. i,' . " V - "' " " 1 ""' "' 1 ' '- 1 " i I ii i i 5 i I 4 For latest news see Fourth Page OTir;Kv Smith 5q t f AfsinzAQ Cuba. in. broken health. . IhvBeecher's religious views net him twenty V thousand doliars per annum. Profitable piety. The body of Lord Douglas, who: made an un expected descent of 8,000 feet while among the Alps, has been found. His head was driven right Into the chest, and one leg was off altogether. rrlt said that Pius IX. , on being called upon make regulations for ihe prott ction of Rome gainst the cholera, declined, and said he would aVe the fate of the holy city in the hands of Prov- Jenee. Herschtl)hnson is at the National Hotel :n AVashingonfaninakes considerable noise with .ii mouth, the noise being of a rebellious order. He has been told several times to stop it, and has com plied, i The fourth line of learners between Baltimore nd Richmond has just been established. A nail' factory is called for by the people if ynchburg, Va.: 'iA Polish agent is now in Virginia looking for . location in which to settle a party of Polish itn igrante in that State. Twenty one disreputable houses in Philadel ' jia were broken up by the police on Tuesday htrand one hundred and Jtwenty-three , persons rested, who marched through the streets .to the tion house, singing in chorus the song of ramp, tramp, tramp !" --Mr. James Mitchell, son of Mr Jno. Mitchell, ly visited Fortress Monroe to gain an interview 1 his father, but was promptly refused admis i by the Coramariftapt of the Post. - -The Antietara soldiers' cemetery will consist ci :'2ven acres. The area will be twice as large as d ::t of the Gettysburg National Cemetery, and will contain twice as many graves. . j ilrTen Eyck of New Jogey is a candidate for tL3 office of Secretary of tb.8 United States Senate in ; ' ' z') of Mr. Forney wbo is figuring for tue Uoited .Senatorehipfur Penosylvahia,for which Simon C Tieron will be a strong competitor. Maj. Gen. Grover, who was married at North ? ton, Mass., a few weeks ago, was not legally tied .:t all. , He didn't know a marriage certificate was "sssary to legalise the thing, and the clergyman m ployed was likewise ignorant. The intention of carriage has since been entered upon the record, though a month after the wedding. -The venerable old frigate Constitution is report rd have bahaved with extraordinary friskness on b;r recent voyag" from Newport to Annapolis. Bis-1 c'rwfng the tug sent t 'tow" her, she sailed off alone rr 'Jng thirteen and a ball knots an hour, and pass !: everything io the route Baltimore clippers and i-Gen. Swaynfi, of the Free lmen's Bureau in ' labana, alluding in a circular t the impression ; availing amoug negres that plantations will be feel led amongst them at the b ginning of next car, tells them they need not hope for anything of iLa sort, but must go to work and behave them :lves. " r A French peasant has been sentenced to three ' :onthsrfmprls mment for obtainiag money by pre ying that he had extraordinary influence with the ints, and could secure farm produce from injury jj'jU storms, and obtain other benefits for his vo tr!ea. -They had an aurora borealis in New England, cot long since, which is said to have been "rather a - sUgottrn up affair." During its stay telegraphic :iages were sent between Boston and Spring6eld natural electricity alone, no batteries being used. Il'U a wonder that some Yankee doesn't capture and mesticate the thing, and force it to supercede bat v cries entfrely. - The St Louis j papers notice the arrest in that iity of a girl in male attire, who gave her name as Jenny Clark, and states that she had been a dru -nier "boy" in the 144th Illinois for about a year and lived in Springfield. She is about sixteen years old, and has a father ii the army, her mother being dead. The Recorder fined her five dollars. . f Travelers may now go by rail from New York city to Columbus, Georgia. The trip occupies five days and costs sixty-six dollars. By steam from here I to Savannah and thence by rail, the fare is seventy- three dollars, and the time occupied is eight qays. The Richmond and Danville Railroad, which was lately turned .over by the military authorities to Thomas' Dqdamead, the Company's Superintendent, is one f the best paying roads in the South. The net earnings from the seventeenth day of June to the thirty-first : day of Augusti a period of seventy-six days, over all expenditures, were within a small frac tion of sixty-oIdc thousand dollars. A negro named John. Small wood, who .Tuesday last, committed a gr -ss assault urjon a Mrs. King of Preston, was arrested the same day, taken to the County Court, then in session, indicted, arraigned, fornlhed with cbqnsel, pleaded guilty, and before early bed time at uVgtlt had been convicted and sen tenced to State Phsod for fifteen ye ira. ' A little boy named . Willie Wood, only, thir teen years of age, son of Captain John G. Wood of the United States Navy, saved the life of a yung companion at Cushing's Islands, in Maine, last Friday, under circumstances which show him to he a true little hero. Walter Bean, aged five years, fell from the wharf and sunk in quite a depth of water. Young Wood saw there was but one t w rescue mm. ana atvesting nimseii ot nis I outer garments, plunged in head ! foremost and wought him to the surface, where he cooly secured im by one of his arms and swam ashore with the other. ' .. : Thomas McLaughlin, at East Haddam, Cobd.,t jail-bird, tried to kill himself , Tuesday, .because he 1 f St VOL.. VI. ' - - . -mmmmmmmxrzi&Est " r was going to betaken to State prison. His first attempt-was by hanging, the second by eating a small looking-glass pounded fine. Both failed. He is going to try a railway train next. hen hp calculates to have a dead sure thing 61 rr. We learn that thef Secretary of the Treasury has appointed .1. L. K'mgwalt, of Philadelphia, an agent to visit the bnnch mint at Denver, Colorado Territory, to investiga fc the feasibility of trans porting bullion t the Atlantic coast by the Gov -eminent, and accomodating miners with Eistcin exchange, which might take the form of gold noes redeemable at Government depositaries, and which would be used to a considerable extent as currency among the miners. A remarkable pony (earn, five in hnd, the property ot Agatha tfortuhata, was on the grounds of the Rational Horse Fair at Hartford. The team averages ten hands in height, weighs 1,920 pounds, and cos over $2,000. One wa a Scotch pony, brown,.;with a white saddle cloth back; one was a dark chestnut Arabian, and the others, sorrel, were from Calcutta, the only animals of their kind in the country. Miss Agatha drove on the track, her father assisting. Petroleum did it. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BAGATELLE AND A BAR-ROOM COUN - TER AT AUCTION WILL be sold at Towles' Auction and Commission Store, on Saturday, the 23d inst., a No 1 Baga telle and a sew Bar Boom Counter. sept22 2t Watches, Chains, Diamond Rings, &c. WORTH OVER $100,000,000. AIL to be sold for One Dollar each, without regard to value. Not to be paid for until jou know what you are to receive. " This is one of the largest firms in the city ot New York, and are doing a very extensive business, and have on band the largest stock that can be found in that city." Oceana Times, Pent Water, Mich., Oct 21, 1164. " Their stock is large, and buyers may rely on articles purchased from them just as represented. Their long continuance in business enables them to offer better in ducements thtn any other house in the city." Loyal American, Anderson, Ind., October 20, 1864: "Their Watches are admitted by competent judges, and those who have used them, to be the best in use. They are all they are advePtised to be.'' Independent, Warren, III., Oct. 20, 1864. 'lhey are large dealers and their stock is manufactured in the best style and of pure materials Telegraph, Haugerties, N. Y., Oct 24, 1864. "All goods furnished are what they . are represented to be." Times, Waterville. N. Y., Oct. 20, 1864. "Worthy of confidence " Wyoming Democrat, Warsaw, N. Y , Oct. 18, 1864; "Honorable and fair dealing men." Cum berland Valley Journal, Mechaniesburg, Pa., October 20, 184 Splendid List of Articles. A'l to be soM U,r $1 each. 250 Solid 8ilver Dining Sets $75 to $300 500 Silver Salvers and Urns 50 to 250 500 Solid Silver Tea Sets complete 50 to 300 150 Rosewood .Musical Boxes, 32 air 75 to 250 200 Mahogany Musieal Boxes, 24 airs.. 50 to 200 250 Gold Hunting Watches t 75 to 250 250 Ladies' Enamelled Gold Watches 50 to 260 600 Gents' Hunting Silver Watches 35 to 100 500 Open-face Silver Watches 25 to 59 250 Diamond Rings 50 to 5 ,000 Photo. Albums, all sizes 6 to 2,000 Gold Vest 4 Neck Chains.......... 15 to 3,000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets..... 5 to 5,000 Chased Gold Bracelets............. 6 to 2,600 Chatelaine & Guard Chains................ 5 to 7,000 Solitaire St Revolving Brooches 5 to 2,080 Lava k Florentine do. 4 to 5,000 Coral , Opal & Emerald do. 4 to 5,000 Mosiac, jet it lava Eardrops... 4 to 7,500 Coral St Emerald Eardrops 3 to 5,000 California Diamond Pins f. 5 to 5,000 Cal. Cluster Diamond Pins 3 to 3,000 sets Solitaire Battens St Studs 3 to 3,000 Gold Thimbles, Pencils, Sic 3 to 10,000 Lockets, double glass 3 to 6,000 Lockets for Miniatures 5 to 3,000 Gold Toothpicks, Crosses , 4c 3 to 6,000 plain Gld Rings 4 to 5,000 chased Gold Rings 4 to 10,000 Shield and Signet Rings 3 to It ,000 California Diamond Rings , 3 to 7,500 sets Ladies' Jewelry, jet 6 to 5,000 sets Ladies' Jewelry, coral 8 to 5,000 iets Ladies' Jewelry, onyx 10 to 5,000 sets Ladies' Jewelry, lava M... 12 to 2,600 sets Ladies' Jewelry, mosiac r. 20 to 10.000 Gold Pens with Sil. holders 5 to 6.000 Gold Pens with Gold holders................ 6 to 600 Gold Pens and holders, super'r 10 to 6,000 Silver Goblets and Drinking Caps 8 to 3,000 Silver Castors and Wine Holders 15 to 2.000 Silver Fruit & Cake Baskets 20 to 100 60 30 10 12 20 10 10 10 ie 8 20 10 10 3 5 10 8 10 10 10 10 10 12 15 20 30 10 12 15 10 50 60 Messrs. T. t H. GAUGHAN St Co.. No. 116 Broadway, New York, extensive manufacturers and importers of all the leading and mort fashionable styles of Watches and Jewelry, desiring to increase their business to an unlimi ted extent, have resolved upon a Great Gift Distribution, subject to the regulations following : Certificates naming each article and its value, are placed in Sealed Envelopes and well mixed. One of these envelopes will be sent by mail to any address on re ceipt of twenty-five cents. All Articles fid mt One Dollar ench, without regard to value. On receipt of the certificate you will see what you are oing to have, and then it is at your option to send the ollar and take the article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring, or any set of Jew elry on omr list for One Dollar, and in no case can they get less than one dollar's worth. The price of Certificates is as follows: One for 25 cents ; five for $1 ; eleven for $2:' thirty for $1; siity-Jve' for $10; one hundred for $15. i Agents wanted everywhere, to whom special terms are offered. T. & H. GAUGHAN & CO., sept22-lt No. 116 Broadway, New York. HARD WAREtHARD WARE, HARDWARE IN STORE AND ARRIVING Qprr kegs Cut Nails, from 4's to SO's CtjVJ 100 gross Wood Screws, from M to 3 inches 20 dozen Cast Steel Nail Gimlets 10 " Frying Pans 10 kt Chest Locks 25 " Pad Locks 20 " Plate and Stock Locs 300 pounds Shoe Thread 10 dozen Coffee Mills 20 Curry Combs St 22 45 12 10a 5 tt tt it it tt il tt Tea and Table Spoons Knives and Forks! Pocket Knives Scissors Shears t- Collins' C. S. Shingling Hatehbts Nail Hammers , S 200,000 G. D. Percussion Caps 10 dozen Mill saw tiles -125 i Hand Saw Files 10 Horse Rasps 40 boxes Hera Shoe Nails 25 keg " dhes 5 - Mule" " ' 20 cases No, 10 WHITTIMORE Cotten Cards v 2 "....Wool Crdsx 12 dozen Ames' Spades , B P. WILLIAMSON & CO., sept22 Commission Merchants- R VLRIGH, FRIDAY, SEPT. THE CITY. Cures for the Cholera. - We mentioned yes irday the report that several persons in IJorfolk and Portsmouth had died from attacks which let tors from that vicinity pronounced as a species of cholera. Whether the opinions expressectt)V the v writers ere or were not well founded, it is certain . that thre reports of the present visitation of cholera, j rl.li, . r.-ii J : i wiucii were carcruiiy .uxefainaieu some weeics since, have proved incorrect, and Europe is now under a visitation of the epidemic. The usu -1 I alarm is experienced one class of persons accept ing its coming as a dispensation to which we must submit and another clas devising modes to miti gate the severity of the visitation and to cure the disease. - One writer declares, very rationally, that clean liness, good food, regular habits, will almost ae cure a person or a place; and where these are wanting there is no security. Another assures us that cholera, in its first stage, can always be successfully treated, unless the system is weakened by other diseases, by dis sipation, or by some special cause. A Rev Dr. Hamlin suggests this cholera mixture : Equal parts, by weight, of liauid laudanum, spirit of camphor and tincture of rmibbafd ; which has been used not only by him, but by many others with the greatest success in meeting the first stages of the diseases. If diarrhea is carefully kept ffbv the use of this mixture, the danger of the cholera is said to be very slight. A ew Hat for the Masculines. The ladies have enjoyed an exclusiveness in the matter of hats for so long a period, that we had begun to think the other sex would have no change in the future in their head gearing. But one of the principal hat dealers in Paris has originated a new style of cov ering for the head, for gentlemen, which promises to supplant the ordinary beaver hat in all fashion able circles. The beaver hat, in fact, has sustained nearly all the possible transmogrificatious of form that art could suggest, and both people and makers have grown weary of it. The new chapeau com bines the form of a turban, a shako, and a helmet, advancing considerably beyond the- head in front, and sloping down at the back part. The materials used are silk, enameled paper prepared by a pecu liar process, aod a very narrow gilt band. It has a peculiar method of ventillation and is altogether of a very jaunty and semi-military appearance. We hope that the new hat, when it comes over, will be fashioned with some reference to the shape of the heads of the human family. With his spir it of going-ahead, it would not surprise us if Kin- si;y should at an early day expose them for sale at his truly tasteful establishment. Who is He. We hear that a few days since a suspicious looking customer, representing him self as formerly an adjutant in the U. S. army, was passing about Raleigh, pretending that he had superceded hoth he associate editors of this paper. He is an errant im poster, in whose statement there is not a particle of truth. Not long since, we ex tended an invitation to gentlemen whom we knew to contribute to the city department such item's of news as they might be able, but no such man as the one referred to has any connection with this jour nal. - The Truth Out. Th- Progress has frequently cautioned its readers against accepting the different denominations of the national currency without ex amination. Papers at a distance have as invaria bly denied that notes of a counterieit character were in circulation. Now we have it direct from f Washington that $100 compound interest notes of a spurious kind have heen uttered in large num bers, together with other counterfeit notes. We therefore repeat our warning t merchant?, trades men and others. Very, Vert Hard Ther- area great many hard things in this world ; 1st instance, "bard cider," "hard knocks," "hard crabs." "hard fortune," 'hard times," "bard at it," -'h ud trials," "hard to tell," and hardest of all, "hardware," under which denomina tion come a whole lot of iron and steel jawbreakers, which we cannot by anv meaus enumerate. If, however, there are thosft who wish to hemada tamilur with the technicalities of the ha d svaetriu, we refer them to ou- friend Cabrawat. ith Hmr & Lewie, who has in store a large and s Qt raT is'jorf'r;i n The Right Wat It in mm ited mi-offici tliy that the Baptists of Raleigh re mak'; x. g' n ma for a substantial expression of the es eni i- w b they hold Rev. Mr. Prltchard, Htely in ps.tnr.i con nection with their church. It will be in h f-vm, we believe, of contributions to aid in rebui'di' g church of which he ia now pastor in Pe prrfcurg, which, our readers will remember, was recent'y struck by lightning and totally destroyed. See to It. A citizen represents to us that there ought to be something done by the proper authorities to remedy the stench arising from stagnant water in the immediate vicinity of the pump at the market house. An examination of the spot will show, we think, that, the fault is with those who use water from that place of supply, resulting from careless drawing atid spill ge. At all events, it will doubtless be remedied. . - Attempt to Kill. A soldier formerly connected with the 47th New York infantry, who arrived here last night from Gotham, relates that some of the command had made an attempt on the life of Lieut. Col. J. M. McDonald, lately in command of the post of Raleigh. His friends here will be pleased, to know the attempt failed. 22, 1865 NO. 265. The Election for members of the first state I convention, which is to convene in Raleigh on the 2nd of next nv nth took place yesterday. In this city the vote was for Hood 73 ; Moore 689 Hodge 554 ; Harrison 577 ; and Pennington 31. We endeavored to gather o ther returns, but did not succeed up to 8 o'clock last night. If any pome to hand they will be found elsewhere. Read Them we mean the new advertisements in ttm morning's paper. They are T. & H. Gaughan & Co., New YorkTwo Hun dred and Fifty Thousand Watches, Chains, Dia mond Rings, &c. For Sale a grocery stand. B. P. Williamson & Co.Bacon, Wrapping Pa per, Hardware, and other things. Towles' Auction Store Sale of Bagatelle Table, fcc. Lost hu Monet. A soldier named Jamieson, without the prudence his war experience ought to have infused into his composition, fel asleep yester day afternoon, near the door of the transportation office at the North Carolina depot, and was relieved of his pocket-book and twenty dollars. Such is the fate of all who trust to "naps" on the street Fun.--San ford's "Grand Combination Operatic Troupe" will commence a series of popular enter tainments at the Exchange Hotel, this evening. We are reminded by our informant that this is one f the most popular concert organizations in the country, north or south. The programs will be issued during to-day and to them we point for par ticulars. -- . A ui wED Bail. We hear that the students at Chapel Hill, and a few other white persons, who were brought to this city a few days since upon the charge of disturbing a negro convocation in the vicinity of the University, have had a preliminary examinaiton and been admitted to bail in the sum of $1,000 each, for their appearance here to-morrow mm Gen. Botleb Again. Gen. Butler, with an eye to the nomination for Governor, at the Republican Convention at Worcester, Mass., advocated negro fuffragft in 4 speech in which he threw himself into the arms -f the M-ssachusetts Radicals, upm that and kiudred bw cts. Col.' Bullock, howevjr, re ceived the nomination that Ben sough and so the General had his trouble for his pains. That point haviug betn decided, Butler's chance is now to retaiD his commission if possible. A proper sense of disgust also, will probably induce him to keep quiet here--after on political subjects. He has deserted the Democrats, and the Radicals will have none of him what is he to do ? Let him deliver one more speech when the sword subscribed for by his negro friends is presented to him, and let tht ppech be his last. Hi Is udther ornamental nor useful. Humanity has been vexed with him. long enough. Jartd public opin ion demands that he remain quiet hereafter. Com mercial Bulletin. t The Confedebatk AuCHIVE. The Bjreau 1 "Confederate" Aichivtrt?, u'uder the charge of Dr. Frauds Lieber, is now at work u pot. -the exaooinatuti hud chfisificatiOQ of the five hundred b ixe$ ef ar chives of the late Coi.federa'e Government. These documents relate to every department anrt period o tbe rebellion, And cover the atg-r part of it civi and military history. The til le of the bureau has been changed to the Archive Office of the War D -uaitment. De Sauty is understood to entertain the opiniv that the water spout seen sometime since a thoi sand miles or so west of Ireland, was the identic spout ihe Atlantic cable has gone up. Others co tend, however thi-. n. hw n n gone np at all, bu has simply '-gone under. " JMARK.KT REPORT OOt'.hkCTBE DAILY BY Jffi. A. W HIT A KKR, Qroctt a.i.i Ocxiet in Provisions. Apples L)ri-d .jorDUshel, tii e. f I ot) orbusbel, BaCOIlt f in, sa.es at 2526o per .i. Bee - Hi.'Wi ib. Butter -2jper lb. Chrese i5.jcet lb. Ciioie 8 0 a 30c a piece. Ccffco 50- ,er lb C ra -$1 20 per oashel. Kgfc 20 a 25c per dozen. Flour -u jerfcne $13 per bbl.; Hides Green 10c. Dry 15c. Honey in comb, 25 to 30c per lb. Lamb 12Kl5cperlb. Lard 25c per lb. Meal $t 25 per bushel, (scarce) Mullets-$15 00 Mackerel $20 per bbl. Onions $1 CO perbushel. Peaches dried 10c per lb. Peas Wbite$100; Stock90to$l; Garden 40c per peck. Potatoes Irish $1 00 per bush. lt S v;n a, $1 00 er bushel. Sugar Crushed 35c per lb ; Brown 25c 8yrup 40c50 perillon. Soda C.oking, 20c per pound. Salt $2 00 oer bushel. Tallow 10c12K per lb. Herrings $U per bbl. Itice 15c per lb Candles -Adamantine, 40c lb per box. Soap Turpentine, 20c per lb. Bluestone 50c per lb. & NEW A D V R TISEMENT8. BACON, WRAPPING PAPER, &C , pit Reams Common WRAPPING PAPER. OKI 20 reams Pine Buff " 25 barrels Family Flour 3,000 lbs. Prime Shoulders 500 lbs. nice N. C' dams 5 bbls. Crashed Sugar 6 bblg. C ' 20 gross Parlor Matches 15 kegs Lard 10 pails ,e For sale by sept22-tf B. P. WILLIAMSON St CO. STATIONERY, STATIONERY. fU Reams Superfine White Ruled LETTER PAPER. UU ao ' Redmond. Mills " " 25 ; Potomac , NOTE ' 30,000 Buff Envelopes. For sale cheap at sept22-tf B P. WILLIAMSON St CO. FOR SA.LE, rrrtth, Stand formerly occupied as a Grocery and Cn- JL fectionary by Lumlev St Rvland. situated on "Burnt Square," Fayetteville street. JPor farther information enquire on the premisei. , iept22-2t ,iJRA TJ28 OF SUB SCR IP TlOJf. Daily, i Year... $10 00 liailv, i MojjtL Weekly. 1 Year " 6 Months.... $1 Ut 3 09 1 h0 6 Months 6 CO 3 Months 3 00 Mnatb pid in advance in all cases or the paper will' not be sent; and th paper will bestopped hen tbe trme, paid for tapires, unless renewed. NE WSB O YS KND NE WSDEALERS Will be furnished at the rate of $5 pr hundred copied. AH orders ast be accompanied fry tbe monej. ADVERTISING RATES. Ordinary advertisements, occupying not ore than ten lines solid minion, or one inch apace 1 insertion ; ......f 1 00 2 Weeks.... .. $t QM 1 Month Id oo 2 Months )ro 10 3 20 oO e " 30 oo 2 " 3 " 4 6 " 1 60 2 00 2 50 3 00 1 Week. 3 50 larger advertisements, where no contract is mace, will be charged in exact proportion. YEARLY CONTRACTS U 1 1 1 k . i . .... . .i - 1 Year 50 00 til u muein accordance with the following scbedi i 1 4 column, 1 Month. $30 00 1-4 col. 6 Months... file o 6 ... 140 00 6 " .. 150 CO 1 Year 176 00 1 " 200 CO - 1 " ' 300 60 i-i , 1 ' 45 00 1 " I ,( 6U 00 1-4 i it 50 00 1-2 " 3 " 75 00 1 " 3 " 100 00 1-2 " 1-4 " 1-2 " vaijmosewno contract tor one-fourth, one half, or e column, for ne, three, six, or twelve months, will i tr 4t the benefit of these terms. Contract advertisers must pay by the month, ari : 1 others in advance. All advertisements mast be marked a specified tin e and no advertisement will be inserted " till forbid." ' Advertisements iaserted once, twice or three times a week will be charged One Dollar a square for ever v in sertion. . OUR CIRCULATION Is larger in the city and throughout the State tlan aty other paper in aorth Carolina. The Ptorjret i lead in the cam& and among the people by a uiuch taiger ffHraber of persons than any other paper, and henc it importance as an advertising medium should not b e OTr iuu&cu uy uusmess men. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special Notice's will be set in miciou, leaded, ana in- rted under tbe Special Notice head, and One Dollar Square charged for every insertion. LOCAL COLUMN. Only short notices will be admitted to tin Local Cti umn, at the following rates : One Line, One Day $1 00 I Three Lines,One Day $2 tt Two Lines, " 1 50 Fire Lines, " 2 5t Ten Lines, or more, at the rate of Twenty-fire Cents a Line for each insertion. jaxZ1lltALN0TWES MARRIAGES, &c. Will be charged same as Advertisements, and must be P" for when haadedin, or they will not appear. The abore Rates will be adhered to in all cases, and as we have to pay cash for everything in our business, we must demand cash. June, 26, 1865. J. 1,. PENNINGTON CO TO S UBSCRIBERS AND AD VER T1S ERS. We harete pay cash for paper, ink and labor, and we must hare more-cash from those for whom we work or we cannot pay our current expenses. We know there is but little money in circulation, buttnere are bmtfew persons who want a newspaper that cannot spare the money to pay for it. Personsseeing their paper marked must remit the money or it will be stopped. AaTerwierBmustpayinaovanceror alltransient mat ter, and business men who advertise raimlariv mu expected to pay their bills monthly. uu mnuDg musioe paidtor whendelivered. J. L. P. St CO. jrVXJCTIOlSr SLES or GOVERNMENT PROPERTY IM IH1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. UCTION SALES OF HOKSES, MULES, AKM J Wagons, Spring Wagons, Harness and other gov- uinent property will take place from time to time at ue principal cities and towns in the State. These sates willaffard farmers excellent ODDortunitit s to stock theirfarms with any class of animaUthey desire purcuase. tiachsale will embracea variety of stock, inducing rang and draught dorses and Mules ot ever class. A twr verv targe Mules, tuorugbly broken to harness, and in tine condition, will be ottered at each sale. Ineattention ot capitalists and dealers m stock is par ticularly called to the opportunities hert presenuo tcr' prontableinvestment. Stock put chasec for cash stth, e , Ales may besoldon credit, witb amuie HtcuM.t a larga advance, to farmers who art dopancuDg; ju their growing crops for means to purcbar t j.iy he-, x-. n oU, and sold for cash at a large prof, iti V pg have matured. Terms CASH on day ot sale. -vt!-js illutinue during chc t October will be advertised it ' -j ars aretixed. , MO Rf. HEAD CITY, on "'u day ai.o mbi 12th and 13th, lo5, rnu'ei tht J. W,DAV, A. Q M. Sale co comrui. l i'J 01 ui ach day. A. i0 OSIER 'JO CRT H USE, Harnct c.ui.. e n bday, .3eptcmbei"27ih, i865, under the ni -Okyt A. M. GAaouTTt:, A Q M. Sale to cou.u i 9 o'clc , . M. At CHARLOTTE, od Tuesday October 3d, 1866 i the direction c f Capt. D W. H. I) ay, A. Q M : cmmfirce at l' o'c!.' k, A M . itno rJ -.r nnni' day to day, t the uiei:rv:i n t ( -;: !fj At RALEIGH, on Iciiay, -fin ( l. - Kriday, u ti.oe. IGtL lit... 1 2 1 mu3-u lti6b the dirtction of C'api. A. M iiuii . a.,' A . Q hi Ct o 171 ard d. r io commence at y o ci ck, A. Ji At UREEiSSBKO, op Tus' a Wednesfiy, 'I u lay an. Friday, October 17i.o, 18iL !9ta a"d tDd-r the direction of CapL. D H. Ijajt J riak to comm nee at 10 o'clock, A. M. At KlfiW KEK-N E, on Tutsdav. Wedr esda f and Friday, October 24th, 25th, 2Gth and27 i . ' der the direction ot Capt. i). W. II. Day. A. Q. JS to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. JUST RECEIVE! AT GEO- Z FRENOE & CC 'H. Payetteville Street- AFlVEBaorlmti t of WINE". MQUOR3, GuOCii R1ES, Ac, Ac , ccceiating in pari, ot Sherry, Port, Madeira, and Kbu. WINES; Cognac, Catawba and liackbeiry BRa.VDY; Jamaica and St. Croix RUM; Old Rve tJlN ; Bourbon and Rye 'WHISKY" ; Drake's Plantation, Boker's and ritouj?hton BITTERS ; Ale, Porter, Cider and Cmgress Water. Cigars and Tobacco, Oranges and LemonB. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Flour, Lard, Butter, 'Mackerel, Pickles, Soap, Candles, Molasses, and a great variety of fine UROCERI ES, Spices, Sago, Tapioca, Prunes, Raisins, Soda, SaleratU8, Sardines, &c, Ac. Also, a fine assortment of Gents' ' Furnishing Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, TOILET SOAP, .PERFUkERY, &c, Ac. All of which will be sold verv low for cash. Orders from the country filled at short notice. SB- GIVE US A CALL GEO. Z. FRENCH fe CO., septl9-tf .Fayetteville street, Raleigh. . tailors; attention ii, FARRISS, one door above the Ppoqkess otbee, 7- has emolovmpnt. for on .rlHitinnal nmKAn I mnrnevman Ttl nn. PU. ffntnnaf VoQ' ,.v. 1 tain employment by applying immediately. Ftnialts" I well recommended, mav ant)! v. J .sn-ff '

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