- , I V.U v' BY J. L PENNINGTON. THE VEEY LATEST BIT LAST NIGHT'S HAIL. Execution of Cliamp Furgerson, Nashville, Oct. 20. Cbamp Furgusio, tha guer illa, wm executed at noon to-day. Ha evinced do emotion until the rope was placed around hii neck, when bit face turned very red and broke into pro fuse perspiration, ai tended with a strong quivering of the lip. He stood composedly on the drop some twenty minutes, while toe charges, specifications ana sentence were read by uoiooel Snalter. tie noaaeu recognition to several persons in the crowd, and shifted his position in an impatient manner whlh the sentence was being read. To some specifications hojincliued bis bead in assent.. To others be sbooK bis bead. He requested that bis body be given In chatge of bis wife, and called npon bis Maker to have mercy on biro. The drop then fell, and in a few seconds he was a lifeless corpse. Episcopal Convention. The Episcopal Convention at Philadelphia, Satur day, adopted the following resolution : Resolved, That all ihoaa branohes of the apostolic church, which accept the Holy Scriptures, and the Niceuo-ConeUntinopolltan creed, and which reject the usurpations and innovations of the Bishop of Rome, be called by the course of events and the in dications of Divine Providence, to renew those primi tive relations which the Roman schism has interrupt' ed. firownlew. It is stated that Mr. James R. Hood, the Chatta nooga member of the Xennessee Legislature, is pre paring, with five other members, articles of impeach ment, against the notorious Bill Brownlow, Governor ot lennessee, npon the ground that be has illegally appointed Justices of the Peace and other officers, contrary to the laws of the State. Attack; on Sfattamoras Abandoned. New Obleans, October 19. Late Mexican advices report all fears of an attack upon Mattamoras at an end, tna forces of tiicobedo and (Jortenae have sepa rated and only a few straggling followers of the lat tur remaining in the. neighborhood of the town. Maximilian, it is said, intends increasing his forces largely on the frontier. Arrival of Congressmen. Members of Corgress are beginning to arrive to provide rooms and houses for the coming season. r abnlooe prices are asked tor board or rent, and ruarketisg is more costly than ever. Resignation of Gen. McCook.. Major General A. D. MiCook tendered bis resigna tion to the Secretary of War yesterday, in order to Identify himself witb the Butterfield Overland Ex press Company. Tbe Regular Army. The question of increase of the regular army bas been elaborately discussed by Iteoerala (irant, Thom as, Hancock, and other leadiog Generals, who have been here within the past few days. These officers are all in' favor of the proposition, which locks to tbe increase of the infantry to forty battalion regi ments of one battalio i each, and corresponding in crease of the other arms of the service, so as to make in all 76,000 troops. Secretary Stanton favors the pian, and it will dauntless be adopted as soon as practicable. Paymasters to be Mustered Out. An order will be issued in a few daye mustering out of service some eighty volunteer paymasters. This movement la quite unexpected to many of these army omeiais. The Washington Church Conference. Bishop Simpson presided at the annual Conference of the Alrican Methodist Episcopal (Jbnrcb, held in tbe city of Washington, on Sunday morning, preach ing an eleqntot discourse to a large African congre gation st Asbory Chapel. A considerable number of white persons were also present. Tbe colored popu lation of tbe district, numbering 27,000, support twenty-one churches in this city and Georgetown. Tbey also have six in Alexandria. A Raid Upon Generals. General Grant tias eeui to the Secretary of War a communication, recommending the mustering out all Uajor and Brigadier Generals of the volunteer ser vice, save those who have been disabled in the ser vice. The fact becoming known,, has stirred up many of tbe able-bcdied generals, and their political friends are gettiug op a strong opposition to General Grant's proposed sweeping decapitation. Government Finances. It is believed that be imonntof fifty millions of five-twenty-bonds, a reo oily advertised by the Sec retary of the Treasviy, is all been taken by the conversion of com p. an i interest notes and other Interest-bearing securities. Startling Discoveries at Nashville. Nashville, October 20 A startling discovery has been made in this city within the last few days. A large number of thieves have been depredating around the city for some time past. All efforts to catch them bave been unavailing until lately. It has been ascertained that there are five different caves under the city, which are occupied by thieves, burglars, and counterfeiters. Thb McNary vault in tne graveyard has been put under guard, and men set to work to affect an entrance into the cave. AS fast as the earth is removed fresh earth is thrown up irom the inside ot cave, xhis Is the same cave that Murrill and his gang occupied wben engaged in running off negroes and horses. The affair has been kept secret, but leaked out in spite of the military. A year ago it was reported that the McNary tomb was used ss a place to store plunder, and it is commonly reported that a lake, covering nve acres and very deep, is directly under tbe city. One man swears to having thoroughly explored tbe entire cavern, from one end to the other. A guard has been stationed over the Acklen and Har den tombs. The locksmith gives his opinion tbat the lock on the McNary tomb has been used re cently. The entrance to the cavern is at the foot of Summer street. The military are determined to find out the outlet of tbe cave. The entrance looks like a fissure in the rock. The discovery origina ted from the fact tbat quite a number of murders have been committed in the immediate vicinity, which led to an investigation, disclosing the above faotg. PUBLIC SPEAKING. COL. J. P. H. KUD8. fiAwntniTE rnnrntf wood8!n ffliffl- -- Hr" At Igypt en tbe 1st of November. At llurham'a nfintnfi WlrU V AtMangam's Store, on Saturday, 4th November. At Tally-Ho, Granville county, Monday, tbe th Nov ""bar; , -, ' - oct 28 t6n WE ARB AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE DR. T. L. BANES for the office of Sheriff of Wake eoiaty at tbe ensuing eleotion. rtot26-tde rK AKB AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE CAL VIN J. ROftliRrt n.nrtMnl. fnr lout In thi House of Commons. Ha it for W. W. Holdan for Got. eraer and Col. J. P. H. Russ for Congress, eet86tde : Mi I ARB REQUESTED TO ANNOUNCE HON. ..' v KENNETH KAYKEit as a candidate to represent tbi DSOl Sleef Wake county in tbe House ot Commons of easaug Legislature. -' - oct 28- tde 11 Bex' til; tmM tMfe, VOL. VI. . RALEIGH, THURSDAY, OCT; Public Neeting in Johnston County. On Saturday, the 2lHtinst.,st SosilhQ. il, a. por. tion of the citizens of Johnston couuty met. wben Mai. W. A. Smith was chessn Chairman, ai d Jno. L. Banks, Secretary. On motion, the Chairman apponted a committee to draft resolutions, consisting of Messrs. Simon God win, if. Phillips, B, R. Uinnaot, Jas. Jeffreys and Wm. H. Saunders. The committee retired and returning renorted the following: ' Resolved, That in pursuance of an ordinance of tne convention appointing tbe 2nd Thursday of No vember next, for the eleotion of Governor of North Cnrolina, Representatives to Congress, and members of tbe General Assembly we, tbe loyal citizens of Johnston county, would recommend for the General Assembly, Tbos. 1. Snead, Esq., for tbe Senat, and Benj. Godwin and J. R. Coats, Esq., for the Com mons, and we shall cheerfully support them, accord ingly. , Retolved, That we prefer Mai. J. P. H. Ross as our next Representative to Congress, believing that the bold and manly course be lias heretofore pursued stamps bim as tbe man for the position. uaoivea, mat we cordially endorse tbe adminis tration of Andrew Sohnson. President of the United States, and entirely approve bis liberal and magnan imous policy towsrds the Sonih. MMoived. That we thoroughly endorse the ad. ministration of oar worthy and esteemed Provisional Governor, William W. Holden, and offer him our sympathies in bis arduous efforts to restore the State back to her original, position lu the Union, and prefer him to accomplish the work he has so. efficiently be gun, believing that he also possesses tbe confidence oi tne president, and can do more for the State at this lime than any other man in it. We shall, there fore, earnestly support bim as our candidate for Gov ernor, and hope and believe that every loyal citizen in the State that bas tbe Interest of bis country at beart will vote for him. Resolved, That a copy of these proceedings be sent to the Daily Standard and Progress for pub lication. W. A. SMITH, Chairman . Jno. S. Banks, Secretary. The Cholera. The State Department received a large foreign mail Friday morning, containing additional Informa tion relative to tbe cholera : Tbe United States Consul at Leghorn advises the Department under date of September 80tb, that the ravages of tbe cholera, which bave for several months creased snch an alarm throughout Italy and other portions of Europe, as well as In some portions of Asia, have almost entirely abated. There bave been no cases within the Leghorn Consular district. Intelligence from tbe Consul at Gibraltar is to the effect tbat tbe cholera is also gradually disappearing there. Since its first appearance at Gibraltar four hundred and fifty persons hive fallen victims to the malady. Several cases bave also appeared among tbe shipping In the port. Intelligence from Smyrna as late as the 23d of September is to tbe effect tbat tbe cholera has en tirely disappeared irom tbat city, alter carrying off about four thousand of tbe inhabitants. It Is now said to be decimating several parts of the interior of tbe country. Tbe New York Tribune' I Paris letter, of tbe 6tb, says tbat tbe deaths from cholera in Paris are said to be two Hundred per day. J here has been no rain since August 16th, and there is great scarcity of wa ter. London letters repeat tbe reports before pub lished about tbe cholera, and there is nothing addi tional except that precautionary measures "Appear to have prevented tbe extension of tbe disease, GENERAL. ITEMS. It is stated that the counsel of Jefferson Da vis has expressed a desire that his client be accord ed immediate trial. The desire co nes originally from Davis, who, it is said, has declared that he b.s "no fears for l he issue," and ihat, therefore, the government will do him a great favor by ar ranging him at the earliest possible moment. It is also reported Ihat the recent favorable change in his every day day life was mainly the work of the President, and at this bonr he has almost every thing i hat he could ank, save liberty itself, and the presence of his family about him. Gen. Henry A. Wise has declined to take the oath of allegiance. ' Tbe Pope bas again pronounced an allocution,, which is making some stir in Europe This time he warns the fuiih'ul against the Free Masons, re minding them that several ot his predecessors have proscribed and reproved that sect, the entrance into which they declared should entail excommuui cation, which tne Pope alone could remove. Tbe Pope denounces tbe Free Masons as the instigators of revolutions, and calls on the secular governments to suppress tbem. The Republican convention of Colorado bas nominated W. Gilpin for Governor and G. M. Chill cott for Representative in Congress. Advices from Texas state that there is. a treat deal of sickness among the troops on tbe lower coast; the mortality In some regiments is laid to be quite large. General Canby bas Issued an order removing all orders restraining or putting a Condition on the sale or transfer of lands in Louisiana. The widow of Colonel Keitt. of South Carolina. is reduced to poverty. Her plantation is in the hands of her former slaves. ,.. Gen. Grant, It Is stated, bas refused to endorse the application of ex-Governor Wise, of Tlrgioia, for tbe festoration of bis property . The trial of Emerson Etheridge was concluded on the 20th instant. He is reported to be " confident of acquittal,' - "Dnke" Gwin passed ?ttsbufg on th? 12th i der guard, en route for Washington. nn- Gen. Beauregard Is to be Superintendent of the New Orleans and Jackson railroad. Hon. R. M. T. Hunter had an interview with President Johnson on Saturday. Hon. A. P. Poland bas been elected Chief Jus tice of the Supreme Court of Vermont. m pi LITE ! QhVM I GLUE! 10 barrels of Glue, a JT superior article, in store and will be sold obeap , to elese out consignment. ! "' eotae-M - .7- a r williahsuix a CO. M EAL ! MEAL ! MEAL I-SOff bushtli Meal. no bnsbeia Cora, a prime article. evuo'ir ; - - u r wiiibiajisua co. THE-, CITY. Persons la eity-aad country are requested, at all times, to furnish usverbal er written Information of any eventiof public interest which may transpire la tneir neighborhoods, or of which they may have knowledge. Lati' Papers in advance of the mail from Pe tersburg, Richmond and Nashville, Tenn., were sent us last night by the Southern Express Com pany, Mr. J. J. Lewis has our thanks for prompt ness in their delivery. Deserved Comphmsht. We willingly publish the note below,, not because of the compliment im plied in the reference made to the Pregrett, but mainly from the consideration that justice ia done an officer whom we bave frequently heard highly praised: Editor Progrcu .You bave entitled yourself to the thanks of this community, especially the fe male portion of it, for the persistent1 and unan swerable logic advanced in behalf of municipal re-' eenerauon. rermu me to sav. nowever. inai wno- ever Falsa may or may not be derelict, Officer wm H. Parker is faithful and prompt in the discharge of tbe duties appertaining to bis position. Indeed, the present police organisation is amply numerous to assure tbe peace and property of the citizens, and I am glad to see from the cases reported in your paper tbat they are aetive against crime and criminals. , Vikdex. Our correspondent appears to labor un der the impression that we have been disposed to censure the old police for the lawlessness which was, so rampant in Raleigh a month since. If so he com mits error, as our constant endeavor has been to show that too much had been anticipated from an insufficient body of men. We suggested tbe aug mentation to the commissioners they made the requisite increase and we sincerely hope that un der the present arrangement disorders will be en tirely crushed. Prettt Goods. Among the well- filled and ele gant dry gooda establishments of the city, is that of Messrs. Randall & Bowen, 15 Fayetteville street In this matter, we have the opinion of a matron who bas seen fashion on the shelves of Stewart in New York and who is thoroughly familiar not only with the mode's, but the materials which en ter into the manufaotura of almost every speoiei of goods worn by ladies. Her verdict is that the house we have named can 4truly boast aa pretty and cheap stock as any other in this place. We know their supplies to be of the newest patterns and most superb qualities, and as they are gentle men of enterprise we presume the scale of prioes bas been fixed upon a fair basis. Go and judge by practically testing the matter. New Provost Marshal. It was stated several day a ago that Capt, Purintoa had oeen relieved from duty as provost marshal of this post, tbe of fice abolished, and thus military rule relaxed in anoiher sense. Since then it was found very in convenient to conduct affairs without tbe services of such an official and Lieut. Chester has been as signed to duty in that capacity . Our peop e have been fortunate up to the pres ent moment in the appointment of such officers ; tbey bave invariably been popular ; and we have every reason to conclude that Lieut. Chester will win like laurels. ' Candida tks. Hon. A. H. Arrington, of Nash, who represented this district in the Confederate Congress, has a card in another coiumn proclaim ing himself a candidate for a seat in the U. S. House of Representa ives. Calvin J. Rogers, of Wake, announces himself a candidate lor ibe House of Commons. E. H. Ray, an ex Confederate officer, but an orig inal Unionist, is again in thene'd for the She. iff silty. Dr. T. L. Banks is up for the same post ofpu fa he ir uat. Frbrdmen's Fair. Certaio of the freedmen and women of the city have combined and decided to hold a fair on the 8rd of next month, in Guion's old hotel building. We have not learned the ob ject to which the proceeds will be applied, but no doubt it is a proper one and the origioators will unquestionably be enoouraged by our citizens to the extent of handsome donations. In spite of all the abolitiontsts in the country, we contend that Southrons are and always have been the best and truest friends of the African race, and they will yet give new proofs of it The term "Fbniam." A correspondent says fre quent inquiry is made as to the meaning of the term Fenian, and volunteers to say that it is de rived from tbe Gtelio word Fiann. In the antiqua ted Gfelic it is written Fiand. It was a name given to an order or class of professional soldiers among the Pagan Irish, long before the christian era. In ordinary times the Fiann consisted of three legions: in each legion were three hundred men, but in war there were usually seven legions. ... We give this version of the origin of the now fa mous term for what it is worth. , - , To bb ScccessrrjL we take it for granted is the wish of every candidate in tbe present cam paign. They must therefore supply the ammuni tion promptly to the scouts and we inform them that election tickets, in any quantity, from one to fifty thousand, can be printed at this office on the shortest possible notice. Price, one dollar per thou sand, - , v.. .'-.-:m ' Circulars, book work and all other jobbing done with dispatch. NO. 294 Identified. We understand that Mr, Beard came forward yesterday .and identified the bale l cotton s olen from him and found ly the po icese creted in :be bouse of a negro. So far n thing has transpired to fix guilt on the two daikies arrested. They were in the shunty wl-ere the cotton wa found and may be made to show who was tbe rogue and where he has gone. Upchurch, Uodd & Co , corner Fayetteville and Hargett streets, are conducting a saiashing bosi ness in the grocery line. They have a nick of do ing things up brown, managing by sdthe process to us unknown to ever keep on hand fresh and choice supplies, and yet they are eternally selling busy from morning till night. Just pay them a visit. Tricks or Counterfeiters. It is stated thatlhe counterfeiters of the new fifty-cent national cur rency notes have adopted a shrewd plan and our people may as well be posted against their latest dodge. The counterfeit is an excellent one and apt to deceive good judges ; but in order the more ef fectually to deceive, they have spelt the word "de signated" on the right corner "designated," on some of the notes, thus leaving many pej-sons un der the impression that all the counterfeits are so spelt and easily detected.. This is all a mistake, and but very few of the notes have this misspelling on them. S Released. Simeon Johnson, arrested Tuesday upon the charge of insulting a lady, was released yesterday morning, no one appearing to substan tiate the complaint. We are glad of this because we hepe there is not in Raleigh tbe semblance of man who would insult a woman. It is gratifying to knew tbat the police, in the meantime, are determined to repress such attempts no matter by whom made. To be Fixed. The timbers for tho repair of the bridge near the gas house are bekig gotten out and only a short time will elapse before they are put down. New Advertisements . We direct attention to the new advert Isements of Swepson, Mendenhall & Co. Commission Mer chants, etc. , New York, The Concert last night was quite an improve ment on anything of the same character we have witnessed in the city. O'Daniels has much im proved matters and the bill for this evening can hardly fail to draw a full house. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rp H E WEEKLY JOURNAL. u a v u nii TO THE INTEREST or ma merchants, mechanics and FarnWr. Sufficient encouragement havine been n ceived to promise tbe success of this paper, (a tptoimen dopy ot men oas neretoiore oeen lain before the nublie.i itn regular itsue will be commenced about the 1st or mid die of November. The Semi-Week'v will commence about the first ol Oeoember, a d the Oailv sbnut the fit Bt of Junuarr The publisher is in the receipt ol tbe most improved material, and has secured the service! of a coma ol r perieLCed oont. ibut..rc, so that n it her labor nor ei pene will be spared to make the "Journal" alike stusi' tire in appearance and useful and enter taialnir i all tbe elements that go to make up a B rn a I ma periodical 11 is earnestly r. quisled mat Mrbrcnpiliiri- and i.d vertinements be sent in ai once, as no'aper can be fct-!. to other-than subscribers ualiss-p f-paiug Ibe "i age. As a medium tin advertising tbe "Journal ' wil bare no superior, as its circulation nrnmiaei o h widely extended among.a I tbe irr'usnUI cUaees i.l so ciety Send in your fttmei aro sub?oi ipMons at once. Tiruiu Weeklf. nee TeSr S3 i 0 : ii uinniha Sl 0(1 1 J-m Weekly, .ne vsr $5 00 j eix mi.nllis $.1 00; lUOv oevear JtjOO; ix u,nt $& no- n mon'h $i Ui re S'ina le'tinu up and sundii if u-a (,' ub I L ansa ib is x lib the cash, u i I reivir a ruin va in cutS2iw2v IS Ki-IIH lublbir T lbs M Till- VOl'EUS OK THE KoUltl'M I'tlvniii- aional Dwrii-t. conim-eil ol be lounii' a I' 0. an aihain. Uranvjfle, Warren t'.anklin. Null, J 'Id atur aim Wake ; FilLuW Cl rilKNl : I herebv an ounce m aelfaca' didaie o represent nu in 'be nexi l i mi-eys ol il United States. The short time lntwean ihi andih day ol election preclud, tbe p,sibi iir of a canvaas Indeed, in the present eonaitioo ot tbe country, a -..ear ed political campaign should bo depreciate! by ail. The particular measures that III Claim lbs attention ol tbe enduing Ccngresa cannot nw with certainty b. nown. Hence, id le speculations and precedent nledurr re, fer ton moat part, vain and unnecessary. There is a question, bowerer, which aeeius to be agitating, to sum extent, tne minds ot tbe people, botb JNoi tb and n uth. butwbich properly comes within tho purview of tbe Staie Legislature. 1 allude to negro lutii age, to which am utterly opposed. lam in lavor, as co doubt all ol us are, ot the speedy restoration of civil law in tho State. If I am hone red, fellow-citizen, by tout siffrages with a seat in Congress, I can oaiy prnmiie you to guard lealouely your best interests to devote what ability may possess to the advocacy and preservation ot all your rights and to uphold and maintain, to tbe full extent ot my power, wnatever measures will redound to the welfare, freedom and honor of North Carolina. sincerely and ardently desire that our people may soon be restored to tbe enjoyment of aU their rights of both person and property, and that they may again be blessed witb prosperity, liberty and happiness. v vrv reapuuiiuiiy, your oaeuient servant, AH AKKINflTON. Hilliardstoo, Nash county, Oet 21st-tdt OWEPSON, MENDENHALL & CO., 79 Iearl Strt)tt, JTew. York...-, Partieular attention riven to the sale ef Cotton. Cot. ton Yarns, Cotton Cloth, Naval Stores, Leaf and ilanu- faotured Tobnceo, fce. Liberal cash advancements made on consignments in hand. Orders solicited for the pur chase of roods. All consignments o ms are covered by insurance as soon as-shipped, on all rallraada and from all shipping porta through to New Xork, wbetbsr st yioe of ship is received or not. " CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. BJfR3 TO Roi'ra.Swarso. NewTork City. SAa'tG. sloarav, Now York City. Otacs P. VI SKDSNHILL. President Farmer's Bank. Greensbore', N. 0. thouas 4 .BHKxia, unariotte, W. V. Das'i. Woiva, Company Bbops, IT. C. Gso.W.Swarsoa.Hawrtlver P. O .K. C. 26, 1865 oof 29 8m Hi w- w M. . tr-h fcr m h m tan ft'le UVT AUT AKllOEilU MU NEW yOBK-DlllilST. MURRAY'S SEMt-WEEKLV' U. S. MAfl Xmh TUB ITltST ClAArl M AlVl'a v&tiiM C1T Ail 1.0U18A MOOIIK, . Captain WbosTia. CHAKLta BKNiO.H...... i,....,..Capiain Kvaa. LUCY ,,....Captan, Waaavya.; Mai.aW'1 a . . II lITTri ' i" S A 'ItlB 0ll!.AM3Clir LOUISA. MOORE. ' , Captain.9 ' " WO OSTER, lsnow renelviug Ire ght at foot of Craven street, aud- i!l sail nn rnUK-U.V,UctuVt- S6lh,at-6 P. M. ..,.. v'1 Kor freigitt or passage, iiavinc excellent jcoonimoda, tionn. apply to HUOIIK UttLj" ovi23 td 0inte Uason hiuse. P. r The Steamahlp Louisa Mnure win b lol loWed by tbe Sieamaliip Clmilea Beitlou, and sail n is a tarda,)', Ocli.bei JSiu, m I p id nooveraKU'e sitka.tihip link, " "" BKTWEEN NEW YOUK AND NEW-BERN, NORTH CAROLINA. , , KO . .W Toi.K UiKlvur, The A Mo. 1 Steamship ELLEN S.' TERRY. , fTT? SkHArlN, Uauer, wilt siI,uikqi lor New JaggggjYerk, on tiaiurday. Oct. '41st, at JtX y'olock. Cui' ii . ignt o passage, having unsui ptissed nccouinio- dationa. apply at W. li. Oliver A C's lit ick ritorx, loot of Craven an net. W. li. Oi.lVttUt A CO., Agta. N. B The Steamer EL CIO ill lollow tbe tLLtN "' d TKKKY.asd sail from this port at &i o'clock on Saturday, Oct. 28tb. ct2ult E. A. WHITAKER, COMMISSION MEROBANT AND DSALKH IS GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, KEKP8 CONSTANTLY ON UAhO A LAUGH AN U well selected stock of Butter, Flour, ., Cheese, Tea, Lard, Coffee, ' Bacon, Sugar, FlsbMTdtasses, Wines, Liquors, ""' "" Tobacco, Serare, Spices, Yarns, Sic, Ac, Ac, Ac. He ia constant!; receiving consignrnenta of oodsfrom New York and other principal markets, and he has ex cellent facilities for purchasing at the lowest rates all the articles enumerated. His facilities lor doing buainsss enables him to offer TtiE BEST INDUCEMENTS to city buyera and Country Merchants. He is determined to sustain the high repute ot his house for the FRESHNESS AND CHEAPNESS of the articles offered tbe public, and by fair dealing re tain the confidence of trades people in city and oountry. In addition to the few articles enumerated, his store Is supplied witb EVERY NECESSARY A8 WELL Ad THii LUXUU1E8 OF LIFE, Inoldent to or desirable in housekeeping, and as his not. to is QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS, be respectfully invites an examination from purchasers, large and small. oet 16-tf I:" PRESS: BY ifESSRti. WM. B, SMITH A CO., Field & Fireside Publishing House, 68 riTsrrsTtLBa sr., kai.sigh a. o. NAMELESS : BT MBS. VANN if MUttDACQH DOWHme. One volume, 16 mo. cloth Price $2.00. THISISATURILLIAW STORY OF HEAHT L1FB and the fashionable world, and, aside, fmtn an ab sorbing plot artistically Interwoven, it abounds in sug gestive thought and oVscriptive passages grand and exquisite in character and tiuisb. MOSSES PROM A ROLLING STONE: BY "T KNELLA" mart bayaku clash, - Authot of "Iteminiaceosea of Cuba," " Wood Notes," translations of "Marguerite," "Ltdy TariuB'u," Ao. One volumd, lti mo. cl tb : Price $1 35. 1 Contains qoui'u e PoeticAl wriiiogs ol th- popular auinoi.aud is a beuiilul setting ol .11 tbo sparkling diamonds that have b teu loaou clinging to the "tolling" tone" ol great uiu ai it w is led IUi Ui , ebu and fluw oi tbu sdelbiug tide ol Tbouot und Imagination. Aiioerai auuctiuna to tne 1 1 auo. THE CHANGE, A 3 AT E! MK NT OF THE KEAdO.v'S AND FACTS VVtllUII MAUtJlt. A UAP'l'IdT. BT KkV. I. B KI.N0.-BUKT. One voluiue, tu' ui . coittt i Price $2.50. But lew vvi ii'-rs wi hi u o-n w.ih nu:b -i,n-uininate iWil., grAC i 4tid vi ' ur .Ai -ill" K i ii . a rui . ll'SU'M.k baa i n ed the hi ui liedi'ty -md a h. mi crut a enoottu. . ui i r.Mims I'. E .iii.sj... J I), tluruta, i . 1 1 1 . . r 'l b tva Xnwiider, . i toys tW A'e iv. C. Bp. io'ir-l ul M.vrumn, itn l ouui eon leit Dlvtnes. ' , n it ifiisi a ml i sii ull Oj Aitti'iitit. No nppouent of e liatiilsL ilinUiauii lurm.l ii." "Kuitot s inserting ihe a ivrinsetnent of either -r all ibepe lin.ik., witb tbis h aitii, will u.'Civi, a uopj or : 'pit-.N in e.tuli .ice irUingiy. PClll-tt LADY'd OWaV rfTOKS, T R. FEM ItISS OLD 41 I AND, No. 16 Fayetteville Street, italelgu, N C. "j TErt.-iltS. BOWtN & KANUALL. st the above iSx. nauiad place, auuouucu to the publio that tbey jusl received tne Largest and Cheapest AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF DRY GOOD a ever offered to retail traders in the oity of Raleigh, con sisting of DRY QOOUS, LADIES DRESS GOODS, EEAUV-MADE CLOTHIHG, BATS AND CAPS, Boota and Shoes, Ac, AC, Ac, Ac, J Including everything that a LAD Y can wish for, from Toilet Articles up to a Silk Dress. These gooda were purchased during tbe recent fail of prioes in Northern markets and consequently will ba aold cheap. - ...v : Tbey were selected with special reforenoe to the Fall and Winter ti ads of tbis section. , : Servants or children sent to the store with orders wills receive tbe fairest treatment. COME ONE! COME ALL ! .' SEE FOR YOURSELVES. It Cottt Nothing to Look at our Stock f ! Polite and attentive clerks are always on hand tn wait on customers. . octlT-Im u. Pu BIsIC SALE AT EI ETERt. "At my plantation, 10 miles east of Raleigh, on Safari day, 28th Instant, ui re som, one-nau or the oropmtae tne past season oetas-st A A. L. LOOttEK. ..rr -. ;'J "4 i '!"'; ,-,'1 SurriTiog Partner.

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