'Lp;ffV ;-- - : r - - , " " " " - ' J r ; :" terms. f"' ;-.: - BY J. L. .FKH NlSGIOaL & CO. ' THE ISTEWS. ' ; . ; j ... . For lattrft ntwrs sec Fourth Pg. ' s jjo "loe to the whereabout of Ed. Ketcbum bus been discovered Jet. An ancuymotis letter received by tie Edict's ol the New York Herald, andaidrej ed to the Elder Ketchon,, saya'the forgerla t(?6talfd In a shanty on tho Bloomiogdale road ; but the eUfc--inent is not considered reliable. j -MatMaretzek, thegeat JtaHan opera-tnaD in in ew York charges Bennett of the Berald with having levied Mack motion hin to the tone of thousands f dollar a year. ; the Constitutional Conjeutiofc of Colorado Ter ritory 'ha appoint the 19th of .September as the day for an election to decide whether the Constitu tion shall be adopted or rejected. 1 ' Untenant Cbarl, Armsfrong, of the First West Tirginia cavalry, ws shot and killed, Co Friday last, at MartinsTille, Pa., by ChmEnslnger, whn mU he had insulted. . -i-President Johnson's brother is decrihed as " a renerable old gentleman, with a long flowing b-ard ." A fonr-act drama, styled " The Assassination' of President Lincoln," J playing in the Dundee (Scot land) theatre. j Marmaduke Johnson, Commonwealth Attorney of Richmond Va., has resigned, he considoricg himself Ineligible, having been ia the rebel service. Among the celebrities at Saratoga is Mrs. Per rfoe, the Baltimore female, who was arrested and im prisoned for sending a sword to Harry. Gllmore.-r-Harry, the jannty rebel raider, has also been at ; the Springs, and many yonng ladies were " dying" to get acquainted with the- buckram hero. , Between the United States of America and the United States of Columbia a convention, supplemen tal to that of September 10th, has just been proclaim ed. The joint com mission heretofore appointed for the examination and adjustment of such claims as were presented, but not settled, is extended for nine months. It is reported that Colonel A. D. Streight, whe se escape from Libby Prison gave him a national repu tation, is about to become the editor of the Indianap olis Sentinel, the State organ of the op position in In diana a journal heretofore remarkable for its seces sion proclivities and identification with the t). A. K.'s. This itf an indication that the Democratic bodies in Indiana, like those of Maine, New York, and Minnesota, have determined upon i change front. There are now nearly three hundred Chinamen living in New York, bat probably not half a dozen women from that country. There are two or three Chinese families. About fifty of the Chinamen are married most of tbem to Irish women. They are generally industrious, but somewhat addicted to drink" ing, rnd they are not cleanly in their habits. Many of them are at work as porters in stores, and are faithful to their employers. A number of persons in the county of Stafford, Va , have been swindled by a knave, who informed them Jhat he was an agent of confiscation for the United States, and that unless they paid him fifty rents per acre for each acre of land now In corn, their land would be sold, and they would never be allowed to purchase it. By this statement, and by means jpf threats, he succeeded in obtain ing, in several in stances, all the money which the persons had at the time. Gov. Brownlow says he has had an interview with John-Bell. He laen years older than before the Rebellion. His hair and whiskers have grown extra gray, and his teeth are falling out. He de i nounces the conspirators in unmeasured terms ; says they are traitors, and charges upon them the ruin of the South. The old man has but one consolation in his hours, of sadness it is manufactured in Bourbon county. The Utlca Heralfrs&js a daughter of the old Duke of Wellington, whom her father disinherited for marrying against his wishes, passed through that place with her husband on Monday. The lady is a blonde, and endeavors te add to her beauty (they say) by coloring her eyebrows. The, couple are just from Saratoga. A Committee has been formed in Cinciunatti to erect a monument to Major-General McPherson, the bravest of the brave, who fell during the seige of At lanta. The statue of Jefferson, executed in marble by the late Tirginla artist, Alexander Gait, of Norfolk, now lies in the University of Virginia, boxed up, just aa.lt came from Europe. It is reported that Senator Garrett Davis of Kentucky recently had an interview with President Johnson in relation to the election in that State, and jexprrsses a full conviction finm the result, of the interview, that the President is irrevocably re ceived to so administer the Government as to es -chew Radicalism of every cast, and speedily harmo nize all estrangements. The Army and Navy Journal announces that the place chosen for a rendezvous for the irori clads is the "Black Channel," on the Delaware River, which seperates League Island from the Pennsyl L ania shore. This will constitute an ordinary for flie light-draught iron -clads. The special correspondent of the Philadelphia Enquirer at Old Point Comfort, in a letter to that paper, dated August twentieth, says that the health ef Mr. John Mitchel is quite precarious, so much so that his physician has forwarded to Washington a full and true statement of his condition, with the request that he be allowed the privilege of outdoor exercise accorded to other political prisoners. The father of Payne, the conspirator, recently took the oath of allegiance at Jacksonville, Ma with, a view of vistfng Washington to receive the body of his wretched son. , .. The-Queen of the Sandwich Islands is in JEng- lne an object of public interest Her grandmoth r, it is said, dined off one of the legs of Captain vJook. i vol: VI . THE CITY. - . - - 'f t p t Encourage akd Sustain Your Mechanics. 'Hie prosperity of all communities, be they large r small, depend, in a great degree, upon the encouv agemeijtand support given to that class of citizens engagewhn mechanical and industrial The protection of home enterprise is one of the Kiiuwpai supports of every community, and upon it the well being of all departments' of trade emi. nently depends. Hence, it follows that it is the duty of air to throw out to that substantial and re liable, portion of the 'eommunitv the mechanics-- Buch encouragement as will ind uce them to remain ana ouua up tne business of the place. The importance of a good, intelligent mechanic to a community, cannot be over-estimated. It is this class of men, indeed, kwho give tone and impor tahce to the place of residence. In them can be found generous impulses, honest intentions, and thf triift principles of friendship. Through good and through evil report they are the firm and steadfast friends of their neighbors and fellow-citizens. In seasons of prosperity and adversity, alike are they wed ded to the community in which their lot has been cast. Gone. Home. The 3d New York Regiment, mus-, tered out of the U. S.. service last Saturday, left here yesterday morning for Petersburg, thence to proceed to Albany, at which point they will be re leased from their State obligation and again put on tie character of citizens. It will not be uninteresting to our readers to knaw that the 8d. regiment was the oldest organ ization in the service,of the government During the war four general officers had been made from it, and eyery line, field and staff officer which had position in it at the moment of its departure from Raleigh attained their promotion from the ranks. - We understand that Col. Ludlow, who has offi ciated as exehange agent for his government for three or four years past, and who was detached from the Sd in order to discharge the duties of the position, will join his old comrades on the route and be mustered out of the State service with them. With such a record versoneUy, added to high repute for soldierly qualiti es in field and camp, there will be no doubt of their-receiving handsome entertainment at home. Albany is a place cf some pretensions and the citizons know how to make - . s ietes and feasts. Let them illustrate their qualities by a grand ovation to the boys now on their way to that city. . m mm Rentals. The demand here for houses of every description, since the conclusion of hostilities, has been so unprecedented as to give Ian dlords sucha harvest of money from rentals as their fertile im aginations never had anticipated. But the tide is past flood the ebb is as certain to follow as the day and the night, and the extravagant ideas of this moment will give way in a brief space of time. Rents must go down a fourth below the present rates before the dawning of the new ye ar, and bus iness, now at its flush, resolve itself in to the quiet ness and profit s of the past. Without any fear of events disproving our conclusions, we expect to find house owners seeking tenants in less than three months without in all instances finding safe and responsible respondents Laws as regular in their operation as the motions of the blood, eontrol this matter of supply and de mand, and as soon as the unnatural causes which have given impetus to the business shall become extinct, the effect will in like manner die away. People who have grown nervous as to their future ability to obtain dwelling houses may dismiss their apprehensions at once. Thb Office of the dew ' Provost Marshal has been removed to the corner opposite, the Presbyte rian Church, where offenders against the majesty of law are properly disposed of. Capt. Mclvor, the new Provost ar.d post com mandant, has as bis assistant Lieut. R. F. Las well, and in the same office we found Lieut. Geo. H. Pen- niraan gentlemen whose politeness and courtesy is at once an assurance of their firmness in the per formance of duty. The quality of cleverness is almost inseparably associated with sterling integ rity, and while these officials evince kindness and practice conciliation, we have no fear of their flinch ing from impartial diseharge of official responsibil ity. Such a line of conduct will give them reputa tion with government and people. The Exchange Hotel. We hear tbat Mr. Bow- en baa retired from his connection with the " Ex ch&nffe" and that ia future the establishment will be under the maolgement of Randall & Co. We c nresume it is no violation of confidence to say that the associate of Mr. R. is Ex-Col. J. P. Foster, who has a reputation not only for gallantry in the so- 'al sense, but enterprise, energy aad liberality in the more liberal phases of . tbe terms employed. In Knch a copartnery, we see every promise of the Ex change rivaling it past bigh repute in the world of hoteldkrtn. Gold in-the Carps. We have a large lot of fine naoer on band, and can print military blanks, court blanks, circulars, catalogues, Ac, at the thortest notice, and at northern prices. Also, a large lot of card3 on band, which we can print at from $5 to $8 a thousand. Orders solici ted at Progress Office. RALEIGH. TUESDAY, A.UG. Provost's Sanctum, Aug. 28, 1865. The labors of the new provost marshal and his assistants be gin to expand rather than diminish. Yesterday a citizen named Griffith, was brought up for wearing soldier's clothing, which is positive ly prohibifed, as made knwn by an official order in the Progress near two months since. He plead the non-possession of other " apparel, which the provost deemed good excuse and he dismissed Mr. C, but not without reminding him that tbe blue wan a peculiar institution with the army just now. Another 6itiaen, James Gark, arrested upon the charge of keeping a gambling saloon, was dis missed after a severe reprimand. . , A negress, MaryTacker, lodged complaint against a white man for retaining her clothes and refusing to pay wages justly due. He was ordered to square up in a financial as well as calico light, and Mary is doubtless the mistress of herpondulics and clothing, too, before this moment. . Two negroes, corn -stealers, had the charge proved against them and were made to pay the amount of damages to the owner in funds. Several disputed points about mules were ad justed in a spirit of equity and the parties sent homeward. A case of illegal arrest and detention of two boys, York and Altimore White, in Nash county, was en quired into and their release required by order. No other cases of any public interest were dis posed of, but Capt. Mclvcr assures us he. is deter mined to do full justice to all the criminally dis posed who pome before him. r Music. Bonner & Lappie, music publishers at Richmond, have sent us specimens of their publi cations, for which they have our thanks. It is probable they have extensive facilities for supply ing the musical world with every production ef the day, and if so, they need only to properly ventilate the fact to secure heavy orders all through the South. Hand it In. An o nicer informs us that cue of the spouts, belonging to the machinery of the sprinklers which pour on Fayetteville'street, daily, supplies of water to keep down the dust, has been lost. As it is not easy, if possible to replace the missing piece, we hope the finder will hand it to Capt. Garoutte, or one of his subordinates, and at once' permit the machine to go on with its re freshing operation. The Dbinkino Sat.ois- We Chink it 4k probable that a limited number of the drinking sa loons will be allowed to resume business in the city either this evening or to-morrow. The intention is, however, to confine the privelege to such parties as will have been ascertained to be trustworthy and who will not seek to evade the wholesome re strictions which are to be imposed. If the condi tion upon which' they are permitted be once viola ted, then neither the house nor the individual will transact any more business here. It is the purpose of Capt. Mclvorto see, howev er, that no low rum-mills or holes in the wall dis grace the city, no matter who may be the ap parent head or manager. We know what we write to be true. " i Matters ChIefly Military. The departure of the 3rd New York is announced elsewhere, but we omitted to say they numbered 663 rank and file. The 47tb and 48lh New York infantry are daily expecting to follow in their foot prints. The 97th Pennsylvania volunteers left Weldon this morning eo route for their homes in the Kejstooe State. They numbered 674 strong. Tbe Senior Paymaster's headquarters, which have boen heretofore at Newbern, are to be removed to Raleigh. Preparations are now going forward look ing to a transfer of the public monies from tbe " little town" to our big city. Col. J. H. Lawrence, 13th Indiana infantry, has been relieved from command of the post of Golds- boro, by Col. W. WWheeler, 28th Michigan, with five companies from same regiment as the garrison. Wilmington ani Business. The Progress is not jealous of the success of our Seaboard cities in their march towards commercial greatness, but is rather gratified to hear that they are steadily ris ing in all the elements of material wealth. Wil mington, we are assured, has a fair prospect of sur passing the prosperity of the olden time, and among others who are contributing to such results, we may wention Andrews fc Bardin, who are con ducting a commission business on such a scale as would not do discredit to the merchant princes of Gothani'' See their card. Open at Eight O'CLOCK.In future, the city postoffice will open at 8 o'clock; a. m fc instead of 9, as heretofore. We are glad to find that postmaster Miller evinces such a ready disposition to meat the public conve nience. With Mr. Belvin Que Charley) as his chief clerk, the affairs of the office will go on swim mingly. Personal. We are glad to hail among the re turned Raleighians, A. P. C Bryan, Esq.. the cour teous and polite agent of the Southern Express Company. Bryan is an exceedingly modest and unostentatious man, but one of the noblest gentle men in this comnmnity or State. Advertisers. We have to request our adver . tising friends to hand in their favors as early as as practicable! in the afternoon. The morning hours are best, but they ought to send them, when possible, at least as early as three or four o'clock p. va. NO. 244. t.t No Accident. ?The apprehension felt here, da ring the earlier hours of yesterday evenining, that an I accident had occurred on the railroad between this city and Goldsboro', was relieved about 9 o'clock by the shrill whistle of the iron -horse. It appears thit the delay was occasioned by the derangement of some piece of machinery about the engine.' m - : : Thb Teeth Often Die t ng before the systara Iucpqs it youthful ior ti ?s nonld not U . To prevent this gpech of iJtr'l ue Fragra jt S zo-1 dost. It keeps ib d .ui b- alive, tha enamel pitlesfitheRUmKvd,.ycf the hrp4th Pure and the mouth clean. NEW ADVEBTISEtf J3NTB. N... 0 ("V c COMMISSION 4 HOUSE. ANDREWS &JBABDIN, .wilm'ing-ton, 2ST- a. The undersized fcave established a Com"011 .d Forwarding Houe in Wilmington, and offer then" ces for the sale gotten , Naval Stores, Sheetings, uT ton Yarns, ToWco, 2acon, Ffour, 4c, &c, aad to pur chase for merchants or others any jrooda sold in this market. Consignments anJ prders respectfully solicited. W. Si Q. ANDREWS, I JSENJ. p. BA.RDIN,J ol Goldsboro. Loireil Cotton Kills. Office No- 2 South Water t., up stairs. aug29 In J'ARRiSS COLUMN. I C. M. FARRISS Has juit returned from the North with a JSew Stock of Selected Expressly for this Market, - Consisting in part of BEAVER CLOTHS," BROADCLOTHS, ENGLISH AND SCOTCH CASSllfERES, SILK MIXED CASSIMERES, , . TRICOT CASSIMERE8, BLUE CLOTHS, CASS1MERES OF ALL COLORS! CORDUROY, BLACK SILK VELVETS, I GLOVES AND SCARPS. suiATs op DESCRIPTION ARMY HATS, NAVY CAPS, HALF HOSE, SUSPENDERS, HANDKERCHIEFS, NECK TIES, LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS. J SHOULDER STRAPS, MILITAHY BUTTONS, AND LACES, SCARF PINS, SHOES OF ALL KINDS, TRUNKS AND VALISES. MERCHANT TAILORING Done in the yery best style by C. M. FARRISS and his Superb Cutter, Mr. GRIFFITH. SUITS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION made to order at the 8hortesjt notice, and in the very best manner. .What you do not see in my store, order and you shall hare it in the quickest possible time. Raleigh, Aug. 28 tf C. M. FARRISS. ) : FOR SALE OR RENT, lk THE TOWN OP GREENSBORO, THE HOUSE in which 1 now reside, containing be low stairs tire rooms, seatly plastered and papered. Attached to it is a good lot of 2 acres, stable for 4 horses, cow-house ; hen, meat, hog, store and smoke houses, with a pump in the yard. Three new HOUSES AND LOTS adjoining where I re side each containing four rooms : kitchen, hog and ben houses. Each lot contains about y acre. ALSO, Near to the railroad depot, two NEW HOUSES AND LOTS. Each house has four rooms: hen, bog and store house. Each lot contains about 2 acres. These bouses are now occupied by Mr. Leo and Mr. Hogae. ALSO, The FARM near the depot, containing about 33 acres, on which is a log house, kitchen and stable. The Farm is in first rate order, has .been newly fenced, drained and heavilv manured. On the farm is one of the BEST ORCHARDS in the county. ALSO FOR SALE, 2 rirst-ra- vouog MULES, 2 do WAGONS, 2 COWS, HARNESS, i'LOWS, SHOVELS, f LADDERS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, CLOCKS, PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, PIANO FORTE, CH&IRS, Ac. TERMS : For the Houses and Land, the terms will be made known on the day of sale tor tbe household property the terms will be cash. Application to be made to me in Greensbero, and in my absence to John A. Gilmer, Esq., Greeniboro. augZ8-Zt HUGH KICK. Raleisrh Progress. Salisbury Banner. Charlotte Demo crat snd Danville Appeal, please, copy two times eaeb, and send Dins trt tne f atnot omce. Metropolitan Hotel, GREENSBORO', N. C. KEOGH CRANE Proprietor. Messrs. KEOGH A CRANE hiring ref!td and far nished throughout tb 'popular hotel in Greensboro know n Kt tbe Hrittain House, bare opened it under the aboTe name They will spar uo pains or sxpensa to make it tbe best hotel in tb State. aogZMm 29', 1865 $1 CO 3 00 yVfflclj, 1 Year, 6 Moatha.... 1 50 Host be paid ia advanc in all cases or the paper will not be sent; and the paper will be stopped when the tint paid for aspires, unless renewed. NE WSBOYS AND NS WS DEALERS Will be famished at the rate of $5 per hundred copies . All orders most be accompanied bj the money. , ADVERTISING RATES. Ordinary adrertuemeats, occupying not more than ten lines solid minionof-'Gne inch apace 1 insertion. 2 V" 1 3 2 4 " 3 5 3 1 Week r.S 00 60 QO 50 00 SO 2 Weeks. se oo 10 0t 15 oo 20 OO 30 CO so 00 1 Month- - j2 Months. ...... j t. mm 6 " 1 Year... Larger advertisements, where no contract is made, will be charged in exact proportion. YEARLY 10 ON TRACTS Will be made in accordance with the following schedule 1 4 column, I Month. $30 00 1-4 cot. 6 Months...$100 00 1-2 1 1-4 1-2 1 I 45 00 1-2 1 1-4 12 1 ... 140 00 6 .. 150 00 1 Year ... 175 00 1 ... 200 00 1 " 500 00 ti 1 z I 3 60 00 50' 00 75 00 100 00 it a it one-fourth, one-balf. or a column, for ne, three, six, or twelre months, will receiv tbe benefit of these terms. Contract advertisers mast pay by the month, and all others in advance. All advertisements must be, laarkt d a specihed time, and no advertisement will be inserted " till forbid." Advertisements inserted once, -twice or three times a week will be charged One Dollar a sqoare for every in sertion. OUR CIRCULATION Is larger in the city and throughout the State than ar; other paper in Worth Carolina. The Progrttt ia rt-u in the camo and among the people by a much larger tnbar of persons than any other paper, and hence its ? -ce as an advertising medium should not be over- IoTedbbMineMInen- PEC1AL NOTICES. o M be set in minion, lesded, aid ia-. Special Notices wu Voic bead, and One pollsr jZrted under the Special to& Square charged for every insei. LOCAL COLUMN. Only short notices will be admitted to the Local c. . quid, at the following rates : One Line, One $r $1 00 I Three Lines. One Day $2 09 Two Lines, ".YV 1 60 Five Lines, " 2 60 Ten Lines, or ir jat tbe rate of Twenty -fiveCenti a Line for each inleitton. FUNERAL NOTICES, MARRIAGES, At. Will be charged same as Advertisements, and must e paid for when handed in, or they willot appear. The above Rates will be adhered to in all cases, snd as we have to pay cash for everything in our business, must. demand cash. June, 26, 1865. J. U PENNINGTOX A CO. TO SUBSCRIBERS AND ADVERTISERS. We haTe te pay cash for paper, ink and labor, and w e must hare more cash from those for whom we work or we cannot pay oar current expenses. We know there is but little money in circulation, butthere are but few persons who want a newspaper that cannot spare the money to pay for it. Personsseelng their paper marked mast remit the money or it will be stopped. Advertisers must pay in advancefor alltraneient mat- fc ter, and business men who advertise regularly will be expected to pay their bills monthly.. Job Printing must be paidforwhendelivered. J. L. P. CO. N E W ADYERT1SBME NT S '. For New York Direct The Fast Sailing steamship 'CAROLINA," PHILLIPS - - - - Commander, YyiLLSAlL FROM MOREHEAD CITY, FOR THE1 above port on SATURDAY, Sept. 2d, on tbe arrival of the train from Raleigh. For Freight or Passage, having good accommoda'iona. apply to jy 20-td G. W. DILL, Opposite Gaston HAuse, Newbern. WANTED TO RENT, A DWELLING HOUSE, in a healthy and cent i. location. Apply to S. MAXON , Field and Fire side Building, Fayetteville street. sug28 tf GLUE! GLUE! I GLUE!!! cents per pound. Sold by JpROM aug28-tf 15 i to 25 C. W. ROSE A CO., 33 Craven stteet, Newbern. E. S. LooasB. G. E. Loockk. tiousee cfc Brotlior, ( Succet$or$ to W.J. Lougtt, Raleigh, N. C.,) Dealers in Stoves, Hard and Hollow Ware, and Manufacturers of Copper, Sheet Iron and TIN WARE. WILL KEEP ON HAND EVERYTHING IN their line ef business, and warrant every article of their make to be of lasting and endurable materials . HOU8E ROOFING AND REPAIRING executed with fidelity and despatch. Trusting lhat they may sustain tbe well-earned repu tation of this old and popular establish men t, olfori) years landing, they respectfully solicit a continuance ol that enadenceand patranage. jy 6-6m CARD LAND AGENCY THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING HERETOFORE announced a "General Intelligence Dd Land Agency ,"inthecityef Raleigh, tocommenceoperations onthe istinst., haveince determined to confine their busines6tothecountiesof Wake, Granville and Frank lin, in connection with tbe "N.C. Land Agency" of Messrs. Battle, Heck & Co. We find that we will be id abletogiveoar personal attention to a moreextended basineseof thisjarr'ciarcharacter. - Wehaveageneralknowledgeofthe Lands in the above mentiosedcounties, and personal acquaintance with most of thedesirabletraets. Landowners, Ac, ia either of the aforesaid counties, desiringtosellor to gain further information as to the objects of the Agsney, will plaieaddresi us at Raleigh. Meanwhile, attention is directed to the propectus of Battle, Heck St Co. , published lathe various papers of theState. RICHARDSON & MILLER. y7-tf , i . CALL AND GET ONE OF RICHARDSON'S GOLD CIRCULARS GIVING THE PRICE OF GOLD EVERY DAY DURING THE WAR. If you owe any person GET ONE. If any person owes you GET ONE. Mailed to an v oart of tb,e State on receipt of TWENTY-FIVE CKNTS Address W. R. RICHARDSON. jyl-tf Ki,ellb' N C COTTON, COTTON, COTTON. WAITED TO BUT, for Factory use, 50 to 1C0 bales good COTTON. It Till be to tbe interest rt parties holding Cotton te eall on the undersigned. agU-tf W. H. K. 8. TUCXXK. 9 V

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