BY J, L. PENNINGTON. TELEGRAPHIC. IA6SO0UTED PKE8S REPORT 8.1 Tne Vote for GoTernor. The following is bettered to be the official vote in the counties given : Holden . Worth. 453 670 1216 988 287 869 525 462 619 Wake, Rowan, Guilford, Orange, Cabarrus, Davie, - Warren, Duplin, Alamance, . 1702 841 538 264 295 80 4G 161 451 Election Returns. The foilow4rg are all the retnrcs received up to the time of going to prees lasf night : Duplin Cout) Holdta 161, Worth 462. . Rowan Ccuaty Holder 341, Worth 670. - Congress Ramsey 'a majority over Sloan and Wal krjp 462. Shaver elected for SeDate and Blackner and Holmes for Commocs. cfuilford Coontv-Huiden 688, Worth 1,216. f Congress Brown 401, Ilaynes, 1,072. ' Orange CountyWorth 988, Holden 264. CoDgrese Turner 1,069, Rnss 65, ArrtDgton 46, Edwards 2. Senate Gral r.m 1,203, Phillips 1,062. Commons Webb 614, Guess 545. : Cabarraa CouniyHolden 295, Worth 287. Congress Walkup 849, Ramsey 90, Sloan 47. Alamance" County Worth 619, Holden 451. Congress Brown 549, Haine331. Senate Black? 886, Rush 174. Commons Dr. Moore' 566, McAden 559, Dr. Watson 369, Dr.jMcGauley 492. Davie County Worth 369, Holden 80. -'. Congress Ramsey's majority 282. Warren couuty Worth 525, Holden 4(5. Congress Turner 508, Edwards 8, Pass 7. Commons Judkins 340, Trumbul 306. Senate Pitchtord 366, Thornton 109. t Sheriff Jones 568. i County Court Clerk White 515. Anti-Secession Ordinance Ratified 161, rejected 49.; "Anti-Slavery Ordinance Ratified 133, rejected 59..' . ADDITIONAL RETURNS. . Wilmington, Nov. 10. New Hanover county Worth's majority about 700 ; in Robinson county, r sr 200 ; in Richmond, majority not known, but i ,nsidcrable. Worth ahead in Bladen. As far as '. :ard from, Holden parries Columbus by about 80 : majority. Washington Items Wirr Hung. Washington, Nov. 10. A dispatch has been re ceived at tho Treasury Department announcing the death from accidental gun-shot wound of William Johnson, only brother of the President and late collector of Velasco, Texas. - Wirz was executed this morning. He died with out exhibiting emotion or fear, and protesting his innocence. The findings of the court convicting him incladed in the charge of conspiracy the names of Davis Ssddon, Cobb and Wynder. US Senator Gone Up. HoNTPELiER, Vt. Nov. 10. Jacob Collamer, U. E. Seuator of Vermont, died this morning. ; The President and South Carolina. Washington, Nov. 10. The Secretary of State to-day telegraphed Gov. Perry to continue to exer cise the functions of Governor of South Carolina until relieved by the President. The order says : !!f. Johnson regrets that neither the Convention r or Legislature has repudiated the rebel Siate debt, cad that she seems to decline the Constitutional amendment to the Federal Constitution abolishing slavery. , Yesterday Mr. Seward telegraphed Gov. Perry, Or the President, stating that the early adoption of the Constitutional amendment was deemed pecul iarly important, and especially desirable with refe fence to the gmeral situation of tbe Union. Pres ident Johnson's opinions, before expressed, had un dergone no alteration. . .ii. m New York-Ala rkets i New York, Nov. 10. Sales cotton amount to 8000 bales at 51 to 52 Cts; flour declined; wheat firm; corn declining; pork unsettled; whiskey firm; naval stores quiet. Go d 46J premium. - j 4 The Army. I Washington, Nov. 10. The available strength Of the army exceeds one hundred and eighty thou sand men, of which about one half are on the east Side of the Mississippi river. I North Carolina The White House. I Washington, Nov. 10 To-day members of the late North Cirolina State Convention and others from the old Commonwealth paid a visit to the Pres ident. Judge Read, in behalf cf tho convention, told what had been done, including the repeal of the secession ordinance, the prohibition of slavery, and tho repudiation of rtb-jl debt. Tbe Convention ask Congress to repeal the trst-oatb, and thought it proper and respectful that their petition in that be half should pass through the Executive's hand, with tie hope that his magnanimity would induce him to 3d to it some reflection which would avail with the ITational Legislature. The President said North Carolina had done much 3d well,, but something yet remained to be done to snder hcr.restoration practicable, viz : tbe accep ince of Congressional anti-slavery amendment to 5e Constitution as practically important to the pecessful position they so much desired. His ac V ion would depend upon events to be developed, pd Holden will be instructed to continue his func ions as Governor till relieved by orders to that ef- ect. " t . J Abandonment of Mexico by tbe French, I New York, Nov. 10, 11 P. M. The Indepen lencc Beige says that it is the intention of tho French Government to abandon the occupation of Mexico, beyond what is absolutely necessary. It :s more apparent than ever that it is their intention to be strengthened by different acts on the part of Mexico. The Cabiuet even said that at the next Meeting of the French Chambers, the announce aient would be made for tho immediate evacuation f Mexico by the French troops. 1 VOL. 'VI. Military Rule, The Army and Kavy Journal discusses tbe subject of continued military rula ta the South witb,mucb iatdlig'ence. It assorts the neces sity of keeping a considerable force in the reclniajsd States until civil, law aad eocLal order arafally jrt-. stored, which will not probably be for some months to come, or until the now relations of labor have bsen adjusted. The Journal thinks t! e volunteers are uofc. the right men fur thi3 service; they are uneasy at liiog detained now that the wur ig over, and having the idea that they are to serve but a sh irt time lon ger, they cannot be reiied upon for discipline or or derly conduct. In many parts of tbe South, t! e volunteers ere not hshavirg well, and the rogm troops are worse than the- whites. For theee and other reasons, the Journal reccmmerjd.s that otily the regular troops should be employed to garrison .the South, assisted 'by local military; and thiuks thess forces will work together harmoniously, as tut coi-or-d troops and whit? militia will rot. The Fenian excitefrietit in Caaada still contin ues. Georgia will vole for Governor and other State, officers on the 15th of the present month, ' ' Five regiments of British troops are en route to Montreal to protect it ?gainst the Fenians. The 47th Indiana regiment had a reception at Indianapolis on Wednesday. Practical Reconstruction General Ewell's wooden leg. Concord Monitor. An inn in San Francisco, called the What Cheer, announces as among its attractions a library of 5, 000 volumes- A mysterious box, which had been left at a hotel in New York, exploded yesterday, killing two men and wounding nine others. Jacob Thompson, Secretary of the Interior un der President Buchanan, has (October 19) left Paris, with his wife, for a pilgrimage to tbe Holy Land. Texas is now the only Southern State lately in rebellion which has not elected members and called a convention for purposes of reconstruction i uncier tne proclamation oi tne r resident. According to their arithmetics, the "Democrat ic" party is always gaining votes, but then the trouble is, they cannot reduce Republican majori ties. ' Eight thousand tix hundred wu fifty bales of cotton have been shipped from Charlotte, North Caro lina, to Raleigh, from 'the beginnieg of May to the end of September. A'communication in the Augusta Constitu tionalist nominates G . J . Jenkins as a candidate for the gubernatorial chair of 44 The Empire State of the South." Secretary Welles will urge upon Congress, . in his forthcoming report, some enactment by which naval apprentices may, upon meriting advance ment, become officers in the Navy. Mrs. Anthony Daringer, of Ashland county, Ohio, gave birth to two boys and one girl the other uav, a : 1 ?M parties were doing well at last ac- counts, vi e hope tnat the lather is included am ;ns the parties that is doing well. The arrival of immigrants at the port of New York numbered 9,814 during the week ending Sat urday, as follows : October 28, 1,612; 29th, 959"; 30th, 761 ; 31st, 2,234; November 1, 1,228 ; 2d, 1, 250; 3d, 1,770. A colossal pumpkin of a golden hue was oh yesierday received at the Agricultural Bureau, Washington city, from a gentleman, resident ofBal timore county, Maryland. It weighs 118 pounds 2 ounces avoirdupois, and is very suggestive of pies, a genial fireside and good cheer generally. A curious phenomena occurred in the Valley of Mexico on the 6th of October. Five large streams of water burst suddenly from the sides of the mountain, which, if they do not diminish irr vol ume, will form a considerable river. A well known Northern theatrical manager lately organized a dramatic company to perform in the theatre at Lynchburg Va. After a few repre sentations, the hostility of the inhabitants to any thing coming from the North was so appirent that the company had to dissolve. There appears to be a rumpus in Nashville about John Ov rton, a man of great wealth, who has been pardoned. Gen. Fisk, of the Freedmen's Bureau, declines to hand over the property. Gen. F. and Mr. O. are on their way to Washington. The Georgia Convention asks for the pardon of Mr. Tattnall, called commodore, and that his property be restored. It declares that it is, the duty of the Legislature to provide for the widows and or phans of the Georgia soldiers, and also" disabled soldiers. It is said that Secretary Seward is preparing a reply to the despatch of Earl Russell in which was proposed a commission to adjudicate the claims against each other respectively of our own and the English Government for damages suffered by the citizens of the United States and Great Britaiu du ring the late Rebellion The Toronto Watchman, Orange organ, affirms that it has positive information of a contemplated invasion of the provinces ; that there are now six hundred armed men in Toronto ; that several mem bers of the Government are fraternizing with the Fenian, and that the Premier himself winkis at the contemplated attempt to sever the provinces from British connection. . , At a meeting of Maryland soldiers at Selbys port, Allegany county, Md., last week,' the follow ing resolution was adopted: Unsolved, That Jeff. Davis has caused tbe blood of thousands of innocent njen to be shed and enM them to an untimely grave,-and we believe it to be the duty of our Government to hang him by the neck 44 until he is dead, dead. v.'; Ut t As a pretty fair specimen of what a Philadel phia journalist can do, we condense from the Wash ington correspondence of a paper published in that city the following : Mr. Stanton is to. be forced. tp resign ; James Guthrie is Jo be, Secretary of the Treasury ; T. B. F. is to be Secretary of the Navy : Mr. C. Cushing is going to Europe beg. Mr. G B. McCiellan to accept the portfolio oObe ,W,ar Office. ' ' ;' ' t . - 4- - - The Rebel Alabama Generals are . now pretty much all reconstructed. H..D. Clayton is at home farming in Barbour county ; Alt Baker ispract&-. ing law in the'slmft region ; Oullen ; A. ' Battle has opened a law office at Tuskegee ; John T. Morgan has done the same at Selm ; Peter Roddy ha&set-j tied in Lauderdale ; S. A. M. Wood in -Florence; at the law, and Jonas M. Withers and Zachariah C. Deas are in Mobile. They have submitted to 1 the decree of war with a good gT'aee that gives hope that they will lend a helping hand hereafter to the advancement of the country. . . . RALEIGH, SA'iURD AY. NOV. 11. 1865 THl.LTy- ersona m citiand cotmtrv are requested, at all i times, to furnish us vVbal or written information of any eventsof public intert which may transpire ia their neighborhoods, or of hich they may have knowledge. Official Vote ofYake. We are enabled this morning to print theofticial vote of Wake : For GovernorHotien 1702, Worth 463. For Congress Riisi 1324, Turner 460, Edwards 64, and Arrington (nol a candidate) 10. State Senate I vey 07, Jones 1196. House of Commons-fRayner 1178, R. K. Ferrell 1362, Page 1144, B. F. More 670, Parker 137, Fleming 159, Busbee 13, Utley 252, McCullers 193, Dunn 180. Rayaer. Page and Ferrel elected. Sheriff Ray 1248, High 791. County Court Clerk J. J. Ferrel 1588- -no op- position. Superior Court Clerk Bunting 996, William II. Jloure 741, Wicker 164. .For ratifying anti slavery ordinance passed by State Convention 56G ; for rejection 79. For ratification anti-secession ordinance 708 ; for rejection 44. Board of Commissioners. Raleigh, November 9, 1865. At a special meeting of the Board of Com missioners, held this evening, present :C. B. Root, Mayor pro tem : II. Mahler, J. J. Overby, P. Over by, Dr. Wm. II. McKce and Wm. R. Richardson, commissioners. The board proceeded to lay the city tax for 1865, viz : On every $100 value real estate a tax of 40 cents. Poll tax, $2 00 Dg 2.00 Slut " 4.00 On goods, wares and merchandize purchased for resale, a tax of 10 cents on every $100. Buggies, $1 00 each. Carriages, 2.00 Drays or wagons, used as sue!;, 15.00 Hucksters or fish-mongers, 10.00 Livery stables, - 25.00 Omnibus, 10.00 Dr. McKee, chairman of committee on the a (( sub- ject of city ordinances, reported the following ordi nance, whic;. was adopted : Be it ordained by the Commissioners of tbe city of Raleigh, That all ordinances passed by the Board of Commissions, November 6th, 1857, and all or dinances passed since that time that are not in con fl ct with the laws of the United States or orders emanating from the Freedmen's Bureau, be and the same are hereby re-enacted. An -account of Messrs. Lawrence & Snow for tim ber, amounting to $105.00, was, jon motion, allowed. Account of Lougee & Bro., for work on roof of Mayor's office, for 12, was allowed. On motion, the Mayor was requested to have the fire engines put in working order. On motion, Mr. L. II. Adams was allowed to oc cupy the engine house as a store room, at the rate ol $25 per month, he vacating whenever notified by the city authorities. . The following persons wre granted recommen dations to county court for license to retail spirit uous liquors by the small measure, at their respec tive places of business, viz : Wilmington street J. J. Overby, Parker Over by, E. H. & S. Ray and John B. Sugg. North street A. T. Sawyer. David street A. Sorrell. Near N. C. Depot S. Beasly. Corner Wilmington andHargett streets T. Hill. South street W. J. Saunders. On motion, the Board adjourned. J. J. CnmsTOPHEBs, Cl'k. Postal Affairs in N. C. We mentioned in our last that a number of new route agents had been appointed from this and other cities in the State for tbe different railroads. We are able to say this morning that Postmaster General Dennison intends to revive the post offices in North Carolina as rap idly as practicable. He has just issued an order lor the reopening of the following under the ap pintments specified : Sedge's Garden, Forsyth county Lewis P. Wag goner, postmaster, vice Jos. Waggoner. Rock Creek, Alamance county C. C. Curtis postmaster, vice W. J. Albright. Yadkinsville, Yadkin county Thomas Talbot postmaster, vice W. H. Rodwell. Marshall, Madison county Elisha Tweed post master, vice E. J. Tweed. Reem's Creek, Buncombe county Mary E. Mc Clure postmistress. Joyner's Depot, Edgecombe county G. W. Grif fin postmaster. Others are soon to be announced and then con tinuously as fast as practicable." It is necessary, in the meantime, for the people to aid in this mat ter by manifesting readiness to undertake trans portation and perform other needful servic e. Smelling Mice. Our friend Wiggins, living in the eastern ward, says the other day a girl called at his door and asked if his family wanted i4house help." He replied they did. "Do you have "smnjl children ?" she asked. "No." . "Do you have your washing done out of tbe bouse?" . "No." "Will icy room be carpeted ?" ''Yes." After goingona while in this manner, tbe gentleman , turned the tide and said he would like to ask her a few ques. , tiohs. "Can ycu play the pianof he began. "O, no. 7 "Can you speaK. r reutu: u. wi'juu sing the fcopera" ?" "No." "Can" you dance the lancers ; "No:" "Well, then," he continued, "if you can't do Any of these, you won't suit," and off went the astonished maid smelling mice ! NO. 308. I" Stabbimg Affray. A correspondent, writing to us from Company Shops, under date of Wednesday, savs: "We have had a stabbing affair at our shops to day between two negroes. One of the parties per petrated a theft against the other. The injured negro made an effort to recover the lost goods and being abused by his roguish brother, the former armed himself with an axe andattempted to kill the latter, bet was prevented through tbe Intervention of bystanders. He thereafter approached the dark e' of thieving propensities to thrash him, when the other turned and stabbed him three times once under the right ear, on the right arm, and then in the centre of the breast. The cuts may not prove fatal and up to this hour the desperado has not been arrested." We hope T. B. J. and others will write us of all matters of interest transpiring in their neighbor hoods. Business Notice. Having to pay cash for every thing in the management of our business, we must do a Cash business or none at all. Many of our city subscribers are in arrears and we have sent our bills until we are tired of it. We now give fair notice that the paper will be stopped in all cases where the subscription is not paid when presented. Per sons at a distance, if of the class mentioned, must remit money to pay the subscription or their paper will be discontinued. All persons indebted to the Progress office or the proprietor, by note or open account, are requested to settle the same at once. Bishjp Atkinson's Appointments. Aa requested we give publicity to the appointments made by Bishop Atkinson, of tbe Episcopal church, for the present and next month : Newbern, November 26th. Town of Beaufort, 44 2 8th. Trinity church, Beaufort co , December. 2d. Washington, Zi n church, Beaufort county, Plymouth, Sr. Luke's, Washington co., Edenton, Gatesville, Hertsford, Elizabeth city, 8d. 4th. 5 th. 7th. 10th 12th 15th 17th Remember white male and female teachers are wanted in the freedmen's sabbath school recently organized at the Baptist church. It is a home un dertaking, some of the most estimable ladies and gentlemen of our city have engaged in the enter prise as teachers, and we hope others will go until the demand is supplied. The whole thing is under the direction of a very energetic gentleman, Mr. W. J. Palmer. Fkee School. It will be seen from an announce ment by the acting mayor that a free school for white chi'dren is to be opened under the auspices of the American Union Commission. From notices of this society appearing elsewhere, we are led to believe that it is one of the noblest to which the war has given birth. The only object underlying its operation, we hear, is to advance the educational interests of the country. A -- Kinsey in the Saddle. Nothwithstanding his dethronement by means of the fire Tuesday night, our neighbor Kinsey is again up and in the saddle. He is now doing business where his card explains and no doubt his old customers will flock to his standard at once. He has choice goods in store for buyers. Old Bachelors who cannot put on a patch, but ton or make other needful repairs, should consult the card of Joseph Krcth in this morning's paper. Indeed, he is a superior workman in any depart ment of tailoring, whether in merely reinforcing old garments or manufacturing a new outfit. Cash System. We must have cash for advertis ing, job work and .subscription to the Progress We have to pay cash and must have cash. City subscribers who do not pay their subscriptions very soon, will find their papers stopped. Lenoir County. At Kinston Holden received 167 and Worth 157 votes. A gentleman who left there at 8 o'clock, Thursday night, thinks Worth's majority in the county will be 60 to 60. Trial of M r. Davis. The following dispatch is from tbe Herald of the 8th: "The President yesterday received a numerous delegation of ladies from Baltimore, deputed to pre sent a petition signed by fifteen thousand ladies, seeking the Executive clemency in behalf of Jeffer son Davis. Mrs. Coleman, daughter of the late la mented John J. Crittenden, addressed the President in feeling and appropriate terms, to which he re sponded in a most felicitous manner, regretting that public policy prevented his yielding to their persua sive and touching arguments. , The interview was a protracted one and of the most agreeable character, and the fair petitioners left the city carrying with them the most pleasur able impressions of the President. In decliniog, the President regretted that the national character of the question restrained all private sympathy which they might have awakened in him, and then made the important statement that complete ar rangements have been made for tbeearly legal trial of Mr. DaVis, according to the laws of the land." Mb. PeKkingtqn: " - : Allow me, through your col umn?, to return ray sincere acd beajtfel thanks to the citizens aid soldiers, also the colored people, for their timely aad valuable aid dating the fire. Oar. thackb ate especially due to Mr. Jurdan andG. M. Fcn re. I have succeeded la geitiog the crue bouse, on FayetteyiUe sirebt, formerly occopied by Wiriam White, Esq. 'Hope our old customers will net forget to call on us. Yours respectfully. novlO-lt S. D. HARRISON. MARRIED, Rer.T. E. Skintvpr. Mr Pivp t? v ' 8th. br MUiMOLLIEPRlfcK botbnrtV ' HARD IE t, l e were not forgotten bj our friends of thdr nnptial., atd we tender the. ouVbVnwUhr' alifeofnninterrnptea happiness. fr la An .1 - NEW A r V f: r? rr i rvr- -r- & ia e i T S . H E??' UI. EXTRACT ni' Irritation Inflammation or UlceSSon ofThBl ' Kidneve, disease of the Prostrate i4h 1. ,udfr or Bladder, Calculus. Gravel or Brick Dun i ?e in tht an of the BUdder. Kidne.;- HELMBOLD'S FLUID " EXTR VPT rrm- WEAKNESS ARISING FROM FXissf The constitution once affected bv Or? ity may HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BLTHU HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT PUCHU AND 1M PROVED ROSE WASH, will radically exterminate from the sxsu-w dies.p- rf lime expense, nine or no cnaojie in di.-t.and ftAmnlAtf.ltt rnnAi-D(i.Jin.. .1. - ation, at mc, v.uuiitn tucioiiMuii iinf unpira.vtr.t ard ri unpleasant and dangerous diseases. ' t USE HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BCCHU in all cases of the urinary organa, w hether exis'in? in male or femaie, from whatever cause 01 iK'ina'ine ano 7 matter ot how long standing It is pleasant in tate8-,i dor, immediate in its action, and more stn ujjtb-n ' than any of the preparations of bark or im,,. ' Those suffering from broken down or dclica'e consti tutions, procure the remedy at once. k The reader must be aware that however !ijrht mv be the attack of the above disease, it is sure t.. arttct' his posterity. Our flesh and b'ood are suppornd f.-ciu tU iources. PHYSICIAN 8, PLEASE NOTICE. Wo make no secret of the ingredients. Helmbold Fluid Extract Buchu is composed of Buc! u. Cub, bs a- Juniper Berries, selected with giet can, and Pr, , , d in vacuo by H T H ELM BOLD, Uruist and cLL1Vo sixteen years' experience in the city ni Phi iade Br which is now prescribed by the most eminent phvtic'iars hs been pdmitted to use in the United Sta'esaru.y etuj is also in very general use in State Hospitals and pub ic Sanitary Institutions throughout tbe land. Direct letters to HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 504 Broadwa , Now York, or HELM B OLD' S MEDICAL D E P vl 11)4 South Tenth Street (b. ;. w ' tusLut ) PHILADELPHIA Sold by Druggists Everywhere. BEWARE OF COUNTEUFEIIS novll-lm Ask for HELM HOLD'S From the American Journal of Pharmacy, May, 1665. Edited by W M. PRO i .TOR. J , Pmlrs-s .r of Pharmacy in the Phi adelhia Col egp o: Phnrtuncv. 'Will the E'mid I" xtracts go out .f ut-e owin to the high price, or can we have same authoritative m "tihca tions ot the formulas by which we can make them at a more reasonable cost ?" "If the latter, shall the change be in the q-a'ity of the meastruum, or in the manner of applying it, so as to reduce the quantity requisite? Can there be a con vocation of the Committee of Revision to auihorizesom-j new method or modification of the present re ipe '!" With regard to the contemplated change in the qum tity,orin the menstruum itf, in the preparation of fluid extracts, I would take occasion to s&y that in medi cine the health of the pafcient is the great object to be gained. The cost of material is something, but when put int the scale with human health, and often human lite, it is hardly worthy of consideration at all. M v Bur-hu ( Helm bold's) will continne to be made as formerly, and if it cannot be maintained at present prices, thev 'will bav to be advanced to meet the advance in thf? pric ol ma terial. To such aa desire quantity instead of qu ility we would say that water is a cheap coramodicv, and mar bo readily added by the person using the medicine it he de sires to do so. U T HELMBOLD, Druggist and Chemist, novll-lt 594 Broadway, New York city. O THE PUBLIC. have again opend store opposite to rnv old stand and ask my friends and the citizens generally to give roe a call. This is the time to lend a sufferer bv the late fire a helping hand. I hope, notwithstanding my severe losses, to be able to give full and ample satisfaction to all who will give me a call. All kinds of good.j in m v line will be found at my new stand, and if prompt attention, to the wants of my customers and tho public generally will ensure their assistance, I am resolved that I will merit it. novll-lw J. KINSEY. FREE SCHOOL FOR WHITE CHILD KEN. A school will be open for instruction in read ing, one hour daily, in the school house ojf Newbern street, the third house west of Pettigrew Hospital, begin ning on Monday, November I3th, at 3 P. M. It isbped. that all who need inrtruction will avail tbemseivts of the opportunity offered by the American Union 'oratniFsion. nov 11 It C B ROOT, Mayor fro tem TO S E P H K R E T H , FASHIONABLE X JR, C T I C L. TAIL O II , (Up Stairs over Kuester's Store,) RALEIGH, N 0. Saiti mads in the latest and moat elegant stvle Gar ments of every description cat to order, and an exc'leot tit warranted. novll-Jm ryiO PRINTERS A D PUBLISHERS. TYPE, PRESSES, 4c, FOR SALE. Having purchased new type and material throughout for the Pao9EES3, which we expect 'o ar iye with-n a few days, we offer for sale theT PE. RULES. CH..SES, Ac, with which tbe PaoGRtss is now printed, acd aUo a large lot of TYPE and FIXTURES in the town of .New bern. There is sufficient type in either establishment to a run a daily paper, and it can be bid for one half or one third the cost of uew material. Any one wanuag to Jt up an office can get a bargain. d"viyGT0 nov!2 tf Kaieih, C GLCJE! ITiaOil 12 to 20 cents per pound. Sold by 1 u. W . ROSh A CO aug38-tf 33 Cravensti eet.Newber. MASONIC.-TUE OFFICERS, SEMBEhh ANi) Representatives of the Grand Locge ct J'-11. " i.copted Masons of North Carolina will uet in Ur c on Monday erening.tte fourth of Efeceitlm tt. -. o'cloek, for the transseticnot business-. The officers of tho subordinate Lodges are rt quee . u attend in person , or ca?e proper delegates ;o Lc r'?; ediaobedience to tbe eonetitxition and peter1 rck tioos of tbe Grand Lodge. WM 1. h A IN . ot8-3tawtd decreULV' Zexxtl iNTotice. THE subscriber reipectfullj Inf rir s the Raleigh andsurroundine country that bf L pe- taofieTorer P. P. Pescud',Drug V Mb ' "plewed to waitupon alt who may fa-or hiu. : t h 1 1 . . pJfroTage. Particular attention patd to tb e jje e tion of the natural teeth. Artificial Teeth miertt u the most approved principle? ofVTcJlTOnl. requires the aid of medicine to Mrencth ? -dh f"nefs' ate tbe system, which Helmbold's Extract H , ln.T,iror ablydoea. If no treatment be .uSmSea o "T tion or insanity may ensue. ' L'iCSUUjP- in affections peculiar to females, i3 unequal-d bv,r othor preparation, as in chlorosis or rett-i ii ,n ;, -laritiei, painfulness or supr-r. ssion of cust.tna.V Lr" ations, ulceration or scirrhous tt te ol il.-U e' a I corrhce, and all complaints icciaent to tl.e ?cx h ih" arising: from hab.ts f oisipation, impi udeuciM ,r ; tbe decline or change of Hte. . s' ur ln TTTEARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE THEO. W H. HILL, of Wake county, as a candidate for tho office of Beading Clerk to the Hou.e of Common- n' it" next General Assembly. 'llilill-- i

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