I - . - - - r-- .. '" THENEWS, For latest news see Fourth Page, i Minnesota raises more wheat this year than ever before, and of better quality, too. Clement G. Clay now parambalates the casemate at Fortress Monroe unattended by a guard. Clay and Mitchell, it is thought, may be paroled soon . The captured treasure belongiag to Jtff; Daris, deposited at the Treasury "Djpartmsatr amounts to a total of $100,000. ' r -An association has been formed in Indiana for the purposj of introducing the Cashmere goat into thiscouutry. Sixtesn of these animals have already been imported under the auspices of the society. Mite Emma Littimer, quite a beautiful and high-spirittd girl, is on trial before a military tribu nal at Nashville,' Terin., charged with tearing down an American fl g. ' The rates of postage upon letters to Sehleswig- Holstein and Luienbcg, by the Prusdan closed mail will, hereafter, be 31 cents per sing'e rates, if pre paid, and 33 cents per single rate, if unpaid. The oily fashionable summer resident at New port who baa this year run ttway, leaving numerous nnpaid bills, is a well-known concert siug&rv i.. The statement that all troops will soon!; be with drawn from the Southern States by order of the Pre eident, is, says i Washington correspondent, entirely groundless. --A letter from tha City of Mexico says the news from the Uaited States cacsel great agitation The Imperialists are in a state of extreme anxiety, the more -z 'a L jus adherents of M-ximi l aa are discour aged, and every one seem3 to feel increasing 'despon dency. An important meeting of the College of Sur geons was held last week at the Now York Uni- versity, and important papers read on the cholera I and yellow fever, one of the medical gentlemen de f daring the metropolis could not, by any possibil t ity, escape the former scourge, wnich would be upon us in three weeks. How he arrived at such exactitude cftime, the learned M. D. did not state. Governor Hamilton of Texas has done one good thing. He has instructed the military authorities in that State to require of 11 negroes a certificate from their empl -yers, showing that they obtain an honest living. If they cannot do this, they are sent to work to pay Uncle Sam for the grub they eat. It is understood that the organization of the State of Louisiana will be completed in the next thirty days ;, an i that members of Congress will be elected before the first of November, nd two Uni ed States Senators sent to Washington in time for the meeting of Congress. The remainder of the Massachusetts Fifty -fifth Colored Regiment arrived in Boston, by the steam er Ben De Ford from Charleston, on Wednesday the twentieth instant, and were landed at Gallop's Island. The departure of this regiment from South - o rn lino' trtrtfimo Via o t o t tm nnf r C riAtminnni in his late message, that the negro troops are soon to be withdrawn from that State. - r Tt is Rftirl that. th F!iiylish cinitalists will visit Richmond, Virginia, before leaving this country with a view to inspecting the railroad and agricul tural resources of the interior of that State. , The States of Connecticut, Wisconsin, Minne sota and Iowa, all vote on negro suffrage this Fall, Colorado has already voted, but the result is not yet known. . rn norlo Jo Knffam I n r A artftmil tpd THlS IS in it"' self asure sign that the Union is receiving the rr t 1 l mass ol its emigration, i ne exoaus nas oeen so serious as to create a call in some quarters upon the attention of Government; but young Canada continues flocking to the border. The Bishop of Toronto latelv gave as his reasons for not rebuild- "iner hia oafhorlral the arrant Insspfi whirh his diftCPSft has sustained in numbers. In 186 this Caho ic diocese had a congregralion of 42.000; but accord ,ing to the census now given by the Bishop it does not contain' more than 30,000. Toronto City from 'having 8,000 Catholics has diminished to 4,000 Not one, but many Canadian journals, make" tho same complaint, and the emigra .ion, though mostly from among tha Irish, seem to extendf to other sects and classes of workingraen. "The people," iff" 1 1 . 1 tl.si Unmnif Ml! (iff tana ff says a juon rcai juuiuai, aic ioi ; v thousands " This seems to be no phenomenon but online reasonable out-working of that natural lam . UinU co Irs pvprv frnnd nneninff. and which. ' 4 A f T . V l I. DV w - - - o I f- . ' some day, may influence Canada itself to come into the Union. . , A stranger, apparently from the country, mide his appearance on the streets of St. Louis recent ly, attracting much attention by the unusual lofti- n acre ni Uio otntna T-To mPICtirA4 KfiVen feet tWO uboo ui tito oiavub. v M and a- half mc ics in his boots, and wore a tall white stove pipe hat, which made him look as , ung aa-1 ue uiurai iav . wo tto "cuss," and seemed to enjoy the attention which his longitude attracted. At one time at least, five nundred people surrounoea mm, anu ue iuumu vu me muitiruae irom nis iouy cwmcino - among a fl ck of sheep. The play of the "Confederate's Daughter" is having great success in one of the London theatres. Gen. Butler appears in it as "the tyrant of New Orleans," makes love improperly to the Confeder ate's daughter, but is foiled by a faithful negro, who.has a fight with Butler and beats him with the broadsword in a square fight. Butler after wards undertakes to hang the 1 Tr of the said ' A.,iirUw..- u.. i a "Diif In- ic removed -from cnmrnnnrl onitU fVn fpd p rate's daUSfhter trt- ' umphs. The play is highly exciting., . A PrtcfAn AAMnlAind that rtf th filX V 3L' rish Judcres in thft ritv of New Orleans, tbrek are a - J graduates of tho army; that ot the offices of Sher iff and Clerk of Probate, the two most lucrative in meocate, are neia oy signers oi ine; orainance oi secession; and that over twenty original Union men v..l i ' .i j i i utc oeen recenuy removeu oy joveruor nuiw, . to make room for as many ongiual secessionists. VOL. VI. THE .CITY. To Men of Brains. A gentlemen who has experience in a dally print ing office and who is capable of or W department of a first class journal, may hear something to hia advantage by communicating immediately with the Editor op the Peogbess. The Cholera on Hand. In unit nf n , ... - I i.'cti vau- tion and courage, the cholera approaches, and if we rp wing sue present we cannot hope to fail of a Visitation next year. In this view we are specially and we give the following as among the list : Id the second stage of relanaeand rramn brandy, taken internally, muBtard Dlasters. anH othr mfmafe?Pfog a? external heat, by friction, &c are ouen nsed with success. There is always hope In cholera until the patient is actually dead, and in se vere cases recovery often depends upon the persistf noy and energy with which the disease U met and at tacked at every stage. Dr. Dane, an Eastern traveller and Orientalist. recommends this treatment for cholera, which he noticed while residing at Cairo, was very effectual, had been used in Spain, Constantinople and Indu, and was never followed by typhus or typhoid fever, which proved fatal in many' cases when the cholera itself had been subdued by other means : "If the patient have vomited the poisonous matter which is characteristic of the disease, and resembles rice water, give a tablespoon full of powdered mus tard In a tambler of cold water as an emetic. Afttr the vomiting whether produced by the disease or the above means In a few minutes give a wine-glass full of braudy, with ten grains of capsicum ( -ayenne p?pper) stirred up in it. This generally produces almost Immediate relief, and, within an hour, rest, perspiration and sleep. In a few csfses it was found necessary to take half a dose of brandy and cabsicnm after half an hour or more. A second half dose was never required, but should It be it may be given. No other fluid should be drank, before recovering, to accelerate convalesceose. It has been suggested that fifteen drops of the spirit of ammonia and sulphuric ether, in equal parts, may be advantageously given three or four time during the following d.iy. "The above quantity of brandy and capsicum are for any patient puff-ring a severe attack. In other cases two-thirds or half of that quantity migb) suffice." Ill Luck. Miss Essex, a well-dressed young wo man, residing in the county, was standing at the corner of Fayettevllle and Hillsborough streets, wait ing for an omnibus, when a man, a painter to all appearance, bearing a short laddar on his shoulder, rapidly turned the corner, and not judging the dis tance right, came near striking the lady on the head with an end of the ladder he was carrying. As luck would have it, or, pernaps, ill luck, the ladder missed the woman's head but struck her 'waterfall,' detached it from the back hair, and caused a general discharge of, the contents, which combined the following ar ticles : Two curled hair pnfifs, one piece of mouruing crape, two dark-colored pin-cushions, and one black worsted stocking. Tne articles bad previously be n carefully covered op by the slender locks of the maid en. Amid many expressions of regret the man com menced to pick up the paddings for the purpose of returning them to the wearer, who retreated in great confusion, without waiting for her dry goods. A little boy was sent after her with the late "fall," but the lady refused to recognize them. Our reporter gave the boy a dime fcr one of the pin-cushions, and intends to keep it as a specimen. The Powell Outbage. ve have conversed with a gentleman who was present at Mr. Caswell Pow ell's last Sabbath. He states that there were six negroes engag d in the assault. It appears that th y entered bis yard about 10 o'clock and that Mr. P. was aroused from sleep by their atta k on his dog. He arose, went in the porch and ordered them off. They then passed out to the barn or stable yard, at d having halted at that point, Mr. P. started to see what they were doing. When parsing out of the gate, he was seized by two of the desperadoes, choked and disarmed, and then- beaten in a terrible manner about the face and head. He is represented as pre senting a most shocking appearance. The assailants then forced down him a piot of brandy, supposing that would operate to prevent him from giving the alarm. They then proceeded to appropriate a gold watch, one hundred dollars in greenbacks, a small amount of coin, and as much brandy as they could carry off. The who transaction was of the most fiendish character, and the misfortune is that Mr. Powell is unable to identify either of the rascals. The mili tary authorities have the matter in hand, and we aie confideut that Gen. Buger and Capt. Pasinton will leave no stone unturned to bring the guilty wretches to merited puaishment. We are glad to hear that no doubt is entertained o! Mr. P.'s recovery. n The Chapel Hill Difficulty. We learn that the difficulty between a convocation of negroes and a few of the students at Chapel Hill, has been ad justed by requiring the latter to give security for keeping the peace. Gen. Roger, Col. Whittlesey and Capt. Purinton, are all popular In this department and at this post ; but the constant increase of crime and outrage. in duces us to ask them puWioly taT weigh the matter of negro insolence. ' They have not yet iearnedfthe dif ference between liberty and license. Large numbers of black men beg ' us to aik that the criminal of this color may b made to feeltbt fore oflaw. RALEIGH, TUESDAY, SEPT. 26, 1865 NO. 268. On account of the extended facilities at command, the Progress establishment can do printing of all kinds cheaper than any other office In the State, and all we ask is a call from those desiring work done to convince them of the fact. Cards, labels, handbills, circulars, &c, are printed at the shortest notice, In the most satisfactory manner, and at the lowest rates. Business men desiring printing done are requested to call. War. S. Woleb, of the firm of P. Marwln & Co., is in the city and we commend him to the business community. He is not only a gentleman himself, but represent s one of the best firms in the State. HOTEL ARRIVALS. AT THE EXCHANGE HOTEL Sbpt 23, and 24. 1865. Capt G A Lyon, A A M Greensboro N C; tfapt Wm Shepherd, CS;OH Stephens, Conductor U S M R K ; John Wh-lan, 1st Luut 39th U S Vols; L Kyan, Henry Clark, NeTf berne N C ; C H Coopor. Raleigh. ; Thus Drew. B..ton. Mass ; J C Coiner, Smitlifield NO; J A A rchabnld, W L Archah-ild. Joseph YouniT, Concord, W E. Gibson. Ut hiut. U d Vols ; John W ard, Asst Surg U S Vols ; John G YVjlliams, Lady three children and servant ; J Davis, Newbern ; A M Poundstone, Cnpt O S Vols ; G W Du'kt'rso. , Fayetteville N C rftobt E Parker Jr; A Judson Gray, Asst Surg O S Vor ; J A Eastman, A?t Surg : Albert Delnday, New Yo k; WA Brze Wife and Daughter ; Surg G V R Merville and Wit ; E Overlook, Pay Dept U S A ; C Hamb, Charlotte N C ; SC Colrftun, Mobile Ala; J 1) Wilson. Newbern N C; Capt J A Elerha'dt, U Vols; Capt F H Smith, Wil mington N C ; Mrs Sandford, Newbern. John Wiil, William bread way, Henry D Toncey, Newoern ; J R Jordon, U S M R tt; A M Poandstone, New Lexington, Ohio ; Wm H Kimball. Carolina City : C H DeClute, Newbern ; J B Davis and Wite, NC; W C B Leonard, Newbesn ; Geo L Montfromerj, Capt and Actjr Ord Officer ; Geo M Adams, G Solomon, NCKk; Wm Houston and Niece. NC; Dr L S Biigham, C M Deaton, T F Willaford, Concord, N C ; DrJaa F L'ngi Washington, Miss.; Surirn J M Neely, 12(1 Ind Vol , Wm Robertson, Goldsboro ; Lt John H VTbelan, Mi, Conductor ; J D Dais, Newbern ; John Mil iram, Char; lotte ; Albert Dtlisday, N Y ; I J Lockwood, Charlotte N C. SEPT. 2th. T. Lozers, Newberne; Timothy Hijrgins, Pera, Ills.: W. E Bowen, Ohio, Paymaster S S Wood, Jr., U S N.; Lieut Wethei ill, U S Coast Surveyor; Dr. Vogal ; H W Moor, WilmingUa; Ueut. Frank A Howell, D S A; Miss J Clark and Sister, Newbern; J F Scott, Franklin -ton, N C; S Vanakint, do.; Lieut. F Burrows, New York, H P Watson, Moiehad; J H Gaskini, Newberne ; W L Ballenjrer, N C; A S Mendennall. Wife and 2 chil dren; W P Walker, Newberne; N Thursday, U S M it Lidut. Sullirau Vols. ARRIVALS AT YARBOROUGH HOUSE. SPT2Sd. David Barrow, N C; J Beard, Salisbury; D W Oates. Charlotte, N C. W W Fitter, Chapel Hill ;W A Wrizht, Chapvl Hill; W A Wright, Chapel Hill; Henry Eit ter,do.;CW Ladder, Charlotte, Capt Cbas Wheeler, Wilmington; G Lahburg, Baltimore, J W William, Fayettevi le; G G Puree, Oswego, N C; W F Horgrara, 'hapel Hill. Johu White, Warrenton; N H Bernard, Wilmington; P A Bernard, Va; W K Packo, N C; D A Coung.on, N G. SEPT 24th. C N Woodber, R Badger, Richmond, Ind,. T W Cott man. Springfield, Md. Henry H Roberts, Wil mington. Henry Buzboard, Charlotte; A Coin, Char lotte; L Karpetertes. NC; EH Williama, Colenbam, J M L Henderson, Va.; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LIVERY, SALE St EXCHANGE STABLES, MARKET SQUARE. Wilmington atreet, (C ay ton a' oldstand.) Raleiffh, N. C Carriage, Buggies, ana gentlemem' and ladies' Saddle Horses constantly on hand to hire. Carriages furnished for parties, funerals Ac, and to attend the regular trains. Horses boarded by the day, week or month, also bought and sold. Gentlemen arriving in town with their te-ims would do well to put their horses up at these stables, as they will be properly groomed and cared for. sePt24-2t EASfMOND, EDWARDS A CO. $25 REWARD YYTI LL be paid and no questions asked, for any in YY formation le ding to the return of a large roan Ho se, 15 hands high, 10 years old, also an open buggy and harness, taken from the livery stables on Maiket Square, Wt'mington street, Raleigh. Said buggy sup posed to be on the road between Raleigh and New Bern. sepfJ6 -'it EASTMOND, EDWARDS & CO WOOD, WOOD. THE subscriber w shes to contract for famishing 300 r 400 cords of oajc and hickory wood. He can be found at the Progress office. sept26tf - W.H.SPENCER. r. MERWIN. WK, S. WALKS E. P. MERWIN & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS AND WINES, GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CLOTHING, AND NOTIONS, South Front street, opposite the Gaston House, . ... NEWBERN, N. C. All Goods warrated as represented. All orders carefully attended to. A call 'rom the trade is respectfully solicited. sept26 lm 10 ' " O G. PARSLEV & CO , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND IMPORTERS of Sugar, Coffee and Molasses, N. 6 North Water Rtiaet. Wilmington. N. C. will give prompt personal attention to al business entrusted to their care. Con-. signments or raw cotton, coiion yarns, aomesucs, tooaccu, naval stores, flour and other country produce are solici ted. 'hen desired, produce will be shipped to our cor respondents in Europe or the Northern cities, and liberal cash advanees made thereon. sept26-10t WILMINGTON DAILY DISPATCH. IT is WITH PLEASURE THAT WE ANNOUNCE to our friends and patrons, that the presses, material, &c, connected with this estiblishment have arrived from the North, and the first number of the paper will be issued about the 2d day of October. Our cotemporarias will pieage place us upon their list of4exchange8. Every thing connected with thu ofhetis new and complete, and the Type, cards, Ac, have been carefully celected without regard to eoBt. TaaKs One year, $10; six months, $3; three months, S3 ; one month, $1. We respectfully solicit the patronage of our friends and the public gene rallv Office. No. 41 Market street, in the old Peter Smith Building. BARRY & BERNARD, Editors and Proprietors. Wilmington, N. O., Sept. 20-2t S' ' " .. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ma. Jlditoe : Thb following is STRANGE BUT TRUE. 'Twas late last night that I was silting, in my chamber, lonely, knitting, Knitting on the same old stocking, I'd commenced be fore the war ; Knitting carefully, I was heeling when methought I heard one stealing, Stealing coftlv up the etairway, leading to mj chamber door. Tki 1 thought, and listened more Soon I heard a gentle knocking hastily I dropped my stocking; Dropped my knitting the old stocking I commenced before the war. Again, and louder, came the rapping as tho' they thought that I was napping ; Me a napping ? Knitting, napping ? Me who never "Ope the door.5' This the voice aid" Ope the door 1 !" "'Tis Sally's voice" says 1 " 'tis Sally, and I know she's got some news, And I'm powerful glad she's come too, for I most did have the blues. "Sally," says I, "Sally, bowdve ?" "What's the news ? Do have a chair ?" ''Glorious hews, my Pegsy darling gloiious news from Marktt Square,'' "From Shepherd' Store t Market Square.9' At Shepherd's Store, they've got new shoes Buch bran new, laced up, tasseled beauties. Morocco, kid, and patent leather Congress gaiters, toe-tipped bootees. Balmoral, Prunello and Creole. Mens- and womens, boys and girls ; Such a sight it is to behold they're the cheapest in the world. 1 The very cheapest in the world. And Peggy, dear, they've got new hats military and civilian. All the style of Frenchy fashion a la Emp'reur Maxi- mil'ian. A'nd I told my husband, Johnny, "throw aside that . rusty beaver." "Go to Shepherd's market square get a hat you gay deceiver, Get a hat, and burn your beaver.' Well, Peg John went to market square he's just got back rigged up so gay, A bran new suit from top to toe and cheap as dirt, for ready pay : And I advise you, Peggy darling to give what cash you've got to spare, To your dear Bobby in the morning and send him straight to Market Square" To Shepherd9s Store, in Market Square. "I ll do it, Sally dear" says I I'll send Bob early in the morn, I'll send him straight to Shepherd's Store I will as sure as I am born, Good bye, dear Sally 1 Must you go ? Yes good-bye, Peggy now take care, Be sure that Bjb finds the right place 'tis SHEP HERD'S STORE, at Market Square. Shepherd's Store, at Market Square, We have a fine assortment of Ready-made Clothing Boots and Shoes Hats, Ac, which we will sell at very low prices. CHARLES A. SHEPHERD, Sept.25-tf Market Square, Raleigh. THE RALEIGH NATIONAL BANK OF DNT ortli Carolina, RALEIGH, H. C. Authorized September 12th, 1865. DIRECTORS: , Geo. W. Swkpson, Pres't. O. P. Mendexhixl, Jos. S. Cannon, Vice Pres't. Jos. W. Holden, W. B. Gulick, Cashier. On and after the 27th September, this Bank will be open for the transaction of Banking business. Gold and Silver Coin, Domestic Exchange asd United States, State and Local Securities bought and sold. Uncurrent money discounted on tne most favorable terms. Deposits received and careful attention paid to the accounts of business men and Firms. Collections made at all points in the State of North Carolina. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. TMENT. ) Jcaa&Ncr, r I2tb, 1865. J Orrica of thb CoitpraoLLsa of ihb C Washington, September Whbrkas, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it hs been made to appear that "THE RALK1GH NATIONAL BA.NK OF NORTH CARO LINA." in the City of Kaleigb, in the County ot Wake and State of North Carolina, has been duly organized un der and according to the requirements of the Act of Con gress, entitled an Act ta provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to pro vide for the circulation and redemption thereof, approv ed June 3d, 1864, and ha complied with all the provis ions of said act rtquirtd to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking under said act. Now, therefore, I, FKEEMAN CLAKKE, Comptroller of the Currencv, do hereby certify that "THE RAL EIGH NATIONAL BANK OF NOKTH CAROLINA," in the Citv of Raleigh, in the County of Wake and State of North Carolina, is authorized to commence the busi ness of Banking under the act aforesaid. In tea t i m o n y Currency Bureau. Seal of the Comptroller of the Currency, Treasury Department. whereof, wi t n e s s my hand and seal of office this twelfth day of September, 1865. FREEMAN CLARK, Comptroller. Sept 25 lw. WANTED. TWO FRESH MILCH COWS AT THE EXCHANGE Hotel. Sept 25 tf RANDALL & CO. TAILORS ATTENTION. CM. FARRISS, one door above the Peosbess office t has employment for an additional number of journeyman Tai ors. Five good "Coat hands" can ob tain employment by applying immediately. Females, well recommended, may apply. aug3(Mf MONEY SAVED BY COMING LATE, COMING ALL THE TIME, TO BUY J. KINSEY'S NEW GOODS OF THE Latest Styles. 1 have just retemed from New York with a larpe and well selected stock of Staple and Fan?y Dry Goods, Boots and' Shoe?, Bats and Caps, Hardware, Groceries and Crockery, which I offer for sale at the lowest prices. Call and examine the following Beautiful Goods: . MERRIMACK PRINTS, ' WADHEG1N PRISTS, RICHMOND PRINTS, SPRAGUE PNITS, GLjHN cove prints, frekmin prints, concord prists, london prints, albion prints, MOURN irsG PRINTS. A Great Variety of Zepbyr Knit Hoods, Scarfs, Zephyr Knit Mr.ffs and Tippits, Breakfast Shawls, Sontags, Twilights, Nubias, Ladies' Leghorn Hats, Pearl Braid Feather Hats Black Pedal Victoria Hats, . Ladies' Trimmed Jockeys, Children's Velvet Glengarry Hats, Ladies' Dress Woolen Goods : WOOL DELAINES, MIX DELAINES. PLAID POPLINS, STRIPED POPLINS, SAXONY PLAIDS, SWISS GINGHAMS, LADIES' MERINO DRAWERS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, HOOP SKIRTS, LADIES' EX IRA FASH'D MERINO VESTS. Nainsook, Jackonet, B illiantes, Irish Lioen, Hand kerchiefs, Lidiea' and Misses' Hose, Child ren's B-ilmoral Hose, Li sen Cuffd and Collars, Ribbons of every description, Ladles' Colored Berlinlisle Tbread Gloves, silk tops ; Coreetts, Men's Gloves, C mhs, Buttons, Hair Oil, Extracts ana Pomade. Mens' Ready Made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps. WARE. Padlocks, Rim Locks, Cheit Locks, Files, Chisels, Augers, Butt Hinges, Screws, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Shoe Kmres, 8hoe Thread, Awls, Hammers, Cotton antt Wool Cards, Carriage Trimmings, Ac, t BEST JAVA COFFEE, KIO COFFEE, BEST GREEV TEA, BLACK TEA, CRUSHED SUGAR, Bti? N SUGAR, BEST HiuVf ORLEANS SYRUP. SODA, SPICE, CLOVES, NUTMEG, RAISINS. COPPERAS, CANDLES, PICKLES, BLAi K PEPPER LORRILLAKD SNUFF, MUSl'ARD. RACE GINGER, LONDON BaUCE, BUTrfSK, CHEE-E AND CRACKERS, Country Merchants are respectfully invited to call and examine my assortment of good3 in store. I have in te rested in my business an agent in New York, who will purchase at all times, additional goods required, at the lowest whoe8ale prices. Therefore, I can make it for your interest to buy of me anj small amount of goods you may want. J. KINSEY. Raleigh, N. C, Favetteville st, corner of Marke Square. Sfrt. 22 2wd. IMPORTANT NOTICE. TfflHE stockholders of toe reace Institute are requested It to be present in person r by proxy at a meeting to be held in the city of Kaieigft on the 5th of October 1865. This notice is given to enabi stockholders at a dist ance to sand in their proxies br tae delegates to the State Convention. T. McGEE, sept9 t oct 1 Treasurer, Ac. McCOMBIE & CHILD, Commission Merchants, no. ii vraier ipcct3 New York. Liberal advances made on Cotton, Navat Stores, 4c HULBERT & MoTEAV. I wptia-Sm New Berne. K. (1