t-' 1- BY J. 1. PENJflJTGTOS & CO. THE 3STEWS. ' For latest news see Fourth Page. 1 Geo. McCleliao, at last accounts, was in D re- ; dea. Jobn Bright of England, who Is about to visit the United State, at the Invitation of President I Jobnsoo, will probably spend three! months In cur I country one . bef. r, aod two after1 the opening of j Congress. The Georgia Central has been repaired for a dls ! tanee of forty, five miles out from Savannah, and as a eooaequence trade has become very brisk, partic ularly In cotton. Large quantities were stored in the city, on th wharves and about tjhe presses, and tverything loukd eoconraeing for a thorough revi val of the importaat traffic &s soon as the railroads hould be thorooghly restored. t A Missouri paper states that iron is found In thirty foor conn ties of that State ; lead Is found in thirty one; coal in 86 ; copper in twenty two ; silver In five. . I T;ie last Washington on dit 13 to the effect that when, a few days go, tho President was indirectly blamed by an over officious radical for the speed with which he granted pard ins, hfs reply was that Speed h ul i-otbiog to do with it." It is reported that Geo. Banks, abandoning all hope of a Tj. S. Senatorship fromTLnulilnU, w41l seek election to the House of Ropresentatlves in his old Massachusetts District this fall, a vacancy existing by the resignation of .Mr. Gooch.. Kate Howard, aliiw Mrs. Trelawney, who, it was understood, wm an especUl favorite of the Emperor Louis Napoleon, died in the Utter part of .last month in the vacinity of Ters iiljea, France. I The French at Mtamoras are reported as very 1 touchy on the anhjet of war between this country and M' xici. They say that 60,000 men could be concen trated on the Rio Grande, besides a force of 25,000 fwopM invade the United States. Tbey evidently nver heard of our aqairr-el-huntera . Governor Lewis, of Wisconsin, has issued a - proclamation returning the thanks of the people of the State, to Wisconsin soldiers for their gallantry and patrio'ism, and paying a tribute to the memo- l-w nf th Viprnin dead ' J It It said that the work of Ex-PresHent Buch anan, being a defense of his administration n gainst the charges of the Republican partv a5? to its iden- tification in any way with the rebellion, is already rimeu, uuuuu anu icauy lur uisii louiiun. President Johnson a few days ago informed the he delegation of Missourians, who called on him pn business, that he had decided -to restore the S jpirit rf the habeas corpus, and will so' n issue a reclamation to that effect. He also said the army was to be further reduced by the muster out of troop serving in such Southern States as had satis factorily reconstructed their State governments. I There has been a dash of excitement at For tress Monroe, a few days past, over a suspicious lit tle steamer called the Effort, dodging about among the tortuous windings and shallows of the eastern ihore, Gen. Mills sent two expeditions af'er her ut "w thotit success. Various were the rumors that a rebellious expedition was being hatched to release Jeff Davis and take him to Europe, but the probability is the Effort was only engaged in imugling. The' event, however, made the mili Ury and naval folks brush up for any sudden emer gency. I The .telegraph announces that the people ot he Territory of Colorado have adopted the consti ution proposed by the late convention As far as te have been ale to learn anything about this or ganic law, it follows generally the constitutions of she free States in all leading features. The Legis--iture, at its first organization, is to consist of thir Ben Senators and twenty-six members of the lower Jouse, to be increased, as circumstances may re quire, after 1870, to thirty and seventy height for ach branch respectively; which extent of repre- leatation is the maximum. Toe Governor's sala- y is fixed at $2,000 per year, the Secretary of State at $1,500, and the Treasurer's $1,000. It is iUOOOSed the neonle will ratifV ti nrnfPpdinirs. I .4 x 1 .... - j jr -" o" nd that the application will be made to Congress it its next session for the admission of the Territo- . -j 7 into the sisterhood of States. Gen. Custis Lee, a so i of Robert E. has been ippo'iatcd Professor in the Virginia Military Insti gate to fill the chair formerly occupied by General ackson. General Order No. 59, Headquarters Depart- ent of Kentucky, dated Louisvil e, August 25, di- ectsthat all public buildings in that State, such as ourt houses, churches, colleges, school houses, le. oocunied bv troops, will at onco e vacated 1 - 1 , , Juid turned over to the proper persons. I An interesting case is in progress before the District Court or Kentucky, says the Louisville journal, in which an intelligent lady is pleading her own causj. Sne is bravely fighting the reven ue officers on th( nifttnrs ousstion. Th3 decision 1 rul be important to phot graphers. I The WanhirVm Republican has- beard a story about R. S. E well, lately a eourtherd insurgent, to the effect that during his sojourn In that city he was Jnvlted to a dinner party of rebel sympathizers, but 'declined to attend on the groun that he "could not east with gentlemen who tympathiied with the South q the late struggle and ye would not fi ht for her in- dependence." . It is said that this announcement fell Ike wet blanket upon the seces'i symposium Gossips tell of a rough fight with the tiger at Morrlfgey's at Saratoga. A party sat from one day until 4 o'clock the next, aod the animal came out bet, though they wtre $25,000 ahead at one tim. Robert Orrick, a colored man, has received the contract to convey the malls between Leesbun? and Winchester,. Va., at ,$525 per year. He is said t be ot nrst colored man 'that ever received a contract of ;t kind. TOL. VI. RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 13, 1866 NO 257. Fbkedmen's Buexau. Th fwZZXTTZ.'' list of the principal Assistant Commissioners of the Preedmens Bureau, with their respective headquar tors ', nSSK Tennessee-Brig. Gen. C. B.FL, SSSSSSt P,rid-Brevet Maj. Mis8issippl--Col. Samuel Thomas, Jackson. North Carolina Col. E. vVhittleiy Raleteh Louisiana T. W. Conway. 7' Ka!elSn-Alabama-Gen Wager Swayne, Montgomery. Virginia Gol O. Brown, Richmond. 7 St.MSuU.1 Arkan8a8-BriS- Gen J W. Sprague, GJveBMVekBrigadierGeDeralF- M Crwgory, wSKSi C0lambla-Co Johu Eatoa, Jr., A Black Editor's Opihios. " Tbe Black Re publican is a newspaper in New Orleans, editl by J colored man (a clergyman,) who it would seem from the following does not think that the regulation ot bis brethren is to be accomplished by voting and tax-paying : " The colored man and the white man cannot live together in this country, they must, and will have to separate unless the Congress of the na tion will give toem-a place for themselves, for, as it was with Abraham and Lot, so it is with us. aud the sooner we seek a home for our rising generation , the better it will be fur us. Our final destiny, so far as I can dimly see, is that in three hundred years it will b a rare thing to eee a colortd man in this country. Ufce the Indian, our race ia destined to become tx tlDct in this country, ud less we move ourselves " wirtewKA?utternutlivinS a few miIes from Van IVa b. of gold ; but refused, saying that 15 fre on" until greenbacks got to be fifty cents a21J and then invest. He has just n "W a great deal to say about the privileged class" that loaned their money to the Government, and are exempt from taxation. The same opportunity was presented to hitn, but he preferred to help Jeff. Davis, and is now calling on the American people to imitate Jeff., by repudiating debts of their own contracting. Van Wert Bulletin. The editor of the Indiana State Senfinel, at In dianapolis, has commenced suit agaiuat Gen. Hovey, for false imprisonment during .he war. He claims $80,000 dam ges. N. 0. COMMISSION HOUSE- ANDREWS & BARDIN, wix-iytusro-TOisr, o. The undersigned have established a Commission and Forwarding House in Wilminton, and offer iheir servi ces for thesale f Cotton, Naval Stores, Sheetings, Cot ton Yarns, TobaCCO, Bou, Flour, fc . wl n , cbaae for merchants or others any goods sold in this market. Consignments and orders respectfully solicited. W. S. G. ANDREWS, BENJ. H. BAKUliN, oi Goldsboro. Lowell Cotton Mills. Office No-,2 South Water st.9 tip stairs. augylm State Convention. PUBLIC SPEAKING! MESSRS. W.H.U00D & J. L. PENNINGTON,! r.Mafm fnr tht St.t Convention, will address their Vuiuvvy v w ' r fellow citizens at the "following times and places, where thev will be pleased to meet their fellow citizens Other ... . .. . . i.i : . a . . candidates are mvitea to aiiena mese appuivt-cui-si Hayes' Store, Tuesday, " . J2th. ill. Wednesday. " J3th. Spikes', TDursaay, Oak Grove, Friday, - loth. . . 11 li.U Laws', Saturday, ibtti. .Green Level, aionaay, Tabby Jones'. Tuesday, " 19th. Barney Jones', weaoesaay, Sept. 5th, 1865. GRAND FAIL OENING! GRAY, KELLOGG & CO., WHOLESALE AND BET AIL HOUSE (Old stand of S. H. YOUNG,) Fayetteville street, Raleigh, N. C, Keep constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS OA DPS, Groceries, &c, &c. Having made arrangements with prominent houses in New York, they are enabled to offer to the public at all - times the LATEST STYLES OF GOODS, which they will sell at rates and prices , as low as any establishment in the State. septl 3m WIBE, NAIL BOD AND SHEET IRON. IOOO POUNDS WIRE, running from No. ft to 26. 2000 do -iuwu iiu won do Sheet do M0 do Plantation do, from 3 to 8 inches wide 600 do noriwiw- 4000 do onovet-y..- "f Ttambow CIO Fonfr 7 ' Commission Merchants. aug30-tt . FOR SALE. rrr k .Md to the hiebest bidder on Tuesday next, w 7 1 i ?et abSt 100 head of HOGS-'sowa, pig. and of Haleigb, ftboU;,i"fl CoW8 and r aires. . fattening hogs. Also nre cows an yiu H1NX0N. Terms of sale cash. " ept6-lw THE CITY. The Canvas. We are ,glad to hear that the canvas for the Convention from this city and coun ty is being conducted in a spirit of harmony and upon a basis of principle which does great credit to the heads and the hearts of the men who are participants. Notwithstanding the fact that Mr. Pennington, our "honest John," a man who really deserves the name, is among the belligerants, the Progress has neither sought or desired to proclaim his praise. Like a truly modest man, the Editor-in-Chief, has left a special injunction with his As sociates that the paper should not be made the ve hicle of his eulogy. One of that number a Con federate Captain, who served in Ike Army of North ern Virginia up to the moment of Lee's surren der at Appomattox Courtbaise prefers to disregard the injunction Ho unhesita tingly, though differing with Mr. Penning ton in maoy points, recomtirnds him to the support, the votes aud the sympathy of those who, with him, stood in the battle's front for four years. He does this upon a fuller knowledge, If possible, of the views, opinions and feelings of Mr. P. than the public cin possibly hare. Hv is conscientious, honest, self made, reliable, fu'l of integrity, devoted to Nrth Carolina, warm la hu friendship for Confederate sol diers and not in any way the advocate of class legis lation. The only possible argument which honesty dare submit against Mr. P. Is the fact that he is the impassable friend of the mechanic, the workingman, the farmer and that high merit which la all condi tions, as Barns says: "Makes a man a ma o for all that." A Nice Place. Paint and upholsters have con tributed much recently to the improvement of Ral eigh. This is evidenced by the external as well as internal annMranre of the Saloon next to the Yar- ------ - borough House. Messrs. Johnson & Graves, the J 1 1 1 A ? . proprietors, have in tneir estaunsnment as nne liquors, wines, ales, porters, &c, &c, as can be found in the Souih, and gentlemen who have a fancy for such beverages may satisfy their apetites in a quiet way at will. They know how to pre pare drinks in a friendly style. Tun Rtoht Spirtt. There are in this community a class of people small, we are gUd to think who omit no occasion to decry every man of Northern birth and every manifestation ot enterprise, nai tne game d. es not appear seriously to check the spirit of some of the Northmen who are here to share with ns in building up the cify :nd btate. We unaersiaau that a party of the' hater kind have formed a build ing association, and it the ranks are filled up, will at once purchase a site and put a public hall to be us,d . ITT ! il. for theatrical and otber performances. e nupo uy will persevere in th?r purpose, ana tne ...uuu majr with advantage copy the example of gahead-aUve- ness. t .T . Handsome, Very. Our neighbor and frieorl, Mr. C M Fabbiss, whose furnishing store -is filled with every article necessary to the complete outfit cf gen tlemen is entitled to our thanks for the elegant neck tie sent us yesterday. In quality, color and arrange ment they are very tasteful, and if any of our readers in want of uch articles are advised to call and mke - 1 Tn fact: they may fiod therein any thing in the nature of dre w:i;h h ritbn in tue world of fashion. Sickness. We W-A i" T port that cur fir i;y cf 0,kl port tDrti l ur liiii ' j i ,i We desire to y U-t tbe "rf"!? from thecorrespouJeot ol tbd be rheld in tne. This notice is . . thai lie of the deepest aye. to wad in H Correction. We were mistaken, a day or two since, ia stating that James H. Finch hadcommeaced a forwarding and commission buaintm at the depot of the N. C. Railroad. J. H. Finob, a gallant fpirit and liberal as the day ia long, went to that bourne from whence no traveler returns in the first Manassas fight. We loved him and now honor hla memory ; but Wib. H. Finch, a goodly representative - oi the name, is 'the gentleman to whom we referred. He is not among tbe'thioes that were, ami l-)Dg My Ab shadow remain. Runaway. List evening about 5 J o'clock,a horse attached to a buggy, driven by Mr. F. Wnitehurst, creat-d consternation on Wilmington, between Mar ket aod Harget streets, by one of those splendid dashes which, while tbey excite our admiration, fill us with alarm. Mr. Whiteharst was thrown from hid buggy and his left kg broken, wneo the progress of the b-jr&e was staye d, and only the shaft of the ve hie'e broken. 11 " In Petersburg. Among the Raleigh folks regis tered at the hotels in Petersburg last Monday, we see the names oi A. M. Hope, E.F. Britton, W. H. H. Tucker, and F. A. Wilde. MARKET "REPORT COKRBCTED DAILY BY JEC. A. W HITAKER. Grocer and Dealer in Provisions. Apples Dried, $125 per bushel, kt Green, $2 00 per bushel, Bacon Firm, sales at 2526c per lb. Beef 10c per lb. Butter -25c per lb. Cheese 40c per lb. Cu.icfc.eus 20 a 30c a piece. CoiTee 50c per lb. Com $1 20 perbushel. Kggs 20 a '25c per dozen. Flour Superfine $12 per bbl.; Hides Green 10c. " Dry 15c. Honey i u coaib, 25 to30c per lb. Lamb 1215 pertb. Lard 25c pr lb. Meal $ I 25 per bushel, (scarce) Mullets-$15 00 Mackerel $20 per bbl . Onions $1 00 perbushel. Peaches dried 10c per lb. Peas White$100; Stock 90 to $1: Garden 40c per peck. Potatoes Irish $1 00 per bush. ' 8 r ml. nnw, $1 00 er bushel. S'igar Crushed 35c per lb ; Brown 25c Syrup 40c50 pergallon. Soda 0'ooking, 25c per pound. Salt $2 00 oer bushel. Tallow 10c12 per lb. Herrings $i4 per bbl. Rice lac per lb. Candles -Adamantine, 40c lb per box. Soap Turpentine, 20c per lb. B.uestone 50c per lb. We are authorized to announce Dr. J. W. A'cCADLLY as a candidate for the approaching Conven tion for the county of Alamance. sept!3-td NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Goodspeed Steamship Line BETWEEN N. YORK AND NEWBERN. THE A NO. 1 FINE STEAMSHIP EL C I D . UO BART Commander, rill sail directly tor New York on SATURDDAT, September 16. at 5 P. M. For freight or passage, oaring unsurpassed accommo dation?!, apply at W. H. Oliver k Co.'s Brick Store, feot tf Craven street, t ,eptl3 4t C. P. GOODSPEED, Agent. ?Jflbe steamer will follow the D. II Monnt, and El Cid MVora this port at h 0 clock on S iturday, Sept. 23. R FALL AND WINTER, 1865. ftQ(s the pleasure to inform bis friends and customers eH the public generally, that he has just returned from larkv York, where he has selected with great care a e and good assortment or Ku4 OL ct Hi I ha S WD1C eccu chan ville I 8 mort than say t with deal for y yon I I bid hone a coif se j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HelmboW's Fluid Extract Bucliu, For Weakness arLirRr-frim InAir. TitO tlLliUStr 1 powers of Xature whith are arcompanhi a.ainatng ay upturns, amon. which will be d bv so nian r " " i i or r jreooamg.ot Kvil; in fact, Uiii- Tersal lsifude, Prostration, and inability to enter in thenJ menu of society. The Constitution, once affected with Organic Weak- requires the aid of Medicine to rAe and in. buohu luTarubiy does. If no treatment is submiitt-t , Coosnmption or Insanity ensues. HELMBOLD'S FLUIIVEXTRACT BUCIiU, In affections pecaliar to" Females," is unequalet bv anv other preparaUon, as in Chlorosis or Ketenuon, Pain ful ness, or bttppressioa of Ctfstomary EvacnathM, Ulcera ted or Schirrus Sute f the Uterus; and all complaints incident to the sex, wn uher aruing from habiu ofdiwi pation, imprudence in, or the decline or change in Ufa HELMBOLD'S FL.UIJDEXTRACT BUCHU ABO IMPROVED ROSE WASU, Will radically exterminate from the system Diseases . arising from Oabi s of Dissipation at littlt txaen,e, UttU or no cAa7 n diet. o iko.,... t . pleUlv,per,edinj (hoe unplcaant and Outgerou, rtm: , --. nWMa,(Br m tui ueee cuaeaaes. USE HKLMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, ln D Diseases of these organs, whether existing in " Mle" or " Female," from whatever cause originating, and no matttr how long Handing It is pleatant in taste and odor, imsuUiate" in action, and mure . trengthen ing than any of the preparations ot Bark or Iron. 1 hose infftsrincr frum Hr.iku rinvn nr l)ui;o,A " xr. wi.vatc VVUII1' tuttons, procure the remedy at once. xoe reaaer modt oe aware tnat However sugnt may ba the attack of thH h Bodily Health, Mental Ppwers. aud H-ppi -a uo vjtw ica.Bi'e iqo aiu ui a uiurcic. HELMBOLD'S EXTR?f BUCHU Is tli great Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCKXTRATed COMPOUND FLUID EX1RACT SARSAPARILLA, For punt'jiug tha blood, removing ail ctiionic Cvntitti tionai diseases, arising Irutn an impure state of the bioo i, and the only reliable and effectual kn wu remedy fur the cure of Scroluia, ticald Head, Salt lUeum, Kaii6 and riwelhngs of the Bones, Uicerati u of the Throat and Legs, B.otches, Pun plea on the Face, -Tetter, Erysipelas, and ail scaly eruptions of the skin, AND bEAUf 1FY1NG THE COMPLLX10N. Not a few of the worst disordars that affect njunkii.d arisd from the corruption that accumulates in th- b,uoi. Uf all the discoveries that have been wde to purr it out, none can equal in edeet UtiL.lt HOLD'S COM POUND LXTRACl OF riAuSAPAUlLLA. It cUass and renovated the blood, instills tbe vig t of health mto the 8y;tem, and purges out the humors .which make disease. It stimulates the healthy functions ot the body, aud expells the disorders that grow and rankle in ti.y blood. Such a remedy that coutd be relied on has (org been sought tor, and now lor tbe hist time, the public have one on which thej can deprnd. Our space h re do-8 not admit of certiucates 10 suo w its effects, nut the trial tl a single battle will show the tick tbat it has vir tue surpassing anything ib-y haw ever taken. Two tablespooctu s ti the Extract of Sarsaparilla added to a pint of water is equai to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one Dottle is fully equai to a gallon of the Syrup of Sar saparilla, or the deooctiou as u.-aml made. sVlU&SE fcXl'HACTS UAVb BELN ADMITTED lO USE KN THfc UNI 1EL S1ATES A KM Y , and a aLoin very general ue in all the State HOSPITALS and PUBlJU SANlTAitY INSTITUTES throughout the land, as well as in .jrivaie practices, and are considered as luvaluab e remedies. See lledital Proptrtittof Buchu, FROM D1SPENSATOKY OF T11E UNITED STATES, See Professor Dkweb's vaiuable works on the Practice of Phytic. See remarks made by Dr. Epubaih M Dow'kll, a cele brated Physician and Member of the hoy al College of Surgeons, lr laud, and published in the Transactions of tbe King aud Queen's Journal. See Medico ohirugieal litvxivo, published by Benjamin TbaVj.hs, Fellow id lioyal Ooi ege ot Surgeons. See most of the late standard Works ol Medicine. EXntAOT BUl.HU, ' SA KSaPA Hi LLA.'' Sold by all Druyjxtit. PRINCIPAL DEPOT HEM GOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 5& BROADWAY, N. YORK.. septS-lstm xjaTioisr OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY IM TUE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. AUC1ION SALES OF HOUSES, MULES, A KM Y Wagons, Spring Wagons, Hai ness and other gov ernment property wil take place from time to time at the principal cities and towns in the State. Theaesales will afford farmers excellent opportunities to stock their farms With any class of animah the desire to purchase. Each sale will embrace a variety of stock, includii g riding and draught Horses and Mules of everj class. A few very large Mules, ttiorughl j broken to harneee, atd in hue condition, will be ottered at each sale. The attention of capitalists and dealer? in stock is par ticularly called to the opportunities here presented for prontableinvestment. Stock purchased forcaah atihe&e sales may be sold n credit, with ample Becuriiy, a. a large advance, to farmers who are depending on their growing crops for means to purchase or .nay be retain ed, and sold for cash at a large profit alter the crops have matured. Terms CASH on day ot 3ale. Sales vrillconttnue during tbe month ol August, ana will be advertised in this column as soon as dates are fixed. At MORfcHEAD CITY, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Septembtr 12th and 13th, 1865, under the direction of Capt D. W, DAY, A. Q. M. Sale to commence at 10 a m. each dav. At TOO M Eli COUltl HUUSfc, liarnct coumy, ou Wednesday, September 27th, 1865, under th j.11 t 111. A. iU. ;loct, A-M- ,.Kar A IRfiS nndfr - , CBAKLOi 1 E, on e "T O M Sale ,o Kirection 'l oapi- i-'- ' f ence at 10 o'clock, A.M., ana to conunue froai today, at the discretion mvp- -.t- 'AILORS, ATTENTION! 'i-.i nn Fire rood "uoai uauus - il ' ; aonfving immediately. Fernak., recommended, m7fPPi . LOST OR MISLAID, nnrTT the last of April. 1865, a certificate for to trade for said certificate. htvtoV. pio-iw OFFICE BEING FOR THE .'a hrf,.r inconvenient, a sn.all hag 3K POST taTtVhe window w.U W&'tfi. np stairs, that it is cioseu. - tf ileigh, Sept. 2, 1865. , WANTED TO KENT, inwPHIVO 1IOUSK, in a healthy and central DWELLING ' t ... ,d atd Fire locatipn. Appij V:,0' "T auk2S-tf 'Bo-lding. Fay.etteville street. mcOld Bourbon and nhj ' ley, Sapcrior-og"' in, - CASES Old Bourbo Whbkey. do L0 do , Superior Cognac Brandy , 'Otard Dopuy, 1S. Holland Gn, Tine Old Sherry. " Port Wine, . Ma.fliria. 10 io 4 lo do 0 do 10 do do M Bakets Champagne Royal Crown. hk a " E. Lemaitre & do Lt receired and for sale by - r .- ConTno; sep-octl

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