..mil in mil! mni'l v 3 .-! r. I, BY J. L. PKSXISGTOJi & CO. a 1 ATE COS V K K U N. V KbHKf DAT, Oct 4.1865. ; . The Convention w; s called to od- r at 1 1 'c ck. a, in. Piayer bv the Rev. D. B. Nicholson, of the MetDudist chut CD., The journal of Tuesday was read and approved. . UKFIMlSrfKD BUSINESS. Sir.-. Clark's resolution em towering the Prwdent of the Convention to aMntt reporter a t exceeding five in number, and assign them aears in the hall, wa read. ., Mr. Kettle in ed to anund by stiikiog out the words " five in number." Mr. Clark disclaimed any intention to limit the nam ber o1 reporters, but to leave th m ttter at the discretion of the President, where it properly belonged. Mr Donnell presented th following a .n amendment to the amendment, which, Mr. Sett e'a motion being withdrawn, wai.agreetl to : Retohtd, Tl at stenographers wishing to take down debates, stiall be admitted at the discretion of the Presi dent, who shall assign tbctn cuoh places on the fl wr, or elsewhere, to flct their oljct, as shall not interfere with tb- Convention. Mr. King's resolution authorizing the purchase of a National Uag to be raised over V e Capitol, was adopted. Mr. L -fan's resolutioa fixing the hours of ese ting and a-j mnuient was, on motion of Mr. DoDnell, laid on the table. Mr. Donnell thought the arranging of these hoars at this time premature. Mr. Conigland's resolution asking inf irmation of the Governor in epard to the specie value of b ind and notes, was laid on the table on motion Of Mr. Qriesotn. Mr Coni?land ez .lained his motive for the introcuc tion of the res tution, expressing his unquilitied opposi .tion to the arcuuiption bv the State ot any pirt of the .debt contracted in aid of the late rebellion. Mr. Moort, from the committee on subjects for the -consideration of the Convention, reported as follows : The committee appointed to report the subject matters proper for the act'h of . jaarcntin and the number cf committees inces.ary for the proper disposition ol the fame, hare ha1 the same under consideration and re spectfully report It appear to your committee that the business proper for tun Convention will be must convenie ltly brought before the Convention under the heads of the folioa iog resolutions rbih are reported simply as a pUu of ope ra tions and not as indicating an opiaion on the meiits of any of the resolutions : Rtiolvtd. By the delegates H Convention assembled, that a con mi' tee be appointed eonHstinir of two uettibeis from end! judicial di.Miict. to enqui-e into th propriety of limiting the number nt .Justice of the Peace for each Countv, and the uut t ffieient mode of d'-ing th; same, and if they fchall be of opinion that th number ought to be Ihu'td. to j-cp ! t an oidinarce to tha' effect. Rcnolv'd, Funher. that a Committee be appointed to revise the Constitution of the State b" collecting tojreth r and arrang ng. under artichs, s-'eMons and clauses all such paitu a belong to the same tubj ct matter, with such changes in the language a are made necessary by the amendments ad ited at rarions times, omitting all St ch ars are o solete or'coi diet with tha Constitu tion of th U ited Matt s, prenuug the constitution as One instrument without any essential change in sub stance. Reiohtd, 1 hat a Committee of eleven bi appointed to report the proper action of the Convention io refertnee to the Sececsio . O dinanc ot 20th May 1861. Resolved 'I hat a Committee ot eleven be appointed to report toe proper action of tbe Convention in reference to th abolition of slarey. ' " Eexofvtd That a Comm'ttee of tvo fro to each present Ctniei"iial Disti ict be pp inu-d whseduty it shall be to lay 6 IF me State into seven Congressional Dis tricts. . j Itttolvtd That a Committee of eleven be appointed whoiieduiy it Lali bt to report what act of tne Con. vention. the Legislature, and the Courts, since JO'b Mav i86l hah be dt clared in loiceb.v this Convention. Retolwed, That a 'Summit tee of two "rom eaob Con grtt tonal Disttict a now c rtituted oe appoinud, to whom rha.' be referred ah amendments to; tbe Con atitotj' n t otherwise "reterr d Mr Phillip moved tnat the lules be suspended s that rthe report initbt be conoid tied today. Agreed to jaod the rep" t was adopted Mr. Jacktuocijt Bm lolph p-esen ted a resolution ask iginf 'imut n o4 tiie toveno'- in regard to the Mate 'r1eb' t t tie Kep rter w maneie reuuK tnac re 'km ii be iut i hed in lull wb n thev cuaie up a f. Hi t act'oi . As th y lie oyer one day uod r tbe rale, th VVIU US e.H reperuj-.n ) - Dt ANC8. Mr M orn wke an nJiance in id'atim tn the eltcii'.t. 'a.du.. '10i4,t u 01 WUibeia .f the Gene.ml A Mr'B.'en m. Te s-ti-pafiislon of th rules, and ihit the or mane- be'Mciet. ,B Mr. P.. whs not p.ep, ' d . to rot" ,m. qa-twn wi-jont turtherexainin tio;.lu rovuioni u , the ordinn 'e . , . . Mr But., i d. predated surh -- iMton. anj auoy d to av iMr. Mod. n'! motion Q the tabi Afrt0 to nd the ordin mce lies Ver. Mi. Munlv an Urdin nc- in r jja t to th- auh-ntivrA tion ol oioii.ancer and othir nets oi the Conv. ntion. Mr Joiie. ft hiiAHt) nn oidnnce providing tor the I lecii"Uot - umcipxi otfirer ii the ate at an early day ; ( Designates ThU'tda) the 19ih of Oct.) as the df ot election. ? Mr Jones of Kowan. an ordinance to reneal th or- din nee of ficcfMini .ms d bv ih- Cod vent ion f I8il WHKHhAS. A L nr. i tion -f the pe-p" .fNulti Car I olina did on the 2dhay ot May 161 ft an oidi '".nsnre pu eniinjjr m temin. t ipal the o dinance of 1787 aud to eerer ihe lezal cn'i cti.'n exiatintf between th? ntateol Nort Ca-oiina nud the Feierl U i n.coiu v ni'inh ral'ed the O.dina C - of c-pion ; nn i. when a "wlii'e thii fori venit n d ies not in any manner endorre e th ory of a e.-aon yet. a oiie respect to i he mi n y3niSti!t so many ol out f:ilow tit zen who did. at.d in ordr t lenve no itripeduu jot it tn wav 'f a corn at rehabilitation of the Stte. rende s the repeal of tlie at'ore I said called Urdin c ol Sece. sun if n t nerefis-aty. At least expedient and pr ier. I herefore be it ordained ly i- the D leateaof this Conyen ion. i . cimventi m a-ieiiib i i. andt is hereby otdaiieu by aubotity ..I'tn- sine. that f thf nforaid oidinnnce, ia'itiei the 2 jiU of May 1861, e aud ihe t'liB is herebv repealed The cbai.r ai;nou fed the following as the committfe ; on the ordin ance .f s Cex.-iou : Mess s. Bo dtn, Uatren. B ookn, Logan, Bniwit. Ni hoUon,(iri8t,u"i, Starbutk, uuui ey oeiry atd Pal ' terson. Mr Boyden reqvt-fled permission for the committe t o I ritire at once in orcr to bo enabled to report at an eat -- ly honr. -j, No objection being raided the committee retired. The following wat an uaceJ as the c unmitte e on tbe ? abolition of slaveiy : . I Messrs. Settle. Hen'rv nf Maonn. Conitrland. Howard . gNoifleet, Burgin. Jackson. Donnell, Kuasell, Stewart uu rtuicioin. f v . Mr Love, a resolution df-elaring North Carolina, in if the Uuion, atMi ming the abolition ol slavery, aid prc ( Tiding for the election of a L.eut. Governor, and de f. olaring the white basis of representation. I The following delega'es no m pose" the committee on tbe I revision of the constitution : ' Messrs. Moore, of Wake, Wm. E.ton, Jr , Thompson, Caldwell of Burk, and McOorkle. j Mr. B iyden from tbe committee on secession preent u ed tbe toliowiug ordinances as the report of the commit tee. AH OSDIMAKCB DiCLARJNS NULL AND VOIO TBB OaDINANO or mat 20ih, 1861. Be it deolared and o darned by tbe del egates of tbe good people of tbe State of ftorth Carolina in Con vent ii n aaaembled, and ic is hereby declared and ordained, that i he on inance of tha Convention of the State ol North Carolina, ratified on the 2lst day of No vember 1V9. whioh auopted and ratified tbe Constita lion ot tne United b tales, is now and at all times since tbe adoption and ratification thereof, batb been in full force and ffcct, notwithstanding tbe supposed ordinance of tbe 30th cay of May 1861, declaring that tbe same.be repeated, rescinded aud abrogated, an I (be said sup posed ordinance is now and at mil times bath been, null and void. Mr Smith, ot Johnston, moved a susDeniion. of tbe rules and that the ordinance be put upon in several read ing. Mr. Manly said be hoped tbe rules would not be sns vended. Time tbculd be fiven for reflection whan mat ters of 8'1 much importance w' re undr consideration, and tbv sbruid not be parsed upon witnout mature de liberation, lie txptesed vt intention to offer a substi tute modiutpg pan a of tne mdtnanre, and moved to laj Air. Dumb a Biouon on toe 'able. Mr. Br'wn also op -oged the bnapensirt on tbe jouod tbat surhcient time boold be given tor consideration. 4r. Phillips remarked tbat ibe adoptiooof tbiamoUom would also table the oidiuanoe. Mr. Manly withdrew bis motion. .' r. Smith withdrew bis motion to sospesd tbo nilcf ana uteordrnance tl s over. . - The Committee onliuneral Amnesty consists of tba loilowinir delegates : Messrs. Gilliam, Caldwell, of Guilford Claike, Cow- VOL. VI. per, Furches, Gahaean, Henrahan, Jarvis Jones, of Kowan ; Lash, and Love, T Jack .n. On motion tbe Convention adj mrued till Thursday 11 o clock. . ' Well Said. The Artiet lite Ncto siys, editori ally : It is sreatly to ba hopd tint hencfarth North Carolina may be free from that ft-re pirtizin spirit which, in forratr timw, contribute.! a i much to re tard her material prosperity aid advancement. Tnat there will be diffi -rences of, opinion as to any line of policy, is to be eXDected:' and if nilifiiwl within proper bounds, we do not know that it is oH'ch'ona- i ut ei . i . . J I uie. out mat tierce, relent l, pros.-np tv spirit, that would m.ke every thiatf, even the public g xi, bow at the shiine of party, is to be feared asd exe crated. The public go d, before private ends, ia a m st wh'lesoma ooliucl aiiom ; and if thii ppirir actuitelall, what a glortour coau.ry we shonld h ive ! Heoc forth let every truo son of North 0r lm i fe. 1 that his best ffrtg are dae to hi Staf, thvt her Oounrflf si regar may be developei her intern il imprcmnjentB perfected, and her people taku the high and enviable position the Go 1 of nature d sigod them to occupy. Tho grand old North Sute ia emi nently worthy of the love and labor of ad her soup. Lnt these who will, beek homes and f rlunfs else where ; but let those who love-her, remain, i d set k to build up and stret gthen, btiauti y ami adorn our i wn lovid con.monwealth. A liier;il 8)sietn of in trtial improvenietitf wide-reaching educi(io ial ii fluenre, ai d th pr per ra-iral culture, will, i i a fw year?, ruk N rtii Cin'i a truly the paradise of the earth. Her people ara law-ahiiJiT, sob r, upright ami ho iest pr .ivHmUliy g . I, t tht. triits in their chtra:ter be as-i lu os'y cultivated aiiil d-velojxd, and tvery mail feel t t. up n him l idi vidually rests thn rep i isi- iiitv of m i .t ii h and upholding the civil i latito'i a i! i ho State. E.-hev partistu politics, and w nk I ir ihe g od ami g'ory of oHr noble old State, an 1 you will Imve an i uieri tarice of priceless valuJ to y -ur children aid your children' children. A terrible case of hum in death, from ctt'e nlagn'a has occurred in Eogbud, at 8u Imirv, m Suffolk. M Robert John Plumby, a veteti ay sureoo nt th-u town, made a partial post mortem ex laiiaaiian ot the carcass of a cow which had oeen shoi i i co is- quence of being afflicted with the prevailing diabase. 1 doiDg so his shirt sleeves became saturated with blood. Hewent home, was taken ill, and died at the eud ol three days. His body presented all th" appearance of death from putrid fever and mortifhati n. It in supposed that some of th virus of the diseased beast entered his ystsm through a boil he had on his arm. A short time ago another veterinary surgeon died from the bite of a carrion fly. Wm. Stark, of Manchester, N. H., received by the ship Qdconda whioh arrived at Boston on Monday, from dlcutta, a white sacred Brahim cow, a lot of Patnah goat, nme Hindoo sheep,' as veral Gange3 gees, and gome E st In ha deer. They ara desigoed t- r his park in Manchester, on the Merrimack, where he has the largest nrivate collectioo of ra.e animals a d hirds io the U lited States. Q lite a cumber f commisioaed officers of volun ' h uder the rank of Co ouel, now employed t-n !tff ind temp irary Hgit duty, wou d cheerful'y re--i)in their cx m niwious an retire to civil lite, hm by s d ing they I. rf it the three month' pay award d o ftictTH fh"D mustered out, whi.h is nut given to resigned fflcerg. Mj.su Augnsta St. Clair, -44 a petite y ung ladv, scar ely twi-my,'' as been lecMtrin; on Ma riage and Female E lucatibn in Cleveland. The Plai dealer says the lecture was - all very fioe in t'iery, but wily den Metit to practice. 4 vvtien you come . K tiiaeritH Sjrnmv .yniil th pldn.- Vfr VVt.llr you n4,w 9 g a many things as you don t know now Faoii Fern ,n tn,s N 'w Y k Lier, says she nt -, r.t hi nJ 11 y btflon to o wnmio's rights convention ; vae j ,sta lil,,e n-m, lour teelinstatue who voulu urn :U rather love than hat everything and evei '' ?n loveiv ,i i i u - M-tVtf frie '.; than worm ; who nan umvi icinici - - r i ii .- .iir her tlmiHTnia etietu es n sne couia viiuuui iuu' or her pen. Two btatant rebe K;ntu :kian have got them selves into a difficulty m New Y irk. O i a Uu U on river steamer they off isivcd v avowed theitMelves . ..... . V If I . rebels, and one or them tl tally got into uimtui with wajte and staboe I him. Tuy wer.s both arrested whe the boat arrived in N ;v Y irk. Miramon. the M xicui G.-nara , U n traveling; in Europe, a d ha nc6v y irnvelat Berlin. look-like dashing, reckless sohlier, who coui t never b j depended upon by h-8 supei iois, though they could not fail to appreciate tin process in tl e field His beat ine is very gentlemanly, and will, no doubt, gain him excess to European society part cularly as his wife is an elegtnt and cultiva ed lady. A correspondent writes from Charleston that tbe Mtrcuru is shortly to be reestablished under the auspices of its former proprietor, R. B Riett, Jr. A good deal of curiosity is felt to know what will be its particular line of politics ana doctrines to be advocated It is repened th t the edifor ha aire, dy taken grounds igainst the adoption by the State Convention ot the Constitutional Amenu ment abolishing slavery. An opposition paper. called the Independent African to be p iblisheJ by T. Hurley and John Bonam, the former a white man and the latter colored, is anoouncio! to appear almo-t at the same time as the Ala cut y. The pro- i rietors havh issued their circular and caused con siderable of a sensation, some of our more bery tempered youths having resolved that it shall nev er have any other than a feeble and short lived ex istence. The Portland (Me.) PrtiM proposes tohivefnh scriptions opened for an Atlantic able from that city to the Cane of Good Hope, tbe subscriptions to be paid as soon as the cable is laid ia gojd worziog older. Pithole, tbe great oil city In Pennsylvania, was thus tamed in eoi8jueoce of an extraordinary pit or Oavern tbat exists about three mi'es from tbe cry Io this pit stones are thrown, but they are never heard to drop. Its depth has not yet been fathomed. J. D. Pdlsson has receive 1 his commissi n and catered upon the discharge of tae duties o! Pobtmas- m&ster at WiimiogtoQf Tbo office of tke Pitubrjrg, Fort Wayne and Chi cago railroad at Patuburg, was robb d of 35,000 on Friday last. It was stolen from a safe, evident ly by some one who bad access to it. A locomotive on the Northwestern Bailroad ex ploded at Chicago, Saturday, killing the engineer and a woman named Mrs. Dyer. Several other persons were injured two fatally. RALEIGH, THURSDAY, OCT. 5, 1865. NO. 276 Metuters Elect to the State Convention. BelowL-e present a coTected list of the delegates to the aate Convention now 1 in session in this city : Alma ance Giles Mebanc, Dr. Jno. W. McCau ley : Alexnder Mr. Stephenson; Ashe -Mr Baker: Aftsort-L L. Polk, V C Smith. Beaufjrt -R. S. Donnel, E J. barren J Bertie-Lewis Thompson, John Pool. Blade Duncan Kelly. I Brunsjrick Daniel L. Russell. f Bunccinbe L. L tewart. BurkepTod R. Caldwell. Cabarius Dr L. S. Bingham, . Caldwell Rufu- L Patterson. Caradm D. D Feiebee. Cartaret Jantes Rumley. i' Caswell B dtorti -Brown, Montford McGebee. Catawba Dr. .!. R. Ellis. V Chat ham -G P. Moore, Jahn A. McDonald, Robt. Love. Cherokee Mr. Dickey. Chowan -Dr. R. 11. Winborne. Cleaveland-D. Beam and R. Swan. Colum us A J. J -lie. Craven (J. 0. Chik and M E. Manly. Cumberland nd HarnettNeill McKay, R. P. Buxton, D. G. Mi Rae. Currituck Thus J Jarvis. Davidson Henderson Adams, S. S. Jones. Davie D. M. Furches. Duplin Rev. D B Nicholson, William A. Allen. Edg-combe and Wilson John Norfleet.. Forsyth .1 G Lish a d 11. D. Siarbuck. Franklin P II W inston, Jr Giston Dr. Win. Sloan. f Gi en -Henry W ilh y. Granville R. B Gilham, Eugene Grisspm, E. B. Lyon Greene R J Williams. Guil ord I) F. Caldwell,, Jonathan Harris. Halifax -El. Conigland. V. W. Brickeli Haywood W. G. B. Garrett. Henderson and Transylvania A. H. Jenes. Hertford Richard G. Cowper. Hyde Jones Spencer. y Iredell John H. McLaughlin, S. R. Bell. Jackson J. R Love Johnston Win. A Smith, Simon Godwin. Jones F G Simmons. Lenoir R. vv King. Lincoln W. P liynum. Macon R. M. Henry. Midison- Mr. Gahagan. Martin Jesse R. Stubbs. McDowell Alney Burgin. Mecklenburg Thomas N. Alexander, A. Mclvor. Montgomery M-- Spencer. Moore A R. McDonald. Nash A B. Barnes. New Hanover Wm. A. Wright, Dr. Hanson, F. Murphy ' ' North -nipt on Jno B Odum, Wra. Barrow. Onslow Isaac N- Sanders. 0 -ange-John Berry, S. F. Phillips. Pasquotank George W Brooks. Perquimans Thos. Wilson. Person E. G. Reade. Pitt rhurchil Perkins Rindolplr S. S Jackson Z.'bedee Rusb Richuiorfd - Alfred .-Docker v. Roheso N. A. McLean, Nat. McLean.' Rockingham Thos. Settle, RoA'an r-N. B ydeii, I. W Jones. j Rutherford and Polk G. W. Logan, C. ,L. Har ris. ... . . - ; Sampson A. A. McCoy, Thos. J. Faison. Stanley, Janu;s M McCorkle. Stokes y-A H.Joyce. Surry M-. Faulkner. 1 yr ell, Charles MeCleese. U iin Samuel IL Walkup. Wake W 11. Hodge, W. II. Harrison; B. F Moore. Warren Wm. Eaton. Jr., P. H. Joyner. Washington J. C Jotinston. Watauga Mr: Bradley Wayne W. r Fan-cloth. J T. Kennedy.' " iikes Sam'l S.nith, Mr. Bryan. ! Yidkm Tiios II ynis Yaucev and Mitche 1 - G. Garland.- i Th C!h:trlHtton (jfnir.r oi toe 19 of Sen'tember con'a'ns Article I (" D clara'ion of R glu 'j f ihe draft ol ihetiew Sin e Coiistiiuiion, wh.i'h has been laid before the Con eoiion ol South Carolina. A has already been announced by teleg aph, it abol ishes Slavery and involuntary Kervi ude. The other sections contain nothi g that materially Jit ters from the Constitution of other Slates. Secti n 9 provides th t liberty of the pr ss shall oe forever inviolably preserved. The official report of the famous standstill race between the Winooki and he Algonquin, states that the economical performance of each vessel was t quil, that the a raogemenr, of the Winooski's tna cninery s the simplest and most convenient possi ble, and its economy ol fuel equal to that given by the very complex ues gn of the Algonquin. The Navy Department ex resses ita de'ertnination to continue the dock trial until the test has been com pleted, as required by the contract, or Mr. Dickin s n dmiu his inability to complete it. As soon as the Algonquin is ready the test will be resu ned A corresdondent in the oil regions has visited Mil er Farm. He says: I observed a small build ing standing near the depi , evidently run as a hotel for on a board politely suspended from the front of tha domicil, were the significant words, embodying both a c s iomen and a i invitatim : Devp Drop Inn " But I didn't go in. The act is, I didn't have nine. B ir I am sure the landlord, whose name ii Djod, is a Yankee and a genius. A Missouri man went to tbe war, leaving a wife an : to chil.lren. He was given up for ded, and his supposed widow ieca-ne a wiie at d a m thtr aain. The 'fi'St husband laie'y returned safe and sound ; the tw hath 'd and the double mVe calmly talkdd the m t ter ver, audit wa lelt for tbe woman todecid wb '8 wife she would b. She chose her firat luv-, and her " Phi ip Biy " took hi children, nade hU wife g od-hye and bt tried for the SjQtb. Nj romance io that, i ot a good deal of reality. Th aTincnt. of th T.forty Loan antWijwd by Coogns- w.s $JOO,000 000. 0 thi $174,000,000 waslssaed wbeo operationa in connection witfl the loan were discontinued. It U now tbooght probable tt at S"retarv Co I loch will soon place tbe remain lLg $27,000,000 oa the market. Baron vVeddersedt, tbe Minister nt Swedan to tho United States, is about to be allied bjr tnatri mony to an accocopUabed young lady of Boston . THE CITY. Cottos Bcbxt. A tr ol cjic a bl .a ioir tn a M Warfi.-W. entin;ng: thirty x b ea, w.i tu-nt at th. N. C. depot yestenia- eveain;. The cotton ciubt frn a s aik from th-i - jine. ni the wind beinsr prti high, the flimes bffl -i entirely theff .rt- of tbe rail oa employee to extinjrais. them Tbe track was trntd and tha car tu uble 1 a fa I -ed d a th- emb ikmei Other cottoa io the yard caagrtt, bat til but about fnu bales were v d bv .h io lelitigable exertions of Uajo Hodjr- and hii subo dins es, Nobody cn bi bla a d but thi aforaid "park at too mu'h credit cannot ba given Mr. Mioer, as; nt of tin U. S. military r ilro&d, a id Mr. Prayn. of the q iarte master' department for their aatirin ezertioaf i behalf of Mr Warndd'i iotereiU. J N., the phi! pha? an I oq of aasb speak "ng, d not appear as announced, lait night, oa acsiait of tht eclipse of th inia or fro n i n j ither otue, bat say he wilt norate at the capital to-ntjr&t. He wanU ci izens to attend anl take their faat ilies which they can do if th-y ahone, bat if jo it mast be or. their responsibilit y ant a t oara. Hh talc h to be or the war. of which wj h tv j h ur i a ? vj I deal heretof ore Fiftt roca Forty Foaxv rooa oa Fioht. Foreverv thine or anything yoa want in the hardware line go t 44 "ajetteville street. Mr. Carraway, with Hart & Lewis, at the ;bove placi can erhib t one of the largest stocks in the State, and sells as prices that suit th. times. rHB Raleigh Bible 0 mio.Utfj wul huld meeting in the I'resbyieriao Church, ia thU c.tv. on M nday afte r n on.O tober 9th, at 4 o cl ick, for the purpose of or gaDizing a permanent Bible Society Auxiliary to the American Bible Society. AcciD8NT. A. M. Murray, connected with the Military railioad bstwean Ualeihand .Vewbern, was accidentally killed in Newbern Taesdav m rning, by being crashed bet veen to cars He was in Raleigh on Sunday, and left here on Monday morning. Hon. W. R. Bridger. President of the W. W. Railroad, was in the city yesterday. We were pleased to learn from hiin that trains would run over the whole length of his road in a few days. He is now making through trips, but some bridges are to be finished before the track is complete. i Hats not referred to the almanac and know not what it says of th event, but there was an ec'ipseof the moon at an early hour last night, visible to the naked eye. It was visible when the moon just appeared and lasted some two hours, a email portion of tbe disk only being ob scured. thb National Bank has commenced business at the old itand of C. B. Root, Esq., Fayetteville street. The interior of tha building is being refitted in a very hand so -ie manner. Nhw Fiai. We call attention to the advertisement of the M eisrs. Barhatn, whj have associated themselves together for the purpose of doing an auction and com mission business. That's What's thb Mattbr I The inimitable Billy Vaughan, with his far-famed opera troupe, is in town. They performed list night in the . Market Hall, giving unqualified satisfaction to aimirers of tbe "light fantas tic toe," and eliciting heavy applause by their laughable delineations of negro cbaracer. They perform again to night. Go and see them. MONEY AND STOCK MARKET. CCBRKCTKD BY J HS O WILLIAMS, BS KER. Prices of North Ctrnh'na Bank Notes. B k ot N rth Cito in i, 85 ; Bi k of Cape Forir, 35 ; B k ot Cnar ott-. 25 ; Biuk of L"Xington, 25 , IJ K.k .f K x-ior U4h, 35 ; Bi'ikof Wades b roug i, 20; Bo- of Thomas.vt.le, 20; Bmk of Wilming ton. 20; B ink of C iramerre, 20 ; Bikof Wsnin; to , 15 ; B nk ot Fivtvil e. 15 ; B k C ir. . I -ii. 15; B"-k "f V in.'ewii.., 15; Mi-cs' ll r.i..-t,-' B i b. . 30; Pi me 's B iuk, t il : ;: . 30; C ""iier i ii B k. VVjimi. gton, 15 ; Merchant. B..-fr, N .-r- , 30 ; Gt .: rotig-. M !:.', 10 f d 140; S v I i5; OJ G 'ip.ns. 37; li . ' : C u f. 40 NEW DVPRTISEMBN18 44 FYETTEVIl,LB ST It RET, HALEIG-H,N.C. 7K I n V P K SP C1AL A n'K TIO.V OF I'uK- cbaeis to our large and Interesting stuck ot MIS ELL NE0US HARDWARE, Wooden Ware, Willow Wa-e. Crockery Ware, Glasd Ware; China Warp, P..t and Hallow Ware, Stone Ware, Tin Ware, Iron and Steel, Buggy Material, Bridles, baddies. Harness, Collars, Ac , Lamp Lanterns, OiU, Faintt, Varnish is, and Brushes. Alio FAMILY GROCERIES. In fact for anything in the HOUSE KEEPING LINE Call at 44 Fayetteville Street. D. TT CARRAWAY, With Haar 4 Lawn. Oet b tt J. Q. A. BiaHAM W. K. BiasiM. FIRM. THE DVDErt8I0NED HA h ASSOCIATED THEM-a-lves for tbe purpose of establishing ia RaJeigh an AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE and General Aeeney for eeUinz and buying property of . t . n mw.A .iurfin all mnrtu nf DUineM- One of tha firn being a practifiAg lawyer, we are pra pated to give legal adviee. exaanne and adjwt tui, draw conveyances, and attend to professional business generally, both in and out of tbe courts. Tbe name of tbe firm is ' B ABEAM BROTHERS, Oct -tf OJSce two doors above Pregrass Offlee. TERMS. R 1 TJP.C i.i DaiUivT vvCtClPT10X. " 3 uautn.-;;;: JSr ",J i Vr"' 3t0 AH order, ma.t '"V.. Z rr ta- pit r iue UjULrj. AD Vt:iiTli o Urdmarv adm.. luaeriiun tl uu l o i o '- Oi- 3 uii 1 , 1 . ' V etWj.. I il lilt,., .4 ii 5C 00 l' t b 15 10 lU :u t o 5t- uu U.teCt .will I , " I I 1 r . ec-b,geU lu ii.c. p.i,,,, "v'ci YEAULY CUM H acts illbem.d.i,,...,, UuU , Wirr.tll)r,-P 4 column, liluuibtuo, l 4u h x. . h ' e 1 4 3 Uc ti . u 5u wj lv0 Usj 1 1 t 3 3 & 4 i i i 4 I i ii i Yii i . ii to . 1 . 5 U 1 m. lul,e wuo c..Liici i.,i one U u L i.i . i , Uw. , t..r .Uo. ,u.ee au,or lmvl'K ' Alladvcnuuis must be ma Krd a spct.L.c uli OUh CIRCULATION islargerintbecityaudvLrouom Ult Sute lU m tbe cam.- anU au.o iuc yvytK bs . tuc. .a y ..umber ul per8ou6 tUAu aa- y,,, ' importance a auadveriui uiuiu Lu Lul Ut 0 r lovacd by busiuets men. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special Notices wih be set il miuu, leaded, ar.d in. rted unuer tbe v.u A'te ut.u, auu Ubt uw.Ur 4Uare chargea lor evei in. v. iiou. LOCAL COLUMN. Only short notices will be aamitteu to the Local Ctt amo, at tbe toliowing i ates : Jue Line, One Day $1 00 I Thiee Lines, One Day 12 Qt iwoLinti, 1 5u J rive Liue, " i t len Lines, or more, at the raie oi l wcntj-bTe Ceuia a uine lor each insertion. FUNEUAL NOTICES, MARRIAGES, de. Will be charged same as Adverliseiutiiik, mi.o uauit b paid tor when bajdedin, or they will not acinar. The above Kates will be adhered to in all mstV, and as we have to pay cash for everything in eur business, wa must demand cash. June, 26, 1865. J. .. PENNINGTOV A CO. TO SUBSCRIBERS AND ADVERTISERS. We have tw pay cash lor paper, ink anu labor, and we must have more cash troin those lor whom we work or we cannot pay our currentexpenses. Weknowlhera is but little money incircniation,buttbere are bat tew persons who waut a newspaper tbat cannot spat e tha money to pay tor it. Personsieeing their paper marked must remit the money or it will be stopped. Advertisers mast pay in advancefor alltranslent mat ter, and business men who advertise regularly willk expected to pay their bills monthly . Job Printing mustba paidfor whendelivered. J. L. V. & CO. PROGRESS FF f TWO POWER PRESSES AND OVER OAE HUADRED FOATS OF TYFJE ! Bythe accession to mr establishment of an entire Printing Office, we now have the largest and mos i.ciu; ujete JOB PRINTING OFFICE in tbe ate, and we solici i w i-rk. G-ORDON JOBBER OYLINDEK POWEft PRj.i P. b : ) i i 1 ii -x ; -1 en i 1 1 i ; ri i w i ; i . ,i f - d a ;i.iti v da te ' e-. ii i . i i - . a. Viiii, nil a. n - a' i i. ins1 i . i ry . V, in-prepare t- priiit I v ' ' 111 LLf, U W M.S, 1 1 m ; i i. :IIJ. llr.ALlS, Ti K T v it s , w r.,i,i . re Ki .w', !UK-i. Oil I.O -l .S ' v -F.TS. Lb. I' l Ii H ' A US, 'KUvjItAMM KS, Alp., ir. We i a ve ' n 'iten ' svok men 4rnl . rn pi tt r t . d f tcli ma v rel iel on h. all c tses, hihJ a - tl a l fr.un ai.' who 'iave pruning t-do. (yl0 J. L PBSI.GTt)N Ai CC FOR SALE, AT A B 1RUAIN . I MJltiAV .-T iLiiiii.i, 5 Yn..t U..i. VKIiY I hiiito! tnl 41 lnt'il - ul I e u ri'-, ilig.in arness. Inquire of -t r. t;..w :er A C , at r.st ii ni, I v ii-'Js A 'a S tble-, r ol .Undm 4 Co., .X'-n II tii ct 3 lw aOMtTUI.NG GtXiD TO SMOKE ASD L K I N K t ( w w BtTI'LKS VLttV ribT OLpB'UuBON tUUw VVM.kv v IU 0U0 I'nine rfarana Sgar, a g-nam article. I Burel Supeiiur App e Brau i , t ktr,l totak. Rtfteiv. d aud lor aate at ,,,,, 1V j, rn Uct3,f B P WILLIAMSON A CO. AUJTIOV. AUCTION, AUCIIO.. WTr. tlAVc Firi'-.L U' uVti't ufjii SiOKE, VV la-in Aucti.a M...U3. wber e i I h-cmv Goods r,a tv .v k!e auctioua Merchant and otrrrs having remnants and pickles f g...d- tha to reafseoo axoaea, would do eil t.. pat ih- i r bands B. '. WILLI AMMi.N A 0 , sept27 ti Com. I rcnapta A Ancnonters. TO PRINTERS. n.vn A FIRT-RAT SO. Z w A wli OTOM AND A Miwa for sale nearlra tnoa a new. KriCe ittpdeWorVaiw "onVif $300 Will be sol. a. .Uv ifappliedfor imaediately. APj)JpEVVI.VGT05, Btpi-Hfc Progress Pace. McCOMBIE & CHILD, Commission Merchants. 5o. 11 Water Street, New York. Libval advanoee' made on Cotton, Xaval Stores. Ae HDLBEBT A McLEA-V, Agent,, Pt,i.3m New BrneN . n iirn TMTrP! ROARDIXG U nx A mt ixc " .wr-e T MHS. M. J. rMJWSff. SO..ISFIHtI- ville street, lor a lew tau"- "rr -Q'x t,t 1 n