"It -.-.a :1c -1 d 1U .1 It'll. n V" 0f Sot & 1-' 3 BY J. L. PENNINGTON; STATE CONVENTION. Oct. 18th 1865. Prayer by the ReT. J. M. Atkinson of the Pres byterian church Journal of the previous day read and I adopted . President remarked, that he had not been able to procure a flag, and hoped the will would be taken fof the deed. Mr. Fur'chee proposed a resolution requesting Gov. Hodden to correepord with Geo. ILugur, asking that each horses and mules as have been left with citizens by1 the Federal army, be allowed to remain as the property of said citizens. Passed three times. Resolutions of thanks to President Johnson an d Governor Moiden, was taken up and adopted. The resolution declaring null and vaid the ordi nance of secession, to be printed on parchment as adopted passed 3rd reading. The ordinance in relation to the State debt, was taken up, and Mr. Caldwell of Guilford, moved to lay on the ta ble and called for the yeas and- nays which resulted, yeas 69, nays 40. The special order to organize a temorary force in North Carolina, to preserve law and order, was taken up, read and elicited debate as to the power of the convention to raise soch a force. The example of Gov. Sharkey, ot Missisippi, was cited to show that President Johnson eudorsed such proceedings on the nart of said State. The ordinance then passed its second and third readings. The resolution as to the best mode of disposing of the war debt of the State was taken up. Provides for a committee, to whom the subject shall be refer red, with icstiuctions to report, &c. Resolution of enquiry, as to what amount has been paid out for support of indigent soldiers fami lies and other purposes, was adopted. I Resolution calling oh the Governor for proceedings (had in secret session of Legislature, was adopted. I The resolutions calling on the President to pro V'aim North Carolina in the Union, was adopted. I The resolution relative to prisoners held in the fcity of Raleigh, Wilmington and Newbern, was Idopted. 1! Resolution appointing a committee to prepare a ode of laws for the government of freedmen, was idonted. - I Ordinance t remove obstructions In Yadkin river, id on the table. I Ordinance to appoint a Judge to determine Stato Jalms to property, passed second and third reading. Special order for 1 o'clock, being an ordinance In Jation to late officers of the State. hr i i i i ! i it a i j jyir. uuuigianu ueiug euuuou vu iuo u wr.prucwueu argue, that the Judges having received a pardon m the President of the UBit,ed States, their status, citizens loyal to the U. S. Government, was the be aa before the rebellion. H'e only purpose was preserve the honor of North Carolina. lie was op sed. to setting the precedent of removing the iges future conventions might do the same thing,, thus the objects of the constitution ia placing Ifi men in office for life, would be eubverted. He d the gentlemen to lay aside personal prejudices h eo beyond personal objections to men, and sus t the constitution of the' State, which clearly ids the action on tho part of this convention, ch is sought to be bad. The convention had the t to abolish the Supreme Court, but conld not ave the Judges only by impeachment. PeDdiDg irgument of Mr. Conlglanl, the President an ced a message from the Governor, transmitting allowing dispatch from His s Excellency Andrew son, President of the United States, i The dispatch referred to is given elsewhere. Ed ) ilr. Onigland resumed add concluded his argu isnt. -Mr. Moore, of Wake, then proceeded at ib, in defeDse of his amendment, lhe discuss enntinued till two and a half o'clock, when its Jon com her consideration was postponed to 7 o'clock, P. ) a "motion of Mr, Sloan, the resolution to adjourn morrow morning fiv o'clock, was reconsidered. NIGHT SESSION. 7 O'clock, P. M. f. Lyon offered a resolution limiting debate to ainu'es. . Phillips an ordinance relative to the publica of the ordinances of the convention and for de te of the same. i fr. Bhillips an ordinance providing corapensa ;for sheriffs for holding elections tor delegates Sis convention. he above ordinances passed their third reading, he committee on missing records reported that ain letter books had been carriedloff by the mil y authorities. ; , he committee on the petition of Thos. J. Hughes ed for further time, ascertain certificates, &c, Id not be had. Letter jfrom Mr. Hughes, to the lic Treasurer, asked for an investigation of his 3ial acts as agent of thj Ftate. lie unfinished business, being an ordinance m re in to what ordinances and laws are in force, was an up. ' , - tr. offered an amendment to the amendment Ordinance declaring vacant all offices held in tho e since May. 1861. ! - . Tr n.-mioianrf nfMin?flri fifteen mluufes in an ' t r mm '.fist the amendment, taking the grouoa assuujcu former debate. It. McDonald, of Moore, advocated the passage he ordinance. -T. Phillips defined hia positioa in favor of the iance, paying a high tribute to the eminent gen en to be declared out of office thereby. . Dick said that North Carolina, in ber attempt hrow eff her allegiance to the United States, had Ited ail her rights to citizenship, and this on ion must thoroughly tecognize the State Govifta t before she can become a member of the Unltta tss, &o. I 4 " Ki. omonmonf nAR then flPTeed to. Ana too fcl KJ' l Ip'wuv v w f . 4 AJw auJViUuuivM - o Hon then being on the origin .amendment as idedj the yeas and nays wre demanded, and. .ted, yeas 8, nays 12. motion of Mr. Settle, the ordinance in relation a public debts, was taken up r. Grissom fifered anamendment submitting the tion of paying or not payings to the people, at Section in November! next. r. Caldwell, of Guilford, asked that the telegram Ted from the President of the Uuited States be ' which "WRS done. r. Moore of Wake.regretted very much that such gram should have been received. The people is State had a right to do with their money as pleased. Asa freeman he should not swerve t bis rights, or change his vote, r. Wioaton was of opinion that the telegram was ply to information communicaUd to the ! He did not believe that the President, could ive stood in our midsl and hvttnesaed the nna y of thia body, would have sent this telegram. Winston occupied the floor whefc the reporter cm psl led to close his report.- e ' soldiers aionument AtBociftiwu ad on the battle-field at Fredreicksburg, v a., y Brigadier-Genera) T. M. Harris president, sunrise Tuesday tnorning a fleet of four bun xnd fifty sail of mackerel fishermen were seen Highland Light, Cape Cod. v And Johnson is the name of the Republi sh in' Syracuse, N. Y. f - VOL. VI. RALEIGH, THURSDAY, OCT. 0THE CITY. TnE Slung-Shot Game Tuesday evening, at an early hour not more than 9 o'clock as a gentlo tnan stepped out of Crockett's Saloon, at the cornar of Market and Fayetteville streets, some unknown person struck him in the face with a slung-shot. The blow was of such force as to stun him for a moment, but "recovering from its effects he made every eflort to discover his assailant without sue- ! cess. - This is another argument in behalf of increasing the police of the city. We have heard complaints of the inefficiency of the present incumbents, but without pretending to decide that question, we do undertake to say that the present officers cannot be at half a dozen different places at one and the same moment. The truth is plain : their number is not adequate for the present condition and extent of our population. They ought to be at least twice as numerous as now. True, it will cost something to do this, but if the commissioners have power in the premises, we conjure them to levy a special per capita tax on every adult male inhabitant in the city to meet this extraordinary expenditure. We are certain no man can be found within the jcorpo rate limits who would not readily advise, much less consent to taxation, if thereby life and property.can be made secure. It is is sheer nonsense to argue that the police now operating in Raleigh i9 strong enough to cope with the criminals in our midst. We should be gratified and amused if those citizens who presume to differ from our view would try the experiment for a week. They would soon change their tune. Let us have the police force increased or else turn . W n,l h9(rM"nvPr in tho. military J f . . aim l"Ui fcecuic cu"v Crime grovvs'rapidly, and the expense and, difficul ty ef suppressing it will be increased and aggrava ted with the lapse of time. Let us crush it now with a strong hand. Sent to Wilmington. A few days since, upon telegraphic information sent them from Wilming- too, Officers Betts and Parker arrested two frail women from that city who had taken up there res idence in this place. They had them in custody for a day or two, but ye3terday turned them over to a policeman from the former city, who bore them back to their first abode. These nymphs, it appears, formerly lived with an lady in Wilmington, who was known to have con siderable money, a large quantity of jewelry, and other valuables. She died one day, recently, and upon examination it was ascertained that not only the girls, but the treasures of said ancient female had disappeared simultaneously. Suspicion imme diately rested upon the creatures we have named and Maor Dawson, being advised of their arrest in Raleigh, sent for them in order to investigate the matter. Serious Accident. Yesterday afternoon, a son of Gaston Warren, who resides in the vicinity of Tucker's mill, had an old bomb shell, and suppos ing it would not burst, was amusing himself by driving a nail in the hole which is made to receive the charge We regret to say the shell had not been emptied and an explosion took place, blowing off part of the youth's head, tearing some of his fin gers, and otherwise injuring him. Whether he lWes or dies, this sad occurrence should operate to restrain old nd young from such experiments. Playing Cards. The commissioner of internal revenue ha caused the subject of the liability of playing cards, properly stamped by the manufactu rer, to an additional stamp duty in the hands of the retailer, to be carefully re-considered. After giving tho ornnnds of his decision, he concludes as lol- i v w . , lows : "1 am of the oninion that when the manufacturer of playing cards has affixed stamps appropriate to the price per pack at which he sold them, the sub sequent vender should not be required to affix any additional stamps thereto, whatever may be the price at which he offers them. Concerts asd Coscerters. True merit in ev ery profession which is not esteemed dishonorable, is entitled to consideration. During a series of en tertainments in this city, Rollie Wilcox has shown himself to be a master of the violin and guitar. It ic nnt mereiv in mose mimic cuiiTeisnuuuai ductions which he extracts from cat-gut that his power with the bow is realized. The audience finds in such imitations provocatives of mirth and won- "-" w j . . , . lL 1 1 IU -nfmer derment oui. cue reai cmua most conspicuous white he plays such pieces as "Still so genuy o u t. 6. his listeners spell-bound by the matchless, exquis u' uk vrhrh he fills the air. His execu tion on the guitar is scarcely less remarkable; be aides his versatility of talent has enabled him to win considerable repute In histrionic fields. Charles Dudley is famous not only for his terp sichorean achievements in masculine character, but for Dersonations of the Fanny Ellsler style. The disguise is so complete in dress and movement as to almost defy detection. In his line he has no su porior, perhaps, in the South. " Saxey Ryan has as his fort boneology and delin eation of negro character as seen in plantation life throughout the South in other days. He has made his mark in that department ; indeed, the trio rank high in the estimation of the patrons of concert. Sbb new advertisements if you wish to know your true interest In deciding where to purchaee. The Eclipse of the sun begins this morning at forty minutes past 10 o'clock. i ' A Caution. The public should beware of taking as currency 7-30 bonds from which the coupons have been detached. There are many of them in circulation, and unless a stop is put to the practice it bids fair to become a lucrative business for sharp ers to purchase 7 30's of the smaller denominations, summarily discount the interest with the scissors, and then pass off the bonds as currency. - I Wasts to Come Back. A discharged Federal soldier, having become fascinated with Raleigh and the "Old North State, n while on duty here, writes us a letter asking us to secure him a place on a farm in this vicinity. Any one desiring such tt man can see the letter at our office, and can answer it if they desire. J i ' Heaty Receipts. The government sale of wag ons, horses, mules, &c., in this city a day or two ago, realized about $05,000. One of the largest purchasers, in conversation with us, paid Captain Garoutte a high compliment as an efficient officer by saying that he kept the stock and other proper ty in the best possible order. Rare Chance. Our neighbor Johnson, on mar ket square, proposes to sell a large stock of groce ries at auction on Saturday next. This will afford families a fine opportunity to supply themselves with the necessaries of Jife. Another Rain we are rejoiced to say visited this city and section yesterday. Town and coun try, are alike jubilant over these refreshings and wc suppose the distress has been measurably relieved. Dudley's Benefit comes off at the Exchange ho tel to-night, having been postponed last night on account of the weather. He offers an attractive bill and deserves a bumper. Election Tickets, in any quantity, from one to fifty thousand, can be printed at this office on the shortest possible notice. Price, only one dollar per thousand. . (Strange Scene in a Home of MourningA Dead Man comes to Life. The St. Louis Republican of the 30tb has the fol lowing : . John Redman, a oolored man, died (as was sup posed,) at an early hour yesterday morntDg, at his residence, over the 2roc3rv store on the northeast nrnoy nf Franklin avenue and Twelfth street. A coffin. and a shroud were procured, aod the colored corpse, after being washed, shaved and dressed In the burial clothes, was laid out in the coffin. While his bereaved wife was ringing her tears out of a ban danna handkerchief, and numerous frieods, "mute with grfef," were sitting around the dead body, talking about what a good man he was, Mr. Red man suddenly raised himself bolt upright in his rffin. with the maisstv of death in his cold face. Moving his not entirely slightless orbs around upon the company Of mourners, his clay lips began to chatter some unintelligible words about the other world. The result of this hideous performance was to upset the whole assemblage with sudden berror, the female friends fainting and tumbling into each others arms at the sight of the ghost, the men them selves caving in, and with dilated eyes, ruahiug hur riedly out of the room. Mrs. Redman, the distressed widuw. was among the number who fainted. When she came to, she ran out oi tne room ami uuu ui -uo bouse, and nothing could induce her to return during the day, uotwithstauding she was assured that her haabaud had coma to be conscious, and that the doctor thought he might recover. We are not in formed as to the nature of Redman's disease, but are iuformed that he was attended by au intelligent phy sician, wb regards the circumstance of his suldeu restoration, when, to all appeuances, be had ben a iifelass man, as something almost preternatural. Important Order-Negro Troops to Garrison Southern Forts Musterin Out Ac. Lieuienant General Grant has issued an impor-. tant order which will very speedily muster out of service all the volunteer army. He has assigned the artillery for the most part to the forts of the Northern States ; the forts of the Southern sea board, witb two or three exceptions, are to be in charge of colored troops. All the volunteer caval ry east of the Mississippi goes out of service forth with Other reductions are in progress, and it will nt be many weeks, if nothing goes awry, before we shall be reduced almost entirely down to the regular army. Attempted Murder. On Saturday evening, be tween the hours of seven and eight o clock, as Mr. B J. White and brother were returning to their home about two miles from the city, on the Plank Road, they were suaaeniy j - thpv renresented to have been a negro so dier, i , ,u ,nriK(n i wnuui iucj i vp' . . who st0pped them by running ag&iabi one oi lUeu,. The party who had marked, you na nftthinff . but as soon as ia XOe SOIUICI aw , ' u. u. - knuckle - log nis in the body is considered - anger, aoo wuu hat . , uaA nrnippded iL tew Steps uo uicu c p.Acea in aaiea euynucs au " -" , 5Xl.ffSnSkDW effect in the body of Mr. B. ?,pes -Ul b, bj .. .o .ddre aw wLi.t., w , - eld and enter- I or twenty-nve cenm. of his lore I " l" dan - Mt - hites dorag XL Wilmington Dupatch. Rev Thomas Hume, Sr., ol rorismouiu, . ..B. jk Pete? oSolrick, of Fredericksburg;, been pardoned DY toe rre&i. tSST. tfi view to the aeleetien or. Legislature, at the.eleetion in ovember next. oct 16-lw THE ubacribe i re lUleigbaadsurr . . 1 BaUigb """"rftrfg. where he an AfMeaover i . . r iu -- r AAiiarer L. t. reacuo f-a - V iv theabatapproved prinoipU.of pracUce T)UBLIC tfEETI H Onion men of tbe eoonty x ?Soclt. on et at the Court H; ouje, in 6 atoujh. t .the 2lat mat., lor me P'F"?",,.. ,v , UCKCi' IV r jjf -.3'.".- ' - -''3 . - . 19, 1865 NO. 288. DIED, In Beaufort, N. C, Oct. 10th. at 6 o'clock, A. M., Col. JAMES U. TAYLOR, in the 63d year of his afe. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS IN THE 4TH Dis trict, composed of the following counties : Wake. Chatham, Orange, Granville, Franklin, Nash, Warren, and Johnston. 1 respectfully announce myself a candidate for a seat in the House of Representatives of the Congress of tha United States, to be held on Thursday th 9th of No vember. I am a firm friend of the administration, of Andrew Johnson and W. W- Holdenjand will cordially support the latter for election as governor by the people. If elected, I will do all in my power to restore North Caro lina to the Union. Verv respecting?, octlStd JNO. P. H. RDSS E ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE COL. JOHN N. BUNTING aa a candidate for Superior Court Clerk of Wake Uounty. NOTICE! Will be sold at public auction, on Sat urday next, a large stock of at Johnson's Grocery Store, on Maiket Square. The attention of email and large dealers is invited to this opportunity to make desirable purchases. oct!9 td HOUSE WANTED, For the ensuing year, with about iive or six rooms. Enquire at this office. WE ARE AUTHORIZED AND REQUESTED TO announce J. J. FERRELL as a candidate for re election to the office of County Court Clerk of Wake County. oct!9 td OF HORSES, MULES, WAGONS, HARNESS. AC, IN THE DEPARTMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Office of Chief Quartermaster, Department of North Carolina, Haieigh, uct. I7tn, ibfas. j HORSES, MULES, WAGONS, HARNESS, the property of the United States, remaining in I Ac, the Stat State of North Carolina, and not required for the public service, will be sold at public auction at the times . . 1 1 . 1 1 A. and places named Deiow saie ai eaci piace iu uunuuue from day to day, after the date specified, until all the public animals, Slc, for sale, are disposed of, viz : At NEWBERNE, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday .October 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th, 18o5, un derthedirectionofCapt. D. W.H. Day, A. Q. M. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A M. At CHATLOTTE commencing Tuesday, Oct. 31, 18G5. At WILMINGTON, commencing Tuesday, Not. 7 1865. At NEWBERN, commencing Tuesday, Nov. 14, 1865. At RALEIGH, commencing Tuesda , Nov. 7, 1863. The animals to be sold at these sales are generally of superior quality. The majority of them are sound and serviceable. It is expected that at this series of sales all the surplus government animals toill he disponed of Buyer should, therefore, avail themselves of this last opportunity to pur chase. Sales to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. Terms Cash, in United States currencv. B v order of Col. J. F. Boyd. Chief Quartermaster. D. W. H. DAY, octlStd Cs.pt. and Ass't C. y, ai. GREAT GIFT DISTRIBUTION! 250,000 WATCHES, CHAINS, DIAMOND RINGS, ETC., . WORTH OVER ONS MILLION DOLLAKS ! All to be sold lor One Dollar each, witaeut regard to Value ! Not to be Paid for until you Know what yo are to Receive ! DURING THE MONTH ENDING MARCH 31ST, 1865, T.& fl. Gaughan & Co., bave bad the honor ut distributing among their patrons Six Hundred and Ninety Gold and Silver Watches, at the price ot One Dollar eaxh. ' Splendid List of Articles! ALL TO BE SOLD FOR ONE DOLLAR EACH! 250 Solid Silver Dining Sets, 500 Silver Salvers and Urns, 5 0 Solid Silver Tea Sets, complete 150 Rosewood Musical Boxes, 32 airs, 200 Mahdgany do, 24 airs, 250 GoU Hunting Watches, 250 Ladies' Enamelled ?old watches, 600 Gents' Hunting silver watches, $75 to $300 50 to 250 50 to 300 7a to 250 50 to 200 75 to 250 50 to 200 35 to 100 25 to 50 50 to 100 6 to 50 15 to 30 5 to 10 6 to 1U 5 to 20 5 to 10 4 to 10 4 to 10 4 to 10 3 to 8 5 to 20 3 to 10 3 to 10 3 to S 3 to fi 5 to 10 3 to H 4 to 10 4 to l; 3 to 10 3 to 10 5 to 10 8 to l i 10 to 1" 12 to 20 20 to 3 ) 5 to 10 6 to 12 10 to 1 8 to 10 15 to 5 ) 20 to 500 Open-face silver watcnes, 250 Diamond Rings, 5,to00 Photo. Albums, all Bizes, 2,000 Gold Vest and Neck bains, 3,000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets, 5,000 Chased Gold Bracelets, 2,000 Chatelaine and Guard Chains, 7.QW0 Solitaire and Revolving Brooches, 2,000 Lava and Florentine do, 5,000 Coral, Opal and Emerald de, 5,000 Mosaic, jet and lava Eardrops, 7,500 Coral and Emerald do, 5,00o California diamond pins, 5,000 Cal. cluster do, 3,(100 sets Soltarie buttons and studs, 3,000 Gold Thimbles, Pencils, etc., 10,000 Lockets, double glass. 5,000 L ckets for Miniatures, 3,00(t Gold Toothpicks, Crosses, etc., 5,000 Plain Gold Kings, -5,000 Chased do. 10,000 Shield and Signet Rings, 10.000 California Diamond do, 7,500 sets Ladies' Jewelry, jet, 6,000 do do do coral, 5 000 do do do onyx, 5 000 do do do lava, 2 5C0 do do do mosaic, 10,000 Gold pens with silver holders, 5 OOOOold pens with gold do, 5',000Gold pens and holders, superior, 5 0U0 Silver goblets and drinking cups, 3,000 silver casiorsana wmo uvmow, 2 000 Silver frtiit and cake baaket, Mr T. AH. Gau?han k Co., No. 116, Broadway, New York, extensive manufacturers and importers ot au the leading and most fashionable styles of Wacb, s and Jewelrv debirine to increase their bain8 to in on im itedintKrewlTel upon a Great Giftdistnbuti .n, -nhiARt to the reffalationa lonowing Certificates naming each article s value are One of . Arl Kia !e tril I . . - i j i-.-.-n-llill mind these as on receipt without regard value. ii ",.Mlni of the certificate vou will see what you r- --r-r - . . . f rtntion to aena obtain a Gold Watcb, Diamond Ring, .i.. r.r Kmt for one dollar, and in no caae capi geYlesa than one dollar's worth, a. tber re no o The price of certincatea is follows :7,0.n;' fije for' five for $i; elevenfor$2; thirty for $a , bix.j nre $10; one hundred for $15. every certificate Agents win d ww"" r-- moanU ordered, by them, .5 to one dollar. Agcnia wm w'"" , ...h or" Post tificate, and remit 15 cents to us, eUbern sh or p "USPS:. No'.lBroadwaN.Y. 1 . aoinrDd MEMBERS MASONIC-Tiiis Vr.nd' Lod7e of free A wfll ,.: tion, of the Grand Lodge. . .fd Secretary, : , NEW AD VERTISEMEy TR IiATVg'S OWN STOR r. K. FENTRISS' OLD 8TAKD, No. 15 Fayetteville Street, Ualeigh, N.'c MESSRS.' BOWJCN RANDALL at thVaiw!, .named place, anno.nc th, nave just receired the Largest and Cheapest AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF DRY GOOD erer offered to retail traders in the city of Raldn con futing of ' DRY GOODS, ' LADIES DRESS GOODS. 1 READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, Boots ai.d Shoes, fec, ic, fcc . &c., including everjthiug that a LAlY can vrish tor, from Toilet Articles up to a Silk Dress. These goods were purchased dUrin? ttK leont fU ot price? in Xortheni'inai kets aid c.n?eq'if ut v w;i bs.!d chep. ' p They were selected with special reference to the FU and Winter trade of thU sttiion Servants or children sei.t t the s: i . h ? .xi,; receive the fairest tratiunt. COME OXEf COME ALL : : SEE FOR Y O U R S . . L V E S It Costs Xvthihg to Look at o:r S-ock .' : Polite and attentive cierts are always oa hami . wit on customers. ' oc: 17 lm E. A. WHITAKER, C 0 MM ISS I 0 X ME R CHAXT AND DEM KR IN GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HD A LAKOt AND well selected stock ot Batter, Flour, Cheese. Tea. Lard. Coffee, Bacon, Sugar, Fish, Molasses, wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Segars, Spices, arris, fee, fcc , fcc, Jti . He is constantly receiving consignments of poods frum New York and other principal markets., and he has ex cellent facilities for purchasiBg at the lowest rates all the articles enumerated. His facilities tor doing business enables him to offer . THE BfcST INDUCEMENTS to city bayers and Country Merchants. He is determined U sustain the high repute ol his house for the FRESHNESS A.XD CHEAPNESS of the articles offered the public, and by fair dealing re tain the confidence of trades people in city and country. In addition to the few articles enumerated, hi store is supplied with EVERY NECESSARY AS WELL AS THE LUXUU1ES OF LIFE, incident to or desirable in housekeeping, and as his mot. to is QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS, ho respectfully invites an examination from purchasers, large and small. uct 16-tf r PRESS BY MESSRS. WM. B. SMITH & CO., Field & Fireside Furnishing House, 58 FAYETTBVILE8 8T.. RAI.KIOH S. f. NAMELESS: BY MBS. FAS NY HUKDA0GH DOWNING. One volume, 16 mo. cloth : Price $2.00. THIS IS A THRILLING STORY OP-HE ART-LIFE and the fashionable world, and, aside frfm an absorbing-plot artistically interwoven, it abounds in sup gestivHthougbt and descriptive passages trrand and exquisite in character and liniih. MOSSES FROM A ROLLING STONE: BY "TEN ELLA" mahy bayahd clauke, Author of "Reminiscenses of Cuba," "Wood Note,," Translations of "Marguerite," "Lady Tartufl'e," 4c. One volume, 16 mo. cl Uh : Price $1.25. Contains qompleie Poetical writings of th" popular authoi.and is a beautiful setting of ell the sparkling diamonds that have been found clinRinp to tbe "rolling stoce" ot a great life as it wasaed with the ebb and How of the seething tide ot Thought and Imagination. Liberal .deductions to the Trade. THE CHANGE, oa A STATEMENT OF THE REASONS AND FACTS WHICH MADE ME A BAPTIST. by uev. t. b KISGSBCBY. On a ro lume. 16 in . cloth : Price $2. 10. But few writers wina a pen with such consummate skill jrrace and vior as Mr. Kin-sburv. His booK nas received the most hearty and earnest critical endorse ment of Elders T. E. tsKisNaa J. U"VV Biblical Recorder, S. B. Cobb, Cor Sec X C. Bap Board of 31 isiions, and other eminent Divines. o Baptist family should be without it. .No opponent u! Ue Baptist should fail to read it." Editors inserting the advertisement of either or nfthf.fle books, with this notice, will receive a copy or all or copie of each accordingly. ncll-tf WE ARE ACTHOKIZEU TO AN.NOLMb MAJ. WlLLlfci D J0NE., as a C-.d.te to M"'" Wake County in the State Senate, at tae appr, acn g election. . 'HE BBS I" AND CHf ' w. WEB.ST-R a ciKbL-Cita r , X rntiK , A t Pout O.faCe, H-tf Fayetteville street. oct NOVELS n.vn BY ALL Tilfc rvrua. v . anb0nndition,atthe BOOKTOKE, . IO c--M-vi le itreai. oct 11-tf " 1 SCHOOL BOOKS to are mo l"y ,'uJ 5 TIERCES 1,500 LBS. OUUiv,z. HAMS, p,sa Shonlders, A.A ,00lbs. Jry nice Baon SJM 6 Pails, fresh and Sweat nuj 4 Cases 1 3 Cases 36 25 Kegi rreU do do UreeiTed'and for elepb7WlLLIAM50.V k CO. octll-tf - oTuVKioTUT NAILS, to Wi- AND and 10 .. cho. 25 Bexes-&oo ins. nui- 12 dox. Spades, i5 Caat Steel Axes, In Store and for sale by w,jipoif2 D Stpri.for Diamond,. BABCOCK. " . rm C li s AT 25 At the FIELD 4 'Riile .tre.t. oct 11-tf