an old citizen, and a few years since, Mayor of Alexandria, Va., died in that city on Tues day last He was universally esteemed. Major John P. Heiss a native of Nicaragua, . and for many years a resident of Washington, died in New York on the 22d instant. He wul be , re T membered as the editor of the Washington Union during President Polk's administration. He was also engaged for sometime on the Washington . States newspaper. ' . J , Geneviral Lyons, and ber paramour, Charles Browoj charged with complicit7 in the Phoenix Bank defalcation In New York, have been discharged . i There was another railroad aceident in Cbnnec ticuton Monday evening. A train on the New Hav f eti end New London Railroad ran over s cow near Brandford, and three of the cars were thrown from the track. Ten or twelve of the employees oo f the train and one passenger received severe injuries ; but no one was killed. ! ! The Mississippi State Convention has passed an ' ordinance declaring null and void the ordinance of the secession invention excepting that relating to -revenue. The members of the convention, at an infor mal meeting, acquiesced in a petition to President Johnson requesting him to! pardon - Jeff. Davis and Clark, the rebel ex-Governor of their SUte. i . A despatch to the Toronto (Canada) Globe states that Robert E. L3 late rebel general, is expected shortly to arrive in Montreal. , J Another robbery was discovered in New York on the 28rJ in the silverware manufactory of Fran cis W. Cooper, corner of Amity and Macddugal-sts., . froni which $10,000 worth of diamonds and silver- ware Valued at $3,000 had been extracted. Persons on whom suspicion had been fixd were arrested and committed to the tombs, but none of the stolen prop erty has as yet been recovered Fast Stealer. The Newbern Times of Saturday iays: The Murray Line; steamer Lucy, Captain 4 Wheeler, arrived here yesterday, irom new x., with a heavy freight of merchandise, consigned to Hughes & Dill. She left;her dock in New York on - Wednesday evening, and made the run in the re markable short time forty-six hours. The Lucy I is one of the swiftest vessels which has ever entered this port. " - ; Are Thet Going ? We refer, reader, to your teeth! Be careful. Next to your eyes, your teeth are the most precious of your facial organs.. Use the fragrant Zozodont. It will at once arrest de cay and prevent what are now, but mere sPecks from being orifices. In brief it will save and beau tify your teeth. And it is the only thing that can save them. Reflect on this. : An Irishwoman, pretending to be a wealthy Cu stom has swindled large sums of money out of par ties in New York. She travelled in style loud dress, many jewel, twelve 'large trunks, &c., VOL. VI STATE ITEMS. Guilford County. The County Court of Guil ford have appointed eighteen Justices of the Peace, to administer the amnesty oath to the people of that county. Wm. A. Caldwell and Jos. A. Hous ton, Esqrs., will administer the oath to the citi zens of the 8th and 11th districts, at Greensboro, on the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th of September! We will publ'sh the entire-list of appointments in our next. Wilmington. The Herald says : Inconsequence ofjhe great demand for stores for the next year this species of property is bringing tremendous prices, to the iniurv of the nlace. Th for residences wi'l, no doubt, be more moderate, partially on account of the low rent charged by the government for abandoned houses, but principally because ther is less derrand for residences 'than stores. There isyery Httle money, comparatively speak ing, in circulation, and those who are compelled to rent places to live in are poor persons, dependent upon small salaries for support, and who cannot af ford to pay these high prices. Two officers of the government have certainly shown much sym pathy for this class of persons. Tearing Down the Fla. The following from theSaletn Press is another evidence that all our people are intensely loyal, and that everything is as quiet as a May morning. Hope we are committing no mortal sin by publishing the fact : Some evil disposed person or persons, on Tues day night last, at the Court House in Winston, cut down the United States flag and carried It off to parts unknown.. It was a mean, low, cowardly, dis loyal act, and we hope those engaged in the black deed will be terreted out and brought to justice. At the close of the business for which the -Magistrates met at the Court House in Winston, on Thursday, an order was issued offering one hun dred dollars reward for the apprehension and con viction of the perpetrators of the deed. Another flag was procured and raised at the same place. Checking Perspiration Facts Which Every body Ought to Know. E'lward Everett became overheated in testifying in a court room, went to Faneuil HaII, w ich cold, sat in a draft of ir until his turn cme to spe.ik : "but my hands and feet were ice,- my lungs on fire. In this condition I had to g and spend three hours in the court room." He died in less than a week from thus checking the perspiration. It was enough to hill any rniin. Professor Mitchell, while in a state of perspiration ia yellow fever, the certain sign of recovery, left his bed, went into another room, became chilled in a mo ment, and died the same night. If while perspiring, or while warmer than usual from exercise or heated room, there is a sudden expo sure to still, cold air. to raw, damp atmosphere, or to a draught, whether at an open window or door, or street .coiner, hitiAblpsul t a violent and in- v ... v j . . . l 1 . ;.T.at- waste and impure master, which were making their way out of the system, are compelled to seek an exit through some weaker part. The idea is presented by saying that the cold .had settled in that part, xo illustrate : A lady was about getting into a small boat to cress the Delaware; bnt wishing first to get an orange at a fruit-stand, she ran up the buks ot the river, and on her return to th boat found herself much heated, for it was summer ; but there was a little wind on the water and her clothes soon felt cold,wblch settled on ber lungs, and within the year she died of con sumption. A strong man was working in a garden m May, J feelinff rather tired about noon, ne sa& aown m ine 0 ... i shade of the house and full asleep ; he woke up chilly, inflammation of the lunga followed , ending, after two years of great suffering, in consumption. On open ing his chest there was sucn an extensive aecay, mat , . , . t e i the yellow matter was scoopea ous oy me cupiui. A Boston shin owner, while on the deck of one of his vessals. thought he would lend a hand in some emerr encv, and pulling off his coat worked with a will, until be porspirea ireeiy, wneu uo ?l iu ickl awhile, enioying the delicioas breeze from the sea. On attempting to rise ne iouna nimseu uuauiu, auu was so stiff in his joints that he had to be carried borne and put to bed, which he did not leave until the end of two months, when he wis barely able to hobble down to the wharf on crutches. . A lady, after being unusually busy all day, found hersulf heated and tired towards sundown of a summer's day. She concluded to take a drive to town in an open vehicle. The ride made her uncomfortably cool, but she warmed herself up by an hours shopping, when she turned homeward ; it being late in the evening she found herself more decidedly chilly than before. At midnight she had pneumonia (inflamation of the lungs,) and in three months she had the ordinary symptoms of con firmed consumption. A lady of great energy of character lost her cook, and had to take her place for four days ; the kitchen was warm and there was a draught of air through it. When the work was done, she, warm and weary, went to her chamber and laid down on the bed to rest. This act was repeated several times. On the fifth day she had an attack of lung fever at the end of six months she was barely able to leave her chamber,only to find herself suf fering with all the prominent symptoms ot con firmed consumption, such as quick pulse, night and morning caugh, night sweats, debility, short breath and falling away. a ".nrv rnsfi from her bed on a November mVhr and leaned her arm on the cold window sill. ti;cAn to a serenade.: Next morning she had pneumonia, and suffered the horrors pf asthma for the remainaer ot ung uic. , Multitudes of women loose health and life every year in one or more ways, by busying themselves in a warm kitchen until weary, and then throwing themselves oh a bed or sofa, without covering, and nerhaps in a'room without fire; r byremoying the out clothing, and perhaps change the"dress for a common one, as soon as they entered the house after a walk or a shopping. The rule should be m rariablv to CO at onca into a warm room and keep on all the clothing for at least five or ten nnnutes, ZZS . forehead I is perfectly dry. In all weath- l ers if you have to walk aftd ride on any oceasion, L.ers, u j UnlT, Journal. do the riomg uroi,. RALEIGH, MONDAY, AUG. THEE CITY. Late Collisions.- While at the depot of the North Carolina railroad, Saturday, we saw a soldier approach and strike a negro several blows, which made the claret flow freely. Upon inquiring of by standers, we ascertained that the darky was not even accused of any offence, but had been assualt ed because of an attack made by one of his class on a Federal soldier the night previous, in which the latter suffered severely. It was even reported yes terday morning that the sufferer had died from.the injuries received. Bu whether dead or living, he was injured, and thus the spirit of caste has been aroused. It is nothing more than we have predicted. If the ne groes of the South continue to attempt an assertion of their social equality with the the whites, wheth tr soldiers or citizens they will deny it to them. We insist that they shall be kindly treated, but at the same time they must deserve it by manifesting proper respect for the army as well as the citizens. Unless they so act, they will have no friends either in the North or South. Counterfeit $50 Notes. Nearly eveay week there comes from Washington, as if by authority, Ihe statement that there are no counterfeits of the national currency in circulation. But the fact is really different, as the frequent arrest and convic tion of forgers demonstrates. The latest bogus pro cess, however, appears to be an elaboratien of "fives" into "fifties." This is accomplished by pasting the figures "50" over the "five" in the up per corners of the note, and also upon' the back. The words "Five Dollars" in the centre of the face of the note are extracted by means of acid, and "Fifty Dollars" printed in its place The small fig ures around the margin of the note are covered respectively with green and black ink. The entire work is issued with great care, and is well calcula ted to deceive. They may be easily distinguisned, however, by the engravings, the genuiue five having on the face representation of Columbus in 1492 and of Pocahontas, and on the reverse the landing of Colnmbus, while on the fifties there are representa tions of Washington crossing the Delaware at Val ley Fcrge, and on the reverse the embarkation of the Pilgrims. The Brittian House Attention is directed to the card of Messrs. Keogh & Crane, in this morn ing's issue. Referring to them, . the Greensboro' Patriot says : " The Britian Bouse. This Hotel building, which since the death of its former . proprietor has been closed, has been leased for a term of years by Messrs. Keogh & Crane, who arfe renovating and re fitting the House from cellar to galret, with new fur niture and fixtures an& rwill open it on Monday, Under their management we feel assured that it will rank among the first hotels in the State. Messrs. Keogh & Crane are among our most active and enterprising citizens. We are from personal knowledge able to confirm all our cotemporary urges respecting the firm. They are gentlemen of taste, liberality and enter prise, and parties visiting Greensboro' will no doubt find their accommodations of superior quality. Noisy. Last night about 11 o'clock, people resi dent in the southwestern part of the city were treated to a most unusual serenade by a party of men who were either drunk or crazy. After indulging them selves for halt an hour or more in huzzas, shrieks and imprecations, they were either marched off by the guard, or abandoned the diabolic from sheer exhaus tion. The question is, where were the custodians of the night. People may get mellow if they please, so long a; they effect only themselves ; but it becomes a mat ter of public concern when they disturb the quiet of whole neighborhoods. Let them be cooped. Farriss, Charley the inimitable, has returned from the North with an elegant stock of cloths, i .1 . j i t cassimeers ana omer gooas, wnicu are uuw umug r - " His stock of gentlemens' furnishing goods is large and well selected, and he can furnish or make up to order whatever the most fastidious may require. We advise all in search ef new clothes, especially if they want fine fabrics and elegant fits, to call on our neighbor. The City Post Office. Postmaster Milter, we hear, has secured two rooms in the bank building on the southwest corner of Fayetteville and Hargett streets, and will transfer the office to that point either to-day or to-morrow. We. f ftntrratiilate the DeoDle on the location of , , "0 IT I , the post office. As in most small places, so in Rleigh in by-gone times, it was the practice to oc- cupy the least attractive and convenient duuuuj for such use. Postmaster Miller in etlecting a change in that particular, has entitled himself to the thanks of the community and we receive it as an augury that in other things he will evince lau dable enterprise. Appointed Mr. B. P. Pressoo, ot Ohanotte, n&s been appointed a messenger of the Southern Express u . (Kit r lint. A.n. Rllelsh. It 1-S Uompauy, uetwccn r an enerstic maa with high reputation for ap.it lss integrity. Longjnav hwYt? ! Petersburg, r-v-ived 1 HICATKllAJj . last evening, mentions as probable the visit toR-eieb-of aelebrcatedtheaticalcorps. We kn -it would r nay the manager handsomely, if a bmlliog juiubl for such -performances couiu oe uu. . . j the City Hall ia not adapted for such exhibitions. 28, 1865. NO. 243. Nrw Advertiskmestts. The incransiDg adver- uatcg tn9 public at borne and abroad are conferiog on the Progress, ia hansomely Illustrated this norning. we luvite attention to the favcrs of aagB nice, Ureensboro Hnnse, lot sand larniture for sale or rent. S. Maxon House wanted. C. W. Rose & Co., Newbern Glue fur sile. Change op Quarters. Capt. Mclver, Provost Marshal and Commandant of this post, has removed to the office of Dr. Haywood, opposite the Presby terian Church. The military have entirely with drawn from the Capitol and given it up to the Gov ernor and other civil officers. Fob New York. The fiae steaaisrnV, Carolina, Capt. Phillips, will sail from Morehead city next Saturday, direct for Nrtw York. The arrangetnnta for freight and passengers are said to be all that can be desired. Troops Gorsa. The 3rd New York did not leave here on Saturday as it was thought they wou-d, but we learn thpy will certainly go this morning, and that the 47th will go to-morrow. NEW ADTERTISEMENTS. FARRISS COLUMN. I. c. M. FARRISS Has jast returned from the North with a New Stock of FALL GrOODS Selected Expressly for this Market. Consisting in part of BEAVER CLOTHS, BROADCLOTHS, ENGLISH AND SCOTCH CAJSSIMERES, SILK MIXED CASSIMERES, TRICOT CASSIMERES, BLUE CLOTHS, CASSIMERES OF ALL COLORS! CORDUROY, BLACK SIi-K VHiiTrrro, GLOVES AND SCARFS. SHIRTS OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS! ARMY HATS, NAVY CAPS, HALF HOSE, SUSPENDERS, HANDKERCHIEFS, NECK TIE3, LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS, SHOULDER STRAPS, MILITARY BUTTONS, BQARf PINS, AND LACES, TRTJSTKS AITIF VB.IjTBBO. MERCHANT TAILORING Done in the-very fcest style by C. H. FARRISS and hij Superb Cuer, Mr. GRIFFITH. SUITS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION mad to order at the shortest notice, and in the rery best manner. ..What you do not see in my store; order and you shall have it in the quickest possible time. . Raleigh, Aug. 28-tf . M. FARRISS. FOE SALE OB BENT, IN THE TOWN OP GREENSBORO, THE HOUSE in which 1 now reside, containing be low stairs five rooms, aeatly plastered and papered. Attached to it is a good lot of 2 acres, stable for 4 horses, r.nw.houae : h:j. meat, hoe, store and sraoke houses, with j a pump in the yard. Three new HOUSES AND LOTS adjoining where I re- gi(j8 eacb containing four rooms ; kitchen, hog and ben houses. Each lot contains about y acre. ALSO, Near to the railroad depot, two NEW HOUSES AND LOTS. Each house has four rooms ; hen, hog ana store hnusp.. Each lot contains about i acres, inese nouses I f nniv noenniftd hv Mr. Leo and Mr. Hocrue. r lso I iptia v k RM nAp the riAnot. eontaimtic about 3d acres, on wnich is a log house, kitchen and stable. The Farm is in first rate order, has been newly fenced, drained and hearilv manured. On the farm is one of the BEST OBOHfAKDS in the county. ALSO FOR SALE, 2 tirst-rate young Mulifco, do AGONS, 2 COWS, HARNESS, PLOWS, SHOVELS, LADDERS, - HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPKTS, CLOCKS, PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, PIANO FORTE, CHAIRS, 4c TERMS : For the Houses and Land, the terms will be made known nn the day of sale. ... K For thehoasehoia property xn. vermn wm uniioifmn to be made to me in Greensboro, and in v . i. I V. 4 nilmor Pan . Grff.TlnbOTO. nmfin-n " ww -- Raleigh Progress. Salisbury Banner, Charlotte Demo- era -atsnd Danville Appeal, please copy two times eacn, an d send bills t the Patriot office. Metropolitan Hotel, GREENSBORO, N. C. KEOGH at C8ANE Proprietors. . ,-. m t rx t 2 JK a S- swt m mt Vlw Messrs. KE03H A UKAnii naving niahed throughout the popular hotel ia Greewboro known as the RritUin House, have opened it under the abore name. pains or expense to make it the They will spare no best hotel In the Bute. aug23-lm j TERMS. '; k R A TEH VF SUBSCRIP T10N. 1 Yer.......$l000l Daily, 1 Month . $1 . . onwr & OO Weekly, 1 Year....... 3 00 S Months 3 00 J " 6 Months.;.. 1 SO Muatbe said in id . w MV VflUCI Will not Die sent : and th nmar lllhaiflin.4 . . tr -l ' w ..u((m w udu lug iuui paid for eipires, nnleM reaewed. NEWSBOYS IlND NEWS DEALERS Will ht famihA t h nt nfet i. i j . . AH orders mast be tccomDanied bv the mnimr . ADYERTISINQMATESf Ordinary advertisements, occupying not more than ten lines solid minion, or one inch space I insrtion . $1 00 2 Weeks $6 00 1 Months. 10 Oo 2 Months..... is oo 20 00 f ... 3 00 1 Year.-. . so on 3 " - 1 &0 ' . 2 00 " . 3 bO & a on T . , -..n. ......... uu v bs charged in exact proportion. YEARLY CONTRACTS. Will be mad$ in accordance with the following schednl 14 column, 1 Month. $30 00 1-4 col. 6 ilonth...10O oo -- " 1 " s oo 1 1 " 60 00 1-4 3 ha oo 1-2 1-4 1-3 " M ... 140 00 6 " .. 150 00 1 Year 175 00 1 " 200 OS 1 " Sfwi aa 1-2 " 3 75 00 1 " 3 ino on Oily those who contract fbr nn.fnnrK v.ir ?hi"-l?r nZ Six,OT twelTe moatb. will r.ieiv. the benefit of these terms. Contract advertisers must mr hT th.i. -n others in ad ranee. ' All advertisements must b mirk tA a ia.aiH.jI and no advertisement will be inserted " till forbid." ' Advertisements inserted vm, twine or thr tUi weak will bo ehirj one Dollar a tonira for in sertion. ' OUR CIRCULATION Is larger in the city and throughout the State than any other paper in North. Carolina. The Prnr.. i. rLA in the camn-and among the people bv a much larger number of persons than any other paper, and hence its importance as an advertising medium should not be over looked by business men. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special Notices will be set in minion laaAA A Crted under the Special Notie head, and One Dollar Square charted for every inertisn i LOCAL COLUMN. OnlyBhort notices wilt be admitted to the Local Col umn, at the following rates : One Line, One Day $1 00 Three Lines.One Day S2 01 Two Lines, " 1 50 j Five Lines, 3 60 Ten Lines, or more, at the rate ol Twenty-fc Cents a Line for each insertion. FUNERAL NOTICES, MARRIAGES, Will be charged same as Advertisements, and must paid for when handed in, or they will not appear. The above Rates will be adhered to in all cases, acd as we have to par cash for evervthinc in onr hui must i demand cash. June, 26, 1865. J. L. PENNI5GT0X A CO. TO SUBSCRIBERS AND ADVERTISERS. We have te pay cash for paper, ink and 1 abor, and w must have more cash from those for whom wa work or we cannot pay our current expenses. Weknowthere is but little money in circnlation, but there are but few persons who want a newspaper that cannot spare the money to pay for it. Personsseeing their paper marked must remit the money or it will be stopped. Advertisers must payinadvaneefor alltranient mat ter, and business men who advertise regularly will be expected to pay their bills monthlv. Jcb Printing must ba inrni ben delivered. - J. L. P. & CO. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; For New York Direct. The Fast Sailing Steamship "CAROLINA," PHILLIPS - - - - Commander. r yjTlLITS Attr rnon KOBsasAD oirr,ros rar above port on SATURDAY, Sept. 2d, on the arrival of the train from Raleigh. For Freight or Passage, having good accommodations. apply to jy 20-td " G. W. DILL, Opposite Gaston House, Newbern. WANTED TO RENT, A DWELLING BOUSE, ia a healthy and central location. Apply to S. MAXON, Field and Fire side Bailaicg, rayettevuie street. augo-u GLUE! GLUE!! ?LTJE!!! Sold bi ang28-t 33 Craven stieet, Newbern. E. S. Locski. G. E. Looosa. Sueeti$or$ to W. J. Long; Raleigh, N. C.,) DetlPrs in Stovei, Hard and Hollow Ware, nd Hanufacturers of Copper, Sheet Iron and - . A -I k 1.' n T JN W JtX. Jru J2u - TTTILL irrcP ON HAND KViinnanu nf tkir tnak to b O. nu cuu"' tneir line 91 iK.tur HOUSE ROOFING AND REPAIRING executed with well-earned repu- Zg,t "oliCit a coutiuuance ot that onfidenceand patranae. 17 CARD-LAND AGENCY. rjlHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING HERETOFOBJ T announced a "Genera! Intelligence iiency'in the city af Raleigh, tocomme ace apart ition. onthelitinst.,hafesince determined to confine their businessto the counties of Wake, ftranviiie "d Frank lin.in connection with the N. C. Ag t of Messrs. Battle.Heck A Co. We find th we will be -Tbletogiveour personal attention to a -nore extended basinessofthisparticalorcbaracter. amhnvm Wehaveageneralknowledgeofthe Lands in tcw y mentlonedcounties, anda personal acquaintance Wtfl mostofthedesirablevracts. Landowners, c.,iniltheroi me aiorsiu "yv desirinetosellor to Rain further iniormwoi!ij" objectsoitne Agency, win (I..'kuuichb.i, . Meanwhile, attention is directed to the prospev n.ttu Rf-f k A Co . oablisbed in the various papot . The State itICHABDSON A MILL iER. y7-tf CALL AND GET ONE OK RICHARDSON'S GOLD CIRCULARS GIVING THE PRICE OF GOLD EVERY DAY DURING THE WAR. If you owe any personGET ONE. If any person owea you GET ONE. Mailedtoany part of the State oa reeeipt of TWEN-TT-FIVE CENT8. Address 71 ' W. R. RICHARDSOJJ, jy lS-tf Raleigh, K. C. COTTON, COTTON, COTTON XlTASTED TO BU x , for Factory use, o 10 iw ui WW good COTTOf. It Ul D 10 rne wwrm parties holding Cotton to tall oa the-undsriined. Pagli-tf W. H. k R. B. TUCKIE of 0 I' J

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