r BY X PENNINGTON. THE ViiBYllA tit LAST NIC; HTM MAIL. ritcrri! r CMatjr stit?5i an la it Niibttl pif?i i,f Stat, reotivtU by U t r ht! wait Mrfagoi Itjlt ftartfcti'art of (he tif cu. to of (a4ftprf-ti.ii, ih guttfiH. Th Gazette pt hm h -wing i.cwsjttt! : At l.!i-ji Hi o'ctlk ?lmfdj earning, we iw ha tlf-that hl 4,nsjM Q maw then rkm of iSi3 Tefgxya. wa drrd tu t mt of 1 1 h hlaek. Hi armi were Uamti ti&Hly herb! $ci, bat hit carriage wae frtct, firm .! flio. 111 h U n th ex prircnl tritm. m n .tl' e the rra'rnrn to ad.lree a great an ! iriet.riljr jmbUgt bi annr h -wendf J tiii: lahh-r to eterr.it y omUI rt hmb-ri mora thuoghf tulljr roud, rxi or imprtMivr. hr ir wan nat!jr cat, ai.tl hi lace ahavpil, hot cUrketeti with the indi cation ol heay lard. lie looked the picture f lerfect health, ! hi well develops! form E5va evl de nee r.f a nun of immense mmrrjWr ttreugth '.1 physical criduruco. There was a proud c imprest inn of tho lip, and a hib scorn of the eye, which, while tolly alive t the dred aolerui.ity cf tho fxcasiou, showed he was determined in death n-n to belie his ch iracter while living,. His whohj appearance wag suggestive of one who . "On etch glance of thought Decision followed, as the thunderbolt Pursue the flash." The coffin, drr.ped in whit", was placed in front of thescaff' U. i ho prisoner took his stand under the fatal beam', acd the charge, ard specifications "were then read, in a clear voice, hy Col. Sh after. Fergu son's mariner daring the reading was that of hanghty indifference. Several times he bowed to a chance acquaintance, whee upturned face he recognized in the crovssi. At soaae of the specifications he nodded assent, at others he s-hook a scornful denial. As the slxteentu specification was read, he soqjewhat hur riedly retnuikrd, "l could tell it better than that," and Col. Snafter replied, " I should not wonder.." The number of a pacifications, was twenty-three, of most of which he was adjudged guilty. The prisoner was then asked if be had anything to say. His words were very low, and scarcely audi ble. snbstance'he said: " I hnve nothing to say there is a good "deal I pould say, but I will not. I do not want to be cut to pieces when I am da-id. i want to be put in that thing" pointing to the coffin and sent to my home in White county. There is a good, high graveyard there, close to my home, and thero is where I want to be buried." A bref aud eloquent prayer was then offered by the Rjv. Dr. Bunting. Ferguson's attitude during its delivery was that of solemn thought aud reverent attention. His limos were then bound together, the rope adjusted arouud hi3 neck, the cap pulled over bis lace, and as the beautiful day was forever closed to his view, he only murmured, " The Lord God have mercy on my soul." At twenty-five ihinutts of 12 o'clock the trap was sprung, aud the pris ner dropped heavily ou the ex tended rope. Two very slight convulsions were the od1- s g s be g ivrt of life or the strus'e in death, until his heart had cnased to re it. After hanging twenty-four minut- s the cord was cut, and the earth ly remains of C lamp F jrgusoa were closed to the eight ot man in the coffi awaiting their reception .4- grJnkral kibbt smith. , The telegrim which rep. rted the killing of General Kiroy Snith in Texts, was only the way that very' mendacious thii.g, the telegram, had of stating the following : 11 New Orleans, CM. 21. Colonel Kirby, a prom inent cit'Z-ii of T-xas, anl a relative of Klrby Smith, w ki l .d recently by the former's employes at Hempstnd . General F Kirby Smith was at latest accounts, in Cuba Permission has b hh granted him to re turn to this co nitry, and he is expeeted to arrive Boon iu Ljuchbur, whi-re his family are. MITCH KLL STILL IMPBI ON ED. Fort Monb e. Ot. 23. Information has reached this plaso that the prop Her C. C. Leary is in a dis abled condition in H.tteras Inlet. The double turret monitor Tonawanta has arrived herefrom Philadelphia. John Mitchell has not been released as reported, but is still a prisoner in Carroll Hall. H'avy fires 3re raging in the woods in Nansemond aud Princess Anne counties. MAJOR LAMB. Maj ir Lamb, of N-rf lk, who commanded Fort Fisher when it was taken by cur forces, baB been in Providence, R. I., for some week. The micie hall that he received in his, hip during tho struggle at Furt Fisher has been extracted by a surgeon of that city. Poultry is very big in Hartford Jas, McLangh lin paid $11 lor a single chicken that he had stolen. IN PR E S S BY M ESSRS. WM. B. SMITH & CO., Field & Fireside Publishing House, 58 ?ATE TTKTILE8 ST., KALKIGH K. C. NAMELESS: BT MRS. FANNY MUHDAUQH D0W5IH8. One volume, 16tno. cloth : : Price $2.00. THIS IS A THRILLING STORY OP HEART-LIFE and the fashiunable world, and, aside from an ab sorbing plot 'artistically interwoven, it abounds in sug gestive thought and descriptive passages grand and exquisite in character and finish. MOSSES FHOM A KOLL1A G STONE: IbY "TKNELLA" mart batabd clabxi, Author of "Reminiscenses of Cuba," "Wood Notes' Translations of "Marguerite," "Lady Tartuffe," Ac. One volume, 16 mo. cloth : Price $1.25. Contains qomplete Poetical writings of the popular author, and is a beautiful settinc of ell the sparklinff Uiamonde that have ben found clinging to the "rolling etone" ot a great life as it washed with the ebb amd flow f the seething tide of Thought and Imagination. literal deductions to the Trade. THE CHANGE, OB A STATEMBNT OF THE REASONS AND FACTS WHICH MADE ME A BAPTIST. BY EBV. T. B. XISGSBCBT. One volume, IS mo. cloth t Price $2.50. Bat few writers wield a nen with such consummate iili, grace and vigor as Mr. Kingsburv. His book hai ?ecived the most hearty and earnest critical endorse ment of Elders T. E. Skiksbr, J. D. Hbthah, Editor f-tca neeorder, ri . IS. LJOBB, Uor. dec. sr. V. stap. igoarrf of Mit$ion, and other eminent Divines. "o f ptkt family should be withont it. No opponent of I Baptist should fail to read it." UEditors inserting the advertisement of either or all ooois, witn tnis notice, will receiv a copy or ' nn -U Jl 1 oh accordingly. -j PUBLC SPEAKING. &ES0L-J' H' H HUc5S OINDIDATE FOR CON- ' " 1,1 ree5 vne people oi Qaiuam, av naj .Hon.the3Iit Oetober. ! a u rham'B Oepot, on Friday, ir 7raWns Store, on Saturdav. 1 3rd November. At EUJ? tore, on Saturdav, 4Ui November. t lly.Ho. GrsnHllA mntitr Unndiv. tha th NoV- " " TiLiAn VOL VI. The negro laborers m Jamaica are on the verge of a'arvation, owing tu high Uxefi nd oter cauaea. They blame th Governor and ns ofScer. who, fearing an outhrtk, have dispatched two gunboat t!that localitv. i k " Li M&bile a man has been buving C. S $1,000 bond for a New York house for $2 in gold. A speaker at a recent Fenian meeting in Wor cester mysteriously intimated that a Fenian on board the Grtat Jatttrn puiposrly damaged the cable, Wcause he w g determined that infowners should' not have the use of the cable until Irish independ ence is achieved. . A man named Harris has just walked one hundred hours in New Orleansfrom Monday night to Friday night. Brigadier General Jos R. II uwky, chief of staff to General A. H. Terry, has jus. ben breveted by the President. A Montreal diapatch states that the Hon. J. M. Mason i& expected to arrive in that city by the next steamer. On the books of the Domgana Hotel are the following entries : Mrs. J M. Mason, Miss V. Mason, Miss Ida Mason, Dr. and Mrs. H. Howard, and Governor Blair, of Michigan. The oyster trade of Norfolk is getting to be quite an item. The Boston steamers on their days of departure take from twelve to fifteen hundred barrels, the New Yonk steamers quite as many, and the Philadelphia steamers several hundred barrels. The two lines of Baltimore steamers take daily about one thousand barrels upon a fair average. The Internal Revenue receipts Monday at Washiugton amounted to $1,215,838 88. The Montgomery Mail, of the 13th instant, says cotton was selling in thit city for forty cents per pound, with a prospect of a further advance. A lad who recently died in Goshen, Indiana, from the kick of a horse in the , abdomen, lived twenty-six days without taking food of any kind. Ajieuienani Maury, recently naturalized as a J Mexican citizen, has, by a decree dated the 19th of ! c ' l . . , . n ... I uciJiciuuer ueen appointed an honorary councillor. We learn that the Richmond and Danville Rail road company intend as soon as possible, building a permanent and substantial bridge across the Staunton River, in the pi -ce of the one so recently washed away. A good idea. The Secretary of the Interior has d ecided that a person born in the tjnited States and who removes to a foreign country and takes he oath of allegiance to the Government thereof, and subsequently re turns to the United States, must, on making ap plication for a patent, be regarded aa a subject of the Government to which he removed, until he com plies with the naturalization laws of the United States. In the Mississippi Senate, the resolution aimed at Governor Sharkey, and restricting the rights and privileges of freedmen to what the statute law grant ed frcM tl negroes before the war, has been laid on the tubie by ;i largo majority. A destructive fire occurred in Charleston, South Carolina, on the 18th instant. The principal losers by the conflagration were the Charleston Courier establishment, that building having heen entirely consumed: Me&srs. Hastie, Calh un & Co , and W. H Chafee, are losers to the amount oi $10, 000 a d $25,000 respectively, upon which, how ever, there is a partial insurance. After the fire had been extinguished a crowd f persons went into one of the buildings, to pick up such articles as had escaped destruction, and while so engaged the walls of the building fell, ki ling, as the report aays, from fifteen to twenty persons. Among the notabilities in New Orleans on the 11th instant, were General Hood, General Humph rey Marshal, i f Kentucky, and Hon. Robert W. Johnson, late Confederate States Senator from Ar kansas. The True Delta Siys that Generd Mar shall proposes to establish himself in New Orleans, and puisue the avocation of law in that city. Gen eral Hood was on his way to Washington, in order to request of President Johnson to be a lowed an interview with Mr. Davis. Cool Impudence About the cooltst piece of im pudence we have yet seen is the recent one, on the part of the Raleigh Sentinel, in hoisting the " Na tional Union Party" flig at tho head of U editorial tolumn. Wa have heard of people "stealing the livery of heaven to srv the devil in," and this is a most proper exemplification of that saying. The idea of the Sentinel supporting the administration of An drew Johnson is decidedly rich. Netobern Times. A person styling herself " Lady" Stanley, the wife of " Sir George Isidor Stanley," lately cowhided a waiter at the Aspinwall Hotel, Panama, because he did not uncork the champagne (astjenough. " Sir George" neld him while " my lady" was lasting him. The landlord, with Others who'attempted to interfere, got their share of the punishment, until the lady re lented, declaring that she had now whipped the pro prietor and cowhided the waiters to her satisfaction. A crowd of about a hundred persons witnessed the performance and declared it to be the best they bad seen for many days. This party recently arrived in Panama from Australia. Her " ladyship" first pass ed herself off as the daughter of a Southern planter, and subsequently she coufessed Portuguese nativity . They purpose to visit the United States. Death of William D. Cobb, of Watnb. We regret to hear of the death ot this worthy citisen, which occurred at Mount Auburn, his residence in Wayne county, on Friday, tie 20th iastant. He leaves a wife and nine children, among whom are Col. John C. Cobb, Dr. Wm. H. H. Cobb, and Lieut. B. W. Cobb, of the late 2d N. C. Regiment, and Rev. N. B. Cobb, of Raleigh, the present correspond ing Secretary of the N. C. Baptist Sunday School and Publication Board, and late Superintendent of Army Colportage in this State. Wilmington Etrali. Decliked. We are requested by Colonel Robort Strarjge to say that while he is duly sensible of the honor done him by such of his fellow citizens as bave kindly suggested his name as a candidate to repre sent New Hanover County in the next Senate of North Carolina, circumstances compel him to decline, as it would be out of his power to serve if -elected. Owen Fennel, Esq., whose name is proposed for the House of Commons, also! desirea a similar state ment to be made iu bis behalf. He could not serve if elected. Neucbern Times, it Mutifin a Via jMtivAns nf Ranfnrfc conntv. Aka luocwtu v uw - r 7 held in Washington on the 21st inst., for the nomi nation of county candidates, E. S Warren, Esq., was unanimously declared the preference of the connty to renresent the first district in the next U. S. Congress. TO RALEIGH, FRIDAY, OCT. THE CITY. afPersons la city and country are requested, at all tirai, to faraiih u Terbalor writUn information of any rcntsof public interest which may transpire ia tneir neightmrhoodt, or of wbica tbey nay bare knowledge.. B 'akd or Commissioners Raleigh, October 25, 1865. A regular meeting f the Board of Comrais . sionars was held Wednesday evening. ! Pr. sent C. B. Root, Mayor pro tern ; Messrs. W. H. M Ke, P. Overby, J. J Overby, A. Creech, H. Mahler, W. R. Richardson, H. Poole, commis sioners. The committee appointed at the last meeting to devise ways and means to create a fund to pay the city watch and other expenses of the city, reported as follows : We, the committee appointed hy tho Board of Commissioners to devise some way in which to raise a fund to defray the expenses of the city watch and other incidental expenses of 'he corporation, have had the matter under consideration and beg leave to report That they have had an interview with Gov. Hold en and the City Attorney, and they give it as their opinion that the Board has the power to levy and collect a city tax in accordance with the char ter of the city of Raleigh, for the year 1865. We therefore recommend that the Mayar pro tern, be authorized and requested to advertise by hand-bill and notice in the city papers, calling on the citizens to render a list of their city taxable property f rth with ; and that the city collector proceed to collect said tax without delay, and that it is to be hoped that the tax payers will come forward and pay up promptly. Respectfully suomitted, ! A. Creech, H Mahler, C. M. Farriss, Committee. Which report was received and the committee discharged. A number of accounts were presented, read and allowed. The following persons applied to be recommend ed to the county court as suitable perso ns to have license to retail spirituous liquors by the small measure at their respective places of business in the city, which was granted, viz : E. Besson, near N. C. Railroad depot ; Chas. L. Johnson, George Tenoskie, Alvin Upchurch, E W. Hilliard, Wilmington street ; Jas. Exum, Hills boro street ; F. C. Hunt & O'Daniels, N. Jolly & Co., Hargett street; G. W. Crockett, P. Dona ghey, B. Golden, David H. Graves, Fayetteville st; Randall & Co , Exchange Hotel; Alonzo Fowler, Hargett and Wilmington sts; John Gallagher, Way Side hospital. Dr. McKee offered thefollewing ordinance, which was adopted : Be it ordainod by the Board of Commissioners of the city of Raleigh, That all dealers in spirituous liqu rs shall cl se their houses at 10 o'clock, p. m., (druggists excepted) and no one of them shall be allowed to sell on the Sabbath ; and any one fail ing t - comp y with this ordina-ce, on conviction before the Mayor, for the first offence shillba fined ten dollars, and for the second offence his license shall be taken from bim. On motion of Dr. McKee, C. B. Root, Esq., was appointed Mayor pro tern. On motion, Messrs. W. H. & R. S. Tucker were appointed auctioneers for the city. On motion, Messrs. B. P. Williamson & Co., were licensed as auctioneers for the city. Oh motion of Mr. J. J. Overby, ordered that all persons arrested and placed in the guard-house day or night, shall pay a fine of $2, and in the event they fail to pay the fine shall be kept 24 hours in the guard room. On mo ion of Mr. Creech, ordered that the city constables shall have the privilege of selecting two of the night watch to aid them through the day. Messrs. Luter and Horton were appointed as day wateh. Mr. Richardson offered the following ordinance, which was adopted : Be it ordained, That the police force of the city of Raleigh be equally divided in the different wards ot the city, and the companies of the several wards be requested to indicate the re-p ctive beats or squares of their several ardsin which the po lice of sucn wards shall patrol. Be it further ordained, Tat a captain of the policeofthecitysh.il be appointed, who-e duty it shall be to Nation himself at or near the gunrd house during the night, (unless otherwise cal ed off by duty,) whose duty it shall be, in cage of riot, or other disorder, to ause the town bell to be rung, calling the entire police force to repair to the scene of disorder, and after the qu lling of such disturbance, the police called from their respec tive beats, to return to their accustomed places. On motion of Mr. Richardson, Mr. Ilia Harwood was appointed captain of the night watch. On motion, the following gentlemen were ap. pointed assessors for the city for 1865 : West Ward W. F. Askew, Middle Ward W. H. Holleman. East Ward R. W. Haywood and Clerk added. On motion, the Assessors were allowed $8 per day for their services. On motion, the Board adjourned. J. J. Christofhers, Cl'k. A Real Treat. Mine host of the Yarborough House Saloon sent us last night, just at the proper season, a mess-of delicious oysters the very finest we bave seen this season and quite equal in flavor, if not in size, to these upon which we fed at Nor folk from youth to manhood. Indeed, they savored of Lynnbaven bay, where the finest shell fish in the world are taken. The proprietor of the establish ment referred to is now under full sail, prepared not only to quench thirst with hot and cold drinks, but to feed the hungry. Push -him tenderly and the probability is he would clothe the naked ; at all events, ht can do the other things. 27, 1865 NO. 295. FRErMA!s's Savings Bans. We observe that in v8r:ous portions of the; South the freedmen ar? establishing savings banks under the auspices ot the Freedman' Savings and Trust Company. It is not oor urpose to recommend any particular in stitution as place of deposi ; indeed it :s no ne cessary to do so. the most and only important point being that ihe colored people exe cise proper cau tion by making deposits onk with responsible con cerns. Really desirous of seeing this class of ur population become prosperous and happy, we ad vise them to deposit their surplus earnings in some safe interest-paying bank. By such a system they may not only a tain positions of comfort, but pe cuniary independence. Besides, every step thy advance in worthiness will elevate them in the es timation of the white race. Close or the Season. The Opera Troupe, which has been perf orming at Mafket Hal' under the sue cessful management of Mr. O'Dani Is. announce their farewell entertainment 1 1 come off next Sat urday night. This is positive, and as the interval between this and that time is to be devoted exclu sively to rehearsals of novelties, we presume their last will be the best entertainment. There is a heavy per centage of home artists iu the troupe ard concert folks ought to encourage ,them by filling the hall to overflowing. From Raleigh the company will visit Louisburg, Oxford, Henderson, Warrenton, Weldon and many other points, and we promise our friends at the different points mentioned rare sport and fine mu sic. To be Successful we take it for granted is the wish of evtry candidate in the present cam paign. They must therefore sopply the ammuni tion promptly to the scouts and we inform them that election tickets, in any quantity, from one to fifty thousand, can be printed at this office on the shortest possible notice. Price, one dollar per thou sand. Circulars, book work and all other jobbing done with dispatch. A Match Factory. By an advertisement to be found in another column, it will be seen that an enterprising firm, Messrs. Keenan & Welch, have established in Petersburg a factory for the manu facture of matches. It is a southern establishment and should be encouraged by the merchants and tradesmen of Raleigh, as well as others who favor domestic enterprise. For the Commons. We unintentionally omitted to caljattenfion, yesterday, to the fact that our distinguished fe'low-townsman, Kenneth Rayner, is a candidate for a seat in the House of Commons, from Wake. Up and at 'Em. D. A. Wicker appears in a card this morning as a candidate for the superior court clerkship of this county. He is very expli cit as to whom he favors in the present knotty contest. Bruising . Two negroes engaged in a bruising match in the vicinity of the market house, yester day, but no damage was sustained by either bel ligerent. The Mayor of St. Martha, Citiada, was murdered recently in a hnnse of ill fnme thpre. NEW ADV ERT1SEMENTS GREAT SALE AT AUCTION BV B. P. WILLIA MSOX C O., AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS To close ou; consignments, we will offer at auction, iu front of our store, on 1 uerdiy next, the 31st instant, at half past ten o'clock, the following va'uabie articles : lOOo pounds prime Bacon Shuidrg 20U do do Lard in K-ffS 1W00 do superior Glu-j in Barrels 6u0 do ftice in Sacks llHi tuti Is Lice A' bite Meal 15U do prime o d Corn 40 new Cast S't-el Axv8 36 do .o ished -ve-1 Shades 15 dozen Padi"Cks 2 do Tea K- i g 5 do W. ffl- I oa asfrt d 5 do D oi iitins 20 pouud. . i. 'lb V he 1" dorei. "at pt-utto 's Pe ncils 5 d Franklin liridwo.is 20 ao JJan'tg. Hiles 10 do 1'i.clc t Knires 5 d Chest Locks 3 do pairs Seizors 3 do pair Shears 2 do Ccff e Mills 2 cases Holland Gin 2 do Sherry Wine 2 do id Apple Brandy 2 do Kixer Whisky (pints) 2 do Allsopps Ale (quarts) do Old Bonn on Whisky 2 do Stoughton's Mitters 2 barrels Bright Sorghum Syrop S3 Grecian Goblets 77 do do 66 Tumblers 4 Bowls and Pitoaeri 4 ditchers 10 Sugar Dishes 8 Cream Pots 3 Gravy Tureens 13 Lip Bowls, (yellow) 49 Shallow do 11 Spit Pots 27 w G Dishes 38 B B do , 8 halt Stands 70 W G Bowli 21 Steak Dishes 6 Pickle Dishes 5 Toy Setts 4 do du White 4 small Deep Dishes oct2T -td B P WILLIAMSON h CO i UST RECEIVE D 37 boxs Superior Bright hewing Tobacco a choice article. Samples can be seen at our store. oct27 tf B P WILLIAMSON A CO. T1KIME N C. LARD 1209 pounds prime North Caro I liaa Lard, a choice article, just received and for sale or oct27-tf B P WILLIAMSON A CO JADYV R T I S E 31 E N T S. HP O TH1 VOTKlKn t? 7 . vt,.:T- WT-eh s. a randirtat tor1 .ha ' ,, '"""utce CVur. Cterk V Wk- c untt at ,1, f -or Wi-b mdusrrv atd tid li'v. ' ' " -'-" u t will be ira,osMt, ; f,,r t ; " election, and you wi ! naurllv J?U ' b""'r- for aDdaga,nk. 1 a,n for mW A W Tr "J"1 ' 3m der.lnr Superior Court Ci-rk ,n-i a'MS a!is Moe. and Buck M.ore ' a'ntt W.fn. Hoping you wili vote for me, 1 am TnrK TaDt - "cUMdej DAYM) T HUGH'S RAWBnTT-il p Fu n ii " PIUTE OF iTiuF MlpHO$ 13 L' O H & o X MANUFACTURES Ai L) PROHRI LtArc STOhE HO. 20 SOUTH D F LA WARE 1 UsrF PbiliMlelpLtia " ' ' ThisTalua-tpMANUF.fc;h,3be,n befr- !,. , tu.al pu he, und.r o. . am- ,, lw, "vv. , Us character fo- vi?nr of ncMon aa: ie t, ' 'V fcti we.iestabl,. Be.o-e the r -u' " V v need t a.di extent ia the s.ubrn found tube hMy ati'rptrd'to :.! ; t:uTTOf, TOBACCO AND ALL ruoi The ?jles now amorn to i v ti .... j .y.-ndih.taeiii.i,, iw .lrMlfu,,!1flu1J::",ll:,,.n-s r- and c orpleie. Th :,rn ... ... "xl If d in tin th- : Vhi: . d .."tv - .!'.'' ' o.ieieM.a intusi,.! , , , t ,., t j , . ciency. Hi u up. . .. x ,n ' ' " he w bat ves of the uirti' .fy '" ' ' t b C,.-e a. quaoo.d w,u, rhv ,p ,M, ,Uv, '', ,1 tbi ai ti-ie b mm,. , u.th ,m.,k t' . b e Scud lor a puit ulet. M,lU -. ., , .t ,, ', bv So 10 S utb bc'.nvi.f.. av.m , M A T C H E S h MA iiiesubscub-,9 des-ire to caiS thentt- nri. n of K, .v rnM,rchants uh. lact that hev h.ve ju-t , -oU ,f' ed in the Ciry ot f, rQarg u fictorv t Jt tLe tacturing ot a tapeiioi ariit'.e ot ' INI o: c 11 K s . to such an extent as io bl to .-u p)v ' 6. , that Uiay te made U(..on thtir tacitnrv.- " ;', r'a:-d Our Matches aie neatly put up in ..rf. , boxes for the -convenunce ot the Ketail T ua, 'I! fAiniliy use, and are wartantd to be equal to ' A N V IN TH E M A K tv K T . S'urhern n.erchants wiU find it to tboir a 'van'arrp t0 give us their ..rders iu p.efet ence to vmcha.n aT t he North, as our terms, are equally low, and t,iev avoid increased cost of shipment. All orders proaptlj tilled and forwarded bv cxuie ? or through freight, as desired addrtfs ' ' oct27 lw Pe.eisburg Va ,Kaleigh, Wilmington and Ntwbern i..k Pi.B6o copy and lorward bilU. ' NEW YORK D I R E C T . MURRAY'S SEMI-WEEKLY U. S. MAIL LIKE, THE FIRST. CLASS MAIL STEAMSHIPS LOUISA MOORE ......Captah, Woostii CHARLES BENTON, Captain Etk. LOCY Captain Wheh.br. THE SiEAMSHIP LOUISA MOORE, W O O S T BR , Captain. Is now receiving fre gbt at foot of Craven street, aDd will Fail on THURSDAY, October 26th, at 6 P. IVf. For freight or passage, haying excellent accommoda tions, apply to HUGHE- h DILL, oct23-td Opposite GastoD House. P S The Steamship Louisa Moore will be fol lowed by the Steamship Chailes Benton, and sail on Saturday, October 28tb, at 4 p m. Gc OOUsPEEU'N MTEAtlSIIlP LlMi, BETWEEN NEW YORK AND NEWBERN, NORTH CAROLINA. KOB SKW TORE DIHEffJ", The A No. 1 Steamship ELLEN S. TSRRY. CHAP1N, Master, will sail Omci loi New York, on Saturday. Oct '21st, ai 5 o'clock. V ror io.ij(Ut o. passage, having unsurpassed ncroujino dations. apply at W. Li. Unver & Co's bi itk Store, toot of Craven Street. W. ti. OhlYbK, A CO., Agts. N. "B The Steamer EL C1D .ilL ollow the ELLhN 8 fRRY. aad fcaW from this port at 5 o'cl. ck n Saturday, Oct. 2ntb. oct2i.lt E. A, WHITAKLB, ' COMMISSION MB 11 C HANT AND IKL!lR IN GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, KEEPS CNST.N I LY ON HAAIj A LAKOE AND well seu-ctud ot .ck o liuifer, P!oi?r, Cheese, Tea, Laid, Coffee, itdCo.i, Sugjar, Jb'iu, ivioiasses, Wines, liquors, Tub ceo, eai s, Spit es, aiw kC , AiC , kc AC. He is constantly receiving consign j.enta z ;-tr-m New Yoik and it;ier pi'Tictpal ujrkuts. '-ud he Las fi celleut facili'.ie toi pt'-voas'iag &. te lowest ra'eaii tvi t ai tides eouuijrated His lacilitie. lor doia buia-'.s enbiLS hiai f' "Jr THE LlSI hVMCLMc; IS to city b-yets . tn l C-ULi;y Mec '..ants. He is deiertniued t susiaiu Ihe hi:h r-pte rd nis bouse it' i h i hft.Sll.NE ANO CIIEAI'N SS if ill - . -. t : i .- otiei 'jd u , ubiic, and ' hi ain the c-ijti stice t i h iee p.'p m oit a Ir. lidoi.u to the tj-.v arttc ri enu.u.-i a' o .i i ' ji r u rn h:, r- - eUp.ieU W H. EVERY Ni-XES'AKY A'. ElL a 1Mb LLXl .lt.. UK 1.IFK, u.cid nt to or d- sr ab. i.i ti .nt keeping. at.d s I ? QUICK s A L N : i L L P ,i U F I TS rje i c.-p cu u; i) i .. v . L-.-s au ltu.t.-. I ' i a "rl' .at e aud mail. - c '' LADY5 OWN S.OK?, T R. FEsTKlSS OLD Si AND. No. 16 Fayetteville Street, f.aleigu, N C. Tf iSSaKs. BUWt.N A HAN ii ALL. at a0T JLtX named place, aunounc to the pubhc that toy U juit received toe Largest and Cheapest AND Bfc&T -ELECTED STOCK OF DRY GOOD eve- offered to retail traders in the city of Raisigb, con sisting of DRY OOODS, - . LADIES DRESS GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND OAPS, Boots and Shoes. Ac., Ac, fcc &c laoluding everything that a LADY can wish for, troa Toilet Artielei up to a Silk Dress. These goods were purchased during the recent .Ml of prices in Northern markets acd oonseqaently wul t so.a cheep. , y ,i They werj selected with special reference to tae n and Winter trade of this seetioD. ' Ser.ranU or children sect to the store vhh order! wit. receive the fairest treatment. COME ONE! COME ALL ! ' SBE FOR YOURSELVES. . ' f

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