BY J. Li JR E iYX I XUTO Ji ""CO: i-a :fx:l;. IZi3) ft 2- v For latest newa feee Fourth Pae ! r- SGeDr'Qaincy' A. Gilmt.reron.fcandanrof ti e Department of S'inth' Carolina, islnlthe rlotth'on a leave of absence. - " "i - ' - John A -Binghatn and Cr L. . Vallaudignam are candidates ; for the TJnited ,1 States i Senate, from Ohio. f f ; 1 General Fremont intends to make per roau siit residence in Missouri; 1 M. F. Miury, the 4guwbelaa haai n appoltted by the Emperor -Maximillian chief of the National Obseryatory'at Mexico. ' ? ; n It i stated? that Ion General GraniV return to Wasbiogtow a:targe nbeolf'general oulri of vol uateers wil he tnngtered out oi service - Maj r Welh?s, of i General Qrd'a staflf; arid a son of Secretary V Ilea, ; was arrested at Detroit, on the 8th instant, for au alleged assault and j bat tery upon the "ladies" connected witH afltfaTelling opera con- The 4M?th,er of the Presidents' (Virginia) fur Blshes the largest number of applicants far Executive farors at Washingtoji just now. Next comes Ten nessee, while North Carolina and Louisiana are about equal. - ,' ' '" -i'- - I Le Commence, the Imperialist naDer at Mattmn. u i ras, Bays that at. the banquet given by the Pru sian i cujusui mere, wnere general oceeie aranlc the health l of the Emperor Mximillian, the "fete was wound up j !by dierywalt2 by GenBrown, Uoited. States army, and another." t I The Mobile Tribune says the entire section of country between Atlanta and Chattanooga, Georgia, is still a mass 'of ruins, and that the people who once lived there in happiness are now wandering about , . homeless and almost hopeless. . Maj ir John B Hill, says a ; St. Louis despatch, who' holds commissi m of Colonel of Artillery ; from Prtsident Juarez, left thereon Fiiday last.with thirty five meo to join the Literal army of Mexico i They will go via B az a SaLtitgo, and; will probably join ;Cortlnas In theirear of MatamoVas. ;'v ''" 1 -Newspapers from M- xico to the 18th nit., -are received. They give giwing accounts of the . fete Napoleon celebrated throughout the n ition Ton the lfttb The French residents adorned and illuminated their houses ; the Eraperor Maximilian and tha Court attended a reliioua.; ceremony at the Cithedral, and the troops were reviewed by "Marshal B z'nV At Oh apul tepee there was au : imperial''' iet,at which 'iaximilian proposed the toast, a v. health of Japbleour' M irshal , B isaine res ono i -. g. 1 ; The Alexandria (Va ) Journal says: 'In'the )juuty Court of tb!3 cou'ity reeeatly it was decided, 2 accordanae with the eighth secti :i of the Bill of jghtat that colored men 'are entitled, in all capital r criminal , prosecutions, to a tiial by jory. The , :.tb section of this .Bill of Rlghti gives i Anted c :a the right to' vote- It reads &s ' fo!l r Toat all elections ought to be free, and that all a,i:D,haviog cufocient evidence of common interest with and attachment to the community, have the right of suf frage, and cannot be taxed or deprived of their, property for public uses without their own conseut r that of their representatives so elected, nor bound j any law to which .they have not in like manner ssented for the public good." :J On Saturday a well executed counterfeit of the :aw issue of fifty cent fractional currency:, was pre snted at the Treasury Department for redemption, ut the keen jeyes of one of the ladies employed at ie Redemption Division detected it. ,It, is represent i to be one of the be it finished counterfeits in cir llation. . . ; r. J- . -Major John Trout, of Harrisburg, Pa., is ap Dkteci an additional route agent! on the railroad om Goldaborougb, N. C, to Charlotte, N. C, with iy at the rate of $800 per annum! At the present time there is not a mail or a mail -ent in Texas. The Galveston Post Office was '03ed by the military Immediately on their arrival i that city, and has remainetl closed since. All let rs are received and forwarded by private bands or aterprise only. I . Eighty five colored people who had no perma 3nt employment in Washington,' part of whom ere direct from Richmond, have feen sent to Prov ence,' Rhode Island, by the Freedmen's Bureau, Here homes' and tabor have been provided ' for em. Female "servants are in demand there. We have advices up to a late period from the idian Council at Fort Smith. On the 8th inst. iidge Cooley read an address to the Indians., hich was responded to by the Cherokees to the Ject'that they had no, power to treat, but would far any proposition the government would make their national "Council. . Responses from other bes of a simitarcharactef were niade. On Satur day the couocil was taken up in reading the stip tions to be imposed , hf the government ' upon tribes in the Southwest. The stipula ions pose a grand concentration of all Indian tribes ) one nation, the territory of which shall ; be the sent Indian Territory and such other as the gov ment mar dfriH nnnn The tribes now Jivine Zansas are to be removed South, and the souths f----. . . . ir, :stern tribes ara expected to compel the Indians the plains to observe the i treatiesi The Indians iy they understand they were called to meet the ita rebel tribes, and renew friendly relations with them, and not to make new treaties, which ' they are unwilling and unauthorized to do. On Monday replies were made to the propositions presented them oh Saturday." All spoke favorably of the pol icy(of the governmnnt, and appear anxious I to re new their friendly relations with it. Many of them promise their aid in bringing the hostile Indians of the plains to terms. 4 ' - . ; I A well known bickpockct recently died in WilHamsburg, New York, leaving property to the of 160,000, all of which he accumulated pttsi pve or gix r years in - excursions irotiH.t u . . i : l . . . r "MU, l various cities of the Union. H 1 ' U; II I I I N- t i x STATE NEWS, SiiFX Oodbt. This; cohrt, COmuTencedlts sessibhsy esterday under"- the ju is Iffe1? f tJ?flllow!nS magistrates James Shackle ford, Chairman ; S D WaMace, James Colvin, A H Vanbokkelen, A A Hartsfield, H T Murphy and T J Armstrong. It is convened for the purpose of set tling important private and public ; matters that have arisen in the "community since the return to the union of North Carolina. The following appointments were made by the court to-day : Richard W NixOnr was appointed county solici tor, vica A M Waddell, resigned. The chairman was authoriz 1 to raise by sile of bonds or otherwise $5,000, for use of the poor of the county. , Thos. W Player' was appointed inspector of nav al 6tores for New Hanover county. Jno. C Mtllis was appointed constable for the lower division of the town of Wilmingtom Frederick William Ahrens of Char'otte, N. C.,' has been appointed Assistant Assessor for the 4th division of this collection district, including Meck lenburg, Gaston an Lincoln counties. . Martin Luther Gunn and Peter Augustus Frercks, have been appointed U. S. Inspectors of manufactured tobacco, spirits and brandy, for this district. So says the Salisbury Banner. Jesse Wheeler, the Assessor for the second dis trict of North Carolina, has entered upon the dis- charge of his duties as that officer. His office is in this town, in the building formerly used as a medical office by Dr, J. L. Cole, adjoining the res- idehce of W D Trotter. Mr.. Wheeler has divided his district into eleven sub-districts as follows: First. Rockinch am and Caswell ; second, Guilford and Alamance ; third, Randolph; fourth, Chatham"; fifth. Moore and Harnett; sixth, Montgomery and Richmond ; sev enth, Cumberland; eighth, Robesoaand Bladen ; ninth. Brunswick, ond Columbus; tenth New Han- over ; eleveuth Sampson and Duplin. The county court of Forsyth met on Monday last in Winston The only matter of importance and of immediate interest to the people, which came up before it, was that of raising funds to de fray the expenses of the county in supporting the poor, keeping the jail, and administering justice. It wa9, in our judgement, properly considered that to lay at this particular time , a sufficient tax to raise the amount required, would be 44 an onerous burden upon the people."1-. It was a'ike consider ed impracticable to borrow the necessary funds ; it was therefore ordered by the court that the chair man should issue in the name of the county, and sigoed by himself, twenty five hundred dollars in due bills, in denominations as follows, receivable in payment of all county taxes : $100 in the denomination of ten cents. $400 " 44 44 ;' ; twenty five cents. $1,000 44 4 44 one dollar. $500 4 44 4 five dollars. These bills will be in the hands of tax-payers as good as gold, and as heavy taxes will ere long be laid to meet demands upon the county, no consid erate citizen will, since money is so exceedingly scarce, refuse to receive them. Winston Senti nel. Desperate Attempt at Suicide. Peter Murphy, steward of the steamer Twilight, leaped from a second story window of the seaman's Home at Wil mington, the other night, and received injuries which in all probability will result fatally. Murphy had a severe attack of bilious fever, 'and was una ble to return on the steamer. A nurse was in his room and had turned his back after bidding him good night, when Murphy jumped from his bed, and before he , could be stopped was a mass of bleeding broken hum ntty on the pavement. The Brutal Murder of John B. Lyons, of Eliz- aneinuuy, a. v. A correspondent of tha Norfolk Old Dominion, writes from HintonvilU-, Pasquotank county, under date of September 9tb, in regard to an outrageons murder, which baa been already noticed in the Prog ress. This correspondent says; Iu your paper of the 23 1 of August, I noticed au erroneous statement of the murder of Mr. John B. Lyons, of this county. B low I uave given the par ticulars uf the murder, as I got it from bis son, a boy of 12 years, who was with huh ' at the time of his murder, and hope you will correct it : . Oq Monday, August Htb, be left his home, about eighteen miles below E.izabeth City, for a gentle man's who Uvea near Cannon's Fi-rry, on the Chowan River, the present residence of bis murderer. On bis way he would have bad to pass Lssiter (his mur dertr's) house. "-There bad been some misunder standing between Mr. Lyons and Lasiter before, and Mr. LyoDB got out of the cart and went three milt s out of his way, through the woods, to prevent a meeting with Lassiter. On his return, on Tuesday, he was overtaken by Lasiter, about three miles from Cannon's Ferry, who bailed him, as he rde up be hind bis cart, with the word halt P Lassster then shot at him with a double-barreled gun, but do shot hit him- Lyons then attempted to get his pistols, which were in the bind part of tae cart. As he put hi s hand round, Lassiter shot again, and struck him in the wrist with a buck-shot. Lasiter then fired with a rifle, and Lyoas fell backwards in his cart dead, Jhe shot taking effect . in. the heart. His inhuman murderer, not satisfied with what be had done, got out of hi8cart, and went to the hind part of Lyon's cart, and shot bin though the head twice with his pistol. Ten shots took effect, in different parts of his body. . 'A ' ' r c Seldom are we called upon to record the death, c f a more worthy man. His life was truly an exempla ry tne.i He was a-wortby citizen, a kind neighbor, and au affectioDate'husband and father."; Ha was for some time au editor of a paper in Elizabeth City and after thwar broke out j be commenced teaching school wbich occupation he was kilowiog when the tnurder was committed, near his. home in this county. He leaves a "wife and three (children, nl numerous friends and relations to mourn nis iosa. D. W. N. THE CITY. Protectant Epicopau Convektioit . Frldaj 's 3Ht:(i o? to' V ly cided'y Jnt?restirg. After passios the .VMounts of the Ute treaurer oT the di- ctse,- th' proposition for retankn with the churcn r f the N rth was reaclmi, when majority and minority reports wt?re presented. -Tb first, Hmd by Rev. R. S. Mison, chairman, after expressing gratification at tJe views fcXirfneit by B'.op Atkiu.a o the feu! j-ct. f c ai(.5 with t v t ifjs n'iduua .is annexed : Resolved, Tbt the diocese ot North Carolina is prepared to resuose her position as a dio -esi in coo nection nith the Protestant Episea) C urch in the United S ates v?haevfr, in th judgment of th Biih"i. after coouiutioa with the Bishops 'of the other S o?h. Ttt .Jjne?st (rhi."h consultation he is herebyequa?5tti to h id) it shall be consistent with the good f-iiih which ehe owes to the Dioceses with which she has been in union during the past four years. ' Resolod, That with - view t -uch cjntingncy, there b tiur C fncal and fonr Lay depaties elected to represent tl is Diocese in the ensuing general Con vention Mf th Pr testajt Episcopal Church in the United bttf8. Rev. A. A, Watson then sent to the Secretary the minority document, the essential features .f which are rehearsed in the preamble. It maiotains the view thit the proceeding Contemplated in the fir.t report ignores, or p-mis to ignore the legislative rights of the clergy ani t -J?y in th? .iioce-ies whioh have been in compoi with us d iring the past four years under th name ot the Protestant Eobcopal Church iu the Coufedorate Sutes, and maintains that that compact c nnot be lawfully or boQorably hrokf n with- ri! at least an effort to obtain thd consetit of a roa- $ ymiy t uh ! i m ntshop.s aji ol the Jioceses consli- tuting th t iotly. Theu fuliows a Stijies of resoiutioDS proposing action upon such basis, in these words: Resolved, That the Diocese of North Carolina is prepared to assume her position as a Diocese in con nection with t!)H Protestat.t Episcopal Cburch in the United States, whenever she can do so consistently with her self-respect and with her obligations to her sister Dioceses in the South. 2 Bexolced, That in order to more prompt action, I the Diocese of North Carolina is willing to refer the determination of thu quest'oo. together with the c-'ndifioMS, time aud mxle of re-uoion to aconsulta ti !i ot the Bishops of the Dioceses hitherto in union uutier the ti'ie of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States, and that she hereby authori z s her-Bi-shoo t act for her tfaemn. 3. Resolved, That if ber sister Dioceses in said nmoitr a rn ij rity f their cumb r shall iu likeman jer t!itbonr.e their Biohops t.. act in their-behalf, and if, in the opinion of said Bishop3 or a majrity of their whole number, it shall sat-m right ah 1 advisable tore-unite with the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Uuited States, it shall be coupe tent to the Bish ops to take all the steps necessary to effect or com plete such re-union, so far as the Diocese of North Carolina is concerned. 4. Resolved, That with a view to such contingency, there be four Clerical and four Lay deputies elected to represent this Diocese iu the ensuing general Con vention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States A debate ensued, distinguished by the utmost courtei?) and kio-lness, which was partieipited iu by Hon Win H Bittle, Mr K P Battle, Rev Dr Mason and others iu behalf of the majority report, Ry A A Watson, Rev J H I'illinghast and J B Batcbelor es pousing the side of the minority suggestion. The Utter paper was then rejected, when Mr. Hale proposed a substitute, which met the same fate, and the question recurring, the report of the majority ol the eommittee was Sanctis ued. Under a requirement of one of its clauses, the following delegates weVe elected to the General Convention to be held at Phila delphia in October. Clergy. Reverends R S Mason, P M Hubbard, J B Cheshire, W Hodges. Lay Delegates. Hon Wm H Battle, R H Smith, Robert Strange, K'P Battle. The Council then elncted as delegates to the Gener al Council to be held at Mobile; Ala., in November next Clergy. Reverends R S Mason, DC, FM Hub bard, D. D , .Jos C Haske. Lay Delegates. R H Smith, Robert Strange, J H Bryao. Rev. E. Geer offered a tribute of respect to the memory of the late Rev. Saraael JohostoD, D D , which was unanimously adopted. An adjournment was thn "ffted to 4 o'clock. x Information Wanted. Mrs. H s-er Crawford, ot Columbia, Tenh , , is anxious to obtain so ne in formation concerning her husband, A. H. Crawford, who was a member of 48th Tenn , and was wounded nta- Kin3ion, N. C, about the 9th Mirch last. Tbe frierds of the following named parties, also are desirous of obtaining information concerning them: Vincent V. Flack, 144th Obio, National Guirds; Arthur Ctrns, an i Sicprd. Any one possessing any knowledge of the above named will confer a great favor by communicating with this ffice or with the Commanding officer of tbe Post of Salisbury. Waterfalls" ?ot a new Agony. We have always regarded the ' waterfall" as a heathenish in vention,' but we were not aware until recently thai it is a mocstrosity of classic birth. We have recent ly seen a com of Hikbo I'.', Tyrao of Syracuse, who igned from 478 to 266 before tbe Christiui era, op the obverse side of which is the bead of the goddess Diana, with an excrescence precisely like that now worn by our ladies ur.Jar the duteous name of water fall. Th re is nothing new underjthe jsnn. New Counterfeits thb men in our zidst who publicly vaunt their loytIty, bu, secretly exe crate and denounce the Union. Tbey will 6on dis appear from circulation ag that great detective vox Populi expects to catch them next Thursday. NO 26 i.: Pabknts should applt the Birch The . Try mtu not t'- aay extremely perniciuui' ptactice of boys throwi. a Monts at teams passing in the strcttg seems t; U gTf.wbg on tbm. i Wenoticti a rather ag graTufg cate yesterday. A small boy hit a spirit at team frith a stoue, and then had the impudetiCe to i '.an the driver to come after bim, well knowing thai iieroulduoi Jeavi . tbe Ahorses Parents should b awre that they are liable f r any damages c used b tiitee sportive trHks t f their young bopefu's. Thi item bl information may have the tff-ct wf putting i. Stop to these troubles, if not, give them the Uth. ' . Rev. Db DeLM-. TheN w York papers thus r terttthis tmiut ut N .rth Cirolina diviLe. Tm allui..u id to his 8 eoud lid iurse : Tuere was again preaching by a Southern clergj' men in Coop r Itistiinteou Suudiy 10th it st., ib Rv. Dr. Deeipa ol N -rth Cirolma, delivering' at, anleaiid interesting sermon to a large congregation The reveraud gentiTnan returned that ks tor ih restoration of the Uaioh and prayed fur the Prtsi dent. 4 V M. E. Conference. Ti b Standard karns that the aniiii.d C l!freiiOo tnecuu (i Msthodist Ei'iscopal Church, which was t bxi held in Rocking ham, Ri ihm otid Cjnuty, w.ll t ikn place in this City iu Daceraber Dfxt. The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun of the 9th says : 4 Secretary Chase had a re cent interview with the President, when a free interchange of views was had relative to reconstruc tion policy. The Chief Justice was quite condem natory of the policy of the President. The parting was not characterized by any particular cordiality." - Into Her Mighty Trumpet Fame has breath ed a new word, Soz jdont, and she is makiug it re sound tkrough the civilised world. It is the Greek lor teeth preserver, but in plain English Fragrant Suzodont, is the most effective dentnfice that chtm i. try has ever yet extracted from the Oriental vege table kir-giom. DIED, Suddenly, on Sunday morning, BLANCHE ELIZA BETH, daughter of Wm. K. and Ellen Richardson, aged four years. Tbe funeral will take placa at the residence of her father this (Monday) morning at 10 o'clock. MARKET REPORT CORRECTED DAILT BY JS. -A., WHITAKEB. Grocer and Dealer in Provisions. Apples Dried. $125 per bushel, Green, $1 50 per bushel, Bacon Firm, at 2526cpr ib. Beet 10c per lb. Butter 25c per lb. Cheese - 35c per ib. Chickens 20 a 30c a piece. ' Coffee 50c per lb. Corn $1 20 per bu3bel. Eggs 20 a 25c per dozen. Flour Superfine f 13 per bbl.; Hides Green 10c. " Dry 15c. Honey in comb, 25 to 30c perl b. Lamb 12X15cpertb. ' Ird 25c per Ib. ; Meal $1 25 per bushel, (scarce) Mullets-$15 00 : Mackerel $20 per bbl. OlliOllS $1 00 perbushel. Peaches dried 10c per lb. Peas White $100; Stock 90 to $1; Garden 40c per peck. .. Potatoes Irish $1 00 per bush. Seet. new, $1 00 er busheJ. Sugar Crushed 35c per lb ; Brown 25c S?rup 40c50 pergallon. Soda Cooking, 20c per pound. Salt-$2 00 oer bushel. Tallow I0c12 per lb. Herrings $14 per bbl. Kice 15c per lb. Candles -Adamantine, 40c lb per box. Soap Turpentine, 20c per lb. Btuestone 50c per lb. RALEIGH MONEY MARKET, REVISED DAILY BY B. F. GRADY, EXCHANGE BBOKEB, 13, Fayetteville Street. Buying Bates. Gold $1.40; Silver$1.35. North Carolina Bank Notes BankofNurthChroliua, CapeF3r, R xboro', Ch irlotte, Farmers, Merchants, Miners and Planters, 35 cents on the dollar; Lexington, and Thomaaville 25 cents on the dollar; VValesboro', Commercial, Vilminston, Cornnaerce 20 cents oa the dollar; Washington. F lyeftevilb, C'arenddn and Yancy ville, G.-eensboro' Mntna, 15 cents on the r1liar. 8i"k N tes of other Southern Sfats. 10 a 30 cents on the dollar. Northern State Bank Notes, 85 a 90 cer on 'the dollar. Nw York Rt hnjae, J percpn discnont. North Carolina bonds, old sixes, with all the coupons a' tach-d sino Mv 1.861, $70. Dftached c n poos, 35 cents on the dollar. NEW ADVERTISE 51 ENTS. McCOMBIE & CHILD, C3orinaissioa jVEarcliaTits, No ll Water Street, New York. Liberal advances made on Cotton, Naval Stores, &a HOLBERT A M cLEAN, A pent, ept!8 3m New Berne, N. C. NOTICE. THE North Carolina aud Virginia Christian Confer ence will meet wrh the Church at Oak Level, on Wednesday, the 4th of October, 9 o'clock A. H. WM. 8. LONG, Graham, Spt 18 5t Secretary. -i KxxpP.Battlk. J.M.Hcck. B.P. Willi axsoh X0RTI1 CAROLINA LAND AGEXCT. B ATT LE, HECK & CO-, RALEIGH, 35. C, WILL BUY, SELL AND LEASE, ADJUST titlesof , pa j taxes on , andtake genera Icare o f all kindsof real estate, gold, copper, laad, iron and other mines, water-powers, Ac. , Ac. ' Through reliableagents in everjeeunty aceuratein formation willbegivenabontparticularlfealities,tracts of laid, Ac I .. 1 Willlikewiseandertakeeolleetion of debttin North Carolinaandelsewhere,bjsuitorotherwise. Comtnuoications ooNrioBxriAZ.. . Commissions and charges moderate. ,1 jel4tf j All paper sip thsStateeopyfoartimesandsendbllL f JS, E Wr-; A JV ERT1S 5 31 E N ,T S. ' Ucliabold's Fluid txtntcf iiuciiu, For Weilneuaruia trtm Idd'ucreiiou. 'itetiliautit.. powers ot Nature wti.h are aCjiuptaicd Lj eo uhus aiattniag aa:ptoms,ikiuon wtava dicGuo, . jiui? -posiiiuu to Kxortiua, Lr so ot iituiuiy, V uktJuir tf , .Horror of Diatue, ur Frcbodai ct ahI ; iu tact, L Tarsal Lassitude, Froti ation, &ud uu.niliiy to tuiei in- the epjorinenti of socie tys. H t f Tbe Constitation, obc aCeclel with Organic Wtnl m requires the aid of Alediciuj i 0d - vigorate the igtUm; whictl 11 LL UOLjv fc.X1 fvA V i does. If no trtattucct is abutiui to, Conaainption or lnsial j ensues. HELMBOLO'S FLUnjMTJlACT BUCU IT, Itk affectiona peculiar 'x'mAi.i w ntuau'e b other preparaiiunluiu Uhiwruu or vt i4u, fif iu. nee, or 6apressioo of CuwiHttr y .tCuuu..l, C c-t-ted or 8cbirru btate wt tt Uu-f u; nu4i aL. cuu...t.ii incident to ihj g-r, wa iber ai uiu ! utu finiua a.o. -pation, itnpruucacu in, ur tha ducuii ur c-iui,, ib i.i . UELMBO LD'S FJLUI U bXl UACT BtCUU IMrUuYtD i. iaK WASli, " Will radically exieiiuint ttuiu tL? ),Da aruiug frutu uot ot Ayktiiuu at tu i inm, tifc " no cUhj, m mo tM;tfiriMM vf xvr; Ut, Coutcu una Mtrtmrg . n utt, Uucmc.. FLLiL) aiuAli tltCItU, n 11 llaceco ui u titf. m litlltii cAitiu i li uuV( uHf u iwy iiuxtlmy . ii it )itilii .. ,at , ui Ouu. , ' l.Utul: iu klu L, ulid UivH' lll.,iliUi uttue, prucui. the cai j i uuiti. s " Tte tender U1U41. uc a LUAl Donvtir sliLt urnj be lbt attack ot ttic boVc uu iuc iciaceiiwiu w kUct-t. L it iioailjr ricKh, Aleuli PuHeie, i.U Lidiuitc -4 '1 ttio itOure uibcMcvii icquuu Cut; ia ot a luietic. HEUUliOLD' LXTUAtT BUCliU Is tuc gi-eii litutfcitc. tlELMBOLD'S UIGI1L.Y CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EX I hACT bfRSAPABILLA , t ot paritjiug the biooc, reuiuviti all ctiiumc c. uiut ticnai diseases, arieiu trom au impure state ot the ltjo . and tbe ooiy reliable aud effectual kuuwn reuicuj loi iLv care of eCiutula, Scald Mead, bait Hheuui, I aDi lu Dwelling of the Bones, Ulceration ot the 'f hi oat aii Leg, Blotches, Pimpieson the iace, letter, Erjtiipeliie, and ail scaiy eruptioud ot the skin, AND BKAUflFllAU THE COMPLEXION. Not a few of the worst disorders tbat aiUct u.aakiwO arisj from the corruption that accuuiulatcb in the bu-oc Ut'all the uiicoveriei that hare been luaae to parv ; out, none Can equal in etteet UELMBOLi' CcA, POUMD t,XrKAUi OF rAKbAPAUli.LA. it titaLe, and renovates me olood, instiiis the vigor ol health luif the system, and-purges out tbe humos wbicu make disease. It stimulates the healtbj tuoclionb 01 tbe bouj , and expells the disorders tbat grow and rankle in tbe blood. cJach a remedy that could be relied ou has i6ii been sought lor, and now tor the brat time, the public have one on which they can depend. Our space htit does not admit ot certificates to show its effects, out th trial t single bottle will sbow the sick tbat it has vit -tues surpassing anything tbey have ever taken. Two tablcBpount uis ol tbe Extract ol Sarsaparilla addt. to a pint of water is equai to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle is iully equa to a gallon of tbe byrup of bat saparilia, or the decoction as u&uaily made. .MflTTHESE EX IK ACTS UaVa BEEN ADMITTED IO USE IN THE U-NlIED'SAATEa AKAlY, and ai' akom very general use in all the titaie liOJ ilALli and PUBLIC dAMI'AKY 1AT1'1U1EU throbgbuutthe and, as well as in private practices, and are conaideui as invaluable remedies. Sei Jledieal Projpertie$ of Buchu, FROM DISPENoATUtiY OJb' T11E U A IT ED STATES, See Professor Dcwk's valuable works on the Practice ol Puyic r See remarks made by Dr. EraaaiM M DowaLL, a cele utated Physician and Member ot ue- Uoymi College 01 Dm a. eon a, Ireland, and puonsbed in the liaiibactiona o tbe and Queen's Journal. See Mttdico (Jhirugical Htvxew, published bj Bcrjamia Tsvas, Fellow of Koyal Ccl.ege of Surgeons. See most of the late biacdara Works ot Mtlicin. EXTBAUT BUCHU, , . " S AKS APAii ILEA.'' ' Sold by all Druggitt: PRINCIPAL DEPOT II CM BC LD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 691 BKOADVtAX, N. 1 OUE. sept8-lstm GOVERNMENT PEOPEETY If THI STATE OF KOEfH CAKOL.INA. AUCllON SAL1S0 OE nOKSEfc, MbLs, AKltY Wagons, Spring vV nguab, tint ceak aud othei gov cruuient property w:.l take pi act from time to lituc at the principal cities aid .uwut in '.be re it. l'he-esaes willad.iO t'truir exc.Ueui ,pj pi tonui- to stock their farms vittiau clas ul auiujaltthe Cui: t purchase. Each sale will emb act a variety ol stock, inciudit riding and draught doreeeauii Aiul a wi ti ri 3 c,at. A few very large Mules, t-icrugbljt oruktn t uni Ltst, ulc in line condition, will oj oHereu ai each sak. TheattentioLiot c-ipuaiiste aid aeair in sck i- par ticularly called to the oppor lUMiitt Lert pi it Lite lor. prohtabltinvestmr ct ritock puicbaheu lii eab attbtee sales may besoid xn credit, w ui t t vuiiij. . large ad ranee, t farmers who ar depecdn.-; va 'beir growing crops for means to puicuase 01 jiaj b- n sein ed, and sold lor cash St a large pro tit altei iLetios have matured. Terms UAoll oa day t 3ale. Sales will jouimue during the month of Auuit, and wi.l bedvertised in this cluinn a aouu a oateb arc xed. At MORKHKAD CI1 V, oh l u eday ard Wednesday, ' September 12th and I'Aih l t uouei tlir l r. tn 1. ot Oapt D W, UaX, A. Q SI. Sate to e tniuet-ce at IU a in each dar At TOJtliitt COUitr H 'U'SE Hauct county on We n -kday, Wpit-.uii t'nh.'n69 ni t 1 be dn H'ti t 'apt A. A HiaoUTT A Q M. "aic t t iliik-i'cc- at 9 u'cic , A. M. At Cli AHLOri E, uoTa'it (robei 3-', 1665 under the drecii"ii I 0-t. I) W. II. Day A. Q M .a 10 C'jtuiei ceai 1j o'clock. A M . n - continue f u? day today, at the uisci eun 1 t'pt " Diy. TAILORS, ATTENTION! CM. FAKK1S., one door above tb auw .Mid ce has eoiployuient tir an additi-cat 1 uaiber cf jouroeyuan l aiuts. Fire io& ''t'oat hands" can ob tain emfloyuiCbt by applying immediately rtmatet, well recommended, may apply. aug30 tf WANTED TO REST, A DWELLING HOUSE, in a healthy and ctntr-l location. Apply to 8. HAXON, Field sid Fin stoe Building, Fayetteville street. aug28-tf Prime Old Bourbon and Monongahela Whis key, Superior Cognac Brandy IloUand Gin,fec.,&c. 2 5 CASES Old Bourboa Wbi-key. 25 do Monongahela ' 10 10 10 10 10 do Superior Cognac Brandy, do (Hard Dupuy , J 848 , do Holland Gin, do Fine Old Sberrv, do - " PorJWine, fo ' " " JIadena. 10 Oil RaaWt f'hamnaffn Roval Crown. 20 do ' . Lemaitre Just ree ved and for sale by B. P. WILLIAMSON & CO. -tf ' THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens cf Kaleigh and surroundingcountry that he has opened an office over JVF.Pescud's Drug Store, where be will be pleased to wait upon all who may favor bim with their patronage. Particular attention paid to the preserva tion of the natural teeth. ' Artificial Teeth inserted on the mostapproved principles of practice. 1 u uglWm J H. CRAWFORP -1 ,