. -p;'M; A - -. , 1 1 THEE NEWS. For latest news' see Fottrtb Pay'e . -An election for congressmen will take ul a . 1 - lace m ; Arsansas on 4fte 29th of October. Paris correspondent of the Herald says there , are cow fifty ; thousand Americans on the conti nent of Europe s Kentucky has oeen Democratic by 8,492 in the Congressional vote. The Senate will stand 19 Union and 19 Opposition- and the douse of rep resentatives 58 Opposition and 42 Union. Later advices from Mexico show that the re cent reports of the hopelessness of the liberal cause were very greatly exaggerated. . It is reported that Mr. Edvin B oth, the ac tor, is to.be mar ied the co njng winter, to a young lady of wealth and fortune. Bishop Ames proposes through the columns of the Christian A'hdcaie and Journal to submit the question of title to the church property taken pos session of at the South by authority of the Metho dist Church Nor. h, to the djcision of chief Justice Chase, and abide the result,' whatever it may be. The estimated cot of the monument to Mr. Lincoln, to be erected in Springfield, III, is two hundred thousand dollars, and the sum thus far contributed toward it is lifty thousand dollars. Of this amount the city of Chicago has furnished a. total of precisely two hundred and eighty nine dollars and fifty seven cents. The best fish story of the season is related by the New London Star, of a man who while bathing was seized by a huge shark and dragged twenty five feet under the water. : Thinking that depth sufficient, hi; plunged his thumb into the mon ster's eye, was quickly released and regained the surface anl his boat. The shark so damaged him, however, that he cannot live. Gen. Butler was before tho Surrogate, in New York, again a few days since, In relation to his de ceased brother's will. The Surrogate decided that the General must include in the inventory of assets, all the Louisiana property, but to this the General diesents, on the ground that such property is beyond the jurisdiction of the New York Surrogate. He will now appeal from the decision to the Supremo Court. Trade is reviving in Galveston, and affairs gener ally In Texas are improving,; notwithstanding the occasional trifling exception of the "pleasant pop of - the pistol In the hands of s ime 'gentlemanly' ma rauder," or the "cheerful shriek" of the viotim of some of the bands of desperadoes that infest that . country. - The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows met yesterday la National Convention, at Baltimore, and consider able interest attaches to the cirenmstanee of its being the first body in which the States lately in rebellion will be represented in council with the North. Del egates nave Jbeea elected and will be in attendance from South Carolina, Louisiana and other S mthern .State?. . The East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad is about to resume operations. The Bristol News of the 8th ays, that the bridge over the Watauga, at Carter depot, will be completed in about ten days, when the trains from the West will run up as far as Union Depot- In the meantime, art engine brought from Lynchburg will run to the Ho)aton river. Passengers, then, will only have that river . to cross to get to the regular train. The Savannah Republican of the 7th contains - an account of the murder of Captain Heisler, Thirty-third United States colored troops, at Augusta, on the night of the 6th, by three young men, mem hers' of three of the most respectable families of that place. It appears the captain was discovered in the company of a mulatto girl, who was the mis tress of one of the young men, and they all attack ed him with their revolvers, one of the shots pen etrated his neck, and proving mortal. Not satis fied with this they fell on his prostrate body, in flicting several ghastly cuts with knives. The af fair had caused suc wide-spread exciseraent that there was danger of riot, and threats were made of burning the city. The murderers were arrested and quiet restored. The tusk of a fossil elephant was found . in Vermont the other d y. It is forty f uur inches in length, eighteen inches in circumference at the lar gest end, and eleven inches at the smallest. It is in a fair state of preservation,, although some parts ofit crumpled after being exposed to the air. It be longed to a species of elephant long since extinct, supposed to be the Ephas Primogenius (or mam moth) Blumenback, that inhabited the northern parts of North America, having wandered across the Siberian plains to the Artie Ocean, Behring Straits, and beyond to this country south to about the parallel! of 40 deg.c Their bonesshow them to have been about twice the weight and ooe-third taller than our modern species. A tournament having for its object the glorifi- cation of the "guerrilla Mosby, came off at Lees- J burg on Friday. The notormus partisan chieftain, I Col. White, acted as chief marshal on the occasion, f Mosby was, however deterred from being present V by- the knowledge of the fact thai if he madeTlis ap ; pearance on the ground he would have been ar i rested, so he prudently kept away. A detach- mcnt of seventy mounted federal soldiers from 5 Winchester., was present to keep order and .before J the commencement of the exercises their cbmmand J er, Captain Allen, ordered all the knights, judges, I and other officers of the occasion, to take the oath I of allegiance, which they did, White included wi th some show of reluctance. All of the soldiers be 4 longed recently to the commands of Mosby and White. Lkctdsk by a Coloeed Lady. -Miss Richmouia Richards, who has lately returned i from a four years sojourn in Richmond, where she organized one cf the ; first schools in that pity for the freedmen,' and being i also employed In he secret service of bur Oovera ot "IU give a description of lier adventures at the Abyssinian BpiUt Cnurch, WaverJy Place, near avenue, ima eveniflg.T-iV. Y. lYibunc, tiept. XL K J Vi Sh... Iftfej:. -...fT-.-.-' --,:".i-7? i--4-i- . ' ' -i: SJ,j?JjBJ'jgaSSS MMMiMlMMa i VOL. VI. 4 HOTEL ABKIVALS. AT THE EXCHANGE HOTEL. . SEPTEMBER 18TH. h-STm00 Wilngton Herald, cor. New York WrtSfrw? F,;ench fayettcTille street; jJiuYw ' JVSton; Geo French, Wilmington; M M H Walker, Lambwrton m waava VU Chas B Yandcrbe Browning:, Hyd Montgomery, Capt and Act Ord O Jauies.Rourk; S F White, Capt 28th Mich Vols; O H Ste vens, conductor U 8 M Railroad; Lieut WbaleA, do. - Tribute of Respect. UjJfVEasiTT of A. C., , Philaniheopio Hall, v September 9tb, 1865 j Whereas, It ,has seemed good to Almighty God, in liis minute Providence, to call away from earth our much beloved friend and fellow member of society JAMES 1. PHILIPS, of Edgecombe county : there fore, J l!eolved, Toat while we bow ii htnabLe submission to the will ot Kim who doetu all things well, yet we can njt but feel, most sensibly, the blow bich has deprived us of our much esteemed associate, ar-d .,ur Society of oce of her brightest gems, whose bii.iinCv bid fair to add new lustre to her fame. " ' Resolved, That we are truly prcud r f -be record which this young soldier has left behind lam,.! his uciwerT Mrn Che can?e which he haa ...abarked, and rcomrafideead f baU,e8 fteQ eHcited frT hiSffiCerS Reaolvtd, That as a student, as well as a soldi r was diligent and faithful in the dischrgef h duties! a hat, as a companion, his uniform gentleness of deport ment, and above a,l his christian principles and moral habits, gained for him our highest esteem and admi ration. Retohed, That we tender our warmest sympathies to ois bereaved fatnilv anH VionHa ni i .u - i 1 " J auu wee lUCUl LU uc COm- forted wrth us, remembering that it was God who gave and who has taken a wn? . Resolved, That a conv ot th the family of the deceased, also to the Kaleigh Standard, Sentinel and Progress for publication. J. S. BARLOW, "I P. H. WINSTON, Jh., Com. A. H. SMITH, j DIED, Of- consumption, Sunday morning, September 17th, Mrs. MARY P. MILLER, wife of Dr. Wm. R. Miller and daughter of the late lamented Col. R. O. Britton of Petersburg, Va., aged 33 years 11 months 10 days. The funeral of the deceased will take place from the Baptist Church this morning (Tuesday) September 9th at half past nine o'clock. The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to atterd. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TO W. L. POMEROY'S BOOKSTORE. THE undersigned begs leare to inform the citizens of Raleigh that he has remoyed to the abore named store, where he is daily receiving goods and offers them for sale cheap for cash consisting of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Dress Trimmings and Ribbons. Bleached and unbleached Domestic, Table Damask and Napkins, Irish Linen and Bird's Eye Diaper Jeans, Paper and Cotton Cambric, Ladies,' Gents,' and Misses' BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, BONNETS AND CAPS. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. Cati?ry, Perfumery, Jewelry and Notions. RADV MADE CLOTHING. for Gefits, Youths and Boys. M. ROSENS A UM, W. L. Ptf.meroy's Book Store, septl8 1m FayeyHTule tret, Raleigh, N. C. JUST REEIVSD AT GEO-Z FRENCH & CP 'S, a Fayetteville Street, A FINE assortment of WINES, LIQUORS, GROCE RIES, Ac, Ac, consisting in part ot Sherry, Port, Madeira, and Rhine WINES ; Cognac, Catawba and Blackberry BRANDT; Jamaica and St. Croix RUM ; Old Rye GIN ; Bourbon and Rye WHISKY ; Drake's Plantation, Boker's and Stoughton BITTERS ; Ale, Porter, Cider and C ingress Water. Cigars and Tobacco, Oranges and Lemons. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Flour, Lard, Butter, Mackerel, Pickles, Soap, Candles, Molasses, and a great variety of fine GROCERIES, Spices, Sago, Tapioca, Prunes, Raisins, Soda, Saleratus, Sardines, Ac, Ac. Also, a fine assortment of Gents' Furnishing Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, TOILET SOAP, PERFUMERY, Ac, Ac. All of which will be sold very low for cash, from the country filled at short notice. Orders GIVE DS A CALL GEO. Z. FRENCH & CO., Fayetteviiie street Raleigh. sept!9-tf NOTICE TO THE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE IN WAKE COUNTY. IH obedience to an order made Oy a cl .1 Court which met at he Court House on the 9tt dv 4.f Sept. 1865, tou are requested to met at the 1,'ourt H :uie in the city bf Raleigh pn Saturday, the 30th inst . to transact im portant business. J. J. FERKELL, C. C. C. sept!9-td TAR LAND WANTED. W AN TED. first rate Tar Land, located near Railroad ; Y T Or naiigBi iuu. vnuna i gueu lauus are eu- couraged by inquiry for them, to send in their descrip tive lists, through our agents or direct, as soon as prac -tieahle. , , Also wanted, first late Lumber Land located as abore. L. P. OLDS A CO., ptl9-lt Pioneer Land Office. TflE jUbscribf r respectfully informs the citizei s f Raleigh andsurroundinjf country that hehasopentd a.ofllceoTerP.P. Peseud's Diug Store, where he will be pleased to wait upon all who may faror him with their u to m. j --------f wucpuciu, iVDUi . new Kprne- P Mn.k ouuiuei uratrinrti lion n i. . ' "'Fu ommpson CuU&ty: rr. New Rm- 9&rm r " h v, le Park. Pa; Jas T Bovce. ChurU.f.i. fian V w - nvi m RALEIGH, TUESDAY, SEPT. 19, I8b5 NO. 262 T 13 EL OITS?" . Epd-oopal Cowventios. Thia body adjourntd last Friday after a very interesting and harmonious session. AmoDg other things, a lengthy report waa submitted by Rev. G. M. Everh&rt, with respect to that portion of the Bishop Y address concerning the freedmen, their ceadition and religious culture. The preamble recites that "By the changed relatiou hitherto existing between the white and black races, a new nnd to some extent, confused condition of things obtains; and as this revolution in society necessarily tends to create n alienation amounting at least to indifference on the part of the former owners of slavey ai.d distrust and suspicion on the part of the fried men o wards their former masters; and as the religious education of the Ireedmeu has been thereby already greatly hindered and in some cases almost dt-fVa!cd ; aod ?s th pret?ent civil status of tl .a lit.-edinep, Lwithttrt'idiug these things, for maoy reasons, seems clearlj . tDvidentLl, and Bhould be accepted by us as such ; therefere liesvlced. Tnat the chnrch in this Diocese address hsrself with all the energy and wisdom at her com tnand, to r duce this cvmfusiou to order and to elevate t!'3 color d race as far asit raty come within ber sphere of aetion. In rd;r to a omplish this end, be it further Resolved, 1st. That this Couucil commeud the ptople of color to the continued and unabated for bearance, kindness Lnd good 'will ot the white popu lation of this Dioceso. Six other resolutions follow, with respect to the establishment for their benefit of independent church es and sabbath schools ; that the clergy seek for colored cat echist and sunday school teachers; that S1J i i.iv.i f colored yaog naen be educated for the ministry of i i i u .. i ? . . the church to their own people in the State: that whenever practicable each parish should make pro vision for the traluiog of the colored children to such degree a$ the condition of affairs may justify. The report elicited some discussion, and was finally postponed under the subjoined resolution : "Resolved, That in consideration of tbe interest and importance of the suMect presented in this r- 1 port, tbo Council postpone action upon it until its next meeting, commending, in tba meantime, the temporal and religious interests of our colored popu lation to the benevolence and wisdom of the Dio- ceee." The next meeting ot the Convention will be held at Newbern on the last Wednesday in May, 1866. A resolution of Rev A. A. "Watson declaring the changes made in the Constitution of the Diocese at the Council held in Fayetteville in 1863, unconsti tutional and hereby repealed, was withdrawn with out action. The committee on the state of the church, among other things report that from the limited number of Parochial Reports that have been placed in their hands i hey are enabled to make but an imperfect exhibit of the condition of the Diocese. There are twenty-five parishes from which no report has been received, and among these are several of the largest and most important in the Diocese. From the Parochial, Reports that have been submitted to them, and from the Bishop's address, it appears that there have been 665 baptisms of which 651 were children, and 114 adults : 275 persons have been con6rmed of whom 225 were whites, and 50 colored, Marriages 59, white, aod 278 colored : Funerals 323. Two Deacons and one Priest have been or dained and there are three candidates for Holy Or-; ders. The contributions since the last meeting of the Council have been $19,710,60 of which $ 7,- 614,50 in Confederate money and $2,059,10 in Federal Currency. Godky pcm CT0BER k's charming monthly, f , h has been received through the: lor next monk. . . ,., mail. The embellish" ,reSpleDd't weU. as numerous. The frontis ."' . , n Kaozio, is in the a- iuui iuo vtiiuuiis ui xvauaeue first style of art, while the fashion plafc es consists of walking costumes; dinner and visiting drc egS; childrens fashion, containing five figures; boy's dresses; fancy hat, the new bonnet, and other things desiriable for the ladies. Besides, there is a rare variety of good reading, prose and poetical, among the rest Marion Harlands novellette, "Fred Harleys' Passenger" and Metta V, Victor's story of 'Boy Love." The terms of G-"dey exclusively on the cash system are furnished below : One copy, one year $3,00 ; Two copies, one year, $5,50 ; Three copies) one year, $7,50 ; Four copies, one year, $10,00 ; Five copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, making six copies, $14 00; Eight copies, one year, and an extra copy to the erson sending the club, making nine copies. $21,00; Eleven copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, making twelve copies, $27,50 ; Addition to any of the above clubs, $2,50 each subscriber. Godey's Laity's Book and Arthur's Home Maga zine will be sent, each one year, on receipt of $4,50. Horace Gbeelet won't be Hesk. The eman cipated about Raleigh will feel doleful, we expect, at the announcement that Massa Gree'y, of the New York Tribune, is not coming to this city. He says that he cannot accept the invitation of the freedmen of North Carolina to attend their conven tion at Raleigh ojn the 29th instant, being under aji old and imperative engagement to be on that day in Minnesota. IJe has issued an address to the freedmen advis;ng them to be hopeful, patient, peaceful, diligent ; to respect j themselves and st y where they belong, as North Carolina is a nob.e State, with her resources mainly developed. , Coke In. A gentleman asks us with respect to the parties who propose forming in Raleigh Mcirclen of the Fenian Brotherhood. We invite him to call at the office. i r-. Scenas at President Johnson's Itecepttionj A Washington correspondent, under daw of VVednesdry, says : The visitors at the President's reception to-day exceeded in numbers and bad behavior any pre vious occasion. They invaded the- lobbies, the stairways, the ladies' reception room, and every nook and eorner except the east room down stairs, where there was an abundance of space, but as every one wanted to be first in when ' the doors of the Green Room would be opened, the spacious hall of the east room was not so pop ular with the masses. v For five long hoars the masculine crowd swayed and surged in the outer hall adjoining the Presi ident's audience room, till it was almost impossible for the President's Secretary and ushers to et through them whenever it was necessary to p&ss from one room to another. The ventilstion of this apartment being very limited, and the day ex tremely warm, the atmosphere became almost stifling, and many were compelled to leave being unable to stand the pressure. So free and easy have these crowds of pardon seeking bee me, for ninety out of every hundred belo: g to this class, that some ot them smoked pipes and cigar in the President's' house till it was found necessary to stop it by putting up no tices around the hall that " Smoking is positiveiy promoted " Some, however, who do, not smoke chew tobacco immensely, and leave such deposits n the hall floor as to disgust cleanly disposed peo ple. This is a sample of the crowds who latterly, on re ceptiou days, occupy the chief time of the President. The lady visitors are numerous, and are ushered into a nearly dark roon, with no wiadows, and" as hot as an oven, to wait till the President is ready to receive them. They are waited on first, and to-day occupied the President from two till tbrea o'clock. Shortly after 8 o'clock the doors were opened, when the mob ruahtd la promiscuously and crowded around the Prt-eideot so rudely that be was obliged at timet to apeak sharply to several to bring them to a sense ot propriety. A dosen tried to speak to him at Once, and borne, on beiug told to go to such a Department or to tne Attorney General's offiue to inquire about ibeir pardons, did not appear satisfied and wanted t argue tnu poiot with him. O youLg Southerner, with more assurance thai: judgment, accosted the President with " Sir, I've called to see you about my pardon.'' " Have you made your application T ' inquired President. 'No, sir." ' " Well, then, you must make out your applicati i before you call upon me. Make your application first, theu cU again." But, Mr. Preaiuent, I want to see you about i " I've told you once what to do ; pass on, if you please." " Bat, sir" persisted the youth, standing In the way, di if determined not to leave. Tne Preaideu t turnou upoo his heel and addressed the next applicant, aud the discomfited yon th moved off, grumbling and locking unutterbte tiring. Wbeu the Damt were called of th.ae whose pardons vert ready for delivery, tne pursoa answered, " That's m) brother's name ;J am nere to answer fr him, ' An other said, " I come to represent my uncle, and will receive anything for liiui." In tjis way half a dozu wonid speak at ouce, and what a crowding and j ootUog to get near the table where the papers were lying ; the scene was so Indec orous that the President vas compelled several times to reboke them to preset ve order. The great ma jority of caders are applicants for pardons. Oat ot upwards of one hundred, all waited Oq between three and fur o'clock, only two were office-hunters, aud they, for a woader, were the most modest of the whole party, and waited till the President was die dibengaged before disciosiug their business. MARKET REPORT - oobbbctbo daily st A. "VV H IT A It UR Grocer and Dealer in Provisions. Apples Dried, $125 perbusnel, " Oreea,$l 60 perbashel, Bacon Firm, sales at 2526o per lb. Beef 10c per lb. Butter 25c per lb. Cheese 35c per lb. ChicKeuS 20 a 30c a piece. flfee-r-SOc per lb. $120 per bushel. Coru A a iheper dozen. Eggs iv TfcaeflS per bbl.; Fioar ''apt. Hides Green low. Dry 16c. -oerlb. Honey in comb, 25 to 30c Lamb 12K 15c per lb. Ij-ird 25c per lb. Meal $1 25 per bushel, (scarce) Mullets-$15 00 Mackerel $20 per bbl. Onions $1 00 perbashel. Peaches dried 10c per lb. Peas VVhite$100; StockdO to $1: Garden 40c per 'peck. FOtaioes irisn 91 00 per bagn. St iet. na, $1 00 oer bahtl. Sugar Crashed 35c per lb; Brown 25c Syrup 40c50 perallon. Soda Oookinfr, 20c per pound. Salt $2 00 oer bmhel. Tallow 10c12K per lb. Herring $14 per bbl. Rice 15c per lb Candles -Adamantine, 40c lb per box. Soap Turpentine, 20c per lb. Biuestone 60c per lb. RALEIGH MONEY MARKET, REVISED DAILY BY B. F. GBADY, EXCHANOS; B SOKES, 13, Fayetteville Street. Buying Rates. Gold $1.40; Silver $1.35 North Carolina Bank Notes Bank .tN rthCirlina. CapeFfar,R xboro', CT"lotre. Ftraa5 a. Merchants, Miner! and Planters, 35 cents on the dollar ; L xington, and Thomasvil'.e 25 setts oa th dilUr; Waiesboro', Commercial, ;WiImiozton, Ommerce 20 cents on the dollar; Washington, F-iyefteville, Clarendon, and Yancey vV.le. Geenaboro' Mataal, 16 cnts on the dollar.-r-Bi k N-ti f other Soathern Sl, JO a 30 cents on tha dollar. Northern State Bank Notes, 65 a 90 cents 0' th dollar. Nv Y rk Bxhanj?1, I oer cent discount. North Carolina bonds, old sixea with all the coupons attached since May 1861, $70 : Detached cospoaa, 35 cents on the dollar. " JfjB jA DTEtt TI SLC & S T 8. HetoboIcTs Fluid Extract Buchu, 'or ft eLLD6M arising ir,m XadWeuoa. TfefcahtisK u powers ot.S&tor which are aecviopaidt4 toy o u.a. iaaininjayBptoau, wnun. which ui b loumi, Jtci position t Axwuon, lii" or -JUmorj,, WakainW, wror vf Uumm, or FtKXtmg of ami; la iat. Mv. vsrsi .Lauiiat Fronratwa, tad iaabilitj to eaurm . tn Bjojpnau of soeisty. Th Caasautioa, affiled with OrganU'Wnk ftrsqaires thald vf Jbcin to tr.vO Mtf iJUUtiUittvanably dob. If noWuaeat is ssbButua to, voBsoioptioa or iaaaoiiy iuaa. HELL2lBOUS FLUiIJeXTIIACT BTJCMU 1 afftioaj pecaliar U".Fxulm," is a&vquaif by a-. thr preparation, as la CbUrvsi or Ktuoaon. l-.i.-t. bm, orxapprsion of CaJiomarj Jhvacaauwtis, Uiceth CM or acairra auf f u Uuras; maa all capiain iaeideat to U r, wa thtr arUiuf irum habits ul ii pauon, lmprmaeao ia, or U d9un or cttaaga in iUe. UELMBOLDS ITJUuilTjiXTBJLCT BUCBU AMU : IMPROVED BOSK WASH, Will adieally eaurmiaate from sysUm DUes.ct arUiBg.truin ilabi ot UiaiDauun at lut utu. foor n cHjr in dt, no nevnvnttncm or Xynr; coh smwrcnrji in ail UlSSS OlMatvS. OS H&LMBOLD'S FLUID JiXTtlACT BUCUU, fa MaU . Disease ot these organs, wbeUier existing iu Male or unaie,"irourwbatrer cause origiaauus, and no wwtttr hvw long ttmndtna h i uIiul m i..t, andoaor, Muaeatais" m acuun, and more trengthta uiji uu mj ot ja prep.t.uojw liark or Iron. i.boseonrin irim liraei Oum or Uelicaie Uoniti tatiiu, provurv the reuaeuj at unce. i'ae tesdr uiost & aware ibat novrerer light mj b, the aitaua ot Uu above di6ea3i, it is ceitain uj afleci hr Boailj Ue&lUi, Meuui 1'owere, aud Hppinee. 4 '1 ttie aooTe disctuts tevj uire iue aid ut a uiureiic 0 UEtJUB01.D'S EXTRACT BUCUU is tne rreat Uiuvetic. HELMDOLD S HIGHLY COKCKTRATD COMPOUNQ FLUID EXlHACT iARSAPARILLA, l;or paniju) tuj Oiauu, reuioviu an ctiiouio ccdbiiiu tiondl aueasco, artsiojr lrwiu au luipure 8iie clibe biu . and Ute ou;y reliable aud cleciui kuuwn rcuedj lor iLc cure ot Ocroiuiit, ocaid Head, 6a. t Kueuui, I aids slu nweliiogs 01 tlie lionet;, UiceiLion ol the Ihiuat Legk, ii.ouactf, fiuiplegon the rac, Tetiur, Krj Pipclns, aod ad ttcaiy ci upuono of the akin, ANi utu&Uiit YlaM 'illli COMPLEXION. Not a lew ul 1 He woret disorders tUtit atltci tuankii il arise Iruia tho corruption tbai accumuUice lu tbt biuc Ul all tbe uiocovcf lea that have been made to purt -uut. nu&e cau equal lu eXleet Jl.i.MiiUijlJ'U IV). JfOUAD aXiiiAux OioAUOAl'AhlUA. ltclean.. and ronoratot' tt.c oioud, loauio ttio ng. r ol health inu tile eyttcMi, auu urcs out ia Luu.o ttbicb n.akt disease. It tUii.uiu.toa kh Leaitb luuuiiuus 01 iho boUv , aud expelis uxa Uiourueie mat giuv ana ranAie la the blood, oacu leujeuy tuat coutd be tttiieo uu has lonj; bwa sought tor, aud now lor tuc out lime, the pubi.t hara ouo ou wn.cn luay can uepua. Our epacv. brr do?s sol aduitt ul ccrnntAU to iuua iu tUcoia, iui il. Uial i a eiug 10 ootuts wm abvVr tne ack ium. it Las tn tuea arpatatag Au tumg ibey bar f r laktu. two uict)uuuiu. ui ma Jbauactul carM.at ilia tooto to a pint ul waiei 1 cua, tu tbt l-uoon iict Uiit., ana uu Dottle IS tUliy cuai to a gallon ol tb 1 up ot fcui apariLa, or tn ucouctiou luaati iua.. MT Ittaar. lJi . uAo 1 a U a V UJfci..s AUhli'l 1 LU U UatlA 'lUii o.Njiliu OiAit.d A.i 1 , tuu i aL.o lu eiy uoiitia. tim iu aii uic oiat uOoi iiU fLtiilKs nitl l.oi i.U an itiiui-i liiLc and, a w;i as iu ikc lac iwt, huu ai totitt.u tu aiaib o it.iu.ui.a frolcaaoi iaWa vaiUUlw tollluU ike tiUUu ol ?LjlQ o. ceiuaks made by Ui. b,tnAiu Ai iiovr.i.1., a wcie vtaticU iujaib.au uu u cu, Sci ul lu lain tolt. 01 -ju.mWUo, iiciawU, ad yuvuauad la tUv tta.acliona 01 M Avtfag auu Vaeu - uti uau . iu. Aki.kui ic(ttf, p uu.iti it v llil iV &a, tciloYV ul Muji Vt ec wi OUicti.. . oao lAuati ul tUw late MiiUaTu Vo.aa ol j.u.wiat. tiuiU Sy mu U uygttit. Drug ana uuuuucta u aitboLao, k li.twU . 1 ( A . iuna. eptS luiu GOVERNMENT PROPERTY 1 IBS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. AUG 1 10. X SALEd OF riOHSta, ilbLLa, AI.A1Y Wagons, dp :UK WagoDo, iiai uta ncd otLvi t ciuuient property wi.l take place trout tiue to tiut ai the principal cities aud town .n the a tale. Thereaales will ffud far mera excelleut op.oi iui ities to stock tbeirtarmswithanj class of auinalatbe uteire to purchase. Kachsalewill embrace a Tsrittj of stock, inciuoing riding and draught Uorseeaad Mules ot cvti) cltk. A few rerj large atale,tuorugbijr broken to LrLeeb, nd in tine condition, will beofiered at eacbaaie. Theattentiou ofcapita!ittsand dealers id atock is par ticularly called to the opponuuitit Lere prtbt nit-o lor probtableiaTestmcnt. titcck purchaaeo io cah atthte saleemaj be sold m credit, witlj ample atcariij, a. a large adrance, to farmers who are depending on their growing crops for means to par cbsae or jjsj be retain ed, and sold fur cash at a large profit alter tke crops bare matured. Terms CASH on day ol sale. Sales drilicaatiuae daring the monthi of September and October will be advertised in this oolumn a soon as dates arehxed. At ilORKHKAD CITY, on Tuesday and Wednedij, September 12th and 13tb, 1865, under the direction of Capt. i). W, DAY, A. Q. II. Sale to commence at 10 a. m each da. At TOOMKE COCRr HOUSE, Harnct county, on Wednesday, .September 27th, 1865, under the direction i t Capt. A. M. GaaonTrs, A. Q. II. Bale tu commence at 9 e!CP A. M. At CHARLOTTE, on Tuesday, October 3d, 1665.under tlie direction of Capt. D. W. H. Dat, A. Q. M. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., anu to continue f-oia . 0 day. at toe uucmucu 01 vaw da ' HALKIGU, on Tuesday, October 10th, 1&65, under At Hion -f Cspt. A. M OAB.0CTTB, A. Q. M. Sale the dirt. at 9 o'clock, A. M to commrncv 'BOB.O, on Tueadsy, October 17th, 1865, At OliEfcl.Vt. 'nn of Capt. D W. tl. Dat, A. Q. si. ond-r the direct 10 o'clock, A. 11. Salff to cemm-nce at Taeaday, October 21th, 18&6, un AtNEW BERNE, 'on . V. II. Dat, A. Q. M. Ssl der the direction of Capt. 1 M. to commence at 10 o'clock, A. . TAILORS, ATTiiiy11.??.!,. ""I M. FAKitlSSi one door abore the aov otr o "nbfcr J - bss eiupio vinent for an additional nUi. " t journeyman t'ai ois. Fit e god "Coat bands" eau tain inpiov tucKt bj applying immedistelj. Ftmait well recommended, may sppiy. aogy- ti WANTED TO RENT, A DWELLING IJOU.-K, in a healthy and ceotial loctin. Apply to S. MaXON, Field aLd Fire side Ha-ld:r.g. P- iteTille street. suK28-tf prim'eOld Bourbon and Monongahela Whis key, Superior Cognac Brandy-Holland Gin, iic, ac. - 25 CEASES Oid liourbo Whiskey. 25 ' do Monongaiiela 10 do 8aperior Cognac B nndy. 10 do Ofar.1 Oniiuy, t84S, 10 do' H..I!afdGn, io do , Fine OU Si-errv. TC do ' Port Wine, , 10 do- . . " ?3l3-1ena.. 20 Baskets Chtmpagne Royal Crcwn. 20 do i ' E. Lemaure. n Just ree' red and for sale bj " ' ' . B.P. WILiaiiSON k CO. -If a

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