v i BY J L. PENNINGTON. TBLEGEAPHIC. ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS. KennetrCRayner and the President. Washingtonov. 15, 9 P. M. Kenneth Raycer had a long and satisfactory interview with President Johnson to-day. It3 nature has not transpired, though it ia believed to relate to the present political etatus of North Carolina. Later From Europe. New York, Nov. 16. The steamship Persia has ar rived from Liverpool with dates to the 4tb, one day later Intelligencer than previous dates. On Saturday preceding her departure, the sales of cotton amounted to seven thousand bales, the market closing unchanged for American, but irregular as to other descriptions. In London, on the 4th, consols for money vcre sold at 83 7-8 to 89 ; U. S. five-twenties 66 3-4a 64 1-2. Mr. Gladstone has declared ia favor of a libera .extension of the right of suffrage and tbe indications are that he will be the liberal leader ia the House cf Commons. ft f ft t VOL. VI. RALEIGH THURSDAY, NOV. 16, 1865. NO. 312. Suicide of Preston King. New York, Nov. 14. Preston King, Collector of "Customs for the port of New York, a very prominent public man in the State for twenty years past, com mitted suWde yesterday by -jumping from a ferry boat ia a temporary fit of insanity. . -.- New Minister to Mexico. Washington, Nov. 15. Sen. John A. Logan, late of the army, has been appointed United States Minister to the Republic of Mexico. a New York Markets. New York, Nov. 14. Wheat quiet ; Pork firm ; Whisky dull ; Rosin dull ; Spirits Turpentine $1 12$ s$l 15. Gold 47 per cent, premium. THE LATEST. New Yorkv Nov. 15. CdUcn steady at 50a51 ; cents ; Naval Stores quiet. Gold 47 1-2 premium. What's in the Wind. Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 16. An order has been received from Washington by Col. Dennison to send a company of isixty-five men for duty on the Canada frontier. It is understood that nine full (Companies will soon, be sent to other posts. I Detained at Quarantine. I New York, Nov. 15. The steamship Persia has Seen detained at quarantine. There is no sickness iboard, but having passengers 'from Paris, the bag gage is to be fumigated. The steamer Java, for Liverpool, tcok out five iundred andt sixty-four thousand dollars in specie Railroad Accident. New York, Nov. 15. :The strain from phia to this city ran eff the track near here this ' morning, killing two persons and maiming severa ethers severely. LATEST BY MAIL. We compile the following from papers received .V lis evening: GOVERNOR BROWNLDW ROBBED BY HIGHWAYMEN . Nashville., Nov. 10. Governor Brownlow and AColonel Maynard were robbed on the Franklin pike 'yesterday, some ten miles from this city. Tbey were driving carelessly along the road when three highway men suddenly presented themselve?. One seised the. horse, while the others presented pistols to their heads, and demanded their money. As no choice was left Governor Brownlow handed over five hundred dollars and his watcl. They were then permitted to proceed. 4 : An important suit the United State3 vs. the 3outhern Methodist Publishing House was dis missed yesterday, the defendant paying costs. t CRIME IN HIGH LIFE IN CANADA. i The Hamilton Times, Upper Canada, in the fol fowing paragraph gives an intimation of a deplora ble state of society in Canada the result of official corruption and of the deference paid in British de pendencies, as at home, to a spurious aristocracy : 1 Among tho prisoners now in custody at London, on a charge of burglary, are a son of a late Mayor of Hamilton, a son of a late sheriff of Middlesey, a son 6f a'present Superior Cjurt Judge, and a son of a postmaster. We may add that the fifth is a son of a manager of a bank, that the remaining prisoner is respectably connected, and all of them are young men whose habits for several years past have been 30ch as to bring them under the watchful attention Of the police. THE DEBT OF TEXAS TEXAS NOT TO BE REPRESENTED I IN THE NEXT CONGRESS. f New Orleans, November 10. Ex-Governor fierce, of Texas, says, that the friends of Provisional governor Hamilton say that be will hardly call th; 5tate to meet in convention before the middle of Jan uary next, and the citizens of Texas believe that Texas will not bo represented in the next session of Congress. The debt contracted by Texas amounts 0 nine millions of dollars. The people on the RK Irande state that these who accompanied General Breckinridge from Europe to Cauada have arrrived 1 San Antonio. General Breckinridge has an .onoced his determination to remove to Texas, hoold President Johnson pardon him. He ascribed he late turning point in the Confederate fortunes to iie removal of General Joseph E. Johnston from he command of the Confederate army ' before At 'anta. AH the Federai negro troops have left the Rio Grande. IsOi! LOUISIANA RESTORATION OF THE CIVIL G0V- " ERNMENT. New Orleans. Nov. 11. General Canby has Wed an order turning over to tbe authorities all tho Imitary regulations that have been held by the mili ary sicca 1862 ; also, resigning all control over th kate levees, tbe work on them and the collection of he tax to keep them repaired. He is also with IrawiDg the provost marshals in tbe parishes, except f certain cases, and is also stopping the issue of harity rations to persons unconnected with the ar my. General Fullerton leaves the fixing of the amount if wages between freedmen and their employers for next vear'to be regulated fcv the law of supply N demand. SOUTH CAROLINA ADOPTS THE CONSTITUTIONAL ' AMENDMENT. Columbia. S. C. Nov. 13. Tbe constitutional LzMrwy chtrprn naccprl Vint.h hnnSPfl of South Carolina Legislature to-day with but little opposition after which the Legislature adjourned until tho 25th inst. WASHINGTON NEWS AND RUMORS. It is said that Gen. Sickles is to relieve Gen. Gil more at Charleston. According to the coriespordent of the Herald, the government wanted a tinn there of "enlarged and liberal conception." Kilpatrick, the famous raider, vbo has bsen ap pointed Minister to Chili, is said to be "instructed by the Secretary of State to substantially advocate the Monroe doctrine abroad." President Johnson has directed the body of Capt. Wirz to bo interred in the penitentiary yard, next to that of Mrs. Surratt. The Washington Republican savf it has the posi tive assurance of Hon. L izard MPh?rson, Clerk of the Houseof Representatives, that he will not enter upon the roll of the House or call the names of the representatives of the late rebellirjM States, but will leave them to present their crederi'i.iiss to the Ikuse. The; JSPerson3 ia CITY Cltv lid CfinntrTT ar ronnflafcH at all times, to furnish U5 re-ial or written information of any eventsof public interei which may transpire ia their neighborhoods, or of Jiich they may have knowledge. State Items. xuwiy or iMty ba.es or cctiou were destroyed by fire, on the line cf the Wilmington ar.d Manchester railroad, a day or two since. T. C. Fuller, Esq., has been elected to C-cgrew? from the third district. Energy in business, siys the Newhern Times, is the thing to bring success. Our principle shipping houses here, Whitford, Dill & C, and W. H. Oli ver & Co., realizing the truth of th;s, are plying their energies in a way Uiat must tell to advantage, not ody in their cash accounts, but in "the gro.vth and prosperity of business in enr midst. When a vessel, carrying three or four himdred tons,, can be discharged and reloaded in two days, -as the Charles B;at"n was, on Friday and Saturday, by Whitford, Dill & Co.' we may know that the agents are in earnest. ' The President and Superintendent of the Wil mington and Weldon road have returned hvm the North, and, we are plead; d to learn have been suc cessful in making arrangements with the government, as well as with other parties, which will enable the company to complete necessary repairs, as we!! as to operate their road efficiently. The new President, Mr. Bricgea, is evidently the man for the occasion active, energetic, persevering and indefatigable, and well sustained by Co!. Fre mont, General Superintecdent. The meeting of st-.ckheld-rs of the First National Bank of Newbern was qujlc full on Saturday, and' an organization was effect' d uy electing the following gentlemen as directors : D. Heaton. Geo. Allen J M. Satterlee, Wrn. P. Moore, J. T. Hou jIoses Patterson, E. Hubbs, Samuel B agge, J. Leland. Friday morning, at Wilmington, a man by the name of Henry Howard, from Smithville, N C. very suddenly died, it is supposed from blows or kicks inflicted by R. Bate. Coroner J. C. Wood, as jury and proceeded immediately to hold an inquest upon the body. The following verdict was rendered by tho jury ; "The jury find that the deceased, Hecry Hnvardj came to his death by rupture of the bladder, causpd by some external violence, inflicted in smn mariner unknown to tho jorT, -. vt iiiv. jw1; ur it. r situ at L c the south "bide of iiarket street, between Front and Second streets, in the town of Wilming ton, on or about 2 P. M.,ou Tuesday November 7th, 1865." It seems that Howard entered the store of Bate on last Tuesday afternoon, ;if:d, acting in a manner very unbecoming a gentleman, was ej acted by the latter, when he is supposed to have received the in ternal injuries from which hi died. No one else, it appears, was preeeut at this occurrence. Bate is still in prison, and will have a further hearing before Squire Conoley. Burglars are said to abound in Wilmington. The following persons have been appointed chiefs of post offices at the points specified : Roxboro,' Person, Mrs. E. Wiles. Van Hook's Store, Person, Mrs. M. J. Van Hook. Hendersonville, Henderson, D. Stradly,. New Market. Randolph, N. Newlin. Albemarle, Stanley, Mrs. N. J. Marshall. Walnut Cover Stokes, Mrs. A. II. Lash. Milton, Caswell, John J. Jones. Gardner's Ford, Cleveland, P. I). Gregg. Ij Cedar Hill, Anson, Robert II. Burns. ' Portsmouth, Carteret, P. S. Cornell. Deep River, Guilford, E. E. Mendenhall. Richlands, Onslow, Mrs. Lewis Hargct. Gum Branch, Onslow, Mrs. E. Muirdl. Chatham Lake, Onslow, Mrs. J. H. Hcotcn. Lincolnton, Lincoln, Mrs. H. C. Bonear. Fullwood's Store, Mecklenburgh, J. C. Grier. Marlboro,' Pitt, R. W. Jo-ner. Ansonville, Anson, Mrs. Mary G. Mendenhall. Knob Creek, Cleveland, Mrs. S. M. Mull. Swananoa, Buncombe, Calvin Patten. Woodville, Perquimans, K. R. Pendleton. Thomasville, Davidson, W. F.Rice. Robeson, Brunswick, Mrs. M. E. Brinkley. Smithville, Brunswick, L. A. Galloway. Haw Branch, Onslow, J. W. Thompson. Bunn's Level Harnett, Joseph Atkinson,. Littleton, Halifax, S. N. .Brickhouse. Rocky Mount, Edgecomb, Mrs. F. L. Edwards. Elenton, Chowan, J. R. McCurdy. Kittrell, Granville, Mrs. M. E. Overton. Boon Hill, Johnson, Willie Starling. Winslow, Harnett, Alfred Smiih. After um Sharp -The Standard understands that a couple of aui s arrived in this city a day or two ago in search o a gay deceiver in uniform, whom they accusedif loving, if not wisely, at least two well. It seeir.Jie had married one of the la dies in Maine beforithe war, and afterwards, hav ing joined the arm he tied up with the second in Baltimore. The fi st spouso heard of- the second, visited her in Man and, found the report true, and the injured pair lame on to Raleigh, arriving just in time to brctk up an arrangement on the part of the gay Lothario to add another to the list of his :ci!ms. The truth is, no laiy-,cu,i venture to marry any stranger except upon the most indubitable ascertainment of his position and character. In fact, we question the safety and know the impro prietj of ladies entertaining or receiving persons of whim they know oothing. We care not from what uarter a man may come, unless endorsed by circurn;tances cr the c;rtification of parties known to those whose acquaintance is sought, he should not be v-Aclcorned to thi social circle. Refinement demands such policy and no true gentleman would, if he coul have such pfo-guards of innocence dis regarded. - Noav's Tin Time. never had an efficien; the statement made ta t is said that this city has fire department. Whether us be true or false, there is a growing necessity jr such an organization and it is the part of wisdonito have it in operation. We hear that the hose orncd by the corporation is, if not worthless, in baj condition ; that the cisterns are dry as powder ttil out of repair , and thus we find some ot the reisms why the rates of insurance on property have iua up to present figures. Of course no conipinat an effective fire dep adequate supplies o be organized who, i Mr. and Mrs. Crisp are playing in Savannah. . Letter from Hon. A. H. Stephens. The fol lowing letter from Hon.. A. H. Stephens, in which he positively declines being a candidate fcr Governor, is from a Georgia paper : Crawfokdsyille, Ga., Nov. 4th, 1865. Messrs. Stockton & Co. Gents: I ?ein your pa per of to-day a reference to a iato article in the Ma con Telegraph, expressing a preference for me as be tween candidates for Governor. I drop you this line to request ycu to state that I don't wish my name used m connection with that office in cuy way. I have st written to the edit-; r of that paper, and to others who have tx Dressed ihmsylves in favor of my being a candidate for Governor. I wish it generally and immediately known that I positively decline to allow the use of my name in that connection, and trust that no one under the circuiBetitce w ro re giuWmy fcc!ir:c3 will disregard cy wishes in this in could be made to constitute tment without apparatus and water, but a body of men can cases of emergency, would co operate and work sitematically. We respectfully iiggest to the city commission- ther necessary things can be one be appointed chief of the requested to enroll a company crs, until hose and procured, that som fire department anlj or companies, to berganized with such regulations as the membershipinay decide to be best. Those who witnessed theconfusion at the fire a week or so since, will fully endorse our suggestions. KnNPim K Fashion. A new fashion has just been inaugurated amon 'fie ladies and it ic 0f few late introductions in dress that it is to be ad mired the wearing of reasonably short skirts. It is true the fil'hy trailing skirts were admirable as a municipal irangement, as they completely riv aled the previcis plan of having street sweepers and almost desroj'ed the vocation of scavengers. But in spite of his, the recently prevailing fashion is about to be tiscarded for neat, clean, short ones. The ladies who mve the advance in this revolution of mode among is, are entitled to admiration and credit for theirpod sense and taste. There is a modest medium 'or street dressing not too low at top nor too highat the foot which we should be pleased to see utversally practised here. Extrav agance ought to ie repudiated. . -- radicular. 'Years trulr, Alexander H. Stephens. The War Department has ordered that the nme of Fort Runyon shall be changed to Fwrt ivilpatrick, in honor of that distinguished soldier, who has just woq his greatest battle. A Mattei: c f J eat. In our market, recently, beef has been sole at from six to seven cents per pound from county carts. This price evidently remunerates those who sell and yet we hear that the butchers retai' the same kind and quality of meat at 1-j and 30eents. The difference between the two classes of sellers shows one of two things : heavy loss to thos who part with it by;the quar ter or immense, unreasonable profits for those who retail ir. We mak the comparison in the hope of inducing a more lihral scale of prices for persons who are necessitate! to purchase in second hands. It is high time that all classes of tradesmen were returning to first pinciples and becoming content iwith. reasonable prol.ts. Bao Aruangeme. The mystery with respect to tre delay in the r:eipt of letters and papers on the routes from Wilmington and Newbern to this poht, is at least partially solved. The arrangement of the schedule appears to be such as to forbid tbe foriaing of connections at- Goldsboro. We sincere ly hipe that those wh) control the matter may find it convenient to make such alterations in the time tables as will remedy tile derangement referred to. The public convenience here seems to require such a change. Re-Established. VM post office at. Carey, in this county and a shor . -distance from the line of the North Carolina railroad, west, has been re-established and A. H. Dctell appointed postmaster. By looking among the rate news, it will be seen that the postal system within North Carolina is being rapidlv recenstru- ed. New Advertisements -Read the new advertise ments : Griffin- & Co.-Agr.ultural Warehouse, New York. B. P. William.cn & C -Iron, Leather Belling, Timothy seed, kz. With all our facilities" of transportation r, tko iroPfmn nf Ynrfo ;. Wilmington and New bern, the supply of oyster not equal to the demand. reaching this market is Auction Bills, Business Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, and in fact printing of all kinds done at the Procbess Office with promptness and in the best style of the art; and as our facilities for printing are more extensiTe and better than those of any other establishment in the State, at lower rates than the same cm be done elsewhere. Tallow Dips. There is a probability that an extraordinary demand for tallow dips will soon exist here A merchant on Fayetteville street was mak ing inquiry for four boxes, night before last, with which to see the gas burn. That same "old coon" of a darkey has been again looking into the furnac8. See the advertisement of W. B. Smith & Co , of the Southern Field and Fireside Publishiog House, who wish to buy or lease a building suitable fcr their business, or lease or biy a central vacant lot. Tiie Vote for Governor. The following is believed to be the official vote in the counties g.Tcn : ' Wake, Rowan, Guilford, Orange, Cabarrus, Davie Warren, Duplin, Alamance, Forsyth, Mecklenburg, Iredell, Burke, Gaston, Randolph, Johnson, Davidson, Wilson, Edgecombe, Halifax, Wayne, Caswell, Chatham, Nash, Craven, (reported) New Hanover, Franklin, Robeson, Granville, Lenoir, Coluabus, Catawba, Rockingham, Camden, Northampton, (reported maj.) 'Holden. Worth 1702 453 341 5T0 18 121G 264 988 295 287 80 369 46 525 161 462 451 619 68 1110 353 584 349 721 428 217 253 maj. 652 640 844 138 476 683 211 297 56 426 214 506 9G 6S2 405 185 911,. 707 263 220 188 582 114 764 laj.) 400 200 147 32 80 maj. 316 715 278 571 21 338 285 192 A New Light. The Springfield Republican say 3 a stock company ia forming in that city with a capi tilof $125,000, to manufacture "Irwin's portable self-acting-gas apparatus," which is described as fol lows : ' - " There are no pullies, weights or machinery of any kind, but the capths is poured In at the top of the apparatus, which is not unMke an ordioary gas meter m outside appearance, and comes out at tha bottom, at pleasure, a gas which burns with a fl-.ma Uj&i bS?tlf?." mil! 'Ft v Pliant, and r.rs 8tay. The light is far superior 1 1 that given bv coal gas, while it costs oaly $l 50 per thocsard The deaths by cholera in the city of New York during previous visitations font nn fu, . In 18o2 there were 3.513 da In 1S34 In 184$ in ijso-j 374. In 1854 2,500 In all other years 137 5,513 deaths. 5,071 Ttal 12,775 deaths. Hon. J. L. Mannirjg, who has been elected Unit ed States Senator from South Carolina, was Governor of that State in 1S52, but has hdd no p lit ica.1 post cf distinction since that limp. He was a delegate to the Chicago Convention which nominated Buchanan, and a member cf the South Ciroiina Convention which adopted the ordinance of secession. Though he signed the ordinar,cc his heart was nut enlisted in the movement, and he railed to private life after the Convention adjourned. " Whar," asked a renowned slump orator, who was rnnnihg for the office of constable, " whar, my cnlighted friends of the Sixty-sixth Militia district, Andrew Jackson in the'battlo of. New Orleans ? ur he thar Y KUi. H- wur ridin' up wl down on a bobtail Arabian, a, wavin' of a crooked babre, up to his armpits hi blood and mud, and a givin' of the British thunder ; the genius of his coun try a holdin' of her ivgis over his h e:ul, cotton bales paveneering in front to pertect him from every dan ger, and the American eagle, with the stars and stripes in his beak, a soarin' aloft in the blue em pyrean, cryin' Hail Columbia!'' The Farragut Court Martial on Saturday heard several witnesses in defence cf Commodore Craven. Acting EDsign Bernard C. MeGill testified that from what he had heard from the Spanish ofikers, the rebel ram Stonewall was too formidable to attack without instant destruction to the assailing vessel. One hundred females and twenty-four males were discharged from the Treasury Department, Wednesday, partly, from lack of -work, and panlv to make vacancies for the soldiers. Similar dis charges followed yesterday from General Leslie, Chief Paymaster of the Pay District of the East. Garrett Davis and Brutus Clay, tf Kentucky, having sued Generals Palmer and i i.-luine tor ab ducting slaves, counter suits have been hnuight be fore the Freedmen's bureau against Davis and Clay, for holding blacks to labor without pay, in viola tion of the laws of the United States. ?" inquired, a ( f tiv heavy The Legislature. We give below the names of the member? elect to the Legislature, to assemble in thia city on the fourth Monday of November, as far as received : SENATfe. Wake W. D. Jones. . Wayne Bet j. Aycock. Guilford J. T. Morehead. Mecklenburg J. H. Wilson. New Hanover E. D. Hall. Forsyth Joshua Boner. Orange W. A. Graham. Iredell A. M. Bogle. Granville B,. F. Bullock. i Randolph and Alamance Dr. Black. Rockingham Thomas Settle. Craven J. D. Whitford. Johnson T. D. Suead. Halifax M L Wiggins. Davidson J M Leach. Caswell T A Donoho. Edgecombe George Howard, jr. Chatham Mr. Gorrell. Nash H G Williams. Lincoln, Gaston and Catawba W P Bynum. Green and Lenoir Mr. Coward. Cabarrus and Stanly Mr. McEachen. Warren T. J. Pitchford. Sampson Thomas L. Faison. Bladen A J Jones. COMMONS. Wake K. Rayner, R. K. Ferrell, A. F. Page. Wayne W. T. Faircloth, J. H. Everett. Rowan Luke Blackmer and M L Holmes. Davie Joseph McGuire. Guilford Messrs. Caldwell, Smith and Houston. Mecklenburg R. D. Whitley and J. M. Hutchi son. New Hanover R. H. Cowan and J. R. Hawes. Lenoir W. W. Dunn. Forsyth Charles Teague and Wm. Wheeler. Orange Webb and Guess. Alamance Moore and McAden. WTarren Judkins and Trumbull. Iredell L. Q. Sharpe, J. M. Roseboro. Burke Joseph Mahler. Granville W. H. JeDkins, E. B. Lyon and Col. Dalby. Rockingham Joseph Holderby and J W Burton. Randolph E. T. Biair, Joel Ashworth. Craven M. E. Manly, Mr. Chadwick. Johnson Cbae. Beasley, J. R. Coats. Haiifaz Dr. Joyner, A. H. Davis. Caswell Sam'l S. Harrison, P. Hodnett. Chatham Paschall, Ramsey and McDonald. 2sTash Mr Arrington. Davidson Mr. Kinney and S S Jones. Lincoln J F Hoke. Gaston D A Jenkins. Catawba Dr. James Mott. Union Jonathan Wull. Cabarrus R W Allison. Duplin Kenan and Faison. Sampson Patrick Murphy and Jno.C. Williams. Columous T M Smith. " Do you belong to this church, sir gentleman to a friend wTho was om men ot the town where t!e other was visiting, and who seemtd much interest-d in the church where they had just been attending. No, sir," leplu-d the rich man, ' qnite the reverse, for tbe church belongs to me." It appears from the Jamaica Colonial Standard, of October 16, that the British Gen. .al Nelson, in com mand at Mi. zirt By, ord-rs every insurrectionist to be' hanged, and that the B iti-h gunboat opened fire upon a collection .of eight hundred women and chil dren. c In Wisconsin the proposition to extend suffrage to 4.;.-' .UQ .iu'h'Mfi bv from 1 n A co'.llsion recently took place on tlr Savannah river, by which tho Ptearjboat Savannah was sunk ia twenty feet water. ARK IVALAND D E P A KT U UK 0 1' 1 A 1 LS . RALEIGH AM) (iAvSTON KaILkuaD Arrives 8 4 "j F M Departs 4 i a M y KdUTU CI Dili IV i u . Ilin. . ii 11V1IIU 'AIVUU1.1 .1 IVdl KMX J A If. West Arrives f. 4 SO M Departs j ' .m East Arrives ".. k 15 i' M Departs , 4 3U A ii NEW ADVKUT1SEMU N I S WAISTKD TO LEASE OR PURCHASE, a suitable building lor our business; or we will entertain proposals lor the purchase or lease ;of a vacant lot, conveniently siluated. Apply immediatejy to "WM. B. SMITH & CO., dotIG 3t Field and Fireside Office. O R T II R I V E R AGRICULTURAL WORKS, GKIFFIXG t CO., PROPRIETORS. WAREHOUSES, 58 tC 60, CuHTLANDT STREET, ISISXV YOIilv,' MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Plows Sugai Mills Harrows Corn Mills Cultivators Cider Mills Cotton Sweeps Fan Mills flay Presses Saw Mills Cotton Presses Corn Shellers Cider Presses Store Trucks Grain Cradles Churns Ox Bows Ox Yokes Well Buckets Hay Cutters Sausage Cutters Vegetable Cutter Hand Carts Muie Carts Ox Carts F'arin Wagons Horse Powers Threshing Machines Cotton Gins Mower & Reapers ic., &c. Wheelbarrows Sugar Pans Shovels Spade3 Hoes, Forks Rakes, Scythes. GARDEN, FIELD AND FLOWER SEEDS. Hoyt's Super-Phosphate of Lime, Bone Manure. Pou drette, Plaster, Ac. SOLE AGENTS FOR : . Glasgow Fertilizer Co. '3 Phosphatic and Ammoniated Guano, and Super-Pho phate of Lime, and liruce's Con centrated Manure. Trade supplied. Order direct from GRIFFIN" G & CO.. nov!6 3m and 60 Courtlaodt Street, N V 1 RON ! IRON I IRON ! JL Two circuses in Georgia and both drawing well one in Augusta and one in Savannah. Nevada elects a Unionist to Congress by 100O majority. His name is D. R. Ashley. Tbe total amount of Dational currency in circu lation at tbo present time 13 $210,276,040. The majority of Governor Stone, the Union can didate in Iowa, will be nearly T7,000, in spite of the great combination against him. It is understeod that General Longstreet, who arrived in Washington, Wednesday, is anxiously desirous of obtaining a pardon, in order that he may be a candidate for the Governship of his State, or be President of ah Express Company. 1000 pounds It by 14 inch, Tire Iron 1000 do y2 by 2 inch, do 1000 do by 3 inch Iron 10C0 do j by 5 inch Iron 1000 do (. by 8 inch Iron iO00 do Horeo Shoe Iron 10C0 io Nail Rod Iron 2000 do Band Iron, to 4 inches ciCOO do ibeet Iron, ii 16 thick, Ji ljet w tde an i from o to 8 leet lone Shovel Plate Iron', No; 14 and l", 5000 do For sale by rovlfc if B P WILLIAMSON t CO i BATHER BELT1NG.-2C0 f I j Leather Belting, tew. for s!e bv aovl6-tf o: lour inch B r WILLIAMSON & CO CLOVER AND TIMOTHY 8EEL.-50 pounds Clover Seed; 100 lb Timothy Seeo. For tale by nOvl6-tf B P WILLIAMSON & CO PLANTATION BITTERS 15 cafes Drake's Celebrated Plantation. bit:rs. For eale by novl6 tf B P WILLIAMSON CO. HOUSE WANTED, For tho enuinp; vear, wiih about $V9 or fix rooms. Enquire at this office.

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