1 BY J. L. PENNINGTON. TELE&RAPHIC. ('associated "PRESS REPO RTS.l Meeting of Health Commissioners. Kiw York, Nov. 10. The Commissioners of Health held a meeting this afternoon and adopted sanitary resolutions to guard as far as possible against the scourge of cholera. It was determined to seed circulars to citizens informing them of the best methods of preserving health. f F I From Jamaica. I New York, Nov. 10. Advices from Jamaica say t Gordon and Paul Boyle, the principal insurrectionary leaders, bad been arrested, tried by court-martial and hung. The negroes are dispirited and no apprehen sions are felt of much farther trouble, i 1 The Vote for Gorernor. I The following is believed to be the official vote a the:counties given : ! Holden. Worth. iVake, 1702 453 towan, 341 570 luilford, 538 1216 )range, . 264 988 'abarrus, 295 287 Tie, 80 369 Tarren, 46 525 jplin, 161 462 lamance, 451 619 rsyth, 68 1110 scklenburg, 353 534 .dell, 349 721 ;rke, 428 217 ston, 253 maj. ndolpb, 652 640 'mson, 844 138 1 Tender Tetb-a-Tete Looses half its charms, e sweet words of either party are not mated h a fragrant breath. Sozodont is the only arti that will assure this desideratum by keeping teeth speckless, the gums healthy, the whole ,th pure and undefined. It literally embalms Mental substance, preserving it from decay, 3gh life. Use it daily. Will find it a pleas- leorge, the Count Johannes," that "irrepressible i" has been boring the President to let him an interview with Jefferson Davis, but without 3. The Government has discovered that some of Town detectives have been engaged for some !n shoving the new counterfiet fifties. They fely lodged in the Old Capitol prison, a Wheeling, Mr. Sammel Boyd sued for a di ,f His wife put in a claim for alimony. The Wat iui jjuju uiu uui get iuo uivuicc, uub uio t two thousand dollars alimony. iis of no use for perso.DS or delegations to ask don of Jefferson Davis. It is certain as any hat can be said of human affairs that he is to 1 for treason. Jor Gee, late ot the Confederate army, has t aught to Washington from Florida and com- o the Capitol prison by order of Secretary -71 3 St. Paul, Minnesota, papers are growling C727 t ha price of flour, declaring eight dollars to eight c.:llzi3 and seventy-five cents per barrel to be enor rzrzi j rices when wheat is ninety and ninety-five c;:t; ; sr bushel, and will Boon be lower. -llrsvG-!1r y -whidrd Bernard Lacey, ayoUDg gtutkn.in ;l Lawn t ci bin:, Indiana, for making dispirr Trig remarks about rn-r daughter. For this appli: on of Godfrey's cordial, she was fined one nfrt e rts ; ' ny of the officers and soldiers of the late so called Cjnfederute army are getting employment in tha Kslional Express Company. We are.glad to see Tzr: Piedmont Railroad. At the meeting of t.: r'.kholders of the Piedmont rail road id Dan Ya., last week, the same president and direc zte chosen as now have charge of the Rich and Danville rail road, with the addition of her directors, J. M. Morehead, of Greeuboro', 3hn Wilkes, of Charlotte, N. C. The meeting i the payment of salaries due the officers of id who were serving at the time it was seized Htary authority. Mr. J. T. Watson was elect ssurer of the company. jfov. Stone's majority, in all but eight counties a, is 15,942. There will be 200 miles of railroad in Minnesota winter sets in. rhe 2d United States cavalry has passed through ouis, on its way to the Plains. Three other it. regiments will soon be sent to the same des On, to replace volunteers that are now being jred out. Fhe La Crosse Republican says the snow was six inches deep there on the level Saturday fog. bur Western exchanges tells us of most severe ir weather in Missouri and Kansas. Heavy jand snow storms have prevailed along the I Missouri, and a still further rise is looked for it stream. Several inches of show fell in St. h on Monday, and several snow storms have tiled in several parts of Kansas within a few past. The redemption of certificates in the Redemp 3ureau of the Treasury, for thfe week ending xnber 4, amounts to $1,903,040. The redemp yi currency for the same period amounted to J9, 132. The annual report of the Sixth Auditor of the sury for the Post Office Department, has been leted, and was submitted to the Postmaster ral Friday. It exhibits the financial transac i of the Post Office Department for the last fiscal j and shows what has never occuraed before in 3xtetnce of the Government, that the depart- has been self-sustaining, and that the excess of fpts over the expenditures amounts to the neat of $801,000. t I The Norfolk correspondent of the Philadelphia ' says that since the removal of Davis from his :ws m the casements of Fortress Monroe to the comfortable and distinguished ones at Carroll there has been a marked change in hfcphysique jurus. ae is more communicative, more boie- I h7fu 8 10 belleve that tba death he at first w lu Jl T0J$ h PPoned until nature herself aes his mortal course. f frtj " quality of mercy is notstrain tDQt the telegraph says that henceforth the At ey general s ffice will be a sieve through .nall applications for pardon must pass. j-Mrs. Mary Deal died in Albany on Monday, aged year8. fit is intended to erect a monument to Mrs. I. f'gourney, in Hartford, her home, where she VOL. VI. Dina, the Radical correspondent of the Chicago Bepublican, writes from Washington : The city looks as if Mr. Lincoln never existed, and as if we were still in the time of Pierce and Buchan an. Free State influence has again been suddenly wiped out. Slavery politicians are once more in the ascendant. It is no use argning at Washington about millions slain and millions wasted in the war, and about other trifles of the kind. True enough, the armies of th slaveholders' rebellion have been vanquished ; but the feeling that culminated in the war is as rampant and pernicious as ever. Any one who doubts this need only spend a few weeks at Willard's, and this conviction will soon force itself upon the mind. The Southerners are as smart as ever, and avail themselves as skillfully of the siesta of the Free States. While the ma-ses of the people are lulled into security by the apparent restoration of peace, their old enemies kindle the flames of fresh convulsions. They do this with their wonted iLge nuity. They get pardoned first, co-operate with the Democrats next, and look upon Andrew Johnson as exclusively their President, just as much as ever Pierce or Buchanan was. It is the old story of these copperhead Presidents all over again, with that fatal difference, that those who were then foremost in their opposition to sham Democracy are now feeble and exhausted. A confirmed bachelor uses the following argument against matrimony : Calico is a great prompter of laziness. If yoang men wish to accomplish anything of moment, either with bead or hand, they must keep clear of the in stitution entirely. A pair of sweet lips, a pink waist, swelling chest, a pressure of two delicate hands, will do as much to unhinge a man as three fevers, the meassls, a large sized whooping cough, a pair of locked jaws, several hydraphobias and the doctor's bills. Judge Gray, of Texas, has received from the Executive a pardon. The Globe believes that Lord Clarendon will take the foreign office. The Hebrews of Indianapolis, Ind., are to erect a synagogue at a cost of $75,000. Hon. W. F Wickham, of Virginia, is stopping at the Ballard House, Richmond. John C. Breckinridge is reported to be living in elegant seclusion in Canada West. The Government has received $8,400 from Charleston, S. C, for postage due before the war. An application to establish a national bank at New Orleans, with a capital of one million dollars, has been granted. Severe storms on the northeast coast of Eng land have caused the destruction of much property and the sacrifice of many lives. It is stated that John Mitohel, recently releas ed from Fortress Monroe, has given his parole not to leave the State of Virginia. Prentice says that as a man drinks he gener ally grows reckless ; in which case, adds the Boston Fost, the more drams the fewer scruples. A plan for funding the national debt at five-and-a half per cent, interest, is said to be under consid eration at the Treasury Department. The London Herald says that if Earl Russell makes any radical move the conservatives will cer tainly lose no opportunity to checkmate him. Th e Paris correspondent of the Times reiterates the statement that Mr. Seward had sent a dispatch to the French Government relative to Mexico. Gen. A. C. Myers, late Quartermaster General of the Confederacy, has left Paris, on a visit to the United States. His family remain in Europe. Judge A. B. Meek, of Alabama, a poet, politi cian, and noted chess player, died recently at Co lumbus, Miss. During the war nine per cent, of the soldiers admitted to U. S. hospitals died. In the English army in the Crimea the proportion was fifty per cent. A man advertises for a comDetent person to undertake the sale of anew medicine, and adds that it will be found profitable to the undertaker. JNo doubt of it. The great fair at Philadelphia, for the benefit of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, closed on Satur day night. The receipts of the fair exceeded $80, 000, of which $22,000 were taken for admission. On the door of a parish church, not a hundred miles from Pendle Hill, was recently affixed the following notice: " Tbe church-wardens will hold their quarterly meeting every six weeks, instead of half yearly, as formerly. A correspondent of the New York Times an nounces the complete overthrow of the revolt in Jamaica, with the execution of forty of the ring leaders. A dispatch to the Savannah Republican, from Columbia, S. C, on the 1st, says that Ex- Gover nor J. L. Manning has been elected United States Senator for the term ending 1867, and the Hon. B F. Dunking has been elected Chief Justice, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of J udge O'Neil. Governor Fletcher, of Missouri, has received pardons from the President for several Missouri Confederates, including General Frost, commander of Camp Jackson; Dr. Patton, of alleged water poisoning fame ; John W. Reed, formerly a member of the United States Congress. A young man, supposed to be insane, a few days since, at Caledonia, Michigan, fired two shots at his parents, fatally injuring them both, and after wards closed the fearful act by shooting himself, dying immediately. The unfortunate father and mother are very aged. Archbishop Gullen has just issued a manifesto to the clergy of the arch-diocese of Dublin, against the Fenian brotherhood, thoroughly condemning it. He denounces Orangemen, Ribbonmen, Fenians and Free Masons, and says that Fenianism is a com pound of wickedness and folly. Xhe Mississippi Legislature has directed a tax to be levied to support disabled Confederate soldiers and educate soldiers' children. Bills have been in troduced to compel railway companies to have sep arate cars for negroes ; to suspend all collection laws of the State, and to tax all suits brought in United States courts. Hysieneal. We present our congratulations to Mr. A. M. Keilev, once the dashing editor of the Petersburg Index, on the occasion of his leading to the hymeneal alter, one of the fair daughters of his native city. In wishing joy to the happy pair, we predict for our fellow-laborer of the pen a brilliant future in his profession, and, if he wills it, in the walks of politics. RALEIGH, MONDAY, NOV. THE CITY. SWersons in city and country are requested, at all times, to furnish us verbal or written information of any events of public interejt which may transpire in tneir neighborhoods, or of vhich they may have knowledge. High Rents. In he interest of the entire com munity, both of thote who have property and rent ers, we have urged that the demands of the property-holders were exUrtionate and that they would consult their true irterests by retracingtheir steps. The Standard now :akes up the subject, saying "it is very certain that the rents in this city and other places in the State ire not only exorbitantly high, but are having a teidency to drive capital and bu. siness away from u$." This is truth in a nut-shell, though we know of at least one honorable exception in this community. The gentleman to whom we refer has declined to advance his rents one cent beyond tbe increased taxation as compared with the rates of 1861. This is not only highly creditable, but is an exhibition of true business sense. It shows, too, an apprecia tion of and sympathy with the embarrassments of the present moment. The people are not in con dition to meet ordinary expenses, much less to be subjected to extraordinary pressure upon their fi nances; s Come down, gentlemen, come down from your ungenerous and ruinous rates. In the end such a course will enure to your benefit pecuniari ly and otherwise. Stolen. Horse flesh seems to be favorite game for midnight prowlers. Last Friday night, some rascals unknown broke open the stables of W. H. High, at Spring Hill, about two miles from the city, and took therefrom two horses. Of course the thieves escaped and the animals have not been re covered. It is rather singular that the people of Wake are not up with their fellow-citizens of other counties in the matter of local organization. We believe there are but few counties in the State without an independent police and the consequence is few dep redations have to be noticed. It is an easy work if properly managed and our county friends should move in the matter at once. Let the citizens of each neighborhood so combine as to have a posse on every night. New Counterfeits. We learn that counterfeit $10 greenbacks are in circulation, which appear to be photographed in part, but are hardly well enough done to deceive a person accustomed to handling money. The paper is not good, the engraving in distinct, and the green ink is of an entirely different shade from that of the genuine. ? It is said, too, that the fifty dollar counterfeit greenback, heretofore described, is such a success ful piece of workmanship that about a dozen copies of it have been paid over the counter at the treasu ry department in Washington. Treasurer Spinner acknowledges himself puzzled ; to ' distinguish good from bad in this case. Business Notice. Having to pay cash for every thing in the management of our business, we must do a cash business or none at all. Many of our city subscribers are in arrears and we have sent our bills until we are tired of it. We now give fair notice that the paper will be stopped in all cases where the subscription is not paid when presented. Per sons at a distance, if of the class mentioned, must remit money to pay the subscription or .their paper will be discontinued. All persi ns indebted to the Progress office or the proprietor, by note or open account, are requested to settle the same at once. Selling at Cost. E Z. French & Co., west side Fayetteville street, hare a large and desirable stock of goods in store, which they are selling at cost for cash. Having purchased goods of them, we know that their prices are lower than the same kind of goods can be had in New York. Go to French's if you want bargains. New York Piano Fortes. We call the atten tion of our readers to the advertisement of Mr. Er nest Gabler, in another column. His establishment is one of the largest of the kind in this country, and with his new factory now comple ed and in full op- eration, he is enabled to furnish dealers and others promptly, as ordered, with any number of his very elegant and justly popular instruments. m Almost a Fire. Last Saturday morning, about 7 o'clock, the governor's palacb took fire from a de fective flue, but was discovered in time to prevent any material damage. The clerks at headquarters were prompt in their movements and extinguished the flames in a twinkling. In the Field. By his card it will be seen that Wesley Whitaker, jr., is a candidate for principal clerk of the Senate. He is a typo and would bring to the discharge of the duties of the position fine capabilities. Gov. Holden has been confined to his bed for several days by a severe attack of neuralgia. He was- somewhat better yesterday, however, and hopes are entertained that he will be able to attend to the duties of bis office within a few days. Personal. Cap t. J. J. Guthrie, whose pardon by the President we announced a week ago, has returned from the North and eapecU to settle in North Carolina. He is a native of Wake. A Troupe of genuine negro minstrels no burnt cork performed at Market Hall last Saturday evening. 13, 1865. NO. 309. A Hint on Cabpkts. Of all the expensive things in a modern house of the ordinary clan, perhaps car pets are the dearest. In case of removal they become almost useless, and have to be sacrificed at any price that can be got for them, because, having been cut and measured for one room perhaps of a peculiar shape, they are useless in any other ; for il the pat tern could be matched, whicn It often cannot, a bit of new carpet sewed on to a bit of old wou'd be out of harmony, aod teli a story wbicb the prid' oi p v erty would rather were cooceaud. Tiir P. rsUi, nd Turkish system of carpeting looms is iutiiiite' V btu r and prettier than ours. Tbe PerUi. cirjeto, t speci ally those from R-sht, are , exquisneiy U-amiiol. Their colors are brighter, the d sitig j rettier, a d they are far more durable iba... Eui. pt.. u carj hh, They are made in stnpa usually iHtwea tw- aid three yards long, and about one yard iu bieadtb, to go round the sides of a room, with a square carpet, or any size preferred, for the centre. They do not require to be nailed or fitted, and a sufficient number of them will, of coarse, carpet any room, however large or small. They have a very rich and grand appearance too. In summer they are easily taken up, beaten, rolled, and put aside by a single servant. New Advertisements. Covernment sale of hard bread and damaged beans at B eaufort. B. P. Williamson & Co. Corn wanted. George E. White & Co. Guano and other fertil izers. James Hutchinson & Co. Metropolitan Enter prise. i - Delicious those fine Norfolk oysters sent us from the Farmers Rest. They were gotten up in style by the cook of that establishment and we de voured them savagely. The proprietor, as will be seen by advertisement, has his saloon in full oper ation and nightly receives the bivalves, fresh from the seaboard. Try them raw, fried, stewed, broil ed or scalloped. TnE Rev. Dr. Lathrop, of New York, occupied the pulpit of the Baptist church last night and de livered a forcible sermon. In the afternoon, Rev. Mr. Backus, from the same State, addressed the colored people of the sabbath school connected with the church. He gave them much good advice and applauded the enterprise. Methodist Centennial. The Methodists are in augurating measures for the celebration of the cen tennial anniversary of American Methodism, which occurs in the early part of the coming year, although the American Methodist Episcopal Church, as a sepa rate and distinct organization did not exist until Christmas Day, 1784, when at a conference, called for the purpose, at Baltimore, the preachers assumed the title of a church. On the occasion of the cele bration of this anniversary, in accordance with the resolutions of the Bishops, an effort will be made to have the occasion marked by a reunion of the differ ent fragments of American Methodism, and more es pecially by the return of the Wesleyan connection, which seceded from the parent church In 184&, from three causes, viz : slavery, church government, and the sales and use of Intoxicating liquors. The mat ter of education will also be a promiaent subject of interest on the occasion. We are not aware that the exact day for the celebration has yet been deter mined. . The Supreme Court of Missouri, in the case of Father Cummings, a Catholic priest, who was fined $500 in a lower court for preaching without taking the test oath, has affirmed the sentence, thus sustain ing the constitutionality of the ordinance. Money was never so plenty and so cheap in Cali fornia as now. Tbe rate of interest is down to 1 per cent a month. In September four millions and a half of gold and sliver came into San Francisco from tbe mining districts. Havana dates of the 28th October state that the hurricane of the 22d and 23d raged with great force all over tbe island. Ia Havana harbor many ves sels drifted from the wharves and sunk. The streets of tbe city were filled with water to tbe depth of a foot. Hooses and walls were blown down. Two-thirds of the roof of the Tacon theatre was blown off. The stars and stripes bad been raised on the late rebel ram Stonewall. i Hon. A. H. Stephens is expected to visit Mil ledgevilie and address the Georgia State Convention before its adjournment. The movement to nomi nate Mr. Stephens for Governor seems to be gaining strength, and the Atlanta Hew Era intimates that he has coDsentcd to ihe use of his name. Peterson, the comedian, lent a brother actor two shillings, aod when he made i demmd t r the sum, the debtor turniog peevishly frm bi u said, " Hng it, I'll pay you to-day in some shape or otb-r." Pe terson good-humoredly replied, " shall be mu. b obliged to you, Tom, let it bead like tj shillings as you can." The long promised " Memoirs of Lord Byron" by the Countess Guiccioli (now the Marquise de Bcissy) are in the hands of the printers, and will shortly be published by Amyot of Paris. With a delicacy which does her credit, the Marquise de B ois sy abstained from publishing the work during the life of Lady Byron. Borne thirty original letters from Lord Byron will be embraced in the book. Morris Ellsworth, tbe negro who killed his young wife in Newark, New Jersey, a short time since, was sentenced on Thursday to be hang. He will be executed on the twenty-first of December. Tbe Free Will Baptist General Conference of Maine has passed a resolution prohibiting the ordina tion of ministers who use tobacco. Tbe clergymen addicted to tbe use of the weed say they " don't see much free will about that." A tradesman recently told a youth In bis shop to write in large letters on a sheet of paper, "Wanted, a stout lad as light poiter.w The young scape grace, eithtr from ignorance or design, wrote "Wanted, a stout lad as likes porter." The authorities of the town of Kremsmnnster, in Austria, have rigorously interdicted servant girls and ladies' maids, &c, from wearing crinoline. The American land system if to be introduced in Mexico, so that the citizens of moderate means can get hold of a farm. The public territory is to be surveyed into sections and quarter sections of 640 and 100 acres. The Lerialafnr We give below the names of tbmeraber8 elect the Legislature, tremble in thU city on (he fourth Monday of November, as far as record : bknats. Wake W. D. Jones. Wayne Ben j. Ay cock. Rowan and Davie Wm. Shober Guilford J. M. Morehead. . Mecklenburg J. H. Wilson. New Hanover E. D. Hall. s Forsyth Joshua Boner. Orange W. A. Graham. Iredell A. M. Bogle. Granville B. F. Bullock. Randolph and Alamance Dr Black Craven J.D. Whitford. Johnson T. D. Soead. commons. Wake K. Rayner. R K. Ferrpll A F Wayne W T. F iircoth , J H Evo at R wan Blackmer and Holmes Divie Jcseph McGuire. Guilford Messrs. Caldwell, Suith and H , i.t ,, Mecklenburg R. D. Whitley acd J. M. Hum," 8 n. N-w Hanover R. H. Cowaa and J R h lAe3 Lenoir W. W. Duon. F-rsytb Charles Teague and Wm. Woeder Orange Webb and Goes Alamance Moore aui M A Warm- Jnok?.f I - ? I d L Q S .1. M. B-.ik J - ; v Da y Raid iph E 1 B i' .1 . Craven M E. Mau Mr () Johnuou CiiMb. Btf.ta y . J R O t Hen. A. H. SleDbeuS hn J-tlme,! a r.itiiirl,.,- for Congress from the fifth Georgia distrU, 8Mlg that he could uot, under any circumstauces, ic epi the position, If elected, and therefore hopes hia friends will not cast their suffrages for him. At a concert given In Killarney, Irelaud, recently, " God Save tbe Queen" was his sed. A dispatch from MUIedgeville, Ga., of November 2, says that the Governor has traosmttted to tbo Georgia State Convention volnminnns (Wnmpnfo advising the State to claim the cotton which was m 9 r . laaen possession oi Dy ten. Sherman's arinv. The Governor's telegram to Washington on this subject was laid before the convention and produced much laughter. B. W. Green, of Hartford, Conn., late President of the Connecticut Fire Insuranco Company, in a fit of Insanity, on Sunday night, cut his wife's throat with a razor,, causing her death in a few moments. He then cut his own throat in two places, and gashed bis arm. He is still alive, but there is very littlo proepect of his recovery. It is stated in dispatch from Toronto that no ex citement exists in Canada on the question of Fenian ism ; but from other sources we learn that this ia not the case, and there is really much apprehension in the Provinces of a Fenian invasion. 44 What is colonizing, ma?" asked a hopeful miss of seventeen. " Colonizing, my dear, is having a home, and raisrog a family," replied the mother. " Oh 1 ma, how I would like to colonize," exclaim ed the expectant daughter. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. G OVERNMENT SALE or HARD BREAD AND DAMAGED BEAX$y -A-t Auction. To be sold without reserve, on Wednesday, November 15th, 1866, AT BEA.UFORT, X. C, 73,000 poundi HA.RD BREAD. aovll-td 1,598 pounds DAMPED BEANS. Ti"ETROPOIITAlV ENTERPRISE. GREAT GIFT SALE OF THB NEW YORK AND PROVIDENCE JEWELERS' ASSOCIATION. CAPITAL, $1,000,000. Depot, 197 Broadway. An immense stock of Pianos, Watches. Jewelry aod Fancy Good a, all to De sold for one dollar each, with out regard to value, and not to be paid for till you set; what vou will receive. CERTIFICATES, naming each article and its v&iue; are placed in sealed envelopes and well mixed. One ot these envelopes will be sent by mail to any addre-s n receipt ol 25 cents ; five for $1 ; eleven for $2 ; thirty for $5; sixty-five for $10 ; and one hundred for fib. On receipt of tbe Certificate you will see what you are going to have, and then it is at your option to ;-av the dollar and take the article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond Kinjf, a Pian", Sewing Machine, or any set of Jewelry on our lis .uf $1 ; and in no case can they get less than one djilro' worth, as there are no blanks. Agents are wanted in every town in the country ; every person can make $10 a day selling our t eniflc-te-In the greatest sale of Jewelry ever known. Send 26 cents for a Certificate, which will infr n you what you can obtain for $1. At the same time get our circular containing full list and particulars ; also T.rma to Agents. Address, JAMES HUTCHIN ON A CO, novl3 2m 197 Broadway, Xew York G U A N O PERUVIAN AND SWAN ISLAND GUA.VOS, 8UPERPH08FDATE- AND TEC BRUCE CONCENTRATED FERTILIZER, are offered to the Trade at th" lowest wholesale prices, by GEO E WHITE A CO, novl2-lm 55 C iff" tie-'. I ork N EW YORK PIANO FORTES. ERNEST GABLER, Manufacturer of NTew Scale, First-Class PIANO-FORTES, Factory, 139, 134 and 136 Bast 23d Street, Respectfully announces that his Latge New Factory ia now completed, fully organised, and in tuccesitui operation, by mean of which be has greatly increased his Manufacturing facilities. He will therefore be able henceforward to turn out 35 Pianos per week, to sup ply ordert promptly, without that inconvenient delay to which Dealers and Purchasers have been subjected, from tbe fact that lor more than two years past be has been continually a hundred instrument behind orderi. A full assortment at all times maybe found athisMana- ... J TXT t V.r Vnrk fitv Kf TV 111 - strument fully warranted. Retail Wareroorps Broadway. novlJ-3m CIORN ! CORN I CORN ! WANTED 2 500 bush iAlilt AP?lyB P WILLIAMSON A CO TTTB ARB AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE MR W W. WHITAKER, Jr., as a candidate for pnnci pal clerk of the Senate of the next Legislature. novlS-tde TITAN TED. A COLORED MAN to attend to W terse and work about the beuse. To J- who can come well recommended, good wages will be paid. Appjyat PROGRESS OFFICE. B0VidU

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