V w ft BY J. iTPENNiNGTON. I '" ., ' ' , i ' i Ait. I THE CITY. hVtTnH- tVTtVtV St -v. jf Persona in citj and country are requested, at all ttraei, to furnish us Terbal or written information of anj rentsof public interest which may transpire ia tteir neighborhoods, or of which they may hare knowledge. Matrimonial. The "deadly blast" of war hav ing been blown utajid "gentle p ace," white wing ed, having smiled upon us, the young people are now turning their attention to ' union" matters and rapidly venturing forth upon the sea of matrimony. We hear of several marriages to be solemnized du ring the coming week, and in one neighborhood within a block- of each other of thre- of the pret tiest girls in Raleigh who have accepted contracts' to sow on butto s, patch pantaloons, gnmi'!e,vfth servants or take the cooking themselves - These latter are to do the deed bef re Christmas. They have our best w shes, though they, with others of like inclinations are not guiltless as causes f the present high prices of bedstead, feathers, cradles, &c- things of the first, importance to this para graph, who has a house to furnish f6r himself next y ar. But we wish them all a life of bliss in spite of this; naeed, we hope they may enjoy a perpetual honeymoon lor the remainder of their live. For 'Carriage, iivjb ij understood, Gives to the gentle and fbe good A Paradise below " If we could believe in the, maxim "the more the merrier," we would counsel all of our file ds to try wedlock, which an old'song characterizes as "a ticklish thing " VVo deem it sale at least, to fol low in the footsteps f a contemporary a.rt advise them to take t .is hint and form alliances matrimo nial ere the sear and yellow leaf of existence places them beyond the pale of domestic telrcitv. Law and Okdku to be Maintained. At "their meeting night before last, the Board of. Commis sioners appointed twenty additional policemen, thus giving us a total force of thirty able-bodied citizens. Every friend of law and order will hail this step as an expression of determination on the part of our municipal legislators to crush out criminals and crime. The gentlemen who comprise the Board have shown th mselves thoroughly alive to the in terests and reputation of the city. The maintain arrce at this time of a sound public morality is of the first consequence to our future happiness and juiet as a corumunitj. But we contend that sirn ly as a quesMon of local economy discarding all ther considerations they have acted with true isdom and foresight. All honor to them for this : form, and now we trust the old and new appoint i will go energetically to work in estopping the ser of great and sm 11 rascals. C&e Watcuman. We have been so pressed in : r columns by advertisements and other ma' ter, we hve not been able to print, as was our urnose, the prospectus of Rev. Chas. F. Deems' posed paper, "The Watchman."1 Itwillbepub- l:hed in New York at $2 for six months. Th the prospectus, the editor says : A Home Gazette, a Repertory of all the best ;rrent literature, a summary of all important in dulgence in every department of human effort, a journal of progress, an advocate of 'ruth in all things, a friend, a guide, a blessing this is what "The Watchman is intended to become. The idea of Dr. Deems is a bold one and to real ize the expectations he creates as to his enterprise i trill require much energy and labor ; but those who r.r familiar with his learning and attainments will net doubt his success. We wish him abundant rrcsperity. Fo the present the address of the Editor wi 1 be Niw Licence Regulations. We would call the attention of pro luce brokers t j the following recent decision : . The Commissioner ot Internal Rev nue has de c .Jad that where the sales of a produce broker ex C2eds in any license year t" e sum of ten thou and Collars, and he thus becoms .subject to a commer cial broker's license, the ew license should be frrarited from the first day of the month in which t!. i H bihty th reto ac rues, upon the payment of t ratable proportion of the annual cost of such a li cense." " Hemember this, ye men whom it concerns. The Mketino To Day It is of the first import r ;a to the peop e those who range themselves in . same category with the Conservative-!! ion- v. Vhnson Holderfpa ty to be present a: the meet I for the selection of county candidates for the jslature. We nope to see the county and city h fully represented, so that ye may have not I a large turn out and a general expression of ::!on, but thorough harmony in the wigwam be t :xchiefs and tribes. r. ,:?.5ED Over We are glad to hear that the line hi .Iroad between thi& city and Goldsboro has tzzn turned over to the company by the military f uthorities. We see by adveitisoment in this is- that the mail train leaves here after Monday : :2tai 5 30 a. m and arrives at 7.00 p. m. The inraodation train departs at 7.30 p. in., and ives at 5.30 a. tn. That efficient railroad r, Su rintendent Wilkes, now contros the ribbons. Ietired. We learn from thei4Journal of Free in," of this morning, that Mr. J. Q A. Crane has ninated his connection with the paper ilr E. Prooks continuing to fill the editorial chair as 'I as bee ming the sole proprietor of that estab iment Mr. C. had. from the first, only a busi es interest in the concern. It is proper to say the change will cause no in- ruption in the regular issue of trie-paper. ;. , . .i . Lisping Individual. At the d nner table of the change hotel yesterday, one of the guests asked is-a-vis, i 'Are yon for or against Holden ? t appears that the party questioned lisped very rceptibly, and replied to the Holdonite : MYou can't elect him, and if you do, you can't aota Worth man. . V0L- YI RALEIGH, SATURDAY, OCT. 21. 1865 Abolished. The provost marshal of this city, Capt. Purinton, has been relieved from duty and the office abolished While we are truly glad to chronicle every inch of progress made towards the restoration of the State to civil control, we bear testimony to the efficiency of the retiring officer and to the pleasant relations which have usual y subsisted betwee . officers and soldiers of the army and our citizens. J Laroe Ball om.-A large ball on,comi ng from a southwesterly direction, passed over the city last night, about 10 o'clock. Time was .when such an exhibition would have made us think that Grant or Fherman was up to-some mischief. The case is now different and we only wish that the ascension ists would give noti e of them provious to their occurrence --- i Go It. Mr Edward Biker, a Baltimorean with capital and energy, is in the city, looking around with a view of establishing in this vicinity a broom, bucket and match factory. We hope he may find it not only practicable, but " eet with such induce- ments from property holders as will encourage the undertaking. Still Another. It wi 1 be seen by announce ment else- here, that Wm. H. High is a candidate for the Sheriffship of this county. There is still room for more and if th re are other Richmo- d's who propose entering 'ke lists, they ought to be trotted out on the course immediately. Ordered Away. The 28th Michigan regiment, now on duty here, has been ordered-away with the exception of rne company doing service at Gen. Ruger's headquarters This leaves us without any military force, we believe. Election Tickets, in any quantity, from one to fifty thousand, can be printed at this office on the shortest possible notice. Price, only one doliar per thousand. All ye Families, in want of groceries, should re member the auction sale of groceries to day, at Johnson's store on Market square. Farewell Address of President Reade to the State Convention. Jodie Reade is winning large reputation by tho simple and fervid style of eloquence which haa milk ed his speeches before theo State Convention Last Thursday evening, just preceding the proclamation of adjournment, he deliverer1 himself of the following rhaste address an appropriate farewell from the President to the membership of the to ly over which he presided : Gentlemen of the Convention : Onr work is finished! The breach in our goverunent, so (ar as the same was by force, has been overcome by force, and so far ss the same had the sanction of legislation, that ipgisla tiou has been declared to be Dull and void. So that there remains nothing to be doDe except the with drawal of military power, when onr governmental relations will be restored without further askiDg on the part of the State, or giving on the part of the United States. The elements of slajery, which has so long de tracted and divided the sections, has, by a unanimous vo":e, been abolished. Every man in the State is free. The reluctance which for a while was felt to the sudden and radical change in our domestic rela tions, a reluctance which was made oppressive to ns by our own kind feelings for the slave, and by our appreheusions of the evils which . were to follow him, has yielded to-the determination to be to him a3 we always have been, his bejjtjfrieod ; to advise, protect, eiiucate and elevate him ; to spek his confidjn ce and to give him turs ; and each occupying appropriate po sitions toward the other, to cherish for the past and cultivate for the future those strong send mutual Attachments which have been hniioweii at the hearth stone, iu the church, lu the sick roam, and at th grave. It remains for u to return to our constituents and engage with them in th great work of restoring our heiov d State to order and prosperity. As long as I remember any thing with pleasure, my heart will beat tadter when I reflect, gentlrmt-n, upon your kindness tome. You hav houjire I m wiih your cufi lence and excused my imp'rferti h s I hare not to rtmmber a single discourtesy . I wisn you as.ifpj ur ey to your nff tiooat : la-nil:; th.it OUr lives f n-ty lie us lu1, b m-r.t)ltf aud happy ; ami ttju Gud m-ty blss y u Searching American Baggage. The Cork Her ald gives an account of the process through which the baggage of American travelers in Ireland has to go It says : "Every species of property, th smallest article of rlothing, every book, letter, scrap of paper, how ever deeply deposited or closely packed in port manteau, box, case parcel, or pocket, was opened and scrutinized by the officers, under the inspec tion of i he magistrates ; the object being, of course, to detect ally po.-sible circumstance which might show the owners to be connected with the Fenian conspiracy As will be readily imagined, thisprov ed very annoying io the passengers, and their in dif nation (especially that of a German gentleman) was great. The search proved abortive ; the only article at all objected to bei g a revolver which o e gentleman had with him, and which oftener is than is not among the luggage of American travelers. This weapon was retained, and all the passengers were then allowed t repack their property as b st they conld and proceed on shore." ' If. you cant keep awake in church," said a preacher to one of his hearers, " when you feel dropsy, why don't you take a pinch of snuff ?" " I think the snuff shou d be put into the sermon ! " wan he shrewd repy. i i & CO., X; AT THEIR WAREHOUSE. Near the N. C Depot, Will famish Fresh or Salt Fish to the citixens of Ualeigb at any hoar. ORDERS SOLICITED. FRESH FISH at the market on the arrival of tb trains. ; oc M-f PUBLIC MEBTI5 G. The conservative Onion men of the county of Wake are requwed to meet at the Court House, in Raleigh, at 11 o'clock, on Saturday next, the 21st init., for the purpose of comul tation. with a view to the selection of a ticket for the Legislature, at the election in November neat, oot 16-lw TtJ vtersof the Fifth Congressional Dis- K?Sf; Ra"do,Ph. Guilforrt. Rockinjjh "'1.1 -i cu ie Counties f Ala- Hill, ' ' .M,lt,rou auui Cas- Fellow- Citizens : Incompliance with the wishes of a number of the citiz.ns of the Fifth Congressional Oistrct I have consented to place my nam" be fore you a a candidate for a seat in the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States. This trust, at all times one of great responsibility, is rendered peculiarly so in the prosont extraordiniry juncture of our puilio affiirs. Just emerged, as we have, from onp of J ho most sanguinary and disastrous wars, which his tory records, with our constitutional rel ifioDS to the government not yet entirely restored, the crisis demands the ut nost prudence and the most disinterested patribti.suj. to attain thi most desirable result. It is true that the Convention of the State has fully responded to the wishes of the people of the State, and by its action has done every thing in its power towards accomplishing that end, yet it is still subjeet to the decision of the national authorities. .birsfe in the list of duties inscribed amnncr iiiost- iuixi apperram to tne representative trust, is to aid, by all honorable means, the complete restoration of the State to those relations with tho fsd ..i. uuiuu, nuiuu iur Hear a centurv. so happily and beneBcially subsisted be ween them, i need not say, that this with me, if honored with your confidence, would be the first and most cherished object of my wishes. No duty would be so pleasing as to aid in restoring oar State to the noble government which Washington and his compatriots of t ,e revolution gave us. Let us theu, again, seek to share that great inheritance of which we have for a time been deprived by a most extrao dinary infatuation. Let us seek to unite in frnternal bonds with that great family of States which constitutes the greatest and freest government in ancient and modern times. At the same time let us cast the mantle of charity over former differences of opinion, aud regard those who differed with us as friends and patriots, who now unite with us in the great work of recon struction. In the policy of President Johnson, I behold the path of peace, safety and honor, to conduct us through these difficulties. While he stands on national ground, as the partizan of no one section and as equally the friend of all, he is oar in trepid defender against the meditated aggres sions of revolutionary radicalism. As one, cor dially, uniting in his official capacity, in the plans and policy of President Johnson, it is only simple justice to Governor Holden, to say , that he has most faithfully and beneficially ev erted his authority to that end, and has purcued a course which entitles him to decided public approval." Impoverished and exhausted, as our State has been, by the results of the late war, it will be peculiarly the duty of those who represent her in the Congress to endeavor to lighten her bar thens as much as practicable with respect to taxation, and to obtain from the government such indulgence as can be had with regard to the taxes, for which the State u now subject. As respects our foreign relations, peace and frieudsbip with all, entangling alliances with none, asking what is right, and sunmitting to nothing which is wrong, should be the maxims and the policy of our government as they were in the biist days of the Republic. I trust my course for many years past is not altogether unknown, on the question of the Fed eral Union. In the Senate of the Uuited States, more than thirty years since, m the debate on the force :bill, against the nullification ordinance of South Caroliua, I declared, iu a speech deliv ered by me on that occasion, that a dissolution of the Union would result in the establishment of a military despotism. Afterwards, svheo ex treme men of the South and North agitated the slave: question, as I then and now believe, from mischevious motives, I resisted it, iu opposition t both extremes, as tending to a dissolution of the Uniou Iu 1860 aud '61, wnen he move uje" i iu favor of secession was first mde in our L; gislatufe, I was' then a member of the State Senate, and made every effort which I was capa ble of making in opposition to it. This I continu' d to d.) till every Southern State had seceded and the war had commence i, leaving no douot if North Carolina remained alone that civil war in h:r borders would be in evitable, and that she would become the battle ground of both the Confederate and Federal armies. To avoid that calamity, the State, op posed, as she ever bad been, to disunion, yielded her own earnest wishes to the pressure of cir cumstance; and went with her Southern sister States. I am confident it was done in the hope, by the people, that their patriotic counsels would mod erate those of their Southern sister, and ultim- , ately obtain an adjustment by which the Union would be restored. During the entire war, I have no doubt, if the freedom of opinion had not been suppressed, that North Caroliua wa3, at all times, io favor of an honorable settlement of the question. Such were my own anxious wishes, as J always rezarded a dissolution of the Uniou as bringing with it military despotism and th? abolition of slavery. Those who were in power at Richmond, however, pursued a different course, and the result has been such a sacrifice as no people hve suffered The restoration of the Federal Union gives assurance of peace and civ 1 liberty. Disunion is civil war, anarchy, military despotism and all its attendant evils. The re estabiishment of the Federal Union nobly vindi cates the principles of republican freedom, and proclaims the great principle bo much denied by titled orders that man is capable of self-government. NO. 290. Such are th 1C V'GWS pnfrrfiiriA Kt. J fc"cl 4-rtloas I public policy, briefly and j hast,l7 written, amidst public engagements If i It Shall bft votir r l f. i, rep .a? premaiive. 1 shall regard it as a distinguished art (t rub ;c 1:iv.t n kc , a- -i, . m , . -" "'j ueffi, cuoris will Do directed to th : advancement of the public Cood. -lost respectfully out fellow-citizen BEDFORD BROWN. aswoll County, O-t 19 1S65. EW D VB II T IS E M E N 1 sT OU 1 II 1- ' R LI A IUH until i 4. I M')Mv.O.U ISd 1865 train, h., U O I.., ,. K 1 ' . i J L will ruu as fi liows : kail Tans. Ami?- L.ew Guldsboro' An i e " o SO A. M. 7 (M p. M 3 3 P. M 9.UJ A. M. 7. 30 P. M. 6 3u A . M . 2.30 A. M. P. M. WlLKhS. Jtin. and Supt. ACCoMMODATIGV Leave KalP12Q Arrive Leave Guldsboro' Arrive " oct21tf NOTICE TO THE MAGISTRATES OF WAKK COUM V. JV PUR-UAXCt OF ThK PROCLAMATION OF Hi- txceiienov. Gov. Uulden, toj .Magistrate ake c uni v are ti .-rt by notified Co attend amettir. in the Court liuu, in VV ke cunty, u .Saturday, the 2h day ot October, for the (juiosc ut apj.-oimiun" insect s of ih ,' pulls to hold an tlrcuon lor G..v..i oor, Kenres--n" tativ s io Congress, m-uibers ot the L gil.uu.e Mjentl, Clerks, aud alio the ratification or i.j -cuu .t tH? o di' n icce ot the Convention prouibitin a.avry, and the oi dinance dedariug nuil and void the oidin"nc - t' s-c-61a- , J. f. H hUss, oct 21 tern tbenff. WE ARE AU 1'HOKIZ.iD To ANMOUm;E II HIGH as a Candidate tor the .Shei itftv of V'kf County oci2iu! GRE AT GIFT DI Vl' Rl B UTKKN 2.30,000 WATCHES. CHAINS, DIAMOND RINGS. KT( WOKTH OVER ONE M1L1IOV DO,,AKh ! All to be sold lor One Doilar eacb.witJout rteani t Value! 8 Xot to be Paid for until you Know rrhat .'on are to URING THK ML N'lH h.NDINj.; MARCH .ils'l Wb. I . & 11 Gautrtian & o , i.ave h.d the hoi oi -i uiaa ibutu-g aujouy their patrons ;ix Urndied an i N inety Gold and Silver Watches, at the price ot One Dollar each. Splendid List of Articles! ALL TO Uh .-OL rOli ONE DULL A It EACH 2oi) Solid silver Dining Sets, 5U0 Silver salvers and Urns, 5 0 Sol.d Silver Tea Sets, Complete 15l Rosewood Musical Roxes, '61 aiis, 2UU Mahogany do, 24 airs, 25U ( ila Huiliinj: Watches, 25U Laoi -s' enamelled ifold watchia, 5UU 'ieuts' Hunting siiver watches, 5U0 Open lace silver watches, 250 Diamond Rings, 5,f.(jU Pnoto. Albums, all sizes, 0 OoO G..IH Vs ami ,cc haing, 3,uUu Go d Ot ai Uud Bracelets, ' 5, oUt) Cuast d jold liiacelets, 2,0o'0 iJh.iteUine and Guard Ch-iins, 7,tM) .oalaue and Revolving Bicnthes, 2, UUU Liva aud Floi ennn-j do, 5 00U Coi al, Opal and r.ineraH do, 5 yuu Mosaic, jet aud ava Eardrops, 7 5UU Cor'tl and Ewrald do, 5 UUu California diamond pins, 5,uO(J Cai ciust'' do, 3,o0o sets ftoitarie buttons and studs, 3, 'JOJ Gold t'nimbles, Pencils, etc., Io UuU Lookets, double lasi. 5 UL0 Ij ckets for Miniatures, 3,U0 i Gold Tootnpicks, Crosses, etc., 5,U00 Mam Gold Rings, 5, OoO Chased do. 10,1)00 -hield and Signet Rings, . JO 000 California 'Jiamond do, 7,5u sets Ladies' Jewelry, jet, 5,000 do do do coral, 5 00U do do do onyx, o 0i;0 d ) do do lava,' 2.5u0 do do do mosaic, lO.OOJ G ld pens with s.lver Doldera, 5.U0 J Gold pens witn goU do, 5 0U0 Gold pens and ho dt-rs. superior, 5 0 0 Silver g blets and drinking cup3, 3.U00 silver castors and wine holders, 2.000 Silver fruit and cake oasket. 575 to $300 50 to 2 c, b) to 3i'i 75 to J.i 5t to 2ml 75 to 2oU 50 to 20') 35 to It 25 to 5o 50 io loo 5 to 5 ) 15 to 3'j ' IU 1 7 6 to l : 5 to 2o 5 to l'j 4 to lo i to 1') i to 10 3 to , to 2'J 3 to j 3 to 10 3 to f, 3 to 5 5 to 10 3 to 4 to 10 i to lu 3 to 10 - to 10 5 to 10 8 to ? 10 to It, 12 to 20 20 to 3r 5 to 10 6 to 12 10 to H 8 to 10 15 to 5o 20 to 50 M essra. 1. & H. Gaughan & Co , No. 116, UroHdwtv, New York, extensive manufacturers and importers of .til the leading ai.d most fashionable styles of Wa chts atid Jewelry, deoiiing to increase their bu;ine8 to an unliin ited extent, have res lved upon a Great, Gift distt ibutit n, subject to the regulations following : Certificates naming each article and its value sre placed i u s a led envelopes and well mixt-d One ot i hse envelopes w II sent by mail to any address i n rece pt ot" twenty -five cents. Ail ar-icies soid at one dollar each, without regard to vaiue On receipt of the certificate .'ou will see what you tre going to li.iVe. nd iric-n it is at your option to send l tie doilai an-I t ike the article or not. Purchasers ma v 1 1 us oomn a G .Id vVatch, Di iinond Ring, or any set of Jc w e.ry on our ust for one doJar, nnd in no case can they get less tha-i one dollar's worth, as there are no blank l'h . p. ice of c -rtificatesis as fol Utn s : One for 25 c . ; five tot SI; - leveti for $2 ; thirty lor $5 ; six. y-tire :"r SlO ; one liundied 'or $15. Ag-nts will b alio we l ten cots on every certificate oiderei by he:n, p'oriding their remit'ance amoui.ts to one d oiar Agents wdl coll-ct .-5 cents for every c r tiiica;e an i remit 15 cents to us. either in ca?h or pou ae Hatnjj. T. & H.-GaUGH aN 4 CO octi8 3o No.l 6 Broadway, N. Y. JUST RECEIVED AT GEO. Z FRENCH & CO . Fayetteville Street, A FINE assortment of WI .VE. LIQUORS, GSOCE RIES, Xq , vie , con lis ting in par t ot Sherry, Port, Madeira, and Rhine WINES; Cogtac Catawba and B ackberry BRANDY; Jamaica and St. Croix RUM; Old Rve GIN; Bourbon and Rye WHISKY ; Drake's Plantation, Boker's and Stoaghton BITTERS; A!e, Porter, Cider and C ngresS Water. Cigars and Tobacco. Oranges and Lemons. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Flour, Lard. Butter. Macker ' Pickles, Soap, Candle9. Molasses, and a great variety of fine GOCERI ES. Sp;ces, Sago. Tvp:oca, Prunes, Raisins, Soda, Saleratis, Sardines, Ac, &c. A130, & fine assortment of Olotliiiis, Gents' Furnishing Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES. TOILET SOAP, PERFGXKKY, Ac, Ac AH of whih wiH be soid very low for cish. Orders from th country Q!l-d at shirt notice. GIVE US A CALL GEO. Z. FRENCH & CO. ipt!9-tf FayttteTill itrett, Raleijrk. !l,nrTiIE1Il. Q.od.pEED 9TEAM,n(i ilBBT The A n i c. . . ELLEN S- TERT,. dai .n3. apply- at VV. a o V- A ct Craven Mrert. y i IV" !, k re, f..ot S TERRY . and ,., friiai ! h; .Ll F.N atur.Uv . Oct. J-th ' 1 ' 3 ' " cl k ..i. ct2i3t E. A. WH1TAKER, Kgkocerics'axd liqi-ors KE S I'o.S.sTa.N il.Y UN Htvni. weU ecd st... it o: A LAu(iL AND Butter, Floui-, Cbcse Tp.. Latd loffoe, Fih .lol.isse-. Wiiu-s. kjii t s. Tub ,rt ) j-egars, Clle.tuc, ,g 1 1 t f , ; ,,.slt-;r.4itlv ai i ic s vi um t aed iltaca.t.tor.Lin, o-.n - . , th'..5 ... . ffe r to city b vT5 'l,1;lu,it i H is d.-t,.- m:u -,i t , w3 a . . houje f..r th ' "! D:i KUKSIlMIss AND I'll K ATM ss of ;h" a r ; iv-l - . tl , , lain the c-nti i-i i. . i , . 'V t n .! , . . . . i . , r a ; ur.OT r , . . , -''.! d. hi- t,,t EVi:ilY N K( i:ss r v A- WKI.L THE i,. , , y , f,. ii.Cid :;: t-. . d -;. t, .. , QUIC K SALES A i)SM V L L PROFITS. he r.-.-pi-ctlnilv UiVit-.- an c,ni;; , , i,, , .. . , , Urge ami m ' -' 1 1 J"N I U ESS BY M'-SSU- V, M. !:. m rr 1 1 co Field & Fireside Publishing Uouso, OS fAVr.i ,- V; i.K - i . . h M , n N . V A M KLLSN: i:v Mks k s v. i ,, . .; v : s . On- volu.tu- ' :n , i ,.tf, : . J f;o rriUS IS A Tuiwt; l.i;,i STORY OK II KA T I IFF 1 .aMl ,l '" ' ...I. a-fi- !, , HI. hU- ,",b,,'-T 1 --'i-' v.-n. a nb .un - ,,. ... . -tf,vr '''t a:,i .. - ... !,..-a,.a d 4,;,l Aqaljlte in C!.,ii actel .ti.i !;,..., 3IQ SI S FltO.M A UOLIJX. S'lONK BY 1' r H I. L v' -.,;i k i. ' Author of "R m; ut. .,. , . , v , v,- s 'it ansUtion ut 1 t t ri - i, , r ,it A Oaf v(i,um . 1'. .a , ,., tn . i io : ,.. C.-ntaiud q uiie e i ' 1 1 c t i ,, , . ,,.u ,r authoi , and is a U mtiiu. 1 1 1 . ,.1". i o, -diam-.nds that bav h -u to i ti i , ; , :, - t . i I. . , , , ,. -tone" o! -a jr.-.-at I.I- .1. i- .v - ,... , , , ..i, , . n .' ot th.- .elhHiji t.de .! 1 ti uit . :i I i ... .1 ltia 1 1. u. Liberal deductiotui.it!.. i . THE C ll AXiE A STATEMENT OK T 1 1 K Ki-.Voxs V ) F('T V II 1 1 II M A III; M i-. v M I' I IM' BY Kt V i.o K rs,, (. Y O n v o u in e . n ill i; i i n : i i i . . j .0 But-few vv. ii.-rs ',vi ;l i .... m vv . ' h -j h u m :n .-kil.. krr tc ami ri. or a- Air K M . i i 1 . - -, . k hMi 'tcvived th.- in .l t.-: irtv t nl ,i ,i ..t iTi'i , ,.,,,) ., fr. n. nt . I K l e i - f E -Ki t .1 I) lit k M .lit r li b ical '-,,, d, r , H hHh ('.,. S- A '' Il.j, U'Kirl of .1 r.i- ;)!) ! u;i; . .. . ... . v , ..... ,, b uttSt la'Ull k all ' H I 1 O- vim ,jf i ; . . ., oil-M of toe Baptist shoiiil iar to rci I i : . " . Kd itorg in..-r r inr t h.- a ; v.-1 iw-iM n t ot -i her t til oithf-e books, with this nitice. i f.c iv.; a copy or c.tpin-o' eieh .ice o din'i v 'C 1 1-t.f LADY'S OWN S I OR'-:, T It FENTIUSS OLD Si AND No 15 Fayetteville Street, aleigo N C. " TlvSRS. BO l.N A KAN, A 1.1. at . nr.. re J.VL "aiueii place: announce to the pub.:c that t i. try u just ! ecci ved the Largest and Cheapest A.N L li . T - 1.1. I.e . STOCK OF DRV GOOD" eve off-red to retail traders in the cr.v of iu eiu, c.n fo .. t i n g o f 1)RY GOODS, LADIES DRESS GOODS REA i Y M A 1) E ( L TIH'. G, HATS AND CAPS, lioots Hi d Mioei, fee, &.c , kc . dec . including ever; thin tf.af a LA Y can wi-', ' frota Toilet Articles up to a Silk Dies Th-se poo s wei e u c. j - d ' u t . i. i ti ec- r. l-if ' f prices in Northern uia: ktl a dc . i--.qi '. che p. Tlit-v were s-- ect-'i ri:-i .p c .-e- -.t u e 1 o the F a I and W lntei i r adc f : ti -.r t '.n StTVdnts ..r chiJo'reD se- : t tte s' o '' rt. o den wul receive th- uir --st tr- at u. r.'. COME OXE : COME ALL ' ' SEE FOR Y O U R S L L V E S. It Coe'.i Xvthihg tv Lcok a', our S'ocL .' Polite and attentive c ern a.ri a wiji oa !.ard t . wait OH CU-to-net . 4 c. IT Im THE BEST AND CHEAPEST! WEBr.it'S .v ' ' VTS- ac h t';.L i t r; ;t.-l.i.. iW'KfOlti, a i x '. to .:i ; j,3 u:. I' ; - O c , oc- ii tf Fa '-' ' e street. .NOVELS Y Al,f. THE Oi'f'L. :.L ! ! ' " , B ' ; 1 ND AND B fiLL.J At ri:ib-i;" HOoK-TO-tE, nr t u- I S ' i t ; e ' reel. WEBS r Eft'S Sl'ELI.ERS AT Zo CENTS'. 17LB.Tkk,s !';...!.' a i '.''.( . i : : V WtBJi.i -i'a!.-; -i AT -IS ( . NT'S ! i! At the Fll.LD A F I Ii L. -1 l K BoiHtkORE. OCl li-tf 05 F'. rtteVi Tretl SCHOOL BOOKS FAIL GRA f) AND Ei N OS AT THE oct 11 tf FltLD & t IRES! Df. BOOKS. ORE. 0 Dental Notice. THEiabscrib r ro:p -otru inf r n f th e citiien of Raleip b acCinrr concir. country that he basopcoed anotfceeover P. F. Ptsca1'fD:np Store, wttrebew ill be pissed to waitapoo a . I whr mav faTor biia with their patronage. Particular a::-ct:.on paid to the preserva tion of the natural teeth. Artiticial Teeth inserted on the most approved principlei of prctic. t,agl5-4m J. H. CRAWFORD.

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