BY J. L. PENNINGTON; TELEGRAPHIC. (ASSOCIATED PRESS REPO BT8. Latest from Europe. Sakdy Hook, Nov. 12. The steamship City of Washington, from Liverpool on the 1st and Qaeeos towri on the 2od inst., has arrived. It is said that Spain intends taking energetic meas ures for the suppression of the Slave-trade. I Liverpool, Nov. 1,9 a. m. Cotton declined one penny, closing with an upward tendency. The sales I for three days amounted t& sixteen thousand bales. J; Breadstuff were firm ; wheat a trifle higher. Petro I leum steady at 2s. lid. for refined. Provisions steady. Produce quiet and steady. I The Liverpool Markets were closed on Tuesday. London, Nov. 2d. Consols for money 88f to 89 ; U. S. five tweniies 63J to 64. 1 Livibpool, Tuesday night. The regular market 1 since the steamship Cuba sailed exhibited Breadstuffa j $ still advancing ; wheat firmer; provisions scarce all I kinds advanced. Bacon quiet and steady. Sugar f quiet. Coffee steady. Ricefirm and inactive. Ros f in dull. Turpentine flat. There isstill no official information concerning miu tisteriai arrangements. Lord Clarendoa has been fixed upon beyond doubt as the head of foreign af fairs. The London Globe claims forbearance for the re constructed ministry until the members are enabled ( Ax lay before Parliament their programme, upon the eatisfactory character of which, it is argued, the ex , , istence of the new arrangements will dapend . The British government had ordered all restrictions cn American vessels of war to be removed. 4 LATEST VIA LIVERPOOL . f The Paris correspondent of the London Times says is generally reported in Paris that ths French army i Mexico will be withdrawn by regular instalments id by next August or September, the whole force ill have returned to Franoa. This determination said to have been induced net only from a desire f offer no reasonable ground for complaint on the yrt of the United States, but also on economic ounds. VERY LATEST If ARRETS . Liverpool, Nov. 2. The cotton sale3 for the past t days amount to 12,000 bales at a decline of one 3ce per pound, the market cioslng with an up . ird tendency for American. Sales oi five thousand I !es to exporters and speculators were effected at ap r ifently a decline of two pence on common, viz: . I pence on Monday and one pence on Wednesday rid Thursday. . fecial Session of the Louisiana Legisla j tare. New OaLEANd Nov. 11. Qov. Walls his issued bis proclamation, calling for a special session of , tH3 Legislature on the 23rd inst., on tin plea that ha gravest interests of Louisiana demand the pres erves of her U S. Sanators at next session ot Con- . ress, The Election in Alabama. "'LIontg merT, A'a., N Afinber 9 Robert M. Pat ton, i he nominee of tha Suto C invention, has ;beea elected Governor. C. C. Lmgdnn, of Mobile, has been elected to Con gress frooa the First District, Maj r Gtirj C. Fr-ie-maa from the Saoiid, G-aeral Culhn A Bittle from . ih3 Third. Nio" f them can take the test oath. tV "V - -'Still Later from Europe. Farther Point, Nov. 13 Toe steamship B?l 'fj!a with Liverpool advices to the 8rd inst., arrived here to-day at 8 p. m. rThe, brokers circular reports sales of cotto for the w:jk precediog her sailing at fifty-one thousand Liles, Including sixteen thousand to speculators and tUrteen thousand to exporters. The market was Ctm and all quotations advancing in th.3 early part cf the week, tmt subseq'ieitly beconai vary dull uo cr the Persia's advices from America, ind closed ttone pence to ona and a half.lower for ; American . ad Egyptian brands. The authorized quotations are : Fair Orleans 23 ' penoe ; Middling Orleans 23 ; Mi.ldlirig Mobile Mid Texas 20; Fair Uplands 20; Middling Up :' linds 20. - The sales of Friday are stated at 10,000 bales, " the market closing; steady, with better feeling. Y The stock on hand is estimated at 323,000 bales, of TThich 64,000 are American. The market inactive. U. S. five-twenties 63 3-8 to G3 3-4. The other news by this arrival is unimportant. ? New York. Markets. ; New York, Nov. 13. Cotton hasa declining ten dency, being two cents lower than previous quota tions. Sales of the day reachod eighty-five hun- , dred and fifty-one bales. Flour is steady, With sales of 10,000 (barrels. - Wheat advanced one to twe cents sales of 78,000 bushels. Corn advancing. Park heavv. Lard - a auiet. Whiskev dull at 2.46 uer erallon. Naval j -r i J tores quiet. Freights dull. Cold 47i premium ' Kumobs Untavobablk to the Fbeedmen. A Ute Norfolk paper says : , Major General Torbert, Military commander of this district, has, with commendable promptness, de termined to make an immediate and careful in vesi cation relative to the rumored secret proceedings X among the colored population of the surrounding ' country, and especially in the county of rrincess I Anne. If secret meetings are held for any improper i obiect. they will be dispersed and nc? longer allowed, I and the ring-leaders punished. It is intended that ! neeessary precautions shall be taken to allay all feare cf trouble and restore the minds of the people to a state of confidence and truthfulness, with regard to : the class of oersoos of whose future cod duct there seems to be at present, soma well grounded cause of ! mispicioa and misgiving. I - The Wir to the Pooh House John Reeve was once accosted on the Kensington road by an elderly gentleman, who carried a bottle of gin in nig band. , " Pray, sir, I bg pardon" he said, " is this the way to the poor house 7 John gave him a look of clerical dignity, and, pointing to the bottle, said : " No, but that is." VOL. VI. wmz. PARTICULARS OF HIS EXECUTION. Washington, Nov. 10, 1865. This morning Father Boyle administered thesicra ment to Captain Wirz, and Father Vgg"t then placed upon the prisoner the black cambric robe, remarking; as he did so, ul hope this will be turned into a white one in the other world." At twenty minutes pist ten oMonk Ciptain Wirz uAino iroto ni3 ceu in i,ne j:u ijituoi rrusoo, sccom r i li a. r- i . t-w panied bv Provost Marshal Russel and other officers, aDd by Fathers Boyle and Wigget, anu, passicg be tween the military gnard, they as euded the scaff jid. The prisoner was then seated. The gnard consisted of the 195th Pennsylvania Yolunteers and three detachments of the Veteran Re serve Corps, under the command of Capt. Waibridge, military superintendent of tb.8 Old Capitol Prison. There were several hundred spectators bes-ides the military, civilians having been admitted ou special passes. Amid profound silenc?, Provost Marshal Russel proceeded to read the order of the War Department, founded on the verdict of the court martial which tried the prisoner. The prisoner was charged and convicted of combi ning, confederating and conspiring with Jefferson Davis, J. A. Seddon, Howell Cbb, John H. Winder, Richard B. Winder, Isaiah White, W. S. Winder. W. Shelby Reed, R. R.Stevenson, S. P. Moore, Kerr, late Hospital Steward at Anderonvilie, James Dun can, Wesley W. Turner, Baojamin Harris, and pthers whose names are unknown, and who were then engaged in armed rebeliijn against the United States, maliciously, traitorously and in violating the laws of war to impair and injure tho health and to destroy the liwts by subjecting to torture and great suffering by confining in unhealthy and uawholesoma quar ter?, by exposing to the inclemency ot winter and to the dews and burning sun of summer, by compelling the use of impure water, and by furnishing insuffi cient and ULwholesome food, of large numbers of Federal prisoners, to wit : The number of about 45,000 held as prisoners of war at Andersonville, within the lines of the so called Confederacy, on or before the 27th of March, 1864, and at divers times between that day and the 0th day of April, 1865, to the end that the armies of the United States might be weakened and impaired, and that the in surgents engaged in said rebellion might be aided and comforted, etc. The order also states that the prisoner whs found guilty of the second charge, namely, Murder, in vi olation of the laws and customs of war, and guilty of all the specifications excepting the 4th, 10th and 13th. The order concludes as follows : Sentence. And the court do therefore sentence him, Henry Wirz, to be hanged by the neck until he be dead, at such time and place as the President of the United States may direct, two-thirds of the members of the court concurring therein. And the court also find the prisoner, Henry Wirz guilty of having caused the death, in the manner as alleged in specification 11, by means of dogs, of three prisoners of war in his custody, and soldiers of the United States, one occurring on or about the 16th day of Miy, 1864 ; another occurring on or about the 11th day of July, 1864 ; another oc curring on or about the 1st day of September, 1854, ; ut which fitidingsas here expressed, has not, and did uot enter into the sentence of the Court as before given. Second : The proceeding, finding and sentence in the foregolDg case having bee n submitted to the Presi dent of the Uuittd States, the following are his or ders : Executive Mansion, Nov. 8, 1365. fhe proceedings, fiudings and sentence of the court in the within case are approved, and it is ordered that the sentence be carried into execution by the officer commandiog the Department of Washington, on Friday, the tenth day of Nov. 1865, between the hours of 6 o clock in the morning and 12 o clock i VTnnn ti rrvnuo XT noon. aim uttHi v ojunoj2i, President of the United States. Third: Major General C. C Augur, comnmndirg the Department of Washington, is commanded lo cause the furegoing senteLce, iu the case cf Hh ry Wirz to be duly executed in accordance with thj President's order. F urth: The Military Commission, ' of which Ma jor Gen. Lewis Wal'ace, U, 1 el States Volunteers, is President, is hereby dissolved, by command ot tbe President of the United States. E D. TOWNSEXD, A. A G. When the reading of the order was completed Wirz conversed with those on the platform w itii s -m ing calmness and self-possession, and it was ren ark- ed that he had a smiling counte- ance. To bis spir itual advisers he said : "I am innocent. I have to die; but I can die like a man. I have hope in the future. I have nothing more to sy. His legs and hands were tied, tho noose passed around his neck, and the black cap pUced over his face. He stood erect without fi tering, evidently having nerved himself for the solemn event. Those on the platform retired to the railing, leaving the doomed man in the centre of tbe strucitire. After a few moments of profound quit, the drop, at a preconcerted signal, fell. The sound thus occa- bioned having reached the ears of the promiscuous crowd outside of the Old Capitol Ground, but who were not privileged to view tbe execution, was re sponded to by repeated shouts of approbation. I he convict, directly after falling, was coasidera- bly convulsed in his legs, but tbe agony was soon over. He hung about fifteen minutes and then was cut down His body was laid upon a stretcher and con- veyed to the prison, where it was placed in a coffin ana transferred to Jb atber Bolye for interment. His neck was broken by the fall. All the proceedings oc cupied about tbrje-fourths of an hour. Governor Humphreys, of Mississippi, calls up on the citiieD6 of that State to orgaLize companies to aid the civil authorities in maintaining order, and cautions them against oppressing the freedmen. Colonel Fullerton, of the Freedmen's Bureau, had also issued a circular reminding freedmen that tbe time is approaching t make contracts for labor for another year. Many planters had adopted the sys tem of paying the freedmen for picking cotton every night with success, "tne ireeamen reiusing to worK wubout it. The Norfolk Roanoke House folks, a few days since, bearing: of tbe whereabouts of a guest who had decamped without going through the usual formality of pavine his bill, sent him a note : "Mr. , Dear Sir Will send amount of your bill, and oblige." etc. To which the delinquent made an swer : " The amount is $30 72. Youm respect RALEIGH, TUESDAY, NOV. THE CITY. Persons in city and country are requested, at all times, to furnish us verbal or writen information of any eventsof public interest which nay transpire ia tneir neighborhoods, or of which they nay have knowledge. A Chance. The late fire, which swept away an entire block of f atne buildings should induce one or more of our capitalists to buy the land a a site for a ciiy hall. By municipal regulation, we be lieve, the erection f frame builliogs in this ward is prohibited. There is no disputing the fact that we greatly need a hall for poblc meetings, amuse ments, and other use-. We cloubt whether any channel into which capital could be thrown would yield better revenues than the enterprise we have named. If the building was made tl ree stories, it would give us half a dozen splendid stores on a line with the street, while above we should a hall capable, in connection with a centre and side galle ries, ot seating from fifteen hundred to two thous and people. In this estimate, we make adequate allowance for stage room and other space requisite for a hall where histriomc, panoramic and other ex hibitions could be made. Such edifices pay hand somely elsewhere and we see no earthly reason why a contrary result should be reached in Raleigh. Business Notice. Having to pay cash for every thing in the management of our business, we must do a cash business or none at all. Many of our city subscribers are in arrears and we have sent ourbills until we are tired of it. We now give fair notice that the paper will be stopped in all cases where the subscription is net paid when presented. Per sons at a distance, if of the class mentioned, must remit money to pay the subscription or their paper will be discontinued. All persons indebted to the Progress office or the proprietor, by note or open account, are requested to settle the same at once. A Pretty Compliment. The Richmond Enqui rer, in an interesting article on the literary men and women of the South, there whereabouts during the war and now, pays the annexed compliment to Mrs. Mary Bayard Clarke: " 'Tenella' second to none of the female poets of the South, is at her father's residence in North Ca rolina. A Raleigh paper announces that a volume of her poems, entitled 'Mosses from aRolling Stone,' it in ouuii auucai. We join our cotemporary in the estimate made of 'Tenella," who besides the book in question, will soon commune with the friends of literature through the columns of the Southern Field and Fireside. She has already begun her labors on that weekly literary in an editorial connection. New Paper. G. A. Sykes & Co. have issued a pro pectus for the early issue at Norfolk of a new paper, to be called the "Virginian." The proprie tors are practical men, of large experience in the newspaper business, and have associated with them in the editorial department our friend, James Bar ron Hope, a gentleman extensively known in the world of mind. Mr. S. formerly resided in Raleigh and will be remembered by many of our citizens. A cordial support is promised the administration of President Johnson and we wish the enterprise suc cess. Subscription to the daily $8 perannura. Another Outrage. We have it upon the best authority that on Friday last two negroes met a Miss Jeffreys, a other lady and a freed woman, in the road and only a few inies from this city, who made the females dismount, when the two daring rascals took possession of horse, saddle and bridle, riding off without so much as "thank you." It is evident ibeft was the oily object of tbe sable men of the r ad, as they offered no indignity to the ladies in any form except that stated. Mail Robbed. A letter received in this city yes terday from Fayetteville, dated 10th inst., furnishes information of the robbery of the mail on the pre vious night, the killing of the driver and wounding of another person. The writerdoes not say wheth er or not the perpetrators of the heinous offence had been arrested. From the same source we gather that only three precincts of Cumberland county had been heard from Fayetteville, Rock Fish and Seventy -first giving Holden an aggregate of 199 and Worth 170. In Bad Condition. Several citizens have called our attention to the miserable sanitary condition of the lots in rear ot the court-house. We know from observation as well as the sense of smelling that an indefinite quantity of lime might be used in that locality with advantage. Nothing but the severity of winter will shield the people in that vicinity from cholera, unless the proper authorities resolve to abate the nuisance. Piano Tuning. There are a large number of pianos in the city which require tuning ; we know this from hearing ; and those who have instruments are referred to the advertisement of Mr. William R. Vaughan, who is ready to bring them up to tbe notch of harmony. New Advertisements. We ask attention to the following : J. Kinsey To the Ladies. Mrs. C. E. Lougee Administratrix Sale. B. P. Williamson & Co. Auction Sale. W. B. Smith & Co. "Nameless," Mrs. Janny Murdaugh Downing's new novel. Me. P. McGowas announces himself a candidate for the principal doorkeepership of the Senate at its approaching session. 14, 1865. NO. 301. Cards, Circulars. Handbills, Programs, ..print ed at tbe Progress J b Office cheaper, by twenty five pc cent, than elsewhere. If those who have printing to do will give us a call, we will satisfy them of the fact. A Novel Want. A firm in this city advertises for "Confederate States" bonds. If it is iawful to trade in h article, we should thii k any qua-niiy of ihmi might be had. Tne Vote f .r Gov The following is vd . rn r in the counties given : H.:d.- ... Wake, 1702 45?, R'wan, 841 57U Guillord, 618 1210 Orange, 264 988 Cabarrus, 295 287 Davie, 80 869 Warren, 46 525 Duplin, 161 462 Alamance, 451 619 Forsyth, 68 1110 Mecklenburg, 353 534 Iredell, 349 721 Burke, 428 217 Gaston, 253 maj. Randolph, 652 640 Johnson, 844 188 Davidson, 476 613 Wilson, 211 207 Edgecombe, 56 426 Halifax, 214 506 Wayne, 96 682 Caswell, 405 . 185 Chatham, 911 707 Nash, 263 220 Craven, (reported) 188 582 New Hauover, (reported maj.) 700 Franklin, " " 400 Robeson, " " 200 Granville, " " 147 Lenoir, " 41 32 Columbus, 80 maj. ! The Legislature. We give below the uames of the members elect to the Legislature, to assemble la this citj on the fourth Monday of November, as far as received : SENATE. Wake VV. D. Jones. Wayne Benj. Aycock. Rowan and Davie Wm. Shober. Guilford J. M. Morebead. Mecklenburg J. H. Wilson. New Hanover E. D. Hall. L Forsyth Joshua Boner. Orange W. A. Graham. Iredell A. M. Bogle. Granville B. F. Bullock. Randolph and Alamance Dr. Black. Craven J. D. Wbitford. Johnson T. D. Snead. Halifax ML Wiggins. Davidson J M Leach. Caswell T A Donoho. Edgecombe George Howard, jr. Chatham Mr. Gorrell. Nash H G Williams. Lincoln W P Bynum. Green and Lenoir Mr. Coward. COMMONS. Wake K. Rayner, R. K. Ferrell, A. F. Page. Wayne W. T. Faircloth, J. H. Everett. Rowan Blackmer and Holmes. Davie Jcseph McGuire. Guilford Messrs. Caldwell, Smith and Houston. Mecklenburg R. D. Whitley and J. M. Hutchi son. New Hanover R. H. Cowan and J. R. Hawes. Lenoir W. W. Dunn. Forsyth Cnarles Teague and Wm. Wheeler. Orange Webb and Guess. Alamanee Moore aud McAden. Witrrec Julkins and Trnmbull. Ii(-dcll L Q. Snarpe, J M. Roseboro. Burke J ..Rch Mahirr. Grauvitit VV H.Jeikius, E B. Lyon and Co1. Dai by. Rmdolph E T. B air,-Joel Ashworth. CrAvec M E. Mmiy, Mr. Chidwick. r'ohno-: C ias. B ' -s!ey, J. R. Coats. Duidsni. Joi es, Kioney. H z Di J yn-r, A U Divia. Caswell :sam'i S Harris n, P H duett. Chatham P s h ill, Rnus -y and McDonald. Nash Mr Airiu-JCt jQ. Davi :s..u Mr Ki'tsey nn ! S S J ms. Li. coin J F H k". FOU CuFOKKSS 4th district. Ki - i E a- . -s Chatham, 823 660 Nath, 98 2 "J 5 10 Official Vote of Cu&weJt County For G v.nor VV. U H Ll 4U5 ; Jo Worth 185 ; R K H k 22 For C utrifct BdiTi Boi' 701: I. Harje 27. For Senate T. A. D noha 894 ; Ci vu Gv 113. F r C.m-noDS Samuel S HaTii n 321 ; P. H . uett 278 ; W. L ng 263 ; T. L. L-a 6t5. ForCouo'y Comrt Cierk BranJoa 573 ; Fretweli 89 ; Pa'k 28. Fur Superior Court Clerk J. A. Henderson 491. Sheriff J. O. Griffith 386 ; Oliver 804 ; Pin nix 67. Ami-Seces3ion Ordinance ratified, 225 ; Anti-Secession Ordinance rejected, 11. Anti-Slavery Ordinance ratified, 158 ; Anti-Slavery Ordinance rejected, 69. The Cleveland (Ohio) Plaindealer 6tates that a negro in that place was lately summoned to sit as a juryman in an important case. The white jurors, 6ome of whom had voted tbe negro suffrage ticket, refused to take their seats with him, and it was not until after a couple of hours spent in quibbling and disputing that the judge discharged tbe negro and summoned a white man in his place. Tho Governor of Michigan has appointed tbe 7th of December fer thanksgiving. In New York, Pennsylvania, and Michigan the State appointments have now been made to coincide with the Presi dent's proclamation announcing that day for one of national thanksgiving. Itis officially stated from rolls in possession of Government, that General Lee s army at its sur render numbered 28,000 men and Jehoston'a 37,- 000. DIED. On Mond.j, the 13th instant. a -o'clock, P M .JOHN' ALKXv v. rf llliam and A nn io . . quarter pact 2 dais. -e ,,,!- " the frierd" nnd acq iaintan o- T pectlnlly invited to attend tb- Unt. : . place thi. (TUESDAY ) in.,ril14Cf al i the residence of his paints. Richmond and Lynchburg papers p!a; I. I: 1 . t ARRIVAL AND UEPAllT U U K OF M a i RALEIGH AND OASTO.V KaILumi' Arrives?. Departs.. NORTH CA ROUS li a 1 L ii u a 1 . West ArrWes Departs ".7.V.". East Arrives Departs ft E W A D V b k T I K M THE L A D I l . i Lava just receive!, du.r n. i ortui- nt ot t. MOST FASHIuXaBL L A FREXlII W(kL IiKU 1 i! i.. v t 4 i li Y F A -N -N 1 L 1 V o i . 1 u .1 1 . M ti not 14-1 1 5s I- tilt 1 1 II.' 4- A DM LMS T it A T u 1 X 5 A L L nl be sold tur cash, at uo.ic. aucu. u, ;. .. ; .;l instant, in trout ot L ue.- Jt liio.iu. . i. . , e v e'.teville street, property oi u.o .a'.v.- V o , consisting of fciou'set.oid fuiimu.e, Mtu ." J elegant Wahoganjr Bui eaus, Mai o.c-1 iatU- s.. . did farlor Kockiug and oetung Chaws, uai, ,u i bottomed, superb vV &i drooe -, W ash siaui, ii-u...Jv. Feather Beds, Matrasses, &c; uiao a oud suum a Books, Paintings and t'icturcs, Hue and Window bnades; also one very tuj.ei o;- loii. a:.u beautifully finished Piano. At the same time and place, will te sold ali the 1 Machines, Ac, necessary ior ihe inai.u ui e ot Copper and Sheet Iron ware; a;ao i'ai um oiau -, ,vc Also, a lot of large Wiudow ash giat-dj li and Doors, suitable lor a dwelling iumsc. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, wuuout i l ; t. C LUUGLh, AiJini 'x. Babhiji Brothkrs, Auctioneers. luv,4 ics Standard copy tds. UCTION tS.A by L E B. P. WILLIAMSON tt -C O., A i'CTl ' .V ; Kl;s. We will sell, at auction, in Iront tit' our stun.-, in PRIiJA Y next, the 17 tli instant, fouiuieucin at lo1 o'clock, A M 2000 pounds prime Bacon Shoulders 1000 do do hides 300 do. Sugar Cured Canvass liams 1000 do prime Lard, in krgs and pa. Is 25 barrels extra Superfine iour 15 kegs "Old Uominioa" alls 10 dozen Pad Locks k do Pocket Knives 5 barrels old Apple Brandy 25 doz. bottles oiu and superior Bourbon Whisky 25CI0 Percussion Caps 3 Kegs Powder Persons wishing to avail themselves of this eppcrtu nitj to dispose ot their goods, will please send them in, if possible, on Thursday eveniDg. B P WILLIAMSON k CO, novli-tds Auctioneers and Com. Merchants. CLOSING SALES HORSES, MULES, WAGONS, HARNESS, AC, IN THK DEPARTMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Office of Chief Qcaktkhm m ek, Department of .North Carolina. -Kaleigh, Nov 'Jib, lMj5 J THE HORSES, MULES, WAGON S,, I1AU M..-S. Ac, the property of the Unit d State.-:, rcmaiuii,; m the State of North Carolina, and not r.quirciJ l v (In public service, will be sold at public auct i mi at t ii times and places named below sale at each piaeo to inntiu, from day to day, after the dace suecilud. ui.m it.-.' publicanimals,&c, for sale, are disp-ist-d !, vi : At NEWBERN, commencing Tut-sd.iv, Xv 11. l'. At GREENSBORO, commensin Tr.ui .- Jav , N -v. r), 1865. AtSALISBURY, commencing Jinn i av, N-v. 'JTth, 1865. At CHATLOTTE commencing Tburtdav-. ov. 1865. At GOLDSBORO, cmmenciDff Tu-.-ijy, 5th, 1865. The animals to be sold at these s )!- i superior quality. The rnajc ity .it th n -serviceable. It it expected that nt hii ' ri" r,t' government aniwix iri'l b? I. tkeref ore , avail. I kerriieivei if ..- t j chaae Sales to commnc" at 1 '.J, i ck A 'i in Un.ted Static cu: i ru By order of Col. J. ! . Uo - ! I W p' a!.- novl4 td P1 A N O S T i; N E D WILLIAM II. l Repctfullr announces h TDNK 1'lA.NOo II r-giets lnvi ji i; ift-p- in I owinfr 'o the delay in rrc-iwn hi MEM'-. A r r der lef : at t he i h - e K A Kit I Esq. , Fayette vi lie st ' e t'e ti -n. 1 C h 11 III 1 1 N i. i J 3 1 X 1 P A L DOORK- I W are a-i th r i z I i . . ) A A N. h s a c a ' 1 1 1 i i it i i.i! . na'e f t'-e n -x ' i i ) f -SUl 4 1 !fl ' I -1 t l'1l. .t u (i fi f an 'J h l u i cinplei - a- TA GE A UlNt- l. N m. A k mm- - don, at New Bern- u'U n ..4:.i November 3 .tb, I860, tLe loi . - i' 14 Locomotive hniues, 4 leei b'y -.u . i I A !..- I J 1 Ui Vi . 24 bjx Freight Cars, 16 Rack Cars, 136Flat Cars, f (i it it 1 1 ti Also, the machinery, toolBand materials in the U 5 RilrrtH Rftnair Shors at N tw Berne, N C. There will also be offered about 40utonsRailrf-aC alarze quantity of Bridge and Railroad .-i-;k' t Di..v.;il.c' mrl Machinists' 1o .f. Vjli UCUIfCl D , illtv.KIUJ l o " " gteel and Copper, and Railroad iauppues geTbealtfe'ntionof Railroad macagers and ceaif: ; .;aH k th.lircre on.mtitv of th is cla?s of ; rc e r ... . r.A .mkririni ovr vthinc Ttuuirtd in tho tion, repair and operation ot a Kaiiroa'1. Fall inforinatioD, with lists cf tie pro:.rtv cription of the enginei, will be givee on app--the naderrieced at R&Ieigb.N. C, "t is:.- graph. Termicasb.onday of sa,e. v0Tn:v Bale to oomence at 10 o'cIock. A -pj-; 88tb, and continue from day to uay vr.:n t. -1 . Si order of Brer Brig Gec'l D . C McCAiLca, 3 Gen. Man. Military K- R. n- J. r . i O i l Col. C. Q i- A G.n'i pt. U. a i U ii ' ; rr. I . Ralwjrh, N C,S1, 1885 1 t d 1 HOUSE WANTED,-For the e? ;"r' about ilve or fix rooms. BBquir. at th.i ou-c- WjtlJ fully."