, ornx to All parties-influenced by none. voi sr. no. 4.1 usrcicxx wo. tdh, v"' Printed ami published every Wednesday morning By ARCHIBALD M CLAI.NE HOOPER, . Proprietor, . Tubus Three Dollars per year, pnifHh'.t in nixiuf. jno subsrrlption taken lor iIiuii ou vnr. No name discontinued unit all nrrrnfttxti shall have been paid. ' nvr..'irik-kr, One Uollnr persquaretorme firii Inert ion, and twenty five cents per square fr carli subsequent Insertion. ffyLetters to the proprietor mutt be post paid. ' IMCUAKl) SAUNDEUS. ! I iliinnto a fresh, supply oj Lkk' Tittr.n A.v iitciri.T ArrRovr.o JD trett ilitn bftttr than ure.,rj LEG'S- f.tmorn A.S'TI-UILIOUd PILLS, i jti nntl $0 cents per bn.ty ; ' i , '1 he operation uMbeic mils is perfectly mila, so as to lc used in safety by persons in every situation aou ol every 4uev t v ; ... TUfc proprietor confi.Tcntfv recommends tbctiniely use of these pills, ata preventive nnd cure ol bdiuus, yellow and malignant ic vers. ' " (jyPlcase inquire-for 'Lee's Anti-Bilious Pill, with the signature of Noah Wult'dy. (late Michael Lqe and. Co.) cj ttonc ore genuine, i " "V ' Lee $ Worm IJcstroyins lzc:isns, n niosv potveilul, medicine, removes and destVo aif, kinds of worm, ; ' Lee's Elixir, a sovereign remedy for colds obnatc co'igh.i, 'catarrhs,, asthmas, sore throats and consumptions. . Leo's Nervous Cordial, an "excellent fnHV Cine for all uervtsus all'cctious, weakness," pains ia the loins, b-cL &.c . ' ,.. Lee's Essence of Mustard. No mcdiaine ever excelled, this in. curing rheumatism,' sprains, bruises,. li'iiMrd feet, &c. ' . Lee's Aije and Fever Dropsfcia never fail int cure. ., . t ,..."'' - Lee's Sovereign 'Ointment warranted' to cure tlie Itch by one Bpplifcatujn. . f ' , - Lee's Persian Lotion, an esecllent medU cine for curing beat, &c. tetters, ringworms,- prickly Lee' Vegetable Indian Specific, an efTecW . al c ire '.or the Venereal and Gonorrhoea. 'y Leo's Tiothe-ache Uiopg, wUicb ive irome' diate relief.'' , . ' i '4 ' ' ' - tee a loom rowaer; which cleanses beautines tlie teeth.' ' an Lee's Eye Water, ascertain etire for sore Lee's Anodyne JMixir, for the cure' of head aches.! , .-' . X Lee's Com Plaster, for; removing and ile. t.roMii cdrns. 4; , iXtfountr merrliants and all others: who 'buy ifrsell again;'' plyin to the jtfoprier tor, No 0:, Hanover street, JUIiiinoie, e.iii obtain them on such liberal iteiins asMvill eo sure ihein re.atrrit.'i-- t. ' ' iJ'CAUTtoN. Nne are genuine, witljout the maker's name to thcni, Noali Ridjiey, (late tMichaerLceiSrCo.; , (ta'l"ndi eds ot case of cures, 'performed by the abyve truly, valuable medicines 'could leivcti did the limits ut a uewspayeif'adiiiit of it. ":'"-, "; ,( ' ' ' APri'-r5t s - , " j IIIIK .k'ulwerioe'ra, tmve rrcrnllv teplenished JL ncir slock of uiocet ie-pippHiayiiy to 10 11 timer tvmle tuid now oiler at tviiolfsale'or retail - thelui , , tk b inrU Bajtirnr Howard Strt:l jflftur. elMlfbai reli ' do. . o. f ' i! J barn' Oei canal ' ' do. , 6 half barrels j, ' do,'' --ao- 6l burre wiperfititf, fine, tfravrtte. do t ItO " ..AppU. Orannyr'. , -: V f ' 4J " WniskoyVliHli. andl)aclepuntip., SO. .Nurihcm-.UiiK cwt -....1 - vr . '2 Cil5lV tf lilt', MSln(Ir i'.l OnxotvCluif 1 ' i;ie. S I).UTC!S COiliUlT do. 2 pipes Co-rniHc Uraudv. 1 'Holland Uni, " . 1 . .. .. ... 1 nossnean iew unmans Kntn. 1 ", 31. Croix do. 2 casks.. Londmi Uiot3tciVt qt; 1j l in t' .'real earli Cnivr. - lOktiCS dairy ButVrr good. . and pints.) i blit kriinked ieet loiuiics. 2'tllo smoked beef. : hhui scale Fi.sii, 3 bills Lard. JO DiiU No 3 Mackerel; vdJ bhls iNew Vork prime-Pork. do do do iietf, 3 boxes ainolteii erring -6 dtofcfel2Sr?-ilo SalUOii",.. C do Lcnioii avion tuiucrior. CO dru.ns fresh Figs, t0ulls Almonds &: Filberts, yd hosts and part bones Kdisins, pari of a ciuft bese Ourrtiitii. 15 birrels. Apples, . " , i' S-i botes f re n 1'ea assorted, V 4i -: 2 la Caddie's I dip. a tinupowder do v "4 bai;rviri;o.it dngri-' .'. , 10J u,ne Americi scgars, 10 do Spanish do 7J hose yelMW soupr l boxes coltoji card's. 3keg.i ails assorted, IjO bags shut;' assorted, $00lo bar Cead.-iJ) kegi Powder (iomo low pri- t'c.t lilr rice bird shooting.) . - - 1 lio)ifad copperas; ill gross bottles', 1" iiarrels refined Whale and sperm Oil, 10 bonis iiiaiiuf.icturt-d Tobacco, 15 kegsd" JtypjitiiiiicslioeakilU!iard'..T , . rcains wr.tppin paper, 10 ogS pepper, spice. 11 uo7.. orooiim, 4 uox. sieves, . . 2) ba.ilies prime t lay, boxes J8by 10 glass, sprm and lallow .tanilles,- chocolate, Kegs : siarclirJrti cassia, velvet corks, 4 bales hops, all peli, Pearlasii,, rucc and t round cinjrer. rail brimrtoue,' jrlanlier s,itt. Stone lime, cloves. scidiitr powders, soda do, su'gai, codec, uiolas- sea oiownsait, ot. tvc. , ' .. j , r.- SAVAGE u Co s April 21. ". . . - 31 8w -"il.L'dl rcveived Irani Pliilade IpUia aud Wei ; i. V 9J i rk. and tor saHe low. ,- 1 ) iLbls. Apple Brandv, Gin. aod Whiskey 2 J liljis. Pork, 10 bbl, Beef, iIO bbli. Cider 4 Pip3 best'Seigneis 01 ainly, . a D.) Holland im, 10 half bbls. Tongues, 4 I I itf bids. Family Beef. 50 Chairs, J bi.4e Uoard,'. 50 bundles Hay. By" Januarv Xi-H",--tf . J . H. BREWSTF.lt FOR 8 ALU. ' . pf Bids. Mullets warranted goodK r Ifjk? 10 tfosea fresh lliisins. 7 N..v. -3-tf By i. II. BREWSTER. - . - For Sale. rict PI l? Tf aC-Ann1y to f VI H inbacribere davejust rrrelved from the M. North, in addition to tl.rir (broier eienie Stock, a Urea supply of Boon, Shoes, Hats, Lc. making hefr aoitmrut the moat corupteia ever oni-retl in lite place: among ihcm are " Ladies blat k I'mnell Shoet, aquara toe4 k tkers, " White and blue do. " . ; " ' Pruarll, Morocco, tad ScaUkln Boots, ' every variety, '. ; . Missei Pruned. Morocco, aod Leather Boots and Shoc, ' ' . . v . . - . Men Colt-tklu Boot, of the fint quality. -Chilitreoa Rlarocco, l'l until, anil Leaiber Boots t - and Short,' '- , . ,".1.. Mens aod Ifayt Leather and Seal Caps, Mnmf'ur anil Wool Ilatj, v.. . ' Childrrn'a Morocco Inti, ' s r'ifty reisui Wrapping Paper, . , ' ' J ' Straw lioniii't,Sta tkiu'fiuiika, Bandboic,Imi tation Combs, Slmfthread. Blarkinf , k.cC 1 Fresh upphv rereirgd by near I ever Packet 'WILLIAM S. BKOWW k CO. . January 20 H if " ' r. 1 'i . . ; ion sauc. ,. S Casks fall MrHiord Lamp Oil.;. N R. Kam, in and JVhisky. -,COi Caul. -reih Kice. r " St, Cf'ix Hum. - .'K' : . ". Tu.9i,'r In Hossheatland bajrf-fls. v : -1 .1 flyetieviiieaud iNew York I . Triine Beef and Pork, Me I'orkV ; JrL VBR0V5. April U. 3.'w Lately llcqeitct I, ' f effek Bata 0f Tmt-rai feKu!ar'pply of TC:iJ' Wch article, will be kept up 'and sold hnv.'- 'V " . " ' ' ivea iianuiaeiurri iouacco, 01 approvya tinlily. ; i " '- H - 4 " A few Krgr( Butter and Bntter Crackers. . Howaid mreat bud ('anal I'lour1. " t LAZARUS &. whitaTausil i April 14... . f UOLUUiS KFAVAltl);, jjAMAWAY; about the.lrt of Dec' BILL' '&. -flsiiatly,k'iKMn by tl?e "mime, of hill fain, tie is about & ftet 8 tnchra lii-li,ntid ndrnder. Bill MHrnmiaJly iniellirnt, tlipujh he.liesiuic a good deal when healieui'pr t .)- U. "lie iSwctlnown in Wilmiiif 1011 and l lie. ricinityf and has a Wife ia Fayrtteville, in Hie neighborhood i( which placed, he may possibly be lurking1, 'f lr-abova reward will b paid on b.i.s delivery al the iaihin tVilinin too; bru capt". Saniiicl letter af SnuthvUlc.- f Jaw.1:t-:t;Hri Wat nKKtHMfcrtR. fXti.Slbicribtit and other -Itchon. ' A! IX rew'ipts "signed by Mr. U'h M Qaaoo late publisher, of the .apn-JVat' Rcroulcj, will tie allowed io settlements wth the proprietor of the paper, Paym'htinadv after this date (February Uf, lS,f miles to the proprietor ! hinmclf, will not be crednedno person- being' thoriked tj receive piuinciita, 6rto .sin rfC;,na" fnrthejnroprietnr:'.. , '' ";' eipts PJiilada... CojrhinLssiouvll ou. fjlHiv Subfcribers, wjio, for some years, have B not ' fostered ni r formerly, ' nn extensive Commission Imsiness, nrf now (as several of their Sons whose, future - esliihlishnient tin'v have 111 view have arrived at ages to render assistance) are decitoi todo'soi nnd leel tulifiiienl that trie .es petictice of 24 years in .thisvityv tojriiler with the means of tQoi'dui (Tie usual XarilitteS, VvilJ enahle.them. to 'ive, .entire ciiiisf iciion to those, V) lio ujsy tavor. tncm wnii ineir eolnman(ls.-',, f Philadelphia' 15 March..-' v itefftremx- to Mav 12 a 2iri, " H. W. BKOWN. T T is ntli rrluetaiice- tlnj siibscriber Is f Orapel-? Iil in ioTorrn alt those who me indetiled In him ill,ne l notA ,of xieentiiit f IihI I hiv ui'e re "quested to .rrialvc immediate-pay meat.' This would not nave- appearen ueiore tne eyc 01 the pa:i;cK, but, Id consequence of my laie rnisforttine renders it absolutely necessary; s I have to make prompt payment Iq those I nm of ouu'fce indebted tooir the ncehsion, I hope it toil I be unnecessary to adl all those. whodo not attend to this'will -find theif rcspeeii.ve kceouuts. ia ilie ImiuIs of an ' offi cer tot Collections Vr? il.U-J IlLW LA.WiVC.. Mav lii -2 ;.liWa fWHFCopartnership heretnlbreesUtinj under , Jl the iirm of CUSTIJS' 'fc WILLI AM ha fteis.u dissolved this day by mutual cotiseirt,- T Horn as D.'Villiaui will attend tosettluit the business ol the tiini. '." - ; ' s , THOMAS D. WILLI AM 2, ,t , MILES CU3TLN., , t February 10, ; - , - . ' ;,M1 tf a; fi itskgant iNortherii built CARRIAGE for 51 ' BL'sale cheap. April 2$,' 1880. Apply, to t , Ji H BREWSTER 62- Li$erpot)( Salijpuul Vrates j'JH HIE aaaWtrviwWted about J davs from LileipooJ wiih about, v t 8,000 Bushels of Salt. -:' "... 50 Csrates ofe-othern Ware. ' . . Which aire olfirreu for 'sale by. f - -f '"-JL . LAZ ARl'S 4u-WHlTMARSH.-.,1, .-April 23 52 if.- :. . .For. Sale:-.V-. ON accommodating terms, that valuable tract 'of rand 'In Sampson County, kitnated l twecn the residence of DocC Strong and that of Cpb Sellars; and about 2 miles from the town of Clinton. It contains about 40 acres; and Is adap ted to the culture of com nod cotton; is a healthy situation; and would make a desirable summer rsjdejscCjJoj-particulaaapiily to tlie editor of this paper; or to Col. Sellar near the prequses. ? April 6J 5t.. -- '. Cofiec, Sugar and Saltr- Tf USTn-eeefWl on consignment SO.OtX) pounds jP of prime preen Codec in casks, "imported di rect from Ht. Jago de Cvb.-f. Also, prime CotTee in barrels and bavs- Also, 20,000 lbs.' Brown and Liht elayel Sugars, 2.000 busheU of soperiorj Alum Suit, 1,000 lbs. Spanish looacco, selected foa ScgnT Manufacturers; )or sale low for eli or appioved 90 days paper. By CY BUS STOW,-; W- ISot ember 18 2 f . ' : : JUST ILECSIVSD. Om Gtoisiguiiieiit and fur tale at tow prices "frdfh bUU- Prime Purk, , ' V , mA9 10bbU. Mess Beef, - d hhdt. ti. E. Ruin. j; , M bbls. American Oin, ' ' ' 50 bundles Har. '.- Soap, Candfes'undSegars; ' " Sapefliiie and Fine Flour, ' " , . II. CKEWSTER. .NWmher 11 23 f BREW STF.R has just received per brig JJ Da 'anion, half barrets and quarter ba rrels , - For Snic. " 5 Half Pipes claruled lime Joica 3 Hh.li betl Shrub, 03 Hilton eah 1 Punctieou, 10 year old, Grenada Rum 4 Pipe Cojraae iJraody , 5 Uu llollaod Oio 3 Half quarter Cak Wrlllrs Madeira 2 Hhda pure StCroii Kum. U. W. BKOWN. May 12 . 4 . ' 2no. I'.'SX received by Sr. Jamoa' Church Library, and at u sertict of aSbacribcrs, the- .Nor. kr ltf2ofth tdinburf,' LJdoo Quarterly,- 'oMh American, American (juarWrly, aad Souther lie Museum, &c., , .1 .... . it,.. . ,1 ... . , .Orange (sulipowdcr. gQGER3'S Superior pvajipe Ganpowder in JLaV Ker of 251b each R t IFF.- ConHanily foraaJe by W.BROWN. mar ia r MOOT AND SHOE STOKV. ; JL'bT received from rSttr York by the autacri bem, an elegant assortment of Ladies, Ml.-J.rs-and Children Boots ami Sjioti, of various kinds and pattern) ivhicA v itltth ir former slock of Booty itud Shoes, inaki-t thwi asortnieoteomplcte. Irti.on Wishing to purchaae, are respect Ailly ir vited to call and examine for IhriiiHelves. - '" , , ' HATHAWAY i FRENCH. ' ' beeeWr SO 3- rf " '.'-- , . 1 ' ' .An apprentice to ther printing, business, from Uto 14 years Old, of good' dUposition, and strong vnouh to cotrtinence hu apprenticeship nt pre5 work. ' ll is veeevsary also, iliat he should read with sorue decree of facility and write a toUrablc hand. " ". Applv at thisOlfice.. . '. ' .. 1 .f. -' yu'jVerior Madeira AVui c.T - 1C si C'K S. each containing 2 Doonjwhirh Vlias (tad the benefit oIh voyage to India al e the & uhinin Whie; and not. ud in Mndei ra; with especial care knd attention Jufct recfiv fd for.sale by 4 "t " -'R. W. BROWjS. May 19 3 tf. 4 1 . 4 JLooJfcrxJ ; SJs ERSONjs indebted to the'subscriber by, note or accotmt are requested to come forward be fore tlie first da v of August next. . Those, who fail to dj so, may calculate in settling lluouh the in strumentality of Su olhcer, ' . ' ANTHONY k. -sV AflET. May 19 3-la. Wr ' ' "t '"' ' rj.HTi..v .I.'1 . . . r or i ev . 1 in iv T' HE rollowiti le'tdnr trading Vesbj Solih 'Ann Smith, Cnut. Darliut;. Sloop Premier. Cant. Mils. F01 freight and nnsSace a;r ply' on board Ji lo ... V . R. W, BLOW i 'Mav 12 2 Bwv'" -. 7 ''": v. TO A NEWLY OPENED OYSTEK Vith,feeTui?s strange tiiiidefined I gaie upou Thou clAiibe and juicy- specimen of an- ilM'a v tcxT-rnrx : r .-. How l almly, yea, how meekly thod feclinest .1n.thy shell! " r ." ' .,'." Yet what thy woes anduflerinfcs .are, man may ; conjecture well. -;V "'" - For t.hmi hast life aVWRos be whojcckh ssly ttek'H;tfrirK, ' $ 5r. . J. And Qouldst Thou speat-rj inigbtst drgwf- furlh X te.its as br'inys thy frrind : - ITor'tiiou vert torn "I toiu . friends 5rid home, "' ja no" JI tb jr ' .t ea rf'f ott W' -wtshj -'. . ?- Thnu.l4plescirlple itiuocti4, mule, per ''tetth.H,-!T.--! PeVbap tbouerf nevi'Iy joined to some ; ?olt-pnpfypuii bride, ,..t 'f Who upv'd her niouth,'fr,ftf6d witli thee when jr'floweMi ffowin lide'j iW'.f.i PerliapVthoo-hast n fainily,Jioin whoiit'tliou . . hast been uin, V t '' "" ' ---. iVhu sailly alj ;lOr him alas ! who never il '..' ""retuirtJ f " ' iV. T'lrou vti; happy 00 thy native berfj where ' ; , blitfisoMie biihws phi', - V Tifl the cruel f.yher vtrenrhed thee froni Ifiy '' , iMiiuesn ect boine," avv'ay ;'A '; . Iltnwe(j .'.thf' in. bis coble, iiud be rowed v tbee to the strand V .'- x " Ti oti were bought and sold, and opened, and ; phced in tfte right hand, , -r. 'I know that while 1 moralize, thy flavor fades away; -' '-.- 'V- -- '-4 ? 4:. ' ,7-. ." I know thutt sboublst be ate alite5, 'before thy sweets decay ; - . - v ,-; ' ' , I know -"tUal it, is lOolislmcss, this 'weak delay'nl ;-"'i.nioe,.rf. ' .v; Vt -!.. And ei.kures may laiijih at. H as ' senihnent.il -,' . .. 1. -. .. .. aboutBiaK f ; - r ', :.:!,',. I .:..:,:. wen, tei ineni ia.ugnt 1 in suu urop a w ej " - thy' sad fate. ' ; .. Tbyti Wretched and i!Nf;ted' one j thou jsad wand desolate'! ?-f " T, "' " .. Q'er thee and o'er tb; kindred hangs one all - coosiiniing donm, J i (j. ' To die a slow and hn.erin2eatlf ,;or living i . fuidalonib ,4 ' Like the Indian frnrn ;heloreM,liker tbe'roe i , buck from the file 1 t -Thy race is dw indling silently before the arts . of men; V y Ye. are passing from tlie river, from the s?- bauk. and the shore, ' " A, al the hautjtsjbaiJo Jg iiwe knew u shall know ye .soon no smre. . '. '-. ' The Blue point and liieSfirewsbury ate van- 'f , ishing aw ay, y ? i t Andclaihlesssook wilT Be onrtreanis, and oys tet less oui bay": '" r-y . - -, ftapicioos man. before your prime, orjains - thai ye shall die, - . '"' rid drags ye frorq your cool retreats f 0 broil, . '' and Mew, and fry - 7 .-,"-.'- Why were ye made so racy, rich, aod luscious to the taste? ' ' . " 'Tis that, las stripped yonr thickest tanks and , '..-fnade yotirbeds a waste't- . " - " ; -'Your virtnes have proved sanctified and Jwlv . traitors to ye, , ' - - ' . ' ' , Ar.d that trhich wa your proudest bowt " has served to undo ye. " ; E'en I. the friend ofJI your kind, when I think fwht thou art,, . . . T. When I ponder o'er the melting joys thy swal- Jotvinjt will impart, , T Can delay thy fateoo longer; one.kiok it is my last, --' 1 ' . K .. A tulp ne mote a silent pause a aigu" and all is past. . LOUD UVKON. frea !nJo Liltrarg (iazette of January 16. Inters ind Journals of ford Byron ; with Notices of bis Life, By TboniM Alonrt Volume 1. dUipix C70. Lowlon, 18 JO. " Of his parlin; with Miss Cbawotlb (1803) are have also aome early (xieiical record;. -' - ' " Whh 1 he ?unmer holiitays cnriVJ ibis dr'tani'of Ims Jooth1 lie atr Miss Cba worth onto more in the succeeding 3 ear, i and took h'rs List fjrewell of ber (as be liim- ftlf used J j elate,) nu that bill neat An neslej.t which; in bis poen of 'the Dreams, Im dvscribs no hnpftily ns 'crowned whli a pecnliar diadtnf,' . No one, he durlarerl, could have lod how much bn felf -for bis Countenance- was Cli'm, nod his frelint-s re strained. 'Tlie nxt liuir I set you,' said he, in parting ttit htr,l( suppose ycur name will be Mrs. Cbnworllt ;t and bei Htisvvcr.ttHs, 'j hopr to was before this interview that Jitr wrojo, uh bif pen cil, in a volume ofMad-itnede Main(ptton idlers belonging 10 liff, tbo following vi-r-sos, which have -oeVer i believe, before bt'Mt published ' " " " Oh Memory J fortnre tne no more, . sTli pre erii4 all u'erc.iM ; , " My hopes of Jul iff Hiss are o'er, v. :- : In meiry reil the paf. ' ' v v. " Vbt brhig lhme image to vietr - ; '";' I bcneeO'ttli suttt resign?.-' , , Ab ! why those happy hour renrw,'' . That netefcan he mine ? ' PaM pleasure Untitilcs pi rgenl pain, . To sorniw adds regret ; c Rere am) hope arc both in vain, ' V . I ak hot to foret.' .,' fn tho following yfcarU805) Miss Cha w oilh was riiiirijed . to his uccestul ' rival, Mr. John Musters; nnd awrn who ws jirVsrut w!mii tho ffrst istfllifit-nrc of th evenf was comniunicntM to bun, thus des cribes tlie hianner in which b received it. Ijas ptfsrnt when lr first heard-.- of ibe niarringe., Ilis mother said 'Byron, I hayt' some jiews fof you.' -Well, .what is it V 'Take otit your bunilkerc)iicf that,' for y ou will, want it.' 'Nbnsense !' Tnke out your, hiindkeiriiipf, He did so to humour her.' ilis Thays'oi th is ; man id. Ah expression xety H'cuiar, iinpossible to desrrUie, pnsscd ve bis'pali fner, and'lK1 IrJnied his handkerchief into his pocket, sayinp, w.llr nn affectPid Hic ofcolduosa and noncbablnce, 'Itlhiiti'ell' ;Vbv,l expected you would havo been plunged it griff !' lie made no rejiiy, and soon began t .talk about something else. ."-;, "' ::..' . . We regiTt ibat pur liiujts.preerit m from going into Ibe curious detuils respecting t?:e pulJicutitin ol his fust volume of poems, in 1S06 ; but we ittust, a'l le;vst defef ibis por tion of our Mskf and "advance 10 the few rriiajnins; ifracts we Vaii-now allow 10 il)is,tboub parainounfty iuterosuug workr (ISO?.). ,: V , -f, ' Whether the Verses (says' tlig autboi) ! nm itow nboui ;i give are, iff nny legive jfounded on ftict, 1 huve nasiqcvuHie nieiiiis of doteriiriiiij)!'. Fund., as be 'was 'of re cord'Higet'ery. pai l icub.r o f fill youth, Mir h uu evehl'or rather erh, nis b're eomnienH orated,; outd bare heeitoi' aU otlieistlie Ijt'iist. likely to pass n'HiniHfft totted by him ;' and yet'netihv in-, Ojto'tersattjiii nor in imy of his writings do I remember arL .illusion fo h. -,0n the otlicr haod, so entirely w all lh.it lie wrote--rniakit)g allon-aiice for tin) euibeilikliioenls of bipey -tlie transcript of Ills actiial life atwJ feclincs,tb;it it 'is not easy to snpjJose a jioeni ko'.ftill of natural lenderness bvliave -tieeu, indobtcd for its or igin to io)Linuiion alone. " . !rA 'Torn,, 8m.' ' -y'.:'-i Those flaxen locks, those eyes of blue, - I l ight a thy mother's in their hop; . Those rosy lips,- vliosV dimples iihiT Ami smile tp"teal the "hfart'away, 1 Recall a scene of former joy, v - f And loiteb thy fatber's heart, my liny ! And thou canst fisp'a father) riame- !il!ne" 'the-svne, ' ' AhV illiam, where ibine own1 My cr.relur thee shall purchase peaee 'iL... ...... i.-'. .a. i.s.h :i 1- I'hy mother's shaile shuh smile in joy, And pardon all the past, -thy, boy J .'.-, H erjowly grave the turf bs pir..tf f 1 t And thou hasf known a strarvei's-treasf Derision sneers upon thy birth " And yields thee scirce a panic on earth ; Yet shall not thecone hopfestroyr , ' A father heart Is "thine, my hny'I " Why, let tnq world nnfeelin frb'vn,' . M ust I fond Nature's claim tlisov n T ' Ah, no ! thoiish iruiralistr reprove," I had thee, dearest child of love. i Fair cherub, pledjieofydirth and joy A father guards-lhy oirth, my upy: Ohi Will be sweet in thee to trace- !re a:e has wrinkled o'er myMace f Ere lialf niy "glass of life is run At once" a brother and a sou ; V AndrfU ny ane of years,emp!oy In justice dooa to fhee',vmy hoy'J ' ." t B" Although so young thy lH.edles sre Youth will not damp parental fire; A nd, wert ihoti still less dear ! hie,' - . While Helen's form revives In thpe, The breast which heat to former joy, " . , ' Wilt ne'er desert Its pledge my buy? T . ' - - ' . ' ..1807. Qf4he formation of thisntrarhment, Mr. Moore says f "To the family of Miss Cha worth, who resided at Annesley, in the im mediate neighbourhood of Ntwsletd, '.i-, ,had been made known, some time before in London, and now renewed his acquaint ance with them. The young heiress her self combined with the many worldly ad vantages lhat encircled her, much personal beautv, and a dispition tiw most amiable .,4 .,.v:-,-, rr'- t. '.- r .. - we? aresppaiinsj that the young ro-i, wh Whs ihelt in his sixteenth yar, wh.hi' th. object of bis adnt aiton was about twoyetrt older, seems 10 l,a drunk deeptsl of thai fascination wbns r fleets era to bt SO) asiin(T six sboM summer Weeks which he now passed in her company being audi cieht to lay Ibe foundation if a feebni; for all life, lit used, al firm, though ejTred a bed erAnnesley , to return etery night 6 Newstead, to sleep ; alb in hs a reason"" that he was afraid of the lamly pctares ot the Cluiworths, that be fancied 'ihej had . taken a grudpe to him on account ' of ibo tluil, atid would come down fiom their franies at night to- haunt hitu.v At leortb, one evening, he said gravely to Mis Cba worth and her cousin, 'In going home last . nig I it I saw a4j which, Srotch terni being wholly-Unintelligible, to the young ladies,be explained that be bed seen a gknstt and would iiot'theitfore return, to New siead (fiat evening. From' this time, he at,' ways slept at' Aunesley duriju the remain der of his vsii, which tras interrupted oply. by a short excursion 10 y. at lock and .r as tleton, in which he hid the bappioesaofac- ' companying Miss Chawotih and her Hj I and of which tha following interesting no . Jure appears io one Df his meniOieridutn ; books: henJ was hfiecb yetits crage, it happened that, in a cavern in Derbyshire r I bad to cross in n boat (in which tviopeo ple only could lie down,) a sirealrt whichf; ,f flows 0 tide r a tock, with the rock so cfoje." upon the woter as 10 admit the boat, only bo ptwhed on by a ferryman, (a sort of Cba ronj ybo tradei af the stern, 'stooping ail the lime. The companion of my trattsrl r was M. A. C. with whom 1 had been hm it love, and never told it, though she had discovered it without. 't I recollect tliy eH sations, but cannot describe them, and if is us well. We it ere a porly J a M r. W.j two MiM VV's Nr. and Mrs4 Clke; Miss ft.-, andmy M Ai C. Alashwtiy'do 1 say M Y f Our. onion would have healed feuds in which blood find been shed, by. our fj tbers, it would have joined at; leosl one heart, and iwo persons not ill matfied in years, (she is Iwo years my-elder,) end ahd nad what has been the resnlt V f f t, A mongthe unpublished verses of his, in, my posseaslon, 1 find the,followmj: lfaj : ments written not loiijf after this period 'JJills of Aunesley,-bleak and barren, ''" -Where my j bought less child boOd siray'if ( How the northern teoipests,, warring, 'v Howl ahrse thy Inrt'eJ, shade 'tr '-;'-'. , Now' 116 mote, the hours begirding, , -Former, fa Votirrra -hauwt I wtf 7: - v ( Nuwuo morn M v jtfaryV vmflinf t- , ' Make"" ye pem a heaven to me. t J The 'btdyf-- hijsb ilid lb somo lim, took her family ' nanie, " 'The only circumstance I know, that bears even remotely on the subject dfl iha - poem, is thp foUiiwins : About ;a ve' or two before the dale affixed to it, he w 10x9 ? - to bis niolber from Irrew,(as rhve v . y; been lold'bva person to Whoi1. Mfss,,B.oti , herself " com11 uiiicuted (h cjredttita ht-e,) tc say, that fe ha,d lately, hadfa good deat J. of uneasiness on'aecoantof a young woman, whom he knew .to have ;beef a fnvtiume of his late- frieodCiir.nn, atl'k ,wlio,.fiiid.ng herself, hfier his den ih, in a state nt ptog , ressiowacds maierpityV hud declare).. Lord , By run' was ttio father, of '- her, rhiid. ; Tiiif he positively assured, his nio' her w a, not llie case ; but believing, as he . did fii ml that the child belonged to Curaon,it wa his wish l hat if should be brought up with v ail possible care ; and be therefore riiirea-" ted that Ins mother would have, the kind ness lo lake 'charge of it. Tbout'h surba request miobt well (as my informiritexpres- , jse il) have discomposed a"teirr erniiore mild than itlrs. uyron's, sue, noiwurisiana-tn-ff, answered her son in the kindtsr qjtti$t saying that she would willingly rt?ceive--the ciiihl asi.oon asit was bornyano ortuf; it up. in whatever manner he desired, Happily, v , L':.:-. t..er 'U-i- r- jL.iL Iv. and was thOs soared the hems a tax on ill good iiature of any body.' , Floating Stone. 1 gentleman arrived ft town lasleveningfrom iautucket, brought with him a floating stone presented hm by C-rptatArthnr, of the s ip Saraharri ved at IVantuckct from v the Soulh 5east which he intends presenting to the Fas In-. V dust Museuai. The following is an extract- . frot Captain Arthur's private journal: "Picked up on the water, floating, a stone, ' resembling a common budding stone, mea sueing :1 feel 2 12 inches' long, 1&,12 broad r '. 3:i2 tbilCwciuhiHjj 133 XlnSabm a- Nautical Alinanac. Awri r in tho f'ondon'Times of 50th "March, ta;es that tbo lunar distances from the Sun, inserted Li the present hud subsequent yers, . and -so highly necessary to oautical men for fin- -, ding the Longitude 'at (se-i, are all rfO neous ; and U:at the-" Americana have de- " . tected the errors nd corrected them. The writer also stales, thai most of the Moon's, places in the Nautical Almanac lor 1832; arn not rightly computed; and that JJ the lunar distantPirT'urihJt year (bo-b of the Sun and St irs) are cons-qtiently afTec- ; ted with these additional" errors. AV K Mcr. Adc. ';- ' .:. . .. Superlative Lore. Fenelon used to iiy, thai be loved his family better than him self; bis; country better than hb famdy : . and mankind belter tbau his country ; for I ; am more of a Frenchman," adW ue, tK, 3 Fp-.' s v, . V 1 n 1 JtT i' 4 frfh ti ick Vh(at, nn.l I'slfharrrl Ff VrP-rf,

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