1! H. If Hj' S ,j! lit St? IV 5i ill Of iif r' 4 1 Pre vie tH a i"trt'j! f r V . G f if: t If'., a k i : ji't;- ' -'- - J M rvideure had'L i . ad -l-.G--.i- ' t iif !'-'" 7f . Hi trial, and .b . r a i .e ' 5 ai . . vict Jiff- Dtv.o ') i'i pi ' i- - - i . . ' ' . '-" s ' -.e- o the U! !.- 5 ! . . It i .-'.it- i r;. ft ,e i ' :s. X-a'v d , ' -u Kerr) engag-'d ; ; wr'niou a La i ar A ' ' j ! f . i ;, y i. The ) p r, u: al eurrei.cy, e- r sei ri K as w-irlh!- -.- .s t::eir r-he! tm b.-li.-1 i-v tr.e ;el; .w lurro- , tie! tx-ii ei (it-r vf -o (J j'.v! t'.'jfi so- tr: ,rcas"i ami nrmu S 'li :: TO .i'v.rj L ipjiiii ' ! 1 i e L-..o S-ch ton ir-m M-xic ., .;,! .- tri '.r t vvari ir carre vi o.;, 1 v ri;.!i -'s ri pei f- ? v h r ii oh - itht-r e. .e A--: i.- a-:'i Iran. - r. or i. V 1 1 g 1 1 ia -i ; i :.-, l Is ! Life t li O f. looe lhon-.:Uid rive to mo red p;u r s h i ve ; iter d tor- ill .:' A 1 1 I l,el 1 j- til All ' I ' t. rw ; ! i i ' i i m the Piesi.J. ,,t. -t . lio-m . i - 1 1 . on' his lahle. I ft It K ! W .,! ,J !!...! f "r -1 - r ariu v . letv i . .-- . ; , :i -r in' : s" , iVu., : ii' i' ,r .- 'Z go.-' on his liiNii in ( i st"iti"!-i (i . I i o ? l U'.i we I i i"'e' ' ,ne o lV . . t , , , j ., v. o . -Kins. M.-.jor ( i-'her d I'd.- r (!. Moov -..i vei t that he v.',, o;f !i i ( '.f.i r ;i ' ! r i n Fi-'d-r ii k.-O'1 r ' I, --Tito foreh". !iii!n;Lri:itio:i i oiled States for the six inontiis endine with .Jotie oomjinsei nfarlv 70,".iH p. i.;.his of whom -l.o io are n.oi I foev u-oi.l. v e meu u-Loii ' nsil I IpTiI-i-hI 14 H . r -x ; !. ......... 1 ... rr. I. I...-,.' .... .. , ,.A 1. ...1 ' le.uineu uo.u i-t-.iu.t, a.: wauihi ui".; v.o.- s leflod in tlii' iiei rr 1 1 in? 1 u irwl of- Ins nftioe .-isnd i'OIisi-- ' - . - - .... - - .... - - -- 01114: ids odice. XeH s of the f.xo-,n.n..-n reaehed j --t. l.-o.vrenee. Hall, whtve -v,.vi.:,:i -te' oi J'enn., was siltiroj. . i; coui-Tav v:!'i otfo r south eriiers (o !n.in;i.' tiie aeom.l f the hr.ent 10 mtentior. ot me moo, ro-oe .-'pnuiu; up a.-.-.j o.-naia-O ; ii m'.-n- , lion of ii.:p' to. tu '"!; ui's ollice to defend the' i dag. "hp -;Vve iuol o,o- r-Vijt ,n.; it," :r i he. 'hu' V ( 1 - . O I o-.a '1.0 h d! t, -u it " ' . ...... . . .1. - di;wn, 1111I1 1 v 1 r M4 v deai i hod v . ' The mill y-tein :u the uuth fa-t ;;t.der;:o-. i ing restor.'O iau M a ; N were se-nt Smh ffom Wa-h- , 1 ington y est-lalay Im poin t,- on the voi ; aio'.-o. line 01 rau'.vnv irom ; i- .-i:v o, l.vn aaour::. -The dei;,,,,- O -i- eom III 1 1 1 - a- e: 1 e i a t.'i .1 a tl i tioji in 'o.va f those i';,v a--.; i 'r, a 1. t c duh-ns a'.-. policy-, and oj posd to eoioi e-l ;;lrau.' a I'.st St-Oe Tins ih.es not suit tin- '.'-tra oopp. i head-. and Pi;ir;md 11;, aig'am and oila i's have is-uc' a 1 1 p .1 i - . - . i . i i . can lor inose in -r o. rne ta-v:a; oi t;e- tier, o- l erafe party as it a before the la'.e abolition war." to meet io. State (itiv.-nt-on ; low a t'j'v. tie- j 17th of next month. TWe Xash.viMe i'mon sa s tha' o: e; of die lai get and finest roiimg milU in the Lulled State is al ready in operation- m-Chat tannog i Ten:-, which ik easily turning out ' the best .pialit.y uf railroad iron. A blast furnace is ;n contemplat-un, and a copper roiling mill of ;,o, 0-)o. capita i is --aon to h-e put up in the neighborhood. A lai ge bias, fur nace will be eoiomenoed m the LVu on tP.e Tci'.nes see river above Chattanooga. -Several coal r :aoa nies are only w.vdingtor inachinery to comtner.ee operations in HliMeeiit lucaUties aioaad .the place Tae old coa' muus 'lie being re-woiked and r.'ew t iCS opened , ' 1 1 1 1 1 i.i . : t ne it enmono ncjni'j o; anno. races as auoa; to , appear, Circular Na. I of ticn.n. o. II,,wa;d( Com missioner of the Bureau of flefugees,. 'reedmea and Abau oned Lands, which sets apart l'or-thi u -e of loyal, refugees and fret dm on certain tracts or par- eels of land and other pionerty withm ihe Sta e ..f Virginia, to vvh-ca th'c Luitea States nave aa,u"ted itle.by eotdisciii.m. These land-'. ' emWaomg thousands of acre?, ae in the Co a. ties oi Loud .11, Fairfax, Elizabeth City, Prince William,; -Varwiek, York, Norfolk, and the cities of Norfolk and Poris- mouth ; and the lUnuhlic says it will b..the first of . Kan extensive series of similar publications. Three chibaen o Jed. Davis two bays and a girl arrived at AUwny on t :a c-n'ai j; af t i ? 10:',.. :.4 .i. ta. .e. , 1. , him., uu utcttamc, .m.o.i . Mopi-euai tae .oa evan house for -a few hour., and left an the Hen- selaer and Saratoga railrcai ior Manual. Tney were accompanied In- the mother of Mrs. Davis, a white servant rrirl and a white servan:. The eve..- ing Journal says thai a large crowd was aHrr.e'ed to the Delevan House, where -uite a disgusting scene took place. A number of woin-en wvnt in. and, amid.t the most extravagant prcucssiuns e- delight and atTection. repeatedly kissed t'ue children.'' IlV J. L. PRiVS 1XGT0.V & CO. THE NEW8. " Fur Litest N ws see Fourth Ph' . Mr. D-:gilaJ , .ah iatam! '.i-i-s r ai Maximilian, atr , pted to present an informal I' ti r of .condolence . ' .'..vassi nation of Mr. Lincoln. ; President -d s a ad thereby secure tn inform u recognition u- o i -r.p ni' jov i.umetil, but faiU.-i. and was form illy t ' 'rtt ',? h-se lamps" te Ui ; teJ Static fadeu i-. - i - . i man as -On- K -peror of Mexico f xi.-ved The r.ew Be'th ai t u. . t-i r : the c !' - r great lv i uhli;-!. '"'i t Mm y prenLed n t e "Prwi-i. k;. ' 1 1 ' a ! . V ; KfcfchumV i l-dca-i - -o. ..tin? fhHare'f to $4,200,000 ' Mr Wm T .1 -.n: - n. r vo; to-' .' a , V air-d an Id riz--- '. I i' iiuty, ,.T n-, 1 . he r: apj.oh d Sn . i J ClH'OJ' .r Tla film r i . s f I'o.-i ! ' ' n w r-i-i.,- pa: : !f ' " I r D -r ' ! t. 4 VOL. V! THE A i'E;mTKKS. V.'c have to request our alvcrf i'.-g friends to hand in their favors as early as prac ticable in the afternoon. The mornir hours are hest, but they ought to send thesn, when pOss.l.: . at loa-t a eai'lv a three ur four o'clock i. in j(.n;i.;ii From a New Stand Point. I c is ju-l i now quiie interestiiig to collect' from differs a ! sources the views presented of our city a: id i ; -.e... I u i he !iture. the rruniana of iho t.-'"- flit w-ill he of use as th; most autherti M. - f. mpuiat.oou l'i-t"y of the raoditicati-i h Sou; . ern ociv:v. !-g;d ser.e, wliicli resniu ! ' Irrtro th'v war . - '!'o- ;! ; .'-.f w 'two seen is !-"und l:i a l-t - . ol i:k- i i i' i ' '1 i "nroo o-rv, n Philadelphia. lit thus i ecords his a-'r: vul with the impressions of the people v( .'ur 0:i i ' " . . , Attor Ho'. C: s .sermo :. I m.id- - u-.v : :.:-.r- , i . , ; , , , i S . .c t'.n 1 ?v u '. rts'im ; if:cT-';.ng . . i v... : ! pJea.-ed t-ok . ihem. A't--r t'-.d-;- : t.'v- . j of m :U v r.y-V aiqu t..t.U): s, v. pai(e-d fo- for ; : 1 ili-j atli t :f.,l'. u;U it WUit .1 e i l i,f, j O I' ihg 1- C ;!.;c'l, Wrf follf...i i- -v I M ! ; c..-:doo .5-d a.:o'.s. F o 400- . 500 were pr-cr;, ; - ! !'lh v.t.ite .u.-i c-oored. Aoerr'e si -..,1 wttf, on.- I ,,',, ; Ti e peop1-1 came p .r.ii'.g in lr no : . ,"., v is wr', hiied m- 10 i. -v i 'J'r o- rse' s o, i ne re. we .hsj ua-j ! ! o it o opr '..'I'tation. .Several .-frj.yrs. wi;.1 ;. oo . V - . . , . O -. t- s i t iiaviiie s j marj r wv Il : i C -O 1. !'jl -i -po em . is, tr.'-t tf 1-- r;ty : ;.r.iui. o-- o -:; :--, hh v. rite. troops ' 1 oi v-'i spent. .iiu-M.g 'trang? r-. -i :o re plv . r ' . iL . F.V.-rV :S:'(-;"'V-.l '0 t.t !!.'. W . ' IJ i A lot re i-; er -is V ' ! tlt to;..; O... i '.'.'i-'t ' o o to i:i o.u. ii. ii.il 'igM, My .ion!1 .-r- o :) ! -..iltoy o, (ir-g uioo . io r ' ' " ! ' ' are i-uorio y w.'.n j w . . , ' i; o o -i.'p- it', eot , will cuinvi L " e -i 1 .-' lo , ivtru-re ya::e I A A- e .; ij .-. .--.j -i.l-.-rinc the inar.y d;st"v - ' - 1 sU.-i. ' i Kt. vi i h .:ot et.u.'Ui1.' - :r t .i.'o .mi oi. 1 t v t'Xi'i.j''. a very hi;'-! i:i i f .o. ;' - !. :. iiV'.- very '''' . . i e.il o in ii : -r.ee Fi'Uli ' t a' I kl'.i'. s ar-, i d 't'i i'o-'.i ' i'..'.- .t lod b. ''. f - .; ; ';: ..." ' i.- s ; ::lt lit.'.: i i 1 he 1 , . r.i ,.; i -k i . i;i while io;s Is, the tae, !: me toil v n that- it v i .S' of l e g-.-at iullax h-:ii tie.' r-ju:.ty, '..i, iHte Hl-tl A':'-:'r 'd. I C.l'i S.d-' v iv' oj I T '.e-ii: 'or n -if-1 ".' r , - s o SI . . T . r i . . . i "ono . M,t..-.as, .uonoay evemg a well . . . -. i ...... resseti mii'.VittuHl registered at ttie hxctiane 11 o- ... .1.. O . ,.r.. .1 r. ... .....t,-. .-.O n r:l . ' '-f .ill- - - i-m , i i il ill iiii'itii-iii fit i ir iiiiiir i vi as im- lo.-euow or pree-ursor 01 " r igru mo; - f - ' '' : ..s. rr-r; ' ri" ',-,1 n t.ie ciiisof dip SihlMitiHMi:- iV".f th,. f toe 0, oi t..e .s uOK -amriK lUtl.u , , - . - 1 ritamvllorsvule and Marye's hei-rnts v ! rente lv the ok en eh rand would lo-ohablv ar I ,Ki0t ni rente for the ok en eh y-and would p-ooablv ar rive ne.f dav.- Of course such a procla?naiio-.; .-i-t'- ;ited no small dc-ree of inter st, civilian an I K. - ,-, ........mli'ie ai.d l.-inimn,. we:-;. nil , !.,. .,,,1 ' : ' ' i II"- '.nil r,,c V.-terday, h.-wevtr. e xui c;fti hm , a d I .......... 1 1 ... 1 ... 1 a , ' i s'iri 1 w 1 1 , i ? 1 1 1 : 1 11, ii . ivo ittornii 1 i 1 , . t . '. " ve herald ! irentlcunm. vvh had vataoosod o r- ' parts unknown without even so much as taking his h'vc of the proprietors. I hero, is only one me in- i I od of :.,-i-'m:vi fing for the stranger's proceeding. ! lie- pi-ohahly lieard ne's that the enemy "v.er - fror.t,. and like a faithful subordinate .-oirl g.;otl .---1- I ' die'r has oone to warn his chief Vt'e lak,? the liberty of saying ii th:. sa mid :-it i ;s:s e e, t,;,t ii is not every one who has the grains e,.nceive are! execute such a m 'ste-ly movement aga'nsi iiO'h flank 5, as well as front ami rear ot the " ilxi "aaiige," and if he will only retirm a t'-stimo-tiialj-opper will he given him by ubso-ript i-o . -'-Come back, come back. Stephen.'' - I 'a :'n st Association. Quite a numWr d" iiap I list Association are to assemble during the next ' o,,,nth. The Three Fork Association uieefs -o- l. . -.t i. i n i-. i- it , . uuai.jw, wun iev. a. ji. rariniug ns jo ! ra tor ami i J II. Moore, ce-rk. ! Ch: Fi'al.iV i ! i,;;Xt Wee'.' , t':t) , ah Malo'l tair As ' - . 1, ' ..- ' a.i'ioo win convene as wit; also u-e So'-an Ati eiat;, K -v. Jas. Biythe, Moder.. ua -t--d -T H Al len, of U'Viderso'; vil'.e. Clerk. Cnaaa j r.e i c:!!H:" ass;"'i;ai-in uvea-- v-; r u . o viml i AecK-. ii ii fax f a.nry. 0:1 l ran : - ; -i the o-d Sabh.-'th u So-nenU- r. KnaT K. i Ow.n, Moderator; K. P. P owed, D f.vs n '.- Cr .-s I 1 h -a'is, Ch-rk i iH' It oeiti As.sia i.t! i meets With tie enure: as , I.t,;K,u-;aa Tmsday hetore tm 3-d sbCa i. hi o t,-.o . Lev. A D. B!aek -d , M- aeratoi ; lh 1 Iheu.a, Clerk. Rev. P. . H-wd h-ts re-.... . . r,ao lo preach the Mifary nnor. a U ! a - tk . 1. Wedntsday. and K-v. d . 'r! .v !-". 1 prtai. t- l-e introdQctoi-. lir.tr .Creek A- caa,;. m--s Saaio. j Le. ore the 4 b Sabt-atb in Sntemtea. K,v. S I j Sv aim M ah rator ; It. V . Wo M). Z.rooa-a X 1 ( CU'iV Lasok Omnia Vincit. We hear from a em;-of-fclal source that Capt.- Melver ha? resolved upan a acw and more efficient iystem of punishimni f-r t'-j sable freeraen" who come before ham for in- , faction of ihe rules of right. Instead of a lew polirs oi thumb-suspension, when ' guiltv. he will , make a chain-sang of the culprits and' "place them ! at tt ork on the street and tlsewhere' for a nvrmd i -i.;.-v. u "1 ,-.,-ai a.. ,, m. ,. -i ,. ' 1 . . ..111 1.' 1a111.1t aLui in,, v-' i uiuu L i.i ol offence. It strikes us that the idea :s a capital one, and while not- seem inch- so harsh, will be far i nvjre 1 epulsive to the negroes than the old method. I 1 1 P-V too '.because v o wno inumge them selves in p- cad'.lloes, will thus contribute by their moral filthiness to the physical cleanliness of the town. RALEIGH. THURSmY. AUG. I T in. B. Smith oc Co., ,; ; . .a fireside Pupli-hir.g Hou-v- in this city, have .'t u a neatly printed volume of Ion pages, u-ijh. above, being a compilation of poem., r. .tedly, the production of George Mo.ses Hurton, vs-ho Ins won the soub riquet " the colored bard on North Carolina. The publishers no'-v Iiave it on '.pr counter ready tor delivery and we promise tl. who wish something at.traeiiv. a treat i. it- pp.-laj. Its defects are L's.jriir'iiine. - verv -rlarit.i-. 11 amend is made for ? such i :pc i iect som by seir passages which hav. m ihtn hit li.i f- true p stry. It is a volume whieh j;i ht v -r- (:nci v i :d, we predict, i ; ' ' t; ; x . :-' -. o - '.: not'oti; tu literature. ' ri;'OTir. A Ure a'id elegant 44 star-spangled oarmer " has been purohased by the new proprietor.- -,; Exchange Hotel, and resterday il float- cd i: ! -tic -.i 1 1 v lo the breez . It is their inten- . , , , r , ti v. to i .-jui" ioe time honoraJ custom of aispbv- ing th" national colors on public occasions, and in i case of -lisringuished arrivals. Success to them we Si ei : (n tu" Carl.' We have a larce iot of fine ;cl ,n !jandi and can print military blar ... . 4 , courr hlanKs, .;rcuiars, dialogues, jee, at blanks. the shortestnotice, and at northern prices. Also a large lot of card., on hand, which we can i print ai from $5 to $S a o.ousar-J. Orders solici ted at pKo i-LKss OFFt'.-t. " Patxtim;. Or .amtfit d ar.d Freecoo Paiuting -- '. is IVnoie, XV. , . 11 K Company. The election of Gen- ! oral S-.r-'ciinteodetn of Loe Wei don and Wilminc- on P-rlroa 1 w '.l' take piace to-uiorrow. We hear a li'i'.noer of tren'ietnan mentioned in connection ; . , . . . . t- wit,- :i:o liosiiton. so that foe LWrd of Directors i i wiil iavo '--lilv one difr.culty that of discriminating one difr.culty that of discriminating "Ih t v.. . :. i ni.tny wert'.y and' competent appli fan ts. i'..!M Mi i.i.i-Ts.- Yesterday for the first time t ' t ; s sva.-OM, we .--.iw in market a lot of rish from the ' so,. -;.'!;. T1il went or!" like hot cakes at tolera- j hh: fair prioes and a crentlcman who breakfasted i ' on them assures w tl. at their delicate taste vrould !oal;e v ii'ivea week in a day Cotton. v. ; x- o-- the todowlv- f,-m the Washiagton ' M O ?hvr,iuJ -.b..u - .oe thou'.d bal .1 .. I ' . a - . . . . rreC-"yollg oa "jesdayices raomne from . . i n.Vr - 04 :o 4b ceots p-r p mnd. Tfcowiag statement 1 f,,, r ;j,-raij . KKU ORLEANS COTTON. ,,,,, Ao. of la let. Naie of buyer . Price. M ,dd ling fair.. 'dd'iog i.iir 1 filter ..48 ' 2(i Fester " ' " 4,ii- Low ouii-OiH .) ' i.a?ton 42 t o,,d ; ''.im.- y . . ....11!' P,l. Pa'kicg 40; I aO rhnc 'AH O. di-an v U' !n;it a s9' Or. Pinkney 3S -,.-t Aruery 34' 1 ...!'? I lynr ad2' I ...5 i'i!Isf'o 11; j ... Murp.-.r & Co 17 ! I.-ov (.roitnti .. pK,;;;V '.".'.'.'.'.'.' ' oa-ai.,- !.. l'w . 1--. 11 It j : t I -..' .' C, ....... ' v-..,-,,, r.R , .,..P,.V I ! ; ia i u i n is V V,and',r; 4,'; i !) I seer.. t 43 , i 40 Habvi.i 333 ,,U Foraaty '. ..331 i !0 M.ml, .'t'i' o!" ! Li.w Maeddn j G-Knl ', . '.'aearv. ' ,' in it--- thaaiicl Retail. -d. ...'.... Retail ai I'ickitig.s Low I ' i c kl n Lr s J'gaty 4 ( 20 (ierity g i -.fcvv,.y...,..,..,,,.f ( I ir ' iii ;i:t "' - , au O '. .1.:.--. . ,.' I"'- ttf gr. t mitiern ctapwj j . rjtTrrise io t'r tt quarter to a d- j '. . ovM,:l- aeref:g.",re know;,. I . .a wl u,s aa.; b-Acks will beawv-- i 11 V Ov Co la e. a d to a porc.'pti. n of t' e sp aaahd opp irtiit.ii y I v 1 l-r-r.bd ( r r-i-va '-'-.v ! ssi ..if the p j : .a ".'o. No one 11 ct bo afraid that too" rnj.-h j i a, w a a t pbiou t'.xt- s-prag; and a'n may t-.- ;. a oi o uor.eiadve prt'-e? T.ae crop ot the pi - 1 .-r .-:! Iv; hitliog, and will n it redu e n.'er.s j i ;. , r . .0 a ; iriuiog. ..im win n n ream e 1 i X-" -t r, h .'st h d' i crop, measurtd ty t -ic stat.d ; a ibiti of 1859, as reported b. iha Census, ought 1 t h M'. '.,Je : a.. 1 even then the ' c- wou! i remaha at I a- ' ii. at on. ri iaav. forruc' !y recivtd. Xo ! , nle in-1 a- warid, therefore, have so fine a held for , it ulturd invftni?nt ar- thocs ot the South. bar. hi,, y recei ved but fen c"jts per poind for coi toa tirec : a-owiag nr.-; Li?i. r thau the tillers i the soil a i- a- .at iftlv world erer-lid, aod no-.v tb- y c a,...i-i -. i ! .,:y cents for the groaviag orop, and - to 40 i w: : ty tjve r, ts f'-r thrt to be planed c r I laaV boi-m. i T'e-i " 's I o -,Uc. oh-o i '. it, th. scar of a ere-, d V naur.i.ia; tl s aitlt-. A-e.tot. io H ;Soe;'ity , .o-i t h--u 'a a Ir . h.-aff ; tia. a. ad the ( -.'ve't. -a. it, te f 1. ot--'' , o t , ,)io- . r,.s to resist i , - i !fs ar ti.e .:o,,u ... ot nce a. a! o.der - Let r... - i'.ai.i.i.i; Tt- ir oevi-pd.t)te.d vows, and a-. .: : a i ' inm aa. u i.- 'a j is; ;ie,5 feiaduss to.. aid 1 j; a a el u.-itea lacks, aud ;:ac.h f another ve u- .v . 1 1 - ? 1 1 d ce v i 1, y v :. l . i lea - . i i c ' a ,-y Mil this enjoy. L ;.t:i! conditio! They inns' ..k-. '; a .i na 1 u they perst in t-u practic- of etue.ty and h-justice to the slaves, the latier wi!i p- 1- 1 .-1 - u 1 1 . i 1 a v ; X d a '' a a - ,t a . al:H r, (: te! !.. .-ea 1; d tu.:-ior ,,r; the olantatio o'.r'i s to bi arris for tic di'T but . uperlor race, with its 1 -it 1 C''i- taarj :. cannot escape the o : . I '. ' - a s c : t are (a- stirauic c 'i,' ; 0 0 -a :i':y - tvli av-r g-it d:- rd r inc times ont of t-.r 'he fault - v ; . .-. ar;: r ? e. 1 a ; f- '-;nowdr- I'; j 'r- 1- a.er.. waL. i .i- : e u'.a gf ? i n a -, ac.d perh,tp.s. f ''' ' " r;-'-. ' - it.', vvh J iAiSU li- i - "' o ' a. :r, ae5- inetancts a-e 1 ae, , 1 me m e is, u at ;l e jtcv. ration aiisef-- i rU ,-o 1 t:r g -Vein a.-.e uma r ies, who rea... i, ..s a o. .'d attroia rc.adr fr.. bv !- nreserjc of ' lielr lat G.-nera'i ' t j . e: : meal . n a . , v' r t-'s ''fadnir, or makeup their miuo-- t . s 1 ; tot fr.xai rider of toeir d iv . atnid segues of an vr'Tv , j Y.L.tUce, and poverty. VvZ" :l'"ci nian a " v u " p ' ; o n t r i h n t : d 31, 1865. NO. 246. r The Teeth Often Die long Leioie the sbteru l..o ha vouth'ai vigor this sbnuid r.ot be .-o. To prevent ? '-ks s?pecie3 (if nesrofcie us..' Fragrant Sozj uoNT. L k Jv ps tLe dental bone a'ive, the eiiAcnel s pot ;.-, -h.' gam rosy and e'.asU-:. toe brei-o pure h ' d t :- m 'iii h c!e.n. MARKET REPORT CORRECTED DAILY BY f:. V . W 11 1 It AKER Grocer and Dealer in Provisions. Apples Dried, 1-5 per bushel, Green, $2 00 per bushel, Bacon Firm, sale At 2o26e per lb. Beef iOc per lb. Butter 3oc pe; lb. r'carce. Cheese 40c eer lb. Chickens 3J a the a pieee. ".iiJc" Ih. C-Jru SI 00 per bajhei. KggS 40 a 50eper dozen. Flour Sc.pertine SH per bbl.. Hides-Green 10c. Dry 15 c. Honey w. c rab, 25 to 30c per lb. Lamb 12;; 15c per !b. Lard 25c per lb. SI 15 per bushel. 31ullets- N'o'nf . clcerel Sp'20 per bbl. On io:i $3 0U per o us h el. Pea ei; es dried 10c per lb. Peas '.VhiteSlOO; Stock 90 to $1 ; darden40cptr peck. Potatoes Irish $1 i.K) per bucd.. " S-cet. new, S2 eer bushel. S'lgar Cru-hed 50c per lb; Brown 25e Syrup --40c Ti SO pergallon. Soda Cokiu, 23e per pound. Salt 5-00 ot-r bushel. Tallow 10cl2.Va- Ppr lb. Horrins $14 per bbl. litre 15c per !b. Candles -Adamantine, 40c lb per box. Soa p Turpentine, 20e per lb. B -uestone 50c per lb. Funeral Notice. "The Funeral Service of WM. II. MA It COM will take place it the Baptist Church this Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. Friends ana acquaintances of th deceased are invited .,(,,..! N E W AD V ER T1SEMENT8 LEWIS KEISrOjSTE? FRESCOE AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, ilss located in H-aieih, and oti'ers uis services to th public. Gil DING, LETTERING , fc C . , D jr.e in the best style. Oidersfor work solicited. May b-e seen at Exchange Hotel. aug31-2w KITTRELL'S SPRINGS FEMALE COLLE GIATE INSTITUTE, Granville County, N. C. rmrFlXTTSSSmrN'-of ' thus" new'Bstifution will i up en on the firat Wednesday ia October next. For ptrtklars see Circular, or ..tidress Rev. C. B. R1DDICK, augrjl-lia Kittr-Il's Springs . SEED WHEAT. f'OO 1L'H ELS KEI) WHEAT, plump gram, and 'vJv free rrem disease of every kind, which I will sell ' I'JI I 1 irz ru rc 'JiATUt. ! .'-.A.JENKINS, augill-lw VV iiiiamsboro, N. C. - GREAT INDUCEMENT. T Wlfdi en a batgatn, for cash or on time, in a FARM J at Williatnshoro' of 340 ac-es land. Good improve- tlThss. A Tobacco Factory and fixtures to work 25 .. !-. ...a . ,...v,a., r tk'. nA an 70 000 I.II1''?. , i j.i'ii'.j.i.- liim A.'ija-ut? auu . v, v v v l-'ou.d-- to work on sbferps. I wish to sell ail together. aublw Williamsboro, N. C. s . HARDWARE, QUTLERVt &C. ' n ti, Q DOZ. 'V EE I) I N't H0E8, Nos. l, 2 and 3 L.well's, O Si i.-uni'-a ar,d other makes. vair ilruks and llinge", assorted eize ,""0 Cirrhge Bolts. do. do. 1'.' pair Sad Irons 2 ioz. Frving Fans '20 Steel Corn Mil!: something uew .".("') raprs Cut iack?, assorted gi.. a'l papers Carpet Taek? 10 lozee Mill Saw Files " da hint H.a.jtard File "1 do Half-round Files 5 do '1 hi ee cornered Fi'ef t'O da Hand hnw k ia-- .1 :'r Nail Claw Hammer;- 2 'ist Steel Lathing Hatchets !0 d . Cat Bvtt Minges 10 .r s Wood Screws, assorted dz? i'j doz-n Augers 10 do Knives ard Fork ' do Pocket Kni v 4 -io pairs ot Scissor? lf do Table Sjpoons la do Ti a Spoons 100 pounds Swede Iron Horje h'.e Nails 10 dozen Gimolets, assorvd sizes a do er Bitts, ith Brace? ." ;i" Boxwood Poc :et Kule? a do Hatcher Kcive? - 2 uo Che--t Locks .0 do Pad, Draw aud Cupboard Locks 4 do pairs Snutters la 0 Cast Sti.e.1 A-.C-3 'J00 kt-'Z- Cut Xaiit, assarted sizes daily expected A LSO on haa i, a Urge apartment of Rim Locks, Five plae L ck, Horse brushes, Shoe Brusb?s, Coft'..e Mills, i a . i .. -1 1 ..,1- ri . ... a e- u. vr:'. 1 "i" ' u n."v"' VAl"tuimeicu " ,uu8Bl u, j C. P. WILLIAMSON & CO., KaleiL, Aac . 30 tt' Commission Merchants. j " " ' j Gondsneed Steamshin Litia HETWEKX X. YORK AND NEWBERN. TdE A XO. 1 FIXL STEAMSHIP EL' C I D . R AC KINS Commander, WiU -nl Erectly tor Ne- York on SATURDDAT, September 2, at 5. P. M. K,,r treighr or pftbaajje, having unsurpassed accofiimo- Qati-as. appiy at W. ft Oliver 4 Co. Brick Store, foot o' Craven street, to aoaO it C. P. GOODSPEED, Agent. Tl tio ... .. Tt TI t.;u - 1 1 .v... n n: a I sail from thii port at b o'clock on Saturday, Sept. 9. TERM S RATES or SrI.SCtPTJOA'. Dailv, ? Year ,10 0U " " 6 Months r, 00 3 Months :J 10 D-.ilv, 1 Month $1 W. - kl y, 1 Year i 0t 6 iionths.... 1 it Mast be paid in advarc.' 'n all cases or the raper will not be seat ; and the paper w ill bestoppnd when the tiire paid for dipires, unless renewed. ' XE WSB 0 YS AND NE WS D EA LERS Will b" furnished at tlie rate of $5 per hundred copif . All orders mast be accunpatied by ilia money. A hYEli TISIXG HATES. Ordinary adyei ti'eiiients. occupying not more than ten iines solid miniou. or one inch space 1 insertion . 2 ii 3 ......... 4 b " 1 Week ..$1 00 : 2 We-k?.... .. I 50 I 1 Month.... .. 2 0 ! 2 Month?.... .. 2 50 i 3 f 6 00 10 00 15 00 fin 00 6 " 2U 00 l ear. fn nr. Larger advertigem-nts, where no contract is made, will be charg-ed in exact rop rtioc. YEARLY CONTRACTS W ill be m-'de in aceo-dance with the following schedule 1 4 column, 1 Mon'e.530 00 1-2 ' 1 " v4 5 00 1 3 " Tt 00 .1-4 ' 3 " 50 00 1-2 3 " 75 hi 1 " S " 100 00 1-icol. G Months. ..$100 0 ! 9 " ... 140 00 r " ..15(i CO 1 Year 175 00 1 " 200 00 1 ' ' S0G 00 1 1-4 1-2 i Only those who contract for fene-i'r.ur'h.'ono-Iia'f. or a column, for sne, three, six, or twelve u-.cr.ihs, wi'l receive the benetit of these terms. Contract adre.rti6-e-s must pav b v t he uiou t h , and al i others in advance. " ( -ouTTwrrrrTs .-a ( -1 """! . t , .- , '"" Advertisements inserted once, twi'c-o:-' tlir - aau a weekwtt! be charged One D..;iar 3 uaar, in. sertiim. "- OUR CIItCULATOX Is larger m tee city and throughout the State than a: -other paper in .North Carolina. Tht i'rojr-, i; ra in the catrn and among the peoole b- a uiucii iar--r number ot persons thaa'anv other paper, aixd hence its importance as an advertising medium should not be oTer looked by business men. SPECIAL NOTICES. Speci-al Notices will be set in minion , leaded, and i a "tttd under the Special Nonet head, aud One Doils; Square charged for every inert;.in. LOCAL COLUMN. Only eaort notices wal be admitted to the Lees! Co. -umn, al the following rates: One Line, One Day. $1 Oo"j Three Lines, One $2 Cf Two Lineg, " ' 1 50 Five Li"0, " 2 f( Teu Line?, or more, it the rate ot Twenty-five Cer'.i. Line for each inei tion. FUNERAL NOTICES, MARRIAGES, i Will be charged same as Advertisements, ahd mast be paid for when hajdedin. crrti'. y wiil not appiai. The above Kate will b-. iheTed to in a'l en-Fes, and r we have to pay cash for everything r out buh;nss, w c must demund cash. June,2C, 1SS5. ..' 5 . PENNINGTO & CO. TO SUBSCtilLERS AND ADVERTISERS. Wa have tw pas cahIi for paper, ml. aaa ia o-.r. at. J v mST hare more caih frt'Ui those for v. :;oni .ve work ot we cannot pay cur current ex.,eniee. e know t her is but little ojoney in circulation ,b ithr. are lot' lew persons who want a newspaper tiixt rtititot tuc th money to pay for it. I'erst.nsiaeinr the! r paptr u3s.rketi must remit the money it 11 j stooped . Advertisrs must pay in advaacefor alkrariient mai ter, and business ir.en who advertis regniarly will e expected to pay their bi! 1 s monthly . Job Printing mustbw paidfor w-hendelive d. J. L. P. & CO. X EV ADVERTISEMENTS. CMYAS HAMS, BAC0 SIDES, &C. 2,0O POUNDS BACOX S1DE8, brigLt 1,000 do ?o do dark 1,000 do do do clear 3 tierces Choice Sugar-Cured Lams, exti a 8 firkin LfrnL .jO earb '25 kegs do 10 do do 25 pkils do 30 do do 5,000 pouDds Prims Shoulders 1 chest Black Tea 700 pounds INorth Carolina Ham? 500 da do do Sidps 1,500 do do do Si.oulder.-i For gale by 15. P. Wf LL I AM SOX & LU., augSO-tf C;o e,iiioti Merchant.-. WIRE, NAIL EOD A7D SHEET I I I O 2s . IOOO POUNDS WIFE, rnaniuc !-om Xo 0 to Oi inn j 1 1 ? j i '2U0O do X ail Rod ir,,a 2(00 2009 500 4000 do do do do Slieet do I Plantation d .i i-om !1 to 8 inches wide L''o be-shoe Irort Shovel -plate 'Hon B J. WILLI AMSOX & CO , Cojmini; ion MeI cllan:. For sale bv aug30-tf JUST DECEIVED, T 44 FAY rJTI'LV ILLS STUK.br. KAIdaIGH - Paints, Oils, V-iroihes. and Paint Brrs1 cs BlacRfmith's Bellows, Anvils, Vices, ilamauers A Stocks and Dies, Files r;d Borax A general assortment rf It'OOs and STELL "SE FUHXl SUING GOODS in jrt variety. It T C K II I' A W A ' t With Hakt t. Ltwib KlLOEilf" ATTENTION ! CSWA KR1SS, ejie do-r above the t ko a-..-s oi'.ce. bas employment lor an additional r,uaib-r of journeyruan Tabors. Five cood "Coat lownds" cm ob tain employment by applying immediately. Fti.h!s, well recommended, my apply. au:ie-tr" N7 a COMMISSION HOUSE ANDREWS & BARDIN, WILMIN&TON, IT. C. The undersigned have eaabli.-be-d a '"'omtni-f-i. n and Forwarding Umse in Wilmington, and otter ..eir servi ces for the sale .-d Co. ten, Xaval Stores, S'.eed'os, Cot ton Yarns, Tobacco. BactU; Flour, Ac. Ac., and 10 pur chase for merchants or 0L1.' 's ?ny ga(,. pad in thii market. Consignments and orders respecttuilt .- licited. W. S. G. AXDXLWS. BLX.J. II. L A iill I X . ' of Goldsboro. Lowell Collon Mill;. Office No 2 South Water st., up stairs. aug2t) lm For New York Direct. The Fast Sailing Steamship 'CAROLINA, PHILLIPS - - - - Commander, yr ILL SAIL FROM MOREHEA I) CITY, FOR THE above port on SATURDAY. Sept. 2d, on the aTiv&i of Itbe tfain from Kajeigi; -. -For Freight j?r Pataebaviug good, awrr.ni&da'ioiii. apply to jy 20 td GLUE! G. W. DILL, Opposite Gaston House, Newoe-rn. GLUE!! GLUE!!! ROM 15 to 25 cents per pound. Sold by C. W. ROSE & CO., aug28-tf 23 Craven iti et, Nev, bern.

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