BY J. L. FEN N1NGT0S & CO. THE NEWS. For lau st news see Fourth Page. Copper has been discovered in Maryland. v A paper styled The Independent African, un der joiot proprietorship oF a white and a colored man is to be started in Charleston, S. C. Despatches describe the potato rot as alarm ing and prevalent in various sections of Mieh- igan. . ' - Rebel General Gordon, was . figured so prominently in . the Virginia campaigns, ' is now keeping a grocery store in Atlanta, Ga. On therecommendaiion of Got. Sharkey, John A. Neleim was appointed Collector of Customs at Ticksburg, Miss. . r - It is reported that Gen. Sherman has pur I chased the beautiful three story brick mansion re cently erected by David Nicholson, Esq., on Garrison- ve. between Franklin and Eastern -a ves , St Louis. j The war between Paraguay and the Argentine Republic shows no signs of termination. Rains had retarded military operations, hut r hostilities were abont to cotnrpvnce on an imposing so le. Large armies were being raised by volunteers and conscriptions. v Mrt.n. R irr a d; iiood to act on the F:t ' Gibson Ifidiani'oinmisIoc. bnt Is at St. fj niDn t is way to New Orleans .m a private mission for toe Govhrument to the S utb. ' ; At the ludian C.niuci! at Fo-t Smith on Tna- day, communications were recemd from thel Semin ole? and Cm ka Gov. Pitchleym, the Rjbel C .isf of the Ghcrok es, has arrived. -LTbe manufacture of boots aad h'ioos In.: tf& Southern SMea in 1860, wan represented by 1,365 establishment, with ao mvestfli capital of $1441, 772, and pr-vlurinj onuUy pr oducts amo'imi i iu Talae tr $3,9X3,313. T est f rw m itari il con sumed amotviru i $! 641 330 ; the cost of laoor annually, $1403.0H ; tn ou n of male h-ads employed, 4,000 ; a id the number of females. 315. Gilooel F. B rp nti that the fears of a negro. insuTtctio'i i i V.rgiaia sometimes ; expressed are perfectly gr.u dl as (Jkieril Tirry, w!i ha Investigated closely the reports, is of th sime opin ion. General T'-rrg troops are so disposed that such a movement on th? put f the freedmecf could be put. down at once. To" Fr iedman's B treau is or ganized and has g..ts w itching the blacks in every county of the Sae? except some portions of the Shenandoah valley. General Swayne. lo Aahma, has ordered that all contract? with4retd fir labor must be reduced to writiug and approved by the agent of the bureau for plantation, labor. Employers will stipulate to provide sufficient food and quarters, medical attend- . anct, and such further compensation as may be agreed upon. Such contracts are to be a lien upon crops, of which not more than half is to be removed un- . til a full payment be mtde, and the contract released f hytheagentof the bureau. Absentees from labor with out good cauae shall be proceeded against as vagrants, and freedmen committed as vagraots may be set to work on the road or other labor, or be turned, over to 1 the freed men's bureau. Governor Parsons and Gen eral Wood approved the order, and directed its en- - forcement. -Herschel V. Johnson, of Georgia, has returned to Washington fn m a visit to Alexander H Stephens In Fort Warren. He spent last Friday with Mr. ' Stephens, and reports him in ordinary health and as comfortably situated as any one can be in cor.fine ' naent. ? Ie has the freed jm of the frt, and is al'owed . to receive the visits of friends. Q lite aa.moy are admitted as he desires to receive. His brother, Lin ton Stephens, who accompanied Mr. J ihnson to Fort . Warren, remains there still,. and is permitted to sleep lo his brother's apartments and join him in his walks for exercise. Mr. Stephens will probably not be pard-utd until the question of reconstruction is practically settUd by the adraissioo of representatives from the Southern States. A special despatch from Montgomery to the Mo bile News says that many influential citizens of Mariogo, nnd the adjieeot counties, have petitioned Governor Parsons, asking for the removal of Colonel Lynch, of the 6th, Wisconsin cavalry, as his open sentiments would Wd to a negro rebellion against the whites, bloodshed being imminent. The L )oiviile Journal inclines to the belief that there is more lying about matter . and things in the Soatb jast now, tuan there baa h-eo for twenty-five years, quoting as an example the statement of a New York Herald correspondent, that Mr. Howell, the father-in-law of Jeff. D ivis, hd expressed the vihh that his son-it'-iaw migh; be hanged ; whereas, ac cording to the ieksburg Herald, said Mr. Howell has Ueo deaoralx.ut three years. On the evening of thi 21 irst.,8ays a dpatch to '. the Chicago Tiibune, a negro soldier in an iltercati. ti with a white mau at Cairo, 1 1., whom he alleged struck hini, drf v hit? bayonet, aud, pursuing his assailant, vth flwi in the presence of the weapo.), caught up with him in house near by the seme of tr.edisputP, w.Lnit. he knocked him down and literal ly tiatsSxed him to the floor with it, killing hmi almost iRthntiv. .The murderer Ws arrested aid lodged in pris.,n. I; Ls said tho tffir origiuHted with the negro,, wh.f very ins .lcntl j 'etied the oianywhoce jemoohtrauc- .tot,ked him to murder.'' Dvorjpon, Wfl Wf8 A g,Ktj flai ogitatedovcr - attempt of a m- to eut hia throat and p'ui 0ut , -OD,5U9 of h:fr w at a hoH on S tturday. lhey woret,aoR.rH a d claimed to be from Iowa y: He fc' d h(i n ; iieutfn-wt in tbe,3 1 Cvairy . Sir Gcorgfi M . k , Z!e gsiy8 . . Fjme iaa reve.,ue payable only to our rh. su" A grandson of I, F.yfette is naw in Boston, and siid to have UU(h a short ipeech at a primary meeUng of the Republicans the other eveciiig, in the Sleuth Ward of that city. I VOL. Vi. RALEIGn, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 20, J865 XO. 263. THE CITY. Courts of Oyeb asd-Tkrsiiser The following correspondence is published that the people of the State may khow: what efforts are being made by the Provisional Governor to establish the civil courts in 'this State, and as warning to evil doers. Several other counties have made application for courts ot Oyer and Terminer, ai d in a few days another Judge will be sent to them. There are some evidences of a disposition to lawlessness in certain parts of the State, and the only sure cor rective the civil courts will 1? brought to-bear to arrest it :-r ExECUTiyE Department, Raleigh, N C, Sept 14, 1805. To Hi Honor, Anderson Mitchell Judge of Courts of Oysrand Terminer 7 : Sik:t-I enclose a special commission to yon to. hold courU of Oyer and Terminer in the counties f . Wilkes, 4th Monday in September, 18C5 Btinconjbe. 2d 4 October, Henderson 3rd Transylvania, 4th Mndisnn, 5th C eroke y 1st Clay. 2d (i ii i i 4 il 1 a November. Wri-g liav Jeen issued to the sheriff of tha various cr.ui-ti-s. n- fifying thrn your appointment, a id ordrinir t.hi-m to summon proper, juries At ap p'.io( d days. The solicitors hve beeu notifi d to ittfod th uns. The Gov rn r dirprtf c. j to say ro vou that yu J wi'l n-t tak.-jurisdirt,u ofcasof wrings v, ... .. ... ... c ... w, .. ... v. . .uS3 f mmitted agju it tiem by white pprions, freed wen or rte ptrs ms ot :o:or 1 n'. uwu o: iN rtn Utroiina do not adcidt tha tpstlm my ot treadmi i or free pr sons of rol r ?n cases wherein white purso 19 are c o cerner' ; a d the military authorities will not a-low them ti bo "tri -d in c nrts that do n t admit th ir tetii. o iy. A!' f'lith cass will then fire b l?ft t b; tii-d y the mili' iry courts. Ymr jirjdicti n will -xtetid 10 all cass of bre?ch ol toe criming! law i.f North Carolina ,by white pprs s' agdnst white persons. I am, sir, very respect'ully, Yoorobpdie. t K-rvart, R i. BADGEK, Asst Sec. Exi cutivk Off'cr. Raleigh, N. C, S-p 14 18' 5 To Mojr General T. H. Rdoeb, commanding De partment of North Carolina : Sir: I have appointi-d Judge Audtrsoji Mitf h 'll t ho 1 courts of Oyr and Termlu"r in s ivertl .11 tlj counties west of ths B ue Rt lg-?, iud hve giv n h m the following directions with reg3rd to his j r sd c tion, a copy of which i? forwarded to yon tor y u informttion : "You will not t'ik'i jurisdtcti m of cw?s of wr )ogs comiuitttd hy fredm nor frei persons of col :r, or wrongs committed against them by white persons or frieda)eM or lre persons of color. The laws of Nort i Carolina d not admit th testi noiy of freed ne 1 or free persons of color in cses wherein white persou ato conreroeS, and the military author ti-s will not allow them lo b tried in courts which d- not idinit their testimony. - All such cases will, therefore, be left to be tried by tho mi diary cou'ts. Y ur juris diction will exteud to aU breaches of the crimiial law I of North Ciro.toa by whtte persons against w hi to persons." r I would suggest that it might serve a good purpose for the protectiou of the freedmen aud free persons f color, if this jurisdiction were extended to allow the judge to arrest and have bound over to keep the peace all persons whether white or of color 10 ie quire hail when the case is hai!ablat com non law, and hera not, to lodge the offender tn the county j4l,ubji 't to the orders of the military common lers ot the dis rict. Otherwise the persons of color wi'l be and will feel themsalvis iu a very helpless c ndi tion in thos counties out of th1 reach of the direct authority of the nil itary. Should you co f ur with me, I will ; sond such direct'uns as will x'ead thj-Ju io's juristdicti j:i iu this latter respect. v Very rtspetfcfu'ly, W. W. UOLDEN, Provisions! Governor. Headquartfrs. Dwp't or North Carolina, ) Raleigh, N. C , Sept. 14, 1865. J His Excellency W . W '. H'LbN: Sir: I concur with you that the inter ests of the State would be prom ted by the a tion.of the cou ts to be held West of the mountains, as stated in your letter of this date. Such ei' sonsas VoulJ be bound over, and not of the clas specified in your letter to be tried by civil courts, would, of course, be subject to trial by military tri -bnnals. as well as those oai.nitted for offences not bailable. Very respect full', Your obadient servant, Ti l OS. H. RUGER. Bvt. M j. Geo. Vrols. The fol owins postcript was then added to the letter of Judge M.tcheT, extending his jurisdiction as above stated : P S In all cas s of breach ot the peace whore freedmen or free 1 ersons of color are concerned, which may be reported in the counties in which you old courts, have the offenders arrested, and bailed or lodged in jail, according to the nature of the o'Veiice, and the security off. red, to be triad by the -military courts when they shall be held. Or der the clerks to send statements of such cases to the commander of the military district in which the cou ty lies. Respectfully, R C. BADGER, Asst. S c. From the fcegoio it will vvoat d vision o j i-isd:ot! "j m m ule between th civil id t u .nii vy courts. T -. P'-otrdonal Governor would have preferred .iv?t the civil c mrts should bws leen permitted t i h.ive f 1 ii rs 1 onrestricted juris liction, he is con fident that-th- friJmi aul frae pjr .ns of c ilo" would bd-v rceiv d justice at thp hatuls of tt 0 whites a ey have heretofore. Bit thn or(.rs whici' ihemti.ary authorities ha?e received 'will uot peril' 't this. S nir' week? a a correspondence hetw-ea Gen. T. II Rogr and he Provisional G 'vrn r, on ti is su.j"tt, was publish -d 1Q th Standard nd this c..t- respandence has tHseo referred lo tu .P'?.i ijnt for his action, and until bis answer Is received the above must be the division of jarif diction between tho military and civil couiU. Six of tbi;gbt Ja ls who hate bjes appointed f Judges of courts of Oyer and i manner wm be mem- here o4kth Convention, and Ik is for this reason that tbe jregiog Judges haVd been specialty ap" pointed to hold coarta out of rbeif regular circuits. His Honor, Judge Dudel O. Fovle, has been as signed to h M courts of Oyer and Tirtntoer in the counties of Yadkin and Rmdolph, a- follows Ytdkin county, 1st Monday iu October, 1865. Riodolph " 3 J R C. BADGER, At. See. SiLVtB Ouce in a wmk p'e e )l silver shows itseil, ut tx ept in the hn d f tho broker, it b a rare article. T ie other day a strange, tamoiing through the suburhs of Rik-igh, 'topped at the doot Of a cottgetiud asked for a drtutj rt wate-. A $ mt In y mi p ei hisi wa its, an I ft.sshe was iike a 1 the rst of He ywg 'aliei ini Wak vry g d lookiug he cffWt-d hjr a dial- for a k ss I as duly tken rnd paM f r. and the young lady, who h vi nf ve- feen a dim?? hioro, looked at it wi h B"me cti'ionity, and thn ifkid what she shou!J d with it. fl replied, what sha chae, as it wna heis. 4 If Hint's me crf-,"iid she, "you may Uktlt back and . p mn another kiss." Porir. Ii so !rn ince Pe ha 1 seen a piece of stiver that she didu't kr w Wi at to do vith it. X, The Weathbr Yesterday, was a clear, cold day. Woolen clothing was brought into requisi tion early in the morning and was necessary for comfort until bedtime. This sudden chmgeable- ness 0f the wedher will be apt to increase sickness, and it behooves our citizens to pay proper atten- li(jn tQ aU preTenlives. r t mmm m Billiards The lovers of ti i- nbu- g rae in our ' Cuy oi Oaks" cau u w have ex.c'lei t opiMrtani is tor ei j)iog it at Gulden's nums on Faye'tev lie I street, a fe doors below ihe expnss office. B'tidt;8 1 wog od tab'es, with uew cuts, falls, & 5., there Is an en:el'eut bare nnecteJ with the tst tblidhment, where toe Mcc-mojod iiing Thompson "kbakes them up" in the iiiwfct apioved st ie. i Signs of tub TiMts. Gradually the old tinKS ara creepi-ig back Tne latest sign of their approach 's oue vcr iiie entrance of the post office,, very neatly ex cnted. C l Miller and his officieut corps of as sistants are u itirin" io their efforts to perfect matters pruitdt g t tiu ir department. Bittkn by a D)o.-We understand that Mar shal, son ol John Hen icke, a colored man, was badly bit it'll, lastt night, by a dog. We have fi ( qu -ntly hinted that the council of this city, should perfect their ' arrangements to t,uard against hydrophobia, though they have per mitted the summer to pass without any ordin nces having been enacted, and yet we are in the midst of the dog biting reason. , 1 Bdrned Up. We understand several days since that one car of cotton had ben burned up on the Raleigh und Gaston Railroad. Yesterday five loads were burned up between Gaston and Raleig , according to a stat mem of a passengar to us, which delayed the train last night. .. . Gray, Kklloog & C ., re fcdlb g out their prints at reduced prices. Ttiey were lucky enough to pur chase'when the market was low, and are now able to compete with any one In selling goods at low fig ures. The Klecti n. The election which takes place to moirow. doe- not seem to a sorb much atten tion on the streets. I is to be hoped that the in terest in it will revive to clay. "West At his news depot on FayetteviPe St.. has received a larg invoice of new musi in ludin some of the most popula ballads of the day. Give him a call. Mk B-wen, at the olo sund of T R. F-ntref, No 15 Fy-tteville st., t-xicts a new stock .f latli-'n f til goods in n few days. O e inslaiiraent has already i 1 1 V . Gkn. SciIOFIi-LD, the wiD.iit ! t f of this D n- e- , v,;io 1,1 Hit.o'of- on te 10 h i' sf , ;nd h id an r.terview witM t P- dd t 'I HE upnt-ti'a'io o jfir a e v u d by a little lab. r Id th? wny f cleirjing b'im.'? u.' :mir v d Wh is o Influence of Fkmales. It Is better for yrj t t a5s an evening once or twice a week in a !vi' dr-riwig room, though the conv-rsMoo ?q sV,v, n-1 y u know the girl's s"ngi by heart, tha-i iu a citih, tavern, or a pit of a theatre. All amiis'"nunt o vourh in wh'ch virtuous w omen are n-t admitted, r lfrJn ir, are deleterious Mo their natur;. All men who vo?d f'-'TiftU' s x i ty have dull perceptions, and are stupid, or have gross tastes, and revoli aginst what is pure. Your club swa rrs, who were su "k ?ng the butts of billiard cues all night, call female society iosip'd. P etry Is uriinvpiring ti a yokpl ; btauty has no charms for a blind man ; muVic d e not plo ts' poor beasf win do"s not kmw oae tU'ie from .finothf-r, but as a true epicure is hrd!y evar tired of itf r, sines 'tnd brown bread and bu ter, I p o test I can sit for a whole night talking to a weU-regu-Uted kindlj woman abont her girl Fun "if or her boy Frank and lik - the evening enterfaiument. Or e oT tie str-'at bnfi-s a man may derive from women's socMy is tha h is bound t fee respectful to her. The habit is of grt good to vo na r mer t dpnd npon it. Q.r rd'i afi n nuked as th rn s eminently se'fi-vh meu i'i the wor d. Wj fight for ourselr s, we push for ourse'iv-, we yatv i for ou. -selves, we light our pip s and say we wut go out w profer ourselves and oiir f isi ;. and the greatest benefit that comes to man 'rom a woman's s.3cety is, tbat he has to think of somebody to whom he is bound o be constantly attentive and rwpectfal. The Exchamg.- Under the nw tte Ex ch&tKi Hotel. on Hillsboro St., has iajproTedTtenfold. New furniture has been added, 'painters auU paper hangers have bmu at work, and tha. btdldirg Lts been thorouzb y reooated and cleaned. We wish Messrs. RindaM & C , ad the pucceaa their energy and witer prive warrants. in. : The Fenians In Ireland. v A ! From the limerick Chronicle, August 28.. I We hve ben imormed by persons who would not x it?gerate in the !izhtest dearree that drilling is go mg on in Clare, Ci allot Woods, and the mountain otis region at the opposite side of he Shannon, tf.e movements of the Fenian in that quarter being t-x.'cJy like what the Cork Constitution dtscribed as bem .carried 00 io thn environs .-of that city. Ihe M un aiuous d.stacts ol Ir land cffjrd considerab'e f ciluies for the drihi g of Feilaa?, nd tue well disposed netd uot wonder at r a ling da the papers of the d iLg of the, rebe s in such places as the mountainon pirts of Cork, K.rry, Clare, Cavan ' n 1 Fe macah, whe e they tan cirry cn th police woomy n t b s?at o 4ed ii thtsa secluded qaar u is Be Fordaos w ui 1 n , m w vo wise i iijr g r.erfctio'h in s Hti g the mountainous regions for their exercises, aith ugh th.nso of C rk seem les caa flou! buteru the pic de:ribji by our contem M,rA:'y are rocky, and of achtracterto cover the moments of toe Fe iUs with .ut baiag detecte.1 by the police 'ex ept through spies. A gentleman in this city haR reoHted a letter from a friend resident in NiW Y ik, whn, writing on the subject, says that numbeisof Iru-hrrien woo cannot find employment there arn c ralng home, and he adds that "Feuiaoism is getting ftrongf r there every day." We quote, how ever, th btt part of liis letter, in which be says, re ferring to a recent pio-nic of ih FeuUna, held in New Yo k, that ' there were a few Captains in the aimy pie eot, who spoke a few words to the effect thvt iUy intended to go i:ext year 10 ireianu auu uunt ttj eretn flng on tJ, the old churches and cnstles in one u gtu." What is really significant in tb" foree i 2 is me etrenceoi tna parties returning r Irelai d il qft of work. That those fellows are F nians oeed be lb tie doubt. The war has nrowu mu!titnd s ot them upon their own resouices ; their carao do ii-his parly unfitted them nustrious p-tr.ui s; too disaffactibo fhey took o with them may rxMu witti increased intensity, and under uretensu of rvsiur .i Jst to procure emplovmeut 1 .r r n.imA nvr to c-irrv out thir evil desisas. This s reallv a serious matter, widch calls for the promp attention aud vigilance of lb authorities, who can not be too active. From the Cork Examiner, Sept. 6.3 We look with the deep, s a .xiety to thatfinormou power for mischief which ixjs's in the Irish or lo tin auti-Eng'ish organizitlou i 1 America. Wo dj no enter luto the truth or rea-uy gf the feliug among-. whrf Irish States ; aud we have no hesitation in ad mituog that mu h allowance mut be made for it fxit-uce. Tne great pity is that b p ssions of oui oeople at home suould lm? a - rt. k e-is.y flayed upoi iy who run no rnk, and 11. a: n'pc-a wtiomd teld out whic ca n t be'ita Wt dtpl re it me truest in'eies s ol our cuu..ny , wp'Ci i. k"pt i-j . tirouic excittuient fatal to stta-ly inous'iy and r '. IU. t to capital which is ra- ntiai to its t f -nbs Ii G d's name, lt our toa.nry have rej Itw y a s of cescati u from ainfc and (a ii .- tn t uot ouly may tr.e tiucrgtes of her people o urutd lo the pursuits of industry, bu; that 1:1 who u.88ta caiui the mighty mirade-woiker toe d) m y learu to undeistand that iu noftuntn 1 1 the vvond is tueie a wider or safer field for its ir vestment. Inter estino Dh.cisi.,n. A Msmphis paper s.iys Jujgo T.ig ias O'.cideJ tj alnit a!l attorneys to the b tr viuoiit tiat the oth prescribed by the act oi Cougrefs. He is of uia p:uua that the only mjde by which ail the lawyers of the court could lorf. it their tight to practice alter tbey had once been admiiU'd, Wi.uid i-e the secession ot tne State of Tiu ..tsseo bom U iou, aud this ne was uot prepare, to atluin ai v.. .itju pluce ; d the cn!y mo i j wuicu vi iu m ui mbers ol tuo c -uid be d -or.e , woj l ue the prtermeut vf caargt-s aud tri 1 tit o crthu ewarteiy. M iRKi.T HEFOaT COtkHbUi;KI DAILY BY IS. A. . V H 1 T A K K R . Grocei and Ueatti m frocisions. Apples Dried, $1 25 per bushel, Uiceu jl a0 ei bU'Uel, Bacon Kiiui,aact 25i6c perib. Uee. lOc iei b. Batter -25c per lb. Cheese - 'ibo per tb. Cuickei 8 h 30c a piece. ColTee Socpetlb. C oi'ii $1 2i per JUhol. KggS 'Mi a 25c per d ien. Fiouc upertine$l3 per b'ok.; II iites Green 10c. L) y 15c. Il'iney iu coioo, 25 to 30c per lb. Luilft -I2l5cperlb. Lj 1 25u per lb. Mel$i 25 per bushel, (scarce) Mullets $15 00 Mackerel $20 pe- bbU O lions $1 00 e biutiel. Peaches tried 10c per lb. P jas-White$lOO, Sfok 90 to $1 ; Garden 40cper Potittoes Irish $1 00 per bash. .Sv;." -i'v, il 0) er bushel. S rgar Crushed 3ic per lb ; Brown 26c nip -40c50 per gallon. Sod Cooking, 20c per pound. ShU-52 00 oer bushel. Tiitow-l0cl2K per lb. Hiriag $i4 per bbl. Rice 15c per Jb. Cindles -A-dimantine. 40c lb per box. Soap -Turpentine. 20c per lb. Btuestoae 50c per lb. RVLElGfl MONEY MARKET, RK7I8KD DAILY UT B P OBADT, EXCHANGE ItBOKEB, 13, Fayetteville Street. Buying Rates. Gold $1.40; Silver$1.35. North Carolina Bank Notes Bank .1 N nh Uir lina, CapeFear, Rxboro', T rlotte pHrm0'?. Mrhnta, Miners and Planters, 35 cents on thodolbr; L xlngtoo, and Thomaartlle 25 cota .1 tht l3lir; WAlesboro', Commercial, Vi!rninat-n, C! moapr"H 20 cents on tbe dollar; Vhint n. Fy 'revillj. Clarendon and Yancey iijrtf Q -osb rV M if nm, 16 cents on the dollar. k N t f g mthern States, 10 a 30 cents on the dollar. Northern State Bank Notes, 85 a 90 ;! on th .J -Mar. N w Y irk Ri !ittp -or cent disconnt. North Carolina bonds, old sixes,' with all the coupons attached aiuceMtv 1861. $70. Detached I cwpons, 35 cents on the dollar. NEW A DTEl T 1 S E M E N T 8. m ' film, a ums ai iiin V r iu.l nd u w e - '1 1 1 e 2 b u s i t powers ut Nature ft bUh ar as. c. inaiiii c bj to u&i m j id piums, unAr wbicb tie iuuao, iiicu jfvHUvu iv H.xcrtiu, ot Htluory, V IlktlUii tt: , autrvruf Urease, dr if'jrebodiui uPfcilf in lct, U-ii, rvit.i Uujanttd, f roetraiioii, ua inability to ttXit CBJuj IUCUU Ot VCIJf . - Tu Couiutatiod, ouco atft'Ctwl With Organic Wei Ji r4Uirs ihaia'ul Mcuicxue to ttfuyihcn and JUUCbU luraiiAbij data, it lo trta.iutui ii aubiuiuu toCou8tUBuua tof liuani'y ius. HEUIBOLD'S FL UIlTeXXR A CT BUCIJ V In aStfOUutu peculiar Ut" k kMAbki," i untuuant bj trny otber prpraUvu( a in Cbi-. rvi ur Uu tiuuu, i-aitiiui-ne, vr baypresniua 01- trUStomar nrftcuUuiis, then kV. td or acuu 1 ua state t, tu Uurui; auu li C mciUnt tu the cx, tu turn tiiiig trom iibiu ui uii -pauuit, impiuacnca iu, or tb dow.u or ;a iue. lli.HBULD'S FtunTiiXTKACT B L CH U a Al - JMPKOVL uuSE WAbU, Will radicalij exici luiuale auu tjttcm lLtr. ansiug irou uaoi si nutaiiuii ut ftf.i; xHmet ttt-c ' Or no cfta,.yc tn did, NO iflvtnVcttic or X(iurt; -'?'i. prett y c atii uioii utiiMKum uta uuiiy.rvutixt.- df, Joputvu wit Jjc, ca, j .a au i.uee oiaeta;. FLUID aXl'uaCl BUCIiU, In all Disease ot ih.-ae orguna, viiciLet tiistiB, n. ' Male"' or r emaic," irutii v u. vtr ciuee ot iiuuii, Aud UV tttutler AuW tang Un,Uii,y il la .tkwklJt, iU tflt aad o-Jur, mrneanxle ' iu atiwu, aiitl Uiuic il t litir j; taan aujr 01 iuc o jiaiK or Iron. Abodw eutlcring troui lir ilea uowa 01 lelicnie CjncLi iutijuy prucurc the remeu at once. --Tne reader lauai ue avare ttiat Uoever slight my l tbjkiuica of the above uiocaacn, ii ig oeiikiu lu bHcci iu liouUjr liealih, Jlcuial Fowcip, aud nt jiitd. 4 1 tQe above disease a icj un c luc ia ul a .aertuc HELMBOLD LXTRAoT BUCIiU UELMliOLD'S HiGHL,YTioRciiWTRAalJL UOfVlPUUND FLUID tAihALil ABSAPaBlLU, i'or puritjing tud bioou, 1 euiu lug ail cb; iim cutisiiiu -tionai di8cuiv.a aneiD tiuai aa impure Stale of iiie biu 1.. and tue oul t,Uculuh ii nu lcuieiij lor tbc care -jt ociotum, bcaid tleau, &u.a iiaeuiu, 1 ams auu owellmga ot - tue iioues, tl.uerai.ion ot the Throat ar Legs, rJ.otohes, fiuiyieo on me l?icc, Tetter, br)6ipelat, and ail scaiy ei upuous ot the skin, ANiJ tttiAUlii; iiAti THK CUMPLLXION. Not a iew of the worst disorder thai aliccl n-aiikiii ana- trota the corruption that accuuiUialtb in iLt b.iui.. jf ail tue QibCoTetiea mat nave been uude to put. u out, none cau tqual iu elleut il.uklSSJiLj'ii itii' euUSU hXliiAOi. Ot oAu&aFAHILLA. ltcltaLttH reuovaiea .ue oiijutl, lueuiiti tue vig.i ot htanh ilio cue system, ana juigto out tue nuuiors vtlutti nake uioetkoe. it auuiu.Atco tUx Ucaithy lunctions ol the booj , d.L.i eaueim thw Uiborueis tuat grow and rankie iu too 0100 a. a jou 4 1 euieuj mac oouid be relied on has lot g oeeu sougut 101, auu now lor the liist time, the pubuc uiive ouc ou vnivh tue cau uepvnu. Our space iiiic uo t not auiuit ot ccrnuaico 10 suow its eliectb, out iLt tiiai i a aiug e Uuttic win enow cue sick that it has vn -moo suias6iag aaj tuiug ihcj uv ever taken. 1 vo taoiespoontUiS a me ixi.iactoi &arsapai ilia added to a pint ot watei ia cqua. to me Luoon Diet Dunk, aiid one oottle is fully evjua. to k gkilun ot the &yiup of fca -oaprill, or th. decoction aa u uaii niaue. uUolu 1H& iiib C3iAlt.b Ulil, &nd ai ai.o in vety general Use in ah tne olate tiOSi'i'iAL md; AJMlTAivi iAoi ii b iii througi.cut the and, aa wcu as iu private pi ac. iota, aud are consideied luvaiuab.e remedies. Sc Medical Properties of Buchu, it UM DISt t-iNoAlUui ot itlE tiAHKD STATES, See fioiessoi Djkwes's valuable works on the Pitciice A Phjsic. becicuiarks made by Dr. Efuhaim M'Dowkll, a ctle iatcd i'naiciuu auu Aieuibci ol tne uoalCoilcge of ouigeoue, iieiaud, and pubusaed in the 'lVue.cuong ot .ue Aiug aud ueeu k UUrnal. dec JicUico hrugicui'levi,etv, published by Benjamin 1 sy u.a, bellow ot wyal Coi egv ol ouigtoua. oc uikt ot tn iatc okauukiu Woiakoi AitUicine. &Arioa.i'Aiiiii-..v Sold by all l) 'MijUii. HlMDULu' Drug and Cnemicai w a. ch n se, OJ tiUVADV A 1; - ; . cpc8-lstui Or -OVEENMENT PiiOPULiY 1 a 1 bi STATE OF KOKTH CAROLINA. ALtOtlvX SALKS -'I? iloK&En, MbLi.c, Ai.iV A tgoua, rii. iiijf 1r a;ona, ciai Utrbb and oibo j. v .uui.ui roperty wiii take place tioui timt 10 uu.. at .Ue p lucipai cities aud mu nj in 1 Oe otaie. Tlie-edaica w ilialt'ord inruiii eu Ht-ni oppo? tui itb s to at iCk tuciriat uis witu auy clttce oi auiuialttbe i.uire , I 'Ul Cl Hbt . L.ktu oale .v l i euib ac. a variety ci .tock iuc .Lr'ir-jr iuin aud di auul lioi tt aiiu mu.i t , cwi t- a. . A e ery a JJuiea, t .m uUiy oi .ki 11 luLaiuet . hld in uny couui ivn, w in be uifet iu a. mil. tal". f neatteniiuo oi capita i;ie uuu ucaier L otoc k icuiarly ckilou.o i tn. ft'pi'i'iuiiiiii.r i.n t ptii i.. lohtabkiuvuatju.nt "suck ou chiiM.ii f 1 . n on 1 js ui ay be a. id "U uritiit, vu:, au it s u. .. . large ad vuuC'-, to fa'-aicio whoa:' dfpfiioi. u,' r, 1 ow ' ug,crlp i.r u;ana to ou 1 cuaei 01 j.j l. .t ,) T- . r h . t . ft t 1 : : ;d , aud ooiii 1 ti cisn Ai a targe n-rotit ktei Ut ( , n ia?e matured. Tel uic UA it on day I ;aie. .ales vili 1111114 lunu ttte monf hs of cy p:t-u.'. . and October ti l be tJrt'rtraeu iu ihisclu:un a as Jaiea arehxed. At MOIti.lIKAl) V, on Tu :-dy nd W.dnerdpy, oeptt Luowi 12th aia. ltith. 165 ui.ot-t th- dii -ci h l-of Japt D. W, iAY, . Q M. j-ait. ;o coiuuience at lo x. m. each dav. At TOOMER COU UT HOUSE, Harnct county, un WeUnebday, eptnaoti 2ith. !S5u under direction i vJapt A. M. GAac urrK, A. Q M. s.aic to ccmiiULCe t 9 o'cloc , A. M j At CHAltLOTlE, ou Tuesday Oct btr 3d, lhG under thedireciiou . fCapt. 1). W. H.'Dax, A. Q M. -a to c muience at Id o'clock A SI, aa to ccutiuue from day to day, at the discretion of Copt. D-y. At KALL1GU, .n Tuttoay, euntdav, Thursday ard Friday, Uttorer 10th. 11th, 12th atd J3th, '865 undt-r t he direction of Capt. A. M Oari ihe, A. Q M. Sa.e to commence at 9 o'ci ck, A. M At GKEENSbOKO, on Turfc ay, Weduesdav, Thurs day ana Friday, October 17th, 18tb. 19th nd 2Uib. 18G5, und r the direction of Cpt. 1 W. ii. Day, A. Q. M. Sale to coram-nee at lu o'ciock, A. M. At NEW BKKxNE, on luefrday, Wednesday. Thurgdav and Friday, October 24ih, 'J5ih, 26th anu 27th, 18.6, u der the direction of Capt. b. VV. H. D ay, A. Q. M. S.ile to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. TAILORS, ATTENTION! CM. FAUR1SS, one door above the 1 eogkksp oti.te,- has employment for an additional number o journeyman Tai ore. Five good '( 'oat. hands" can . b tain employment by applying immediately. Femaieh, wellrecommended, may ply. aug30 tf WANTED TO RENT, y A DWELLING liOUrtE, iii a healihy and c-ii 1 1 a 1 location. Apply to t. MAXON, Field aid i un le Building, Fay etteville strft. aug28-ti prime Old Bourbon and Monongahela Whis key, Superior Cognac Brandy Holland Gin, fcc.,Ac. d 5 CASES OM Bourn. v iit key. Amt 25 do Mon"Bgabela 1 . IU do Superior Cofrnac Brandy, 10 do Otard Dupuy, 184b, lt do Uolisod Giu, 10 do Fine Olu Sherry, 10 do 4 44 Pert Wine, to o " " Mr erin. ( 2 B keta Champagne Royal Crorp. 20 do ,4 E. Lumaiue Just ree Ted and for sale by e - B.P WILLIAMSON & CO. -tf S i i