B J. L. P E S I S G T 0 & C 0. For latent cesee Fjmrth Page. There are at present upward of one hundred Ma j jor and Brigadier Generals stilt Iboverameot aemcey , Reemployed, in addition to the large number muster-; ed out of service recently t. -There is no likeness of Were extant, and he ap pears unwilling that one should be taken. An ef fort was made last week by a phoitograper to get a likeness ot him, hut it failed. The attempt will be renewed, however, and it is believed will be success ful, as the request was endorsed by one of the com mtaloo, an Wer wilt not bs likely to do anything contrary to the wishes of any of those trying him, even in such a matter. : ' ' Johnson's Inland was cleared of prisoners on the 6tb test., when the following small remnant were sent to Fort Lafayette : Major Styles and Capt. Gag man, who refuse to take the oath; Lieut. McBribe, who. claims the protection of the British flag ; Cole and Robersoo, charged with complicity in the Lake Erie piracy ; and Henry B. Estop, charged with de sertion to the enemy. Gen. Fremont, Col. Zigony and another gentle man, have taken out a patent for expelling sap that produces rot in wood, and insert sulphate of Iron and other substances that render it incorruptible. If the dwoovery Is what they' believe it, it will be a fortune to the owners of the patent. The wood can be pre pared very cheaply, and will be used for railroad ties, wharves, ship-timber and various other purposes. Reporters for the press are to be admitted to the grand council with tne Indian tribes at Fort Smith, bat certain officials are to supervise their notes. It is good ; there might.be, An the suspicious crook of some strange phonographic gramnalogue, the most dangerous treason'. Let it be seen to that no reporter mistranslates the sententious grunts of the " bi Indian" iuto incendiary English. There is no knowing what dire conspiracy may lie perjlu in the "Ugh" and the " Oat-nichts," and the awful shoulder shrug of those silent a ad solemn red ras cals. " 1 That uneasy and garrulous, Qeury S. Foote, having got back to Tennessee, by special favor of the President, is again garrulous in the newspapers. Those who remember his aspirations in the Uaited .States Senate, some ten or fifteen -years ago, may be glad to hear the pitch ot his pipe at the present hour. It is thus : "I prefer to end our troubles at once by granting the right of suffrage (to the freedmen.) - Whatever plausible objections may be presented to this measure, for oue, 1 prefer it to the loDger con- tinuauce of he present distressing condition of affairs. , I desire the early disbandiDg of the armies now occu rs pying Southern territory. I desire the speedy and J perfect, restoration of civil authority everywhere. I desire the immediate representation of all the States f of the South in the National Legislature; and having f- good reason to believe that these benefits will not be f accorded to us until African suffrage is consented to, I am prepared to meet the experiment at once." , i( A. negro named John Smallwood, on Tuesday -j last, committed a gross assault upon a Mrs. King, of Preston, N. Y. He was arrested the same day,taken j to the County Court, then in session, indicted, ar l raigned, furnished with counsel, pleaded guilty, and 'sv , before tarly bed time at night had been convicted A and. sentenced t j the State Prison for fifteen years. It w strikes us thit this colored citlziu is under the im k pression that the North is a decidedly fast country. Provost Marshal Fry reports the total number 6t men contributed by Ohio to the army during the I late war to have been something over three hundred x- - ' - - : and sixteen thousand. The Republican State Central . Committee in Connecticut have issued an address, urging the : adoption of negronffrage in that State. Preston King has one thousand officers to ap- point, and it is said there are twenty seekers for X every office. There must be a great many petitions J pressed on Kiig. 1 President Johnson has declined to interfere :l with the action of the Southern Bishops. He says they may unite with the Northern Church or not, just as they please. Atterney General Speed has , decided that of ficers who left the naval service of the United States tr that of the late Confederacy, are never theless citizens of the United States, and are at liberty to engage in any business or occupation ;; that is open to other citizens, subject only to the ; pains and penalties to which hej may have ren dered themselves amenable under the law after convection. The Southern S,lar is the name of a daily pa - per just commenced in New Orleans. It is good looking, and appears to be smart. The Crescext is soon to be revived by Colonel Nixon, the former proprietor. 3 Governor Bramlette, of Ky., has been indicted by the Grand Jury of Fayette county, in that State, for interfering in the late election there. The Republican State Convention of Wiscon 1 sin, held last week, laid on the table resolutions in favor of negro suffrage. I "Gen. nindman, lately of the rebel army, is practicing law in Saltillo, Mexico. A communication from Gen. Fry to the Goveiru ior states that Wisconsin has furnished 96,000 troops to the Federal Government, whos? terms of service vary from three months to three years. This is about everv other!ooe of therarms-bearlog population of the State. i i it Jn the Criminal Court at Sti Louis on Friday last a lawyer defending a negro charged with grand larcepy, claimed that under the Constitution be was entitled to be tried by a jury of negroes. The Ojurt overruled be application. y-Cbti.4H. Peck, summoned od the grand jury at St. Lvuis, declined to serve on the ground that he could nut conscientiously fiod an iodictment against ministers for not taking the oath. , The court gave VOL. VI. him the option of serving or going tojill. He decided 10 serve. . ""T06 four nbl skiers, says the Chicago Repub Ztcan, who took possession of a street car in Caird, II!., recently, and ejected white passengers there from, were tried before the Provost Court on the 31st ultimo and sentenced to imprisonment irUhe police jail for three months, the Court holding that they committed an outrage which, if perpetrated by any one, irrespective of color, would be severely ponish3d by iha criminal code of any State. The Nashville Gazette, in commenting upon the article written by Gov. Brownlow in regard to the action of the people of East 'Tennessee, indulges in half a column of as bitter abuse as ever came from the noted Parson in his most til-humored fits. It pre sumes to call the Governor a ruffian, a reverend blackguard and a bully, and closes by saying that if the Parson Can make treason or sedition out of it to "crack his whip." Nice way of talkiug they have in Tennessee. , The famons New York engine company, Ameri cas No. 6, goes out of existence. It property, sold at auction the other day, embraced twu pianos, half a dozen sumptuous sofas, lace and damask curtains, immense mirrors and many valuable portraits. The company has been something of a political power. The receipts of cotton at New Orleans for the three months ending on the 1st iu&taut were two hun dred and seven tuuaud bales, while the entire busi ness for the preceding nine mouths was lass than the ) ordinary operations of a single week m former seasons, and very much less thau the amount for the month of Au2 ust. The New Orleans Picayune, which gives these figures, conjectures that the crop for the coming year will be one million two hundred and fifty thou sand bales. It adds that the amount of the old crop still left in the South is a vexed question, but the es timates vary from seven hundred thousand to nine hundred thousand, and even as high as one million bales. Hamill, of Pittsburg, the champi-m sculler of Ajiierica, expects to soon receive a challenge from Kenev, of Euglaud, who has just beaten Chamoers, tbe English champion. It he does not it is suggested that Hamill will challenge the Englishman to an in ternational champion boat race. Such a match would excite quite aa much interest as the great fight be tween Heenan audSayers, while it would be devoid of the revolting features ol that memorable conflict. Hamill if a working mau and baa little money, but his many Iriwuds and admirers would supply the funds to any extent. Difficulty in the Methodist Church. On Sun day last a difficulty occured in the M. E. Church on Mark fit Kt rit.. Tt annpnrs thai, as trip. Rpv Nnr- val Wilsonl who has officiated as minister of the cnurcn lor some time past, was aoout to commence his discourse, he became aware that there .was an- wu ui u yi0. uv z V 1 1 1 1 Lliat lie v A3 ict;uiaiiT jji t;itiivu i.vs wia station by the Baltimore Conference. It was also insisted bv the Rev. Mr. Danahan. Fresidmcr Elder, appointed lately by the Baltimore Conference, that Mr. vv ilson witndraw. I his Mr. w uson retusea to rn on1 rrkn finiia tr nron Vi TTa rrn rl n fl &r Kv announcing his intention to preach in the even ing. After Mr. Wilson was through, Mr. Lanahan arose to address the congregation, who mostly va cated the house. In the evening before services commenced, Mr. Wilson was waited upon by an officar of the Pro vost Guard, and politely informed by that official that he would consider himself under arrest.fintil after church time. When it became known in the church that Mr. Wilson had been arrested,, the most of the congregation left the building. Win chester ( Va.) Republican. Generous Reward fob a Kindly Act. Some years ago a native of this city, now residing in Boston, met there a man intoxicated and in want. The man said be had been led away and was desirous of assistance. He was taken in, and when sober money was furnished him to return to his home in New York. Recently that man, ever after sober and respectable, died rich, and recollecting the kindness shown him by the one who acted the part of the Good Samaritao, bequeathed him thirty thousand dollars. Newberyport Herald. FOR SALE. ITT ILL be sold to the highest bidder on Tuesday next, Yf September 12, at Oak's plantation, ten miles east of Kaleigh, about 100 bead of HUGS sows, pigs and fattening nogs. Also nve uows and "alves. Terms of sale cash. DAVID HINTON. sept6-lw BOARD AT BEAUFORT. MBS. FTJLFOBD will accommodate boarders by the day, week or month. Terms $10 per week children and servants half price. Residence on Ann street I septl-2w KbmpP. Battle. J.J1. Hbck. B.P.Williamson. NORTH CAROLINA LAND AGENCY. BATTLE, HECK & CO-, RALEIGH, N. C, w ILL BUT, SELL AND LEASE, ADJUST titlesof,pay taxes on, andtake generalcare of all kinds of real estate, gold, copper, lead, ironandother mines, water-oowers. Ac. . Ac. Through reliableagents in every cennty aecuratein formationwillbegivenabontparticalarlocalities,tracts of)aad,Ac. WillUkewiseandertakeeolleetion of debtsin North rumiin and elsewhere. br suit or other wise. (lommanications cohfipihtiai. Commissions and charges moderate. eliutii All papersin the Stat copy foor tlmesandsend MIL DR. B- F. GARDNER, (Formerly of Texas.) --w-rnTTT.n j-PRnactiniiToner ais proiaiooi sorTiwi OULD respectfully offer his professional services Wr h. Mtiiena of Raleigh and wrrouadine -to the citizens ot ttaieign ana aurroan g Office it the residence of Mr. Henry Penningten, near Horth uarounaaepo. mtvt RALEIGH, SATURDAY, SEPT. 16, I8t5. XO. 260 THE CITY. The Episcopal Oonvkntion. Second Day. The first business transacted by the Cmncil was the election ef the starlieg committee, tbe old members Reverends R S Mason, D.D..FM Hubbard.D D., Aldert Smedes, D D., Hon John H Bryan and George W Mordecai being chosen. Various committees were then appointed, com prising the old names with, a few exceptions, after which Bishop Atkinson appeared and read an address which was both able and interesting. He favored reunion with the church of the North in very de cided and eloquent terras, as well as urged upon the diocese even renewed and redoubled eff wt to secure the evangeMzati-m of frerdman. We trust that the paper entire will seon be given to the public. It was generally referred to tbe committee on tbe state of the church, with special Reference of that portion of it on reaffiliation with the North to a select com mittee, the Bishop designating as its members Rev erends R S Mason, D D., A A Watson, Dr Hodges, Dr Cheshire, Hou Wm H Battle, Hon W M Sbipp, Richard H Smith. Mr. John Wilkes, of Charlotte, was chosen Treasu rer for the diocese in place C. T. Haigh, who declined longer to serve. On a motion of Mr. Mordecai, a committee was constituted to consider the recommendations of the Bishop with respect to tbe support of the clergy, and that officer named as its members Messrs G W Mor decai, K P Battle and J B Batchelor. The Bishop then appointed the following commit tees : On the State of the Church. Reverends F M Hub bard, Edwin Geer, M A Curtis, D D., Hon J H Brynn and K P Battle On Canons. Reverends J C Huske, H H Prout, G B Wetmoref Hon R P Buxton, Jos B Bachelor. On Finanee. G W Mordecai, E J Hale, P C Came ron, Leotard Henderson aDd John Wi'kts., On Elections. Reverends W C Hunter, Joseph W Murphy, B A Capebart. On New Parishes. Reverends Geo M Everheart, M H Vaughn and George Mills. On Unfinished Business. Reverends W R Wet more, Israel Harding, J R Joyner. The Council then adjourned until 4 o'clock, P. M. The afternoon session, with the exception of Rev. Geo. M. Everheart'sm-)tioo,m4kiog reference of that feature in Bishop Atkinson's address relative to the reiigio is culture of freedmea, was without special in terest. Tha. committee named consists of Rev. G. M. Everheart, Aldert Smedes and R. B. Buxton. No More. Every reader who is familiar with the writings of the facetious Dickens will remember the fraDtic demands of Oliver Twist "for more sonp." We regret to say that the clamor for more rations, gratuitous, is equally importunate with a heavy per centage ot increase in a nu.nericei poiat oi view, jso doubt large numbers of the applicants who pour into the citv from the country are deservine assistance. l .... UUk lUja uut F""" S'"IUIU"1 auk,lun tviea Irom detecting two lacta: nrst, tuat no locon- Yiderable number, perhaps a large majority of those uOWQ uaMfrtfM ur, v,aaA k uq u I J Jt sueh benefaction ; and second, that not a few bad persons had adopted the expedient of visiting the city for rations and then pursued a very iniquitous line of conduct. Such causes have beyond question made it the imperative duty of the "powers that be," in the interest of morality and prottjetively to the govern ment, to stop such issues altogether. The policy of giving will not be re-opened, so that those who are concerned might as well lorsake idleness and nnd support in some indnstnous field. No Oath No Vote. In less than a week from this writing next Thursday the people will have to elect Convention members. It is the most impor tant of all the elections held in North Carolina for fifty years and every man is deeply concerned in tbe result. Let it be remembered that a prerequisite to casting a vote is the exhibition of the amnesty oath. Here is the rule and law in the premises, as laid down by Gov. Holden in his proclamation : "No person will be allowed to vote who does net exhibit to the Inspectors a copy of the Amnesty Oath, as contained in the President's Proclamation of May 28th, 1865, signed by himself and certified by at letut two Justices of the Pdace.' ' Every citizen who claims to be loyal will be high- ly culpable if he fails to qualify himself to exercise the right of suffrage. Runaway. Two horees, attached to a country. man'fl wftiron tock flight last evening on the arrival fv,n t; fmm Onldaboro'. and dashed down the , Btreeton wmcn tne gas dou i iuua spead, but owing to tne coolness oi tneir driver were m .1 t rhecked after making a raid of a square. A negro standing in the middle of the street was struck by one of the infuriated animals and knocked off bis pedal attachments, but sustained no other injury than fright. It is a little singular that cartmen, who know the J metai of the animals tbey drive, should handle them so carelessly, and often leave tbem, on the approach of traiDS of can. It is criminal, as endangering the lives ol others. Truth Stranger than Friction. People who have lived long in the world will not dispute the assertion of the caption upon another hypothesis than the idea that it is so rarely seen. A French friend de- clares that the first time a maD sees an advertisement he takes no uotiie of it; the second time be looks at 1 A, iL, j u.. 1 u . i 1 ,l. wo nane iqb lunu mow .wm ai mi tm, tue w. , -x- n 1 1 r. 1 1 1 1 m nn n in mm - aua uiiu 1 hid k 1 n a mBKn ti to his wife ; the sixth time he buys. .... " " I Here's as Answer for the Widow It appears that some of the .vidows of Raleigh have felt a pro digious interest in the welfare or rather condition of Asa Hariz in other words our friend Maj. Mc Knight. Among the notices to "correspondents " in the Newbern Times, we note the following : "Widow," Raleigh, N. C Regret to inform you, madam, that your chance in that direction is hopeless ; tor Asa Hartz is not only married, but has to feed, ciothe and pay schooling for eleven who call him 44 pa." You say you have eleven al so. According to the rules of vingt un, even if he Were a widower, the proposed union would make twenty two, and he'd be technically 44 bus'ed." There is one fact quite transparent in the trans action: the widow evidea'ly esteemed the Major gallant in more thau one sense. U is bad enough in these pressing times to support one's own little flock, but it would require a man with the nerve of Julius Caesar to take five of somebody else's pigeons under the wing. A iSUBJECT THAT NEEDS VENTILATING. We clip the following paragraph from the Norfolk Day Book, of yesterday : Landlords and Tenants. There wiil be a meet ing of the Renters of rflk, on the evening of tbe 14th instant, at City Hall, to take iuto consideration the propriety of tbe increased rents demanded by real estate owners, for tbe ensuing year. The whole mat ter will probably be well ventilate;! oa the ocowion, and all interested on either side of this grave and im portant question, may find it agrejable to participate in the proceedings." Tne suLject of rents is one that ticeda through ventilation in this city. Tnoy ?re unaccountably exhorbltant, both as regards -stores and d tveilings, aad how the people ti stand th j 11 .ve are u h le to con ceive. Perhaps a few months will tel' the (ale. In the meantime let us have a meetiug of landlords a )d tenants, and discuss the questioj of rents. A Heroine. Madame rumor hath it tht there is now in our city a lady not unknown to military fame. The story runs that her husband was an officer in McClellan's army and she visited him on the Peninsula in 1862. While at camp, a party of Confederates made a raid on an outpost commanded by her masculine half, and that during the melee an infant was shot and killed in her arms. For a moment she vas frantic Vith grief, but soon rallied, plunged into the thickest of the fray, and with her own hands dispatched seven of the assailants. For this feat government couferred on her the rank and emoluments of Major of infantry. The incident is related to us as true in all parts and so we print it, adding that we believe the "yarn" in. a horn. Passage Thieves. Passage thefts are coming in vogue heie as well as in other places. The busi ness will increase as long as our citizens display such carelessness as to their front doors arad open windows. In the case to which we refer, entry into the doinicil of Mr. Whitehurst, only an overcoat, look ing glass, four shirts and a pair of pants were borne off by the thief, but where there are heavy induce ments the losses will be proportionately heavy. Lock your doors and lower your basement windows. Gone Through. An agent of the government, 1 Mr. Conover, passed through the city for Peters burg yesterday morning, on his way to Washington, accompanied by several witnesses in the Wirz case, who had been summoned from Georgia and South Carolina. Cbabs. A friend in Norfolk forwarded us sooe hard crabs, which reached the city last nigh. Bishop is a trump and we have no necessity for assuring him that we did them amplejnsticc as in times by-gone. In Petersburg. Among the Raleighians in Pe tersburg, last Thursday, we find registered the names of C. N. Civalier, Mrs. Thompson, J. It. Thompson, J. E Lawrence, and C. H. Bennett. Anotheb Circle. A note from a Celtic friend informs us tha it is the purpote of himself acd ethers to form a " Circle" of the Fenian Brotherhood in this city. RALEIGH MONEY MARKET, REVISED DAILY BY B. F. GB4DY, EXCHANGE BROKER, 13, Fayetteville Street. Buying Rates. . Gold $1.40 ; Silver $1.35. North Carolina Bank Notes Bank of North Carolina, Cape Fear, Roxboro', Charlotte, Farmers, Merchants, Miners and Planter?, 35 cents on the dollar; Lsxington.and Tbomastille 25 cents on the dollar; Wadesboro', Commercial, Wilmington. Commerce 20 cents on the dollai : i : D - ' ... ' Washington , Fayet te villa, Clarendon and Yancey I vine, Lrreensboro Mutual, 15 cents on tbe dollar. Bank Notes of other Southern States, 10 a 30 cents on thedollar. Northern State Bank Notes, 85 a90 cents on the dollar. New York Exchange, h per cent discount. North Carolioa bonds, old sixes, with all the coupons attached since May 1861, $70. Detached coapons, 35 cents on tbe dollar. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS RUN HEBE, RUN HERE! JUST OPENED. fTlBE finest naloon in tbe city is now opea at Yarbo I borough House. - T'or COOL DRINKS call at tbe TARBOROUGH HOUSE. RE-OPEjSTEI. r iHE wpII Vrrrwn TTnnaA nf th Vmt-n-w atnl hi hoan " . . J x re-openea dt u. b. juaneun. cst of WINES and LIQUORS, wholesale and retail. ua 1 . CUOL DK1NKS at tb bar. I Let ens torn era PLEASE GALL septl&4f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HelmMtTs Fluid Extract Buchii, 'or Wexu!i.a arising from Indiscretion. The exhauster powers of Nature which are accunipanicd by EOmanj alaimiog ayuipums, aiaoa. which will be tound, In de position to xorttQD, Loss of Memory, "W aktiulDess, Horror of Disease, or Foreboding of Evil ; in fact, Uni versal Lassitude, Prostration, and inability to enter m.o the enjoyments of society. Tbe Constitution, once affected with Organic Weak eit requires the aid of Medicine to ttremjihtH and in vigorate the eyitem, whica Htm BULLTo t-XiKAUT BUCUU iuranably does. If no treatment U submitted to, Consumption or Insanity ensues. IIELJVIBOLD S FLUID EXTRACT BUCUU, la affections peculiar to', smalm," is unequaie t hy any other preparation, as in Chlvrosis or Ketcnuon, Faiatui ness, or Suppression of Customary kTacuaticns, Ulcera ted or bcbirrus State vf the Uterus ; aaJ ail cutupia.uta incident to the sex, wn tber arising irotn uabtu oi dissi pation, iuaprudencu in, or tbe decline or change in hfe. UELMBULD'S FLUID EXTRACT BCCIIU AND IMPROVED KOSE WASH, Will radically exterminate from tbe sjstem Diseases arising frum ilabi'8 of Dissipation at little txptme, UttU or no change in diet, no tHionceniente or sxjvnurc ; euw piettly inperaeding those uuteaiattt and aaugarou rente di9, Copaiva and Mercury in all inese diseases. DSE HkLMBULD'S FLUID tXTKACI BUCUU, In all Diseases ot tnese organ?, whether existing in Male or " Jt emale, train wnaiever cauae Cm initialing, and wo matter how long standxng It is plea&ani in UMe and oaor, timweiUate" in action, and more trenthen ing than any of tne preparations o bark or Iron. ihosd a uttering; lrui .brae uown or Delicate lonsti tutijas, procure the remedy at once. Tbe reader must De aware tnat however slight may be the attack of the above diseases, it is certain to allect hi Bodily Health, Mental Foweis, and Happiness. AM the above diseases tequue the aid wt a diuretic. HE LMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCUU - Is the great Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXlHACT SARSAPAhlLLA, For purity lag the bloou, removing ail cbmnic constitu tional diseases, arising lroin au impure state of the Otoou, and the only reliable and effectual known remedj tor the cure of acrotuia,, bcaid Head, bat Kiteum, I ams auu swellings of J&etivnes, Ulceration ol the Thioat and Legs, ii.otches, dimples on the J?aCe, Tetterj h.r sipelas, and ad scaly eruptions ot the skin, AND UEAUriFYLNU THE COMPLEXION. Not a lew of the worst disorddrs that affect mankind angstrom the corruption tnat accumulates in the bioou. Of all the discoveries tnat have been made to purge it oat, none can equal in eheet lltLMbULU'b luM FOUND EXlltAUl OF aAKSAPAiULLA. It thaiiscs and renovates tne blood, instills the vig. r of health into the system, and purges out the humors whicu u.ite disease, it stimulates tha healthy lunctions ot the buii , and ezpeils the disorders tnat grow and rankle in tne blood, riucli a remedy tnat couid be relied on has long been sought tor, and now ior tbe hist time, the public have one oa which they can depend. Our space here does not admit of certificates to snow its effects, out the trial t a single bottle will snow the sick tnat it has vir tues surpassing anything tbey hav ever taken. Two tableBpoonluis ol the Extract ot tiarsuparilla added to a pint ot water is equa. to tlie Lisbon Diet Driu&, and one bottle is fully equat to a gallon of the tiyrup ol &ai -sapariila, or the decoction as usually maoe. SiHEiL EXlhAOTS HAVE BEEN ADMITTED iO USE IN THfc U A TIED SIATES- AtiMY, aid arn aLo in very general uae in all the State HOol l'l'ALS andFUHLlO oaNITaKY lA&TlxUXEa througi .ut the land, as well as in private practices, and are considered as invaluable remedies. Set MedUal Properties of Buch u, FltOM DlSPENriATOKY OF THE UNITED STATES, See Professor Dkwee's valuable works on the Practice of Physic. See remarks made by Dr. Epuhiim M'Dowull, a cele brated Physician and Member ot the ho val College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published in the Transactions of the King and Queen's journal. See Jledico Chirugicat Wevtew, published by Benjamin TBAVtiB.8, Fellow of tioyal t)ol.ege of Surgeot.$. See most of the late otanuara YVoiks ot Medicine. EXfKACT BUCHU, . SAKSAl'AiJ.LLA.v Sold by ail Vruggi$t. PRINCIPAL DEPOT HEM BOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse, , 594 BROADWAY, N. YOKK. sept8-lgtm jL xj ct hoist sales" GOVERNMENT PROPERTY IS THK STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. AUCTION SALES OF HORSES, MULES, AKMY Wagons, Spring Wagons, Harness and other gov ernment property will take place from time to time at the principal cities and towns in the State. lhe?e sales willanoid farmers excellent opportunities to stock their farms with any class of animals the) desire to purchase. Each sale will embrace a variety of stock, incluoinc riding and draught Horses and Mules otevei ) cuts. A few very large Mules, taorughly brokeu to bstrnese, and in tine condition, wilt be offered ai each sale. Iheattentton of capitalists and dealers in stock is par ticularly called to the oppor iuni;itb- Lere prtenUotor prontaoieinvestment. Stock pu. cnased foi can atthtfe sales may be bold on credit, with ample security, a. a large aavanc-, to tarmers who are depending on their growing crops tor means to pui cbace or ajaj b retain ed , and sold lor cash at a iarjre proht alter tLetrups aave matured. Terms OAoH on day of sale. Sales willcoatinue darinz the month of August, and wi.l be advertised in this column as, soon as dattsare axed. At MORKUEAD CITY, on Tuesday and Wednesday, aeptember 12th and 13th, 1865, UDdtr the dir.cii c ot Capt i). W, DAY, A. (J. M. 8ale to commence at 10 a. m. each dar. At TOUAIEK COURT HOUSE. Ilarnct couDtv. on Weune&day, September 27ih, 1865, under the direction ot Capt. A. 31. Ga.oltts. A. O. 31. Sale to commence at 9 o'cloc , A. 31. At CHARLOTTE, on Tuesdav. October 3d. 1605. under the direction i f Capt. I). W. II. Dat, A. Q. M. 6ai to commence at 1J o'clock, A. M., an j to continue Crotu day to day, at tLe discretion ol Capt. Day. TAILORS, ATTENTION! CM. FAiiKlrirt, one door above the I aoentas athce, 9 has employment for an additional Dumber of journeyman i'ai ors. Fire pood "Coat bands" can ob tain employment by applying immediately, remalei, wen recommended, may apply. auiO tf LOST OR MISLAID, A BOUT the last of April. 1S85, a certiBcate for r fourteen ehares of stock in the Kaleieb &. Gaston Railroad Company, No. 116. All persons are warned not to trade for said certificate. gept6-lw DAVID HINTQX. rpiIEPOST OFHCE BEl.N'G OR TUi: PRESENT I up stairs, and therefore inconvenient, a small flag displayed at the window will irdrcatft that it is open. No nag, that it is closed. A. 31ILLER, i M. Raleigh, Sept. 2, 1865. tt. WANTED TO KENT, A DWELLING HOUhE, in a healthy and central location. Apply to 8. MAXON . Field and Fire side Building, Fayetteville street. auE28-tl ' - - T Prime Old Bourbon andMonongahcla Whis key, Superior Cognac Brandy Holland Gin, (fec.jic. 25 CASES Old Bourbon Whiskey. , 25 do Slononzahela " 10 do Soperior Cognac Brandy, 10 do Otard Dupuy, 1848 , 10 do Holland Gin, 10 do Fine Old Sherry, 10 do " Port Wine, 10 ko 41 Maderia. 20 Bisketa Champagne Royal Crown. . 20 H " E. Leraaitre J oat ree red and for sale by B.P. WILLIAMSON & CO. t: i 1 i I

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