"3, BY J. L. PENNINGTON. NEW ADVERTISE 31 K N T S STATE CONVENTION. Thursdat, October 19, 1865. Journal of yesterday read and adopted. The unfinished business being the ordioance in relation to the war debt of North Cirolfna and the qnestion being on the amendment offered by Mr. Grissom, to submit to the people to pay or repudiate said war debt. Mr. Caldwell, of Bnrke, spoke in defence of the motives of the Presid-nt of the United States in sending the dispcn advising a total and final repudiation of the debt created to carry on the war Mr. Joyce advocated non-assumption, was opposed to the principle of repudiation he only advocated the principle of noo-assumpti m of the war debt, be was for pavlog evf-ry doll r ot the old debt made prior to May, 1861 should vote against the ordi nance of Mr. Grissom to submit the question to the people ana against all amendments. Mr. Eaton's views on the question had Dot been changed. He was opposed to any action (on the part of this convention,) on the mter. The telegram had not worked any change with him he. believed the dispatch was the result of some false information communica'ed 'o the President he meaut no disre spect to the President o( the United SUtes. Mr. Jones,of Rowan, thought that the alarm of the President on this question was a mystery he could not s lve. He had told his people tht he would do all he could to keep this question out "of the conv n tion, but if it did come up, he would vote for non- assumption. If he knew what these war aeois are, he would vote to blot them, out he was for paying the honest deot of the State, &c. Mr. Grissom, by permission of the house,withdrew bis amenrtmetit, and remarked in substance, as fol lows: This subject should be considered dispassion ately the spirit of the discussion last evening was to be regretted. He endeavored to show then, and be lieve now, that there is no inconsistency between the views of the administration upon this subject heretofore, as indicated by ' letters from our State agent in Washington now. They advised that there 1 Whnnld be no aeitation of this question but there - . ..lit. t i l.-: s. A oh a Anrl rmtrtifT(.n nflnaLfl v tau ruwn mvpii.vli.iiii. u muivj w--www ' O m , i-i-.l hdarAnAthe rnuntrv. in COnuiCUUK uuiuiuiib r- have excited Interest and aroused feeling. Thig may 'it account tor tne cnance m opiuiuu wmgu au s- the peaceful dreams of gentlemen. ' v Wkof. U th( mvstflrv ? Our rjosttiou is a peculiar ? !oue. e have just ended a long and bloody strug- B El W E i: N N K W Y O U K A I NEW-BERN, NORTH CAROLINA. VOL. VI. RALEIGH, FRIDAY, OCT. 20, i860 NO. 289. Mr. Moore resumed. Yes sir, when a free people submits to dictation, the fUg staff would fall. Mr. Settle did not look upon the telegram as dicta tion it was the impulse of kindness it came in the shapR of fiUial --fff rtion, &c. The question then recurring on the amendment offered by Mr. M Ivor, the yeas and nays were de manded, and resulted yeas 30, nays 63. Mr. Caldwell, of Guilford, then moved to strike out all after the e.na ting clause and insert a sub stitute, authorizing the Public Treasurer of the State to scale the debt of the State, exclusive of the war debt, and the Treasurer to redeem by issuing bonds in exchange therefar, bonds and stocks ot the State first to be used in payment as far as they go.. The amendment was rejected. The question then being on Mr. Moore's amend ment, it was rejected. The question then being on the original bill, Mr. Bingham moved to strike out the words "di rectly or indirectly." Not agreed to. Mr. Starbuck offered an amendment, allowing the legislature to pay all loyal persons. Not agreed to. Mr. Odom, an amendment that the ordinance shall not go into effect until ratified by a vote of the people. Not agreed to. The question then being on he original bill, it was read by sections and parsed its second reading. The ordinance was then read a third.time, when Mr. Grissom renewed his amendment, submitting the second section of the ordinance to the people for their ratification.. Adopted. Mr. Set'le moved for a reconsideration, which mo tion prevailed. 11 Here a motion prevailed for a recess until the hour of 7 p. m. NIGHT SESSION. 7 O'Clock, P. M. An ordinance by Mr. Moore, of VV ake, giving J r CI . . A A. S, innnA -' I . . . 1 ' 1 -... r C -t 1 s-t n 1 t"J rl gle. The old snip oi-oiaie, lempeafc waocu i jurisdiction to tne provisional wuns ut icaa long years, has just emerged from bloody waves, and quarter sessions. .nrin nnKnrnH in tho harbor of peace. The white winged messenger which so long roved ever a sea of darkness, finding no rest for the sole of , her foot, has at last returned to the ark of safety V!floatiog on its stormy bosom, bearing In htr beak the olive branch of peace. ;- The blood of many brave and gallant citizen en rich, and their bones bleach every battle-field of the late unfortunate struggle rrom uig reiuei w xvici6u. The rules were suspended and the ordinance passed three readings. The unfinished business being on the amendment of Mr. Gnssom, submitting to a vote of the people the payment of the war debt, Mr. Phillips, being entitled to the floor, resumed his remarks. Messrs. Moore, of Wake, and Wilson, participa te in tho Hohfttn fc the conclusion of which the n nnt;s-.nnr' nnocdnna wflrn submitted to the I omon(lmpn t war reieeted arbitrament of arms, and decided against us. The original ordinance then passed its .tnird reau- The general government, through Its legal repre- jDg amidst applause. ?5rjtative, proposes terms of peace and re-union. go the war debthas emphatically ugonc up the Ever? 'rank and class and condition in life, with spout." 'verv shade of partisan view and former political A resolution of thanks to the President ef the Pinion acauietce in the decision and submit to the convention was passed unanimously, whereupon ' 4 the President addressed the body in a neat, fueling 0 Why then is not our progress "homeward" rapid, appr0priate address, which will appear in oar -id our' pathway to, the "old mansion" smooth and columns to-morrow. : The convention then adjourned to the 1th lhuib- i 3Werj l --oak tidfl j- : Vf 4. Because there is a lion m oar way. au aay in jtiay ucal Northern fanaticism and Southern raaicau, u- Jdes wfiicb unite, nba, p9ral!J "TiTZZZX we see nsio like the Btroog-rmea na bwu.-u.- . nth nrmoesB buu -., THE CITY. Bad Policy. We see freed people, men and wo men, daily going through, the streets and around town in search of cmploymedt, and the tales of suf fering we hear from some of them are really dis tressing. The fact is, the conditions of freedom has disappointed thera. The vast majority of them ap pear to have, had no conception of the hardships in cident to life upon the- plan of self-dependence. In r illustration of th"s position, they have rushed to the city with the evident idea that they could exist without labor. The consequence is that there are too many blacks about us for the demand ; but if the idle ones, especially those who have been accus tomed to farm labor, will go into the country, we have no doubt they will be able to find work. We have no interest in this matter beyond the comfort and welfare of the class to whom we are re ferring. It is a subject of regret to us that they are out of homes and unless .they betake themselve to the country at once, winter will eatchthem without raiment, food or shelter. New School Books. We have received from the publishers, Messrs. Sterling & Albright, whose printing house is in Greensboro, two new volumes. "Our Own Fourth Reader" and ' Our Own Spell ing Book," both published since the war. We have examined them with more than ordinary pleasure. The matter they contain, its judicious arrangement and their unexceptionable typography, all combine in commending them to our judgment. We hope teachers in this State, at least, will introduce these admirabie volumes into their schools they deserve such patronage. We presume Messrs. Sterling & Albright purpose issuing a complete series and spellers. Without such determination it would be unfortunate for the public as well as themselves. They have evinced such taste, sound discretion and enterprise thus far as entitles them to encouragement from all who are desirous of contributing to the substantial in terests of the South. N?oisy. A.,bevy of negroes, denizes of HeU's-Half-Acre. the euphonious designation of one of the most delectable localities in the city, were marched up under guird yesterday, uoon the charge of dis orderly conduct. We tell these sable- 'geramen to beware of night carousals. The A No. ELLEN 1 Steamship SS&fr ork, nD Sataniav. Oct. 2:;-.,,t.V, ,-,v;., 4.: i . it- ' ot Craren Street. Y. ;; UUV. N. B The SttMtaor KI. (.'lit i S TKKKY.and f:o;ii ims .- , Saturtlat, Oct. 'Jsti;. CO., A,rt. 'I- i.l.I.F. IO TMK CITI . NS OF A K K ( u i V ate ;or lb- otlice' '. approachitii: otciij!!, ft ildvr -citizens. Hv Oe. port. He is ir. im : V and dcs not ak tLe vutfs .,: fct'20 td - hi' 'I . t. :- ; t!ioe w f'tnur, Another Richmoso 'm. G. Briggs announces in this mornings paper th lQ is a candidate for the Sheriffalty of Wake county. ye savs ne js jn favor of W. W. Holden for Governor foes n0 ask the votee of those who oppose him. Direct fp. New York. Shippers and others ir terested are reminded that the steamer Ellen S. Terry sails from Newbern tomorrow direct for New York. Off the 28th inst., the El Cid departs from the same port. Look Oct. Counterfeit one dollar greenback have been put in circulation. The paper is said to be inferior, the color lighter thm the genuine and and the engraving very indifferent. Our readers would do well to be on the look-out for them. E. A. WHITAK o M m is s it .v m ; a R, ' A A AND I'FUKR IV GROCERIES AM) LlOI in:, AN TnE Convention adjourned 'ast night, but with a resolve to assemble agaiu next May. Tampering with thf Teeth is madness. Avoid the corrosive dentifrices, submit to no scraping, use nothing but Sozodont. Orient herbs are its ingredients. It preserves the enamel. It removes alAmpuritios. It strengthens the gums. It deodo rizes a tainted breath. It is harmless as water, and more valu ble than its weight in gold. I HAMS, SIDES, SHOULDERS AND LARD. C TIERCES 1,500 LBS. CHOICE SUGAR-CURED D II A.MS, 10 Cases 5,000 lbs. Prime Shoulders, 4 Cases 1,500 ibs. very nice Bacon Sides, recommended. 3 Ca3es--36 fails, Fresh and Sweet White Lard. 25 Kegs do do 10 Halt Barrels do do Just received and for sale by B. P. WILLIAMSON & CO. octll-tf TEEl'S COWM AN 1 L XVl. we'l selected .-took i Mutter. Flour. n heese Tea. Tv coffee. 'i. Sues Wiuo, imiors. Th.ici-ii, cKir, S j i tH, jii. He is constantly reo ivin.: e.r..-i,:ti ui-:.;- ' unis tr.u New York and otln-r firincip.i'. :n.rk-t- .: i.t- hi- -cellent facilities for purch:iiM at lb ! nv.t ri:c t ' tli articles enumerati'd II is facilities tor dini buin-' na - ! i:n i flf; THE Br ST IN DC C KM I. ? IS to city bayeio and Country M -i c; .a-.t-. lie is determined to sustain 1 1; c r-U i ; i-t i.. house for the F RES UN ESS AN I of the articles otl'-red , ub'i . a;, I ; tain the confidence of tt;i ru ii, In addition to the few artic s t-nni: ii supplied with EVERY NE('ESSAR AS WELL AS TtlK LIM .h- Or 1,1! L," incident to or d-'sirab.e id U 'Um kt-.-j ;n;, a:: I 1 - :::..t to is QUICK SALES AND SMALL IMIOI ITS, he respectfully iuvites an examination !; mi. h.oei large and -mall. ' t! 11 ( ii i: a iv ess . a ; , i o v : t . .V, u n t r v - -to:- Johnson on Pardons. xtlon, . -w i - . L. m t ndrew Johnson, wuu, fafr aud . ... r.n ...A', "nf&cp. be still : tnu3 iar auu 1V8 tO iris " F"i " ' . ' . otaiTAd ' tL Loro ahall thv nroud waves be stayed. hi a auririfiri. auu. ouovw . i Z "e7i;nA be saved? Or shall e desert mm nd be lost ? Thia teleeram is a - - r fVio trreat nrosratnnie for Ft 1 1 e , i, , j i T th lltlKlDa krtinnal and universal gooa. x :.plrtt with which it has been "tic. I cbon.e to accept the "P'Orauge. I .gnished and clear-h.aded delete ' mu SUrpret it as saying to Nortb Uw lna .-. friend, but do nt overrien me A fuel to the fierce Z" everthrow and alters of fanaticism, threatening my ' your destruction. w allasions of gen- . I deprecate, Pecla,1 -, , tae z-al of gentlemen " tlemen on.thwfloor nJ. acfcioUf a8 maDifetcJ by the ftaDgi8hed'delesete from Bowan in his motion to table the whole matter - Mr Boyden disclaimed such purpose. Mr. Gnssom said he judged motives by actlooi. ' -rrti ...f.,! annuoi of tho n cm ishftd and vener- IJJ(J UU W 1 1 I U I appeal v. v w v....0. 'u. able delegate from Caswell, in thoughts tnat breathed r. And words that burned, fe'l still-born at his feet; and . pothii g but the sober second th .ught of the Cjuven ' . lion prevented the mischief of his motion. Tnis whole q ustiou is contained in a nutshell. "Submit this question to the sovereign voice of the aople and uone can complain. This course, I apprehend, would be satisfactory te the administration and the Northern people gener- ally as well as our own immediate citizens. ' One objection to the high-handed measures of : the Convention ot 1861, h-re and elsewhere, was that the ' opTwere not consulted. Unde; a promise to in ' " xorporate this feature in the original ordinance, I withdraw my substitute. Mr. Mclvor then offered as amendment, that all ' ; " Able mSde to aid the rebellion, directly or indirectly, " ' ihallnot bo paid and debarring any action by the - ' Legislature on the subject . ' . ' This amendment was aavocaiou uy . M. C J "Mr -M A McLean, was not airaiu tu . T 2 Wo fnmiahflrl ft dav or two since a teiegrapbic summary of the interview between the President and delegation of South Carolinians, daring which they presented applications for the pardon of Stephens, Trenholm, and Jefferson Davis. In speaking of the application, the National Intelligencer sajs : We understand that the South Carolina delega tion, consisting of Messrs. Wardlaw, Hugur, and UUU, w , intprulPW With nwktns. vesteraay aueruwu the President, and presented to him tbb memorials of thu Convention of that State, setting forth its politi cal position, and asking for the pardon ot Jettison Davis, Alexander H. Stephens, Governor Magrath, and Mr Trenholm. The President said he had an ticipated the memorials so far as Messrs Stephens and TreLbolm were concerned; and fur t bis the del Qtin rptnmed their thanks. As to the others, the D.o!nt R?d. in the course of the conversation that, i.-irn nthpr t.hii es in human an have a fixed rule. All the circumstances, anu suui times the pepuliar locality, must be considered in con nection with pardons. It treason has ben commit ted, the highest tribui al ought to declare the fact, even if the pardooiug power should be exercised at terward. He assured the delegation that, while there was sympathy, there was a public judgment which must be met -but there was no disposition fcr per secution or a thirst tor blood. A conversation took place between the delegation and the Presideut wnh reference to the affairs ot S-.uth Carolina, in which the President said that ne- Presideat saia, in me course uuue w . - - - h officcr B litce otoer tnn g in uumau ana no, i All Right Again'. Smoked glass was iu vogue here yesterday morning, and feminines as well as masculines were early on the alert to catch the first symptoms of the sun's eclipse. It was very mark ed between 10 and 11 o'clock, about two thirds of the sun's face appearing to be obscured. When we made our observation through the medium men tioned, the day king presented an appearance very .wi.,. c-.-ctt". minded us of the shade which heavy clouds cast on the earth during seasons of storm, but at 1 o'clock every trace of the obscuration had passed away from the sky. The weather has become much cooler and heavy clouds and a tolerable sharp wind prevailed through out yesterday until nearly night. Small Matter of a Horse. Last night a horse tied to a post in front of this office, either slipped his bridle ard departed for parts unknown, or was s'olen. At all events, just as we were about to indite a paragraph on the subject of departed equine flesh, Officei Bryan, of the city police, brought us tidings of great joy that he had captured onr sad dle with a Petersburg darkey attached to it, ana at another print up the street, our nag. The up- ' - . stabled the T- a Cm r r j4 m O r fV"! T horse and! eked up ye reiersuuig ";wu y in KEGS CUT NAILS, 4's to 20'. OUvJ25 Horse Shoes, 10 " Mule " 25 Boxes 500 lbs. Horse Shoe Nail?, 12 doz. Spades, 25 " Cast Steel Axes, In Store and for sale by octii-t( B. F. WILLIAM8QN & CO. 1 VAMONUS WANTED. I will pay the high- N est market prices lor Diamonds. IN V RESS oct 17-tf P. BABCOCK. GREAT GIFT DISTRIBUTION! 250,000 WATCHES, QHAINS, DIAMOND RINGS, ETC., WORTH OVER ONE MILLION DOLLAR8 ! " 'vaYoe'f rearard tu what you arc to 1 1 "ii! an an- hIi u!i ' . in mj . . 1 :ir;il au'i examination this morning. ilerrftaod groes coming oui ui oic.j that they cannot do without work, and when it came to be appreciated that they must work 01 starve the country would be prepared for a system applicable to both white and black. The delegation appeared to be much pleased with their interview, expressing to the President their en tire confidence in his purposes and action ; while the President assured them that he would recommend to them nothing that would not be for their honor and prosperity. If he could be instrumental m restoring the Government to its former relations, and see the people once more happy and united, he should feel more tnat graunea, auu mo Another Earthquake. The island of Santa Cruz, in ihe West Indies, nas recoup trust the TMoLl'e bnt It looked like making the people 8cye- by a Mre earthquake, prostrated m7 n''d'Drf - f-r thU conveotio tha cooyeotioa ought o ' f e haT8 learoed oa ej oo , f f The shock ot tne same eariu4u0 Domingo. Some of the West India islands have also lately been visited by a severe hurricane. .&ctin the matter mouguu mo '. , V a : . rn Th nnnvfintion had actoa aenr iuu 01 ujcuiu6. ? nroperly on other intimations lirom the President ind he thought it absolutely necessary to our admis sion into the Union that this war debt should be act- of Wilkes, thought that out of 2000 voters in the county of Wilkes there were no fwho would undertake to pay this debt. nJ ate money and Treasury notes were coldered war fmoney-thatit bad gone down, and with it the war 'mV. King took position against AMampfcfoo. - Mr. McDonald of Chatham, had advocated submit 1 ting to the people this question of "sumption bu rthe matter having been so long agitated in this con Mention, he now favored immediate nouou. I" Mr. Brooks endorsed fully the recommendaUon of the President of the United States. It accorded m ! every respect with his feelings. ina S Mr. Moore of Wake, made some ""P1 Itory of the ordinance, the ddthe S urged that while this convention shon d not assume :the war debt, it should declare in reference to the other debts of the Bute. &o , occupied me. allotted in remarking upon the dispatch of the Frest dent U came in the form of dictation, and he-, as tae representative of a free people, was not willing ma this convention should be dictated to as to Its course, i At this juncinre, the flag staff r on the capitol leu. ) Potent Drug. The Lynchburg Republican's local furnishes the follewing : Whiskey is now tested by the distance a man can walk after tasting it. The liquor called " tan-cle-leff " is said to be made of diluted alcohol, nitric b1. P . , j .-l t511 nnfiPt n. man at ae d boot leg ana looaw, . - - a distance of four hundred yards from the demi- Relief for thi Sufterees of thf Sor;T--- few weeks since the Most Reverend Archbishop Spaudltng! of the Diocese of Maryland, called upon the clew "Of the Church to take up collections in :Sf !i ig7 IxJn of the South. According Hill ui tue ouiiv. a i" 4 . , . . to the last reports made by the clergy the aggr eate amount of these has exceeded $10,000 1 his n,oney will be distributed in the most judicious manner to the needy and suffering, and will be gratefully received. There is some hope left for the late Confederacy, so called. George N. Sanders announces under oath in Canada, that he has not abandoned it. Here unto death-faithlul Several gentlemen ol our acquaintauoo a small quantity of Confederate notes that they can be induced to dispose of to G. N. Sanders. Another accident Yesterday afternoon a ne gro man, engiged in the press room of the Field and F.reside Publishing H -use, had his arm badly torn by becoming entangled in some p irt of the machinery. The wonder is that the limb was not crushed beyoid repair, as it was drawn in between two large cog. But for the presence of mind of the supenntfhdent of the room, John would have been only half a man the remainder of his life. Moral : Every one not having business in the jf.;.,hnfT nfRnm: should keeD out and press rooms u yim'-a thus escape the danger of hurt. , An Idea. During the prevalence of the annular eclipse yesterday, an enthusiastic colored Individ ual became greatly elated. "Bress de Lord," said he "nigger'stimehabkmn at las he's free and now we gwini to hab a black sun-surely de mas ter ob glory is wid de colored folks." He went of chuckling as if thoroughly convinced of the soundness of his conclusions, but before sun set he had probably modified them very materially. He will learn to think differently of many other things beforo the wane of many moons. We understand that the Board of Commissioners held a meeting last night, and sincerely hope they decided, among other good things, to strengthen the police force of the city. In adopting a measure looking to such an object as the security 01 proper Not to be Paid for until you Know Keceive l DURING THE MONTH ENDING MARCH 31ST, 1865 T.& H Gautrhan & Co., have had the honor ot distributing among meir pnuuus oi jluuuic Ninety Gold and Silver Watches, at tho price of One Dollar each. Splendid List of Articles! ALL TO BE SOLD FOR ONE DOLLAR EACH ! 250 Solid Silver Dining Sets, 500 Silver Salvers and Urns, 5 0 Solid Silver Tea Sets, complete 150 Rosewood Musical Boxes, 32 airs, 200 Mahogany do, 24 airs, 250 GoU Hunting Watches, '250 Ladies' Enamelled gold watches, 500 Gents' Hunting siiverwatches, 500 Open-face silver watches, 250 Diamond Rings, 5,600 Photo. Albums, all sizes, 2,0u0 Gold Vest and Neck Chains, 3,u00 Gold Oval Band Bracelets, 5,000 Chased Gold Bracelets, 2,000 Chatelaine and Guard Chains, 7,0w0 Solitaire and Revolving Brooches, 2,000 Lava and Florentine do, 5,000 Coral, Opal and hmerald d. 5 000 Mosaic, jet ana lava fcararops, 7,500 Coral and Emerald do, 5.00o California diamond pins, 5,000 Cat cluster do, 3,u0o seta Soltarie buttons and studs, 3,000 Gold Thimbles, Pencils, etc., lO.OUO Lockets, double las9. 5 OU0 L ckets for Miniatures, 3,00 Gold Tootnpicks, Crosses, etc., 5,000 v lain Gold Kings, 5 0h0 Chased do. 10,000 -bield and Signet Rings, 10. 000 California 'Jiamond do, 7,50 sets Ladies' Jewelry, jet, 5000 do do do coral, 5 000 do do do onyx, 5 OuO do do do lava, 2 5i0 do do do mosaic, 10.000 Gold pens with silver holders, 5.00a Gold pens witn gold do, 5.000 Gold pens and holders, superior, 5,0j0 Silver goblets and drinking cup, 3,000 Silver castors and wine holder?, 2,000 Silver fruit and cake basket, Messrs. T. & H. Gaughan & Co., No. 116, Broadway, New York, extensive manufacturers ana importer oj .hi the leading atd most fashionable styles of Watches and Jewelry, desiring to increase their business to an unlim- ited extent, have resoiveo. upon a, vrefc vhh,jo.41w..w, subject to the regulations lonowmg : Certificates naming each article and its value are placed in scaled envelopes and well mixed. One of these envelopes will be sent by mail to any address cn receipt of twenty-five cents. j. All articles sold at one dollar each, without regard to value. On receipt of the certificate you will see what you are going to have, and then it is at your option to send the dollai and take the article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring, or any set of Jew elry on our list for one dollar, and in no case can they get less than one dollar's worth, as there are no Wanks. The price of certificates is as follows : One for 25 cts ; five for $lj eleven for $2; thirty for $5; six.y-five for 10 ; one hundred for $15. , Agents will ba allowed ten cents on - BY MKSSR. WM. B. SMITH CO.. Field & Fireside Publishing House, 5S i'ayei rKvii.K-. sr.. mki .h s KAMKLHSN : BY MRS. FANS'! Mi; ..1-At'tH !f v MS.i. One volume, ltl ni' clotti : Pi in- $'.1.00. rpHlS IS A THRILLI.NG TOUV OF 11 K A II K J and the tashinaotf wiri 1, :u i, sorbing pi t artirtiCHlly wu. iw..v. n, trestive thought and o pciiuiive n.i exquisite in character and tnuMl. MOUSES FROM A ROLLING STOXK: BY "TtNELLA" maky b vyakd . :.mkf., Author of "R.-miniace:;a. s I ('.i b.t ." ; V Translations of 'M Arguerite," Ti utl ," Ac. One volume, 16 ui cl th : 1. ic $ i '-''. authoi , and is a rxt(u ii.iri? .i v-v t!i- -p,rklii diamonds that have b -en toan l clinint i tho n,iir;p stone" ot a great life a- it a-.is oui th ) jj,)W of the seething tide ol Tu uht nd IuiaiuaU' n. Liberal deduction to ih' I raJc. $75 to $300 50 to 250 50 to 300 75 to 250 50 to 200 75 to 250 50 to 200 35 to 100 25 to 50 50 to 100 5 to 50 15 to 30 5 to 10 C to 12 5 to 20 . 5 to H 4 to 10 4 to 10 4 to 10 3 to K to 20 3 to 10 3 to 10 3 to s 3 to 5 5 to ll 3 to i to 10 4 to 10 3 to 10 i to 10 5 to 10 8 to 12 10 to 15 12 to 20 20 to 30 6 to 10 6 to 12 10 to 11 -8 to 10 15 to 50 20 to 50 THE CHANGE, OK A STATEMENT OF THE REASON'S AND FACT. WHICH MADE ME A LU'TIST. by'rev. t. b kist.-blky. One volume, ltt in . cloth : I'rire .'...0. But few writers wi id a pen with su-Jj 'nniumrat skill, grace and YU'or as Mr. Kin. -urv. li:- ,,'. haa received the most hearty and cinvvt crui. i eudnr-e-ment of Elders T. E Skisskh .1 . I. H. '-fu, MiiK.r i:it:-i r V U t',i,UH t'ir .-- .N C L"l Board of Miini, and other em incut Baptist family should be without it tue Baptist should fail to read it." I ) i . i N nt Editors inserting the advertisement of thene books, with this nonet , will if c copies of each accordingly octll-tf i'. ii i or u : I LADY'S OWN STORE, T R. FE.NTR1SS OLD STAND. No. 16 Fayetteville Street, iialeili, N ItI named pliice. aiin 'ESS US. BOWL N k pi just received tn K A -N DA EL unc; to tf.o ; La' u GOOD C'JE- 1 1 1 . eollect 25 cents for every ce r T, . . 1. ...K rvr nOKt- tidcate, and remit ia centi to ub, kidwiu age stamps. octi8 3in T A H fJAHOHAN A CO. No. 116, Broadway, N-Y. Prrnur MEETIN G. The conservative ioimenof thetoiSJ "of. Wake arffdo meet at the Court House, in VnVJi. of WDf Saturday aext, tbe 21st inst. for the ' PW fc00rD b e a i i u n AnncorvQtinn nf order, thev will have the ordered bv them. Droviding their remittance amounts 17 to one dollar. Agents will e endorsement 01 every guuu man m . j Only bad characters can regard it with feelings of regret. . .1'. 1 JKnlml trVlllo Countv Matters snouia not oe oyenw the more weighty concerns of State press upon the public mind. There is to be a meeting to-morrow to select candidates for county offices, and all who feel an interest in those matters that most intimate ly concern thera should attend and give expression of opiuion as to their choice. Tirrm in anv ouantitT. from one to UliltlU l IVf.' nvaK") ... j -x m flftv thousand, can be printed at this office on the ".hnrust nossible notice. Price, only one dollar per BMW j- thousand. Largest and Cheapest AND Bi T "ELECT LI STOCK OF DK1 eve- offered tn retail trader in th- rr.y a K. sisting of LEY GOODS, LADIES DRESS GOODS. UV nV M a DE f E' 1 ill HATS AND CAPS, Hoots and Shw. JLc, Ac, Ac . Ac. including everything that a l.AD 1 '"' ' Toilet Articles up to ;i Silk Drev These goooa were pun-Lav! !ur.:i ;n V'nrthrn mark?? nr.d C U' cheap. They were selected with .s-c-ia: and Winter trade of thi? secir .n. Servants or children ?f- ' 4 receive the fairest treatment. nnfV r,XF' CO.ltF O U " Costs Nothing t Loo-. Polite and attentive clerk a" on caetomera. v.- " ; i' ..t J -en: ; 1.- LL 1 t wir and chkai-est: mir HKST 1,1 !. ' U f i- r i O Lj 1 TTTEKSTtR's W At tbe oct 11 tf I . . t . . cex5 to tue o.u iv CLM.T O ii rJ strfet. Legislature, at the election in .November next. oct lb-lw HE sabscr ib. r r e-pecifuny J . i j..,nTiHitiffoonDtrTio'ucu .r -ii tere ne win iwith their bepieseato wFY--"te ntionpaid to tbe preserve patronage. ?Zhi&til Teeth inserted oa nn nfthpnaturalteetn. A"1" B1,f The most . pprored pnPj'S&WTOll ugIS-4m ALLTHE POPcLA mm . . . r NOVKLS LAU Al I ND A N D FIELD oc tll-tf " 25 C f' NTS' "wOT'S SPELl-ERf AT 2o C WEBSTER'S P!-:i.Lr.';.;r T .,,t ( - VTr At the YIELV-' - oot U-tf . " SCHOOL BOOKS )r A 1 i rl ORE.