BY J. L. PENNINGTON. ' : STATE CONVENTION. ' Ootosrr 17th, 1865. J The journal of proceedings of yesterday was read and adopted. "' Hod. R. P. Dick of Guilford, appeared, qualified and took his seat in the convention. ferred the ordinance on constitutional amendment, reported what action had been taken thereon, &c., and asked to be discharged. Reported also, a resolution on the qualification of YOters. ' Reported also, what ordinances are necessary for the action of this conveution, and recommending that this convention do adjoara on Thursday morning next at five o'clock. List report concurred in by the COBvention. T Mr. Howard from the committee to whom was re ferred the resolution relative to the militi of the 3tate, reported an ordinance providing for the tem porary organization of a enfficient force to preserve law and order in the Sute. (Provides for tbs en rolment of all n ale citizens between the ages of 18 nd &5, if necessary 46 years.) Made order of thecUy for to-morrow at 11 o'clock. Mr. Eaton moved a suspension of the rates, in or lr t.i taba nn resnlnrinns Afrectin the President of this convention to transmit certain ordinances .passed by this convention, to the President of the United States. Concurred in, and the resolution was adopt sd. ; Eleven o'clock having arrived, the. special order declaring what laws and ordinances are in force, and .'or other purposes, was takn up. . Mr. Caldwell, of Buike, moved to amend the fifth iction f the bill, by making it read, That no per du in the civil Or military service of the Confederate States shall be liable to indictment for any act done 3 the proper discharge of his duty, and to strike out 11 after the word Government. The fifth section, J it appears i" the original biil, reads thus : "No person who may have been a civil or military 3cer of the State, or of the Confederate States, shall 3 held liable for any act done in the proper dia-'-arge of the duties imposed on him by any authority jrportiDg to be a law of tbe State or Confederate tates Government ; but such officer shall be exempt from all personal liability therefor, in like manner as I : such act had been dose under lawful authority; zvided, nevertheless, That nothiDg herein contained ill be so construe! as to bar any citizen of the ate from his civil action for the recovery of damages account of any improper or illegal execution of i law or auinorifcy liupuoiu, ouvu wuhco. On this amendment the yeas and nays were call- t and resulted as follows : Teas Messrs. Boyden, Bradley, Bryan, Caldwell, Burke, Caldwell of Guilford, Dick, Dockery, Don. !t'Ellis, dahagan, Garland, Srarrett, Harris of 'Iford, Haines, Henry, Jackson, Jones of Rowan, ce King, riogan, Love of Chatham, McDoriald of tham. McDonald of Moore, Moore of Chattiam, tarson, Pool, Hush, Smith ot JohDSion, &mitn ot Voa Snfnner of Monteomerv. TnomD30D.VVU- 382. : -jySMeBsrs. Adams, Alexander, AlleD, Baines, r, Barrow, Beam, B 11, Bingham, Brickill, D,Burgm, Buxton, CUrk, Coniglaud, Cowper, ?y, Evton, Faircloth, Fiaon, Faulkner, Ferebee, bes, Gilliam, GodwiD, Grissom, Harris of Ruth ,Henrahan, Hodge, Howard, Jarvis, Johnston, j of Columbus, Jooes of Henderson, Joyner, Kennedy, Love of Jackson, Lyon, Manly, iley, McCleese, McCbrkle, McIUy of Simpson, j of Harnett, McGebee, Mclvor, N. A. Mc , Nat. McLean, McLaughlin, M Rae, Mebaue,( Vot Wake, Murphy, Nicholson, Norfleet, O lom,1 . 'na, Phillips, Polk, Rumley, Russellf Saunders, ' ons. Smith of Acson, Spencer of Hyde, Star- ,3tepheo80D, Stewart, Stubbs, Walkup, Ward, Wilson, Winburne, Winton, Wright--80. Starbuck moved to amend the section, by j after the word damages, " or from indictment" Adding this proviso " That no order . issued at authority of what purported to be a law of :ate or Confederate States" which amendments adopted. ' , Ir. Pool moved to strikeout 5th section aud In :h a new section, which be presented, whereupon I Ir. Phillips moved to amend by declaring the 5th tlba. or amended, stand as the sense of this House. Upon this, '1 Ilr. JLiOVe Ot jaCK80n, caueu lur sue ycaa uix :n. f V. -Adamp. Alexander, Allen, Baines, Baker, -a, BH, Berry, Beryham, Bradley, Brickell, -o td, (Burgio, Buxtu, C ark, Cjoigland, C wper, v 7Eit-n, Faircloth, FaUon, Ferebee, Farches, rj, Godwin, Grissom Harris el Guilford, Hayues ban, Henry, Hodge, H .ward, Jarvi, Johusto, - oa Clumr)U8. J nea ot DividaOjj J yce, Joy lly, Kennedy, Kn, L w, L we of Cnat ive o Jacks."., Ly m.Mnly, McCiuIhv, M ,'MiC 'rkle, M Kiy of Sampson, M K iy of :tt, Mc Donald of Cnatham, McDoihI.1 oi Moore, " hee. M Ivor. N. A. Mi-Lmii, McL-an, iSghlin, KcR'ie, M'bane, More of Onatham, 3 of Wake, Murp y, Nicholson, N Mflei Od n, 38, Phillips, Polk, Ramley, Kugsell, rtasD, i tn nf .Ti ih II- amith ot VVilK' 8, spencer oi nyae, otarouca, anaon, Stuboa, Swan, Walkup, Ward, Willey, a, VVinburn, Winston, Wright, 88. ysr-B vydeu, Bryan, Cillwell of Burke, Cli A builford, D nnell, Faulkner, Gah'agan, Gar Garrett, Jackson, Jones of Heoderaoo, Jones of a, Patterson, Pool, Sloan, Spencer of Montgorn tewart, ThornpBon 18. r,vMoore ot Wake introduced as an; amendment, rejroea fonnd cohabiting together on the 1st uary 1866, shall be considered as man and On this amendment the yeas and nays were by Mr. Phillips and resulted yeas 20, nays - ' . .. r- c IT J CI. i i. :sss to 7 o'clock this evening. NIGHT SESSION, s ordinance declaring what ordinances and are in force, being under consideration when :nvention took a recess, was under considera t i this evening again. After several amendments Jd t. j ordinance, it passed its third reading. ;ir. Moorer from the committee to wh ra was" " rrtd the ordinance to protect rightful owners of :rty, and for other pu-poses, reported the bill ame'ndments, and recommend its passage .vests the judges appointed by the Provisional toot with the powers of Judges of Courts of ;y at Chambers so long as they are Provision 3ges merely.) Rules were guspended,and the ince passed its third reading, resolution authorizing the publication of the j ordinance forthwith passed. Smith, of Wilkes, proposed an ordinance to e obstructions in Yadkin river, inance in relation to the late officers of tbe being on its third readings - Cenialand orTered a substitute, retainiDK tn Supreme and Suoerior Court Judges. . Moore, of Wake, orTered at amendment, an ince declaring all offices vacant where the mt has taken an oath to support : the Consti of.the Confederate States, and making them le. uutil reannointed. and shall have sub- 1 to the oath to support the Constitution of Jeynan f ai'ori. Fiv goodCoat hands" can ob ited States and an oath of office. tain employment by applyUg immutelyj2Kf-' ' a a r C)uig!and proceeded at length, to show tnat VOL. VI, RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 18, 1865 NO. 287 I this convention has not the right to declare - said offices vacant the judges being appointed under the Constitution, and can only be removed under im peachment for misconduct in office, &c. Mr. Moore of Wake, replied, defending bis posi tion, and amendment, and the discussion was pro gressing when the reporter was compelled to fur nish the proceedings to the priuter, to enable tbe pa per to go to press to meet the morning mails. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OF HORSES, MULES, WAGONS, HARNESS, AC, IK THB DEPARTMENT OP NORTH CAROLINA. Ornci of Chief Quartbbmastee, IASTEE, "I lina. V J, 1865. J Department ot .North Carolina Kaieiga, uct. i nn THE HORSES, MULES, WATJONS, HARNESS, Ac, the property of the United States, remaining in tbe State of North Carolina, and not required for the public service, will be sold at public auction at the times and places named below sale at each place to continue from day to day, after the date specified, until all the public animals, Ac, fr sale, are disposed of, viz : At CHATLOTTE commencing Tuesday, Oct. 31, 1865. At WILMINGTON, commencing Tuesday, Not. 7 1865. At NEWBERN, commencing Tuesday, Nov. 14, 1865. At RALEIGH, commencing Tuesdaj , Nov. 7, 1865. The animals to be sold at these sales are generally of superior quality. The majority of them are sound and serviceable. " It is expected that at this series of sales all the surplus government animals will be disposed of Buyers should, thereore, avail themselves of this last opportunity to pur chase. Sales to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. Terms Cash, in United States currency. By order of Col. J. F. Boyd. Chief Quartermaster. D. W. H. DAY, octl8td and Ass't C. Q. M. GREAT GIFT DISTRIBUTION I 250,000 WATCHES, CHAINS, DIAMOND RINGS, ETC., WORTH OVER OKI MILLION DOLLARS ! All to be sold for One Dollar eacb.witneut regard to Value ! Not to be Paid for until you Know what you are to Receive 1 TOURING THE MONTH ENDING MARCH 31ST, Tutri hatine- ainons their patrons Six Hundred and Ninety Gold and Silver" Watches, at the price ot Une Dollar each. Splendid List of Articles ! ALL TO BE BOLD FOR ONE DOLLAR EACH! 250 Solid Silver Dining Sets, GOO Silver dalvers and Urns, 5u0 Solid Silver Tea Sets, complete 150 Rosewood Musical Boxes, 32 airs, 200 Mahogany do, 24 airs, 250 Gold Hunting Watches, 250 Ladies' Enamelled trold watches, 500 Gents' Hunting silver watches, 500 Open-face silver watches, 250 Diamond Rings, 5,600 Photo. Albums, all sizes, 2,000 Gold Vest and Neck Chains, 3,000 Gold Qvl Band Bracelets, 5,000 Chased Gold Bracelets, 2,000 Chatelaine and Guard Chains, 7.0U0 Solitaire and Revolving Brooches, 2,000 Lava and Florentine do, 5,000 Coral, Opal and Emerald de, 5,000 Mosaic, jet and lava Eardrops, 7,500 Coral and Emerald do, 5,00b California diamond pins, 5,000 Cal. cluster do, 3,U00 sets Soltarie buttons and studs, 3,000 Gold Thimbles, Pencil g,'etc, 10,000 Lockets, double glass. 5,009 L ckets for Miniatures, 3,000 Gold Tootttpicks, Crosses, etc., 5,000 Flain Gold Kings, 5,0u0 Chased do. 10,000 .shield and Signet Rings, 10.000 California Diamond do, 7,50u sets Ladies' Jewelry, jet, : 5, (J 00 do do do coral, 5 000 do do do onyx, 5 000 do do do lava, 2,500 do do do mosaic, 10,000 Gold pens with silver holders, 5,000 Gold pens with gold do, 5,000 Gold pens and holders superior, 5,0j0 Silver goblets and drinking cups, 3,000 Silver castors and wine holderr, 2.000 Silver fruit and cake basket, $75 to $300 50 to 250 50 to 300 75 to 250 60 to 200 75 to 250 50 to 200 35 to 100 25 to 50 50 to 100 5 to 50 15 to 30 5 to 10 6 to 12 5 to 20 5 to 10 4 to 10 4 to 10 4 to 10 3 to 8 ft to 20 3 to 10 3 to 10 3 to 8 3 to 5 5 to 10 3 to 8 4 to 10 4 to 10 3 to 10 3 to 10 5 to 10 8 to 12 10 to 15 12 to 20 20 to 30 5 to 10 6 to 12 10 to 15 8 to 10 15 to 50 20 to 50 Messrs. T. & H. Gaughan & Co., No. 116, Broadway, New York, extensive manufacturers and importers of all the leading ard most fashionable styles of Watches and Jewelry, debiting to increase their business to an unlim ited extent, have resolved upon a Great Gift distribution, subject to the regulations following : placed in s aled envelopes and well mixed. One of these envelopes will be sent by mail to any address on receipt f Jertitiriftten running ecn article ana lis "" ' rf taaitti.lirii nartin All articles sold at one dollar each, without regard to I t i uo On receipt of the certificate you will eee what you art going to bare, and then it is ai your opuon w cu dollai and take the article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring, or any set of Jew elry on our list for one dollar, and in no case can they get 'less than one dollar's worth, as there are no blanks. The price of certificates is aa follows : One for 25 cts ; five for $1 ; eleven for $2 ; thirty for $5 ; six.y-five for $10: one hundred for $15. Ajents will be allowed ten cents on every certificate ordered by them, providing their remittance amounts to one dollar. Agents will collect 35 cents for every cer tificate, and remit 15 cents to us, either in cash or post age sumps. T. & H. GAUGHAN A CO. octi8 Sin o. 116, Broadway, N. Y. AsnTVin THE OFFICERS, MEMBERS AU JVlKepresenta'tives of tbe Grand Lodge of free and accepted Masons of North Carolina wm meet in io on Monday evening, tne fourth of December next, at 1V fn tha rm naatir.n nf hniineSI. The officers of the subordinate Lodges are requested to attend in psrson, or cause proper delegates to be appoint ed in obedience to the constitution and general rego la tions of the Grand Lodge. WM. T. BAIN. ootlStawtd Grand Secretary. WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE COL. BEDFORD BROWN a candidate for a seat in the House of Representatives of tbe Congress of tbe United 8tates in the Fifth Congressional District, composed of the counties of Alamance, Randolph, GuiKord, Rocking h.m. Davidson. Forsvth. Stokes. Surrv. Person and Caswell. octlStd. GLUE! GLUE!! GLUE! X cents per pound. 8old by ' C. W.ROSE & CO. 5 SS Cravsnstieet.Newbern. ROM 12 to 20 aug)8-tf PUBLIC M EETIN G.-The conscryatire Union men of the county of Wake are repussted to meet at the Court House, in Raleigh, at 11 o'clock, on Saturday next, tbe 21st Inst, for the purpose i of consul, tation. with a tUw to the selection of a ticket for tbe Legislature, at the;eieotion in November next, oct 16-lw - TAILOKS ATTENTION. nM. FARRISS, one door above the Paoeaiss office w .n KHit.innal number ot I wllrseommnasa,may appij. THE CITY. . The Carnival A Budget of CsncixALiTris. Like all other wats, our own has left us a great va riety and number of criminals. "We have in and around Raleigh our full apportionment of every hue as to complexion of both skin and crime, from the cut throat to tke garden thief. Within a few weeks past we hay? recorded half a dozen instances of murderous assatlts upon unoffending citizens ; of less aggravated ffences there is no end ; but we have now to mentbn that several attempts have been made, withina week past, to rob the wagons i of the Southern exjress cojnpany between the depot of the North Carol na railroad and their office on Fayetteville street. On one of these occasions the negro driver was knesked'from the wagon, the foot of one of the mules cut off, and an effort made to capture one of the boxes. But the express com pany is able to take care of the property entrusted to their custody and the villians were disappointed. Such arrangements have been made since this oc currence as not only to guard against lossage, but arrest the parties who may erjgage in the raid. And still another is the case of Richard Thomp son, a very worthy and industrious colored man. He was attacked while en his way home the other night, between 10 and 11 o'clock, by a crowd of desperadoes, who approached, halted him and es sayed to levy on a pair of shoes he had purchased. With prudence whieh cur people generally might imitate, Dick had an open knife in his hand, and as one of tbe rascals seized and sought to detain him, he gashed the assailant across his cheek, which made him relinquish his hold instantly. Here T.'s topographical knowledge was of immense value to him in eluding his pursuers. He made his way home without again seeing or being seen by these,trTr nf th mad-side. The attack was made at the intersection of Fayetteville with the street lead ing to the depot. These are a few of Cae incidents of the past week and like affairs will doubtless have to be chronicled before the close of this one. We see no prospect of mending the morals of the city unless those who are entrusted with its legislation add to its police force. Perhaps a systematic plan to way-lay each of the commissioners would quicken their sense as to the propiiety of the suggestion made above. Our friends in the country, too, must arouse themselves and organize an independent, unpaid system of neighborhood patrols. In this way only fnr nmteetion at nresent. Let them organize at once. Fob the Ladies. On coming to the paragraphs, from a fashion article in Le FolUt, gentlemen are warned to shut their eyes. It is none ot their bu siness, unless, indeed, they are preachers or edi tors. Here they arc, ladies, for your and our in spection : "Stripes' are much in favor, either for petti Wfl have seen two or three very pretty striped canotieres with sleeves, and either with or without hoods ; they are prefer- th lattAr us a hood, if made in a ofn'nori mfttprial. dfistrovs the correct line. Ota tSWV v - J J q of a white woolen material, very durable and toft, kThe prettiest petticoats we nave bbbu c with bands ot color, une, with which we were much pleased, had a violet band about four inches mm i i.l L.. Thin Konn wide, about three inches apove me uem. x Ul Kmilorprl in vine leaves and grapes : the leaves were ot white silk, and. the grapes formed by u v. ao f or.,all wbitfi buttons. These petticoats should seldom be more tban four yards round as than ops rothpr hPAVV. and. if hanging m tolas, i -l rtl nrinnlina onrl thft Ret would spoil tnetnape ui -"w""w..r "7 Tk OI VUB UICS3. j-ud u.vw- r t r - J Tkn mncr llSPttll netllCOaiS WB th hlack. as thev can be worn with anv color. We have seen one pretty skirt ot this kind. It had a email flounce, edged at eacn velveL Tnis flounce is put "l,cul'V ' . v tv .. , on in alternate plats ana spaces ; a oiac ycic an iuch wide hangs with a button in each space. Above the flounce is a trellis-work of narrow blaok velvet, with a round velvet button in each dia uond. The Right Course. We were gratified to learn, last evening, of the purpose of one of our best citi zens to attempt the organization of a building- asso ciation in our midst that is, unless it is the settled purpose of property-holders by extortion to crush enterprise and the present fair prospects of the city for quadrupling its population as shown by the last census. If those who own houses or lands can be induced to take a true view of their permanent and substantial interests, they cannot but realize that they are to be won by a liberal rather than an ex acting spirit. We beg them to reflect seriously on i.the subject. Tournament. The managers have our thanks fn. n inritmtion to a Tournament and Ball, to come off in the fair erounds, at Henderson, to-morrow. If business engagements did not forbid, we could find much pleasure in a visit to that nospiiaoie tc t a. .noromnt and all who are tion. we wisn i"au,tbw fortunate enough to be present much joy. Lewis Hakes, former private secretary to the Governor, having resigned, W. B. Richardson has been appointed to that position. Mr. R, is a gen tleman of fine intelligence and first rate business talent, and will no doubt discharge the duties of the office in a satisfactory manner. Electiok TiCKETS.-Candidates can get supplied with tickets for the approaching election, promptly, by leaving their orders at. the Progress office, price one dollar per thousand. When orders are sent by mail, money must accompany them. J N the philosopher, is in town again. He has a good deal of wind about him, but we don't know how be raises it. Soldier Shot. About 8 o'clock last night, a ne gro man in the employ of Mr. J. L. Pennington dis covered some one in the potato patch of that gentle man and fired upon him. The result was that the discharge took effect in the head of a soldier named Honeycut. We are informed that the wound is a band one and may result fatally. The negro was arrested and lodged in the guard house, but we bear that Col. Kise, to whose regi ment Huneycutt belongs upon hearing of the af fair, called at the Provost Marshal's office to secure the release of the freedman. W he her or not he succeeded, one thing is certain : he thinks there is no reason why Honeycutl should be commiser ated, as he is preeminently distinguished for rogue ry all through his command. The Circulation of the Progress, in city and oountry, is equal to that of Any , other paper in the State, and we shall enlarge our dimensions so as to give the business public a still better medium for advertising heir business. Besides, we shall icsue our weekly as soon ;is practicable and intend to make it worthy of the age as a news and family paper. In the meantime, our friends at a distance can be supplied with the daily regularly, tri-weekly or otherwise. Grand Lodge of N. C. The grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of Masons for North Carolina, gives notice this morning of the next session being held here on the 4th of December next. The fra ternity will doubtless have a good time after dis posing of the important business which must come before them. Ok Dits. Among the rumors on the streets last evening were the fallowing : Mr. Worth would pub lish a letter this morning, announcing himself a candidate for Governor ; Hon. Josiah Turner would proclaim himse a candidate for Congress in the 6th and Lewis llanes, Esq , for a like honor in the 6th district both to run on the Worth ticket. Won't Allow It. All persons not employed in this office will please keep out of the press and t - . i.1 J composing rooms, weaamic no one io mese ue- partments, simply because their presence interferes with the necessary work of the hands. .Those who have business must transact it in the counting room. New Advertisements. We invite examination of the new advertisements : T. & H. Gaughan & Co. Great Gift Distribution f Jewelry Capt. D. W. H. Day Closing sales oi norses, . r YT Mules, Wagons, Harness, &c, .on government ac count. Singing. The Sabbath school scho'ars of the Baptist church have received their new singing books and thus another step towards the old order of things has been takn. No doubt the other de nominations are equally advanced. The Benefit of Ryan, at Market Hall last night, - it was a perfect success. The house was crowded. We believe the same performers appear again j this evening. Fob Oongbess. Hon. Bedford Brown announces himcplf in this mornings oaoer as a candidate for I congress fr0m the fifth congressional district communicated! TO THE PEOPLE OF WAKE COUNTY. Mr. Pknnington : As the election for members of the Legislature has been Axed tor the second Thurs day of next month, allow me to recommend two of the. truest patriots to the Union cause who ever lived North or South. I mean A. Frank Vage and Calvin Rogers, Eaqs. They are both tprmers via DOta men oi Biroug, oractical sense. They ar not, as gome may say, halt I . rZ .w , f .Meioni8t: half Vance and I wuiuu uu ----- , . ... v another half Holden, and don't know which is ihe best ; but they are men who know wbat is beat tor the State : Union and Liberty. They nare always been faithful to such principles Besides, they are both like the rest of .Anntrir TiAnnl. sustained ereat lossases by lartfe armies, and now hey know precisely wnat the poo cU of people need; a..d it they should run tr seats jn ti i I h11 Tnta for them, and I earnestlr re lie ivw&uva j - j r - ommend eTery larmer, evcrjr wu.u ---"7 yyr to tollow mv example. A COUltiYilAa. TT5 .r-n 1 art ooorv hrt1 . 9 The State Pbes and the Governorship. Toe Charlotte Democrat of the 17 tn says: a onrrRi.n ,dent writes us inquiring if we are doing aBVthirtr up here in regard to runniDg a candidate tor governor. vo - "b-- m. m(nt fnr ruaniDg opposition to Gov. Ilolden. in advice we have unif-rmly given is, to have no contest in tbe State over tbe Governor's election. lasmK - tbe circumstaucea into consideration, we think it would be best to continue Gov. Holden in office, believing that he will be able to do as mucb, if not t a. a nnonle. than any otber man at the nrent time. No matter how moch we may have differed with Gov. Holden and others nsretoiore, we think it-onr duty now to support the man who ran navigate ns out of present the beat 000 quickest. Therefore, we "pe.t we hope there w, bono contest for Governor, and that. Mr. will be elected without opposition. Since writlDR the above we see that correspondents of the Rileigb Sentinel suggest tbenameof Jonathan Worth as a candidate for Governor. HOTEL. ARRIVALS. AT THE EXCHANGE HOTEL. OcroBita 16 akd 17, 1865. m ur...Ki. Sn Car I R P Dick, Tarboro t n Rnrroufirhs. No Car Lt C Osborne, Swansooro Lt M L Robinson, Winston I , it- 11. lienor W I "1 lESSSS.T. J Vlg.O.rt OJr Jno A Vogler, S81em, L D tberhardt do VV W Pierce, Wilmingtoa M P Cooarn, Roanoke Il'd J H Vale, do Wm Blank, awbern Capt J S titabbs, do John Carroll, N T B O Parker, Grand Rapids Velaon Deter , ACtg Jra uiuiici , Sam I W Ludbee, N Y J I Long, N C R B B Vassall, Newbern Jerome Tayler, do A Smart, Jo W H King, , 2 CaptF H rimitb, d3 Capt 8 f White, Mich Tol P Barnwell. Newbern A H Risdon, rewrwurj - - - afft. Danzbter Prof H O lonoej, v uI4 . 'eerTant3;Beantort laree O C Baume, DBA John McLaughlin Frank J Bohaert A A CUrk, Lexington A A 8trbur, DtU Co J C Hughes, WUmtatr1011 W W McMaUv, Con CJ 8 M R R Lieut J Foster, Con U3M RR NEW ADTElt TISEMENTS LADY'S OWN STORS, JsaTKlS5' OLD STAND, No. 15 Fayetteville Street, italeigh, N.'t rwt n v . BUWfcX A RANDALL . nave just receired the Ue public tbst thev Largest and Cheapest AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS ever offered to retail traders in tbe citr of Ralegh 'con sisting of T)RY GOOhS, LADIES DRESS GOODS. READY-MADE CLOTHING. HATS AtfD CAPS, Boots and Shoes, &C, fcc, Sec, &c., including everything that a LADY can wish tor, fro Toilet Articles up to a Silk Dress. These gooes were purchased during the rectnt fall of pricss in Northern markets and consequently w.ll be s ild chenp. They were selected with special reference to the Fall and Winter trade of this section. Servants or children sent to the stor with orders will receive the fairest treatment. COME OXEf COME ALL ' ' SEE FOR YOURSELVES. It Costs Xothiny to Look at our Stocl ! ' Polite and attentive clerks are alwara on hind to wait on customers. 0ct 17 lm E. A. WHITAKER, . COMMISSION M E 11 C li A X T AND DEAl ER IN GROCERIES AM) LIQUORS. KEEPS CONSTANT LY ON II A.N D A LARGE AND well selected stock ot Butter, Flour, Cheese. Tea. Lard. Coffee, Bacon, Sugar, Fish, Molasses, "Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Serais, Spices, V arns, Azc , fcc , fcc, fcc. He is cnnstantlv receiving consignments of ods fn m New York and other principal markets, nnd he has ex cellent facilities for purchasing at tbe lowest rates ail the articles enumerated Hi facilities tor doing business enables him to offer THE BfcST INDUCEMENTS to city bijers and Country Merc' ants. He is determined to sustain the high repute ot his house for the FRESHNESS AND CTIEAPM SS of th articles offered the public, anl !v tin oVt in;.' re tain the confidence of tiaie. p. opN- in citv a-i ! e .uni iy. In addition to the few artic.s enumnated, his ttoie ia supplied with EVERY NECESSARY AS WELL AS TH E LI' XL' ..1 KS OF LIFE, incident to or desirable in hii3 k -epin-, and as his mot to is QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. he respectfully iuvites an examination from pur hasers, large and -mall. ,ct i0 tf T N PRE S S BY MKSSRS. WM. B. SMITH & CO., Field & Fireside Publishing House, 58 FA YE-rTf-V I LEK 8 r. . A l.KIQ H S C NAMELESS: BY MRS. FANNY MCllUAUUil DOWNING. One volume, 16 mo cloth: Pi ice $200. rpHlS IS A THR1LL1.NG ST OR V OF H LA 'T LIFE I and th lashi-nable w.rld. ;mhJ, a.-id.- tr- in an ab sorbing pi .t artist ic illy int-rwi.ven, it nboun i in eu restive thought and a sciipttve pasj-atcu ?rand and exquisite in character and tioish. MOUSES FROM A ROLLING STONE : BY ''Tfc-N L LLA" m k y b x y a ke. Author of "R.-miniscens. s uf Cubd " ' W'u d oJes," Translations of 'M4' a--rite," -Li-l.- Tanud.-," Ac. One voium-.-, 16 ino. cl th : Price $I.2S. Contains a-. mole e Poetical wri'ingi ot th- popular autho. .and is a beautiful .8eltin- ot -II tD- eparx mK diamonds that have b :en to -and clinsvni: V th-oll-njr stoue" ol h great life a it warned a ith lb eb'j and fiovr of the seething tide ot Thought nd lmasinatiun. Liberal deductions to the i raae. THE CHANGE, OH A STATEMENT OF THE REASON'S AND FACTS VVH1UI1 MAUL M- A Dirnoi. BT REV. T. B KINOsBCKT. ririA vrlume. 16 m . cloth : Price $20. te Baptist should tail to reii it. Editors inserting tbe advertisement of e " 11 ot these books, with this nonce, will receive a cryy or copies of each accordingly. octll-tf itteaRE AUTHOitlZEU TO AN-NOb.NLh MAJ. W WlLLlKli JONfcsas a Candidate to Wake County in the State Senate, at the P4 election. THE BEST AN D CHE A PEST (next to me oiu tuy i tlltf Fayette v iwes treet. oc NOVELS Tir ALL THE POPULAR AUTHORS BOU-NDA.M' . k I k unbennd editions, at tbe FIELD FiKEsIDE UDU ---- 59 Farettevi !e street. oct 11 tf SCHOOL BOOKS HAMS, SIDES, SHOULDERS CTlERCES-1,500 LBs. CHOICE SL OAt-vt Kt D HAMS, . ,..,,. . " . 4 Cases-l.500ibs. vsry nt- coq -m 3 Caaes-36 Pails, Fresh and awes. : 25 Kegs- d., 10 Halt Barrels d, Jast received and tor 8Ba,eHb;TwlLLiAMS0' 4 CO. octll-tf 4 f KEGS CUT NAILS, "SUU26 Horse Shoes 10 " Mule 25 Boxes-50O lbs. Horse ai 4 12 doi. Spades, 25 Cast Steel Axes, In Store and for si.e T ,T M?oN A C9. oatlUtt V. lvtti - 7TT ljt market price fr 1 p baBCOCK. OCt 17-tf Bat few writers w.i -Id a pen with Sub consummate skill, trace andvior as Mr. K.n-burv. J,s ...,k received the moat hearty and earnest -"" LSu KUiersT. E Sa.s J "V"b K Biblical Recorder, S.H.VM Cor Sc A C Bp Board of Missions, ant otber eunnet Divines. o 2-.tU.?Lilvsh..uld without it. -No opponent of WEBSTER'S SPELLEIIS AT 25 CENTS : WEBSTER'S SPELLERS aT 25 CKTs: - .

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