Y J- L. PE KHIfG TO Hi &. GO. THFNEW8. I Foir latest news see Fourth Page. U I ' ' ' ! The Catholics of Georgetown,1 D. 0.t are rais- gubscriptions for the relief of the suffering peo; Die of the South. j;. Governor Peirpotnt has appointed B. DCfiitri'-" bers as Judge of the Second District, j comprising ix counties and the city of Petersburg,' and James f arshall as Judge of the Ninth District, comprising :ren counties. . The President declines to release Mallory, ex cretaryoftheRebel.Navy,but gives his family rmissipn to visit him. A disease called hog-diphtheria is now rapidly ling out the hogs in Fairfax, Va., 'and adjoining unties. The animal appears well one morning ; iring the day the neck swells, and by the next oroing it is dead. No cure has been discovered. LoDgstreet is visiting a relative in jiniform. . The reported burning of Shreveport, La., is jnfirraed. The fire began in a cotton, press, and, ie wind being high, it spread with great rapidity treral adjacent warehouses and presses, all. filled ith cotton, caught fire, and the flames in immense olume rolled with uncontrollable strengthen all irections. ' The flames spread rapidly in the di 3Ction of the rWer, and were stayed only by the laterial giving out. The portion . of the town laid i ashes was the newest and most substantial and 5st part of the city. All the largest and best bu ness houses and stores were in this section. y Dr. James K. Nesbitt, of Statesville. has been ppointed assistant Assesser for the 5th Division nth is collection district, comprising the counties Iredell, Catawba and Alexandria. Robert H. Broadfield has been appointed as 3tant Assessor for the 2nd Division of this col ction district, comprising the counties of Rowan, ividson, nd Davie. Capt. Stempson with a police squad endeavored ) arrest some negroes by order of the Freedmen's ureau, on the place ovf Mr. Peter Hairston in Da idson county, on Saturday. The negroes resisted 3d drove the squad away; when in ! self deftnee ley were forced to use their fire-arms; and one ne ro man was badly wounded. ! Seth Kinmao, the Rocky Mountain trapper, as constructed and presented to President John ;n a 44 grizzly chair." The four legs, with the 3t and claws in perfection, are those of a huge rizzly bear, whiie the arms are the arms and paws f another grizzly ; the back and sides are also or men ted with immense claws. The seat is soft 1 exceedingly comfortable, but the great feature the 44 institution " is, that by touching a cord, head of a monster grizzly bear, with distended s, will dart in front from under the seat, snap ig and gnashing its teeth as natural as life. ie presentation came off at the White House one y last week. . -The Atlantic Cable Company have resolved to .nufacture a new cable. No effort will be made is year to recover the old one. . The returns of the Vermont election come in 2ry slowly, probably being too one-sided to inspire :uch interest in. their collection. . In fifty-three Dwns thus far reported, there is not one which ives a majority for the Democratic candidate for lovernor. The Republican candidate for Gover or is elected by about 15,000 majority. The Sen te will again be unanimously. Union as last year. Jhe House will likewise be about the same as its redecessor, with perhaps a gain o three for the lx2mocrats, which they owe to a division of the -Irpublican vote in several towns. Last year tho House stood 212 Republicans, 19 democrats. - " Spotswood Augustine Washington, Esq., diep t his residence at Middleport, Illinois, on the 24th ltimo., aged 54 years. His father was Bushrod 7ashington, Jr., son of Col." William Augustine Washington, who was brother of Bushrod Wash igton, Sr., Judge of the United States Supreme ourt ; the latter was the son of Lawrence Wash igton, brother of George Washington. The de? aased was as near akin to the Father of his Couh ry as any living. By his death a valuable relic- he golden seal which the immortal Washington ;ore while living, as his private and official seal ow descends to his oldest son, Bushrod D. Wash- .jgton.' ; - j Extra Billy Smith is quietly living on bia estate 2r Warren ton. The Norfolk and Weldon railroad .will be in run- :ng order in a few days. IadiaDB have been running against horses again c 3 the Chicago Trotting Park. They ran foar miles nd a quarter while the horses trotted, eight miles to Larhess, and beat by sixty rods in twenty minutes thirty-five seconds. A tunnel, fourteen hundred and fifty feet Ion,';, ind costing $200,000, is to be bail! at once under the river at Washington street, in Chicago. r fernHu Barnell is the Ohio maiden's name those speech was restored by a severe whisky apree. " a letter frynj Galena say General Grant is alklng of taking a tour In Europe, to be absent two ears. : Herschell V. Johnson was recently talking very blatant treason in the' presence of sundry gentlemen. fOoe of them fi Dally interrupted himj and told him tthat he could not talk so in Washington. Mr. John- 'son saioftbat he had beeji pardoned by the President, and be knew of no power which could prevent him from expressing bis sentiments. The gentleman re plied that he did know of a power which could "pre sent him, namely f the, presence and strength of a loyal man who would hot tolerate the utterance of treason in his presence. Shortly afterward Mr, John son privately Inquired the name of-the person who had so. abruptly silenced him, and was told that it . 'was Maj Gen. John W. Geary. " Agate," of the Cincinnati Gazette, tolls, a very -good story lu this fashion: A certain worthy Gen eral lives, with bis Staff, next door to the new Brit- X ! i X i ish Minister. That functionary, as' a new comor, was not unnaturally puzzled by the nomenclature of the Washington streets? Finally he determined to seek for authentic information. : Accordingly, one evening there appeared before the group of Staff offi cers next door a vision of white neckcloth and swap low. tail coat, with knee breeches and handsome calvesthe valet, to wit: "Aw, gentlemen, Sir Frederick presents his compliments, and desires to know whether Is 'ouse is on the havenu7" Thereto gravely responded, with courteous bow and gracioas smile, one of the. worthy Staff:" " Give Sir Frederick the compliments of Col. , and inform him that his house Ua on Hell (L) street 1" " Thank you; Sir Frederick will be very much boblidged." And the faithful valet hastened to inform the minis ter. , It is now believed the cable disaster was brought about by deliberate design of some English bears, who bad an interest in the destruction of the line. Their tool must have been employed in the vessel. A woman is' in prison In England for burning her child's eye out with a redhot skewer. . The Dresden correspondent of the Allemeine Zcitungol August 15, says:"" The well-known Gen eral McClellan has been sojourning in Dresden for the past few days. He is constantly visiting all the museums and examining the numerous collections of arms and trophies In this city. It is understood that he intends to devote himself to German military studies, and is now making himself thoroughly ac quainted with the Prussian army, which, more than anything e!sp , attracted his attention." 'All the Shriekers out of Hell." The present Governor, W. G. Brownlow, of Ten nessee, delivered a lecture an slavery in New Orleans, about eight years since, from which the following Is an extract. It is characteristic of the old gentleman though little by little he has simmered down in the intensity of his words, as well as changed his front from South to North : The Southern Methodist Church was doing more for the temporal and eternal welfare of the negro than all tiiH shriekers out t' hell; the pious abolitionists would tnier the church on Sunday, with a face as lniig as the mornl law, descent upon :ind,heviil the miseries and wrongs heaped upon the dowu-troddeu son of Africa, and on the following day, iu his pica yune grocery, or candy store, would, if he coh!J, bwiodle a Louisiana negro out of the pewter orna ment on the bead of hla cane, and do it in the name of the Lord. When I get to Heaven," continued Mie.revereud gentleman," where I expoct to go aft.T my-death, it 1 fiad a regular abolitionist tluro I shnll nc!u le he practiced a fraud upon tho door keeper, for; i" my opinion, a Kansas agitator and freedom shrieker has no more business In our Father's kingdom than Commodore Paulding had In Nica ragua, when be captured the filibusters. The Three Cent Pieces. During Jthe months of May, June, July and August five million five hundred thousand three cent pieces were coined at the United States Mint in Philadelphia. Where are they ? If they are retained in the mint, per haps the Superintendent can tell us why. The people are anxious for goM and silver; but if the precious metals cannot be brought into circulation ihey are willing that nickel and copper shall b& substituted. FOR SALE. WILL be sold to the highest bidder on Tuesday next, September 12, at Oak's plantation, ten miles east of Kaleigh, about 100 head of HOlis sows, pigs ana fattening hoes. Also five Cows and Halves. Terms of sale cash. . DAVID H1NTON. 8ept6-lw , BOARD AT BEAUTORT. TtTBS. FULFORD will accommodate boarders by the If I day. week or month. Terms $10 per wee children and servants half price. Residence on Ann street septl-2w The Daily Express, PETERSBURG, VA., HAS entered upon its Fifteenth year, in an enlarged form, with new type, under auspices highly flattering. It has a large and daily increasing circulation, and offers to merchants and others desiring to communicate with the Southern public, advantages surpassed by none. ADVERTISING RATES. ONE SQUAEK. Two weeks One month.... Three months Six months............. One year TWO SQUARES. ,$5 00 $10 00 ..6 00 12 00 .15 00 ..... 18 00 , 24 00 20 00 40 00 60 00 reater quantity of space than is Persons desiring a above designated, will be accommodated on iioerai terms. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Single copy (mailed) 5 Une montn do i 75 Three month I do $2 00 Six months do ... 3 50 - One year do 6 00 A. P. CRUTCHFIELD & CO., aug!8-lm Petersburg, Va. KimpP. Battle. J. If. Hick. .B.P.Williamson. SOUTH CAROLINA LAND AGENCY. BATTLE, HEGE & CO-, RALEIGH, N. C, WILL BOY, SELL AND LEASE, ADJUST titlesof. par taxes on . andtake ceneralcare of all kinds of real estate, gold, copper, lead, iron and other mines, water-powers, 4c;, Ac Through reliableazents in ererr ceuntyaccurate in formation will begir en about particular localities,tracts nf land. Ac. Williikewiseundertakeeollection of debtsin North narolinaandelsewhere.br suit or other wise. Communications coni0ihtial. Commissions and charges moderate. " je!4tf All papersia the Statecopy four timeaandsend bilU BB. B F. GARDNER, (Formerly of Texas j WOULD respectfully offer his professional serrices to the citiiens of Raleigh and surrounding country. Office at the residence of Mr. Henry PenningUn, near North Carolina aepo. . vU-u: m a. M COTTON, COTTON, COTTON. AriTJfiD immeoiaieiy, o ?-Yrwru' AAtl4-tf d, r. niuuiAMiswn a w. j mi 7 w V i RAXEIGH, FRIDAY, SEPT. T-HB CITY. Building Associations. Among the local davel opemrutd f the titrwH, aa effecting Rileigh, is the ne cessity fur the organization of building associations. Tno system is not merely admirable because through their instrumentality persons of moderate means mw make for themselves homes, but chiefly from the fact ' that ths.y operate to protect renters from outrageous demauds from un principle' 1 ludl'rds Of course we have in viow the idea f couuectiog with the enter prize a Uan association, tne whole to be operated on the basis which underlies similar institutions through out th,-. North. . Wo throw ou this reoiaiinrudatioa as not only remuiitiV.ive to capital, Lut pr-iductive of the high est benefits iu other respects. Nothing now in oar mind promises to interpose so effectually a check to the stupendous exactions of property-holders In Ral eigh The' effect of unreasonable .rents is to retard the growth of Rileigh ; to deter enterprise ; to check investments, and generally impoverish the communi ty where it is practiced. Nothing in the world but a spirit of extorticn amoog owners of property pre vented the development of Norfolk and Portsmouth to half a doza limes thtir present proportions. If prties from the North entered the market as pur chasers of wharf and other property, the holders im mediately ran up the figures to a princely height, and this, too, for property that had been notoriously noa payiog from time immemorial. A like spirit, but less in degree, appears to have' fastened itself upon a portion of property-holders here. We beg them for j the sake of the city, its future wealth and repute, to be satisfied with lair prices, and thus encourage rather than n tard every legitimate species of enterprise.. If they continue their present game it will have a very hurtful influence against their real and perma nent iuterests. If they abandon it, their revenues will not only be liberal, but permanent. But whatever their future course, we insist that it will be of universal and enduring advantage to found hern building and loan ass ciatlonB, and espe cially beneficial to the poor man, who, with i he. aid they would confer, could In a few years at least be the proprietors of the'.r own dwellings : Thk Episcopal Convention The 49th annnal council ot the f rotestaot Hipiscopai church of .the diocese of North Carolina, met in Christ's church in this city, on Wednesday last. The e'ergy who re ported as present were Rvernds Samuel 8 Barker, Angela A. Benton, J B Cheshire, D D Moses, A Cur tis, Geo M EvBrhan, Israel Harding, Thomas Q llaughton, . Lncian Holmes, F M HuLbard, D D., Win 0 Hunter, Matt M Marshall, R S Mason, D D., Jos W Murphy, Henry H Prout, A Smedes, D D., Robt B Sutton, David D Van Antwerp, Alfred A Watson, George B Wetmore, Wm R Wetmore, R H Joues, James Brlecoe, Joho H Tillingha&t. hv lav delegates, the tuiiowing cnurcues were represented : St. James' Church, Wilmit:jtvn. P K Dickinson, Robt Racgt J S Burr. St. "ohu's Church, Fayetteville. E J Hale. Trinity Church, Scotland N ck Richard H Smith. St. John's Church, Williauisboro'. Leonard Hen derson. St. Paul's Church, Beaufort. B L Perry, jr., Henry Reiger. St. Bartholomew's Plttshoro'. H A London. St. Paul's, Greensboro'. J do R Joyner. St. Matthews, Hillsboro'. P C Cameron. St. Peters, Charlotte. John Wilkes. Christ's Church, Raleigh. George W ' Mordecal, John H Bryan, Kemp P Battle. St. Lukes, Lincolnton. W M Shipp. Chapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill.Hoo WH Battle. From the Standard we learn that Rev R S Mason, D. D., was called to the chair temporarily, and on motion, the Council adjourned over for the perfor mance of Divine service. A sermon was preached by the Rev Henry H Prour, from St Mttt xiii rh., 28th, 29th and 30th verses, after which the Holy Commu- nien was administered . At the close of the services, the Council elected Rev R S Mason, President, and Rey John H Tilling- hast, Secretary, The Council theu adjourned until 9 o'clock, A M., to-day. Bishop Atkinson who Is ex officio President ot the Council Is in the city, but was too unwell to attend. Robbed. Mr. J. F. Hutchins. of this city, was attacked on Friday night last, and robbed of his hat, a gold watch, some money and other .valuables. He was passing quietly along, in the vicinity , of Gougetowo, when his assailant pounced upon him, knocked him down and than pilfered him. We hear also that the Adjutant of the 13th In diana was similarly attacked Monday night, and very badly injured. He thinks the attacking par ty was a soldier. Write Heb Mrs. Thist, of Savannah, wishes to find out the whereabouts of her husband, Chas. H. Thist, of the 1st Georgia regulars. He is thought to have been sick in Raleigh at the moment of Gen. Johnson's surrender. State Librarian. R. H. Bradly, of thisciy, has been appointed by the Provisional Governor State Librarian and Superintendent of the Capitol. The appointment is said to be an excellent one Order of Rkd Mn. The Great Cjun.:;l of the Improved Order of R-d Mm of the Uuit-! S atea I wm meet in Bdtimoreon the 12ih inata t. Ii tV-re nMah nv of the tomahawk and .-alatnat- I fraternity, they may take notice and attend Un -.wnw f tha aachema. i rv" 15, 1865 XO. 259. An Tmpibta-t Table. Wj pti rish Mjwa t carefully revisit 4ir I crrrct.r ah e, iow"i.i the value of C jnie.br tta Treasury N t js h e i;h month during the war, from Miy 1861. ti 1 to Apri',1865. This table has been prepared by a welj known and long established banking houie, and miy .'He rjlied pon as entirely correct : 1864. $20a20K ?2a25 22a23 1821 17al9 2823 22a25 22a27 2527 January February, March, April, May, Jane, July, August, September, October y November, December, In 1865, Ja nuary, the price ' was $4560 : Feb- ra ry $4ta65 ; Match $50i60 ; aud then 011 - Pipe logt. If it uever wastiue previously, .the war t! nde of uk a ration ff traokrrp. The gret penchant of all ipers, howeve r, has beeu meerschanm, and for the infrrmation of the gentry who pride them selvrg o i the rnxgnifi-ent c ig i tl. -ir chibuques, we have to say that their imagined meerschaum is made on a larye sDalu in New Ynrk by saturating carbonate of magnesia In silicate of soda, or solnble gWp, care, in selecting a good quality . f Magnesia and silicate bslng the only requisife f. r success. The profits are immense, as wT bc s'. Magotsla costs about twenty-five cent per pound, and silicate of sod i oven less. A pipe made r f tiu; " foai: of the sea," as smokers verily b iva, eosts for material about five cents, ieavirg the bt'ar;ce fo-1 tbor. Neqeo Troop. We have previously announced that the colored tro ps in this State, enlisted at the North, would be mustered out. Tie order from Washington to Gtn. Kuger is annexed : "The Secretary of War directs that all organiza tions of colored troops in your department, vvhich Were enlisted in the Northern States, be mustered out of service immediately." "The muster-out will be by entire organizations, including all additions thereto by recnis and from other sources. "The musters-out, discbarges and payments will be made under the regulations promulgated in gen eral orders no. 94, current series from Adjutant General's office. T. S. Vincent, A- A. G. B'al.l Fa htons. It n iutereat thi Udies in pur suit i.t th-- lale fashions, to kow that bm i ts in New Yoik tuis tall, are made lower in the neck, leaving less r om f r "waturfaHs," which will proba bly ue tab.)oed a'.togthar b f no Ctiristmas. Giit oriidmeuts are in v-igiH, tua iy d ls repre senting coin. (J. oaks ar.j to bj w ru iu I ni the oacu. Small sleeves still prcd i.-ninate ; Dime are closely fit- I ting at the hand. The regular fall fashions, 'lowovor, will ni)t ''.ipoii t ill the 1st of October. Sekiocs Accident. Loss of Life. We learn by a passenger down last night, that un Tuesday even ing the steam-boiler of a saw-mill exploded, at a point one mile below Pine Lcyel, on the line of the North Carolina railroad. We did not hear the par ticulars further than ascertaining that Jhe proprie tor, Mr. Taylor, and three negroes, were killed, be sides badly scalding one white man, whose name our informant was unable to obtain. One half of ihe boiler, a large on, was thrown a distance of at least twenty yards and the building literally riddled. CouNTERaiT Fifty Dollar Notes. Well exe cuted fac similes of tae United Scales $50 notes are ia circu.A i m Thi racy of Haiilt)n ju th-i bill is coarse, in; paper is aeavier tEian me geuuiaa duu m . t ' .1 a 1 J t-Sll Resigned. Col. C. R. Thomas, haring been cho sen to the presidency of the Atlantic ' and N. C Railroad, has resigned the position of Secretary of State. Death of N. C. Soldiers at Petersburg.-- The following is a list of North Carolina soldiers who have died in the Fair Ground Hospital at Pe-" tersburg, from the 1st of April to last Monday : H. Milton, co. H, 13th Regiment ; L. Nobles, co F., 21st regiment; A. P. Neal, co. H., in cavalry i John Parker, co. C, 17th regiment ; Lewis Powell, co. B., 44th : VV. H. Strayhorn, co. K.. 2d. caval ry ; J. H. Turner, co. A., 26th ; and J. O. WatkiDS, co. G., 2d. regiment. Personal. We had the pleasnre yesterday of mating that clever gentlenaau and officer, Lieut. John'M Snnmerman, of th j 120th Indiana regl- mmt, ou duty in the city. He ia o;.e amoDg those who, when tby quit Raleigh, will leave behind such a rc rd as to endear him to a host of friendd. New ADi. We direct attention to the nevr ad vertisements in this issue. Together with the old and recent ones they are an epitome of business in the city and state. m MARRIED, On the 12th inst., at Oak lands, Prince 6orge county, t th rftjudftnee of tha bride's father, by the Key. ti. Ppttv- Mr WM. M. WATKRBUKT . of KaTettenue, N. C., to Miss KM MA J. BROCK WELL, daughter of John E. Brockwell, Esq. On th 12th nit., at Clavton. Johnston county, by tt Rev- Mr. Wheeler, Mr. ROFUS W. SMITH, of Raleigh, and Miss NANNIE GULLET, of the former place. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RUN HERE, BUN HERE! JUST OPENED. rpHE finest saloon in the city is now opea at Yarbo- I borough Mouse. n?or COOL DRINKS call at the YARBORODOH HOUSE. RE-OPENED. fflHE well known House of the Patny stand has ben re-opened by C 8. JOHNSON, nest of WINES and LIQUORS, whalesala and retaiL COOL DRINKS at the bar. Let customers PLEASE GALL septlS-tf 1861. 1863. 4813. $125 $3.00. 1.25 4.00 1 30 5.00 1.40 5.50 1.10 1.50 5.50 1.10 1.50 7 8 1.10 160 9 110 1.5t 12&13 1.10 250 12al3 1.15 2.50 U 1.15 3.00 15al7 1 2t 3.00 18a20 f NEW ADVERT I S EM E NT S. i -1 1 i. Hclmbold's Fiuia Extract Bucliu, For Weakness arlaiae from Indiscretion. The exhausted powers of Nature which are accompanied by so many alai muig symptoms, lamon which will be found, Indis position Exertion, Loss of Memory, Wakefulness, Horror of Disease, or Forebodings of Evil ; in fact Uni yersai Lassitude, Prostration, and inability to enter into the enjoyments of society. The Constitution, once affected with Organic Weak fs requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and 7t?t U which HELHBOLB'S EXTRACT 11 uuau invariably dees. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or -Insanity ensues. IIEJLSIBOJLD'S FJUIDEXTRACT BUCUU, In affections peculiar toJFEMAi.Es," is unequaled by any other preparation, as in Chlorosis or Retention, PaiD ful ness, or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcera ted or Schirrus State f the Uterus j and all complaints incident to the sex, wa 3th,er arising from habits of dissi pation, imprudence in, or the decline or' change in life, , UEJUMBOLD'S FliUilTEXTRACT BUCHU - f A ' " IMPROVED ROSE WASH, Will radically exterminate from the system Diseases arising from Habi's of Dissipation at little expente, UttU or no change im diet, no inconvenience or exposure; cow plfUly tvperseding those unpleasant and danyerom rfws-Copaiva-and Jlercury in all these diseases. USE HLLMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, In all Diseases of these organs, whether existing in " Male or Female from waatef ef cause originating, and no matter how long standing. It is pleasant in taste nnd odor " immediate" in action, and more strengthen- of tfle preparations oi Bark or Iron. 'IhOMa mffmrimf frnx UrnkAn nrrn. QT Delicate Oonoli- tutions, procure the remedy at once; The reader must be aware that however slight may be ' the attack of the above diseases, it is certain to affeot Ms Bodily Health, Mental Powers, and Happiness. A U the above diseases require the aid of a diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the great j Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, For purifying the blood, removing all chronic constitu- , tional diseases, arising from an impure state of the blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Ulceration of the Throat and Lees, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly eruptions of the skin, AND BEAUTIFYING .THE COMPLEXION. Not a few of the, worst disorders that affect mankind arise from the corruption that accumulates in the bloou. Of all the discoveries. that have been made to purge it out. none can equal in efleet HELMBOLD'S COM POUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA . It cleanse and renovates the blood, instills the vigor of health into the syetem, and purges out the humors which make disease. It stimulates the healthy functions of tb body., and expells the disorders that grow and rankle ia the blood. Such a remedy that could he relied on has long been sought for, and now for the first time, the public have one on which they can depend. Our space here does not admit of certificates to show its effects, but the trial t a single bottle will show the sick that it has vir tues surpassing anything ibey have ever taken. Two tablespoonluls ol the Extract of Sarsaparilla added to a pint of water is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle is fully equal to a gallon of the Syrup of Sar saparilla, or the decoction as usually made. JSTTHESE-EXTRACTS HAVE BEEN ADMITTED TO USE IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY, and a. al o in very general use in all the State HOSPITALS and PUBLIC SANITARY INSTITUTES throughout Up land, as well as in private practices, and are consfdemi as invaluable remedies. See Jledieal Properties of JJuthtt, FUuM DISPENSATORY OF THE UNITED STATES, iee Professor Dbwes'b valuable works pn the Practice ot Pliysic. i " See remarks made by Dr. Epbraim M'Dowkll, a cele brated Physician and Member of the Koyal College ot ourgeoos,- Ireland, ana published m tne Transactions ot the King and Queen's Journal. See Medico Chirugieal Kevieto, published by Benjamin 1 BiViitS, Fellow or ttnrRl Oolltat. of Sartron3. See most ot tne late standard Works ot Medicine. . EXTRACT BUCHU, "SARSAPARILLA." Sold iy ill Druggists. PRINCIPAL DEPOT IIEMBOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse, &H BROADWAY, N. -YORK. ' septd-lfelui AUCTION SALES OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY IN THE STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA. AUCTION SALES OF HORSES, MULES, ARMY Wagons, Spring Warons, Uarness and other zoy- 01 ument property will take place from time to time at the principal cities and towns in the State. These sales will afford farmers excellent opportunities to stock tueirfarms with any class of animalstbe; desire to purchase. bach Bale will embrace a ranety of stock; including riding and draught Horses and Males of every class. A few very large Mules, thorughly broken to harness, aad in nne condition, will be offered at each sale. Ine attention of capitalists and dealers in stock is par ticularly called to the opportunities here presented for proiitableiavestment. Stock purchased for cash at these sales may be sold on credit, with ample security, at a large advance, to farmers who are depending on their growmg crops for means to par chase-or may be retain ed, and sold tor cash at a large profit after the crops nave maiurea. Terms CAS1I on day ol sale. Sales willeontinae daring the month of August, and will beadrertised in this column as soon as dates are fixed. At MORhllEAD CITY, on Tuesday and Wednesday. September 12th and 13th. 1865, under the direction of Capt. D. W, DAY, A. Q. M. Sale to commence at 10 a. m. each day. At TOOMER COURT HOUSE, TJarnct county,, on Wednesday, .September 27th, 1865. under the direction of Capt. A. M. GlaocTTK, A. Q. M. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M. At CHARLOTTE, oa Tuesday, October 3d, 1865,under the4irection of Capt. D. W. H. Pat, A. Q. M. Bale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., and to continue from day to day, at the discretion ot Capt. Day. TAILORS, ATTENTION 1 CM. FAURISS, one. door above the PaoGaEss office, . has employment for an additional number of journeyman fai.ors. Five good "Coat hands" can ob tain employment by applying immediately. Females, wen revuuiuieuueu, may apply. aagolf-tt LOST OH MISLAID. i BOUT the last of April, 1865, a certificate for f lourteen shares of stock in tlRileigh A Gaston Railroad Company. Xo. 110. All Tierjnn. wdrned not to trade for said certificate. sept6-lw DVVID aryTOv. npHE POST OFFICE BE1.NG V JR THE PRESENT 1 upstairs, and therefore inCOarenient, a small flag duplayed at the window will innicatw that it io ..r,n No flag, that it is closed. a. MILLER, P. M. Raleigh, Sept. 2, 1866. . tf. WANTED TO RENT, A DWELLING HOUSE, in a healthy and central Allocation. Apply to 8. MAXON ' Fie4d and Fire side Baildinz, Fayetteyille street. au228-tl Prime Old Bourbon andMonongahela Whis- M.cy, superior cognac Brandy Holland Gin, fcc, Ac. O 5 CASES Old Rourboa W, kev. do flionontra 10 10 10 10 10 10 do do do do do do Superior 'CWhao Brand v. vtara uupuy, II3, Holland Gin, Fine Old Sherry, t. Port Wine, Maaena. 20 Bat kets Champagne Royal Crown. 20 do I 1 E. Lemaitre J ust rec Ted and for sale by r B,P. WILLIAMSON & CO. -tf