s 5 ' I'l fit! ssts " In proportion as the strudm i 1 Votini. No. 29.1 SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER Si, 1818. 7 r ' ' VT nVhole No, 133, i - fill IP 1 1 ! - -f WILMINGTON, )vUy : Ittl: CTEDj WEEKLY! BY WILLIAM ,nOLLiNS0SAbV VMS. Three dollar per year ; payable in ad vance. ' ; , -..I.1'-'','' : rl-f:r'-- - 'v'-';:';'' V'rrv V, No rinbscription taken for less than oneryear. e Sub icribers - will be j continued 1 on the list, and be eonsid tredL responsible; for payment' to- an indefinite period i unless a wish ' should be signified to withdraw their rames. : 4";-: ' : .. Adr trtl3ements, not exceeding fourteen lines, for the first inlertion one doUir, arid twenty-five cents for;each continuance. Those Over fourteen lines, inserted at the san Je rate. a Lette ys to the Editor must be post paid. : i t . . . -: Boston, November 6.. DeMtruction 1 ofi tlie Excbanse Goffeef . , House by Fire. j " f O Tticsday night last about 7 o'clock, that Qpm ; modioQs and superb Building,'The Boston Exchange Collee House, was discovered to be on lire. 1 he Mr. PrinoVsr BundiDar. was ocamied " by Mr. .Wbite,fra8of f Mrmllincolat Printer, and several fajniliejS.MrvXi's loss in types, &c., has , The nljr ; stcKbrJoiar8nce on the Etchan Cofiee Hcti-tf, we understand was that .effected by pne.pronnvir at me rncenix umce ior ' On Vedsesday a boy 10 of 1 years of age, slip ped info a bjlofj beer ; which was standing open among the burning rums of the CoSee1 House, and was so scalded s to cause 4its death., - ' M uch. 01 the . furniture of the t Exchange Coffee House, and mantfof the trunks. 6tc belonginfi: to travellers who had pdt-vp at ftat building:, are miss- ing, wmca may nave escapea ine nre ; ana we are desired to request persons who may have any such property in their possession, io leave it with Mr. Barrium, at the Province; House.' ' v ' t . - From a Magaime printed in 1809. DtiSCTIPTION" Of THE EXCHANGE COFFEE , - - house. . - ' This srand Dile was beeun in April, 1806, and finished, or nearly so, in April, 1509, and cost in- fire broke out in an upper entry at the South West nmsnea, or nearly so, in Apni, ana cosi in- ; Corner, and the. wind was S. W. The flames dding the furniture of the Hotel, about 500,000 3preadwith such rapidity; that notwithstandin and many citizens roents and other Citizens of the Keadinz 1 r dollars, i Considering the magnitude of the build ing, the space of time was extremely short for its ;' . rr . - . ' Til. . Room at the time aiid the I! erection, and affords a striking example of tlie pow-11 ment solejy for the use of the ladies, to adjust their town assembled instantly arid used their best efforts, the flames progressed to the notaffurd sufficient opportunity for: the premvation W B. Jaryis, to y pf rich furniture which it con- wnSf Skill and -unremitted attention wr. u. was From this we ascend to the Bali Room, ifhich ii : JffitVLYilXlPORTED one of the most taseral splehdid rooms on the con-1 " . - " tinent. The ceiling is divided with architectural M ' nicery into three beautiful domes, which at their . 0 , UadL V, Y ; lUfoilld O ; , junction i are supported by a grand teiling, i releivedll . , n tmTT pwTttj . mn ' trrinanlur tw ( SMKCH & IVIlilGrATE, ; , nV7sf JVi'W r c-me? d Havejust received the following Articles, ornament the rodm, which is T4 feet 6 inches in J-. - . r t, f 7 length; SO feeMn breadth, and 17 feet Jiigh; having , W enabled to fell loix: nine length windows, -Oa one side of the room Iron, rifimed dosct and Knob Locks, i " :I i isxhe Orchestra, which is supported by four pillars, Common Stock and Plate locks, some superior and as many pilastfs of the lonick order, with an Chest, Drawer, Pad and Cupboard Locks, : . appropriate entablature and cornice. The musicians Superior Table, Pocket, Pen and Jack Knives, t f J enter, if by a door I which communicates with the Socket and cast steel firmer Chissclt, " 1 third gallery. -The jceilirig is lighted by five superb Hand, Mill, Cross Cut and Vhip Saw Files, and costly cjiandeliers,rwhichj with the girandoles Sash, Tenant end Hand Saws; from 6 to 30 in and branches of the mirrors, reflecting and reflected H.tIL and H. L raised joint Hinges, ' ; by mirror windows dn each side the Orchestra; have Hood and By e Hinges, ' 4 , - a grand ettect. I ; ; 1 onon and long handle, r tying Pans, M There mttsick throws her quick'ning spirit 'round, And beodiag arches catch the joyous sound j Whila circling mirrors fill'd with life-appear, Ana gurrnng arrows teach tlie danger near." i ' ' j j- . . I 'I PartFrfo. This room is also used, on particular occasions, as Seine ami Sewing Tw a uauuueung uoonu . - ' At the east end of1 this room is an elegant apart- Scfapers, Hammers, Kail and Spike GimbleUV r r V n . : j ti i t. uraw-ing rwmves, uoor anq nuow liolts, Trace Chains. Black Tacks. &c I er of industi-v and nerseverance. 1 he founder was Andrew Uexter Junr. Jsq The architect was Mr. Jonathan Whitney ; and the of the great quantity t tained much of whioh was consumed, or otherwise . destroyed, with liquors and other storev i - . : Tlie rapidity of the fire, under such peculiar cir 1 'bumstances, has neve jf perhaps been equalled by any oonflagratbn except that at the Richmond Thea- tre. - ' ' -1: " , After the wood work of the building had been ' principally consumed., portions of the Southern and riorthern Walls, fell over. That on the Southern 1 OrrpftH v inrfphfpri-7 ?l xv ia seven, siuiics iiitu, exclusive ot spacious ress, or rest, alter the tatisue of uanemz. bemz furnished with, a toilet table, pier glass, sofa, chairs, and girandoles. At either end arc also Card Rooms, handsomely fitted up. j ' There yre two stories over the; Ball Room in each of which is a corridor, with Bed Chambers on each side, regularly numbered, and fitted up with great cellars under the whole: contains two hundred neatness to the amount of sixty, v . , arid covers nearly an acre of ground.. ! Lxclusive of what we have before described, there are many eiegant auting itooms and Bed Chambers, occupied by travellers and resident boarders, who ilbie in their own apartments, or at a general table laid in a room set apart for their use. rL ' -i . 1 t . . ... ... ' xue iwiicnen, wnicn we nave not hitherto noticed. W t ' . mm . ' I apartments The original intention ot the founder in placing I it back from State street, was to form a spacious avenue, of 50 v feet in width, extending from the north front of the building to State street, on each 1 I 1 I I ' M I I . k I A I ' siae 01 wnicn was 10 nave oeen erecteu eiegani snops ALSO, . i : I.-;'-. . A supply of superior English Canvas, ; - Seine and Sewing Twine, 8 by 10, ; 10 by 12, and 12 by: 14, Bristol -Crown i Yellow Ochre, Spanish Brown.1 . . I - Black, Blue and Green Paint, . ' 4' ' White l-ead, and Dutch Paint, Oil. ' wovembery ; ' , . : 3t FOR SALE, . , 75 bagp ureen Cotlee, 100 barrels Flour, -Jamaica 4th proof Grenada . ' RUM.in Hogsheads. ' N. England 5 ! Scotch porter, by the dozen; or barrel, Une bale Ulankets, Sole Leather, Molasses In Hogsheads. Nov 14: P. LOBRE. used, by the. house arid partly occupied by grocers.' r18'1" and breadth-as the Dining sine Deal m a portion 01 me wan 01 xne rnenas if V. w" . V ntd! tnrnidil xx,Uh vtAnc,:. n f ij 1L-1 - 1 - iwT- i , I ennAr Kir TirwinrL- arc Tcfmnf a Q4.ft iwom, ana is lurmsheu with di extensive range ot ipparaius ior cooking. Aojoming a otner necessary .appendages. ' )le are extensive ' cellars, trartlv nnArono ottonOMl3 till IIW WllllC lUaiLlCi tUUlSJUS WIUUUWB Ul Cioaa Uill , jr. . i.v . .. .. ' i taken tlown bv order b? the Selectmen : and to the tne largest dimensions, surmounted by an elegant mechanics employed the task was one of great labor, I cornice, and battlement railing. - The entrance is dlthCUlty and danger.! : . uiuauiemcu uy a large puiLiw, auppui icia ujr si. pi- It is said that during the fire thefrdnt Wall, from to of the Ionik order, with an appropriate enta- heat, had become so warped, that a part ot the top blature. To this portico you ascend by a flight of nroipf.tprl owarils Conorpss atrMt. a font hovonrf stone stept3, and enter at a spacious door, wmch'is the base: but tlie whole in cooling resumed Us up- ornamented yith a beautiful fanlight, supported by Town opBlakely, Montgomery county riMit nnsition I t ? I 41 four Inoick 'pillars, aud entablature. - . i 1 f , ngni posiuuu. ! - ... . r j' . -.4j--m's. - X north Carolina. Mr, Barnum, the industrious, intelligent and genM -yuugrw aueei, ri 1 and disnlavs an elegant front of 103 feet in extent: 'l t ! l , I ' t ' II io hioa rT vi-oTif a anil tha Koeamant- ctnrtr rT varKtta 11 m k "W! "W T" ' ' WTH- . manners nau given universal sansiacuon, ana wnoseiiiw Mtw v.. .j' '""'J " "H"?' s I -.A 54 Is BL V 117 Ivr 3 M - ent lucrative establishment t wiaroje - xnra iuc is sireugmeneu, as wen as orua- i fJMM mm ja, js. jl pews; ' :. '. Nos. 43 and 79. in St. James Church, for sale. Apply I at this Office. ; t ; 3t. Nov. 14. . i - - - - FOR PUBLISH PROPOSALS, Valuable Medicines NG BY SUBSCRIPTION, IN THE . .-' . ' THE ProDrietor of Lee's oricinal Family Medicines respectfully, infprrns his friends and the; public in gene iral, that he continues carefully o prepare' the above well estaousnea lecucincs, at dis uispensary, io. oo Hanover street, Haiti more,' where they are ahvayi-to" be had, wholesale and retral. " "i " CCJ Those who purchasc'to sell 'again wdi be treated witn on ine most uucrai icrms. . ; prospects of a permanent lucrative establishment had assumed a most cheering charactet, has had all his expectations blasted in a moment, and is a most extreme superer oy ms. calamity.! - J - AVe undlrstand Mri'B had S 16,000 worth! of furniture ; and has tost S 5000 worth of bottled -wines.,- -.y V l - ' ' ' ' Tie Hoitt Mr. Clay hau just entered his room, on his return from Salem, when the alarm of fire was given. He carried a small trunk to a neighbor ing house, and then took a station to hand water. The latter part of the night he lodged at the house of Mr. Blake. ' ..-.-- The St. John's Misonic Lodge was sitting in the Hall at the North West corner, when the fire began : and 70 or .80 members and visiters were present ; but the most directi communicationtbetween that part and where the 'fire was, had been closed for sometime. Property of the particular Lodges in town to the amouuti of about S000 dollars is sup- nosed to have beenf destroyed but most of their common property: was saved. J . j : u men ted, by six marble pilasters whose plinths are ruatick work ; the capitals are of the lonick order, surmounted uy a ineze and trusses supporting a beautiful pediment of the same order hi architec ture. In the centre is a superb Venetian window, I ornamented with 4 circular fan, supported by .Dorick pillars. Exclusive of this are 48 windows of glass! of the largest dimensions, You enter this front by an arcneq ooor way wnicn aomus you iq me omces iri the basement story, for, vou may ascend a flieht ot steps to the lixchange r loor. A plan was in agitation to cut a handsome street from Congress to Kilby street, and from thence to Broad street, which; if carried, into, etfect would have displayed this elegant front to the greatest ad vantage. . -aty- 'v:;- .: - The whole edifice is surmounted: by an elegant anu spacious uome, . iuu leec au mcnes in circum ference, covered With plates of tin, alter the method practised iq Montreal,, from whence the tinners lit THOMAS LOHING. 'THE many advantages which the situation of the jown'of Blakelj possesses, in regard to its local position, as well as! the vast resources of the adja cent country, together '.tvitli the patronage bestowed upon it by some cfj the most wealthy and influen tial gentlemen inthe western parts of the state, A sovereign remedy for colds, obstinate coujrbs. ca tarrhs, asthmas, sore throats and approaching con sumptions.; - ;' " , LEE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. The operation of these liighly esteemed. Tills i per- leave no room to question but that it is destined toll fectJy mild, aiad.the experience of thuuandshi proved become one 6f the principal commercial towns in North Carolina. Under thuse .impressions, and with every hope of j success, the Bubscriber oflers the f ro pectus of the BLakely Gazette to a liberal pub lic, asking their patpnageand support. '.! ...... The discordant jarrings of party have ceased to distract the public mind and destroy the public in- they may be used in ercry situation in life, without ine isasi inconvenience. . . x . were procured. for that special purpose. . This Dome of things, the Gazette has no political character liwnc linkt !ntn iVio.intnuA. nf Un kniLKnm k II IvKlrll ia tint AlIKfli-9n fmm ..iVtiU nV. n M. 11, xuis lareu cswic was uic wrpuraie uropeny ui mo.no ftf . M;l, Si, ;e rl chll npvpr h nprn titA fn ouUfa ,u:i ii.- 1 1 ii i ii i nzi in rsiiCLLaiiic uiLifiCiiak w iiinn ii mthi iivii ' - t 1 i r 1 1 .1 r .1.1 nH A 11 .l i r -7 r-,.r, ",t..t : V n v 1 rconvex vvinaows, eacn; contain in linpruving inc. lusiuuutm uas prevemeu iueir m axing any uiviuenua 01 cuusequeuce. m.-0l..:1j: ; - ! - L-: i ... Lce.s Worm Destroying Lozenges. This Medicine, which is as innocent and mild," as it is certain and efficacious in its operatioh,; cannot injure the youngest infant, should ho worms exist in. the body t but will without pain or priping, cleanse the stomach, and bowels, of whatever is foul arid offensive, and thereby prevent the production of wrinns,'.and many fatal disorders 1 ' - ' ' -.. r eager .to bury in oblivion, tlie most 1 distant recol- r Ji ' tr 1 t , -r , M lection or their former preju'dices. Under thia sUte ee 3 , T"1?.?. nd PXtr:' pi . j. . 'I'u -c . i- - iciesi. ihc voices 01 conienuing ireemen are united in one desire--the public good : and all seem A . I ! . ..... United States devoted to the same1 public purposes, and its accommodations we understand in some re spects surpassed those of any similar institution; in the worldV :-J.':--w: 'jM'S'- To its other distinguishing advantages, the Spirit ed, proprietors had recently added a large number of Bathing Rooms and considerable additional real estate was a short time since purchased to form a mote .convenient yard, and make a commodious avenue for the southern . entrance. 34 panes of glass of the largest dimensions: the base of the skylight I is io leei in eircumierence, ana prjoieciea dv a nana- direction of the subscriber. some railing, within which is a seat and box, con taining a perspective ! glass, used daily to ascertain the shipping entering the harbour; " To th't3 place you ascenu py a tempcrary, stair case, anu irom: u you have . the most extensive, noble and variegated T. LORING. TEHJUS. r i i.Thre,e dollars per annumpayable in advance.; JSo subscription taken ior Jess than one year. names until all Every subscriber MUSTARD. A safe and i effectual renaedv tor Acute and rw.nl- Rheumatism, Gout, ttheumztic i Gout, . Palsy,' Sprus, Bruises, Pains in the face, Keck. &c Tlie experience of many ages, and the testimony of the best medical practitioners from an early period to .1 ; r - -t- . - .J - ui9 jjrt-scui. uuic, nr:K in sscnuiD? w tustard very awia TAi thesr Lee's! InSllible. Ague and Fever Drops, dues are paid. cure of igues, remjttent and intermittent aber will be considered permanent, un- fevers. j '- - ;. .'.; J '. , ; ted less orders are given to the -contrary at the time of 1 T .00? Kvo,ir.n ' IU T-t. wrosnett hnaeinahle-a view? of:. the harbor and it subscribinir : the editor reservintr to himself th rff w 0 rn illc ! vnrinua islandc. Yh s.liiront i'ilh(rpa and rwintrv oi. aisconunmnff me paper WUen tne terms are not I - , 7 r " - ; -.v...--, -. seats, the- various public edifices in the towns of complied with. 71 he editor will forward the Gazette to any person miSkiim. i iiiariHiiiivir uTiii n icnvnnrv. niifi fin inrnino 11 i , - . ... r Xrr.rr21""r1w Dy any given conveyance, but is not considered respon- ikonvnnnA t. . 1 1 ,1 ! - I n.1r I ',.l '.liU 4 1 II TU Ult .. xiiib csiauiisuiucut nau uviuiuc luicresuug iruiu n grounU - uOOr Ol Xne State xlOUSe. Such is the dif- its central situation, land its apartmehta ajnovatten- l ference in the sites of tiie two buildings. dance, " Many eminent characters have been ac- v: .iiij " r' " r comodated to their satisfaction in this costly Hotel, knirf T .1 T T It was here that theSPresident of the United States KfeM? .4-1 . .. ..... ii aL uiilc in a iiuiiiiw jM.uxrr. i jii ifi i ij lnuirH. rimir The publication of the. Gazette May, or earlier. ; : - . i October 31,1818 ' ! wdl commence in j . tf . North Garolirm State;Bankyr v September 22, 1818. resolution of tlie Board en the IK pursuance of a . il J UtWJ 1 Jl i: ? -1. ft ! II nu mere is, scarcely a populous wwn in ine union, I .Kr-u : Ai' .f ci ri. c u. on r 1 9.h it nv j?..Knin .k.-...u. 11 . If1t 1 j' "ff l have 6 inches ; on eachside. of which are five caUcric Stock of Uu. nk on the fou Monday of occasionally lodgers at .this Coffee House and It -j itr- .t b.-i ' 1 November next, Books will accordinrfy be opened on many distinguished foreigners have occupied rooms i mSLS day, at the principal Bank and its several Branches, in it i i 7 v ' " " - - ; f'F'H'f '1 H danng Built Hours, ipd lcpt open UntU Thursday, the 'hL t ..:Jt LJi .' --sit -auI j ! Ionck order; h : second and .third bythe -same third day of December inclusiTe,and .tben.closed,-'ex- great distance, and much endangered huddings and soon as the fact shaiL.be Esq. and adjoining the Exchange ' the N. W. corner, was destroyed by the fire, t ; The fronts and roofs of Mr. Jonathan Whiglit's house, and of the Palladium Office, were considerably injured, and it was! with extreme difficulty .those : Buildings' were preserved from total destruction.-- - ine rooi oi me vnunei umce was also injured. Here busy Commerce holds hex activeeigtw wosi 01 me priming omces wnere newspapers 11 w.bwmkcwi5 uuu me. toungipirain." ?tre puuuaiicw c w uwu uu uuttutug as 10 maueii v anerc are uiree iair cases one the removal of their materials necessary or exrjliOT fjri dient and no papers were issued on Wednesday spiral . stare , case, on the southern side, which b ' morning, i .- :.; : ' i j " v . :- vj? lighted" by an elegant skylight. ; ach. of these A nMM. Ikn Ia9 a m nk ! ILU AV f At II " ' . . j ". . r . ' ' a . . mAmW - . I auiuu uic icuauw uruiacpj lurDusiness in me 1 stair eases commumcate witn, 'unange floor, and facilitate business--V -r , - p.bw ascend' the spiral, stair "case to the yuii measures 1 xeei q incnes in and expedition, gives place to. no application free from iIefsToothAcho'rbps,' i: Which girea imniediate relief in the cost severe instances. jKV. - . '. . r , - . ; Lecsl Genui ne Persian Lotion. r "The Persian "Lotion "operates mildly, Texdering"tho skin delicately soft and smooth tiiaproviii ihe cum plexioruj; !;,;-.. ;,-tv ,' ! Lee's ' Restorative Topth Powder.-. This excellent preparation comforts ard strtsgthena ine gums, ana preservesjtue enamewrom decay. s :eV.TraeV&1nuine;Coni Plaster, - For speedily removin jtCornSj rl and branch, without giving. pain;; .7 -; V.: : . .;:L,s.'6enmnerEy ;j A sovereifrn remedy for" all diseases of' the- eyeiC akness or or accident denuctions of rfcecmv never CuhDg to succeed the a LB in the iroud dome beneath whose untile bend II other Notes u the Bank is ia the h&bit of receiving The column'd lines iq classic, state ascepd J ; d! 11 one-fourth in three months ; One-fourth in six months : and the remainincr fourth m twelve months. I : iue oiures oein suubcnueu iur ai par, uiougn inetf j October .10 . .WjM. IL HAY WOOD, OisAim - l-w : . .T- v ..... u. f -xvxenange uuuaing were j Messrs. nanuy ec tiibbS. greatly (insurance office IMessi-v: Levehstt,- Whiting, Ve wilL the Jtwo industrioua 33rQyn. colored men Samptodjjng 7 inches ia'brtadth, arid:Xl feetjjv ' FOR SALE .TTust received per schr. Sally from Bermuda, 5 j 100 tierces good quality Juscoradd Sugar. Apply to j. f . BUiCGWiN, u co. 2?ov.l4. - - Lees Intlian Vegetable Specific, ' l. For the Cure of Venerial c npUuxts: . " . . The 'proprietor would be jrfad to insert the many certi6cites and letters recommending -tho 'above .truly vajuaoie ieaicines,ouv ini5, in a newspaper, is imprac ticable,. He therefore, with fncrcased CCafidtnce. prof-. lers tnem 10 a lioeraj ana aisctrning pohc; They: are sold by his appointment, w holesale ao d retail,' by ,'Whb has just received a fresh wirply from Halthnore .try" Wease to observe that nnncr can beLeeS Genuine 1 Farodhr Aledicines Without the v gnarnre of the proprie tor, i ' 70 All JUDGFXt; ItJie JhclncTlc V 1 -:! A I f 1 : i.. , 1'' i J V ,r,:.-.fe-:.w;-;; JL