BY 3. L. PENMMGTOS & CO. I the -news; For latest news see Fourth Page. -1-Soine time since, an advertisement, appeared in the Richmond Bulletin in which the advertiser ex pressed a wish to go into the newspaper; business with some one who had the material, as his print ing office had been destroyed "by thd public enc my." A few days since General Terry's- attention was attracted to this expression, and Mr. Baily, the publisher, was sent for to state who the publisher was He proved to be John J. Palmer,' formerly editor ot a paper in Winchester, which was taken possession ot by the Union troops, who lately re turned to Richmond, having been absent since the evacuation. Mr. Palmer was then sent for and .committed to Castle Thunder, from whence he has been removed to the city jail. Palmer was a cleik in! the. Sentinel office here during the war, and was connected with the Richmond Enquirer More the war. , The Democratic convention of New Jersey met at Trenton on the 30th ult., and nominated General Kunyou, as its candidate for Governor. ' Resolu tions were adopted charging the consequences of he war on the election of a sectional President and the fanaticism f a sectional party ; favoring the re turn to gold and silver currency; declaring and in giating on the rights of the States opposing negro suffrage, and emphatically agreeipg with President Johnson that this subiect must be left with the States. Thus do the copperheads corporate in their platforms -doctrines both sound and rotten. The New York Herald's Wash iogton correspon- dent Bays of the 1 Ate Treasury defalcation: Neariy twelve hundred thousand dollars were involved, if re- poita be true. Of tfaria amount t baa transpired that f abput seven hundred thousand dollars were promptly I settled by conveyances, and asaigaments purporting I to be good for the balance have also coma iDto poa f: aesttiu of the department. In addition to this, bal . bonds are held for nearly a quarter of a -million of I dollars. Prom all these sources toe government can "certaiuly realize the bulk of its unpaid balance. Savannah advices state that Gen. Brannon has I issued an order levying a tax on the citizens to de ; fray the expense of cleaning the streets. He also f issued an order that all arms and accoutrements belonging to the Government be turned into the . Quartermaster's department. Twenty-three hun 1 dred bales of cotton arrived there during the week s endingAugust 26. V San Francisco advices say that all further "search for bodies lost by the wreck of the Brother Jonathan has been suspended. Gen. Wright and 'atnily, it is now known, are certainly among the rictimsf Her commander also went down with the vessel There are loud complaints- that the steamer was unsea worthy, but the agents declare that the accident would have stove in the stoutest ! vessel. 1 I The wife of Lewis Washington, of Bellair, Va., is now in Washington importuning for the restora tion of their farm, which was confiscated in conse quence of the rebelism of her husband. Lewis Washington is a relative of the Father of his Coun- try, and was, it will be recollected, taken prisoner near Harper's Ferry, by Old JohbfBrown. 1 The cotton crop will be almost an entire fail ure throughout West Tennessee, the rust destroy ing it before it matures., It is said the best cotton county in the western part of the State will not : yield two hundred pounds to the acre. It hag been represented that attempts, have been made to abduct George Saunders from Cana t da, and that these attempts were incited by the I President's proclamation, offering a reward for his arrest. The only proclamation on the subject which has been issued is that of the 21st of May last, and I. that pr5mises the reward only upon the condition 'of the apprehension of Saunders within the limits of the United States. t The New York Express saps : " It is also noted j that the direct trade between Southern ports and Europe is becoming very large. We hear of large imports of sugar at New Orleans, as well as large 1 exports of cotton and of tobacco from thence and from ' Mobile and Richmond. :" Mr. Mansfield Lovell, formerly Major General of the Confederate army, whosa defence of New Orleans did not team him much reputation among the Rebels, is bow reported to be editor of the New York DaUg f News. : Toe Washiugtoo correspondent of the Spring. field Republican thus invidiously assails President I Johnson i " The President is off on another of his I water excusions. He seems to be. very fond of them, though le cumvs back ill from them worse than v when he started." . The Nw York Journal of Commerce say8 about tvb huodraJ SwiB3 and Polish passengers have re- f c tly irtrived, and thousands moae are- expected. I Tutse persons leave their native land, many of them I lu txi!e for political offSnBes, and they seek our hos- pltable shores to escape the tyranny nnder which they J ha? long bowed. Dr. Craig,, of Bristol, is in the Lynchburg jail for Rilliog a m.tu uaiued Goodwin ; and Mr. vVilliam D.ivia, of Bristol, is there also for killing Daniel Skin ner. The frieoda of both are confident of their dis charge. . . - -MDaptaio Nye, of the ship Abigail, is said to have expressed his scorn aDd fearlessness of the pirates at the time of his capture, saying to Wordell, of the Shenandoah : 4 You have not ruin me yet ; I hav ten thousand dollars at home, and before I left I lent it to the Government to help fight such fellows yon." - A discharged-soldier in Washington went int a sajoon with a fenrale named Susan Young. He tried to force her to drink. On her refusing he tried to drar a pistol, from his boot. In doing so it went off, iut one of his arteries, and he bled to death twenty minifies. Kirby Smith is still near Matamoras, on a plan tation owoea by a Southern planter from Florida. NEW A D V ER TISEMENTS GRAND FAIL OPENING! VOL. VI. RALEIGH, TUESDAY, SEPT. 5, 1865 NO. 250. THE CITY. . A Coincidence. Glancing over one ofSabin's ad mirable reprints of ancient pamphlets, bearing on the history of this country, entitled tl The State Revolution in New England," and originally dated 1689, we find a fresh illustration of the old prov erb, " there is nothing new under the sun." The people of New England, determined no longer to endure the oppression of the Governor, Sir Ed mond Andros, rose in revolution, disposed and im prisoned him. The following sentence, referring to the transaction, has a familiar ring : " We have also advice, that on Friday last, towards even ing, Sir Edward Andros did attempt to make an escape in Woman's apparel, and passed two guards, and was stopped at the third, being discovered by his shoes, not having changed them. The coincidence of course is between the case of Andros and Mr. Davis. . Scott, Harrison & Co. We see that tliis well known and justly popular Puteisburg firm announce their purpnge to resume business on Sycamore street about the 20th iust. It is rather uousua! for a dis tant paper to notice each fats, but the gcntlemt-n who comprise the firm are so deserviug that we not only make this meution, but trust the large patron age extended them in times agona may be quadrupled in the future. Their facilities for the transaction of business are unusually extensive the partners are men of probity, honor liberality and enterprise and we feel justified in predicting that their stock of goods will eqaat any in the Southern country. If you buy in the "Cockade city," go and see them. A Benign Institution. The New York Weekly Review is a welcome visitor to the inner sanctum sanctorum of the Progress, where the jolly element of the editorial corps perform their arduous, ill-paid, un appreciated, and invisible labors, with paste-pot, sclz-, zors, and piles of exchanges mountain high. The in visible element passes six heurs each day,(Suodays not excepted) and only when the Review, comes to hand does his grim face relax into a smile of pleasantry. From its prospectus, we extract the following, advis ing everybody that the McArooe contributions, not enumerated below, are more than worth the price of snbseription, which is four dollars per annum: "To attain variety, however, and fully to merit the favor of cultivated readers, the weekly review gives careful attention to all the sister arts. From week to week, therefore, its columns represent, according to their limits, Printing, Sculpture, the Drama, and General Literature. The place' of . prominence is, of course, given to Music, which, has bee a our speciality in journalism for upwards of fifteen years. But in the other departments of this paper, will be found poems, stories, essays, sketches, critical uotices of the local Drama and of art exhibitions, book notices, literary notes and general miscellany. Dead. A deranged woman, named Mary Kav.a nagh, who passed through here last Saturday, from South Carolina, on her way to the Virginia 'Lunatic Asylun at Staunton, died the next morn ing in the vicinity of Forrestville. The Condition. We are frequently asked upon what condition the drinking saloons of this city have been permitted to resume business. Upon the identical basis which governs this operation in other North Carolina towns. Their proprietors are prohibited from selling to enlisted men under any circumstances, and to drunken citizens or offi cers. In fixing the amuont of restraint, Capt. Mc Ivor was governed by precedents which seem to have official endorsement of the general comman ding the department. . Deceased Soldiers. Mr. James T. Morris, of Petersburg a gentleman who appears highly re commended gives notice that he will disinter, pack and deliver to either Express office in that city, the remains of any soldier buried in or in twenty miles of Petersburg. His price will be liberal, and will guarantee the corpse to go all right to its destina-. tion, either in sine lined caes or metalic" cases. The parties ordering remains are of course to furnish information as to the places where the bo dies are intered, with names of the deceased. An Active Oahyass. Vow that the people of the county have virtually declared in favor of an open fight for the convention, we expect to see an anima ted but we trust courteous canvass among the ciffer- s ent aspirants. There will be at least hx Richaonds in the fi!d. Personal. Amu g the d i gtuhe i nv'i!s In oar city io the List few days, a d s?unjog at that popular hotel. thr- Exchange -9 cofue the t.ames of Maj. Gen Kilpntri. k ai.d H-rtff, Maj rVookft.-M and Cpt. Northrop; M-j G v. Gno. Civ.fc, wife and s'aff, Col. Tixnaaioe and Mij . R n?r!s ; ix Brigadier Casement of Ohio, Col. Efts, A. A. G. to Gen. Kil pa trick. Tha two last named gentlemen. are still at the Exc.uge. Gn. K. and staff starte l North last Friday mor.iing. Geu. Crook, lady aud staff, left: for Wilmington yesler-lay, where he assurors command. MARKET REPORT CO&RECTSD DAILY BT H2- W H I T A K E X Grocei and Dealer in Provisions. Very Emphatic. A severe charge was admin istered to a man by the Provost Marshal yesterday, who he was discharging from arrest for unlawful ly trafficking. He made him at all times responsi-. ble for what occurred hereafter on his place, and would hear of no excuse whatever in another case, but would keep him or any other offender of the same class, in the jail until the end of military ex istence here, and then recommend that he be pun ished still further. This is beyond doubt the prop er view to take in such cases. Provost's Sanctum. A visit to the sanctum of the provost marshal yesterday, inspired ui with the full hope that the era of law and order was about to set in, Not a case on the docket ! Now, we have only to say that is precisely the way for our people to live. They may take divers and sun dry toddies, but there is no necessity for passing the boundary line of law. Eat, drink and be merry, but don't quarrel, fight, cut, slash, and go before the provost. Row Between Soldiers and Negroes. About 7 o'clock last night, a difficulty occurred near the depot of the North Carolina railroad between ft sol dier and negro, growing out of some conversation had by the former with an unbleached piece of cal ico. Words were first exchanged then menaces with fists followed and at last each of the'bellige rents seized guns, but discreet parties at that con junction interfered and prevented their use. The provost guard passed our office in a few minutes after news of the occurrence reached Fay etteville street, at a double quick, but when they arrived at the point of disturbance comparative qui et had been restored. It is probable the case will be investigated by the provost marshal, if the disputants are identified. But whether such success is or is not had, the feeling excited among the soldiers against the blacks is intensely bitter. We hear threats ef re venge on every hand and shall not be surprised at any moment if called upon to record some startling tragedy. We do not pretend to espouse the cause of either party to the affray, in the absence of authentic knowl edge of the circumstances ; but we think the day Is not distant when cuffy will find that freedom is one thing and equality another that while he has had the first given him, he can never oo this earth get the ether. ARRIVALS AT THE EXCHANGE HOTEL- Apples Dried, $125 perbuahel, Green, $150 perbush.;l, Bacon Firm, sale? at 2526c per sb. Beef 10c per lb. Butter -35c per lb. Cheese 40c per lb. Chickens 25 a 30c pitc. Coffee 50c per lb. Corn $1 00 per bushel. Eggs 30 a 35c per dozen. Flour Superflne $11 Pr bbl. ; Hides Green 10c. " Dry 15c. Honey in comb, 25 to 39c pr I b. ' Lamb- 12J15c perlb. Lard 25c per lb, Meal $1 15 per b"uihel. Mallets None, Mackerel $20 per bbl. Onions $1 50 perbashel. Peaches dried 10c per lb. Peas White$100; Stock 90 to $1; Gardeo40cper peck. Potatoes Irish $1 00 perbnah. - " Sweet, new, $1 50 per bushel. Sugar Crushed 35c per lb ; Brown 25c 8yrup 40cg50 per gallon. Soda Cooking, 25c per pound. .Salt $2 00 Der bushel. Tallow 10c12K per lb. Herrings $U per bbl. Rice 15c per lb. J . uanaieg -Adamantine, 40tf'-ttf per box aoap-xurpenune, zuc per lb Bluestone 50c per lb. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M1 nth of s ISS ANNIE LOVEJOT WILL OPEN A SCHOOL it the residence of her father, in this eity. on the September, for boys and eirls. "Tuition for ses sion of five months $25, including Latin, French and State Convention. P UB LIC SPEAKING! .MESSRS. W. H. HOOD & J. L PENNINGTON, Cadidates for the State Conrention. will address their fellow-citizens at the following times and places, where tliav mill kA InflnA) 1 ll ! 1 1 iur tii ire picaocu ms meet iu eir iciiuw-ciiizens. vtuex IS OK candidates are invited to attend these appointments:- Eagle Rock, Wakefield, Rollsrille, Auburn, Hayes' Store. Morrisville, Spikes', Oak Grove, Laws', Green Level, Tabby Jones'. Barney Jones', Tsept. 5th. 1865. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, September , 7th. 8th. 9th. 11th. 12th. ISth. Uth. 15th. 16th. 18th. 19th. 20th. td. GRAY, KELLOGG & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HOUSE (Old stand of S. H. YOUNG,) Fayetteyille street, Raleigh, JV. Keep constantly on hand a large and well , assortment of selecud RANDALL & CO., PROPRIETORS. SEPTEMBER 2d 3d AND 4TH. S B Dougherty , Chapel Hill, J Davie j, North Carolina NC Alex G Black New York Geo L Montgomery, Capt &. Ed J Fritz, N CRR Act Ordnance Officer Capt WmS Freeman, 128 BeDj Lecraft And 2 eons, Ind Vols Salisbury Beaufoit N C Lieut Chas Osborn, 128 Ind Miss Lecraft, Beaufort Vols Salisbury William Taylor, two Ladies Lieut M L Robinson,Green8- and two children. Beau- boro fort N C 6N Murphy, Sutler 128 Ind To the Magistrates of Wake County. YOU ARE NOTIFIED AND REQUESTED TO MEET at the Court House on Saturday the 9th dav of Sen. tember, to transact important county business. A full attendance is requested, a a majority of the whole will be required to meet by 11 o'clock. NATHAN IVEY, Sept 5-5 1.- Chm'n of Court. BREAST-PIN, GOLD TROWEL, MASONIC Emblem. le finder will receive five dollars reward and no ques tions asked by leaving it at the Sept. 5-lt PROGRESS OFFICE. r a Mr S Patterson, Charlotte Miss Johnson, Charlotte Miss Adams, Charlotte Miss Young, Charlotte William Dunn, Kingston R P Gibson, Greensboro J D Wit&on, Newbern Miss Kelley, Fayetteville C S Ellis, Wilmington Andrew Mercer, Beaufort Vols Salisbury S W Grugley, Seargt 128 Ind Vols George HShepherd,Greens- boro R A Stevenson, Greensboro Robt Rouesin, Greentfboro WW McNulty, Columbia Ohio Albert Cuming, Raleigh ASKise, Lt Col 120 Ind Rightmer Mortimer,Raleigh middle aged WUthern lady, a refugee from Flori da. She is capable of teaching children,, can cut and make children's clothing, and do plain sewing. Inquire for Mrs. Wier, Exchange Hotel. Magistrates ot Wake. Col. Nathan Ivey, the chairman of the magisterial court of Wake, pub lishes to-day a summons for the members to meet here next Saturday, for the transaction of business important to the county. j. Educational.-! We learn from advertisement that Miss Nannie Lovejoy proposes opening a school on the 11th inst. She is thoroughly qualified for the task and will be able to give Satisfaction to those who send pupils. Gone to Wilmington. Maj. General Crook and staff, left the city yesterday for Wilmington. The General is to assume command at the latter point, relieving Brig. Gen. Hawley. t In the Field. We see by his letter to Messrs. Allen Adams, Isaac Rowland and S. M. Williams that Col. Wm. H. Harrison, of; this city, is a candi date for tee convention from Wake. Recommended. Dr. R. K. is recommended for Congress from the 1st North Carolina district. Vols J J McClure. R Q M 130 Ind Vols N F Reed, Wintworth M Ray, Uharlotto aj Genl Kilpatrick, Lex ington aj E V Brookfield, Lex ington Capt E Northup, Lexington Maj Genl Geo Crooke and wife Col H E Trumaipe, of Genl G A Lvon. Greensboro N L Latson, New York H P Cacsoday, New York James H Simpson Wm J Camp, Smithfleld Kilnatiicks Staff Mai C L Roberts, of Genl Kilpatnoks Staff James H. Admire J E Mclvor, Capt U S V ' Post Commandant Dan'l Bropbv, N York liouis isaer, newueru William Treadway, Smith- field Harry D Fouea S Schenck J T James S-enl J L Casement, Ohio J M Palmer, 3d N I Vols Doctor James J Phillips, Edarecombe Lient Charles P Gray, 5 U SCT Andrew Mercer Sam'l Wesley. Edward Gleen N Tork George Washington N C. Albert Oueninar, Raleigh Marion Rhoton Raleigh V Bernard JUleigh Ef n Getheni ann wlft Mai E C Ford USA lAent 8 J L Rhodes 8801 Lieut 8 E Dav 37 U S C Voltaire Cjmbe Syracuse Lieut J W 8trorm U 8 Vol's W. Crombie Newherne D L Ryan Fewbern . M Carroll A R Carroll E W Lloyd, Charlotte South Carolina C H. Abbott Morehead City A J Danoaa U 8 C I John Radoliffe John Smith, Arkansas J W Gardner, S C XV V. Rnwn. Ohio O H Strorus, Buffalo N Y M TT.llrtoror. Raleifh l A Merrier, Beaufort N W Bowen A C Bramley, Raleigh Ur KaIIodt. Raleia-h N C Charles fc. Y reston, uexing- n- Hunter " " toD D 5 Reno, NCBR Col Ester A AG to Maj Miss Scpeiduer, Co Shop. Genl kilpatnok Mi EC Fords East CUv- Miss JCster, Lexington lind Ohio ; C A Horoan, Lxmgton J Rjiorrxs, Washington, U Q N Cooper, Iredell Co J W Gray, " nj Lit. Lt. L Smith, 2d Mass Artillerv John Dry, Newbern Capt. GFW Welly, A Q M Greensboro D B BibU, Beonfort N C C M Sullivan, Mil Conductor Col Harry Clark .Greens boro W M Alpine Wijwell New York City Charles Middlttott, Va BOOTS AND SHOES, hats Aisrr) , oafs; Groceries, &c, &c. Having made arrangements with prominent houses in ew Vork,they are enabled to offer to the public at all times the LATEST STYLES OF GOODS, which they will imtwauit fittx-s m j . ma any eeptl-Sin establishment in the State. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, C. 8 DOZ. WEEDING HOES, Noa. 1, 2 and3-Etwell's Slocam's. and other maces. 30 pair Hooks and Hinges, assorted plxea 500 Carriage Bolts, do. do. 12 pair Sad Irons 2 doz. Frying Pans 20 Steel Corn Mills something new 6000 papers Cut Tacks, assorted tixec ' ' ' 69 papers Carpet Tacks 10 dozen Mill Saw Filet 5 do Flat Bastard Files 6 do Half-round Files 5 do Three-cornered Files 20 do Hand-saw Files 3 do Nail Claw Hammers 2 do Cast Steel Lathing Hatchets ' 10 do Cast Butt Hinges 10 gross Wood Screws, assorted size 10 dozen Angers 10 do Knives and Forks . 0 do Pocket Knives 4 do pairs of Scissors 16 do Table Spoons 15 do Tea Spoons 100 pounds Swedes Iron Horse shoe :aih -fS 10 dozen Gimblets, assorted sizes 6 do Auger Bitts, with Brace 5 do Boxwood Pocket Rules -f 3 do Butcher Knives 2 do Chest Locks 20 do Pad, Draw and Cupboard Locks 4 do pairs Snuffers 15 do Cast Steel Axes 200 kegs Cut gails, assorted sizes daily expected ALSO on hand, a large assortment of Rim Locks, Fire plate Locks, Horse Brushes, Shoe Brushes, Coffee Mills, x iuTO ouuveis, auu t cass ja&mmerea Wrought Nails T-.-A. ; i i . turn, received ana ior sale by D , w o B. 1 . WILLIAM80N fc CO., gat Nails. Commission .Merchants. Forwarding and Cofhmissian Agent, N. C. DEPOT, RALEIGH, N. C. HIS LOJMG EXPERIENCE ASA RAILROAD AND Express employee justifies him in believing that he can give satisfaction to patrons. He will be at the depot on the arrival of all trains, and he solicits consignments of Cotton and Produce of all descriptions. Guards kept on stores wnue in transit, ana trusty mes sengers sent with all goods, and every precaution taken against loss ot cotton oy nre. ,. Country .f roquce Dougnt ana soia, or aoia on commis sion. Goods purchased and orders filled of every descrip tion. Special attention paid to the forwarding of small pack ages. Raleigh, Sept. 5th, 1865. ; lm. D E- -B'-- OOg lOLULUBA 3HX dO N9IS 33oi eq) eutmvxa pav hd o) p3)A.ui a BJ9taQ pus savqojajf Xj;anoj ns aj sappusnb uj saovi-ooqg pa '3aioia 'saqsnag 'S30HS sxooa jo oog 3J aiwdo-2?nX ajy (D) I $ yQtf qowwvj'r 9q) fo u6ig HaKAVXS MOSV louis FEisroisrE, FRESCOE AND ORNAMENTAL Has located in Raleigh, and offers his services to the public. GRAINING AND EGYPTIAN MARBLING, GILDING, LETTERING, fec, Done in the best style. May be seen at Exchange aug31-2w Orders for work solicited. Hotel. SMALL LOT WANTED. W ANTED to purchase in the city of Raleigh, a Small LOT, say one fourth to one half acre, with small house on it, or if the location suits the ground will be bought without improvements on it- Apply at m-septl-tf PROGRESS OFFICE SEED WHEAT. " fCi( ) BUSHELS RED WHEAT, plump grain, and U J J free from disease of every kina, which I will sell for seed. Price $3 psr bushel. r. a. jenkins; aug31-lw Williamsboro, N. C. GREAT INDUCEMENT. I WILL sell a bargain, for cash or on time, in a FARM at Williamsboro' of 340 acres land. Good improve ments. A Tobacco Factory and fixtures to work 25 bands. 80,000 pounds Leaf Tobacco and 60 to 70,000 pounds to work on shares. I wish to sell all together. R. A. JENKINS, aug31-lw Williamsboro, N. C. KITTRELL'S SPRINGS FEMALE COLLE GIATE INSTITUTE,' if Granville County, N. C. THE FALL SESSION ofe this new Institution will open on the first Wednesday in October next. For particulars see Circular, or address Rev. C. B. RIDDICK, aug31-lm Kittrell's Springs. TAILORS, ATTENTION! CM. FARRISS, one door abore the Paosazsf office, has employment for an additional number of journeyman Tai ors. Five good "Coat hands" can ob tain employment by applying immediately. Females, well recommended, may apply. aug30-tf CAMAS HAMS, BAIOV SIDES, &0. 2,000 POUNDS BACON SIDES, bright 1,000 do - do do dark 1,900 do do do clear 3 tierces Choice Sugar-Cured Hams, extra 8 firkins Lard, 100 lbs each 25 kegs do 60 do do 25 pails do 30 do do 5,000 pounds Prime Shoulders 1 chest Black Tea fc sHg 700 pounds North Carolina Hams fr 500 do do do Kids 1,500 do 'do do Shoulders For sale by B. P. WILLIAMSON & CO. aug30-tf Commission Merchants. mp e POST OFFICE BEING FOR THE PBE8E5T I .t.u. rhamfnra tnrnnrnient. a small flier rrrni.Ai h- vinHiw will indicate that it is open No . r f ... . . witirD o if , nae, tnat it is ciosea. a. amiun, . aletgh, Sept. 2, 1865. TO PRINTERS. FIRST-RATE NO. S WASHINGTON Press for sale, nearly as arood as new. orice for a new one is $S0O. Will De SepU-tf. Progress Office. HAND Price $100. Will be sold as abore WIRE, NAIL BOD AND SHEET IRON. lOOO POUND8 WIRE, rnnninz from No. 6 to 26. 2000 do ' Nail Rod Iron 1000 do 8heet do 2009 do Plantation do, from 3 tn 8 inches wide 500 do Horse-ehoe Iron 4000 do Shovel-plate Iron For sale by B. P. WILLIAM80N St CO., aug30-tf Commission Merchants. BOARD AT BEAUFORT. MRS. FULFORD will accommodate boarders by th day, week or month. Terms $10 per week Ketsidence on Ann eptl-2w children and servants half price. street miNGLES! SHINGLES! ANTED to purchase 15,000 to 20,000 good Shingles, ff . pine er cv press. septl-tf Apply to J. L. PENNINGTON. 0- 8T0CI NOTICE. Saturday, September 9th, I will sell at aifction. at the Insane Asvlum. about 25 head of blood td Sale to com. OCK HOGS, sows, boars and pies. menoeat no clock a. m. RDF OS K. F ERR ELL, auglS-td Steward.