BY M I M epj & CO. f THE ISnBW. J " For latest toe wS See Fourth Page. Three newspaper thieves were sentenced to seventeen months1 imprisonment eachirj Philadel phia last week.r -!h Maj.-Gen. Augustus V. Kantz wa, married on Thursday at Cleveland, to a daughter jjof ex-Gov. Tod of Ohio. i Albridge, the mulatto actor, is married to a white woman. a Efforts are being made to raise ti Merrimac, Tljingnear Craney Island, Hampton Roads. Judge Bates, late Attorney General of the United States, is still lying dangerously ill at St. Louis, with but little hopesof recovery , Missouri furnished 104,758 soldiers to the war, one-thirS being from St. Louis. " Mrs, Qrundy," a literary paper, recently started in New York, is dead. The New Yorkers spent two million last year to go to the threatres and such. A colored man, Richard E. Greener, of Bostor, has just entered the freshman class at Harvard College. F. H. Smith, of Birmingham, Conn., lately coughed up an ounce ball which went nearly through his head in the battle of Averysboro, N. C, and could not be previously extracted. The first cotton manufacturing company or ganized on the Paci fie coast have a mill in San Francisco, with a paid up capital of $100,000, and they will begin dperating-in November with thirty three looms, employing thirty operatives. At Elmira, N. Y., lately, an indignant husband applied to & justice of the peace for a warrant against a Baptist clergyman, whose offence was that he had baptized the complainant's wife with out his know tedge. A London shopkeeper has devised a new way of advertising. He straps two sign boards on a dog's back and sends the animal out to walk about the city. Here is a hint for "Plantation Bitters." It would be necessary, however, to have a well I trained and well-behavfd animal. "What is called an "Open Church Association has been organized in England, and has its head quarters at Liverpool. Its object is to render the pews of churches open tol all comers, instead of having them appropriated by individuals. It having been determined to make Chattanooga a 'permanent military post, (with forts, ej;c., stringent measures have been taken by the commandant to en , force discipline amng officers and men. There are about $7,000,000 orth of military supplies stored there at present, a. l measures are being taken to eecure this property against fire. r A piece of petrifi- d wood, full of nails, has been found In California. The query is, who drove the nails In the wood ? The Indians who: inhabit the country have no idea of working iron. Perhaps it Is a piece of one of Salomon's ships, that he sent to the land of Ophir after gold. Lieut. Colonel A. C. Hamlin, medical inspec tor United States army, has been for a long time inspecting hospital property in Tennessee. An im mense amount has been condemned and ordered to be sold. AH female nurses have been : discharged from the United States army general hospitals. A son of the late President Polk is employed with two blacks, the three at five dollars per day, in taking care of mules purchased by a Northern speculator at the army sales near Nashville. Since the close of the rebellion," the business of the United States Patent OflSce gradually in creases. For the week ending September 12, one hundred and twenty-six patents were issued from the office, and one hundred and thirty-two will be issued for the week ending on the 19th instant. A man by the name of Lane, from Mathews county, Va., was arrested and brought to Fortress Monroe. He is one of Stonewall Jackson's Gener als, and is charged with making Secesh speeches in his county, recently. One Smith,' of the same county, has been arrested and taken to Richmond, charged with knocking down one of the Freedmen's Bureau superintendents. The government of the city of Alexandria, Va., was on the 20th transferred to the civil authori ties, after four years of military reign . Bishop Whitehouse1 of the Episcopal Diocese of Illinois, seme months since prohibited Rev. J. W. Cracraft from officiating at Grace Church, Ga lesburgh, for the technical irregularity of not hav ing presented the dismissory papers from the Dio cese of Ohio, and for political preaching. The lat ter was, however, the real source of grievance to the Bishop, Bishop Mcllvaine, who read the sermons, and all the loyal people who heard them, found nothing objectionable political in the discourses. They in fact merely urged devotion and loyalty to the government as a duty of Christian citizens. Bishop Whitehousehas now put the climax on his conduct by expelling Grace Church from his dio cese, having forced a vote through the.Illinois Con vention, when only a part of the members were present. His action will be made the subject of an appeal to the General Convention of the Episco pal Church, which is soon tomeet at Philadelphia. The New Haven (Conn.) Palladium, which for thirty years has used steam as a motive power for its press, now uses a turbine wheel about the cir cumference oi a straw-brim, driven by a stream of water only an inch. in diameter ! Harriet Prescott, the authoress, is describe d as a tall, slender, little figure, of apparently thirty odd summers, plainly yet tastefully dressed, with eyes full of expression, yet without beauty of fea tures, and with quiet, every-day manner; looking as unlike a dreamer of passionate and romantic fic tion as you can imagine. VOL. VI. THE CITY. Official TrecinctVots of Wake. A&a matter for future reference and of some present interest, we give below, the vote of this county by preciacts : g W K B PRECINCTS. 5 3 f D j ! : o : t : o ' : : : Raleigh, 81 579 554 589 73 Green Level, 21 13 23 9 27 Porestville, 1 48 49 47 3 Morrlsville, 10 29 43 16 30 Hayes' Store, 14 37 48 23 23 Banks', IS 32 53 36 19 Jas. Lycn's, 4 7 7 5 4 Spikes', 22 54 50 48 19 Rolesvllle, 32 82 142 73 72 Thompson's, 8 24 26 23 8 Dannsville, O 26 26 26 0 Nat. Jones, 0 46 42 32 1 Joel Jones, SO 5 15 2 88 Eagle Rock, 40 61 121 27 91 Barney Jones, 58 26 34 24 53 Ridgeway, 0 38 38 38 0 Busbee's, 29 65 87 56 87 Wiley Lynn's, 82 3 2 2 85 Laws, . 63 30 78 29 71 Oak Grove, 22 13 37 15 25 Lashley'ex Roads, 66 25 81 24 76 Franklin's, 0 40 38 38 0 Wakefield, 19 20 46 24 28 510 1303 1680 1156 788 Business in Raleigh-A First Class Estab lishment. Raleigh, one of the fairest cities of the sunny South, has derived from the close of the war an impetos to its commercial prospects which bids fair to rival the richest anticipations of her most san guine sons. . This is evidenced in the rapid duplica tion of her business houses ; the opening of new branches of trade ; the origination of new enterprises ; the location in our midst of strangers ; and the large Increase of capital as the basis of all such elements of renewed and added material life. The latest evidence of liberal enterprise we have noted is the case of Mr. J. Kinsey, who, with paint, brush and mechanical skill, has so brightened up his place of business, at the intersection of Fayetteville street with Mrkt place, as to give it something of a pala t 1 But he has not been satisfied with external ornamentation. It is a thorough and carefui inspection of bis stock of superb goods and the extent of the outlay of capital which has particu larly impressed our minds. His advertisement, to be found In the proper de partment of the "Progress," will afford a bird's-eye view of the variety and quality of his stock, but it is necessary to inspect them personally if you wonld realize in full the beauty and freshness of the goods There we find American and foreign prints from the most famous mills of a dozen countries ; ladies' dress goods of every shade and hue ; among them poplin, delaines, plaids, ginghams, ect., etc. ; brilliants and merinos ; and we might almost say everything Ht recognised as elegant in the fashionable or necesa y in the domestic world. The sslection of nubies, hdu, hoods, scarfs and the more ornamental articles of the toilet surpasses anything we have seen in any other North Carolina city they remind us more of tht grandeurs of dry goodery in New York than the displays of small cities. While this is true of the supplies for ladies, the wants of gentlemen have not been neglected. The stock of Ready-made Clothing, boots, shoes, hats, caps and the like Is not so large as we have seen, but in make, quality, style and cheapness is ample for the demands ot town and country. This will be realized by those who may visit the store and investigate for themselves. Besides, there Is a choice exhibition of groceries, hardware, &c. &o., both heavy and light. This Is not a puff, or exaggeration ; indeed, it is not even a full exhibit of fads ; but It sufficiently reflects that Newborn and Wilmington havo need to practice great enterprise and energy, or else Raleigh will outstrip th em in the matter of merchandize and general trads. Let them look to their honors. Counterfeit Notes. AH the postal and fraction al currency, both that .printed in New York and that printed in the Jtfeasury, except the very last issues printed atfce Treasury, have been counter feited. Nearly all the denominations of the so-called "greenback" or "legal tender" notes printed in New York, have been counterfeited or altered to higher denominations, viz : Ones both counterfeited and altered to Tens. Twoes altered to Fifties. Twenties counterfeited. Fifties counterfeited One hundreds cou terfeited. None of the notes (except fractional) which have been printed in the Treasury, have been counter feited. The five, six, seven-and-three-tenths per cent notes compound interest, notes, &c, have all so far escaped imitation by the counterfeiters. It is only those printed in New York that have been successfully imitated. The currency of the nation al banks has not yet been counterfeited, notwith standing the reports to that effect. Those notes were designated at the Treasury Department, and executed in New York. Wnen they are executed according to the original design it is is believed they, like the five, six and seven and three-tenths per cent, notes, will defy the counterfeiter's skill. ANOTHEBiOuTBla:E---W ; learn that on Saturday ni'ht last a party of negroes vUited the house of Mr. C swell P about five miles from this city, and robbed him of one barrel of brandy, watch chain, greenbacks, and other things, besides beating him nearly tovdeath. ,.: - RALEIGH, MONDAY, SEPT. Embarbssing Mistake. Two ladies of Ra leigh were) promenading Fayetteville BtreeJ last. Saturday, when they discovered a female; acquain tance passing them in a carriage. Anxious to at tract her attention, they made various demonstra tions, and finally began to kiss their hands to her in a very loving and onergatic manner. The Jehu driving the carriage, saw the operation and thought they were intended for him. He hesitated until the next kissing was renewed, and then, no longer doubtful, returned it with a will, to the great mer riment of spectators, but to the evident chagrin and disgust of the la"dies in question. Sons op Malta. Rumor hath it that this order has been revived and that a lodge is soon to be opened here under charter from the national council. We presume their old objsct obtaining possession of the island of Cuba is the basis prin ciple, with charity as secondary. A lady from the North, who knows something of their mysteries, suggests that about the time the Sons get the con trol of Cuba, the Daughters confidently expect to subjugate the Isle of Man. A Lucky Place. It would appear, if we could believe in incantations and the like, that thoro is lack in the atmosphere ot Raleigh. Gcp. 0x, ouce serv ing ia this city, has been nominated for governor of Ohio and will no doubt be elected. We now learn that Gen. Harrison C. Hobart, the first federal com mander of infantry who entered this city, has receiv ed nomination for the gubernatorial office of Wis consin. There is luck in the city of oaks. - The State Convention. From our exchanges and other sources we gather that the following gen tlemen have been returned to the State Conven tion: Wake W. H. Hodge, W. H. Harrison, B. F. Moore. Rowan Nat. Boyden, Dr. Q. W. Jones. Forsyth Lash and Starbnck. Mecklenburg Alexander and Mclvor. Lincoln W. P. Bynum. Gaston Dr. William Sloan. New Hanover William A. Wright are doubt ful. Guilford Caldwell and Dick. Gone and Going. The 5th U. S colored troops passed through this place Saturday, en ronte for their homes in Ohio, having been mustered out a few days since. The 1st, 6th and 27th are to be mustered out vey soon. All these regiments have been serving on tba sea coast of the State. Explanation. We invite attention this morning to the poem "F'Tsnken' It Is from the pen of our friend, Saxev R who is a clever fellow. By-th-b , w iTidfrsund that our remarks the n'her y n ' ' rpretei to apply to him He wn -y a -jr. t h 13rh Indiana, but R is ootarra r .1. He is welcome to our columns -Jw k An Outraged Wife. The Rlchmon.i Bulletin relates the following: In a certain locality mi 7th street lives a wid w with two fascinating daughters, whose cbrr bad won a married gentleman of .ur city from th glance dae to the wife of his bosom only L ' u how matters stood, the lady visited h"- hd-. dem.Gi8elles and vowe l vengenc din- i. they e r again presumed to lid her lord tray. On Saturday nig1' her auspiolons being aga'n aroused, the wife alle I . carriage od drove to the above abode of the sirens, wnen lo und bebold there sat her recreant liege, with a male companion, the two siren? and the widow enjnyltg a cozy chat in tho porch. Before, however, she could descend from tha carriage the scene changed and a drop curtain, in the shape of a p an n el led door, fell on the drama. The outraged wife was not disposed, however, " to give It up so," and demanded admittance, threaten ing to break in, in case of refusal, and the refusil being given she kept her wcrd, broke in, entered be hind the scenes and called for her hnsband, but called In vain, that personage having slipped out by a rear entrance and taken np a position on the street, whence he could watch the progress of events. The daughters were next demanded, but the mother in formed her that they were n t visible, whereupon, with the remark that sbj v n ;l aerv? her purpose m well, the wife pitched i.i'o ma mrrenad nann n ebons and laces, t-lood, hair ri"' ' ih animated, but raf;- - ted strfQgth furor ; tne victor. At this juncture, hov posed, ar.d handled (i w w much for thr husband " womau ' ) wcoia-j 1 and procefdJ t id an usem?it up b the ass satiff-ictorily accompis ei carriage, which stood Wu'.tiu 1' V tr.r nr. ft - a NEW ADVERTISES! I S. PRINTING OFFICE FOR SALE In the Town of Newborn. A BARGAIN FOR SOMEBODY. I OFFER for sale a No. 5 Washington Hand Press and sufficient Type, but little wrn,to print a daily and weekly prpei The press is almost as good as new, and the typo, only baring ben used on hand press will wear a yearr,:' wo and make as good an impression as new ones. The type cenaisti of Burgoise, Brevier, Minim and h 'jo typerThre are also chases, stones, stard', &c, enouch to commence the publication pf a paper witL. , A barca n mav oe had by early application to J. L.PENN1N&TON, Progress office, Raleigh, N. O. Or td V'.TAt,, Times omce, Newbera, JX. O. . Newbern Times copy till forbid. iept25-tf : - - - 25, 1865. NO 267. NEW IDWmTilSEMJSTS. Ma. JiDiTa : Thb followixq is STRANGE BUT TRUE. "Twas late last night that I was silting, in my chamber, lonely, knitting, Knitting on the same old stocking, I'd commenced be fore the war ; Knitting carefully, I was heeling when methonght I heard one stealing, Stealing softly up the stairway, leading to my chamber door. Thit 1 thought, and Utlened more. Soon I heard a gentle knocking hastily I dropped my stocking ; Dropped my knitting the old stocking I commenced before the war. Again, and louder, came the rapping as tho' they thought that I was napping ; Me a napping ? Knitting, napping ? Me who never "Ope the door.' Thit the voice said" Of the door 1 1" "'Tis Sally's Toice" says 1 " 'Us Sally, and I know she's got some news, And I'm powerful glad she's come too, for I most did haye the blues. 'Sally," says I, "Sally, howdye ?" "What's the news? Do have a chair ?" ''Glorious news, my Peggy darling--gloiiotis news from Market Square j'' "From Shepherd' Store in Market Square.9' At Shepherd's Store, they've got new shoes such bran new, laced up, tasseled beauties. Morocco, kid, and patent leather Cengress gaiters, toe-tipped bootees. Balmoral, Prunello and Creole. Mens and womens, boys and girls ; Such a ight it is to behold they're the cheapest in the world. 1 The very cheapttt in the world. And Peggy, dear, they've got new hats military and civilian. All the style of Frenchy fashion a la Emp'reur Maxi millian. And I told my husband, Johnny, "throw aside that rusty beaver." "Go to Shepherd's market square get a hat you gay deceiver, Get a hat, and hum your beaver," Well, Peg John went to market square he's just got back rigged up so gay, A bran new suit from top to toe and cheap as dirt, for ready pay : And I advise you, Peggy darling to give what cash you've got to spare, To your dear Bobby in the morning and send him straight te Market Square'1 To Shepherd9 1 Store, in Market Square, "111 do it, Sally dear" says I I'll send Bob early in the morn, I'll send him straight to Shepherd's Store I will as sort as I am born, Good-bye, dear Sally I Must you go v Tes good-bye, Peggy now take care, Be sure that Bob finds the right place 'tis HHEP- HEKD'S STORK, at Mark:t 3qare - Shepherd' t Store, : ?rkt Square, We have a line assortment of Eeaa , -raade Clothing Boots and Shoes Eats, Ac, which we will sell at very low prices. CHARLfiS A SU r.PHbRD, Spf,. 25-tf Maik' Squfl o Ra.ifrb THE RALEIGH NATIONAL BAfrK u. ortli Oaroliu RALEIGH, If. C. Authorised September 12th, 1BGI HCTORS: O. P. Mehdekhjlll, i't. JOS. W. IIOLDBf , u dlick, Cashier. Gso. W. sw Job. S. Ca - B On and aiVr the 27th September, this Bank will be open for tbe transaction of Banking business. Gold ani Silver Coin, Domestic Exchange and United State", Stat and Local Securities bought and sold. Uncurrent money discounted on the most favorable term 8. Deposits received and careful attention paid to the accounts of business men and Firms. Collections made at all points in the State of North Carolina. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF THB COMPTiOLLBR OF TH3 CtTBRHCY. Wasnir pton, September 12th, 1865. 165.) vhbrkas, By satisfactory evidence presented to the r.ined, it hn ; made to appear that "THE AALklGH NATION L BAXK OF NORTH CA?0 L.I A,'' in the City v- i.aieigh, in the County of Wake aua State of North Carolina . has been duly organized un der and according to the requirements of tbe Act of Con gress, entitled an Acc o provide a National Currency, tftcured by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to pro vida for the circulation and redemption thereof, approv . d June 3d, 1864 and nas complied with all the provis ions of said ai-t quired to be complied with before commencing tb bus'Dess of Banking under said act. Now, therefore, i, FiiEEMAN CLARK B, Comptroller of the Currency, do i;vrebv certify that THE RAL EIGH NATIONAL BANK OF NORTH CAROLINA," in tbe City of Raleigh, in the County of Wake and State of North Carolina, is authorized to commence the busi ness of Banking under the act aforesaid. In tes 1 1 m o n y Currency Bureau. Seal of the Comptroller of the Currency, Treasury Department. whereof, wi t n e s s my hand and seal of office this twelfth day of September, 1865. FREEMAN CLARK, Comptroller. Sept 25-lw. "WANTED. rpWO FRESH MILCH COWS AT THE EXCHANGE I Hotel. Sept.25 tf RANDALL & CO. TAILORS ATTENTION, CM. FARRISS, one door above the Progress office has employment for an additional number of journeyman Tai'ors. Five good 'Coat hands" can ob tain employment by applying immediately. Femalei well recommended, may apply. aug30-tf ! MONEY SAVED BY COMING LATE, AND COMING ALL THE TIME, TO BUY J. KlNSEY'S GOOD NEW S OF THE Latest Styles. 1 have just returned from Ner tWk with a large u r. well selected stock of 8taple and Fancy Dry Goods, B and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ha dware, Grocerie n- Crockery, which I offer tor sale at the lowest prices- Call and minfi the following Beautiful Goods: f MERRIMACK PRINTS, WAUHEGAN PRINTS, RICHMOND PRINTS, SPRAGUE PRINTS, GLEN COVE PRINTS, FREEMAN PRINTS, CONCORD PRINTS. LONDON PRINTS, ALBION PRINTS, MOURNING PRINTS. A Great Variety of Zephyr Knit Hoods, Scarfs, Zaphyr Knit Mafia and Tippits, Breakfast Shawls, Sontags, Twilights, Nubias, Ladies' Leghorn Hats, Pearl Braid Feather Hats, Black Pedal Tlctoria Hats, Ladies' Trimmed Jockeys, Children's Velvet Glengarry Hats, Ladies' Dress Woolen Goods : WOOL DELAINES, MIX DELAINES, PLAID POPLINS, STRIPED POPLINS, SAXONT PLAIDS, SWISS GINGHAMS, LADIES' MERINO DRAWERS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, HOOP SKIRTS, LADIES' EXTRA FASH'D MERINO VESTS. Nainsook, Jackonet, Brilliantes, Irish Linen, Hand kerchiefs, Ladies' and Misses' Hose, Child ren's Balmoral Hose, Llaen Cuffs and Collars, Ribbons of eyery description , Ladles' Colored Berlinlisle Thread Gloves, silk tops ; Corsetts, Men's Gloves. Combs, Buttons, Hair Oil, Extracts and Pomade. Slens' Ready Made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps. Fad ,ocks, Rim Locks, Chest Lock Sh K A. wis, Cctt . ds, Carriage TrimcuL GROOBRII'S- - BEST JAVA COFFSfi, RiO COFFEE, BEST GREE TEA. BLACK TEA, CRUSHED SUGAR, BtiOWN SUGAR. BEST iNEW ORLEANS ST SPICE, CLOVES. STU1 ' ILi i-.S A"r G. b A j Country Merchauis are respec: uilv invited to call and examine my assortment of goods ia store. I have in terested in my business an agent ia New York, who will purchase at all times, additional goods required, at the lowest wholesale prices. Therefore, I can make it for your interest to buy of me any small amount of goods you may want. J.KINSEY. Raleigh, N. C, Fajetteyille at., corner of Marke Square. Sept. 22 2wd. IMPORTANT NOTICE. TIIHG stockholders of the Peace Institute are requested I to be present in person or by proxy at a meeting to beheld in the city of Raleigh on the 5th of October 1865. This notice is given to enable stockholders at a distance to land in their proxies by the delegates to the State Convention. " T. MrGEE, sept9-t Oct 1 Treasurer, Ac. McCOMBIE & CHILD, : Commission ; Merchants, tfo. 11 Water Street; New York. Liberal advanoes made on Cotton, Naval Stores, Ac HULBERT & McLEAN, Agents, New Berne, N. O. e m Kinsip Colin -