, V. . ' '- .- ,",.' ' i ff'Ai:;'VwWf' V ' .. 1 ,V ''' f -V: i.; i 6;' 'V 4. , w 'it ' :; 1 T" - v. ; . - 'iMctltatl f College are rpt' AiTty in Conned I "7 ttiaTa iiTnsu luUiVn i ktT 1 im fie J and hi I JU ',uu:crsf1jl iiiwraliojjtjjLthc-city-of .Tic ' , . 4 i ork. ri'Jftdge atrett, between liratu ' ml Bmoiue. denominated the, "RP i V:;v WRMED'. MEDICAL .. COLLEGE. '. ''' ' under iTh Jurisdiction of the Reformed V-;JIcdic1H(ety ofUe Tailed Stcs ' . ; that tnw Institution has " arisen, fi-orr. Hit? own iniriimic.'j(ncrit, notwithifcind . . Om opMOMiion uC illiberal and Inter .;. f-slft'd Phvwu-mn, to nn eminence and 4 t' . Vrkbrity which ' lw exceeded tlie niost ?? Banjuine ejirnnuoni i in menu,. , "'In thl ColWe a syatcm oC practice , "s -ia 'Uujrlit f altoffrthp fmperior-to that . t ' i .;. lay?"1 in otiser Motlirai SciiooM, or pur . . entil y other riiysirtHns, tho rcmedia , Bfyits bcinj principally derived from 'eA vejeiaMe kincdom. , I ft efficacy a,". raj been Iprovnl for more than bull ' , c?ntufvt eombiuuni the improvements ,nf4hemost 'listingnhthed 'McdicaMtc 1 , fnf mcr tf tjijs or mtr other ne. 1 f ha 't-j.'btt tested in every variety ami form of f - -.flijiease, and its salutary cfleetswitnrwu !. ? .vhere the mercurial or mineral treat i. f . v rnwt -had oeen pursued niinout uie ieasi "'.rilect, except great injury to the con?ti ' !, V1 v, lutiotK. ' Its snperioritv ha's been so re ' peatedly demonstrated, as to. satisfy the most waverin'nnd it is chiefly '0v " - " 7n? to:thi?uccees, that yc are indebt. ' i" ' for the clevaled character nnd'rcpu- uuon oiour iieiormea, wcaicai, oue " f' gB,'"Pn ishort, the system, .Yf practice ye teadv u like 'the: Doric Column, -. laflds simple, pure ami majestic, ;hav- ' Uisfact for its banish wduciioh"- for. its , .rtllar, and truth alone for its capital.". , VI he necessiry of an institution ofihis Hod; iiHder the (Jireciion of cbmpctent I'rofossor?, must be, strikingly evident k." b all whojiave reflected upon , the sub- cl of medical Iteform. The prcvail-, Vl'lfi Praice of Physic and Surgery is ' gencrallyfldmitted to be "replete ,with oanff'er to the health and lives, of man ' kind. Merccry, tlie Lancet, and the " -the JKnife' are now" the means cjiiefly ij- relied fippn for, the remoyal of almbst'ev v v cry4liseadeincidcnt to the human body;, - V not withataiidii!r their deleterious effects j p arc so universally ktiowjand experien-j ' ted." ; ; :" 'Z ; . ; J t;:'";?' ix '''SC'1':, The benefits to be derived by an at k .tend'anc at tlfes Institution, will we .'Inislt be duly appreciated by those'who vish to acquire a correct knowledge ..of the healing art. ' Here the Student will Lalanght all iho ordinary " routine of , pmptice that U deemed -necessary,' in ad ' t!ition.tgi the ''Botanical ""and in coiise-' tineoni of kfn residingrin'tbc Inttatuf, nd pursuing a sy sterna ticowrfe pjntu ; "(fyombinin each of those departments, be.may acquire a knowledge of both'' in .a fihor.t'space'oT tinie,.,and ,at a" fcry bniall expense, in comparison with that s' of other Medical College.'. ;-. .:. ' j, Te folio will! branches; ae taught, both bn the okl and modern, or Reform ed Sy8tem,,by lectures, recitations, ex aminations, and 'suitable iexi books : lCAn&Qmy and Pkyiti6loffi-f: . . ' Q.;Mdieria Medici and Pharmacy. ; 3, TReory and Practice: of Physic $ ; ' . 'A Surgery. ' " -' vp!; -' : 4,' Midwifery: - " , Y---'"-'-"7'" . 5. Theoretical and Practical Botany, V Chemistry. ''' l'v ' ; 7 Medical hirisj)rvdcnceiSfC. f t ; 'jTThere. bcitii an Infirmary' connected with the College, the Student will have the benefitof Clinical PracticeV by which the expcfimental, ; or practical, part of luedicioTwiH be acquired With the.the' ory. A :'':: V.s r . , Ther will be,.tno ,epecifiedvtime 3 to complete a course of elndybut wheti. tret a student is qualified to pass an ''e'x , , amination, he will receive a Diploma. Some will require one Year, others two or -more years, to complete a course of I Students will have ai, opportunity of if -' , attending the' ew-YorkVlIospitul,in . ' addition itf the Iaarmary' where jmany v e 'liunureqs oi meaieai ana surgical cases " are doiiv exhibited, and liecturea deli " " trer Operations' performed', &c. with . i,'f't the benefit of an extensive -.medical , Vot the -information" xf.6om,"w . - wish? tolastate that tliis System ' of prae- j'ice haso eonntix ion with that dissem- v: irialcd y Ir. Samuel Thompson. . ' ThO'inal:heations lor admission ;in- - , to tbe Srhool will be; I. A Certificate i f rood moral character. 2. Afe6od Ftfgish;JEducaiinn. ; "y ' : ti;kms s . .Th price for qualifying a person to prirtrce, including board and air the lidvantajes of the Institution, w ill be at'the reduced price of i? !50, payable in f&i'Bue ; or in advance andl&O ut the time of gradning. Some allow finrewili bmad-fortlose-iii indigent rirnMPstsnccs. The price of a diploma SvUl bftpn dollars. ; .V ' V. very student .will be expected to Mippfy bi'cself W'ilh bed and bedding, books,. fu;J,r&M, which" may be pur chased in t'u's city at verysmall price. Wehaff the pleaura'o announce t'ial.i'r Scbooris in successful opera tion ; tlere:' having been, about thirty . r8 d oa 1 r s ' - d uriiig- the present spring, and that, thtre is aa .optuing and a Ie " - f . -' . - mliiHl in e vcrv secticn of Uie Uniicd State for thone educated in its Princi uie, ami rrarttc c. . . 4 , 1 hone w isluiij: fiirtlif r iiifbriiiaiion will pleftKb address a fetter (post paid) TheJimbrcpre .('"Pjeil against (he reports ano.. mi,srepreseuiauons oi in te rested Physicians, w ho aro unaequain ted with the System of Practice, and the rnnclplea on which it is founded. y ,. Students may enter tha School a any period, bu'J lho Spring,' or Fall ii Preferable. '.' s ' , ' : K5 Editors who' Insert this Circular one year, will be entitled to , (Legratu itou's tuition of one Student; r W; IWACU, M. .U. x Principal PRICES OUaREKT. i;co(j5to:nn5i.omctca cz'tctl, I3IPOUTS. :l .''. ;"' Cotjnoc Bfnndy. 4th. nominal ' - , to I 55 Holluiid Gin. - .' di 1 . li 'American v ' : - - " 35 . : 40 Jmnl's Rum, 1 '.. . - " 1 12 120 Wwt ladiB. it '- . - . 0 , DU A iH'Ifl ia'n(?y, . -. . . . , ', u 37 . ' , 40 Coffin t- ; 'Aw - .rf; -" : 11.-- V2 iTPPrr. '' Kccr Afeas. 'S3 501 Io.' prime, :...' r ': lW "Do;, wo. a. uo. 5 50 3 00 42 t Da,. Na 3. do; 325 '20 . 5() Northcrcn Ooshrn, Turks Itihnd Satt, . .Sound do, ..'.".' , 40 45 k 00 Contlfc-s, Jforthem Mould, ,V 10 Da Sucrnacetu Northern Hay pr. hunilrecl, Flour Cunul ; . ,7a ro. 00 60 8. & 7'J Do; raycltevUle, ; ' ; v 16 00 -.'.73 ' ,88 Oil,' Winter,.- v s ." " Do. jSuuuncr - , V - Susrnr. ' . ' ;- Cheese. - -.' Do. Common.-- J ' - - '. ''.kt :' ..1: 4 7 itcb Pino Boards, and Srnntlinj, ! v -; eavred at the .Steam Milk $ 12 ,4 14 00. ; 6 oo. River, - - 4. 00 Floonng Boards,5' River, ' 11 ' po. - Btcam ami. i wi Timber, (Common, ) , . 4 00 ; ' ' 5 ori , 12 -25 ' ;-- 7 ; i so. 7 r. 3 00 J 4 1-2 12 2 Staved, Wt Q. II hit. in water, 10 - v Dot dressed. VV hart, - i Do. R. O.'Hhd. in water,! . '6 Do. Do, divssed, Wharf. 12 ; TV hit Oak Heading, -Shingles, 1 , ; none 1 00 Cotton, ; s -fiicepr.'handrrct .''v: ' - 2 fi1! Tobacco. (LeaQ , plcny 3 00 Vo. TManufacturciI.1 ,, - 7 uu - Corn,- ' K- '. '-,-'- "scarce. Do. Meal, - " t ' .-' . On. 9. tml. ' ' - - ,' r , -'. u 8 Bees Wax, v - .''"'. '18 : . ; 20. rullow. .- - - - o 9. ork. Frpih. r ' - 3 50-00 i .' 8 :,, -70 ' 1 (55 1 1-4' .... . X n-tcon, llog round, Tar hi th. water, ? TurnenUnie in tha water, 0 Roein,-" - ' 4 ' -d . -il" Spirit Turpentine, : ":- :::; 2 Varnish, - V-'.;" ', 20 30 FOR SALE. t g P.Ms. N. E, Ruiru 3 , , 1UU50 Half .bbls. N. E, Rum. 20.Bbls. Gin.;' . ' .:- 21) Bbls. Whiskv. - :,;-.:'-,','t'. '' 20 Hhdal Porto Rico and N Orleans Sugar. v . Hhds. StCroix'fiugar. ,5 Bbls. Tanners Oil. ; ; . fe4 Tierces Lamp Oil. ; . Prime and mess Pork.. ' - Prime Beef. . ;:'." Lime Juice and Shrub. ' '. " " ; ":.10 KersButter " - .':..?'. '.-.. . -- ' f'v" 20 lihds. Tobacco, part prime manufacturad ,. , ' -.'; ' I otacco. ' c-, '' 150 Sacks Liverpool Salt. ' Shot and Powder. : Tea, Raisins, Indijro.. '" ; 5 Bhls. prime new C'ortec. -y , ; "- ' IVAtia r.f Pavthorn Waft) SlnnA Tlltra . j i, " Wine, in quarter, casks, low priced. : Flour, Rice. v '-'." -1 BM. Honey. , ''; . a Wine Vinegar and Lemon Syrup. 2 Bbls. White Beans. J- ' - . Sperm Candles, Low priced Letter ; Ta- 2 Boxes Brandy Fruits. i V R. W. BROWN-w r.inM' iTQr ? .. i : Auction and Coinmissiqn :K..vj'f';':or.v:'t'? rPPlHE iibsctiber .'having been. Te-nppointed XL i Auftiotier rcsiiectfully informs his i'rmnds and the Public that he continues to transact at his old stand ;;y vi'7 v,Ns:-:.v i;.;-" 5 ; 2Vo. 7 Souths Water Street, 'C the Auction, Commthidn and Brockerage busi ness as usual, with dcupateh and prouititnd, . . , - .. li., . UAV1. May lfWiftl-: -' '- ? '- -, - - - P; S Lilenil,advajicr msde onConsignmcnte&c, 1 Coffee Sucar & Molasses. JUST received per Schr. Cuba, Begs Per; Bri2 EmfhnelS., Hhd s. Molasses, , 10 ' Hhds. and "40 BbL. prime Sugar, per Brig Mary lauumis. iemerari fldo':!es. . r. -- , LAZARUS & WI11T3IARSIL - May 17 1 -2L ' '-'.V--,' ..V' .'.' ' The meet In !? of the 'WihuiiiErtOn TemiersiiceSo-- ciety,' advertised icr haturtly last, wa stlrournod imt at the Presbyterian Chcrch, Tjiurwiay eve- j ninat next V.Kh instant) at ball post o'rloek. . TTV UK- subscriber' intern Is oiwnimr a Srhool at I, earlv in July next icntsptjado known on JL Wrij;htsille .Sound, l arms and otner amnjjeuie apHication at this otRre. in to the Subscriber. . UKUKliE IlUUl'LH. Mar l.i-48 tt.. - - ' , ' - Just received on Cousi.sfnineiit, from Xew .York. : 4 Fire Coses Ladies and Genfleiuea Boot and Shoes, . . - - . . V '' Twenty do Blrwk and Drab Fur Hats, '.Ten den witting Chair. 1 tinmij JD-.zenol.p ladnr4 wine , hfTIMiA X 111 Title JIT ' . 4 J --'.Win OALDKR. & Oo. Ts'ti & Snath voter 0trtft near market Olfi r fvr gln oil rxtfimHp'nu-tortiiiei't ft CouijiriAini?,' Rutia Jb iilo and 'American Cot, lort OuXflnVCordup of exenr feize,hMiii Culitrx, Aivhor, (tekntn, iftuiitliiDgFiiiM'r, Cyin r, H.im tiial ' f tixl rtliiu'itljr JtM, fTliarln," Ci'inun riinl HLmki iJtiiii'iurv and lnioHt rvcrj articl found in the uitHi ttviiMV cotitUiithnicnUi, ;' i.t A very 'winpktc assortment of l TT f Tl T1TTT T7 Tl and Medicines. Anifrican,Oennil & Cat Steel, . '"' Wrought and Cut nails and Spikes . Iron Hollow Wan. ,' - V '' , Tin, JapjmnedanJ Wooden Wares. 1. " GROCERIES, P-tvinivJAn o' fflnt'if Stlifn lrtntl , ;. v ..- ' ' : ' . .. . . Dealers in anv of the alovc articles, supplied at very small advance ou .Niw York and iioslun n May4:-' ,-' - - ' ' ' -JPOR SALErC4. ? 1G Ilhdi: Sii'arV v" .' '"';'' '40 IJarrels " do, i-'. ; v : ; - 10 Barrels and bpxes dotdde and sin ' gld refined XiOaf Sugar, f. -'5 Ilhds. Primfe Jamaica Cofiec, ; 12 Barrels tlc Porto Kiro 'do, ' " f 5 Bags pepner and Spice, '" ;25.,IIhds. 'Prima Molasses l '"50 Barrels Apide Brandy, v " 3 Pipes cog. Brandy, . 400 Gallons sweet Wine, . , : V 20 Small casks Madeira Lisbon Ten- . V erifle and Port Wine, j - 5 jBoxeS Claret do, v - V Ntw. Orleans Hum, . U 100 Barrels Fayetteville and Baltimore Flour, i!';v ;-:":-".,v: , 70 Barrels No. ,2 and 3 Mackeral lialf . Barrels No. 1 do, ' .; - ." V ' 10 Barrels Beef, . 4' ? - 5 " j City Pork, : v ; 20 Boxes Smoked Herring?, 20 Kegs Water and Butter Crackers, 5 Barrels Copperas,' J ; 3' ' , :v CJauber Salts, ; t0;Kf r siiouts Powder, fr-i'f , 50 IJags ljxt, makers ; 7W., ufthcjjcstquatu nJ'JJjJ v. Oils.' Vainls. V Varnishes ' Kw l - InvrtP 1 mmrf mPYIf i fit z ,r,,,ur""l"" "iKanisomi iouiarumuniin, hw ntaiivn uai iuf twitm-ii, ay 10 f imnie Dim, a,, t? . . - - 5'fS .K Ponr and many oilier articles for Ladies dwes. I.rruerW . ta trive J.U DciaouakattMi lion : to thi ; "V," Slt'enPX hltl irJish. " d- AinCfi- Hpto'M, audronc llnrand rm!ann'a Hdlfs I School: - Any Pniiib tLt mar come reormniem!-, 1 . " " i', ' ?.,-. r'-', Gwd. t?auU, GJIU70 &?r..pe liakfaajidkearft .edtoliw cavUl eiiW 0 tol.i into. JiU WY Pint - Tfiund. snuarcA fiia'ami Kid tock. KlCrUUi JJLlUa, UUVp ami I Uuaver', eUk ' ' r ' ; ;i . ' . ; ' s Gtws da JVaithv.-ant 50 Bags Shot, ; 'f .." ;f . ix-f?Z;. , , ' 'L-r Apple Brandy,' Whiskey andQiV 1r- V - room with Warehouse fltluched or.' to bo' piirti 4$Kegii. and Boxes Manufactured! Soap, Pies,-? ;. . . tioned Intotwo retail Stores to accemmodato ten- fiTTrilisfwi. t'"W?S'::'4'--"- "''.; I-....IndftCojeriis; '-' .. ' " . ' ' anU. - ;4 Tobacco, 1 Tierce Scotch Snuff,..: v !, 90 Kega Nails assbrteil,' u"; . ' -40 : " .. each 50 pounds, ,40 Reams Wrapping paper, 50 Boxes Sperm 4and Fayetteville : ;''f : Candles;; -'V -'..r; M 20 Boxes Soap, . ,; ' y : :" ...' 13 Crates Crockery assorted, f ; . b Bottles, , ,4' !, 50 dozen Dutch Tumblers -400 Gallons Sperm Oil, 1 u ..y, 6 Baskets superior Sweet Oil, , 2 dozen superior cold pressed Cast or un, - , 2 Bales Hops, t 14 Bpxs Tr h," ,. 10 Boxes fiVsh Olives, 1 - Boxes Capers and Anchovies, Boxes Lemon Syrup, -t -20 Boxes Raisins, 10 Drums Figs, . v P'rcsh Almouds, ' ; . . . Race ainlGrcrund Ginger, k y ; ' NutmegsStarchPearlash,. 150-BusheU Corn &cii;';;Y.'V;"' ' Daily Expected: Y- - A lot of N. ERuhr, Rock Spring Giu and London,Browngtpn, . .. 1 SAVAGE & Co. April 2745 Gw. ' ;' Auction and Commission v' $ Biiislncss.:' ' ' fEIIE snbpcriier having received the appeintpf hi of Auctioneer for the Tovi n of FaVttv:'Tille, has formed. a eon-j ngction riih Thomas Sandford, and I will transact th Abbves business under j the firm of Thruas Sandford & Co. SAM'L VV. T1LLINGIIAST. (Thomas Sandford t$ Co. OFFER their services to- their friends and the public in the transaction of Auc tion ami Commission Business. They solicit consijrnrjents i liberal advances made when required .'- '....V Fa vet ten 1 ley A pnl 20- 4 14 w. s. t3V4 be lldd at DJEUUood's : t - -r f V-.x v i ? ' . btorC. ;vatcr btrect. r A 31 AKINER'S SKETCHES Br ' Nathaniel "Ames;--"' ".' The unprecedented sale of this hook is the greatest recommendation that could be ' bestowed upon "itj although it has. been iiublishod but a few weeks, the first edition is (1250 copies) mosJ all disixi-, Sed of. It has been pokeii of in the j highest terms tn New York, Boston I'biladelnhia and Vhorerrf el it has necn seen. L.tuibnocucrn. . . u. - - - r y - r . - t - . . . : 'New-York VhoIe(sale y ' 'Fancy .Dry" .Good Store : Coi'ABTikituuiP.-iTlia ubmrilw liavarntcr J iutii vnimrtiicrtUn intdfr th finii el A G f Cochran,Viid Ltti tukt'ii" tt) Mtent-Kr pre- " M . V.PEttUL'S COCHRAN, INew.JorK VI bet, VI IKil A', & . COCHRA ry, in Varivt and nelection. 1 !ii arnclna ii Canton.' Fnui (r, Julian, and 'untj poodn. Blk aud coWiiil ltatian l-uatrui, nation, jil.iui, ouj chfliieaWd ' ili ';", url and changcnhl tlroa de ftyjh'V " 1 do in smit yarirtv, .. ; r i Zcablt) blk and Blua Blk Wamlluirg. col'd Boniburim- ' fi v, t -1 ICrej de Lvon,"rpUin and Fig'nl plain and Fij'rd Poplimt, Aijeii mandaruie, 'iif oi me newexi Btieg.; and t icv rravuU. - .in cravats, 'lii.iution do. ,. J v i UuuzoUnmuure ure Rjblwnt.'; EnglMi and Frcnhi ilk hose, Si 1-2 ho-ft Embr'd . uu jn'ii work oo v ., -, v , Unea Cainbri." and Candric Ildkfr, v.; .; liik and col'd "Fn-ncli Crfui Wowted Damse . .RmmMml. ' V ' - ,-;; ,. , Sewing silks; twints, braids, Jiinry huttonfi, Hooks and Eyen, &c &c- 7 . , ', Hf , I iwala ronaiatiiur of Entriwh'hnlibiiictt: Grimn. and iu uiso huv an tiiiriniive ansonmeni 01 ibc ,1-1 hraul lacca and edginm caps, capes, itcWnnea, ' rheniiwttes Blk'and white laec teila & shawls with a complete assortment of 4-4;- 6-t.s7-4vand 8-4. 1 lnbct and iVtenno shawls, cacluncro and '.Men- no kmjTBDawls, &C &.C. J v y, . A,ir. a. r nave seieiuvi nnr siotk wnn a particular reference to the. southern and Western . markets, and as they will add 'to their assortment , constantly as fresh good .hrriv6 their stork will be Kent up mroujrnout the year, All of which they offer for aale at low prices, and on the most libera term ant Jexanune their stock. .u v , -r Orders will be promptly executed with care tad 'fidelity. , -V . ', .-;',: -"'-' -:-, , ' ew-York 1st Jan. 1831. 3m. 2fi V , Wine, and domestic L-iquors, ' 5flJ uuarter L asks, Marseilles Wine, -. . 25 do-; Caaka sweet Malaza, ' ' , 'V; .t 10 barrels American Hcindy, highly coloured. Aprd 9 43 tf. : V R. W. BItOWN.1, FOR SALE. GOSHEN Cutter, ; ' ' Prime Beef, new, C Trime Pork, .."' ' "'.'''-' V . ' Nails assorted in 100 Jb. Kfgs, 1 b hot assorted, Fayettev ille Flour in whole V ' 4 and half Barrels, v.:; , j "' Muscatel Raisins, , " ' ' Cheese in Casks, :'-v ! ' ; , ':" v Ntw Orleans Sugar in lljida. v 4,,; 1 Rt. .Martins Sugar in Barrels, Holland Gin, (?ood) )-'..- " " JTcneh Brandy do...,. ) . , ' Clarified Lime Juice i in t ? . - fiK.,l. . ..'1. ; i Whir r: .:.' .w .... WUIUI m A AIM. Old GrrcnndRum; Cotton Bagjifng and Bafe Rope, , ' ' ; v f . Bales best Scotch Osnnbm'gf, j-5 ' . - Liverpool jjround Salt in Sucks, Earthenware in Crate direct from Liverpool and in good order, .(. .,;.';, ,;',: Bottles, rStonc Jugs, r ,'7 '"5'.1"'ii Virginia and Back country.Manu- . ; v fictimsd Tobacco, ; ' ,li iV; v.'''.; Loaf and Lump Surur in ) ? ; ' .' Boxes and Barrels. , i " Pilot Bread, ' - . 'f. , ' ' April 9th 1H31 " ' 1 R. WEROWN. ;:-7p ; For Sale - Just received from Ke'w irork on Con- . ', -'-.' -' '' . sigmucnt. ' i,. V -:. SO Bll3.0in. .:-'','. ' , yi '"'10 BWs. NewarkCide ,";t,V- ;tr ''' 100 ' Boxes Cigars,. ,-. , , .t. f , , O Half Bbls, B err - . . '...';;; - 10 CbUU Loaf and Lnmp Sugar. r J. 11. BIUiWSTER. : April 20 44 tf.. V , g r ' - Dont lose the opportunity FinilE Liberalist oflico, if not disposed of at U private sale before Uie 1st 01 June next will be solo at public action.' A' liberal credit will be given,4 provided the payment is secured "by j;ood security. There is an eicelfent press, a good as. sortmcut of Job typeand the type uned in printing the Liberalist. For tenuis enquire of Col D Hooks Wrightsville Dublin county or of AJcx. MacRae, SSl-Sw.' ; ; '',.- i - EncUeifeGarden , Seeds ;;lln 8n 'edisM- 4 nniE rabscriher has just received from one oft JL tre first nursery establishments in London, a complete! assortment of garden Bceds imong wmca are many oi new ami superior vanencs. HENRY A. LONDON.?, April fU,;4 J-5t NOTICE. The snlieeriler qualified as administrator on the estate of Doctor OrhTith J. McRee, at the. last term of Pleas end Quarter Sessions for the coun ty of New Hanover. Ail persons having claims airitini-t said estate, arc herenv notified to present. the same for payment; and ihey who are indebted w saiu estate, are requested to can ana senie ineir accOuuts. ' - -" .- t ' " ' a ' ."' JAS.. McREE. Adra'r. -May, 11 4ft-43L . '. -4 - -: f WANTED. - t75 m. White Oak, Barrel Stave of the follow lowing dimensions. ' " ' MuKhM tang ;: 3 inches board, ck R - 3-4 inches thick mches board, clear of sao. " 3-4 inches thick Meiiiinedrfe. to be de- ! uvercaauin pjtemDettieitt. i. 0 Apply to G.--W DAVIS, , May, 116-mr v . Auction and 'Commission ' ' Store. - ' : ' ' TIIIE sultscnber liahi( been appojrited and ' qnalitic'd, as an Auctioneer for, the Town of WilminrloTi, tender hL services to the public Rirthc inlo ofall proiieit at awtiin ; itt" tnm- actiai Of bu4ness as a senrrm! Vomnii- .. ; : nr. . t TALCOT.T U f;j i. ljillXSBpUO' '"4 QUINARY: 7 1 -' mink iyWr J!0tnuiatkannl'J oq thfl 7ttT. 'j ' , Tlrt.Nd.ij ihB (nh Jaiiuary, lb31v A S f . tf V .!l'hiinptitutu'n.lia4iU) ifen jui nurmsful cpwt '.J-tx eranon live yearn, pnd coniuiuf ntwiinrtaniinir 1 H imi HN immrv MmiitirM wf ;1r:ft tnnev to -mtUtt -r ; r: ; ' full xtlflN) hi Mililw rmln imoc Th rAnivA aT - . ' 'vs.... .' l . Jtudutlliough JiUral.u vctrorrruUtedcMicrrive .'., N- hnt nowoniiand 1 iiorndue pm-edfrirc to Ue omanivntal bnun I1 . of fancy, good, its thfv Kf F.dui-ututu, ndto'alloV Of no' tiitrunu-ii vvnw ' i on othrr hi ihw roun-1 ih-ir reiuiir nclutol hours. . ' C , . ' ' 4 : comjiriuina vh follow-1 A'nn4 and wWl decul ArrmratuA tcsrthef ' ' j witH'a handncme eobinet of: Aliheral !fui ilIIi4tol'y ' the tK f iiwfrwlion inllia Wvoral .tudk..ip r - Cheniitry,,'Kitunil rJiiloopbr,aml.Minm!cgyt- t. s ;Two Tcuchi Kartf alwuja ytMn in Jbe. Soloo; 1 . : and it im their oonatant aim to enMre obedient ". ", , -;' and iifomiite hnrnwentrnt t not bv Mow a. t ut bi'' " arginuerd of alTection and e2f rcrpoct. Rcwarrfa" itnd runuhuif nU are adaahiiitored with aparctiU liana. - ' ;-' r,-'. ' ' ', y . f .x--' The So(erintcnLnt donna it proper to state1 Luiilv; or else i hot d in t JicibW boaru'ii'e houtca and ncie lYoiq h")ia putlniul ouiRht -V' r The iiHKIeruii- term at CinTniT Tnilinn trw' . . I ptht r,with ilm tleM;rved!y high rrputntitunof 1 lift p-a. justly deiuaud tho atUh'tion of rrtU,riu4- woBrmaititM j.; - ..j ' Terms of ,Jidlionlulfpay't!eurao:'einCflf? .'V. 'Ui'ClaiwtgilOSO, 1 n x, ' OA &.t f;imMm 19 (Ml I . Par $oian. .:' ltCUuw I5i0 ) ' ' I Alufic Tl , fr'Jt, ' ' , i i-rawiiiu uiunn iu, , 4 er uv"j. I Neeetlle Work from I to 3, V. " I .. Board can .be baI .ui tlw 1 beat- familida if th- place at, gO1 per month including, wood, candtos, 1 Wuslnng; o. U ,i-WM. M. GREEN, Suprrintcndarit, -! December 8th.Vi831. -.' 31 tf.y V fanilE flvjhsfribera repectfully 'infoim their navP jU3t w jv from lthe North an - KJNTlRii and "purposely s.4ted for this mketconsistinc of . China j Glass and Earthen Ware; . Aiteneraj assortment of GROCERIES, wj.icb they are determined- to" sell low for CASE or Country produce.- v ' ' . - JOUN S. JAMES & Co. ' f- Atthevr oldstrti sUin tide of market strtctr Ocobef 1--30 tf. 270 RENT. S 1 SUNt)RY Wara Houses,'of two. gtorle each in the Brick Row between Dock and Oiango street..-::.;.. .,.': .:' . - The.rw Brick Stow either' in one en tiro The North corner Office fit present occupied by A. Meilan,jEs(. ,v : ' ' ? ' All, vell calculated for Shipping Merchants or others in adctached and convenient ituutionet ampt, from the common, danger of fire. Qood Wharves ui front. Apply to . - II ' " ' R. WT BROWX . ' ? PctQWlX20.f. . , , , '--- -;. : - , . ' - '1 " ' nflAKEN vp on the. 2d inst. and commitfeif ...JL.-, to the J Hit of 15ruiiBwu:k County a necro man who calls himself John he is about tX) ve-.trs of age about five feet six inches high says he b tongsto Mr. Thomns Ford living near GerjTP town S. C. and Hljiis master sometime inlian h in Company wi;h a young negro fellow who made, bitfway towarda Wihiiingtoii.t Tho owner is re quested ro cOme forwurd prove property and take Dim away or lie will oe ucait with a the law rects. ? ASA RTJSS. Sheriff Smithvilo Rrunswick cA AprU 25-!-4S--lw." r, ' Heal'Estate at " - Smitiiville. : Stte of 'North Carohna, New Ilanoter, County: , , ; . By .virtue of a decree of the last court , of Equity held for the county and State aforesaid will be sold ?on Thursday ; the Vm,t lbliCiAuction un; der the Court House in the. Town , b( jv ',ulc? amount due the Sta telBank of North - Carolina, the half lot .No. 41 with im provements thereon and the . whote lot No. 40 in the Ton of .Smith ville'late the propprtyofSajnuelRussci deteaseH These lota will he particularly described at the sale or previously if desired. : ' '-.Tvi'.a; lord.: .a M.!E. , ' :- MAy 2 46 tsl ; . V NOTICE; h i- , The SubscriWs, intinndinof to make a new ar rangement in their basinesa it U abtolutely neee tary, that all their accounts skeuid be icttled thi : ipring. ;-- , -;' ? ' ," ,' i f Wi; S. BROWN,- & Co. ' :j May; 1 146 tf.' iiJlS-l ' Wm. Calder&Gershon Lazarus will transact business from this date un der the firm of Wm. CALDER & Co. Persons having accounts vitK mo are. requested to settle. ' - Wm. Colder.' May 2-1-46-d.V . ; " '. T1ROM onboard the Schr. Scnstor in October MJ -last a snmll bo.conUinina a brass cock with , , tf twoliincbs, intended to form ps'rt of tlie. Knef J " water pies a sb m Engine : and bout CiSy nll screw noils. AnvInlorniaUonresnecUns wi;j beihaiikfully rsccied. ' 2 . ? . '- 'Ma.-cHCC 4(V3-.t.- ' i ' " " - 1, if J ,4 r v r . ! 1 - V f ft 4 . . . - .- "- -. "- T