T S - AT ! : ' ft: .. . . ": . For latest n?wasee Fourth Page. ; ' The old Nashville Banner, one of "the oldest j pcr& published in Tennessee before the. War, and h .manjr yats the Whig organ of thaiState wjlX )" revived iri a few days. " In the Kentucky Annual Conference of the thodist , Episcopal ' Church, on .Wednesday, a ority report opposing reuniting with the thern Church was adopted by a large majority. The "Virginia Central Immigratien. Society'' eV organized and located in Lynchburg, There areeight men in jail at Charleston,, ;wha county, JVest Virginia, charged with Zer. ' v ' .'" '! 1 : 3; M. T. Hunter arrived in Washington on the i inst. . 1 '-.". -Aler.'H. Stephens is in "good health and spir t Fort Warren, does pretty much as he pleasos receives company daily. . -All the principal interi r counties of Ca'.ifor liave elected Unionists to the Legislature. Ou- 7p or three, so far as reported, have go :e ocratic. . i.LQ., Johnson, president ot the Georgia Cen ailroad, has affected an; arrangement, through :al McCal.um, whereby he obtains: iron and X stock on time, from the Government, sufli td equip the entire line from Macon to Savan hus completing railroad communication with tss Ann Farrell, a young lady of Columbus, I6tnew County, Indiana, was riding in a rith a gentleman, on Saturday last, when 9 ran away. The young lady triedjto jump , bet hoops caught on the buggy and she ged about half a mile. The horse then ia mill race and the young lady was -J. ;r8on City and the surrounding vicinity is '. 1th the Uoion refugeesfrom Arkansas and T uthern Stat s, and many are n a starving ' : n, sick and without assistance . They are t shelter, with no other place on which to m the wet ground and with no food save jch a feeble charity provides. ;Gincinnati Gazette learns on reliable au ihat the reports circulated by the Eastern tiveto the speedy trial of Jefferson Davis zt Justice Chas -'a connection with it are led. It t?ays tne Chief Justice -has very j declined 4 conference on the subject, and it U likely th?1 fae will hold any court in or North Caroliu1 until after Congress 3 hau sn opportunity of legislating in re a circuits in the rebel States. poverty aattVauffering of U people of Vir Jescribed as veT great; People enjoying ore the evacuation vf Rich mood are to-day their necessities to b,f,r ,re(l' A Tela aief Justice Marshall, OD of TboB,M have eacVbeen recipients , ch cfaarIt3r .hese are aged persons, uoable ' V by war 6f support from their Ct,reo'"- 3 femates. life of ex-fJrbvernor Brown of Georgia :i oa his arrival at Knoxville, Tenn., one' :i rr-ek, by some railroad employees, who t!:at he had issued an order last year for the cT apy;rltlroad person found In the em ploy -'.' 9 United . Statesi A similar ' scene in a i ic!;3t form, was enacted on the arrival of Gov. 0 f t Chattanooga. The military interfered, 1 3 ' 3 Governor, and quelled the disturbance. ' -!y warfare seems to be going on just now 3 authorities of Chicago and the butchers In consequence of the complaints made ciaughter-honses, the authorities . have air ten establishments as nuisances. On roas meeting of butchers was held, Was proposed to close toe slangnter- by creating a meat famioe, stop the war ; made' upon ihem. ireao of RdbA Archives, uuder the charge ois "Lieber U now st work upon the ex aud ; clasaificaMorj o5 iho five hundred rchives of the- late fbei government, amenta relate to every deartflMnt and he tebqllioo,' and .cover the larger part of ! military history. Tbe title ?f the borea I angeq to tne Arcntve umce oi mo ir A. The office occupies rooms on I P street, t'.'ng the preparatitm oi Ford's Theatae, ,Y- 3.1n readiness about J umary 1st. .ichardson, 440 Broadway, will publish in companion work to Bowman's " Gani ;hermab,?. - and : in seme jespects a more work, as it will include the whole military late war: "Grant and his Ciiujpjius ; a 'ography. By Henry Coppee, Ai M., edf tTntfei Slates Service Magazine" Profes- bad a regular military education ; be hiis any years Gen. Grant's intimate friend, preparation of this biography he has had offifcial document to which he alone has ie wotx wilt appear in one volume of hve ges, with eight steel portraits and :nume- ana pians. ortlnd (Me.) Press Is informed by a mer uit city.who was In Montreal last Wednes fiaw John i.H Surratt there. oh that dytJ Jie man, ' notwithstamliog his beard andj Jdbeen allows! to grow to inordinate rratt has been concealed in Montreal for a, and at one time, when detectives ' rsuit uf hiahe w4 hid iu a recess under one of the churches. It was understood y Wa f ke pi9g ige for Glascow in t he Jt. George, nloh was to sail from Quebec onPriday, ' ' ; ?lCgtoth London News, Captain Robert the lamented martyr, is at Parls.com-,slaf-rt.h.bar. m mm Vol -i rrrraL. i THE CITY. . , ould villainy. Uutrze -sno3ra t7b vi no ay ana iQereore icerp Mff iocfeasetl lemnd I rxa.. i i.. - ------ upon the authorities, especially of the ci vil for vigilance. - j oruic i. :T'he most recent affiir f which w li.e heard la related t i ua by a i ity oftjeer, ?Juccurring j within a mile or twas f Rleigh A ciuolo of citizens, one from Wake add the other f o a Orange tu.iw, mi tb-tr way t niArkttt.hal-Nsi it the poiut jr-:m' y tiaaaed, to camp f it, the q iiit. N t loug atWr stop ping, thoy were attacked by eiihtnegrctrs, ,wfao roV bed them tt only of butter, egss and otiier mirk t ing; but also df money an1 uttr valuables.. O.je .f the w bites .thrown vkilemly to the grouud and 'J deprived (if grjervbackfta jmewl1I weTenevp a watch, beslfleletwer thlugs The assailants wer - all well armed wiCh piatolt", guns and other weapous, and aftr ajcomp'ishiug the rob'ery fired them' off with celtibratorhl vim. Of coursu t'nij robbers vvere not arrested and ir-e still at larye. A -nl ! h !1 h ive the sirae reconl to makk of future airailar offuces until VVakti counly has a iucal police. Such a force should be at once formed by the citizens for their own protection. The neighboring counties attended t this matter.some time ago, and we should q longdelay like measures of a protective f hatacfer. It is the only safe policy iu the interest of law aud order, ad if action is had in the premises at once may save both life and proper ty. Vaqakt8. We have a host of ompU nis againBt people in country and city who havi- r?!apstd into a titato of do-nothingness. It is said there are whites as well as blacks who could if they , would ob tain employment, and the apprehension is that un less some oceans are found for compelling tum u toil, great want even, to starvation must rtsuit during tlie coming winter. The moat important light In which we see these j things, apart fr ru the' mere question of indiv'dual j Birtfeiititr, i ?he tffe t to ba pr-Mluend up 9raur:- n-ju-.s. t is as wen etii-j as mac ine mo a i hoc xnd:- of jxreen cuvse that u urge major ty ot the h' -jvo-: Janiily wiii stsa! rattier i.Lum starve. It is ot.ii; uoi rioU5 that where much want p' uvai.a, somo i U j4 . ' Au tgtiality of crinne ia tound. Now, iu tLt f : uuist:inces moral obligation, pecuniary in terest prfoual safety all com iue to urge that some tr note ehould be taken g6.arate the worthy from ibe unwprtby needy. The firdt aUofJ have proviso:; maio for them thy Nr.;. prisuoed or otherwise puuialied uzr. zens, they are inspired with e duce them to seek employment poiut s virf? dcjip.w:d for labor exiti Th qu?iUtw on of great ioc the citizens of this aud 'vtttf titUer ought to be im , iike good citL which shall in s :pport at other cetnment to Tiere is in it m&fQ than we we were at first b.chftr t . think, and we rut the aitboritits my show j ; ptnear aod wisukm disp'Mug of this really xrtious topic. Vagrant ' tf x 7 fim8 but Uii " aovv tb a t any period 'hc n mor? gf h Ve6' geiutatoli- Anotb& Fioht - 5 ; : r and one of thfe tribe i Hun, ket house yesterda ar .. row be Hweeo a soldior k place at Us roar- rfsultlng In a v?J pretty race. It appears that ture was some disa greement ss to a trau'tactiou brtweeo them, when the former struck tLe Utt r. Hero cuffy rosorted to a brickbat, whi h hw hurled with force at the other party, just musing his crSbiom. This was the signal for other musketeers to interfere, so darkey decided t invoke speed for relief from the reinforcement. Off he sped with a will, but after a considerable chase the pursuers overtook and soundly thrashed him. Anotht-r of the many cases in which this cliiS have come off serood test. Lo, the poor African. Another version ot the affair, snd perhaps a correct one, is that aid lederal tried to appropriate the freed nuns apples without paying for them, when the colored boy protested against such Injustice aud was therefore attacked. " At all events the African was jailed and the other party dismissed. The Late Election. The candidates for the convention from this city were all in town yester day, and we an grati6ed to say that from their cheerfulness and good bum or, no one could possi bly distinguish between those who had been de feated and the successful men. The friends of the opposing gentlemen never once lost their temper even on tho day of election, but fraternized as sen sible citizens ever will. Differences of opinion among people of the' same community, of them selves, are hot just wound for either uncharitable ness or hatredand now that the contest is closed, let us all go to work with one will for the prosperi ty of the city and State. Sanfobd's Tboupe The entertainmt.Lt given by this troupe last night, at the Exchange hotel gar dens, isdescribeJ by those wh attended as having b'en most pleasing Unlike most of such affiirc, the jptoce8 produced could iot -qffmd g kj4 taste ; the music was good ;a fair aVdience greeted them,and the company useil all their powers to gratify thj assem bly. An hour can be whiled away very agreeably in listening to the Sinfor.dites. . Tney repeat the concert this evening,, with an en tire change of program.- Gi and hear them. Fall. The city is -just nov full of strangers, as the list of arrivals at the Yarbreugh" and 4 Ex change hotels testify-- It is happy -augury and is another "stntw" showing how the, tide hf pros perity ia netting irjyoward iUleigb, ; ; ' . RALftGH, SATURDAY, SEPT. Stol Hordes R0 Thk Thibves Ab bested. -VF understand, that news has been r- has been ro - iotarai r:n nftniiiicoi lug uurc bwuicu uum " w lu r"nd ! -u. the stables of Leoirt & Rogers, Esq., iu this city, m the night of 19th inSu A tter from Goldsbo ro' mentions that all the akin? and the thief had been secured, the equine eib&v sWed and the specimens of the genus nonp failed, e hope the repoxt may prove true. 1 The Result in WAKB.MFbe election in Wake, official, is thus stated : Hodge, ' v ; 1.630 Harrison, 1,303 Moore, . - - - - 1156 nja, 7S8 Pennington, 510 Timely Aid. The city hands employed dri the streets had quit work, we believe, jbeeause of the SMrnitv of fnnrla in tha lrra 1 traganrv Tfl this Aim lemma, with a promptness and -wisdom we com- mend, the commandant of the post, Brig. General Hardin, decided to turn out the prisoners in jail to perform needful cleaning and repairs. Of course they' will be under guard while laboring and return to their dismal abode when the tasks are done. Speaking. Yesterday at meridian, Messrs. Pen nington, Moore, Hood and Hodge made short but felicitous speeches to the people from the steps of the court-house. 3 j National Bank or N. C. We shall publish to -morrow the advertisement of the Raleigh ..National r Bank, which was authorized 12th of this month and will be opened for business on the 27th inst. We have now only time to congratulate the community upon the fact. HOTEL ARRIVALS. AT THE YABOROUGH HOUSE. Spt. 21. 1861. Mi Walker, St. Mary'.; m li warn yreene couuty: Capt. Vfatiacn, ioomuYun, a " ' New5erne ; E Gregory, Connecticut ; J AlexMider, Con necticut ; A, H Mannias ; Nathan 8 onej, VYarrenton ; TbosKoDerts, wumugwi, vwijt ,avv"fY?i WiWea ton a: Mrs Bryce, unariotte ; u u w Martin, Beaufort ; A W Turner, Monroe; Dc A B Chapin, N C; W Ken L nej, N C. MARKET REPORT GOftHBCrBD DAILY BT Jffi. A. . W id 1TAKEB Qrocei md DcMtrin Provisions. Apples Dried, SI 2 t . ; oudbtl, Green. : j ;.-. -i---..-l, BaCQn Frm,sa:':-.- .M-'ilc ;-r ib. Beef 10c per tb. Butter 25c per lb. Cheese 35c per lb. Chickens -20 a 30c a pice Coflfee 50c per lb. Corn f 1 20 pef bushel. Eggs 20 a 25c per dozen. Flour Superfine $15 per bbl.; Hides Green 10c. f Dry 15c. Honey inomb,?5to30c perlb. L,arub -12Xi $c perlb. L.ard 25c pr tb. Meal $1 25 per bushel, (scarce) Mackerel -$20 bbl. Onions $1 o i bushel. Peaches- - U0c per lb. Peas Wt, on it!ok90 to $1: Gardei. peck. Potatoes Iris! $1 00 per bush. " " ' I 00 er bushel, gfngar Crush h) 3'v per lb; Brown 25c SVPl'P 0c50 p-: , Pon. Soda footing, 20 jit pound. Salt $2 (JO per bushel. Tallow 10C(512 pr lb. Herrings $u par bbl. Rice 16c per lb. Candles -Adamantine, iOc lb per box. Soap Turpentine, 20c per lb. Bluestone 50c per lb. NEW ADY ER TISEMENTS. J. VENABLK. T. D. WILLIAMSON. LUCIUS O&SXX. j. e ve:nab:lye & co., Wholesale Grocers, AND 00MMISSICK MEE0HANTS FOS TBI 8ALB OF , COTTON, WHEAT, THK SALB AMD PUKOHASB OF TOBACCO, AND FOE Also Agents for the sale of the celebrated brand CAROLINA BELLE SCOTCH SNUFF, No. 3 Iron Front Sycamore street, , PETERSBURG, VA, JBSt" Will give strict attention to the purchase of Gods not in their line. Liberal cash advances made oa produce in hand. sept23-3m GEORGE L. WADSW0RTH, " Home again" at the old stand, the EMMET CUTHBERT STORE, WITH Hnrlbert & McLean, Cor. Pollock and Middle Sts., NEW BERN, And would be glad to " meet old friends once more." sept23-lm 1 BAGATELLE AND A BAR-ROOM COUN- TR AT AUCTION W1 ILL be sold at Towles' Auction and Commission Store, on Saturday, the 23d inst., a No 1 Baga telle and a new Bar Boom Counter. sept22 2t BACON, WRAPPING PAPER, Ac, fL I Reams Common WRAPPING PAPER. OK.I 20 reams Pine Buff 25 barrels Family Flour 3,000 lbs. Prime Shoulders 500 lbs. nice N. C Hams 5 bbls. Crashed Sugar 5 bbla. C " 20 gross Parlor Matches 16 kegs Lard 10 pails. For sale by sept22-tf ' , B. P. WILLIAMSON A CO. NO. 26. Kinsey's Column ! MONEY SAVED BY COMING LATE, AND time; COMING ALL THE TO BUY KINSEY'S Gr O O- D of THE J. rjjf JJ f S Latest Styles. 1 hare juit returned from New York with 5 large anu well selected stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, .Boots and Shoe?, Hate and Caps, Hardware, Groceries and Crockery, which I offer tor sale at the lewest prices. Call and examine the following V Beautiful Goods: MERRIMACK PRINTS, WAUHEGAN PRINTS, RICHMOND PRIffTS, SPRAGUE PITS, 6LBN COVE PRINTS, FREEMVN PRINTS, CONCORD PRINTS. LONDON PRINTS, ALBION PRINTS, MOURIiNG PRINTS. Great Variety of 2-phyr K -ii B ,.ids, .rf .. Z h Knit Muffs aDd Tippits;, Bi -akfas, Shawls, ' Son tags, Twilights, Nubias, Ladies' Leghorn Hats, Parl Bral.J Feather Hats, B:.ck P-d il Tictoria Hats LadifiB T' iaimed Jorkeys, ' Children's Velvet Gleugarry Hats, Ladies' Dress Woolen Goods : WOOL DEL IXES, MIX DELMNES t -PLAil) POPLINS, SfBIPED t'OPLTNS, SAXONY PLvIDS, JSs GINGHAMS, ladies merino drawers. ISALMOii L SKIRTS. KIRTS, HGP -KM. S LAD KX R y H'D MERINO VESTS. Na fr;sh Linen, Hand- e.-' Hose. Chlld- L B VI L: en Cuffs i h s of T'ir i Glova. ai!k tons. . Co i d B G tts, M G ves. O avs, Buttons, ' Hair Gil, Extracts ana Pomade. Mens' Heady Made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps. Padlocks, Kim Locks, Chest Locks, Files, t Chisels, Augers, Butt binges, 8crews, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Shoe Knives, Shoe Thread, Awls, Hammers. Cotton and Vool Cards, Carriage Trimmings, Ac., BIST JAVA COFFEE. RlOCOFFKB, BE6T GREEN TEA, BLACK TEA, CRUSHED SUGAR, BROWN SUGAR, BEST NEW ORLEANS SYRUP. 80DA, SPICE, CLOVES, NUTMEG, RAISINS, COPPERAS, CANDLES, PICKLES, BLACK PEPPER, LORRILLARD SNUFF. MUSTARD, RACE GINGER, LONDON SAUCE, BUTTER, ( HEEsE AND CRACKERS , Country Merchants are respectfully invited to call and examine my assortment of goods in store. I have in tereted in my business an agent in New Yurk, who will purchase at all times, additiona l goods required, at the lowest who. esale prices. Therefore, I can make it for your iuterest to buy of me an? small amount ot goods yoc may want. , J. KINSEY. . rULxiex, N. C, Fayetteville it, corner of Market Square. ' Sept. 22 2wd. 23, 18(55 -a :. s- A TES OF S UBSCRIP Tl ON. Daily, I Year... ...... $10 00 ' 6 Months 6 00 3 MonthB.;.'...r3G0 Unify, t MiiL, Weekly,.! Year f 1 t 3 0 1 50 6. Months.... Must be paid in advance in all cases or the paprr will nut bezant; and the paper will be stopped when the tiu . paid for eapires, unless renewed. NE WSBO YS AND NE WS DEALERS Will be furnished at the rate of fa per hundred cop-., s All orders most be accompanied by the money. ADVERTISING RATES. Ordinary advertisements, occupying not morf than lines solid minion, or one men space ; 1 insertion 00 2 1 60 3 " . 2 00 4 2 50 2 Weeks..,. 1 Month. 2, Months 3 6 " 1;. Vi) If Vi) Zk ou 50 no 6 . 3 60 I Week.. 3 60 1 Year Larger adrertisemnts,vrbere no contract is maie w II be charged iu exact proportion. ;; YEARLY CONTRACTS Will be made la accordance with the following schedule 1 4 colamn, 1 Month.$30 00 1-2 1 ' 46 00 1 I " 60 00 1-4 3 60 00 1-2 3 75 00 I it c s ' f 100 00 1.4 col. 6 Months... $1H iO 1-2 " 6 ... Uu .;u 1 6 : 161' OU 1-4 I Yer...... 1T6 hi) 1-2 " . 1 " 200 00 1 " I 300 C Oaly those who contract for one-fourth, one-ball, ui a colamn, for ene, three, sir, or twelve months, will recii c the benefit of these terms. Contract advertisers nrast pay by the- month, aiii i i others in advance. - , AH advertisements mast be marked a specihed Uu,, and no advertisement will be inserted till forbid." a a arttmiit inaArtnd once, twice or three times a week will be charged One Dollar a square for very in sertion. . OUR CIRCULATION Is larger in the city and throaghout the State tLan aiy either paper in flortb. Carolina. Th Progren itad in the camn and among the people by a much laigr , number of persons than any otner paper, ana nencr. us importance as an advertising medium should not be over looked by business men. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special Notices will be set In million'; leaded, and in "rted under the Special Notice head, and One Dollur Square charged foravery insertion. LOCAL COLUMN. Only short notices will be admitted to the Local Cti uiSSlj at the following rates : One Line, One Day 1 00 I Three LinesOne Day f 2 8 x fVA Lines. " 1 60 Five Lines. " 2 56 Can Lines, or more, at the rate ot Twenty-five Cents a. LUie fer eacfi inserUon, . FUNERAL NOTICES, JTARRUOES, &c. ill be charged same as Advert'semects, and must b, Will n;i frr arViAn handed in. rt- th riii not aonear. The above Rates will be adhered to in all casta, an we have to pay cash, for every thi ng in our bl"nei8 must demand cash. - . " Jane, 20 im. J. L. PEJ SNllx GTO v CQ TO SUBSCRIBER'S ANU AD VERTISEH We have t pay cash for paptr, nk anu lab. r, ao" we must have more cash t'rem thfgu tor whoiu wt woikor wecannotpay our currtnt. expenses. Vteknowtttr is but little money in eircntation, hut there an hut itw persons who waut a newspaper that cannot apa( tb money to pay f jr it. eronieeing tneUpftLti u a-kt-J must remit the money or xi wjII be stopped.' Advertiersmu3tpayinavancefor alltran'siei t mat ter, and busines men rbo advertise reifularlv willke expected to pay their biilBmonihly Job Printing must be paidtor whendelivereH .... J. L. F. &"td. TJOTIOlSr sales' or a0VBRIfElIT PROPEETY . IN THH -ortH CAROLINA. OP xw. U. H . A KM STATE AUCTION SALES OF HOK&x, Wagons, Spring Wagons, Harnees other gov- un. time at foment property will take place from time to' cjiiuuipa! cities ana towns in the State, toftok thleitrWiUaff0r dKfarme,r8 excellent opportunities S pr?bie. fm" CUS8 01 aaimaihej desire Eachaale w.jri jmbracea variety ot stock, includinff riding and draught Horses and Mules oi everv class. A tllTli- 'ornghiy broken to harness, and in hnecondn ,T.. willbeofferpd at ..,.k oi ' Theatten sapitalists ana dealers in stock is par- - u oaici ticularly cail-ti r prohtabiemve t sales may - " large adv ice growing crf ed, and sold have matu Terms S ties "ii and Octooer as datea arto ue opportunnieb tere prestnteofor ' Stock purchased for cash aithese credit, with amie secuii y,a. a m. rs, who aredepending on their ana to purchase t r .uaj be retain- a large protsr nx.-x thecrops t sale. ng - the iu ised in ; 'ptembei a. toon At MORKUi. September 12th , CaptD.', t a m. each da n Tu s. i 65 u ? ca .1 il-T: At TOOMEii UuR aUsb, La. Wednesday, depteu,t. 27th, 1865 unrt-. , Oapt A. M.Gaboutt.a. Q M. bale u 9 o'cloc A, M. At CHARLOTTE, on Tue. ... U L the direction - i Ci; , jj commence at 1- .r l v to dar, at .. re . v AtRALt-iGe i'na " i ill v. looer lU.ij, lltn, . o 3,h Redirection of t ..pt. A. M i. k jjtie cs.iamence at y o'ch.ftk a m lob; Q A ttf i?SBOKOf ob luM VV.:,:,da ',b. I8r On A I ft 4 V . -mm. -m V i. 7- . l,,oer win, ibto i: . iotb, itn,i mC utreciin oi t,npt. D V t' I) ai to commence at 10 o'clock. A A- ' A NliW BER.E, on.ludav W a d Friday, Oct ber 24th, 25th. 26 A. Q. Tbui v 'Uc U;-ee:ioi. of fJapt m W. H 'f.-mtiice at 10 o'ci-ck, A h JUST R.KOi..l AT GiSO. Z FRO H & F retic ill, street. A1 FI.N'K as ...i.... of W i. ' n -. HI.-,.-. V . Sherry, roit. Mi-ar, : . Catanba and H kber 4' anu St. Cr- ix RUM ; Bonrb u and Rye WH Drake's Plantation, Boker's and S tv IV i i I'TERS; Ale, forter, Cider and C a fr Cigars and Tobacco, Oranges auu letDODS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Flour, Lard. ButUr, Macku-1, Pickles, Soap, Candles, Molasses, and a great variety of fine GROCERl ES, Spices, Sago, Tapioca, Prunes, Raisins, Soda, 'Saleratus, Sardines, Ac, Ac. Also, a fine assortment of Gents' Furnisliiiig , Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES TOILET SOAP, PERFUfcRY, &c Ac. All of which will be sold verv low for cash. Orders from the country filled at short notice. Sf GIVE US A CALL . geo. z. fri:n H & CO., sept!9-tf . FayeUeviUr street Raieitrh. TML0ES, ATTENTION ! CM. .ha Atirtiss, one door above the Peoqksb oil una employment. lor an &ridifinnl nnmKA. joarneyman Tai ors. Five good "Coat hands" can ob tain employment by applying immediately. Female, well recommended, may apply. aug30-tf Ct,

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