y i Y i. L. PESNISGTOM & CO. THE NEWS. LFor late&l naws see Fourth Page. I A correepnn.ient of the Washington Republican tates that Major-Gen. Hooker is to be married on pt. 12 to Miss Groeabeck, of CiDclnncati, sister of Tadge VV: L. Groesbeck, ex-member of Congresj. Jiss G roes beck enjiys an Income of $40,000 per tnoum., Gen. Graut's father was In Indianapolis a few Jays ago on his way home after a visit to his speech :ass 6on. The old gentleman seemed to be equally iciturn. The Nary Department has dispatched a gunboat b proceed, vu the River St. Lawrence, to Detroit -ad the Lakea. This action of the government is !3tmed important as toroaioa.tlog the long-existing treaty stipulations reatHctK? naval protection on our "Mntier waters. v At the billiard match for the championship of America, at Ro hester, on Thursday night, Deery ron by thirty six points. Fox made a run of two lundred and seventy six points. There was much xckement Fox being the favorite, v Surmises that the trial of Jeff. "Davis is short !y to be commenced at Fortress Monroe are again avived by mech mcs having been set to work at Ittine up special ' apartments, inside'of that strue- ' Miss Hannah t. Gould, the poetess, died at lier home in Newburyport on Tuesday. She was born in the last century, the first volume of her poems was published in 1832, and she has contin ued to be a prolific writer, both in prose and verse, until quite recently. t; Gen. Heintzelman, having been mustered out, 3 now Colonel of the Seventeenth Infantry of regu irs. He is now on a visit to his home at Maheim, Liineaster county, Penn , from which he has been bsent twenty five years, this being the first leave f absentee he has received since the war began. . Since the fall of Richmond, upwards of 600,000 ien, with all their regimental officers, have been mustered out, disbanded, paid off, and every man :onveyed to his doorstep at the expense of the gov ernment, over the whole expanse of our wide coun try from Eastport, at the extreme Northeast, to the ?alls of St. Anthony, at the Northwest, and St. Louis, at the Southwest, and embracing all the Xiddle arrd Border States. S The Republican Convention of Minnesota yes iarday nominated Gen. W. R. Marshall for Gover nor. The platform affirms that neither race nor irth plaee should take away political rights ; that 11 the people should be educated; that the Mon 138 doctrine should be enforced, and the French La compelled to leave Mexico. A resolution en dorsing the President's course was voted down. The Vicksburg Journal says that on the 25th ult, Mr. Wm. R. Make, of New Orleans, Super intendent of the United States Military Telegraph, : access fully laid a telegraph cable across the river, bout half a mile below the city. It is a piece of ne formerly laid in the Red Sea. -The Mississippi election is to be held on the 1st Monday of October Congressional districts ame as in 1857. Legislature to meet third Mon day of October. County, district, judicial and ministerial officers are to be elected at the same ;me. . -Japt. Ladlow, of the ship Isaac Howland,. i ptured and burned by the pirate Shenandoah, T iltes to the Sag Harbor Express, stating the facts of I.'j capture, and also that when the pirate boarded V VFavorife, Capt. Young, of that vcWi, attempted shoot W td.fell.the commander of tha Sbeaa idoib, v.th a bomb-gun, but unfortunately the mate had removed the cap from the gun unknown to the cap-t.-.la. He was told that it was sure ttauh to him t j shoot. He replied, "Fd'die willingly, could I kill that wretch." The pirates . immediately htndcoffed Lim, and put him in the ooal-hole of their ship. Gen. Asootb, commanding at Barrancas, Fla., La issued an order to the following purport : "As there appears to be some misconcepti jn relative to the parole given to soldiers of the late so-called Confeder- tis army, it is hereby announced that the spirit of this parole was to obey the laws of the United States, tnd any violation of those laws, as well as the procla mation of the President of the United States in re-pj-rd to slavery, will be met within this military dis trict with speedy punishment." The Mobile Daily Tribune, of Aug. 27, says : "Up to yesterday evening, between threa and four hundred citizens had taken tbe amnesty oath before t' t officer who acts for the Provost Marshal. We pose that the list will be increased to six hundred the day of the election, x tie officer, we may ob- :::T8, Is a very courteous aod patient geatlamaa,and no one need apprehend any UDktndness from him. li s lace, however, wouia assure us oi tnis. it is a tcry excellent letter of recommendation." J "Tbe United States Marshal," says the Mjat- imery Advertiser, 25th alt., "yesterday arrested Ton. William G. Jooes, who was in this city, on the large ot treason aud conspiracy. Juige Jones w is 8 presiding Judge of the District Cjurtof the Uoi- J States for the State of Alabama at the time of session, :ud was continued in that position by the oceedlng regiaw.- He entered into a bond of $20, 30. for his appearance at the court to be held in thla ty in November next. The Superintendent of the .Metropolitan Police ; f Washington states in an official report, that rob Isrie and burglaries are alarmingly on the increase the District of Columbia, and that the disbanding -nd paying off of the armies has left here and drawn hither larga numbers .of desperate characters, who makb a systematic bisinessot robbing soldiers, stoal- log horses, and committing depredations upon prop erty. He adds : "There is a class of rum-hops in our city, whose entire income and support come from thi-ves' aod desperate characters, and who are all w ed to keep thir dens open the entire night, there be ing no law to prevent them. The amount of d- VOL. VI. bauchery, robbery and trrarder that is perpetrated upon this community through these resorts, is truly fearful. w Major W. G. Dickson, formerly inspector of ar tillery on the Staff of Major Geo. Barry, has received the appointment of United States Marshal for the State of .Georgia. The Major was a resident of Sa vannah when the' war broke out, and, although all his material interests lay in the South, yet they were sacrificed in what he conceived to be his duty to the country. He came North and entered the service, where he distinguished himself in the campaigns of the Western army until the surrender of General JohBSton. Mr. Charles J. Arnoux. the representative of a company of American capitalists, has obtained from Maximilian the right to build and work telegraph lioes from Mexico, via Guadalajara, Teplc, San Bias, ! Mazitian and Guayamas, to meet the California lines at San Diego ; also from Mzatan across Northern M xico to Camargo, on the RioMlrande ; also- one from , Mapzinilla to Guadalajara. Tbe firsttwo lines would U'Uoq many important places, and woud prob aoly be valuable property if the country should re man quiet. The owners of the grant are to have fif teen yers monopoly of the business, and are to com plete 125 miles within eight mouths. The line from the capital to San Bias must be completed within two years. Iu Milan It is said that not only has crime most materially diminished during the last four years, but several classes .of crime have ceased altegether ; "grassnzione" f r instance, robbery with violence, in the city. Since January not one case has been brought before the Qjantor. Indeed, say the authori ties, order prevails, aud respect for and obedience to the laws are admirable. In some measure the cause of this improvement has been the great progress of public instruction, not fewer than 10,000 persons under the new regime having been added to ' those who were receiving education. The course of in struction provided resembles that of every great town in Italy, and does not require any special notice The U. S. have leased the Tredegar Iron Works. There is now direct railroad communicatioa be tween Mobile and Memphis. Ninety million tons of coal are annually brought to the surface in the collieries of England. -rHon. Asa Packer is named as the next demo cratic candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania. -rA man in London has patented an illuminated hat, to protect the wearer from being run over ty cabs at night. - Several Mexican agents have opened offices in Detroit. A larga number have already enrolled their names, and will soon take their departure. The PostcfSce Department is now self-supporting. Its profitsfor the last six months of 1864 were- $732,220 69, and for the first six months of this year will be much larger. Brigadier General Kiernan has been appointed Coneul General in China, and will Boon leave for Hong Kong. The editor of the Indiana State. Sentinel, at In dianapolis, has commenced suit against Gen. Ho- vey, for false imprisonment during the war. He claims $80,000 damages. Isaac Williams, formerly the occupant of the Booker Estate, situate on B ck river, Eliaab eth City county, Va., has been sentenced by a court -martial to undergo an Imprisonment of three years, and to pay a fine of $1,000, for violating his oath of alle giance to the United States. Robt. Orrici, a colored man, has received the contract to convey the mails between Laesburg and Winchester, Va., at $525 per year. He is said to be the first colored man that ever received a contract oi the kind. Professor Agassiz, of Harvard University, writes that the Brazllillan Emperor has put steamers at his command with which to go up the Amazon, that his visit will doubtless be protracted a year longer than first intended, and that the opportunity for collecting specimens are magnificent. There are in Barlin twelve thousand cellars in habited, in six thousand three hundred of wnich differ ent trades are carried on. The thirteenth part of the a. population, or forty-six thousand persons inhabit those dens. During the cholera panic at Barcelona nearly 10,000 people left the town in one day, although very few cases of real cholera occurred there. Jeff Davis Down on his Fellow-Tbaitobs. An officer of General Grant's staff, who recently had an -1 : ik l. t ui i . , . injurious in his denunciations of Hunter and SteDh- 1 1 1 in i rif w wii.ii i.im rHiini Ki.nrpsmanr aivra rhnt li..im us, wdulu ne uccubbu oi aenoera'eiy Defraying the i i i j i-i . . . . . I soutnern cause into ine nanas ot the lankees. "Had those two men," said Jeff, "representing aa they did me weaK-Kneea conservative sentiment In the south. Htoou uriu, mo ouutucru uhuihj wouia nave triumphed. i c 4.1 ti u i . , . . Jrff annoars to hfl nerfectlv indifferent n hi f,; u still does not tninK tne punishment tor his crime will be visited upon bim. Ha told the officer that he had less care upon his mind now, and folt easier than he did when he was president of the confederacy. FOR SALE. WILL be sold to the highest bidder on Tuesday next, of Raleigh, about 100 head of HOGS-sows, piga and fktteninir'liosrs. Also five Cows and Calres. Terms of sale cash. DAVID HINTON. sept6-lw " BOARD AT BEAUFORT. TtyrRS.FULFORD will accommodate boarders by the IW1 day. week or tnontn. Terms io per week children and servants half price, Residence - on Ann itreet eptl2w - i ; : RALEIGH. THURSDAY, SEPT. 14, 1865. NO. 258 THE CITY. The Gssventiow Election. Maj. Gen. Ruger, in command of the department of North Carolina, has issued an order in regard to the conduct of the Con vention election which is appointed to be held on the 21st inst. As a matter of special interest to town and country, we annex the rules : I. On the day of such election, no officer or en listed man will visit the polls, nor will permission to leave camp or station be given to officers or men, except in cases of necessity. II. Officers having command of troops will, at the request of the civil officers hating charge of I the elections, render all needful assistance for the I If aprinna disturbance RhnnlH I anywhere occur at the poIls,"such disturbance will r - t. be at once suppressed, and the guilty arrested, even if such request be not made. III. Any parson guilty ot attempting, by force, to prevent an orderly and quiet election, or inter fering therewith, will be punished with the severi ty due to acts in their nature essentially hostile to the Government, and to this end such persons will be arrested by the nearest Military Commander, and all the facts in each case reported by him di rect to these Headquarters, as well as to his imme diate superior. IV. Commanding Officers of Districts, Regi ments, Posts or separate Detach Dents will be held strictly responsible for the enforcement of this or der. V. The foregoing order is not published under apprehension that the conduct of the troops would otherwise be improper, or that the election would not be orderly, but that the evil-disposed, if such there be, may be forewarned and without exci and the election be beyond suspicion fair. Improvements. It is a good augury for the fu ture growth of our city in a business sense, that at al most every turn of the eye, we see some evidence of enterprise or energy. Buildings are springing up as if by enchantment ; old houses are undergoing repair aad enlargement; new stores are being opened all around us ; and Ral igh, once quiet as a village, is fn'l of the hum and noise which are the evidences of material growth. It is ouly requisite now thatour people shall discard petty jealousies and dlfferer-cea to warrant the highest prosperity for the city of oaks. If our population and wealth are not tripled in a few years, it will be because we refuse to follow the dic tates of wisdom and prudence. W must unite and harmonize, not divide and dispute, or encourage hatred and strife. Let us, then, come up to the work of building a great city. Knocked into a Cocked Hat. Tha plan of furnishing gratuitous transportation to refugees has boon knocked into a cocked hat by recent instruc tions from Washington. Ip future, except upon order signed by Major Gen. Howard, no transporta tion can be given the class mentioned, unless in ex treme cases where eossiderations of actual hnmanity authorize it. This step, like that taRen with respeci to iree . ... ..... ... . . r rations, has been made necessary to protect govern ment against outrageous Imposition. It is eminently wise and just, as the government has already dis played the utmost liberality in both particulars. Progressive. It is currently reported that at a late consultation of temperance men, in this city, It was gravely proposed to add to the prohibition against liquor drinking, abstinence from such con diments as salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar. Strong and fanatical, but the recommendation did not appear to take, so the condiments specified, like the proposition, will contioue to go down. Personal. Capt. J. C. Mann, A. Q. M., recently assigned to the Freeimen's Bureau lo this State, ar rived ia town a few days since, and we understand has been ordered to report for duty, at Wilmington. From a long acquaintance with Capt. M. the writer hereof feels warranted in assuring the Wilmingtoulans that they will find him a gentleman in every sense6 of the word. New Schedule. The recent changes in the schedule of the U. S. Military Railroad between ti;v, r,rA Mr,rahfa.r r.itv. are erivea below for the convenience of business men and travelers : Mail leaves Raleigh at 8 A. M.. and arrives at 5.30 P. M. Freight leaves Raleigh 4.89 A. MM and arrives at Raleigh 5.40. Peisonebsat WoBK.-Jn passing around yester day we observed a number of prisoners undar guard engaged in cleaning the streets. The plan is an ad mirable ope, for while the labor undergone operates punishment and adds largely to the public cormon, as the nrisoners have the benefit of both sunlight and Weather "The D-sert of Sahara Is no tech to . t u Hnt " said a brawny tellow i tniaciiv lur uc LJ " .. L! , , rc naranrtnn rnlled down veaterdav. 88 me oiguruFo u. -r his face from underneath an 51d slouched hat that had seen better days. He knew nothing ab..t tne thermometer, but he realised it was hot, auJ did we. PbomotedT- W e learn 'that W. H. Edd-ns, form erly of this city, has been aPloioted to a hentenaocj in the 14th U.S (col .red) Heavy Artillery, stationed atFortMoi. Gone Home On Sunday last about one hundred and" twenty discharged soldiers of tne 4 h U S. Colored Troops passed through this place, en r-.ute home, their term of service having expired. Handsome Stqhb. Among others in the city who have with carpentiry and paint brash gi vo not only freshness, but beauty to their places of husincss, we have not heretofore mentioned Mr. A Creech. His st j re is indeed inviting from its exteiiur view, but the stock of goods on its shelves is attractive as any In Raleigh. He seems t ) have displayed great care and taste iu their selection, aod is doubtless able to tell at figare8 low ns the lowest. Golo in the Cards. We have a large lot of tine paper on hand, and can print military blanks court blanks, eirculars, catalogues, &c, at the shortest notice, and at northern prices. Also a large lot of cards on hand, which we can print at from $5 to $8 a thousand. Orders solid- ted at Progress Office. RALEIGH MONEY MARKET, RBVI8ED DAILY BY B. P. QRADY, EXCHANGE BROKER, 13, Fayetteville Street. Buying Rates. Gold &1.40 : Silver $1.35. North Carolina Bank Notes Bank of North Carolina, Cape Fear, Roxboro', Cnarlotte. Farmers, Merchants, Miaers and Planter?, 35 cents on the dollar; L-xingtoD, and Thomasville 25 cents on th doiUr; Wadesboro', Commercial, Wilmington. Commerce 20 cents on the dollar; Washington, FyeMeviile, Clarendon and Yancey- ville, Greensboro' Mutual, 16 cents on Pie dollar. Bank Notes of other Southern States, 10 a 30 cents on the dollar. Northern State Bank Notes, 85 a 90 cents on the dollar. New York Exchange, J per cent discount. North Carolina bonds, old sixes, with all the coupons attached since May 1861, $70. Dotached coRpons, 35 cents on tne dollar. MARKET REPORT CORRECTED DAILY BY JE. A. . W HIT AKKR, Grocer and Dealer in Provisions. Apples Dried, $125 per bushel, Greea, $2 00 per bushel, Bacon Firm, sales at 2526c per 1 b. Beel 10c per lb! Butter 25c per lb. Cheese 40c per lb. -Chickens 20 a 30c a piece. Coffee 50c per lb. Corn $1 20 per bushel. Eggs 20 a 25c per dozen. Flour Superfine $12 per bbl.; Hides Green 10c. Dry 15c. Honey in couib, 25 to 30c per lb. Lauib 12K15cperlb. Lard 25c per lb. Meal $1 25 per bushel, (scarce) juuiieis uu Mackerel $20 per bbl . Onions $1 00 perbushel. Peaches dried 10c per lb. Peas White $100: Stock 90 to $1: Garden 40c per peck. Potatoes man ji uo per bush. swaet, ne, $1 00 oer busnei. ssyriip oc(g50 per gallon. Soda Cooking, 25c per pound. Salt $2 00 Der bushel. Tallow 10c12 per lb. Herrings $14 per bbl. Rice 15c per lb. Candles -Adamantine, 40c lb per box Soap Turpentine, 20c per lb. Bluestone 50c per lb. DIED, In Kinston, August 25th, HERMAN WOMBERLV COX, onlr child of E. F. aad Carrie Cox: aced 4 Tear and 6 I - - o - i montns Few deaths will create more sorrow than that of little Herman Cox. Handsome, intelligent and affectionate, " none knew him but to love him." Ia his native town from the oldest citizen down there are few but feel grieved at the death of the little boy, who had found a place into' their hearts by so manj winniBg ways. He has left a world of sorrow for a far brighter abode', and even as he was remarkable here on earth for bis many endowments, we must look with the eyes of faith and behold him, with easy gift magnified, a bright and shining angel, around the throne of Him who said, " suffer little children to come' unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven." Ji E W ADVERTISEMENTS. DR. B F. GARDNER, (Formerly of Texas ; WOULD respectfully offer his prdfessional serricei to the citizens of Kaleign aad surrounding country. Office at the residence of Mr. Henry Fenningten, Bear North Carolina depot. septl4 2m COTTON, COT TON, COTTON. w ANTED immediately, 50 bales prime Cotton, by sept!4-tf IS. V. WlL.iiIAMSW & cu. I KsmpP.Ba.ttlb. J.M.Hbck. B . h. Williamsgh. OUT II CAROLINA LAND AGENCY. BATTLE, HECK & CO-, RALEIGH, N. C, WILL BUY, SELL AND LEASE, ADJUST titlpsof. d&t taxes on. andtake eeneralcare of all kinds of real estate,gold, copper, lead, iron and other mines, water-powers, c. ,4c. Throaffhreliableazentsin every ceunty accuratein- formation will begiveoabeat particular localities,tracts of lata, Ac. Wili likewise andertakecellection of debtsin North Carolina and elsewhere, by suitor otherwise. Uomtnamcations oosriDisTHL. uommiiiiots ana charges moderate. je 14-tf All papersin tne otatecopy tour limes anaiena om. The Daily Express, PETERSBURG, VA,, HAS entered upon its Fifteenth year, in an enlarged form, with new type, under auspices highly flattering. It has a large and daily increasing circulation, and offers to merchants and others desiring to cojamnnieate with the Southern public, advantages surpassed by none. ADVERTISING BATES OSB 8QCARK. TWO SQtJAEES. Two weeks $5 00 f JO fjj One month... 6 00 J2 w Three months 15 00 0 Sir months U 00. - 0 0 One year - 4' 00 60 00 Persons desiring a greater quantity of space than is above designated, willbe accommodaUd on I iberajl terras. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Single copy (mailed) - 5 One month do 75 Three months do .$2 00 Sis months do .....................-... 3 50 One vear do ............................ 6 00 A. F. CRUTCHFIELD k CO., auglS-lm Pettrsburg, Va. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ncImbolcTs Fluid Extract Bucliu, F or Weakness arising frcm Indiscretion: The exhaust-. i powers of Nature which are Accompanied by so man alaiming syoipurms, smoa. which will be found, Jncia pqsition to Exertion, Loss of Memory, Wakefulness, Horror of Disease, or Forebodings of Evil ; in fact, Ubj veraal Lassitude, Prostration, and inability to enter in o tbe enjoyments of society. . The Constitution, once affected with Organic Weak net; requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and iu. viaoraU the ryrtem, which HELMBOLD'fc EXTRACT BUCUU inrariably does. If no treatment is submitted M, Consumption or Insanity ensues. IIELMBOLD'S F JL UIDEXTR A CT BUCHF, In affictiona peculiar to" Females," is unequalel by an? other preparation, as in Chlorosis or Kettnuon, Painful nets, or Suppression of Customary Eracuations, Ulcera ted or Schirrus State f the Uterus; and all complaints incident to the sex, wh -ther arising from habits oi dissi pation, imprudence in, or the decune or change in life. IIELMBOLEKS FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU ASD IMPROVED ROSE WASH, Will radically exterminate from the svstem Diseases arising from Habi s of DissiDation at little exuense. little or no change in diet, no inconvenience or exposure; com pletely tnpertedin j thote unpleasant and dangerous rente- ate, Lopaxva and Mercury in all these diseases. USE HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCUU, In all Diseases of these organs, whether existing in Male" or " Female," from whatever cause orieinatinir. and no matter how long standing. It is pleasant in taste and odor, immediate" in action, and more .-trengtheif ing than any of tbe preparations ot Bark or Iron. lhose suflnne !rou it r-ice o or Delicate ofti- tutUD, prouo tha roni4j at ouca. The reader must be aware that however slight may be the attack of the above diseases, it is certain to affect bis Bodily Health, Mental rowers, and Happiness. A '1 the abore diseases req aire tbe aid of a i mretic. II LSI HOLD'S EXTRACT BUCUU Is tlie great Diuretic. HELM HOLD'S III G LILY tOXCl,M RATED COMPOUND FLUID EXIRACT SARSAPARILLA, l!or purifying the blood, removing all cbrocic cunotuu tional diseases, arising trom an impure slate of tbe btm. ., and the only reliable and tttectusU known remedy for tl. cure of tScrofula, Scald Head, Sait Kheuiu, I hld hlu dwellings ot the Bones, Utcerau u of the Throat an t Legs, BiOtches, Pimples on the Face, Tetter, Erysipela-, and ail scaly eruptions of the' skin, AND BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. Not a few of the worst d.isordrs that affect mankind aris from the corruption that accumulates in tbe bioou. Of all the discoveries that have been made to purge it out, none can equal iu etteet HbLMBOLb'S COM POUND EXTRACT OF SAKSAPAK1LLA . It cleans and renovates the blood, instihs the vig r of health into the system, and' purges out tbe humors which make disease-' It stimulates tha healthy functions ot tbe bod , and expells the disoruers that grow and rankle in tho blood. Such a remedy that couid be relied on has long been sought tor, and now for tbe bist time, the public have oue on which they can depend. Our space h re does not admit oi' certificates to show its effects, out tb? trial t a singe bottle will show the sic. that it has vir tues surpasdiag any thiiiss thy have ever taken. Two tablespoont'uis ol the Extract ot Sarsapat ilia added to a pint of water is equai to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle is fully equal to a gallon uf tbe Sy rup of Sai -saparilla, or the decoction as usually wauc. JSBTTHESli EXlKAUTS UaVL BEhN ADMITTED TO USE IN THE UJNllED STATES ARMY, ard at . also in very general use in all the State HOSPITALS and PUBLIC oANITaKY INSTl'lU lES throughout the land, as well as in private practices, and are considered as invaluable remeaies. Sec Mtdieal Properties of Buchu, FROM DISP-EN'SATOKY OF THE UNITED STATES, See Professor D&wbb'b valuable works on the Practice of Physic. See remarks made by Dr. Efhraim M'Dowkll, a cele brated Physician and Member of the Koy al College f Surgeons, Ireland, and published in tbe Transactions ot. the King and Queen's Journal. See Medico Uhtrugicat Jieview, published by Benjamin Tbavrs, Fellow of Royal Col eg t Surgeons. . bee mt of r01 .o or Medicine. EXTRACT BUCHU, ' OARSAPAtilLLA." Sold by all Druggints. PRLNC1PAL DEPOT II EM HOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 694 BROADWAY, N, YORK. 8ept8-lstm .A-TJCTIOlsr .SALES GOVERNMENT PROPERTY IN THE STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA. AUCTION SALES OF HORSES, MULES, ARMY Wagons, Spring Wagons, Harness and other gov ernment property will take place from time to time at the principal cities and towns in tbe State. These sales willaffrd farmers excellent opportunities to stock theirfarms with any class of animals they desire to purchase. Each sale will embracea variety of stock, including riding and draught Horses and Mules of every class. A few very large Mules, thorughly broken to harness, aed in fine condition, will De onerea at eacn sale. , The attention of capitalists and dealers in stock is par ticularly called to the opportunities here presented lor INprofitableinvestment. Stock purchased for cash nttbete sates may Desoiaon creaii, witn ampie security, as a large advance, to farmers who are depending on their growing crops for means to purchase or jiay bt retain ed, and bold for cash at a large profit after the crops have matured. Terms CASH on day ot sale. Sales willcontinue during the month of August, and will be advertised in this column as soon as dates are fixed. At MORRHEAD CITY, on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 12th and 13th, 1865, under tbe direction of Capt. D. W, DAY, A. Q. M. Sale to commence at lo a. m. each dav. At TOOMER COURT HOUSE, Harnct county, on Wednesday, September 27th, 1865, under the direction f Capt. A. M.GAitocTTE, A. Q. M. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M. At CHARLOTTE, on Tuesday, October 3d, 18C5, under the direction of Capt. D. W. II. Day, A. Q. M. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., ana to continue f-oiu day to day, at the discretion of Capt. Day TAILORS, ATTENTION! CM. FAtiRISS, one door abjve the Progkess otLce, has employment for- an additional cumber of journeyman Tai ors. Five jrod "Coat hands" can ob tain employment by applying .immediately. Females, well recommended, may apply. aug30-tt LOST OR MISLAID, ABOUT the laat of April. 1865; a certi6oaie for fourteen shares of stock in the Raleigh A Gaston Railroad Company, No. 116. All persons are warned not to trade for eaid certificate. 8ept6-lw DAVID HINTON. mHE POST OFUCE BEING FOR THE PRESENT I upstairs, and therefore inconvenient, a Rma'l fla? displayed at tbe window will isdicato that jt is open, flag, that it is closed. A. illLLER, P. M No Raleigh, Sept. I, lbbo. WANTED TO REN T, tf. DWELLING HOUSE, in a bealthy and central J location. Apply to S. MAXON sido Ru Idin. Faretteville frot . Fveid and Firo aut:28'-tf prime Old Bourbon andMonongahela Whis key, Superior Cognac Brandy Holland Gin, fcc, AtC. Ci 5 CASES Oid Rourboa Whiskey. r At 25 do Mononganela " 10 do Superior Cognac Brandy, i 10 do (Hard Dupny, 1848, ' 1') do Holland Gin, 10 do Fine Old Sherrv, 10 do l'ort VVine, 10 do " 44 Maderia. 2U BakeU Champagne Royal Crown. 20 do V E. Liemaitre Just recjired and for sale by . B. P. WILLIAMSON & CO. -tf