I: I BY J. L. PENNINGTON. TELEGBAPHIC. AS 3 O C I AT E D PRE8S KEPO RTS. Reception and Tiews of Gen. Grant. New York, Nov. 16. The Union League of tbia city have given Lieut. Gen. 7J. S. Grant a grand re ception. He was welcomed at the headquarters of the League Jast night by one of the Vice Presidents of the organization, Mr. Beckman, who alluded to the foul wrong practiced "by the French invasion of Mexico, and insisted that" the United States could not honorably do less than apply a remedy by timely enforcement of the Monroe doctrine. v Gen. Grant responded briefly, but took occasion to declare his endorsement of the sentimenta of Mr Beckman as to the future of that country. - m Good Newt Hon. Bedford Brown Elected Over Hanes by Nienty-Six Totes. The following special despatch reached as last night, whicb enables us to announce that Lewis Hanes, whosfe ingratitude to Governor Holden is most unaccountable, has been beaten in the Fifth Congressional District by that sterling patriot, Hon. Bedford Brown : Greensboro, Nov. 16. The official vote of this Congressional District being compared here to-day, the footing up showed that Bedford Brown was elected over Lewis Hanes by ninety-six votes. mm Important Decision. Cincinnati, Nov. 15. A Springfield despatch states that Judges Davis and Hewfield have made I a decision in the case of the claimants of one thou I sand bales of cotton, residing in New Orleans, Cin I cirinati and Havre, dismissing all the claims on the ground of the incapacity of the parties J purchase in insurrectionary districts. : I . , Great Fire in Maine. I Portland, Mb., Nov. 16th. A fire in West Bax Iter, Maine, this morning, destoyed Hall's woollen 1 mills, Lord's saw mills, and House & Bryant's gro 'jcery store. Loss probably about 100,000. The Ifire originated from a kerosene lamp. I v Dr. Tyng's Church in New York Burned. I New York, Nov. 16. Dr. Tyng's church has been destroyed by fire. i SECOND DE8PATCH. i New York, Nov. 36. The loss by the destruc tion of Dr. Tyng's church is about $300,060, on which there is an insurance of $70,000. The walls and towers are still standing. I The. residence of -Mr. Ball, Mr. Jackson and Dr. Drake, on Rutherford street, were badly damaged by fire and water. Latest From Jamaica. f- New York, Nov. 16. Late Jamaica advices re ceived in this city confirm the previous rumor that the rebellion in Jamaica had been crushed. Several of the leaders of the insurrection have been con demned to death, including the chief in the affair, Gordon. The Government has offered amnesty to those who return to their allegiance, provided they had not committed actual murder. From New Orleans. " New York, Nov. 16. -Letters from New Orleans tate that since the receipt of despatch there from the Rie Grande, there has been unusual activity in military circles. New regiments of U. S. Cavalry have beeD ordered to report for duty at Saa Antonla, Texas, without delay. I Pardoned. 'Z Washington, Nov. 15 Gen. A. E. Jackson, of the late Confederate army, has been pardoned by the President to-day. New York Markets. New York, $Tov. 16. Cotton firm, at 50a59 cts. ; turpentine dull, at $1.10al.l5 ; rosin dull at $7.25 7.50.-. Gold 47 1-4 premium. v & . Colorado Election--Democratic Triumph. Denver City, October 28. The enclosed is a transcript of the official vote. The Democrats will probably have the Legislature and the Congress men, with the entire State ticket. The official can vass of the vote on the adoption or rejection of the State Constitution shows : For Constitution, 3,025 Against Constitution, 2,870 Majority for Constitution, 155 The question of negro suffrage was presented at the same time, with the following result : For negro suffrage, 496 Against negro suffrage, 4,172 . Majority against, 3,714 Caucus of Republican Members of Congress. It is stated that a number of the Republican members of Congress and outside politicians held a caucus at the Astor House, New York, on Satur day evening, and pledged themselves to the policy of excluding every Southern applicant for a seat in Congress that cannot take the test oath. Governor Fentoo, according to the correspondent of the Phila delphia Ledger, is said to have suggested, as a solu tion of the difficulty, that Congress organize with out the Southern members ; then, if deemed expe dient, proceed at once to so modify the test oath as to enable the applicants to take their seats with a clear conscience ; but the meeting was not pre pared to go that length, rather preferring lor the present to back up Mr. Clerk McPherson in omit ting the Southern States from the roll-call, and trusting to subsequent events for their admission on conditions that will be acceptable. Debt of the Southern States. A statement of the Southern States (legal) debts prior to the war places them at one hundred and fifty millions, The most of these bonds are held ih Europe, and the prospect of payment, even of the interest, is small indeed. Of these bond3 $20,000,000 belong to Mississippi, $9,000,000 to North Carolina, $5,500,000 to Louisiana, and $56, 000,000 to Virginia. . Dr. Walker, Superintendent of the Lunatic Asylum at South Boston, Massachusetts, is up be- lore a committee of the alderman of Boston, charg ed by Oliver Frost, Esq., with causing the death of ib son by ill-treatment whil be was in the asylum. T1 VOL. VI. The Vote for Governor. The following Is believed to be the official in the counties given : vote Holden. Worth. 70 630 451 619 428 217 377 77 90 416 256 272 302 368 291 42 21 338 316 715 80 maj. 188 582 911 707 405 185 295 287 80 369 476 088 161 462 56 426 68 1110 .) 400 S18 1216 504 611 253 maj. 214 506 359 240 349 721 844 188 32 353 634 263 220 114 764 285 192 264 988 200 278 571 341 570 652 640 211 297 96 682 1702 453 46 525 Anson, Alamance, Burke, Bertie, Bladen, Cartaret, Cleaveland, Cumberland, Camden, Catawba, Columbus, Craven, (reported) Chatham, Caswell, . Cabarrus, Davie, Davidson, Duplin, Edgecombe, Forsyth, Franklin, Guilford, Granville, Gaston, Halifax, Harnett, Iredell, Johnson, Lenoir, Mecklenburg, Nash, New Hanover, Northampton, Orange, Robeson, Rockingham, Rowan, Randolph, Wilson, Wayne, Wake, Warren, (reported maj.) Henry Wiez. The effects of the late Henry Wirz were yesterday afternoon sent to his wife, in Kentucky, by his counsel, Mr. Schade. They con sisted of a book entitled " Meditations on Life and its Religious Duties," with this inscription on the .fly leaf: "To my dear children, Susan and Cornelia, from their father, H. Wibz, Washington, D. C, Novemver 10, 1365." Next was a copy of the New Testament, which contained tbe following inscrip tion : " November 10, 1865, to Cora, from her father, H. Wirz." Also, a - volume entitled, " A Kempis. A Treatise on Christ.- To my dearest child, Cora, from her father. Washington, November 10, 1866." There was also a Bible given to Wirz, on the fly leaf of which was. this inscription : Presented to Car roll Prison, room twenty-nine, for the us9 of the pris oners. Not to be taken from the prison. Washing ton, D. C, December 18, 1864. Search the Scrip tures.'" Under this Wirz bad written as follows: " My dear wife, this Bible I read to where you see the marks, where I left off reading. God bless you. Keep this Bible to remember me, H. Wirz, No vember 10, 1865." In the package there were also two letters, one addressed to bis wife, and one to his father, Abraham Wirz, who was living when his son eft Switzerland. Disposition of Naval Vessels. The Navy Department have concluded to divide up such vessels as it is necessary to keep in the ser vice into small squadrons and locate tnem upon the various seaports on both the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts, this policy being better than to allow them to be huddled together and fall into disuse at the Na vy Yard. Out of this has grown tbe absurd apory that our government were looking out for an Imme diate foreign war. Edwin Booth will play in December. Emigrants at New York last week : 9,800. Edwin Mott Robinson's estate foots up $5,700,- 000. October brought the country 3,700 pension cases. It is rumored that Ole Bull will soon re-visit this country. The " Africaine," was to be given at Dresden in perfect style. The rag-pickers of Paris are nearly all dead from cholera. Corcoran, the millionaire banker, is shortly ex pcted in Washington. The cost of collecting the Internal Revenue is more than four per cent. There are 1,100 -taverns in Washington, one for every ninety-one inhabitants. Wild turkeys are said to be more plenty this season, than for many years past. James W. Perkins, tried at Richmond on the charge of killing bis wife, has been acquitted. Two negroes were arrested in Norfolk on Sun day for stealing a trunk and $1,400 from the resi dence of W. H. Whitehurst on Friday night. A guest of the Exchange Hotel, Richmond, has been arrested for stealing the blankets and sheets from the room he occupied. Gen. Butler who has just settled in Washing ton city, is the tenant of a colored man, the house he lives in belonging to Alfred Lee, a wealthy col ored citizen. The names of Ex-Governor Kirkwood, Gen. Fitz Henry Warren and A. W. Hubbard are men tioned in connection with the Iowa United States Senatorship. Gen. John C. Breckinridge is reported to be liv ing at St. Catherine's, Canada. Tbe Louisville Jour nal has reason for anticipating his return to Ken tucky at an early day. A man in Ohio attempted to drink two pounds of whisky in one hour, on a wager, but twenty eight ounces finished him. The bettrng parties were arrested, and ought to be hung. The Hartford Times, Chicago Times, Cincinnati Enquirer and Buffalo Courier, all leading Northern papers, are advocating the assumption or tne ion federate debt by the United States Government. Gen. Kilpatrick will visit Eerope before going as Minister to Chili, and probably nave a uuk wun thr. Snanish Government about the relations be tween that Power and the South American States. The steamboat opposition on the James river has ceased, there now being but one line, and the fare $2 50 between Norfolk and Richmond. Two lines are continued on the Bay, between Norfolk and Baltimore. . 4 I RALEIGH, FRIDAY, NOV. .4 THE CIT. ' ; i-1 U T-Persona in city and country areequested, at alt times, to furnish us lerbalor written information of any events of public interest which may inspire in their neighborhoods, or of which they may ktve knowledge. Fourth Congressional District Official Vote. The vote cast at tht late election fo a member of Congress for the Foirth District was compared at the Court House jesterday, all the Sheriffs being present with the exception of the Sheriff of Frank lin. The following is the vote as returned : Turner. Rass. Edwards. Wake, 460 1324 Granville, 669 254 Nash, 535 98 Chatham, OOO 823 Johnson, 188 612 Orange, 1069 e& Warren, 608 7 64 184 10 12 00 2 8 According to the provisions of the law, the vol of Franklin may be added If returned to-day, but if not reported by sundown this day, it will be thrown out. Upon the above returns, however, Josiah Tur ner was declared duly elected. A Few Figures. We chave frequently adverted to the extravagance of the rates of house-rent in our city, because we know that they constitute one ef the drawbacks to the prosperity of Raleigh and must in the end seriously affect the permanent, substantial interests of property holders. But to show the justice of the complaints we have made, a citizen here and native of North Carolina has sup plied us with these figures : Kent oi house betore the war, $ 350.00 during " mConfed. 4500.00 demanded now, 1900.00 in it gold or three thousand dollars in national currency. We have these facts from two as responsible par ties as can be found in the South gentlemen of un- impeached veracity and who are now engaged in an enterprise of some magnitude. It will be seen that the modest landlord only wants five or six tfrhes the-sura he realized previous to 1862. This is a fair index, we understand, to the gener al spirit manifested by men who hive houses in this place. The effect is to drive capital and enter prise from our midst, and thus utterly destroy the bright future which had been predicted for this section. We are truly glad to hear that n? such mania has taken possession of Charlotte Wilmington, Newbern and other points. The people elsewhere appear fully to appreciate the lmdiirtance of at tracting population, encouraging enterprise and in viting capital, but here there is a disposition to ex act as rent the full purchase value Qhouses. We ask those who are contributing to such a condition of affairs to reflect on thenatter. Thev cannot fail to realize the injustice of heir course or to see that it must ultimately destraythe real val ue of all property hereabout, Half es contrasted with their present prices will pay ioem far better in the end. Keeping Store. The Washington Republican has the following : Last eveniDg a party of gentlemen were convers ing upon the subject of tbe capabilities of the south ern negroes for obtaining a livelihood, when an offi cer lately from Raleigh, N. C, related that as he was passing along the streets the other day he saw an aperture in an embankment just large enough to ad mit a person in a crouching posture, and over his doorway was saspended by a string one apple and half a dozen peanuts. Upon looking in he discover ed an old colored man who had about a peck of ap ples, a few sweet potatoes, and peanuts ditto. He asked : u What are you doing here, uncle ?" " Oh, Fse keepin' stoah, Boss." " Well, how much money do you make ?" " Oh, Boss, I make enough to keep me from begsln'." Upon further inquiry he found that the profits of this " stoah," which was simply an excavation with a small chimney to carry off the smoke, ranged from forty to fiity cents per day, which was sufficient to keep its enterprising proprietor from begging cr star ving. The Author. The authorship of the petition for the pardon of Mr. Jefferson Davis, which we men tioned as circulating here, was attributed to one of North Carolina's distinguished women. The truth is, it was penned by Mrs. Fanny M. Downing, whose novel, "Nameless," is creating such a furore in the literary world. We make the correction ai a matter of right to all parties. Mrs. D. it a Yir giniart. m Singular Change in Butter. It is not a little noticeable that since butter has held at its present high price, it has taken a great deal of salt to flavor it. The fact is the salt isra good deal cheaper than the butter, and so a liberal salting pays. It has come to such a pass that one can't et much butter without making of himself a salt-cellar. The Sun. It may be rather Tar off for a local item, but there is a very large pot now traversing the sun's disc, which is visible to the naked eye about sunset. It looks about as big as a tea cake, though the telescope gives to it astonishing propor tions. The phenomena of spots on 'the sun have never been explained, we believe, j Auction Bills, Business Card Circulars, Bill Heads, and in fact printing of all kirjds done at the Procbess Office with promptness tud in the best style of the art; and as our facilities for printing are more extensive and better thn those of any other establishment in the State it lower rates than the same can be done elsewhrf. i mmm. 17, 1865 NO. 313. On Dit. A negro was arrested yesterday by that efficient city officer, Wm. C. Parker, upon charge of stealing horses. His name is John McGuire and he hails from New York. It is now believed that he is the ringleader, the chief of the desperadoes who, about a month since, visited the house of Mr. Harry O. Parker, near this city, and besides plun dering the premises of money, whipped that gen tleman and his wife and committed other outrages. The negro was turned over to the military author ities, who thought so highly of the rascal as to treat him to a pair of handcuffs and a splendid fob chain with an inconveniently large ball attached to it Our hope is that the surmise with respect to the guilt of McGuire may not turn out to bo a lable. The military authorities have proceeded with par ticular caution and marked determination in this affair. From the day when the offence was com mitted up to the present hour, they have pursued the idea of bringing the guilty wretches to justice and we have every confidence that, if possible, hev will succeed. How is It ? We referred yesterday to the great difference between the price of beef in and out of the market. A more striking fact still is related to us by a lady respecting bivalves. At the market and most other points three dollars a gallon is the ruling price for oysters. Now, Mr. Lewis, at the express office, retails them, best quality, at two dollars. Here is another screw loosehow is it ? The latter is content with his profits and we must conclude the $3 sellers are too lofty financially. Small Pox. We hear that at Camp Holmes and the classic region known as Vinegar Hill, the small pox is raging to a considerable extent. We learned also that a case In the neighborhood of the North Carolina rail road depot was reported yesterday af ternoon. The best remedy against small pox, chole ra and other loathsome and fatal diseases is cleanli ness. Look Out toe Him. When you find a man writ ing his advertisement and sticking it up at the post office, or in hotels, or on street posts, instead of pub lishing it in his town paper, look out for him the very act shows that he is-too close fisted to deal with to advantage. Thi3 Is the " frozen truth." - Still Falling. We saw very fair beef offering in the market yesterday, by the quarter, at five cents per pound , and no buyers. The scarcity of money will necessarily cause a decline in prices generally. Hon. T. L. Clingman was in the city yesterday and looking well. The Legislature. We give below the names of the members elect to the Legislature, to assemble in this city on the fourth Monday of November, as far as received : SENATE. Bertie John Pool. Bladen A J Jones. Carterett M F Arendell. Cumberland McLean. Cabarrus and Stanly Mr. McEachen. Chatham L W Gorrell. Caswell T A Donoho. Craven J. D. Whitford. Davidson J M Leach. Edgecombe George Howard, jr. Forsyth Joshua Boner. Green and Lenoir Mr. Coward. Granville B. F. Bullock. Guilford J. T. Morehead. Harnett Harrington. Halifax M L Wiggins. Iredell A. M. Bogle. Johnson T. D. Snead. Lincoln, Gaston and Catawba W P Bynum. Mecklenburg J. H. Wilson. New Hanover E. D. Hall. Nash H G Williams. Orange W. A. Graham. Kandolph and Alamance Dr. Black. Rockingham Thomas Settle. Rowan and Davie Wm. Shober. Sampson Thomas L. Faison. Wake W. D. Jones. Wayne BeDj. Aycock. Warren T. J. Pitchford. COMMONS. Alamance Moore and Mc Aden. Bladen Lucas. Barke Joseph Mahler. Bertie Lewis Thompson, P T Henry. Carterett--Mr Davis. Cumberland Smith and Shaw. Columous T M Smith. Cabarrus R W Allison. Catawba Dr. James Mott Caswell Sam'l 8. Harrison, P. Hodnett. t Chatham R B Paschall, G P Moore and J. A. McDonald. Craven M. E. Manly, Mr. Chad wick. Duplin Kenan and Faison. . Davidson Mr. Kinney and S S Jones. Davie Joseph McGuire. Forsyth Charles Teague and Wm. Wheeler. ) Guilford Messrs. Caldwell, Smith and Houston; Gaston D A Jenkins. Granville W. H. Jenkins, E. B. Lyon and CoL Dalby. Harnett Neil McKay. Haiifax Dr. Joyner, A. H. Davis. Iredell L. Q. Sbarpe, J. M. Roseboro. Johnson Cdas. Beasley, J. R. Coats. Lenoir W. W. Dunn. Lincoln J F Hoke. Mecklenburg R. D. Whitley and J. M. HutchU son. New Hanover R. H. Cowan and J. R. Hawes. Nash t Arrlngton. Orange-R F Webb and S F Phillips. Pasquotank Mr. Burgess. Rowan Luke Blackmer and M L Holmes. Rockingham Joseph Holderby and J W Burton. Randolph E. T. Blair, Joel Ashworth. Sampson Patrick Murphy and Jno.C. Williams. Union Jonathan Wull. Wake K. Rayner,R. K. Ferrell, A. F. Page. Waynei-W. T. Faircloth, J. H. Everett. Warren T J Judkins and W A Jenkins. Emerson Etheridr Via a nn W ... . w.. reported. The findg heT hjjj&af General Th9maa, and has noVU Two negro women In Memphis recectlv n Pee?m J511Ce COQft'to ""la a dispute in ?" gardtoachHd Both claimed to b, the aotherTf the infant. Solomon settled a similas case very eaau A daughter of the rebel General Pettigrew has received an appointment as clerk in the Treasury De partment. J President JohDson receive! th news of th Republican victory in New Jersey with great dj light, clapping his hands and exclaiming " Good good 1" Mrs. Maximilian of Mexico, recently reviewed the Mexican trcops in a carriage that c:t $40,000. It was constructed entirely of gUss n:i l silver, the inside lined with white satin and gold lace. She's expensive to somebody. A Paris paper denies the report that General Beaoregard had tendered his service as o nimai der of the Papal army; and it is dow r :m. red in Eu rope that General McClellan has offeied to accept the position. The Government baa come to the conclusion that the employment of female clerks is a failure. The women are given to more display in dnss, tn flirting and courting, than to hard wore. They probably be succeeded by males syvj m all the de partments. Judge Withers, of South Carolina, died recent ly at his residence at Camden. Gen. Howard reached Fiorida about tbe first of the present month, on bis tour of inspection. A man who has nothing better to do, Ins calcu lated that the entire amount of th' n uirr .i! r in silver dollars wculd weigh d wn 125 000 t n-. and that laid side by side, the coins wuu.d go four imus and a third round the world. The English publishing house of Ruthledse & Sons have just issued a volume entitled ,lMen of the Time," in whicb, among other startling facts, the. reader finds that General She t man was con pel td to abandon Atlanta, and fleeing eastward escaped to the sea. - The principal cities oi the Union rank in order of population, according to statistics in the Inttrior Department, as follows: New York, Phi'adel hia, Brooklyn, Baltimore, Chicago, Boston, New O leans,' Cincinnati, St. Louis, Buffalo, Newark, Louisville, Albany, Washington, San Francisco, Providence. Gen. Grant is reported to have said at Cincin nati, In speaking of the arrest of Dr. Huston, tbe Kentucky clergyman, "I have ordered his uncondi tional release. It is time that military arrests and military commissions were at an end. We are now at peace, and if any citizen commits any political of fence he should ba taken before the civil courts and there be tried for his crime." ' General Longstreet, on Tuesday, had an inter view with General Grant, and subsequently visited the State Departmentwhere he took the amnesty oath, which is preliminary to the consideration of his application for pardoD. i MARRIED, On Tuesday, Uth inst., by Rev. Dr. Craven, Mr. JAMES f . KING and Mies LAURA S. GORMAN, both of this city. Vf present our acknowledgements of the courtesy of ourhappifid friends and trust they may realize, in wed ded life, unchanging blise. ARRIVAL. AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS, RALEIGH AND AiTr.' KAlLitiOAO. Arrives M 8 45 P M Departs 4 30 A M NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. West Arrives 4 30 A M Departs ...9 P M East Arrives 8 15 F M Departs, 4 30 A M NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED TO LEASE OR PURCHASE a suitable buildiDg for our business; or we will entertain proposals for the purchase or lease of a vacant lot, conveniently situated. Apply immediately to WM. B. SMITH & CO., novl6-3t Field and Fireside Office. IANOS TUNED. WILLIAM II. VA U G II A .V Respectfully announces that he is now prepared to TUNE PIANOS. He regrets having disappointed s?me of his friends, owing to the delay in receiving hia TUNING INSTRU MENTS. All orders left at the clothing establishment of C. M FARRISS, Esq., Fayettevillestreet, will receive prompt attention. novHk BAUGH'S RAW BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. B A UGH & SONS. MANUFACTURERS AND PROPRIETORS, STORE NO. 20 SOUTH DEL A WARE A VENUE, Philadelphia. ThisvaluabieMANURE has been before the agricul tural public, under one name fr twelve years j-a.-t and its character for vigor of action and permanenci-n ! fecti8 wellestabliihed. Before the war it wa? intro duced to some extent in tbe Sautbern States, acd wa , found tobe highly adapted to COTTON, TOBACCO AND ALL CROPS. Thesales now amount to maDy thousand tor.? annual ly, and the facilities for its manufaeture are extensive and complete. The proprietors of this Manure are en gaged in no other business, and are there'orr irectly interested in maintaining fully its bib standard of, effi ciency. The trade supplied by the earo direct trom the wharves of tbe manufactory. Dealers are invited to become acquainted with the special advantages ot this article before purchasing other brands Send for a pamphlet. Manufactured onlv bv BAUGH k SONS, No 20 South Delaware Avenue, oct27-3m Philadelphia. mo PRINTERS AJD PUBLISHERS. TYPE, PRESSES, 4c. , FOR SALE. Having purchased new type and material throughout for the Progress, which we expect to arrive within a few days, we offer for sale the T V PL', RULES, t H A StS, AC, with which the PaoGaFss is now printed, and r.lso a large lot of TYPE and FIXTURES in the town ri New bern. There is sufficient type in either e?!ablirhment to run daily paper, and it can be had for one half or one third the coBt of new material. Also two Washington Hand Presses, Nos. 3 and b, in good order. Anv onrt wanting to fit up an office can get a bargain. Adclren J. L. PENNINGTON, nov!2-tf Raleigh, N- C. QOTTON PLANTATION FOR SALE. Plantation of 1000 acre?, four miles frr.m Wilson, m the Wilmington and Weldon Rairoad. 400 acre? cleared, the balanee wooded with Oak, Pine, Hickory and Gum. Inexhaustible quantities of Marl and Mud from swamp iti earns can be easilv obtained upon the land, with which it can be highly enriched. There is a good Dwell ing on the place, containing-five room. For further particulars, price, terms, Ac, apply to L. P. OLDS k CO.'S . nov!5-lw Pioneer Land Otfiee, HilUboro street LEATHER BELTING. 2C0 fett of four inch Leather Bebflng, new. Fcr sale by nov!6-tf B P WILLIAMSON & CO CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED.-50 pounds Clover Seed; 100 lbs Timotby Seed. For jale by DOTl6-tf B P WILLIAMSON A CO