BY J. L. PENNINGTON. I C TELEGRAPHIC. ASSOCIATED PRESS REPO RTS. ' Latest from Jamaica 1,050 Rebels Hung. New York, Nov. 18. The Jamaica Standard says that over one thousand fifty rebels have been hanged. It is probable, too, that before the court martial closes two thousand will suffer death for their attempt to exterminate the whites. New York Market. New Yobk, Nov. 18. Cotton 6teady at fifty-two to fifty-three cents. Flour declined five to ten ceDts. Southern $9 16 to $9 30. Wheat declining. Beef steady. Pork quiet. Lard firm. Whisky dull. mm Affairs in Tennessee. Naehville, Nov. 18. The cotton market was ac tive to-day, the prices ranging from forty to forty three cents per pound. Murder and robbery are of frequent occurrence I here. , f 1 s- Particulars of the Death of Hon Preston I New Yobk, Nov 14. A little boy and girl saw a I gentleman answering the description of Preston King jump overboard from one of the Hoboken ferry-boats, ion Monday morning. They have been sent for, and I from them further particulars may be learned. The liat brought to the city has been recognized by Mr. Thurlow Weed, Mr. King's private secretary, and Mr. (Usher, deputy naval officer. ; Mr. King stated to a very intimate friend, on Sun day night, that he would not see him again. Know ing that Mr. King had been, for some time, laboring tinder a depression of spirits, he took but little notice of the matter. His health has been poor for some time, and latterly he had shown indications oa soft ening of the brain. He had only returned to the city last Saturday from a visit to his home in St. Law rence county. He went to the Astor House, where he remained over Sunday with his friend. On 'Jonday morning he arose, dressed himself, and said o his relative, who slept in the same room with him , hat he wished to take a walk and preferred going lone. About eight o'clock he went up town. 2 Since his return from the country he had suffered lore than ever from depression of the mind. He ,as next heard of on board a ferry-boat, returning om Christopher street to Hoboken. It was reported yesterday morning that a man had mped overboard. Four of Mr. King's friends visi ; 1 the boat to-day, and found that a gentleman iswering the description of Mr. K. had entered the L rat yesterday at 9 o'clock, and remained on the : Irrn end, and when the boat was midway in the ' : :am. waa seen bv two children and the nassenerers 7 " t A i that end of the boat, to take off bis hat and jfimp rrboard. The alarm was given and the boat Etrpped bat the body was not seen by any one on trird. As the tide was falling at the time, it is rrcbable that the body was washed out to sea. The men employed on the boat had seen a man cowering Mr. King's description get on board of the -tcit.' AU parts of this story are strongly confirmed, llr. King has been much perplexed ever since his appointment over affairs a, the custom-house, which rreihed heavily upon his. mind, and undoubtedly culminated in his death. Those most intimate with . himhave caretnlly watched bis failing health, and rcrratly he has been attended by a companion, who occupied a room with him at the Aster House and . matched his movements. Mr. King was a bachelor. : -Tbe "Florida otato xuventlon, which assembled on the,25th of October, passed, on the third day of its session, by a unanimous vote, an ordinance declaring the secession ordinance annulled. There was consid erable discussion over propositions to pronounce it, insteadrnull and void,- and to declare, as did the North' Carolina Convention, that it always had been null and void ; but the majority would not accede to cither of the latter forms of wording, it being conten ded by the advocates of the ordinance as It passed, that annulling was equivalent to pronouncing null and void. A committee of five was appointed to solicit of President Johnson the release of Jeff. Davis, .lir; Mallory, rebel ex-Secretary of the Navy ; Mr. Ynlee, ex-United States Senator ; and ex-Governor Allison, of Florida. i-The Columbia Phcenix says: We are informed ' cf a most painful and fatal occurrence on one of the Lacks from Alston. About one and a half miles this dde of Hope Station, the hack, or ambulance, was precipitated into a gulley about fifteen feet deep. 1 The result was that four passengers were killed aud three severely wounded. Among the passengers tilled was the Rev. Dr. James Cohen, so long known as professor in the Theological Seminary in this city ; f Mrs. VanWinkle, of Charleston ; an English lady, (name not keown) a resident in the family of Mr. ? Peronneaux, of Charleston ; and a colored servant or I nurse. There is great blame to be attached some- where. Under our present information, we forbear h comment. Intelligence received. at Washington, from Gen. Howard reports that bis tour of inspection has thu3 far beu of the greatest benefit. He has corrected many errors that worked disadvantageous! for the Freedmen's bureau. The Freedmen's bureau has received a communi cation from Surgeon Lawton, chief medical officer of the Freedmen's bureau at Augusta, Ga., in which he savs that at the time of his entry there were two hundred cases of small-pox among the freed men at Macon, and the disease was spreading rapidly, the citv hospital, which is under the charge of the civil authorities, was also crowded with patients. A hos pital is being erected at Atlanta. Surgeon Lawton is confident that the suffering in this neighborhood, during the coming winter, will be great. Mexican advices, via Brownsville, assert tbst the Liberals are still besieging Matamoras. The women and children are leaving the city and taking refuge on the American side. The United States forces are reported as cheering the besiegers on. U is also reported that the Imperial steamer Persoona '' fired four shots among these American sympathizers, with what effect is not reported. Z1 , A Senator who called on General Grant a day or two ago, remonstrated with him for keeping so many general officers in the service unemployed. He ro .ji.u Ko had Kflveral weeks ago made out a net jj lieu tuai uu - , . n - to be mustered out, but that they were hanging tire in the War Department or some oiner pmue. t- Twia ia rennrted as having recently given in very brief terms his opinion-of Fenianism i and the execution of Wirz. Of the fbrmei -he said "It s a vkm aA thfl latter that "The Government UUUUlUj c v ,) rl not have cone far to hang many worse men. nQr, Wnwflrrt has issued a circular at Jackson, Miss., urging the officers ot the bureau to endeavor to counteract the laise impressions auu pi ously circulated among the ireedmen, which tend to indnstrv and create disorder. m. n p niinrh snprJal denutv collector, has been appointed temporarily to fill the position made vacant by the death of Hon. Preston King, Collector of New York. The Norfolk Day Book notices the arrival there of Colonel Lamb, so well and favorably known to the people of North Carolina. He la yet feeble from the severe wound he eecelred at Fort Fisher. VOL. VI. IIow they View it in th ivnrth SpeikiBg of the result of the elections in this State, he Albany Morning Express says : f JJi?PT?l?.fnt is g.aid to have 'eceived a telegram rrom Mr. Holden saying that he was probably elect ed Governor cf North Cirolina by a small majority Previous repcrts elected Worth by over five Phon ed Thip !-le that Holden is really elect ed -the Ralegh Progress puts it strongly and cor rectly when ii say8 that .if Governor Holden is beaten the sane men who did it would vote for Jef ferson Da via ox Z,bolon B. Vance against Andrew Johnson. IhB is undoubtedly true. Mr. Worth himself is probably not a very bad man, but the ammus of his elation, if he be elected, is 'secession! It was the secessionists who supported him, and his election won d be .heir triumph. It would be hard to recognize the will of tbe North Carolina people until such action had been reversed." f Rev. Dr. Deems " The -- a rsew York paper says : "We are glad to learn that this paper is about to be published in this city, under the editorial man agement cf the Rev. Dr. Deems, a gentleman of dis tinguished ability and learnine. and ot exaltpd nfr- sonal character and well known piety. a correspondent suggests that the Conference to which the Reverend" Doctor belongs ousht to make some arrangements by which he might obtain the charge of a regular congregation in this city. We are very sure that there are many here, even among those who belong to other churches, who hone tha't iuia suggestion may oe favorably acted unon. and who would become constant members of his congre gation if one shall be organized. War " Down East." Tbo New York Times, of tbo 14th says : We have, from apparently trustworthv au'horitv. a rather startling rumor of trouble of a serious charac ter on tbe Canadian border. It appears that a British officer took the liberty of sending a company of marines across the line into the State of Maine to arrest deserters : that his men themselves, finding they were on foreign soil, deserted him : that annli- cation was made to our authorities to have th men given up, which was, of course, refused. The report adds that the Washington Government, on being apprized of the case, immediately ordered Hancock's corps, or a portion thereof, to rendezvous in Maine. Such is the story ; and this much is certain, that a body of troops lett Hartford at midnight on Sunday for Augusta, Me. Conflict in Mississippi. The Nashville Press states that a conflict has alreadv broke out between Provisional Governor Sharkey and Judge Hum phreys, the Governor elect. Humphreys hates the Federal authority so badly that he wants Sharkey to get out immediately and let him assume the office of Governor, while Governor Sharkey, on the other hand, refuses to abdicate until ordered to do so from Washington. The President has instructed Gover nor Sharkey to hold on to his office until it tained whether Congress wiu adt; tKQ tvt; -.-pi delegation, and recognize her as a State in the Union. How to Stop Divorce. By a Prussian Uw passed in 1844, no divorce can be tried until the clergyman of the parish in which the unhappy cou ple live has had an opportunity of reconciling tnem to their chains. Ia the year 1864 there were seven thousand five hundred aud ninety-six couples who wished to part, and of those no less than three thous and seven hundred and seventy-four were Influenced by the clergyman to give up their unamiable inten tions. In this way the lawyers lost no less than forty-eight per cent, of their .expected business. Hon. Simon Cameron, in an address to several regiments of colored troops at Harrisburg on Tuesday, said that President Johnson is determined to deal justly with all persons, and " I know that with his approval no State that was in rebellion will be allow d to return to the benefits of the Union without having first a constitutional compact which will prevent slavery In this land lor all time to come ; which will prescribe no distinction of color on the witness stand and in the jury box, aud which will protectee homes and domestic relations of all men and women. He will insist, too, on the repudiation of ail debts con tracted for the support of the war of the rebellion." Despatches from New Orleans report unusual and mysterious preparations in military circles there con sequent upon the reception of tbe late news from the Rio Grande. Troops are being sent to tbe Mexican frontier, the sale of transportation has been stopped, and vessels are beiag placed in a belligerent condi tion. The leading hotel in Washington has raised its prices tc five dollars per day, for the especial benefit of Congressmen. The preparations for a regular scalping season by hotel and boarding housekeepers are so vigorous, that quite a number of members are making their preparations to reside in Baltimore. Captain S. S. Lee, formerly ot the navy, and brother to Gen. Lee, Is about to take?up his residence on the Potomac, in Maryland, and engage io agricul tural pursuits. Captain Lse entered the navy in 1820, and is about 65 years of age. One of the Richmond journals advises the Repre sentatives elect from Virginia to stay at home until invited to take their seats in Congress, and in relation to the test oath says, " Woe unto those that take the oath better that they had never been born." Savannah papers notice the death in that city of Judge W. A. Forward, a resident of Pilatka, Fla., and a distinguished and highly esteemed citizen of that State. Judge Forward was a native of New York State. At a convention of the McKeon Democracy, held on Wednesday evening in New York, Mayor Sodfrey C. Gunther was nominated for , re-election, and Richard O'Gorman as a candidate for Corporation Counsel. The culture of cotton in Southeast Missouri, ac cording to a St. Louis paper, already meets with marked success. New Madrid and Dunklin counties have each produced 2,000 bales this year. Two men from the weckjof thejsteamer Repub lic were recently rescued from a raft off Cape Hat teras. They had been eight days without food or water. A street car was run into by the Richmond train, of WaaKWtnn. on Thursday, and completely de- moli hed. Several persons were iu w ' ' - O ' . ' I.. :-!. hn rrt rmft Frank Blair has gone to ISTew Orleans, and It is said that he will inflict as many speecnw aa uo u rhnr.fl to down the Southern people. During the war two colored soldiers enlisted in the District of Columbia for every white one. RALEIGH, MONDAY, NOV. THE CITY. JSS-Persons in city aid country are reqtusted, at all times, to furnish us verbil or written information of ny events of public interest which may transpire in their neighborhoods, or of whjchTmay have "knowledge. Important to Business Men.- The Daily Pao GRES3 will appear in csv type and an enlarged form on Monday next, the J7th instant, and as we shall issue a large edition of car enlarged sheet to circulate 6'Bluuuu"J Kuiuugnw ine state, as a specimen copy, business men wll consult their own interests by handing in their eves, so as to have them appear In that issue. We shin also revise oar advertising rates with the enlargement of the paper, and we promise they shall fce vfry moderate. Hand in your advertisements by Saturtay next. Seasonable mm-a. Th pracxiwi ,,iUfc 0f th. freedmen's bureau has been seriously quest11 by some of the ablest publicists in this country, but we are inclined to question their logic The evils upon which they have predicated their reason ing are not justly chargeablato the system, but re sult most frequently from maadministration on the part of those into whose hanis its operation -has been confided. In this department we have been particularly fortunate. Col. Whittlesey, chief of the bureau in North Carolina, has, we think, given as much satisfaction as it was pssible for any man to afford under like embarrassing circumstances. We are convinced that he has scrupulously pursued a line of conduct such as he beliexed accorded with the purposes of the government and the varied in terests within his jurisdiction. All the circulars he has issued bear the impress of genius in which is blended the qualities of the christian and firm ness of the magistrate. No one f them, however, is more marked in that respect than the one printed in Saturday's Progress. It warns freedmen of the necessity of labor ; tells them of the early with drawal of government assistance ; and of the en forcement against the idle of the laws affecting va grancy. The class whom he addresses have only one wise course open to them : the immediate adop tion of the course recommended by Col. Whittle sey. It is their salvation now and in the future. It is easy to see what different conduct will work for them. It will demonstrate to north and south their unfitness for the new relation proposed for them and in every State of the Union we shall have laws establishing compulsory industry. The blacks can only defeat such legislation by practically il- i-'strating that tb u r it They mUSb gU IU TTVlli. VVUQ1CVC1 CUiJIIWJf UlCUfc uust- for a week, month or year but systematically as the white race, and it is only by so d'ng that they may hope to escape a curtailment r l treedom nere or colonization abroad. Let them look to it. The Mails. We referred recently to the fact that our Wilmington and Newbern exchanges did not reach us either expeditiously or regularly. It now appears that close connections are not formed at Goldsboro. The following note throws consider able light on the nutter : Editor Progress :ln your paper of the 16th, I see. you have found out some of the causes of the delay infie Newberi and Wilmington mails. The mail arrives at Goldsbero from Newbern about 9 nY.loirfc. n. m.. and rtmains in that office till 5.10 , r- i the; 'next evening only 21 hours. " The mail from Wilmington arrives in Goldsboro about 12 p. m. and temams there till 5.10 the next eveninsr only about 18 hours. Who is to blame? Justice. We hope that sone better arrangement will soon be made to do away with these delays. As now managed, the press and the public suffer consider able inconvenience. Varieties. If you want anything to eat, fish, flesh or fowl, go to Variety Whitaker's around the corner, on Hargett Btreet. His store is literally rammed, jammed and crammed with vegetables, fruits, meats, fish, fowls, and indeed and in fact ev- ervthincr that the honsekeeDer will be likely to 1 - want. He has the largest cabbages, the largest sweet potatoes, the finest apples, the biggest tur keys, the fattest chickens, the" nicest partridges, and th freshest and best nrovisions, substantial and luxuries, to be found in all the region round about. Read his advertisement in the Progress, go and ex nminA his Kt.nck and buv what you want. You will find Whitaker and his wares all right. A Meeting of citizens is talked of here to take ortncirWftHon the matter of hieh rents. We hope it may be held and that the conference may result in some arrangement between landlords aid tenants to reduce the rates now existing. In other cities renters and owners of property have taken counsel together, and the result has been mutually beneficial. Let tbe experiment ub ineu. Accident from a Pistol. A man living on Hills- boro street, near the railroad bridge, named O'Con nell a son of "ould Ireland," caused the premature discharge of a pistol, yesterday afternoon, in at tempting te remove the cap from it while his hand was over the muzzle. One finger was torn to pieces by the ball. Auction Bills, Business Cards, Circulars, BUI Heads, and in fact printing of all kinds done at the Procress Office with promptness and in the best style of the art; and as our facilities for printing are more extensive and better than those of any other establishment in the State, at lower rates than the same can be done elsewhere. - - - The sale of furniture, &c, belonging to the late Wm. J. Lougee, will take place this morning. To those who wish to buy household articles this auc tion offers a good opportunity. 20, 1865 NO. 315. Store Robbed. The store of Mr. James Rnr north side Harget, between Wilmington and Fay- ciicvme streets, was burglariously entered Fridav night and robbed of sundry things, besides between fifty and a hundred dollars in greenbacks. It ap pears that the burglars effected an entrance to the premises through a rear window, made a light and after ransacking the house and appropriating such articles as they desired, unlocked and retired by the back door. Mr. R. cannot say exactly what his loss is nor has any clue been obtained to the perpetrators of the misdeed. The proper steps have been taken to ferret out the guilty and we sincerely trust they may-be successful. J y Too Fond ok Horse Flesh. In spite of an our XS'tieSYr." 5fmlftfKiliJ' HW natality fhr Saturday, a f reedman appearing on our streets well mounted and offering to dispose of a magnificent horse for $40. Again the city custodians made it convenient to be on hand and took rider and steed in charge. Upon investigation, it was shown that the animal had been stolen from a Mr. Rogers, a short distance in the country. The owner recover ed his property and the darky went where all bad darkies go : to the lock-up. The National Express. We learn that the new National Express company will commence opera tions here to day. They have opened an office a few doors below that of the Southern Express com pany on Fayetteville street. Col. W. E. Anderson, a gentleman of fine business capacity and formerly an officer in the Bank of North Carolina, has been appointed agent for this city for the new company. We doubt not but tne increasing ousmess ui me country will give both companies enough to do. , M ' Recovered. We are informed that Mr. Stedman, of this county, yesterday recovered two mules sto len from him Saturday night. Under the advice of Officer Parker he proceeded to make search for the long-eared critters and tound them near Green's mill, a white and black man having them in custo dy. On seeing him approach, the two thieves fled and Mr. S. took quiet possession ot tbe mules. Caught Them. Last Saturday morning, just be fore day, two colored "gemmen" appeared in the citv in nossession of a fine oxen. he police sus- picioned that all was not right and after due inqui- j j- ry arrested the rascals. They were handed over the military autnoriues ana me oen nuumeu m I the owner, Mr. Morris, wno resiaesaooui iourmnes See the schedule of the Atlantic and North Ca rolina railroad. We understand that tbe means of transportation on the line are to be kept to the mark necessary to the public accommodation. It is now pretty well equipped and those who control its practical operations are thoroughly competent for the task. Brushing Up. The legislature assembles here next Monday and the hotels, boarding houses, and other places of public entertainment are brushing ud for the occasion. We like to see it such move ments are proofs of enterprise, energy and tact. i Small Pox.. We learn from an official source that all cases of small pox have been removed be yond the corporate limits. There is not a case in the city and should new ones break out they will be disposed of in like manner instantly. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS RALEIGH AND GASTON RAILROAD. Arrives - 8 45 P M Departs - 30 A M NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. West Arrives - 4 60 AM. DeDarts - r m East Arrives 8 15 PM Departs 4 30 A M NEW ADVERTISEMENTS AILROAD SCHEDULE Offici Atlamtio ahd N. C. R. R. Cokpaht, JTew Berne, n u., hot iu, ie. j The Passenger Traini will run daily (Sundays except ed) on and after to-day the following schedule : Leave Goldsboro f A M Arrive at Mosely Hall - 8 60 A. M Leare Mosely Hall 5 A M Arrive at Kinston - JJ M Leave Kinston J Arrive at New Berne.......M.... J JO A M Leave New Berne......... 12 00 M Arrive at Morehead City P H Leave Morehead City 3 00 P M Arrive at New Berne J 50 P M Leave New Berne...... J 20 P M Arrive at Kinston J '0 P M Leave Kinston - J Arrive at Mosely Hall 8 IS P M LeIie'Mosely all 8 20 P M Arrive at Goldsboro..... 9 50 r 11 ; WM. H. HARVEY, nov20-tf Superintendent of Transportation. JOB PRINTING. Daily Progress Office. AHEAP OF ALL COMPETITION ::o::- HAVING SECURED THE SERVICES OF A GEN tleman of many years experience, an excellent printer and & worthy man, for our JOB DEPARTMENT, we feel confident of our ability to turn outwork of all kfnda with greater rapidity than any other establishment in the State. The gentleman who has taken charge of the Job Printing Department has an interest rh that branch f the business ; he is prompt and reliable, and all who favor us with their orders may be sure of dispatch, ac curacy and low charges. Books, Pamphlet, Handbills, Circulars, Cards and Printing of all kinds done ia the beat style of the art and cheaper than at any other es tablishment. We have the most extensive assortment of Job MattriaJ ia the oity. , nov20-tf TUe Vnfn r in the counties given : e officiSrote Worth. 630 619 217 77 416 272 368 642 388 i la Anson, , Alamance, Burke, Bertie, Bladen, Cartaret, Cleaveland, Cumberland, Camden, Catawba, s Columbus, Craven, (reported) Holdon. 70 451 428 377 00 256 302 291 21 - 316 80 maj. 188 911 405 295 80 476 161 56 Chatham, '552 707 185 2S7 369 6S3 462 426 1110 400 1261 Cll 606 240 721 138 32 534 220 rd4 473 464 620 571 576 640 571 2'v7 6S2 , 45: o'2o swell, Cabarrus. Davie Davidson, Duplin, Edgecombe, Forsyth, Franklin, Guilford, Granville, Gaston, Halifax, Harnett, Iredell, Johnson, Lenoir, Mecklenburg, Nasb, New Hanover. Pit, Richmond, Robeson, Rockingham, Rowan, Randolph, Rutherford, Wilson, Wayne, - Wake, Warren, 68 518 (reported maj. ) 604 253 maj. 214 359 849 S44 353 263 114 m 243 278 341 652 278 211 96 1702 46 Tbe Legislature. We give below the nanus of the members eltrt t-- the Legislature, to assemble in thia city on the fourtb Monday of November, as far as receiver) : SENATE. Anson Covington. Burke, Caldwell and McDowell J M Ibel. Brunswick, Bladen and Columbus A J J nes. Bertie John Pool. Cumberland and Harnett A D McLean. Carterett and Jones M F Arendell. Camden Dennis Ferrebee. Cumberland McLean. Cabarrus and Stanly Mr. McEachen. Chatham L W Grreil. Caawell T A Donoho. Craven J. D Whit ford. Cleaveland, Rutherford and Polk C L Harris. Davidson J M Leach. Duplin J D Stanford. E'lgecombe and Wilson Grg" H warl, jr. Franklin Washington HarrU. Forsyth and S okes J n Bo er. Green and Lenoir J H Coward. Granville B F. Bullock Guilford J. T. Morehead. Halifax ML Wiggins. Iredell, Wilkes and Alexander A. M. Bogle. Johnson T. D. Soead. Lincoln, Gaston and Catawba W P Bynnm. Mecklenburg J. H. Wilson. Nash H G Williams. Orange W. A. Graham. Pitt Blount. Randolph and Alamance-Dr. Black. Rockingham Thomas Settle. Rowan and Davie Wm. Shober. Robeson and Richmond Leitch. Surry, Ashe, fcc A C Cole. Sampson Thomas I. Faison. Wake W. D. Jones. Wayne BeDj. Aycock. Warren T. J. Pitchford. Washington and Tyrell Chas Latham. COMMONS. Alamance Moore and McAden. Bladen Lucas. Burke Joseph Mahler. Bertie Lewis Thompson, P T Henry. Carterett M J Davis. Cumberland--Smith and Shaw. Columbus T M Smith. Cabarrus R W Allison. Catawba Dr. James Mott. Caswell Sam'l S. Harrison, P. HodDett. Chatham R B Paschall, G P Moore and J. A. McDonald. Craven M. E. Manly, Mr. Chadwlck. Camden J. G. Luke. Cleaveland J W Gidney and J R Logan. Caldwell Jame3 C Harper. Duplin Kenan and Faison. Davidson Mr. Kioney and S S Jones. Davie Joseph McGuire. Forsyth Charles Tea gue and Wm. Wheeler. Guilford Messrs. Caldwell, Smith and Houston. Gastdn D A Jenkins. Green J B Faircloth. Granville W. H. Jenkins, E. B. Lyon aud Col. Dal by. Harnett Neil McKay. Halifax Dr. Joy ner, A. H. Davis. Iredell L Q. Sbvpo, J. M. Rosebcro. Johnson Chas. Beasley, J. R. Coats. Lenoir W. W. Duod. Lincoln J F Hoke. McDowell W F Craige. Mecklenburg R. D. Whitley and J. M. Hutcbl son. New Hanover R. H. Cowan and J. B. Uawes. Nash Mr ArrlogtOQ. Orange R F Webb and S F Phillips. Pasquotank Mr. Burgess. Pitt Yellowly, Henrahan. Rowan Luke Blackmer and M L Hmfs. Rockingham Joseph Holderby and J W Burton. Randolph E. T. Blair, Joel Aehworth. Richmond Cameron. Robeson McEachin and McNair. Rutherford and Polk Nathan Scroggin3 and J M Hamilton. Surry J M Waugh. Sampson Patrick Murpby and Jno.C. Williams t ! union Jonathan - Wull. Wake K. Rayner,R. K. Ferrell, A. F. Page. Wayne W. T. Faircloth, J. H. Everett. Warren T J Jadkins and W A Jenkins. Washington J A Wilson. . . Tbe Sttpreme Court of New York Ins declare that certain lottery dealers in that SU'.u fcbl reluod $20,000 advanced to them by varions partus. Gen. Hood was in Paris, Kentucky, on the 30th ttlt., en route to Mt. Sterling, where hi mother resides. Tbe Kentucky Legislature cclvccs ou the first Monday in December. Maj. Geo. Ewell has made Ttoeessea hia adop ted SUte. , . .. Nashville, Tencessee, has acquired a population of 80,000.