1 . V" t BY J. L. P E3i KIIfGTOiV 0: THE NEWS. See fourth page for latest new. . ? The Tribune? Washington correspondent says Gen. Bdtler offered his resignation aiid it was not accepted, because the Presidenr thinks he may havj some use for him in the South if his present policy fails in restoring peace and good order. Per contra the Timet man says the resignation was in- formal and was returned not accepted on that ac count. :sf ' ' The men who attempted to kidnap that beas rtiful bird ycleift Geo. W Sanders haVe, beeif com mitted to jail to wait trial at a coming session of the " '.crfminal coufc in Montreal ..; ' The proposition to amend the Gonstltntion so a i to make the cumber of actual voters, add not the pop ulation, the basi of representation, is attracting gen eral attention, and in Maryland will be 6oe of the question of the coming elections. fjne Richmond Whig.urpm the calling; uf nn ex ...eAtoo of the Virginia legislators, and take a strong nd decided ground in favor of th adoption i f tbe oonBtUutionHlatBendmeot abolishing -slavery " ..No mao," it ay " should be elected to tbe IgtV Uture who will rot realouly txert himself io txtii -gntehiog the la remains of diucord " and iH-wifl be tween tbe'various sections cf this Republic. Dr. Newman and family of Washington, t. C, were made seriously ill by drinking milk in' which rat poison bad been mixed by mistake. ! Kentocky papers report that Basil Duke,, the 'commandant of J'ff- Dvls' body guard, during" Jaia attempted escap", his rebel confrere, Col. Breck inridge, have gone intojpartnership at Lexington, Ky., for tbe collection and arranging of Southern debts. A new daily paper has beeu started in Charles tor, S. C. called the News Chicago has just taken a census, arid is surprised to find herself not so big as she thought she was. She supposed she had at least 200,000; inhabitants, tutsan onlyecac up 177,95G We haven't yet heard what punishment is to be inflicted on the Su perintendent or the enumerators. From Dc. 1, 1861, to May 1, 1865, there were 178 fires in New York city, the alleged loss by which amounted to 4 ,062,6,43, with an insurance of $3, 100,325. The total amount of infiHrance paid- was $1,671,885. The steamer Argosy No. 3, Capt. Vacgegrift. from Cairo for Cincinnattl, with tbe S jventietb Ohio Infantry, about three hundred strong, was blown ofVinro in a rain.Rt.nrm in Mnndav eveninc near- Hal- field's Landing, eighty miles below Louisville. The concussion explodad the mad-drums, and the steam, . coming aft, scalded twelve, two of whom died, and two are expected to. die. Between thirty and forty jumped overboard, eight of whom were drowned. We are informed, says the Chronicle & Sentinel of tbe 18th, that the ladies of Georgia have address ed a petition to Presidant Johnson for tfie purpose of obtaining the pardon and release of Mr. Davis. The petition ia now being circulated for signatures. The iadiwof that city and vicinity were to have a meet ing, in connection with tbe purpose of the petition. A Detroit officer, who was takings female pris oner from Saginaw io the cars, left her for a tew min inte to go into another car, when the conductor came along, smd the woman refuting to pay; her fare, he put ber iff the train. The officer was not a little chopfatien on learning how he lost his prisoner. A genttamnn who has traveled through Iowa lately says thai, there are at least 20,000 returned sol diers at work In that State, helping to save the har vest. He saw hardly an idle soldier in the State. Colchester, tbe spiritualists has been on trial, is Rochester for refusing to pay a license tax as a juggler. The court have decided that white spirit ualism may be a 'legitimate religion," Colchester is nevertheless am enable to taxation because by ex hibiting bis r eligion at two dollars an hour, he makes money. Colchester thinks that ministers of recrnlar nhnrc. hp, who exhibit themselves in fhpir ; w pulpits every Sunday ought to be classed with ; him. ' Cats are so scarce in Baltimore that an enter prising merchant there has purchased in Norwich, Conn. , and shipped to that place a crockery crate full of feline quadrupeds -Lord Lyons, formerly the American Minister of the British Government, has been sent to Con stantinople in the same capacity. Gen. Wild recently ' or dered Mrs. Robert Coombs (to vacate the premises occupied by her in Washington, Georgia; intending its occupation for the Freedmen's Bureau, but Gen. Steedman coun termanded the order. The revtnue-cutter Cvyahnga,' Capt John Faunce, commanding, has sailed from'New York for the Carribbean Sea,' for the purpose of endeavoring to recover the balance o f the $1,500,000 which went down in the Golden Rule when she was wrecked on her passage tv San Juan, ine uuya hoga will take out experienced dirers, and it is pos aible that other portions may be recovered. Tha Treasury Department desire to be certain that it has been destroyed or forever lost , so that they can trike it off theif boo ks, and, if needed, issue other notes in their place. A little boy fell from one of the upper win dows of a house in Philadelphia on Monday, and came down whack upon the shoulders of a citizen, passing at the time The child was picked up slightly bruised, as was the hat of the citizen. The Dubuque Times tells us of a man in Iowa, who was bitten by a decapitated rattle snake that is, by the head after it was "severed from the . body. Tha secessionists here are in the condition of the Iowa rattle snake, that is trying to repeat the oper ation upon the country. The present Mayor of Fernandina, Fla.t was elected by negro votes, and hit election has been cognized by the highest judicial authority of the ' u"on. He was sworn into ofBce by Chief Justica vfcase. r ':; atVrt r a I 7 1 VOL VI THE.,, CITY. Trovost's. Sanctum. Aug. 2?4865.-In spite of the extern d quietude, the Provost and his assis tants thrCugb their guards have now and then a spicy criminal docket It is vexatious to them, &uVt0 44 lookers onV vastly amusing.' The amuse ment features can noTbe appreciated by the reading public it is only those that hear the details of ev idence realize and enjoy the variety of char acter and facts which have their appearing. ' -Lwieiuay, Dusiness was comparatively dull. A ucjape, Aaenne walker, was up for vagran- cy, but received her discharge on condition of leav- mg the city within twelve hours. She of course promised to skedaddle, -and the delectable lemde will doubtless be found, upon search, to be non est in ventus. But in sympathy with- the unfortunate, esp. daily wfgi Adeline, whose misfortunes are sole ly attributable to early piety, w have t admonish her and her kith, that unless they change they will all go to the devil together,, as Aminadab Sleek .would say. Catherine Gilbert made complaint against one James Carrington for unlawful detension of horse, and the holder was ordered to turn over tc??'ljer ye equine hanimal " on order of Master o$plice, Willis Johnson obtained an order for a cart im properly held by Josiah Suggs. An 'orse case between Gaston m Warren and one colored Ross was up. Trie plaintiff claimed $50 for catching a runaway horse, but after hearing the evidence, the Provost decided to split the differ-, ence between the disputants, so he ordered Ross to fork over $25. Tkmfirkxce Movement. It is stated to us that certain gentlemen in this city have in contempla tion a schime looking to the re-organ ization of tem perance efforts, first in the city and then the exten sion of the field of their labors to other and all secvi tions of North Carolina. Certain it is, the demor alization of the times require the union of all eiiris tain men in such an enterprise. Tbe tid of in temperance never before, per hap, swept through North and South with such fury, as it is notorious that even the robes of the church, as well as the State have felt its blasting inaence. What are the churches oing ? y' The Sons of Temperencc, we believe, have near ly, if not quite, become extinct within the last four years. Here and there a few Divisions have main tained their charter rights through the tenacious moral courage and fidelity of a few choice spirits, but as a body, their olden prestige is gone. Is there. not enough of the life cf morality in the old lartfd yet to reorganize the order at once. It should be done by all means. . The Cmino Convention. From conversations with people during a recent trip extendin g to Char lotte, as well as from letters, we infer that the ap proaching Epi scopal Convention will attract to Ral eigh a great concourse of unofficial as well as offi cial personages, connected with that large and highly respectable denomination. According tothe call of Bishop Atkinson, the tim6 of meeting is fixed for the 2nd Wednesday in next month and we re new mention of it in the hope that our citizens may begin the work of getting ready to show hos pitality to all who come, whether accredited or un accredited to that body. It is the highest manifes tation of refinement to be always ready to open ou r doors to those who are temporarily within our reach, and it is particularly a lovely manifestation of that good will which ought to grace and disttn -guish the christian world. The Press Occasionally have many disagreea ble duties to perform, such as show ing up the ac tions of men who seek in different forms to evade the laws of the landT But so far as this paper is concerned, there is a purpose to perform its hole duty against immorality whether of political, social or military nature. We do not care who or what the man may be, if he is guilty of . gross practices which injuriously effect the community, we shall print his Of tht-ir names, and exp jse their vices fully. We are always glad to find that there is no oc casion for such ventilations, and there is a meth od ' by which all may avoid exposure : let them avoid evil ways and do nothing in secret which, if known, would make them blush. The receipt is complete do no wrong. Disgraceful Sight. The sight of a drunken man upon our streets, is unpleasant to the eye, but that of a drunken woman is shocking. We are glad to say that the latter exhibition is somewhat rare in this community. Nevertheless, Martin street, ever quiet and orderly, was the scene of an intoxicated woman's antic3 yesterday (Tuesday af- tomoon.'l Such was her condition that sne was taken up bodily by some four men and carried off. A bold upou each of .her hands and feet, was the method of her conveyance, and her feeble and her incoherent mutterings could gain 00 release for her. What becameof ber eventually, we are not informed as the simple fact of her drunkenness is sufficient to announce. Toe Door Kxepebship. The cry is they come. A few days since John Hill announced himself a candidate for the door keepersbip of the State Con vention: to-day, Peyton P. Williams, of this county, . "1 ur-ir n mnirant for like honors. proclaims uimscu 1 n.n.m.n now'B the time as long as the lamp, ,ViVUWIVIWV') - - et. I ri l;f m." -. 1 1 i 1 " ' - " r . t RALEIGH. WEDNESDAY. AUG. 30, 1865 NO Mustkb Out Mu-t r ui" t ti e I "quflUfv of n,(rc5," I i.g 'h eiver atd takfr. It relasM citizens fro n th t discipline of s Mitr lifcs, and relieves citiiiub Ir o rai.iurv serveiilatjCel Eich fresh master-ont, m decrease the public ex penditure, and exhibits one more step In the mode of "reconstruction." Muster put la, in fact, a blessipg all around, ind is, perhaps, regarded as the highest 1 and greatest blessing by those who have been lowest withheld from its benefi'tl.This week, nearly every veteran regiment in Raleigh will be mustered out, and we shall bid good-bye as soldiers to men whom we ehall be happy to recognize as civilians, j Among the regimen ts be nrastered out is the ! 47th New York. The 47th entered the service in tbe early dvb of tbe war. but. eacaoine some of the firet disasters, reached the oast of South Carolina, a full battalion, in Gen. T. W. Sherman's expedition Port Rnya! Ferry and the battle of the Coosaw were among tbe cafTy experiences of the 47th. Farther on, the battles of James Island and the siege of Morris Is laftdtfrrded a sterner field for the exercise of soldier ly qualities. From these fiery ordeals the 47th emerged with honor and comparatively iittle loss, and joined Gillmore's expedition to Florid, a stron, well disciplined, and hardy battalion. Jfa Seymour's rash movement upon 01ustee,the 4Uh, full ef life and hope, got literally shot to pieces in a contest of mus ketry unsurpassed for intensity. General Finhe gan's ambuscade laid low, on sbort notice, one third the number of a very gallant regiment. Thisswas the first misfortune of the 47th. After Olustee the regiment was transferred to the army in Virginia.and served in All th&'cperalions of the Army of the James, including tbbnlltant but unsuccessful assfnjt upon F.-rt Giimr, where the present Colonel, C!vM.ac- donalri, as severely wounded. The 47th subiJlnt ly caihe to North Carolina, and shared in Butler's failure and'Terry 's success, hanog formed part of the column, whici carried Fort Fisher., Since the war ended, the 47th has been employed in garrison duty in and abont Raleigh, and at the data of its musJer-n.it (yesterday) was perhaps the oldest volunteer regiment in the U. S. service. The high est good feeling has subsisted between the citizens ol Raloigh ar-d neighborhood, and the officers and men of the 47th New York; and in this connection we may observe that the urbanity and gentlemanly de portment of Lieut. Col. J. M. McDonald, as post commandant, won general admiration. These men of the 47th and other regiments, going home, can bear witness to the kindly feeliugs of their southern fellow citizens, and can refute, and wo are assured will be ready and eager to refute, the mischievous tales of sensation correspondents. i . . Badly Cut. A soldier whos name we did not learn, was discovered on Hargett street, midway between Fayetteville and Wilmington, night be fore last, with his forehead badly gashed. The poor fellow was insensible either from the blow which some unkind hand had dealt him or suffered with liquor, or both. We suppose that he had been " gone through " by his assailants. The guard took charge of him and doubtless placed him beyond harm's reach. - - m m m m m . Frank Leslie's Monthlt. "West, of the news- paperial depot, has sent us Frank Leslie's Ladies Magazine and Gazette of Fashion for September. It is handsomely embellished with a number of steel engravings, with diagrams of instruction so plain as to make it feasible for the veriest novice in the land, to understand the modes. In such res pect, it is not surpassed by any other publication in the North. Besides, there is poetry, storiettes, interesting miscellany, and other delicacies and substantials intellectually. Go and get it Gold in the Cards. We have a large lot of fine paper on hand, and can print military blanks, court blanks circulars, catalogues, &c, at the shortest notice, and at northern prices. Also a large lot of cards on band, which we can J print at from $5 to $8 a thousand Orders solici- ted at Progress Office Advertisers. We have to request our adver tising friends to hand in their favors as early as practicable in the afternoon. The morning hours are best, but they ought to send them, wbo pos sible, at least as early as three or four o'clock p. m. ' Gunning in the City. The practice of gunning, or bathiog in the city, has become such a nuisance and so dangerous that ladies and gentlemen have entered complaints against the practice "to Capt. Mc- Ivor. The Provost Marshal 13 unwilling to bolteve that tbe practice will be continued when its danger isexp ed, so he has first to request Its discontinuance If this fails, he then will be compelled to apply not only force, but imprisonment of all offepders. We hope oar people, who have indulged gunnery within the corporate limits will not renew it and com pel him to a course he certainly desires to avoid. The Gambling Saloon. The party mentioned yesterday as being before Capt. Mclver upon the charge of keeping a gambling institution, represents that he is only the proprietor of a billiard or bowl ing saloon, and that any betting done therein, is without his knowledge, consent or wish. 1 he provost marshal thought differently. Personal. Brevet Maj.-Gen. Kilpatrick, and a portion of bis staff arrived in town last evening They found quarters at the Kxchange Hotel, with the usual concomitants of good vituals and accomo dations. Ex.-Brig. Gen. Casement, of Ohio, also arrived and "put up' at the Exchange. 45 Ksocked Dows. Two convalescent s ldiers from Newbern arrived here Monday evening, cn route to join their regiments, at Greensboro. While in the vicinity of the 'jfepot of the Norih Car olina railroad, they ware &yt upon by five other sol diers, knocked don,' and robbed of their canteens, bats, and coats and other truck. They called lustily for the guard, but - none, appearing, the as sailants escaped. "Wanted. Our friend Farris, like's everything nar this office, is progressing so rapidly, in busi ness that he is obliged to advertise this morning for adclijibjial help. Good ' coat hands" are want ed bv him immediately. People change their coafA so rapidly now-a-days that Farriss is kept very busy. Appointed. We learn that Mr. Daniel Young has been appointed to a clerkship in the city post office. He was an attache cf the old establishment, proved himself efficient, and will doubtless sus tain himself in. like manner under the new regime. The 47th New York Infantry it is now saiJ will leave here this morning for home. We think it probable their departure will be delayed until to morrow. The 48th is to go Saturday next. The Teeth Often Die loDg before the system loodts its youthful vigor this sbould not be ao. To prevent this species of necrosis use Fragrant Sozo DONT. It keeps the dental bone aUve thp enamel spdtless, the gum rosy aod elastic, the breath pure aud the month clean. NEW A D V ER TISEMENTS. HARDWARE, COTLEBV, 8 DOZ. WEEDING HOES, Xos.,1, 2 and 3 KlweU'a, Slocum'a, and other ntakea. 30 pair Hooks and Hinges, assorted eizei 500 Carriage Bolts, do. do. j 12 pair d Irons . f 2 doz. Frj injr Pans 20!8teel Com Mills something new - -' 1 5000 papers Cut Tacks, assorted sizes 68 papers Carpet Tacks 10 dozen Mill Saw Files 5 do Fiat Bastard Filet 6 do Half-round Files b do Three cornered Files 20 do Hand-saw Files 3" do Nail Claw Hammers 2 do Cast Steel Lathing Hatchets 10 do Cast Butt Hinires t 10 gross Wood Screws, assorted sites 10 dozen Augers 10 do Knives acd Forks 10 do Pocket Knives 1 do Pa'rs of Scissors 15 do Table Spoons 15 do Tea Spoons ICO pounds Swedes Iron Horse-hoe ail 10 dozen Gimbleta, assorted sizes 5 do Auger Bitts, with Braces 5 do Boxwood Pocket Rules 3 do Butcher Knives 2 do Chest Locks 20 do Pad, Draw and Cupboard Looks 4 do pairs Snuffers 15 do Cast Steel Axes 200 kegs Cut Nails, assorted sizes daily expected ALSO on hand, a large assortment of Rim Locks, Five plate Locks, Horse Brushes, Shoe Brushes, Coffee Mills, Polished Sbovfcls, and 1 cask Hammered Wrought Nails. Just received and for sale by B. P. WILLIAMSON & CO., Raleigh, Aug. 30 tf Commission Merchants. Goodspeed Steamship Line BETWEEN N. YORK AND NETTBERN. THE A NO. I . FINE STEAJISHIP EL C I D . BACK1NS Commaader, Will ail directly for 3few York on SATURDDAY, September 2, at P- M. For freight or passage, having unsurpassed accommo dations, apply at W. H. Oliver k Co.s Bride Store,feot ef Craven street, to aug30 4t C. P. GOODSPEED, Agent. The steamer D. H. Mount will iMlow the El Cid, and sail from this port at 5 o'clock on Saturday, Sept. 9. CANVAS HAMS, BA(M SJBES, &C. 2,000 POUNDS BACON SIDES, bright 1,000 do do do dark 1,000 do do do clear 3 tierces unoice pugar-i;ured Hams, extra I firkins Lard, 100 lbs each 25 kegs do 60 do do 25 pails do 30 do do 5,000 pounds Prime Shoulders 1 chest BiacK lea 700 pounds North Carolina Hams 500 do do do Sids 1,500 do do do Shoulders For sale by B. V. WILLIAMSON A CO., aug30 tf Commission Merchants. WIRE, NAIL ROD AND SHEET . IEON. IOOO POUNDS WIRE, running from No. to It. 2000 do Nail Rod Iron 2000 do Sheet do 2000 do Plantation do, from 3 to t inches wide 600 do Horse-sbie Iron -4000 do Shovel plate Iron For sale br B. P. WILLIAMSON A CO., aug30-tf Commission Merchants. COTTON YARN AND SB EOTNG. tO BALES COTTON YARN, running from T's to U'j 6 do Sheeting ) ' . 2 do Alamance Plaids Just received and for sale bv B. P. WILLIAMSON CO., aug39 tf Com-missioa Merchants. JUST RECEIVED, AT 4i FAYETTEVILLE STREET, RALEIGH Paints, Oils, Varnishes, and Paint Brushes Blacksmith's Bellows, Anvils, Vices, Hammers Stocks and Dies, Files and Borax A general assortment of IRON and STEEL HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS in great variety. D.T. CAR&AWAY, aunSO St With HlftT A Lswis. CHIIfA WARE. A FEW SETTS OF FINE FRENCH GILT CHINA, JA i pieces ia a sett. Very low at aug30-St No. 44 FAYETTEVILLE ST. , 1 1 ' . Pf E r A D.T R T I SCSI E NT ST. A GHABMISIC NEW: BOOK i IN rittfSH: will b ufitd It ..f Octwbc- iSfco h WM.B SMITH AO.. FieUana Fiieidt rubiUL inf Hoi, l& Fvetuviile street, Kl?ih. C, NAMELESS: bf Mrt.fraav tfurdaajclr thmaie?. Ore luiu, IB m., fio cloth. Price $2. og30-f Editors inserting this advertisement will receire a copr of th work. , f , . TAILORS, ATTENTION ! GM: FAUIUSS, one door above to 1 okim oflice. nas eoaplojaent for an additional urobr of joarDeyu.au l ai rs. Five good "Coat bands' can ob tain vinploymest bj applying! itu mediately. FinaU.-. well recommended, may apply. aug30 tf Peyton P. JWilltvms, of Wake, announce' himself a candidate for the office of AtsUtaat l)otktpr X tie etifuir g OoriTntro. aujjSO-td N. n Q0: MM SSI0N HOUSE ANDREWS & BAUDOT WILMINGrTON, 1ST. C. The undersigned have established a CommUsion and Forwarding House io Wilmington, and offer their servi ces for the sale ef Cotton, Naral Stores, Sheetings, Cot ton Yarns, Tobacco, Bacon, Flour, Ac, Ac, aad to pur chase for merchants or others any goods sold in this market. Consignments and u loepecuuuy solicited. W. 8. U. ANDREWS, BBNJ. H. BARDIN, of Goldsboro. Lowell Cotton Mills Office No- a South Water at., up stairs. aug2Jlni FARRISS COLUMN. I. C. M. FARRISS Has just returned from tbe North with a New Stoek of jey t T goods Selected Expressly for this Market Consisting in part of JEAVKR CLOTHS, BROADCLOTHS, 'ENGLISH AND SCOTCH CAtfSlMKH&S, BILK: MIXED CAS31MERES, TRICOT CASSIMERE3, BLUE CLOTHS. CASS1MERES OF ALL COLORS! CORDUROY, BLACK SILK TEL VETS, GLOVES AND SCARFS. SHIRTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS! ARMY HATS, NAVY CAPS, HALF HOSE, SUSPENDERS, HANDKERCHIEFS, NECK TIES, LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS. SHOULDER STRAPS, MILITARY BUTTONS, AND LACES, SCARF PINS, SHOES OF ALL KINDS, TRUNKS AND VALISES. CHANT TAILORING Done in tbe very best style by C. M. FARRISS and his Superb Cutter, Mr. GRIFFITH. SUITS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION made to order at the shortest notice, and in the very best manner. FQ.What jou do not see in my store, order and you shall have it in the quickest possible time. Raleigh, Aug. 28-tt C. M. FARRISS. For New York Direct. Tbe Fait Sailing Steamship CAROLINA, PHILLIPS - - - - Commander, W1 ILL 8AIL FROM MOREHEAD CITY, FOR THE above port on SATURDAY, Sept. 2d, on the arrival of tbe train from Raleigh. . For Freight or Passage, having god accommodations, apply to jy 20 td GLUE! G. W. DILL, Opposite Gaston Heuse, Newbern. GLUE! ! GLUE! I to 25 events per pound. 8oIdJby 0. W. ROSE A CO.. Craven stieet, Newbern. jpROM aug28 tf 15 Metropolitan GREENSBORO', Motel, N. C. KEOGII Ac CRANE .......-..... Proprietor! Messrs. KEOQfl A CRANE, having refitted aid fur nished throughout the popular hotel in Greensboro known as the Brittain House, kave opend it under the above name. They will spare 1.0 pains or expense, to make it the bt hotel in tbe Stats. aujt28 ln UEADQUAkTERS DIS. RALEIGH,) itAieifQ, r, L., AUg. 33, JVC. j SrxciAL OaDas -No. 14. XXTB ACT. CAPTAIN JOHN E. MclVEK. 2ih Mich! n Infantry, Provost Marshal, District of Raleigh is aleigh is hereby appointed 'Vmmandant of tbe Post of Raleigh, aad will perform tbe duties of Provost Mar shal ia addition to tbe duties of Host Commandant. By command of Brig. Gen'l M. I). Haidii. HENRY A. HALE, aug24 lw Capt. A A. A. O. aosT. a. MAaTisr. aoar. taibtamill. MARTIN & TANNAHTTsL, It 9 Sycamore Street, PETERSBURG, VA , Will give prompt personal attention 'to the sale of TOBACCO, COTTON, WHEAT, CORN, FLOUR, BACON, AC Aad respectfutly solicit consignments from their eld friends and the public generally. We also FILL ORDERS FOR GOODS on tbe most j favorable cask tenaa. augT-Sm X J-

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