BY J. L. PENNINGTON, TELEGRAPHIC. (ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS. 1 Firemens' Riot. New Yobk, Nov-. 16. A rfot among the firemen occurred in Jersey City this afternoon, daring which a number ot persons were. severely, if not mortally, wounded. After strenuous exertions the sheriff and hispos3a were successful in quelling the disturbance and restoring 'order. t in i Issue of Gold Certificates. New Yobk, Nov. 16.- The issue of gold certifi cates yesterday and to-day, from the customhouse, are stated to have reached nine hundred and seven ty five thousand dollars. Spain, and Slavery. Washington, Nov. .16. Advices from Spain in form the Government here that the Queen has issued a decree positively forbidding the extension of negro slavery within the Spanish colonies. . . Abatement of Fenian Excitement in Canada. Washington, Nov 17. The Fenian excitement of the last two days has disappeared, and a general 1 feeling of security now prevails. . - I Pi ew York Markets. New York., Nov. 17. Cotton firm. The sales for to-day amount to 3,052 bales. Naval stores quiet. Gold 47 per cent, premlunv Revenue Depart - Frands iiie Internal t ' ment. s. Philadelphia, Nov. 17.--Wttbin the past few I days immense frauds against the Internal Revenue jPepartmetit have been discovered in petroleum ope- ration8. Three of the largest wells at Pithole have been seized by the Government. From Mexico. New Orleans, Nov. 16. It is announced that Monterey has been captured by the Liberals, who claim that they can take Matamoras when they please. Captain Sinclair, late Lieutenant of the privateer Alabama, captured an Imperial transport on the Rio Grande, brought her to Brownsville and turned her crer to the Federai authorities. Redemption or Treasury Notes. Washington, Nov. 17. The five percent, one d two years Treasury notes, falling duo on and Tter the first proximo, will be paid at the Treasury Dspartment at maturity. " LATEST BY MAIL.. From Mexico Capture of Gen1. Ortega. Havana, Nov 8. The defeat and capture of Or tega, in Michoacan has been the gut reverse which the Mexican Republicans have just sustained, and its Importance will be appreciated when it is stated that, organized by the General just Darned, and by General Regnles, that party occupied posts which enabled it to control all the trade and activity of the district. It is curious to remark that this force, di vided into three bodies, has been nullified or destroyed within the period of a few days. Oae division, un der Palacio,- wished to surprise Morelin, but was baulked by the firmness of its Belgian garrison Another party, under Lepeda-, marched toward Re ges, and waa cut to pieces by Colonel Carriedo. The ; remainiog division waR dispersed by Colonel Men dez. The total number in the three corps was about t-.vo thoasand and twe hundred, and Ortega, at the time ol his defeat, had one thousand and two hun drep men with him. The encounter took place at Santa Anna Amatian. Four hundred remain priso ners, including their General, five Colonels, and a great number of officers of other grades. Toe arms, horees and baggage were captured also, while the fu gitives dispersal in all directions. s , New Orleans, Nov. 15. The latest Brownsville advices say that the Liberals, under Generals Esco- bade, Cortioas, Carialea and Mendes, are vigorously f continuing the siege of Matamoras. They captured, f on the 5tb, the steamer Rio Grande, and brought her I to Clarksville to change her to a gun-boat. The Liberals held the river above acd . below the town, I which has been evacuated by the women and chil I dren, who have sought refuge on the American side. I It is thought they will capture the place. While the j f -.i i r .i a : , r i. i : A'euerai urces uu iuo -n.uieii.uitu siuu ui me river wcio enthusiastically cheeriog the progress of the Liberal besiegers on Thursday last, the Imperial steamer Pessano fired four shots at them. The casualties by this strange proceeding are unknown. Hon. George Davis, of North Carolina, late Attorney-General of the Confederate States, arrived in New York Wednesday, having been arrested in Florida. He will be carried to Washington. Governor Morton's message was delivered to the Indiana Legislator on Tuesday. It treats of va rious State matters, recommending the repeal of the statute excluding negro testimony from "the courts, and approves of President Johnson's recon struction policy, advocates representation in Con gress in proportion to the voting population, and expresses the opinion that the public safety re quires thejtrial of Jeff. Davis for treason and other crimes. Colonel Taylor and Rev. Mr. Reid, of the Indian commissiorTto the Northwest, report the conclusion of treaties with nine tribes of the Sioux nation, the treaties stipulating for peace among the Indians themselves, as well as with the Government. Action on the many applications for special par don is nearly altogether suspended by the Presi dent, whose time is occupied with the considera tion of business of a pressing if not more important character. Gen. Albert Pike, of Arkansas, was in Peters burg last Thursday. One county in Tennessee, Wilson was dama ged $7,800,000 by the war. ' 4 The War debt of Texas is estimated at $9,000, 000. Pithole is a hole of some value. It gives 200, 00Q worth of oil per pay. J. C. Moberly, of New Market, Maryland, a student in the University of Maryland, was arrested and sent to prison on Thursday by the military au thorities of Baltimore for alleged disloyalty. He cheered for Jefif. Davis, and wished the Yankees in a very hot place. The young men indicted for riding an aged man named Wheeler on a rail, in Gloucester, Massachu setts, on the day ef President Lincoln's funeral, are now on trial before the Saperior Criminal Court sit ting at Lawrence. . The Brandon, (Mississippi) Republican says that some negroes formerly belonging to Joseph Hudnal , Esq., and who left him during the war, have recent ly written him a most piteous letter, asking him to let them come back and live with him as heretofore. VOL. VI. RALEIGH, SATURDAY, NOV. 18, 1865 NO. 314. State Items. The steamer Twilight, Capt. Spicer, bound from New York to WilmingtoD, with merchandise and passengers, wint ashore at New Inlet bar, directly abreast of Fort Fisher, at four o'clock on the morn ing of the 14th inst. The revenue cutter Northern er, Capt. Henriques, went to her assistance early in the moriiicg, but was unable to render her. any aid until high water in the afternoon, at 3.30 P. M., gave her a hawser, and after several attempts failed to put her afloat. Five o'clock in .the afternoon, took off her passengers, mails, baggage and other valuables and ship papers, and brought them to Wilmington. The Twilight was said to be laying very easy at last accounts, and the agents have procured vessels to go down and make another attempt to get her afloat. It is stated that' she lies about the wreck of the blockade running steamer Condor, foundered during the blockade of the port. Mr. D. W. Hurtt, merchant tailor on Pollock street, Newbem, was imprisoned in Cravpn ctrpot ui), Wt.mesday, for, es wo understand, resenting an Insult offered him by a United States officer whilst the latter was under the influence of liquor. Rev. S. S. Ashley, superintendent of education for the freedman's bureau in the Southern district of North Carolina, in his report lust forwarded to headquarters, remarks: "On, the part of maoy influential white people in this district, there has been manifested, not only a cheerful acquiescence in the efforts for the education of the freedmen, but a readiness to sympathize with and encourage such ef forts. Some perhaps may despise hem and treat teachers and schools with contempt. Such are not the thinking, reliable men of the South. The freo labor of this age and country must and will be edu cated. The sagacious statesmen of the South accept the decree. I firmly believe that there will be no serious interference with the freedmen's schools ex cept by the ignorant and vicious." The dwelling of J. T. McKay, Esq., in Fayette vllle, was bnrned Saturday night. The hous9 was owned by E. L. Pemberton. On Thursday, while a colored operative, named John Hine?, employed on the Wilmington and Wel don rail road, was under a car repairing it, he care lessly placed his foot on the rail, and the car being moved in order to couple it, ran over his foot, and it is feared he will lose it and a part of his leg. Thfe demand for freight accommodations is now very great. Immense quantities of cotton and naval stores now block up the Wilmington wharves, await ing shipment to New York and other points. As an evidence of the growing prosperity of that city, the commercial column of the Journal, on Wednes day, showed an arrival on the previous day, of twenty-five hundred barrels of turpentine. The "Local" of the Newborn Times threatens to expose some fellow who sold one of the Newbem merchants a barrel of turpentice "with tweuty pounds of clay or sand in tbe centre." People who pot their firjgers into turpentine, sa s a cotempora ry, must expect to be stuck. So says our "coon." Southern Items. The newly organized militia company in Natches, the Adams Troop, under tbe command of Captain William T. Martin, assembled on the 26th tor drill. The Democrat says there was a very good atten dance. Captain Martin" was formerly General Martin, of the Confederate army. Alabama. The Mobile Tribune states that the Hon. A. J. R( qoier, one of the most esteemed and distinguished citizens of Mobile, is about to remove to the city of New York, as a place of permanent residence, and with a view to the exercise of his pro fession. Mr. William Nlaimo Gbiselin, a native of Nor folk, acd formerly a well known merchant in New OrleaLS, died recently in Cincinnati. The President has pardoned Wm. Echols, State Treasurer of Mississippi ; also Ex-Governor Pettus.; The Montgomery Mail says that the small pox 13 gradually but surely spreading throughout that city. The Selma Messenger states that the negroes of that city have held a meeting to appoint delegates to a negro Convention in Mobile; but' it did doj learn the resnlt of their labors. The Silma Messenger announces the deth of Dr. Cabell, a highly esteemed citizen of that place. Among the candidates spoken of for U. S. Senator, Col. John Forsyth, of Mobile, is mentioned. Georgia. A correspondent of the Atlanta Intel ligencer communicates to that paper very interesting facts in relation to the gold mines of Carroll county. Ha says that Pine Mountain, within two miles of the Villa Bica, is composed of veins of gold-bearing quartz, which could be profitably worked by a dozen engkes and five hundred men for the next tweuty years. There are several other mines of equal riph ness in the same county, which only require capital to make them available. Parallel with the gold veins runs a " copper streak," in which shafts have already been found. The ore raised has proved to - be of the best character. The line of the railroad lately pro jected, from Atlanta toNJacksonville, Ala., will ran between these gold and copper minss. The comple tion of this road will facilitate the working of 60 rich a field. The jail of Macon was destroyed by fire on the morning of the 81st. It Is supposed to nave been set on fire by the prisoners. A correspondent of the Atlanta Era warmly urges the claims oi Gen. John B. Gordon for the nest Gov ernor of Georgia. Hon. Howell Cobb has taken up his residence at Macon, with the intention of practicing his proles sion. Louisiana. The Baton Rouge Advocate, of tbe 30th ult., says : Wfl nntira manv small ? caravans from tbe back intrv. amnmnanfed bv' dozs. sheep, horses, cattle, rsA nr iitfU nnos rrnRKtner fhe river at this point, westward bound. They are hunting a better country than this to live in, but from all accounts Texas is not that better land by long oaas. W11r Is actively organizing the militia of Louisiana. The Shreveport News, of the 24th, reports cotton still arriving very freely. THE CITY. yPersons in city and country are requested, at all times, to furnish us verbal or written information of any eventsof public interest which may transpire in their neighborhoods, or of which they may hare knowledge. Counterfeit Fifty Dollae Greenbacks. Well executed counterfeits of fifty dollar legal tender notes are now in circulation. But two points ot dif ference are apparent between these and the genuine issues. One of them is-in that part of the engraving of the head of Hamilton, upon the face of the note, which represents the line of the waistcoat crossing the white collar at the neck. The acute angle form ed by the shape of the collar, so far as It is shown, is perfect in the counterfeit note ; but in the genuine tbe lines of ' the flesh were drawn by the engraver across the point of the cellar at its junction with the waistcoat, for the purpose of relieving tbe angle of tbo oWpuwa lc would otherwise have exhibited. Thi3 difference is not readily observed unless the note i9 perfectly cleau. The other discrepancy is in the shape of the ornaments in the border on each end of the face of the bills, and in the whole border on the back. Tbe figures" 50" are engraved on the green ground, of which the rim in the genuine bill is in oc tagonal form, rather well defined, though the an gles are not sharp. The eight sides of what at first view appear to be circles may be easily discerned. In the counterfeit bill tbe border ornaments contain ing the ." 50" are octagonal in only a very slight de gree, and seem to be perfect circles. i . A Medical Chabity. In other cities physicians are forming what they call medical charities, lor the purpose of furnishing attendance, free of charge, to the indigent poor of the city, both white and black, No class of gentlemen in our midst are possessed of a higher spirit of liberality than those of the medical profession and no doubt they will be bund ready to cooperate in any scheme which gives promise of benefiting the population particularized. But the citizens would have a part to perform it will be requisite for them to establish a fund for the procurement of medicines, &c. There are prob ably in the churches persons whose christian dis positions peculiarly fit them for leadership in such a good work. We appeal to them to step forward in the front rank in behalf of the charitable enter prise suggested. If they lead, we presume others will follow. Important Obder. Col. E. Whittlesey, Assist ant Commissioner of Freedmen for North Carolina, has just issued the following order, important to the white as well as black population : Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 10, 1865. All officers and agents of this Bureau, and teach ers of freedmen, will publish as widely as possible tbe following instructions : I. In view of the fact that government aid now given to the destitute may soon be withdrawn, freed men now living in camps, colonies acd towns, are di rected to find employment at once, by which they may support themselves. II. Officers and agents of the Bureau will issue no more rations to asy refugees or freedmen who refuse situations where tbey might earn their support. While the innocent and well disposed will be pro tected", vagrant idlers who try to live without any honest calling, will be promptly arrested and pun ished. III. Paupers will, as soon as practicable, be turned over to the "Wardens of the Poor" for Bnrp, a officers and agents will co-operate with such wardens in providing for the iofirm and helpless. Until am ple provision is made by the civil authorities, such persons will not be forcibly removed frem the plan tations where they were living at the close of the war. IV. Orphans and children of parents who have no honest calliLg, or visible means of support, and oth er minors, with the consent of their parents, may be apprenticed to some good trade or occupation, in ac cordance with the laws of the State applying to white children. Every effort will be made to pro vide in this way good homes for all minors, now de pendent upon the Government, that they may not become vagrants and paupers. ARRlvit ivTvnnn. R a TvtnxV 7xrT OF MAILS BALEIGII AXD Q ASTON RAILROAD. .l 1 CO. ......, Departs - - 8 NORTH CAROLINA BAIL r"o A I) .' ' w est Arrives- Departs "' East Arrires 9 "eparta......... Z'ZZIIa 45 V M 30 A It 30 K M P M 15 P M 30 A M NEW H AD V E r x i s E M EX T S . P R E S E N T S. L I D A Y RUlvr!AS 0Jo ETCHES. CHAINS, DI AMOND RINGS, AC , AC; ONK MILLION DUU H WORTH ! TO Bfc. DISFOShb OF T UK DOLLAR EACH!! WlTHOlT UE ' . GAKD TO VaLUL! Nor tA BE PAID FOR UNTIL YO'C KNOW WHAT The Indian Summer. The most delightful weath er of the year, Indian summer, is being enjoyed by ye Raleighians. The days are bright and beau tiful, the nights warm and hazy, and altogether we seem to be living in May rather than November. It is blessing to the rich as it saves their fuel to the poor who had no such supplies. Auction Bills, Business Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, and in fact printing of all kinds done at the Procbess Office with promptness and in the best style of the art; and as our facilities for printing are more extensive and better than those of any other establishment in the State, at lower rates than the same can be done elsewhere. IIeke they Are Johnson in a fry and People's, of the Yarborough on a half-shell. We must con fess, in the meantime, that the remembrance of our friends was opportune 12 o'clock, half a dozen The Returns Complete. We gave in yesterday's nungry typos, three devils and three Ireedmen. ihe issue the complete returfes from this (the 4th) con- I vote in favor of Johnson and Peoples's as great ca- gressional district, with the exception of Franklin county. We now add that and the result is as an nexed : FOB CONGRESS. 4TH DISTRICT. Russ. Turner. Edwards, Chatham, 823 600 12 Nash, 98 235 10 Orange, 65 1069 2 Warren, 7 508 8 Wake, 1324 460 64 Granville, 254 659 184 Johnson, 612 138 00 Franklin, 46 510 37 3229 4179 307 Mr. Turner's majority over Col. Russ is 941 over both Russ and Edwards 634. Cholorine Gas. The following is the most pow erful and efficacious disinfectant known ; it was used successfully throughout Great Britain and Scotland some years ago when cholera was so prevalent and fatal there. We advise our readers to cut it out and preserve it : One part black oxide of maganese ; three parts common salt, and pour over a little common vitriol. This makes the gas a light colored smoke. Do not inhale it. but dace it on a table in the hall of the house ; the fumes will get up stairs and purify the whole building. A pound will purify the house for a month. It is also a good preventive ot ty- nns fever, even in the worst localities. It is said cholera Dever came where this was used. New Line. Another important connection be tween North Carolina and Virginia has recently been established from Newbern via Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal. The proprietor's notice appears this morning, from which it appears that each of his steamers is capable of carrying two hundred and fifty tons of freight, besides excellent accom modations for passengers. There is a constantly increasing intercourse between Norfolk and our State, and we direct the attention of hipperg as well as others to this new outlet to market. Wrong Color. McGuire, the man arrested for horse stealing and supposed to be implicated in the outrage upon Mr. H. O. Parker and wife, is a white man and is said to have been a private in the 48th New York regiment before it was mustered out of service. We are sorry to hear, the suspicions of his euilt are well founded, that he was ever con- nected with a military organization which won so largely upon popular esteem here. Dissolution. The firm of Holleman, Upchurcb & Co.. has been dissolved, but, as may be seen from advertisement, Messrs. Upchurch & Dodd are to continue the business at the sandstone front buildinsr. No. 4. Hargett street. They are young Af.nrKannd enerev : have an establish- merit well filled with choice groceries, and those in search of such articles should give them a trial. Breaking In. The shop of John Jackson, a wcrthv colored man, was entered night before last and most of his store of worldly goods appropri ated. The owner was in the back room and had but the rosues entered OI11V litlUUCU CUO WW-, a I so stealthily as not to warn him of their presence. terers was, ayes one hundred thousand nays 00. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. niONEER LINE OP STEAMERS, X FOR Baltimore, iliilad.elpliia, New York and Boston, via Albemarle and Chesa peake Canal. THE COMMODIOUS STEAMERS PIONEER AND COMMODORE ADAMS, Will leave New Berne lor Nor folk on TUESDAY of each week at 8 o'clock, A M, connecting with the dmerent lines of steamers for the above-named points. On and after the 'flrst day of December next they will leave on iuesday and J? riday ot each week, making semi-weekly trips, bnippers ot Goods will receive every facility and accommodation for the transportation of the same, as arrangements have been made with the different companies to forward goods to this line at low rates and without delay. Each of these steamers are capable of carrying TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY TONS OF FREIGHT through the canal without difficulty, as they were built expressly lor the trade. They are fitted up with STAT E ROOMS and BERTHS capable of accommodating thirty-five passengers. Everv attention will be paid to the comlort ot passengers, wno will not be subject to tne inconvenience ot transier to otner vessels, but will be taken through direct without cbange ihe tables of the steamers are liberally supplied witn the best the market affords. Families traveling will find it to their interest to take this line, as they will thereby escape the danger and discomfort of a sea route, and the latigue ol railroad travel On the 15th ot December next, if tbe business ot tbe line warrants it, the steamer WILLIAMS will be put on the route, and tn-wcekly trips will be made For freight or passage apply to VVlllTfUKD, DILL & CO., New lierne, N U. novl8-tf DAVID WILLIAMS, Proprietor. Salisburv. Winsboro, Charlotte, Goldsboro and Raleigh papers please copy and snd bills to Times othce lor payment. You Cannot have a Healthy Constitution whiUjour blood is impure. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP purges the system of impurities, and stimulates the vital organs to & vigorous and healthy action, ex pelling disease and restoring the health. LIFE SYRUP rapidly cures disease? which are caused by impure.blood. Serofula, or King s Evil, Tumors, Old Sores, Ulcers, Blotches, Eruptions, Pimples, Boils, Erysipelas, Tetter, Salt Rheum, St. Anthony's Fire, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Cancerous Tumors, Sore Eyes, Syphilis, and all foal diseases. Disease of the Heart, Palpitation. Dys pepsia, Ulceratioa of bones of the Xog?, Scalp and Face. Use CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP and you will be surprised at its repidity in removing these disease. It leaves the blood pure, the complexion clear, and your system free from disease. Sold by all Druggists. MORGAN & ALLEN, Wholesale Druggists, General Agents, 46 Cliff street, New York. Sold by all dealers in medicines. nov!8-3m IFE INSURANCE NOTICE. W . B . G U L I C K , Cashier of the National Bank, has been appointed Local Agent for Wake county of tbe .ETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANI. novlS 2w WM. H. CROW, General Agent. 1 lo 1 to 4 to .60 to 2 to 5 to 50J l i ii ,v'i ' jw 50 " ; : d Z. 40 " 150 each . 70 TO " 100 10 ' I'll " 10 " 8 " 6 lu ,s ; 10 20 10 11 10 10 15 15 10 10 15 10 lOL AUK TO RECEIVE! Splendid List of A.rticlps ' ALL TO BE SOLD AT OXE DOLLAR LA ? 11 ! t 300 Musical Boxes jjy tl, i50 --rV 5C0 Silver Teapots and Coffee Urns to 500 Chafing Dishes 30 to 1C0O Ice Pitchers t 2500 Syrup Cups with Salvers o jo 6l00 Goblets and Drinking Cup 5 t i 3 1 00 Castors . 15 t,. 2000 " Fruit, Card 4 Cake Baet? Jut,, ftOOJ Dozen Silver Tea Spoons 10 t,. 10000 " Table Spo. n k Forks '20 to 250 Gents' Gold IIqintiii-Cae Watches 50 to 250 Ladies' Gold and Enameled Hun ting-Case Watches 35 1 1 500 Gents' Hunting Case Silver Watches 35-to 200 Diamond Ricgs 5o to cor.o 0-1 J v j ,.t oiialus 4 to 3000 " Oval Band Bracelets 4 to 5000 Jet and Gold Bracelets (5 to 2000 Cbatelaine Chains and Guard Chains 4 to 7000 Solitaire and Gold Broi-ches 4 r AAA fy 1 x 1 i n ' ... ouuo vorai.upai tme'a el Hmucii. s 4 to 5-00 Mosiac, J et, Lava and F.orentine Ear Drops 4 to 7500 Coral, Opal, and Emerald Ka'r Drops 4f() 4000 California Diamond Bna fins 2.50 to 3000 Gold Fob and Vest VVatc- Keys'' 10 to 4000 Fob and Vest Ribbon-SiiJes..."... ' 3 to 5000 8et3 Solitaire Sleeve Buttons, Sluds, Ac 3 t o 3000 Gold ThimbUs, Pencils. &c. '7. 4 to 100410 Miniature Lockets 2.5o t. 4000 " " . Magic Spriug 10 to ouuu tjroia lootnpicKs, grosses. Ac... 5000 Plain Gold Rings 5000 Chased " 10000 Stone Set and Signet Kings 10030 California Diamond Rins 750U bets Ladies Jewelry, Jet & Gold 6000 " " Cameo, Ptarl, - Opal and other stone 4 to 10000 Gold Pens, Silver Extension Holders and Pencils 4 to 10000 Gold Pens and Gold .Mounted Holders 6 to 5000 Gold Pens and Gold Extension Holders 15 to 5000 Ladies' Gilt.and Jet Buckl es 5 t o 5000 " , " Hair Bars A Balls 5 to ARRANDALE & CO., Manufacturers Agents, No. 167 Broadway, New York. Announce that all of the above lit of goods will ba Eoia ior une Uollar each. In consequence of the great stagnation of trade in the manufacturing districts of England, through the war having cut on the supply of cottori, a large quan tity of Valuable Jewelry, originally .intended for the English market, has been sent off for sale in this country, and must bs sold at ant sAcaiKica Under these cir cumstances, Arkandalk 4b Co., acting as agents for the principal Europeanmanutacturers have resolved upon a GREAT GIFT APPORTIONMENT, to be divided according to the following regulation : Certificates ot the various articles are nut inU en velope's indiscriminately, sealed up, and when ordered, are taken out without regard to choice, and scut by mail, thus, showing no tavoritism. On receipt of the certificate, you will see what you are to have, and then it is at you option to send the dollar and take the arti cle or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold W atch, Diamond Ring , or any pet of Jew -lry 01. cur iit fur One Dollar. SEND 25 CENTS FOR CERTIFICATE. In all transactions by mail, we shall charge for for warding tbe certificates, paying postage an 1 doing the business, 25 cents each, which must be enclosed when the Certificate is sent for. Hve certificates will b? cent for $1, eleven for $2, thirty lor $5, sixty-tire for 510, one hundred for $15. WHAT THE PRESS SAY OF U.S. The Lafayette (Ind.) Daily Courier, March 1. 165, save : "A better selected, more varied er fashionable as sortment ot jewelry cannot be found on the continent than Arrandale & Co. are now offering. Mf?'s. Ar randale & Co. occupy a high position in commereial cir cles as men entirely above the common trickery of trade. Their statements may be implicitly reii. d uo-n, both as to the character of theii goods and the manner of dis posal. Ladies especially, in all parts of the c untry, are realizing handso-iie profits as agents, and if any ' 'ur fair readers desire to interest themselves ia then'er prise,,thev may do so with perfect confidence. Great Gift Distribution. -A rare opportunity is of fered for obtaining watches, chains, diainoi.d liru's, sil ver ware, etc , by Messrs. Arrandale & Co. at X". 107 Broadway. They have an immense btock f articiea, varying in value, and all ..r- ifered at one dnliar. eanh. The distribution is very fairly done you agree to taKe a certificate of a certain article, enclosed in an env..-n", and &re not required t pav your d' liar unl-s- m u are satisfied with the article, which will certainly b w.rth more than that amoun', and may b.- it 50 or $ loo. Au excellent mode this of investing a dollar Sur.dav Times, N Y City, Feb 19, 1865. Messrs Arrendale fc Co have long been personally known to us, and we believe them to ie every w;r wor thy ( f publie confidence N Y Scottish American Jour nal, June 11, 1864. J By Messrs. Arramlale & Co. 'a arrangement, th ad vantages must be on the side ol the customer , fr te has every thing to gain and nothing cou; para 1 i ve : v t io.--. He knows what he will get for his dollar bet' -.-li n.d , and he need not send it i( he is not gatisii -d. -S. Daily News, Aug. 6, 1664. We know tbe tirna in .question to bo very- r Si--nablo and thoroughly worthy of public C'Lhi-fic.-, ad recommend our friet,d3 to read tLeir advc: u.-.- ' N. Y. Albion, Sept. 3, 1S64. Employmknt for Ladies. The nvt lijil., and profitable employment we have heard id" - r Ud:s h the sale of certificates for the Gie.u Gilt l t: .,.1 ton ot Arrandale &. Co. A lady of our a-q'i .vta'.c.- has o-en Very successful in tbia way, not on: ti : '-i ti ' " pure, but also in doiBg a j?ood turntoth-s' tow o'c.-ha lold the Certihcatea, as will b- se. n our uav- columns. Gentlemen can also be thu engar-. J. N Sunday Mercury, Aug. 1, 1SG5. AGENTS. We want agents in every rrgimfi.t. aci In every town and county in the country, and see ing us such will be allowed 10 cents oa every ctrtiucite ordered by them , -provided their remittance amonnts to one dollar, also other inducements which can be learn' J on application. Agents will collect 2i ct-nt for every Certificate, and remit 15 cents to us eith.r cash or postage stamps. ARHANALE t (-., 167 Brxad-.vay, York". nov 18 4t-oaw- O PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. hivA three Wa&inzton Hand Presses, in (rood order, for sale No 1, No 3 and No 5. Will be iold for lew than one-half the cost of new Presses, though they will do L good work. Address J. L. PENNINGTON, noT18-tf Eeiter Progress. D ISSOLUTIO.V Tbe copartnership haretof rt- LEMAN, UPCHURCH 4 CO i. tual coDBent. w. existing between SOL hereby 'dissolved by uu V H HOI.LK MAN, w g upcuuaca, W U DODD. -v. H. TCP''. G. UPCHCECH.... NEW STORE. UPCHURCH t DODD, No. 4 Hargett street, Ssr.d3tone Frott, ( aia of tbe firm of Holleman, Dpchnrch & Co,) now olr to their friend Ka r.nMin crpnar&llv a select rtock of Faxiiv Gro ceries, which they promise to eeli as cheap as any other house in tee city, you a bargain. Give them a cai! and tbev will gio novlS 3t A N ACRE LOT FOR SALE. An era lot "in a erood the citv cf Ba!eigb. may be had on reasonabJe terms. No improvements, but an excellent place to improve. Persons wbhing to pur chase can ascertain particulars by application to EDITOR PROGRESS.