BY J. L. PENNINGTON. MTATJfi CONVEMTION. I Oct. 16th 1866. Convention (failed to order by the President. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Stewart, Delegate from Buncombe. Journal of Saturday read and adopted. Mr. Wilson moved a 5 suspension of the rules in order to take up the ordinance providing for the sup port of pauper freedman in North Carolina. Agreed to, and the ordinance passed its 2nd and 3rd read- 10 Mr. Dob cell cffered the petitionf Tfaeo. JHughe?, of Newbern, asking tor a committee 10 ce apuiu,, whose duty it shall be to examine his transactions as agent for the Statr, in the :arch30 of rosin, &c. Messrs. DonrieU and I Manly bore witness to the good character of Mr. Hughes, and thought the prayer of t he petitioner reasonable and jast. The petition was received, and the following com mittee appointed : Messrs. Wright, Caldwell ot Guil ford, and Congla:id. , Mr. Eaton t ffered a resolution praying Congress to repeal the test oath passed in 1862 ' i Mr. Caldwell oi Guilford, presented an ordinance promising that the debtiol North Croiina shall be sealed, and the Treasurer authorized to issue bonds for the amount, and negotiate siles of the same. The war debt, pot to be taken into the amount) Mr. Thompson, of Bertie, presented a resolution, that when thi3 convention shall adjourn, it adj mm to meet again on the 2nd Thursday in May, 1866, or soouer, on the call of the Governor of the State. Mr. VVinton amended by substituting the 4th for the 2od Thursday, accepted, and the resolution passed. . , Mr. Winborne mved that a committee of five be appointed to examine the calander and repoit what ordinances andYesolutidns are necessary to be acted on by this convention, and suggest a day for the adjournment of this body. The president appointed Messrs. Winburne, Brooks, Starbuck, Borden and Mebane, said com mittee. . : . . Mr. Giliiam proposed an ordinance concerning re signations and ; vacancies in this Convention re signations to be made in writing to the Governor, i . . u fill.! t.rr writs nf plprt.Tirt ISSned ftDU YHCH11V1C" 1J " ui" J by the Governor, &c. ReaJ three times and passed. Mr. Burgen uioved to suspeud the ruled and take up the ordinance relative to the basis of Representa tion. Not agreed to. nr. Tf r,f V j b-n rrnnr,zad an ordinance to iu. ; . a.ia uvii . ui r r w - . nhm r. r.n neon u n ivcuj r'ci . mo i i -.. . i i. : Vr vr vntihi'ifinn I or rejection of the -rdmance repeiliog tne oruioauce ! of May 1861, and the ordinance abolishing slavery in North Carolina. i Mr. Coniglaod moved to amend by striking out, "all alter the enacting clause, and inserting ao ordi nance submitting the ordinance for the abolition of slavery alone, to-the people. On this proposition a protracted and warm debate sprung up. The vta9 and nay ou the amendment being called, Ir. Couigland proposed to withdraw his amendment, at the cbair decided the reverse, aud tbe roll was lllpd. Yeas Messrs. Allen, Coniglaod, Howard, Kenne- . M Kay, t-l Shi-, pson 5. Naus Mr. Preiieu j A-i-ims, Al zander, Bdnes, iker, Birrov, B-.m, B-H. B rry, Bi hm, B y 0, Bralley, Biitk-li, Brown, Brocks Bryan, Bur a. Buxtfcu. Caldwell b Buike. Caldwell ot Guil rd, Clark, Cow per, Dickey, D cfcery, Donnell, ton, K lis, Faircloth, Faisn, Faulkner, 'Ferebee, rphs, Gahaan, Garland, Girrett, Gilliam, God- 'i. Grisaom. lUiris, ol.Guiifoni, H;nraij n, Henrj, ;ksun, Jarvis, Johnston, Jones, of Cjlumbus, V ties, of Davidson, Jones, ' H mlprsm. J n :s, of fivan, Joyce, Joyner, K li. Ki L g in. L ve. ot alhaiii, L v-; ill J i,:fes.ii, Lyi M .uly,M Ciulty, Cleese, M K y. ' HVhhi, M D .-nui, f M r ,, M Iv.r, NAM La;,. M L.lUMiu, Mc kV, MeOane, M t. , ol CoaliiH n, M rJ, of W k, .iriihv Ni nois .n. Mitt.-'. Oil -m. P rRitn. Pnii ' I J ; v 8, r.'iK, f tvuiwity, i isseti, rw ion, ouu i--o, mnums,, Smith, f Ausui, Spencer, of Hyde, -eDcer, of Montg.unwiy, Siarmick, Stephens m, awart, Stuht), Svan. Tiujrnus )n, VV Ikup, Ward, alley, Wil i vi3, Wildvn, VViubarue, Wiastoa and right 103. The ordiuanco then passed its second reading, . hout call for the yeas and nayes. The rules were lurther euspet del, aod the ordl r ce was read a third time. Several amendments :9 proposed changing the phraz oliy oi the bal I:?;for or aearnat the ordinance repealing the ordl- 1 r 1 1 n 1 1 11 13 . ., - 1 . . r-. r nee of secession, which elicited a furiher debate, traded and warm. The ordinance w is finally amended, by aathorizing ) following eddorsation on the ballots on the or , ance abovo designated. "Anti-session ordinance, ; '.ified " Anti-secefsi'W) ordinance rejected." Anti- 1. Very ordinance, rafijled." Aiitl-alavery ordinance, r'jecied aud passed us third reading. llr. Mflbre of Wake, oft red an ordinance giving blicity to an iordinance, auihjriz'mg an election m Tember next'. Governor t take sach step3 in the ' naiises as he may deem proper. Passed its several llr. Moore, 'of Wake 'introduced an ordinance frovidiug for the protection of rightful owners of - -ssertv. and for other DurDOses. Ueterrea to a t v oimittee ef five. The Resolutipn relating to the public records was ken up and passed. On motion of Mr. Winston, the resolution asking agress to repeal the test oath of 1862, was taken and passed. - On mution of Mr. Caldwell, of Guilford, the con ition took a recess till 7 o'clock, P. M. In tbe proceedings of Saturday, Mr. Joyce is re- rted as having participated ia the debate proposing suspend tbe rules in order to tase up tne orai- :ce in relation to the : war debt of the State, as yosina the suspension. Mr. J. was in favor of pendiDg, as appears ia tbe rofi. Bepobteb. I NIGHT SESSiON. I . I Seven o'clock, P. M. Ir. McRac moved a sasnension of the rules and ke up the ordinance providing for tbe election of Commoners from jDumberland and one from aett. Agreed to, and ths bill passed its second ing. . Se ordinance declaring what laws and ordinances in force and for other purposes, was taken up, made the ordtr for 11 o'clock Tuesday, rdinance to-provide for Revenue was taken up and Jdered by sections. Section 3rd was amended by osicg a tax, of 50 cents on every gallon of liquor a outof the State and brought Into the State for 4- 18th section amended so as to tax pedlars of tit spirits $50, as well as pedlars on "goods, a and merchandize." Tbe amendments pro 1 to the bill were oumeriU many adopted. whole evening sfssfoo was consumed In the con ation of this bill. The bill as amended will be llshed in text issue. Neat Replt. "I dis'ike your saying that teeth are going. 0 don't, sad young lady it beau. "Not 'Sd don't but So-so dont you Id have said The damsel pouted, but took Mnt. Nor r eed i-i be said, ihat the balsamic iration arrested the evil ; tbougb it could not repair the damage already done. VOL. VI. MARKET REPORT COR&ICTBD DAILY BT 1C. -A... "W H IT AKEB Grocer and Dealer in Provisions . Applet Dried, $1 25 per buihel, " Green, $3 00 perbuahel, Bacon Firm, aaleaat 36c per lb. Beef 10c per lb. Butter 50c per lb. Cheese 30c. per lb. Chickens 30 a 35c a piece. Coffee 50c per lb. Corn 90c per bushel. Eggs 20 a 25c per dozen. Flour Superfine $12 per bbl.; Family $1. JHides Green 10c. Dry 15c. S. Honey incomb,25to30c per I ' XAinb 1012cper lb. , A- L.'srd-30c per lb. - A " Meal $1 per bushel. Mallets- $13 50. Mackerel $20 per bbl . Onions $2)30 per bushel. Peaches dried 10c per lb. Peas White$100; Stock90to$l: Garden 40e per peck. foiaioes irien 91 uu per Dusb. Sweet, new, 75c. per bushel. Sngar Crushed 35c per lb; Brown25e. Syrup 40c50 pergallon. Soda Cooking, 20c per pound . Salt $2 00 oer bushel. Tallow l0c12M per lb. Herrings $14 per bbl. Rice 15c per lb. Candles -Adamantine, iOe lb per box. Soap Turpentine, 20c per lb. Bluestone 40c per lb. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LADY'S OWN STORE, T R. FENTRISS' OI.D STAND, No. 16 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. MESSRS. BO WEN & RANDALL, at tbe abore named place, announce to the public that tbej have just received the Largest and Cheapest AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OP DRY GOODS ve offered to retail traders in the city of Raleigh, con sisting of DRY GOODS, LADIES DRESS GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS j3.NI) CAPS, Boots and Shoes, fee, fec, &c , &c, including everything that a LADY can wish for, from Toilet Articles up to a Silk Dress. These gooas were purchased during the rectnt fall of prices in Northern markets and consequently will be sold cheep. They were selected with special reference to the Fall and Winter trade of this section. Servants or children sent to the store with orders will receive the fairest treatment. COME ONE ! COME ALL ! ! SEE FOR YOURSELVES. It Costs Nothing to Look at our Stock Polite and attentive clerks are always on band to wait on customers. oct 17 lm RNEW YORK DIRECT MURRAY'S LINE. THK FIRST CLASS U. MAIL STRAMSHIPS LOUISA MOORE, ....Captain Woostbb. CHARLES BENTO.N, Captain Etbb. THE SIEAMSHIP E Y R E , Captain. Is now receiving freight at foot of Craven street, and will sail on TUESDAY, October 17tli, at 6 P. M. For freight or passage, having excellent accommoda tions, applv to HUQHE U1L.L,, Oct 16-td Upposite wasion nouse. P. S The Charles Benton will be succeeded by the Steamship Louisa Moore, and sail on Ibursday, October 19th, at 4 p. m. KELLOGG, WHEELER & CO., (Old stand of 8. H. YOUNG,) Fayetteville street, Raleigh, N. C Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND 0-A.3PS, Groceries, &c, &c. We have in store a large stock, of FINELIQUORS, wbieh we offer jto dealers by ths BARREL, CASK OR CASE, AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. oct lT-tld DIAMONDS WANTED I will pay tbe high est market prices for Diamonds. OCt 17-U r mO THE FJbiUii5 O" VA& uuun'a x . I Ma. Fksbustoh : At the eiectiom for members oftbe Legislature has been fixed for the second Thurs day of next month, allow me 10 recommend two 01 ioe truest patrioti to tha Union oanse who ever lived North r 8outh. I mean A. Frank Fage and Calvin Rogers, Eeqs. They are both farmers ana ooin men 01 strong, practical sense. They ar not, as some maj saj, nui Union and the other half secessionist; half Vance and another half Holden, and don't know wnicn hiobmh , bat they are men who know woat is Dest ior ine oiaie : Union and Liberty. They nave ways been Wthful to such principles -Besides, tney are w u i. v the country people, sustained great lossages by large armies, and now bey snow precisely whi, mo pu- of people need; and n tney snouia ruo r .o Legislature, I shall vote for them, and I earyesUy rec ommead every farmer, every Union soul, and everybody to follow mr example. noBVu 4 v .OCt l lt A. wUiUfti" WANTED. 1UPONS OF OLD NORTH CAROLINA 8IXK8, lfor whien 45 eenta on ine oeuarwui u TTT u uTflR inn APPIT tO W. R. RICHARDSON. octli St RALEIGH, TUESDAY, OCT. THE GITY. Thk Murder of Rev. Mb. Cxstlemax. We mentioned, yesterday, the brutal murder of the Rev. Mr. Castlemao, an Episcopal clergyman, near Gaston. A gentleman, conversant with the facts, says that the dark deed is perfectly inexplicable. The deceased was ajt tea with one of bis parishion ers residing in the vicinity of Summit Station, only , a short walk from his own domicil. At an early hour be bade his friends good night and started for home. He was not permitted to reach it. Tbe fam ily becoming alarmed at his prolonged absence, dis patched messengers the next morning to ascertain his whereabouts who discovered the lifeless body only a short distance from the station mentioned above. Upon examination he was found to be woucded in the breast and the impression is uni versal that he was shot. The affair is veiled in most impenetrable myste ry. Mr. C. was a gentleman rather advanced in years he appeared to have the affection and confi dence of white and black in the villag e was the head of a large family, and as he bad no fortune, it is impossible to conclude that booty stimulated the assassin. There is just a bare possibility that the murderer may have mistaken his victim, though it is not improbable that stranger hands perpetrated the deed, reckless whether or not money was gain ed so the thirst for blood could be appeased . It is next to impossible that there can be any truth in the suggestion of suicide. Nothing existed in his affairs, public or private, to tempt to such a step, and on the very evening of the sad occurrence he was cheerful as he had ever been known to be. We regret to hear that by their bereavement, his family is left in very dependent circumstances. May they find friends in this hour of trial. A Noble Example. We clip the annexed from a Richmond paper : "We are reliably informed that Mr. Crenshaw, the owner of the Spotswood hotel buildings, in this city, has voluntarily reduced the rent of the tenants of that building from six thousand to three thou sand per annum, to take effect first October, 1865. Mr. C. was induced to do this because he thought $6,000 too much for them to pay." This is a noble example and we hope to see it followed by real estate owners in our city. There is no denying the fact that men who practice upon the plan attributed to Mr. Crenshaw deserve the first place in popular esteem. They are great in a true sense. But there men in this com o unity who receive rentals which they know to be half a dozen times the value of the tenements they let. We take it back they are not men, only" semblances, without conscience of anything but extortion. We believe there are property -holders here who have been drawn into this unchristian policy unwitting ly and we beg them for their own reputations to retrace their steps. What ought to be thought of men who, in times of distress and without a solita ry justifying cause, attempt and succeed in increas. ing the burdens of people far less fortunate than themselves. Contempt is a feeble term with which to describe their deserts, and we verily believe that a combination of events is now forming which will n.ake them repent, when too late, their present un fortunate and ungenerous exactions. Let property holders weigh this matter. Among the Ducks. Late Saturday nignt the premises of Rev N. B. Cobb, on Davy street, was invaded and his poultry yard damaged to the ex tent of five ducks, two chickens and one turkey. Next morning he informed officer W. Cr Parker, of the city po'ice, of the fowl transaction, who at onca took the matter in hand, determined either to de tect the thieves or spoil their Sunday dinner, or both. He went on his mission and first traefcea them to the housebf a negro woman, where one of the ducks was found, which she was joyously pre paring for her matinal meal. She protested her innocence of crime in connection with this posses sion, alleging that she had obtained from three white men. He then proceeded to the quarry, in the eastern portion of the city, where he found a bag, concealed beneath rocks, containing the tur key and one duck. This was all that he succeeded in recovering and we consider that Officer Parker did remarkably well. The best of the story remains to be told, lne officer acting has such information in his possession as will most likellead to the arrest of three white men who did the deed. The statement of the ne gro woman was true as to the manner in which she obtained the feathery bird. Kellogg, Wbmleb & Co.-It will be seen by advertisement that the arm of Gray, Kellogg & Co., has been substituted by Kellogg, Wheele; Co., without any change of location. Tbe business is still conducted at the old stand of S. H. Young, on west side of Fayetteville street. They are whole sale and retail dealers in dry goods, boots, shoes, hats, caps, groceries, Ac, and have in store an - f imnst Gverr tmng m weir iiuo , , 1 ? .rWt and sectton. We invite is saieaoie m vu mw-v. an examination of their supplies. Shefhibd s.-We made on yesterdf, by invita tion, a personal inspection oftbe goods and scale of prices at Shepherd's on market square. He has aUrge assortment of dry goods, clothing, Ac. and in such varieties as to color, quality and price as to meet the want of every class of tbe community. We invite attention to his store andjrtoek from city and country dealers, in the assurance that he will be a faithfnl Shepherd to all tbe flock of purchasers who may enter within the foloVof his calicoes, silks, delaines, cloths, etc., etc. 17, 1865 NO. 286. The Old Line opes to Norvolk. Wo were not aware until last night that communication with Norfolk and Baltimore was open by way of the Ra leigh and Gaston, and Seaboard and Roanoke Rail roads. It appears, however, that a tri-weekly con nection Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays has been opened to Portsmouth and Norfolk, advertise ments of which will soon appear in this paper. It is a most pleasant route, even with the gap which has to be filled by staging, for passengers and ex peditious f r light freights. The Bay steamers, with which we see the princelv Russell is still con nected as Rear-Admiral, are floating palaces. We gather these facts from our old friend, Mr. James W. Br wn, G. L, who is the travelling agent of the Bay Line. Ho will be in our city m a day or two. The Parker Case. We learn that up to the present moment fifteen or twenty negroes have been arrested and jailed as accomilices, principals or parties having knowledge of facts connected with the attack on Mr. and Mrs. Parker last Saturday at midnight. It is certain that one of the rascals, arrested by Sheriff Russ late yesterday, has beon drilling a company which is 'believed to have prac ticed foraging on the country people. Mr. Parker will be able to fix guilt on several of thosej already in custody. We may mention that some of the negroes living with Mr. P. assert that the gang which visited the house numbered perhaps one hundred and threat ened them with sudden death if they "either inter posed directly or gave the alarm. On Dit. There was a rumor on the street last evening, said to be well founded, that Jonathan Worth, Esq., at present State Treasurer by the ap pointment of Gov. Holden, would be announced in one of the city papers thid morning as a candidate for gubernatorial ronors. His name has been as sociated with this position by the secession and anti admini-tration element in the convention for several dajs, but it was not thought Mr. Worth would yield to the pr ssure. The managers of the gas works would confer a great l'avor on ihc newspaper offices, as well as oth er night worki g establishments, by not shutting 1 ff the gas so soon. We are compelled to work till two or three o'clo' k every morning, and it is pro voking to have to substitute candles for gas every night about 12 o'clock. The perfect rush which we have had by railroad, mail, telegraph, express and wagon trains has ex hausted all our b ck numbers containing Conven tion proceedings, and we are compelled, reluctant ly, to make the announcement that we can furnish them no longer. To those who would make sure of the Progress, we would say, put your names on the mail books. Look out for Counterfeits. We learn from a source entirely reliable that counterfeit $5 treasury notes and 50c postal currency bills, boih badly ex ecuted, but calculated to deceive the unwary; are emulating in Newbern. It is said that cty is full of them. The statement is such as to nuthorize us in warning our readers to be circumsp ct when re ceiving money of the denominations referred to. Benefit oTRTAN.-The concert last night at the Market Hall, is pronounced by those who were present to have been the best concert of the season in all respects. There was a perfect jam ana men not room enough to accommodate the rush. This evening Ryan has a complimentary benefit at the same place, when a number of novelties will be in troduced. Tne hall ought to be crowded. Baby Found. A bran new baby, dead, was found yesterday morning in the vicinity of Tuck er's mill, about a mile from here. It was probably born lifeless or else it is patent that the unnatural mother kil ed it to bide her shame. It was white and has been properly interred. Our advertising friends have taken nearly all our space, but we shall enlarge and make room for them within a few weeks. A few short advertise ments only will be received until our dimeDsions are enlarged. Some Potatoes. We were the recipient yester day of two sweet potatoes, raised in Granville, ope weighing three and the other four pounds. Who can beat this ? Baptism Seventeen- colored people, of both sexes, were immersed last Sabbath in the cree half mile west of the insana asylum. A great con oourbe of freedmen were present. "j. N." satirist and philosopher, it is said, will left the veil this afternoon or evening. He will probably speak frain the court house or post-omcc steps . Recommesdzd. A writer in this morning's pa per recommends A. F. Page and Calvin Rogers as candidates for the House of Commons from Wake county. Members of the Convention who desire the Pro gress after their return home, are reqaested to leave their addresses at the office before quitting Raleigh. Merchants, Showmen and others will save from twenty-five to thirty per cent by having their print ing done at tbe Progress office. JCST peep at tbe advertisements under the bead ofnew.' They infallibly point tbe way to good bargains and pretty goods. A, D V E RT iSEMETfTa E A. WHIT AKEB, COMMISSION MERCBANT 1SD DIUll l GROCERIES AND LI quo US KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON 11 A N Da LARGE AM, well aelected itock of akuE AND Butter, Flour, Cheese, Tea, Lard, Coffee, Bacon, Sugar, Fish, Molasses, Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Sejrars. Spices, Yarns. lie is constantly receirinsr conaijrnmenU of Coods from New York and other principal markets, and he ha ex cellent facilitiea for purchwiap at tbe lowet rates all the articles enumerated. His facilities for Join business enables him to offer THE BJtST 1NDCCEMK TS to city buyers and Country Merchants. He Is determined to sustain the high repute ot hi house for the FRESHNESS AND CHEAPNESS of the article offered tbe public, and by fir d in re tain the confidence of trades people in ciu ami c-.untry. in aaamon to tne tew ar ic es enumerated, his U supplied with EVERY NECESSARY -jAf?.WELL AS TH E LUXUulES of LIFE, incident to or desirao.a in DuBnxiu-, aou as uia IHUI 1 to IS QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. he respectfully iuTites an examination from iur. hf sen, large and mall. net 6 tf IN PRESS: BY MESSRS. WM. B. SMITH A CO . Field & Fireside Publishing House, 58 FATBTTKTILKR ST.. KAI K1GU N C. NAMELESS: BY MRS. FANNY MCKDACGH DOWN1SO. One volume. 16 mo. cloth : Price $ 1 .00. THIS IS A THRILLING STORY OF HKAUT LIFE and the fashionable world, end, aside fr"in an ab sorbing pi t artistically interwoven, it abounu in sujr gestive thought aud cuscriptire passages grand and exquisite in character and finish. MOSSES FROM A ROLLING STONE: BY "TtNELLA'MAKY bayihd clabke, Author of "Reminiscenses of Cuba," "Wood Note," Translations of Marguerite," "Lady Tartufle," 4c. One volume, 16 mo. cl th : Price $1.25. Contains qomple e Poetical writings of th popular' authoi.and is a beautiful setting of U the pa'klng diamonds that have b-en found clinging to the "rolling ' stone" of a great hfe as it wnsried Ith the ebb aad flow of the seething ttde of Thought nJ Imagination. Liberal deductions to the Trade. THE CHANGE, OE A STATEMENT OF THE REASON'S AND FACTS WHICH MADE ME A BAPTIST. BY RKV. T. B KlNQs-BUHY. One volume, 16 m . cloth: Price $2.50. But few writers wl -Id a pen with such eoniummate skill, grace and viitor as Mr. Kin:sburv. His book has received the most heartv and earnest critical endow ment of Elders 1 E "k i n n k k J L. HcrH, fcdimr Biblical Recorder, .V n. Lobb for Arc i c. B"p. Board of Jnin, and other etninev Divines. ".No Baptist lamily should be without it. No opponent of tue Baptist should fail to read it." Editors inserting the advertisement of either or all ot these oooks, wuu iu nuntc, vi copies of each accordingly. or octll-tt 15U BUSHELS WHIT E AL, 5 halt bbls Superibr Family Flour, 'Phoenix alt bt Mills, 150 36 25 10 1,5 0 1.500 5.000 200 10,000 300 10 10 50 barrels Extra feuper me co paiU best Fuiily .aid, wai .-acted. ke.s do no do naif barrels do do lbs Extra Sugar Cured Cana?s Hamj, lbs Cooice Bacou Sid. s, lba Priaie do Shoulders, lbs Shoe Thread, blecheil and brown. Fine Cuba Cigars, kegs Cut NaiU, boxes Adamantine Candles, do Wax and Tallo Candles, very best, reams Wrapping Paper, do White letter aad Note Paptr, 50 50.000 Buff Envelopes, 75 grosi Steei 1'eo. 100,0000 D. Percussion Taps, 25 bags Bird and Sqirrel Shot, 10 5 2 5 1 000 100 barrels bxtra t;. sugar, do Urmned Suijar, do Old Apple Brandy do Fine rinokiug Tobacco, lbs Kice in sacks ; b r8 Sou hern 'Star" Snuff, cas.s No. 10 Wbettmore" Cott' n Cards, 5 In store aud for sale by B. P. WILLIAMSON A CO. octl3 tf - - -1. . l- TTTwniiI7.Pi TO A.OLC'K MAJ W wTi.l.IKI JONES as a Cnnd.d.te to ,eMr,ent Wake Cou election. uty in the State Hecate, at the a. : THE BEST AND CHEAPEST! at.ha Flb'LD A Firth .1UL BO )h.lOKb, u tf l th- 'd CU' ltvk--street. oct "N'OVE LS By ALL THE POPULAK aU 1 110R-, B )l .NU AN f unbonnd editions, at the octlltf S8:u.;.' . WEBSTER'S SPELLEKS AT -26 CENTS! w W.STKK.'S sPKLLKUS .... n j-hl'uU JWk'l.l;it AT 2b Lt.y is.- W iS.O-1 1 o - -- n ,lU w ir.t " 58 FaTeUcvi.e street. SCHOOL BOOKS HAMS, SIDEITOUiTdERS AND LARD. TIBRCES-1.600 LBS. CHOICE OAtt-CLB lbs. rnme a- mtciti. ;SeB-l,50y .01 jerr ni.- Bv .n -j Jaie8-36 Pil, Freb ad swrti lXm.M, . 01 Mar. . . 10 4 0 3t IV Kegs - in Rarrpll d) do do Jut received nd lor lepbywlLUAMSO.V A CO octll-tf STEAM SAW MILL TOB SA" I j . T BE FOLLOWING Mfci " i,ilot ) Twi) . . u A.tfl rower i " - , j . good Ciicular Sw, io ; Loi Cart, ma frTn-r Cam. forty feet ot ninZ order. one Yoke of Oxen. Ailing - eoreDient the office of the 'Pail J Progre," maRSHAll, Paciae, S. I" octll .nnKBOScSsiTS. to 30V ."Milis Horsaou", SBo.-WO.b..-HomBbo.-. 2 dox. Spadea, 25 Cut Steel Axfe . W la Store and for iale by wlLLUll5oN C. octll-tt 1 i 3TEW ind require, bat four baau to r.- - - R k 0 .' to Uree qawtity of Umber JJeor ia.Frk. Sd tbonlv iteaoi mill on .a County. With proper ..t chred lor it.