BY J. L. PENNINGTON. TELEGRAPHIC. (ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS.! Something in the Wind. Washington, Not. 14. The Portsmouth Chroni cle learns that orders have been received to prepare the iron-clad Passaconway, now on the stocks here, for sea as soon as possible ; also that the steamers Minnesota, Maaengo and Galena be fitted out for sea immediately. LATEST BY MAIL. Major-General Jndson Kilpatrick, of New Jersey, has been appointed Minister to Chili, and Colonel Edwin P. Cook, of the same State, secretary of legation. Washikgtoh, Nov. 12. The correspondent of the Baltimore Bun says : No retirement or repose was allowed the Presi ident yesterdny : the number who called, both offi cials and others, was unusually large, embracing many females seeking to secure Executive pardon for officials. Not being able to give separate au diences, the doors were opened at one and a half o'clock for all to enter. General Sickles, Kilpat rick, Senator Wilson, and General Longstreet were granted audiences with the President. The num ber of pardons now reaching the department is very large, and the more pressing engagements of the President consequent upon the early meeting of Congress has compelled him to let them remain in abeyance for the time being, except in some in stances. The lobby representatives, generally known as the,outside Congress, are already entering here, preparatory to entering upon a vigorous campaign at the ensuing session.. An unusual wide field for operations offers, and log-rolling combinations are hf?ne formed in DroDortion. ; a i The guard have been at length removed from the residence of the Secretary of War. Companies F and H of the Fourth U. S. Artillery have relieved the r oieiau xvcsorvco at tuo ajjlcju(.i vb uiauaiuu, nuu ai o tn h miifitarpfl one nf service. i Senator Sumner, of Massachusetts, acts as if he were master of the situtlon. He is constantly send ing on here messages and directions to men in posi tions as to what shall be done. Negro suffrage is in his budget. S The course of some Southern States inr refusing to adopt the President's policy in regard to the rebel debt and the Constitutional ameadment, has greaiiy embarrassed him and impaired his influence in rela tion to the immediate recognition of Congressmen in the South. In time things may get better much depends on the South itself. I The Confederate General George D. Johnston and W. R. Staples, Confederate Congressman from Vir ginia, were pardoned to-day. " The remarks of the President to Judge Reade, of .orth Carolina, were made upon much reflection upon the facts in the whole case. xne oi. ijouis jjemocrai, ui wo m uioiam. r juuucs vuo uist case ui tuuitiu iu v " arnidger, a well-known citizen, about fifty years eld, having died of it. It is hardly thought prob - ile that this was a clear case of Asiatic cholera. Twelve hundred of the ladies of Norfolk and Portsmouth, headed by Mrs. W. H. Wilson, Mrs. James Murdaugh, Mrs. Mary A. B. Barron, Mrs. .David J. Godwin, have signed and forwarded a pe tition to President Johnson to pardon Jefferson Tiris. i sV-The following appears in the Boston Common- Hh "I. in a rtlMfHncr InnfanrA nf thfl trftT.smission C nuuio quauiits irum ittiucr iu ouu iua uw - c V1 111! t 1.1 fha mn younger sons of the late Horace Mann, upon the loss, by their brother, of his property in the Concord Dank, through the recent robbery, at once informed T-Jrw thaf nna.thirri nt thPtr Inlnt. PlPflTIPKr. dnon Q D0 his." I The Washington correspondent cf the Cincin nati Gazette saya the President will present his views at length on the negro suffrage question in his mes sage to Congress. The same correspondent says there are rnmors of a general amnesty to those States which repudiate the rebel debts and adopt the constitutional amendment. It is ascertained, from an official source, that the army of the United Stares has not been reduced so low as seems to have been pnnprvei. Its full anr available strength exceeds 130 000 meo; of which pne half is on each side rf the Mississippi river. f .War has been dpc'ared hetweeo Spain and Chili, and the Spanish Admiral has declared all the ports of ChiH under hlockadn since the 24th ultimo. The r Chilian C -ogress has authorized a loan of $20 000,- 000. to prosecute n sunups, "u uo .... Executive with unlinait"d p wers to raise men and purchase and t quip ships of war. V Maximilian's ambassador to Italy was officially "received by King Victor Emanuel oq the 22 1 ultimo. The latter wished all happiness "to the Emperor, to - .Wat lili family, and to Mexico. 4 ! HALEIGH MONEY MARKET. Raleigh National Bank of N. O. Buying Rates- f N. C. BANK KOTES. Bank of Cape Fair 41 Charlotte 85 Bank of Wadesboro 25 Wil miogon 25 Commerce 25 Clarendon 16 FayettevHle 15 Lexington 80 Wa sbingon 16 Yanceyville 15 Commercial, Wilming ton, 22 I N.Carolina 41 I Farmers'. Greensboro 87 N. Carolina 41 A( I ftrAPnahnrn Mutual 20 Tboaasvilla 80 Merchants, Newborn, . 41 Minora & Planters 41 ! TirolnSa Rant Notes, averaee. 20 f 8outh Carolina do do 18 ! GorU do do 12 I fW flrtM 1 Silver 1.41. Cjdfons. Old North Carolina, 65 ; North Caro lina Railroad coupons, 95. Bonds. North Carolina, 60; Nins coupons at- t ached, 88. Exchange on New York selling at premium. MONEY AND STOCK MARKET. COSBEOTED BT JOHN O. WILLIAMS, BE0XIK. Prices of North Carolina Bank Notts. Bank of North Carolina, 40; Bank of CapeFaar 40; Bank of Charlotte, 80; Bank of LexingtoD, 80 Bank of Roxborough,40; Bank of Wadesborough 25-. RanV of ThnmaRvllln .22 ? Bank of WilmlDir too, 22; Bank of Commerce, 22 ; Bank of Washing too. 15 : Bank PivflttfiviUe. 16 : Bank of Clarn dnn IK. r v.n..nnllL 1 K - Minora' and Planters' Bank, 40 ; Farmer's Bank, Greensborougb, ; Commercial Bank, Wilmington, 20; Mercnanis nk, Newbern, 40 ; Greeniborough Mutual, 20; I VOL. VI, RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 15, 1865 NO. 311. State Items. Tbe Charlotte Democrat says : "Considering that probably no section of the State wai more strongly opposed to Gov. Holden her etc fort than this section, we think his present vote in Mecklenburg and surrounding counties a good one. Last year Mecklenburg gave Holden only 112 votes and Vance 1690 now Holden gets 353 and Worth 634. L8t year Holden did not carry a county in this section now he carries Cabarrus, Gaston and (it is reported) Uoion, and loses Liecoln by only 14 votes. We have no reliable news as to the vot for Governor In Union only rumor. It would appear that the negroes In Charlotte are greatly in want of woTk. A load of wood was thrown out in front of the Democrat office the other day, and in the course of a few houra there were ten ap plications from able-bodied freedmen to cut it up. These negroes have left good home3 in the country where they had plenty to eat, and are lying about town in idleness, only occasionally getting a little jib. of work. The farmers need laborers many have had to discontinue farming for the want of labor while hundreds and thousands of able-bodied negro men are lounging about the towos and cities. The Le gislature must take some action which will compel negroes, who do not properly belong to town and have no homes in it, to leave and go to the couutry for work. We mentioned last week the fact of a citizea of Rowan county having been found hanging to a tree near Salisbury. The facts of the case are that on Monday morning Mr. Thos. Hyde proceeded to his barn apparently in geod health and spirits. Oq ar riving there he took a log chain, fastened it to a beam, tied the other end around bis neck and leaped from the window cf the barn. He had a fall ot seven feet, and when discovered he was dead. The rea son of this suicide seems to be clearly traced to re ligious exeitement. We are pained to learn from the Wilmington pa pers of the occurrence ot a most distressing accident, which occurred at Argyle, Robeson county, a day or two ago, by which a little girl, named Lizzie McRae, youngest child of A. McRae, Jr., Esq., of this place, got burned to death. We know no more of Ihe particulars than that a little negro girl was burning some straw in the yard. and that little Lizzie's clothes caught fire, occasion ing her death, or such injuries as caused her death before assistance could be rendered. Jasper Packard, 128th Indiana Vol., has been as signed to, and taken command of the District cf Wes tern North Carolina, with bead quarters at Salis bury He is assisted in tbe performance of his duties by geDtlemen. Capt. Proviance acting as A. A. & I. G. & District Provoai Marshal, and Lieut. Paul. Adjutant 'Post. A letter in the WilmiQgton Dispatch, dated Fayett- eville, speaks of the late sess3ioa of the Presbyte rian Synod in that town as follows : "Tbe Synod of the Presbyterian church ia North Carolina convened in this place on last Wednesday evening. Owing to the unsettled state of affairs there was-not as large an attendance as usual, but most of the prominent and distinguished ministers of this de nomination were present. The opening sermon was preached by the Rev. Joseph M. Atkinson of Raleigh, who fully sustained his high reputation as a pulpit orator. Rev. Colin Shaw was chesen Moderator. On Fri day and Saturday a spirited and impotrtant discuss- ion took nlace noon the snbiect of the state of church, Incidentally the religious condition of the freedmen urns rnraUtArpri nn roanlntinrta annnfod rtnnrinn iin. . . 7 , . . T --vr..wv. . t " . lotermitten laoor on tne part ot tne church in their h(mir. Thf r rpl w nua cond t on was renor! not satisfactory at present, but hopes were expressed that upon the subsidence of the excitement consequent upon the great change in their positiou and the con . --r- tinued efforts of Christians in tbeir behalf much good wool 1 be f fleeted. The subject of re-union with tbe Northern branch of tbe church was largely discussed and with great ability by all the leading members of the Synod. It was finally determined to make no overtures in the matter, and as the Northern church had rendered reunion impossible by declaring the Southern church out of fellowship until it acknowledged the sin of slavery, to await the rescisioo of this action on tbeir part. The discussion was conducted with great kindness and io a Christian spirit, but there cou d bo no question of the opinion of the Synod on ths point of reunion, the division hating taken place primarily upon the acticn of the Northern church upon tbe sin of slavery. The question under discus sion was whether it was proper for the Southern church to make advances in favor of reunion. No action being taken the matter remains ia statu qaot awaiting the action of the General Assembly of tho Presbyterian Church of tn.9 South." Tne Vote for Governor. The following is believed to be the official vote in the counties given : Holden. Worth. 453 570 1216 988 287 869 525 462 619 1110 684 721 217 640 188 618 297 426 606 682 185 707 220 582 700 400 200 147 32 715 571 826 Wake, Rowan, Guilford, Orange, 1702 841 filS 264 295 80 46 161 451 68 853 849 428 258 maj. 652 844 476 211 66 214 96 405 911 268 188 Cabarrus, Davie, Warren, Duplin, Alamance, Forsyth, Mecklenburg, Iredell, Burke, Gaston, Randolph, Johnson, Davidson, Wilson, Edgecombe, Halifax, Wayne, Caswell, Chatham, Nasb, Craven, (reported) New Haoover, (reported maj.j Franklin, Robeson, " Granville, Lenoir, " Columbus, Catawba, Rockingham, Camden, 1 1 80 maj. 816 278 21 Tbn Wheelinz Intellizencer says political ccn spiracles are on foot to compaa a re-unlou of Virginia THE CITY, &Fersona in city and country are requested, at all times, to furnish us verbal or written information of any eventsof public interest which may transpire ia their neighborhoods, or of which they may hare knowledge. Bhownley, Bckton & Co., of Petersburg, who are conduating a wholesale grocery and commis sion business, appear in our columns this morning ? Dv advertisement. It is an old firm and no doubt t those who transact business with them will find their supplies to be of the first quality. We may say to our cotemporaries of the Express and Index that the commercial men of the "Cock ade" are held in high estimate in this section. Our State has heretofore transacted an immense amount of business in Petersburg, but most of, the old es tablished houses appear to have been wiped out during the war or so maimed as not to be known in the field of present enterprise. Scott, Harrison & Co., princely gentlemen as well as merchants, Da vis fc Co., Mcllwaine, Paul, Donnans Johnston, Pannill, Kull & Sons, and a host of others, once in the front rank and holding extensive connections here, do not appear to have been reconstructed. If the old and reliables are gone the way of all flesh, we fear it will be long before Petersburg will see their like again. At the Depot of the North Carolina railroad the bustle and stir observable a month since have been greatly lessened. During the military reign there, activity could be seen at every turn of the eye, but now things present a more subdued aspect. There are, however, still sights of vitality. The building formerly used as an engine house has been appro priated by the company for use as offices and de pot, and answers those purposes very well. Im provements are going forward also in the matter of platforms and the like. Cotton, rosin and other products are daily coming down on the trains, and we are glad to see such evidences of the good time which is to come. The truth is, a wise public pol icy is all we want in order to rebuild private inter ests. Without it we can accomplish DOthing with it, only a few years will be requisite to give us un exampled prosperity. Sons of Temperance. We transfer to our col umns for the benefit of all whom it may concern, the following: Lincolhton, Nov. 1, 1865. Ihe Grand Division of North Carolina Sons of Temperance, will meet at Jacob's Fork Division, Uatawba county, on the 6th of December next, at 1 o'clock, d. m. All P. W. P.'s in irood standing wueiuer iLeir envisions are in operation or nor, are earnestly requested to attend. R. N. Davis, G. Scribe. This excellent order is said to be in a very dilap idated condition, the membership of the grand as well as subordinate formations having been much weakened by the work ot the past four years. We understand Raleigh will be worthily represented I ....-. .. n . . . .. in tnis nrst convocation oi tne order since the res- . , Fcv.. Business Notice. Having to pay cash for every thing in the management of our business, wo must do a cash business or none at all. Many of our city subscribers are in arrears and we have sent our bills until we are tired of it. We now give fair notice that the paper will be stopped in all cases where the subscription is not paid when presented. Per sons at a distance, if of the class mentioned, must remit money to pay the subscription or their paper will be discontinued. All persons indebted to the Progress office or the proprietor, by note or open account, are requested to settle the same at once. The Streets. Through the agency of either the military or civil authorities, some of our streets have been much improved within a short time. It is particularly observable on west Davie street, be ginning at Fayetteville and continuing to the North Carolina depot. The deep cuts which were seen alorfg that thoroughfare during the summer have been filled up, much to the relief of pedestrians as well as the operators of vehicles. We trust the work of improvement in the respect mentioned will be continued until all our thoroughfares have been put in equally good condition. Tobacco. It may be of interest to the holders of "the weed in this vicinity to know that a letter from the commissioner of internal revenue, address ed to H. H. Helper, the assessor for this district, says : "All manufactured tobacco in your district should be inspected and branded prior to gale and consumption, and you should direct all such to be seized when found under conditions violating in structions." - - - What's the Matter ? Oh inquiry at fountain head we were informed that the bridges on the lice of railroad from this city had all been repaired so far as not to obstruct the transportation of passen gers or freight. This being true, what produces such great confusion in the receipt of the mails? We seldom see Newbern or Wilmington papers until they are several days old. There is a screw loose somewhere. As Important offering of government possessions will be made on the 28th inst., as may be seen by consulting the notice of tha medical purveyor, Dr. D. G. Rush. A Candidate. Mr. John H. Boner is announced to-day as a candidate for the position of engrossmg clerk of the Senate. He has capacities of a nne or- dtr. A New Novel Messrs. W. B. Smith & Co., of the Southern Field and Fireside Publishing House, in this city, yesterday gent us a copy of Mrs. Fan ny Murdaugh Downing's new novel, "Nameless," just issued from their press. Of course we have had only opportunity to read a part of it connected ly, but even in such a review enough of the style of this new candidate in the literary world is dis cernible to fix her as a woman of rare genius. We shall not detract from the pleasure of Mrs. Down ing's Carolina readers by revealing the plot of this story they must be left to enjoy in full the pecu 1 iar pleasure which we have realized, increased in ' proportion as we have advanced towards more per fect comprehension of the complete . work. It is to be confessed that her imaginative faculties, though surprisingly ripe and refined in use, are well bal anced by a clear conception that one of the special trusts of such labor is the developement.not repres sion of nobility, goodness, truth, and virtue. It is riot an objectless book head and no heart a mag azine of licentiousness but a sweet story, foil of pathos as instruction, and replete with both quali ties. Comparisons often afford no illustration, but we are entirely satisfied that the present effort of Mrs. Downing will give her a claim to favoritism with the public exceeding that reached by Mrs. M. E. Braddon and writers of her school. Without their overstrained pictures and excessive, not to write ridiculous ornamentalism, the new light has con trived to irradiate her pages with a deep, profound interest. We hope for the interest of Southern literature, the intrinsic merit of the volume, the enterprise and taste of the publishers, and the entertainment of the reading world, that "Nameless" may run through several editions. The typography and binding are handsome, and do credit to Southern skill Get a copy and read it. A Chance to obtain many articles of household necessity and ornament will be afforded by the sale of property of the late Wm. J. Lougee, which is advertised to come off next Monday. The effects to be disposed of are generally as good as new. Cards, Circulars, Handbills, Programs, &c.,print ed at tbe Progress Job Office cheaper, by twenty five per cent, than elsewhere. If those who have printing to do will give us a call, we will satisfy them of the fact. " The Legislature. We give below the names of the members elect to the Legislature, to assemble in this city on the fourth Monday of November, as far as received : SENATE. Wake W. D. Jones. Wayne Benj. Aycock. Rowan and Davie Wm. Shober. Guilford J. T. Morehead. Mecklenburg J. H. Wilson. New Hanover E. D. Hall. Forsyth Joshua Boner. Orange W. A. Graham. Iredell A. M. Bogle. Granville B. F. Bullock. Randolph and Alamance Dr. Black. Rockingham Thomas Settle. Craven J. D. Whitford. Johnson T. D. Soead. Halifax ML Wiggins. Davidson J M Leach. Caswell T A Donoho. Edgecombe George Howard, jr. Chatham Mr. Gorrell. Nasb H G Williams. Lincoln, Gaston and Catawba W P Bynum. Green and Lenoir Mr. Coward. Cabarrus and Stanly Mr. McEachen. Warren T. J. Pitchford. COMMONS. Wake K. Rayner,R. K. Ferrell, A. F. Page. Wayne W. T. Fairclotb, J. H. Everett. Rowan Luke Blackmer and M L Holmes. Davie Joseph McGuire. Guilford Messrs. Caldwell, Smith and Houston. Mecklenburg R. D. Whitley and J. M. Hutchi son. New Hanover R. H. Cowaa and J. R. Hawes. Lenoir W. W. Dunn. Forsyth Charles Teague and Wm. Wheeler. Orange Webb and Guess. Alamance Moore and McAden. Warren Jndkins aHd Trumbull. Iredell L. Q. Sharpe, J. M. Roseboro. Burke Joseph Mahler. Granville W. H. Jenkins, E. B. Lyon and Col. Dalby. Rockingham Joseph Holderby and J W Burton. Randolph E. T. Blair, Joel Ashworth. Craven M. E. Manly, Mr. Chad wick. JohDSon Chas. Beasley, J. R. Coats. Haiifaz Dr. Joyner, A. H. Davis. Caevceil Sam'I S. Harrison, P. Hodnett. Chatham Paschall, Ramsey and MeDcnald. Nasb Mr Arrlnston. Davidson Mr. Kioney and 8 S Jones. Lincoln J F Hoke. Gaston D A Jenkins. Catawba Dr. James Mott. Union Jonathan Wull. Cabarrus R W Allison. In the Georgia Convention Mr. S. Cohen post master at Savannah under Buchanan introduced a proposition to pay the rebel war debt by selling the Western and Atlantic railroad. This remarka ble proposition is reported to have been originated by Ex-Governor Joseph E. Brown. It appears to have been defeated. In New Yoik, on Saturday, Edward B. Ketch urn was arraigned in the Court of General Sessions, and pleaded gnilty to forgery lo the third degree. His counsel moved for a postponement of the sentence until Ketchum's testimony was taken in a number of civil suits now pending, and stated that evidence would be famished to the court showing that he was a youDg man of correct habits previous to the com mission of the offence. District Attorney Hall acce ded to the motloD, and tbe Recorder postponed tbe HAtesce. firw T cernmg the intentions of tltTT T future residence, have been in circuVin tu hu time past, and, the Petersburg Index ho best authority, that he has U file K the country but will go into busif.e?swft 5 al Hood in New Orleans, 1 h Gener" In answer to many and nre- ; regard to Bill Arp. thtersbJrg -,n he is Mr. Charles H. Smith, of fteu is a prominent man in his action, an'l U t a' date for the Georgia State S -nat. iv t h dl' pect of election. ' w,th CVc, v PW3 TSC rcuneri of San Fra;cic tn annually 12,000,000 pounds of lo.f t tu " ' 'r pounds refined velio R r .,J are produced at Manilla and Flnnc-lni,, ARRIVAL AND DE A K1U IIT? RALEIGH AN D OASTONI'lk.. u " ' Arrirea Departs... I' M NORTH CA RO LI X a k a i L i:'u a d. West Arrives ' , Depart . ZV 4.3 J, Eat-ArriVe3 .. ' P'p"- l NEW AD V BRT1 S E M i: N s gROWKLEY, DUHTON fc t 93 Syoamore Street, PETERSBURG, V1RG1 X 1 a . WHOLESALE GROCERY, UK.VLIL r -M V. ; ,MO MERCHANTS AND REGULAR Dl Mu l LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER.'- Will give personal attention to ail yr :att r 0T -i them . Y M S i u O a j", y " " J ESfc, W !!!' , v ' novio om rj. ....... . ' ABRAHAM LL" ,i u. yARGE AND EXTENSIVE ISA LE OF MEDICAL AXD HOSPITAL PROPERTY. Medical Pcrvetok's C)kk;cc. ) New Berne, N. C., November 14, ) Will be eold, at public auction, in this c i t . i. iu s daj, the 28th day ot November, 1SC5, lUo'c.uu A. M., a large q uantity of MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL PROPER1Y, consisting of about . 10,000 Blankets 2,000 Bed Sacks 2,000 Matrasses 2,000 Hair Pillows 6,000 Sheets 5,000 Iron Bedsteads 2,000 each cf Shirts, Drawers, Uresin Gowr anil Sock.-. ALSO Books, a large lot of Standard Medical Works 100 U. S. Dispensatories Grose and Erickson's Surgery Guthrie, Longinon and Macleod's Military Surrri. i and may others. A large lot of GENERAL HOUSEHOLD FUKN ISIU.V G GOODS will also be S..d, sul U a.s Wash Basins, Buckets, Candle Sticks, Dippers, Funnels, Knives and Forks Mugs, Assorted Dishes. Plat, s, Spjons, Chamber, Tea and Coflje Pots, Cooking Stoves and fixtures. Tubs, Tumblers, Kettlei, Looking Glcsses. Pans, Tables, Ac, Ac. ALSO At the same time and place , a large assortment of SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, consisting of Operating and Pocket Cases Dental Instruments, SyriDgeSj Ac, Ac. ALSO A lot of Medicines. TERMS OA S II. Any information respecting tlit s-e storrs can be cb tained at this office. Sale will continue, if necessary, from day t day. 1) G KU. ,11, '.Asst Surg U S A and Med Purv.-vor W L Polk, Auctioneer. nuvl.'i id QOTTON PLANTATION FOItSALE. Plantation of 1000 acres, four miles fr. in Wiisot;, en the Wilmington and Weldonltai roadilull acre.- c.t-ared, the balance wooded with Oak, Pine, HicIum y m d iiun .. Inexhaustible quantities of Marl and Mud troni swamp stieams can be easily obttiiLed upon t h i.iid.wuu which it can be highly enriched. There i a jrou Dwell ing on the place, containing hve room, r or !urtht.r particulars, price, terms, Ac, apply to L. P. OLD3 & CO.'S novla-lw Pioneer Land Otbee, Hill.-boro s;xeet WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE JOHN H. BONER as a candidate lor tLe rli c ot : grossing C'erk to the Senate of then(.-xt Lei.-latu-e. novl5 td t utn t . "- j WANTED A Lou-e of lour ro !, i:i ' d neighborhood, ai d not too lar fio.n ti-c outness portion of the city. Apply at Bovlo-lw THIS OFFICK. A DMIMSTRAT1UX SALE ill be sold for cash, at public auction, on i!:? 2u:a instant.n front of Lougee A Brother's stoi e. on r i y etteville street, property of tbe late Wm J. L mj.-o, consisting of Household furniture , amnnj; wl icij -uo elegant Mahogany Bureaus, Mai b e-i o 1 a bi l -. o,j! :. did Parlor Rockiog and Setting Chairs, hai: .m i t - bottomed, superb Wardrobe-, Wah Siauis. H-Jsi'.idi Feather Beds, Matrasses, Ac; also a go.d s . -c i -:i t Books, Paintings and Pictures, tine Garp-G -u: 'm and Window Shades ; also one very supci ur t-iif- at.d beautifully hnished Piano. At the same time and place, will be sold a: ' th ' T' 1 i-S Machines, Ac, necessary tor the ruaru actu t lin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware; also Parlor Uidtc-, 4 c. Also, a lot of large Window Sash (t;iaZ;-J ) li. n-di and Doors, suitable for a dwelling nous . Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, without reserve. -: C E. LOL'OLE, Auujr"x. BiBHiM Broth EES, Auctioneers. i.v .1 , Standard copy tds. PRINCIPAL DOORKEEPER TO THE - K Th . We are authorized to announce 1'A'iKM K Vc UOWAN as a candidate for Principal Dii'-i t-'tno Senate of the next General AsKeuioiy. il- has -rv d eight years in that capacity aad thiuRs. ihei - -lore, t.e understands the duties of the position suiLk m y i.- i va complete satisfaction. vl !d LARGE SALE OP LOCOMOTIVE EN GINES, CAKS, KAlLliuAD r L" i'PLl 2 M A TjRIALS AND TOOLS. Will be 0 d, at . bt ic auc tion, at New Berne. North Carolina, on lliUKDAt, November 30th, 1865, the follower ..g pi oert; , vz.-; 14 Locomotive Engines, 4 feet ilA inch 2"ase 16 Rack Cars, " 136Flat Cars, " " ' II 1 1 1 1 1 1 Also, the machinery, tools and materia.'', in the L S M Railroad Repair Shops at New Berne, N C. There will also be offered abou' 40iitons Rarl.-oar? .rcr, a large quaatity of Bridge and Railioad spjkis JJta; Carpenters', Blackimith' and MaohinistTo u - u. 8Ueland Oopper, and Jvaiiroai Supplieb acc; u.ateu&i Th. .Itontinn nf Tlai 1 road Tn ZV 8 C t Xi find k rited to the large quantity ol this clae5 o? r i cRtrty ( fered, embracing everythinr require 1 m the eouiiruc tion, repair and operation ol a!rc.-c. . Full information, witu lists cf tho w.-ri7 and des cription of the engines, wi civn m application to the undersigned at Ralcfgb, N. C , by Istttr or te.e- grTennscasb,onaay of sale. -ftTPirtr-Saleto comsaenc at 10 o'clock, A. 0Tenr' 36tb, an continue from day to day nntil the r-rcperty u Sjorder of Brey Brig Ger'! D . C. McCALtrir Gen.Man.MaitaryRK.L. Col. CQ. M. A GenM Sut. U.S. M. R. Iff. Dep'th-C- RftUtf b, K 0, II, lie orUil 145 ; Silver 140 ; Old UonpOM, 40. and West Virginia.