1 ? 4 BY J. L PESXINGTOS & CO. THENEWS. For latest news see Fourth Page. The Sup rintendent ot our National Observato ry at Washington, reports thai Fayer's comit, was seen for the first time on its return on the night of tbe 12th inst. The widow of Thomas Moore, the Irish poet, died on th 4th inst., aged sixty eight. J D. B. DeBow, having been pardoned by the President, is ab ut to re establish his Review, and will p rhaps locate it in Washington city. Gen. J L. Kernan, late of United States Ar my, is about to "stump" New Jer-ey forthe Union "ticket. Gen. Kernan canvassed Ohio, Kentucky and Pennsylvania last Fall for Lincoln and John son. Probably the first practical case of punish ment in the army for miscegnationts that of Capt. E. J. Scranton, 28th United State Colored Troops, wh has been tried by court martial on the charge . of cohab ting within camp, and afterwards marrying a colored woman of bad repuUtion, .and sentenced to be dismissed service. The offence was comniU ed in Gen. Gillmore's Department. News from San Demingo represents the coun try as quiet. The Protector Babral has imprison ed his predecessor ?in power, P. mental, and his ad mirers. Preparations were making for the election of a permanent President. ; We have received news from Havana to the 15th inst. The army in Cuba has been reduced by a royal decree to the jame footing as before the campaign in San Domingo. , Hydrophobia i prevailing fo an alarming ex tent in Indianapolis. The Journal says about twen y persons have been bit en by in d dogs with in a few days. A numb r of cases have proved fa tal. Colchester, the Buffab medium, has been fined forty dollars and conderane 1 to pay t".ie costs of the trial, amounting to four hundred anJ seventy-three dollars. Burley, tho Like Erie rira'e, escaped from jtil at P rt C inton, O., n Sunday afternoon. A reward of $100 ia offered for his capture. Tne M icon (G i ) Tdegravh announces the ar rival of G v. Brwvyu there, ou toe 13 h ir s, direct from Washington. Li a personal interview bf ex pressed himself highly pleased with the feeliug mai.i f steil towards the Statesof the S-mihby the authori ties at Washington, and the utmost ctnfi lence that prud nr action on the part of the people of those StateB would speedily restore them to tbe ei jyment of q i 1 rights, as meral era of the U ion. The old Nashville B iimcr, one of the oldest pa pers pnbl she i in Tttin6set) before tbe war, an J for many y-ars the Wtrg org in of that ate, will be revived in a few days. H n. John Cenv C'lairnai f theU 1 n State Central C mmittee ot P nruy'vinia, in an ad Iress to the people ot that State s ys "that negro gnffjr tge and nigro i quality are tut, an 1 rou d uot p shinty be an iwie iu tbe October couteii" tor officers lo Pennsyl vania. Arconnts from Constantinople state that 2.800 buildl- g were destroy d by the great fireand op wards ot 22.000 persons were rendered houseless. Tne cholera has aim iit enti ely disappeared. Recently twenty thousand dollars of Internal R venue s'amp were m tiled In Pniladelphia for de livery in Nw Y rk, but the non-receipt f th pack age caused a suspicion that it had been purloined from the mail. An Investigation was mde by A. R Waller, special agent of tbe PostuffireD partment, who ascertained that the package hd been sent to N w O lans in mistake Tne pick, ge and contents were rtcelved without loss. AppHcatloi s from banks to be" designate as ' United Sta'-es depositories are received in great num bers by tbe Sectary of the Treasury. N t more than oBe ont of every 'twenty of the ap. locations re ceive a favorable consideration, for already ia nearly every region of tho country, save the S 'tub, there have been more depositories designated than Is war ranted by the exigencies of tbe g vernment or the various a mmunities In which they are located. In view of this f.icr, the Secretary of tha Treasury has determined to sparingly d sigoate ba-k for the pur pose named, and as near as possible confine the num ber in thickly populated regio is to one TJulted States rientaitrkrv f n oaoh 1 1 inrrrcc.1 nol Tl afrlf Tn flnarOP. ly settled communities the number will be still less. Gov. Randall, Acting Postm is te General, or dered the reopening of twelve additional Southern Ptfstifficps, among which are Morehead City, Abbe ville. Snow Hill, Lincolton, Plymouth, Washington county, J hn B. Chison, jr., postmaster, and Colum bia, Tyrell county, Wo. L. Spraill postmaster, all in this State. A dispatch from Fort Laramie announces the defeat of a force of Indians by Gen. Connor, on the 28th of August. The action occurred near Horn. Four hundred head of cattle were captured Our forces lost a considerable number in killed and wounded. We learn from Fort Smith that the Jmissioners adhere to their action in regard to John Ross,, and tssures the loyal Cherokees that their rights shall be respected. Fort Pulaski with its frowning parapets lined with the savage dogs of war, is at present a pi ce ofconsiderab!J interest, containing within Us bat tered, war begrimed, historic walls several distin guished prisoners of the late Confederate States. Among the prominent men now confined there ire Gov Magratru of South Cuolina; G. A. Tren oolm, late Secretary of the Treasury o f tha defunct Confederacy, D L Yuler. of Florid a; SC"-tary Seddon, Judge Campbell, Gen Mercer and other. DR. B- F. GARDNER (Formerly of Texas ) AXTPOLT) raspectiully oJUr it is professional frricf V to tbe citizens jf rtleUn nd sarroondiog country. vUifioeatth-asMiaeeoflr Henry (esnisa.nsar orth Carolina depot. . sepUi-3BJ VOL. VI. RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1865. NO. 269. THE CITY. A Very bEKsiBLE Dabkey.-A little, bullet eyed, qutck-witted contraband blacker than the ace of spades, found his way into the Provost Marshal's office, yesterday, and de manded a pass, Before obtaining it, however, he delivered himself of his views on the subject of freedom, much to the satisfaction of himself and those around him. He was but nino years of age and belonged to Dr. Smith, of Lexington. IlJ spoke about as follows:" Look af heah, gentle-, men. I don't likn thp wow p., u 4j , .. j oc lccu neaieu oy toe citizens of this place ; in fact, I thought dey know ed how to treat a nigger better dan they does Why de white folks put on too much styU for dis chile; an' de niggas tinks dey's bettr than de white folks, so I sta i's a poor chance 'mong 'em bofe. Dey d n't suit me. I'se gwine home to massa. I'se gwine straight dar; kase he's a white man all ober, an' knows how to treat folks, b ack an' white no style 'bout him. I'se a young nigga, but I got nuff sense to know that I wasn't made fo' no free nigga, an' ef massa's glad to see me an I is -him, de Lor' knows I'se willin.' Gim me de pass." He got the pass and left for home. Vagbancy to bb Abated. The sn?gestions thrown out in the Progress a few days sin :e, wi h respect to vagrancy, sem to have bad a m st de trable effect. We have steadily and consist, nt'y c mteoded that Gen. Roger was eminently conserva tive in his temperameut ; that he was far removid Ir m anything iike contracted, illiberal radica'ism ; and that he always had reference in his orders to the q tle't and well-being of this community and Stite. Sof the different peculiarly local authorities i R'e;gh. This is illustrated by the new tact Hint Capt. Purinton is gathering up a 1 i Hers f the bla k type and, as punishment lor vagrancy, maki g tht-m work on tbe streets. It is the best move f the year and promises splendid results in more than one ser-. If tbe po'icy be pursued with energy, we hha!l drive from the community a worthless class, or else inaj i e them with industry.' In this wy not only prm-i.t crime will be abated, but the thefts and outrages of winter measurably decreased. The New Bonnet. The ladies will be glad to hear that Paris Milliners, who appear to rule th fashionable world, have decided to make scarcely any change in the present style of bonnets, except they are made lower in the neck, leaving less room for waterfalls, which are'waning A verry pr tty bonnet is trimmed wi h daisies, and a humming bird is placed the down of ostrich feathers Gilt ornaments are " uch used, some of the designs re presenting coins, so that if a lady cannot have gold dollars in. her purse, she can at least bear their sem blance about ber. Tbe Progress is circulated as largelv, and read by aa many people, as any other paper pnbl shed n North Carolina, and buciocss men will frd no better medium , for advertisu g. Our advertisii g colun ns spf ak for themselves, and those bouses that are ex- pendii g the largest amount of money fir adv rt sing are dok g the 1 trg-st business. Terms as cheap as those of any other paper. Blacked Men. -A report prevails In the city that the recent outrage on Mr. Caswell P jwell was com mitted by white men, who b'a ki d thems-lves with a view to disguise. What amount f c.edit la to he attached to the rumor, or what reason there ex:srs for such a supposition we dj not know. But however this may be, we again call upon the citizens uf ech neighborhood to organise local patrols and come vi orouly to the work of eupprtssing lawlessness or bringing the evil doers to justice. Nrw Advebtifmf.nts We tell the people that they can always find in the "ParaaKss" a r flec tion of the business of the State and city. This morning we invite them to read the advertisements of B. P. Williamson & Co , auction, auction, he has also a fine assortment of nails. By applying, nice white meal can be had. Ladies and gentlemen, children and youths, who want dry goods should goto Mrs Kramer's, wture a large and inviting st ck awaits inspection. The Drought. We hear complaints from the country road about us of the want of rain, but the same cry comes up from Virginia and other States A dry season like tbe present has rarely been known, and of cour-e the growing crops must be much dwarfed. We h pe, however, that the pub lic distress will soon be relieved by abundant showers. Bbtjiht In. F ur men, under charge of horse stealing, were brought in from the neighborhood of Raleigh, yesterday, and lodged injill for future in vestigation Into their conduct. Tbe parties wre B. C. and J. P. Ferrell, white men, and Stephen U tt-n and John Divls, colored. Mr. GriffiD, In wh se custody the horse was found, proved himself entirely innocent of any offence, e'ther social or criminal. The Meanest Roguery OuT.It is stated to us that some thief onkDOwn visited the cemetery, uuht before and rtole the tooii of the sexton, Mr. Holt. This Is a fair rtfltctioo of the incarnatkn o meto roguery. A Sight. We bear that in the way of good nature, there is to be a free sparring match at the Saloon over tbe Bowling Alley, on Wilm ngton street, this etening. Go round and see it it will be with gloves. Municipal Regulations. We are glad to know that cur excellent provost marshal, Capt. Purinton, is adopting measures to enforce the municipal regu lations ..f tbe city. With a view of promoting the Interests of our mercantile and trade Mends, we have remonstrated with them against the practice of leav ing boxes, crates and the like In the street. Unfor tunately they have refased to accept our counsel, and now the military have decided to remove such ungainly obstructions for them. Yesterday evenlDg .the authorities deprived several bf our business men of such possessions, and thej.wM agree that it wag well done. Mebchants, teachers, pr ' men ana omr who wai.t Dusiness cirds, can gat them printed at the Progress office for $3 to $5 a thousand. And th e who want hand bill, circulars, bill-heads or anything of the kind will find in our establishment an exten sive s'ock of material which we are ai xious to work up at New Y jrk, prices. If you want printing done call and we'd guarantee the price shall be satis factory. Music and Fus. Ttiose of our people who have not vibiied the S .nfords' jremissing rare musical treats as well as a deal of fun. The singing, instru mentation, dancir 2 ai d witticisms are of the firt order, and we remind tbe patrons of cor, certs that thi y may sp n 1 wirh them & most pleasant lour. Tne tM to-i iht is a rich one and we advise all to i go and, accHjting of Sbakespear's prescriptijo, 'laugh and grow 'at.. I W K W ADVERTISEMENTS. MRS. FANtfY K&AMER, Wilmington Htreet, lUleigh, N. C, fTA JUST AKiilVliD FHUil Triti N"RrH:RN 1.X ' 1 et wh re ahr selected a tine largt stuck of i . i8, ;i-thi g. Sbntfs, Hats, Niti"n3. and 8 on. I w uld refpecif ally invite iny cattomerr aad frieads to call uud exa ni'.e my xtock ot Ladies' Dress Goods, cont-isMnsr of Cauci, DeLam. Alp tcoa, French Merino, foplm, d mbxzine, and a good many other Goods too Liumerous to uicutiou. Clothing. Full Cassimere Suita tor uieu ami youths; Dre8i Coati, Overcoau uud avbais. Boots and ihoes for Lalie, Misses aud Ojiidre.i ; aio, Men's aad Boy's Uoutd aud Shoes, of all 6 zed' and qualities. Mats Fine La lies dats and Bonnet, asd all sorts of Men's and Hoy's Hau Gentlemen's Furnishi-ig Goods. Linen, Wooicn aui Cttu nir, Haadkorobiefi, Ao. Ladies' Cloaks: B-niidclnth. Cassmirt-ti and Milk. M (JSICAL INS fuOMK To. and a fall asiorted stock of 2s U I LO8 01 all teeciiption l flitter ui.t self th it I tuve as nicAand as fine a stook of ttwdd in tfeueral a any tn ttm city, and am williBg to fell at ha luwest puMtb le cash prices. eepfiT 3oj aX$Y KRAMER. FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT. rPHE A 1 AMErilCAA &tilP BfcAjAMiN AIAMS, X fiano.n Man' c jujujn ler. durtbn 2,000 Itoas. caciiy 4 000 balfs co ton. - Is sow ready to receive trt igbi ftt Morehead City, N. C., for tbe abpve-port. Ft fieigbtoi ras ge apply io . HDGHfiS k DILL, . Jletr Bme. GEO. W. DILL, sept27 Iw Morehead City. SITUATION WANTED BY A YoUAU 1UKSHMAW, WHO HAS JUST been uiU.-ttTcd out uf tbe service, and wh i is willing t oiakc hiuia if gMueta.iy useful. H will serve aa port r in a stwrc r us laboi tr in an capacity that may bo de sired. PKaseapp y immediately at sept27 tt PttOOKES3 OFFICE. AUCTION, AUCTION, AUCTION. HAVc FiriclJ UP 07KK OUR SIORE, la: Auction Koouis, where we will receive uuiiij8 and bare wet kl? auctions. Merchants and otoers tutvihjf reiunaDts and pAkagea of poods tbat they wish to r.-ai za on at oKtt, wouiu do wtll to put them in our hand tf . t'. W ILLlAMSOiN A (. O , s.pt 27 tf Com. l rcdanta & Auctioneers. NAILS. NAILS, NAILS. iVIKKGS a AILS, "FArtKKtt MILLS ; 100 do., I JJ " baotfe Island Mills ;" 10 do., High Hhoals." Jut received at U. F. WILLI aMSOJi CU'6. sept7 tf MKAL. (( BUSHELS FREoU littODND WHITE MEAL, OU at H. F. rYILLIAMoOfl A CO. Stpt27-tf TANNERS' OIL. BARRELS TA NEKS' OIL, 5 DO. LINSEED Oil, iu itore and lor sale by i 20 sepi27-tf a. F. WlLuIJlSUN & CO, LEATHER. A Q SIDES SUPERIOR RUSSET LEATHER ; 20 DO. fcO Ki'ra Sole ; & dwin Calf Skins. or sale by B. P. WILLIAMSON A CO. sept27-tf" I 1 VERY, SALE Sl EXCHANGE STABLES, MUKET QU4RE. Wilm.ngton street, (C ay tons' old stand.) ttaleitfb, N U Carriae, Busies, aim entlftnens' and ladies' Saddle Horses constantly on hand to hire.- Carriages famished for parties, funerals Ac, and to attend the regu ar trains. Horses boarded by the day, week or month, also bought and sold. Gentlemen a-riring in town with their tetins would do well to put their horses up at these stables, as they will be properly irroomed and eard for. se,.t24 2t EASTMOXD, EDWARDS A CO. $25 REWARD XTTILL be psid and no questions asked, for any in y formation le ding to - he return of a large roan Ho se, 15 hands high. 10 years old, also an open bugey and harness, aktn from the lively stables on Maiket hqutre. Wi mingtoo street, Kaleigh. Said bng?y sap ui7ed tn be on the rond bitwen Raleigh and New Bern. fe t .6 -2t - EASTMOND, EDWARDS A CO WOOD, WOOD. THE subscriber w phes to enntract for famishing 300 . r 40C cord r -aic and hickory wood. He eaa be found Wo-jres "djoe. Sep fib BPEXCER. 4 O PARSLBT CO , COMtiiWJJ" VaHU -AMH, ADV IMPOETER8 of 0 dd ted M.olas. Ns North Waur i,et. Wilteiagt.-.-c. . C. will giT prompt prsoaaJ attntioa ut i buiaes entratd t unr care. C8t sienm- du of raw cotton, cotton yarns, dmaestiea, tobacco, nnyal stores a ur and o her oonntry produce are aolici. ted ben desired produoe will be bpp4 to our cur reipondents in Europe or tbe Northern iUM, and liberal eaeb aelranses made tbereoa. eeptJtVla M. EciTea : Tie roLiowna rs STRANGE BUT TRUE. 'Twas late last night that I wu sitting, in my chamber, lonely, knitting, Knitting on the same old stocking, I'd commenced be fore the war ; Knitting carefully, I was heeling when methought I beard one tealiag, 8tealing aoftlT up the stairway, leading to my chamber door. Thit 1 thought, and litlned mor: Soon I beard a gentle knocking hastily I dropped my w stocking ; Dropped my knitting the old stocking I commenced before the war. ! At-in, and londer, CatllA K nnii. ' . L -- bh tht l was napping ; I Me a napping ? Knitting, napping ? Me who never "Ope tbe door.5' Thi$ the voic taid Of th door I ! " "'Tis Sally's voice" says 1 'tis Sally, and I know she's got some news, And I'm powerful glad she's eome too, for I most did have tbe bines. "Sally," says I, "Sally, bowdvo ?" "What'ehe news ? Do have a chair ?" "Glorious news, my Pegy darling glotious news from Mark tSquare,' "From Shepherd' ' Store in Market Square.' At Shepherd's Store, they've got new shoes such braD new, laced up, tasseled beauties. Morocco, kid, and patent leather Congress gaiters, toe-tipped bootees. Balmoral, Prunello and Creole. Mens and women, boys and girls ; Such a sight it is to behold they're the cheapest in the world. The very cheapett in the world. And Peggy, dear, they've got new hats military ai-d ciyilian. All the style of Erenchy fashion a la Emp'rear Maxi mal ian. And I told my husband, Johnny, "throw aside tbat rusty beaver " , "Go to Shepherd's market square get a hat you gay deceiver, Get m hat, and burn your beater." Well, Peg John went to market Square he's just got back rigged up so gay, A bran new suit from top to toe and cheap as dirt, for ready pay : And I advise you, Peggy darling to give what cash you're got to spare, To your dear Bobby ia the morning and send him straight to Market Square" To Shepherd9 Store, in Market Square. "Ill doit, Sally dear" says I I'll send Bub early in the mora, I'll send bim str ight to Shepherd's Store I will as sure as I am born, Good bye, dear Sally ! Must you go? Tes good bye. Peggy now take care, Be rure tbat B b finds tbe right place 'tis SHEP HERD'S STORE, at Market Square. Sktpherd'e Store, at Market Square, We have a fine assortment of Ready-made Clothing Boots and Shoes Hats, Ac, which we will sell at very low prices. CHARLES A. SHEPHERD, Sept. 25-tf Market Square, Raleigh. WILMINGTON DAILY DISPATCH IT IS WITH PLEAUriE THAT WE ANNOGNOE to our fritadi and patrons, that the presses, materia', fee, connected with this est blbhment have arrived from the North, and the first number of tbe paper will be i-sued about the 2d day ot October. Our cotemporarie will please place us upon their list of exchanges. Every thing connected witn this orbceis new and complete, ana the type, cards, Ac , bavbeen carefully heleeted withon' regard to eost. Tkbhs One tear. $10; six months. $5; tbr-e months. $3; oe month, fl. We reap cfuiu solicit the patrona" f ur friends and tbe pub ic g n? raby. Ofhct-, No. ii Market strft. in the old Pe er Smith Building. BARRY dt BERNARD, Kditors and Proprietois. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 26 2t THE RALEIGH NATIONAL BANK Of Kortli Carol jolo, 9 RALEiOH, N. C. Authorized September 12th, 1865. DIRECTORS: Geo. W. Swbpsok, Pres't. C. P. MmokkhaH., Jos. S. ClJtOH, Vice Pres't. Jos. W. Holdiit, W. B. Oolicx, Cashier. On and after tbe 27th September, this Bank will be open for tbe transaction of Banking business. Gold and Silver Coin, Domestic Exchange aad United States, State and Local Securities b ught and sold Uncurrent money discounted on tae moat favorable terms. Deposits received and careful attention paid to the accounts of business men and Firms. Collections made at all points in tbe State of North Carolina. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Orrici of the CourraoLLBS or ihk I'caak! kSCT. i, 185.J Watbington, September Uth, Whsrias, By satisfactory evidence presented to tbe undersigned, it has been made to appear that "THE RALEIGH NATIONAL BANK OF NORTH CAKO LI A." in the City of Raleigh, in the County of Wake and State of North Carolina, has been duly organized un der and according to the requirements of tbe Act oHJo ti gress, entitled an Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a oledjre of United States Bonds, and to pro vide for the circulation and redemption thereof, appruv- Led June 3d, 1864, and ha' complied with all tbe provis ions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking under said act. Now, therefore, I, FREEMAN CLARKE Comptroller of tbe Cu-rncv, do berebv certify that "THE RAL EIOH NATIONAL BANK OF NORTH CAROLINA," in tbe Citv of Rtleigb, in the County ot Wake and State of North Carolina, is aut erised to commeace tbe bni ess of Banking under the sot aforesaid io til 1 1 9 o n 7 Currency Bureau. 8eal of tbe Comptroller of the Carreeej, Treasury Departm-Bt. whereof, wito n mr head aad of nfiM this twelfth dv of beptembr, 185. Ppt 26 Ii c omptroller. s WANTED mWO TRE5H MILCH COWS AT TBE EZCBASTGI I Hotel. Bept 3S-tf RANDALL 4 CO. Kinsey's Column ! MONEY SAVED BT COMING LATE, COMING ALL TEE TIMF, IO Ol'Y J. KINSEY'S NEW GOODS OF THE I have just returned fro-n Vev Vi-k wih a 'nrre srd well selected stock of Stnule aoJ F n y l)y (io.U Uo m and 8boee, Hats unl Caps, IU dre. en-" -ik1 Crockery, which I iff-r lor a!e at the iowtst j r c s. Call aDd vxatuii.e tbe f. Honing Beautiful Goods: MERRIMACK PRINTS, W A UII KG V l . I s T HU III().M) Hl I S, SPKAGUK f I TH, GLK, COVE PRINTS PRKKM Pit I N l'S, COM OH I) P. I vis. LONDON I'UIVIS, ALBION PRINT" MOUK.MG PRINTS. A Great Variay of ! Z pbyr Knit ilo. ds, ZhrK i M j ff' ar il Tijj)'t3, liji.kl. Slaw1., TiHp In, N i'.. Lai' L rr 11 t, P nrl Ha V ..th. . 11 Fck V i Vnt.nu Ly-'tA'u ' Tun m 1 .1 k k. Childreu' Velvet UieugA.r) 11. t-, Ladies' Dress Woolen Goods : WOOL DKLMNKS. , MIX DKLXINE. TLA I) POI'LIN. SiKiVH) lOPLINS. 5SAXONY w tilNGI'AM5, LADIK- MKI.'INODuAA ERS, BALMOU L KIU, nooi KIKIS, LADltb bX i llA FAbll'D MKUINO VRST. Nidso k, J irk ret, B ilitn, I ih L ien JKai-ktrchi'-f'. Li'ii .iinl M s-' "hila reus iJ 'Inj' r .1 II -e Lien LuU'j aud C i'hts Ii b 'iit ot Ltd!' b' Co'or d Rjf ImliMle T ri't 1 G'ov-, si k tops ; Cor tts, AI G ovrH C nr, li mo , Han Oil, El racta un I iu d . Mens' Ready Mads Ctothing, Bjofs, Shots, Hats and laps WARE, Fad locks, iiim Locks. Cutst Lo k'. J-i'es. Butt "incoj, Kn'resand Fo. ltd, S(j t, Shoe ttUittt, QhoeThrmd, Awls, Hammers Cotton aLd ool Crd, t a ( iai T. 1 an in Jc, BEST JAT COFKKK KtU COFFKR. U.-oT GIUJE TF. V 13L ifK TE V, CRUSHtD SCOAK. B.C NLGR Btal uvN UULEANd a Y '''. cO.'A, SPICE, CLOVEN. JNUTMEO COPTER . I'M KS. Bi.. K I'K''PEI1, LO'tKl LLa.?vL a. Urr', MOM RACK GINUhK, LOXUOVSaUOK, uarrhtt, t ukk e sd c.iackeks, Country Merchant are rp.r n v inrited n cill and examine my aisort uent'o' goo Is ia t"re. I Inv. -n tere?t-d in w buin-' a t aem in .N' Y It, w i w ill . purchase at ail tim-i ad In i. al n rqiir-d. Die 'OWest who ega'e prices. Tfie elo e I : i in kr it f r your i terest to bay of me aut small m"un'. ot oodj you may want. J KIN SKY. Ralkic-u, y. C, Firrtterille st . com r ! 'a ke Square. . . hll'OKiAM NOTICE 'r'HEstock'ioide s if t'te ?eac i..iiiutt me nqu-nted I to fe present in person -r t p"f.xf a in-i-nn o be hald io the cur of Ka-i?- n t h- !i'h "t O -n r-r i Co. This notioe is cien t eoao.- ii-cko''" t h a d r'aife to s'nd8 in their proxies or -- dele, arc 'if Mau Conrentin. f HHdK. spt9 t et 1 T-t-s-unt A' McCOfifBIS & CHILD, Commission I civ In nts, Pfo 11 Water Street, New York. Liberal adrances ma1- on C N'Til Sres. &3 flULBEUT A McLEAV, Agm s, MpUB-Sa N'tw Uwrae, X. O.

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