.7 4 ' 1 1 x- v ft v Ti SbVcWb4 ,0?fil U'tsiBHTU-THAr r'BtlO OflSiC 'UOLti B Nf UtlT r. - 1 v ' , .'. '"i J-BIStTtiVBVtttV JiY AHLllUtM'l' .VT l.r.vn r.pxy - morn iko I vamps also, it'll u uie oottom in t imi- U'Lt.Y HOOPER. laf'rnn(vt:AV' ), .u'eln.r thrrivliMli n. cd in jrrcat Juste for ihe Tbysician, four i uftn Uxrs for uim iurf) for one IV.lur, f4 trn- t ' " - ! . It r-' nH, .I lint I'r.L Uni ' " "tvo JuBamf.r ir:m aJv.-iU--tn.-ut of more ' t' thnrt mxtwu linen sn;! not ftrva;,ij; iwosqn.irrs, ' f lh6 T.ftit line i aiij lU'iy f iM f"t W ry am-ci'dng V. , j.ulIioti.Mi: Those r- atct of l'n T !i m roiorU'U :, ; );, Jfl?A thejWothcrl look; a Work -V; nbw'in? Press, ly Mr$.'-ChiUi. ' ??'Pm.lTF.NESS in ' 'children- I v;. politeoc -s aa in .iRany'bther tl.'ngs 1 X ' 'v. connected wiiliW formation "cf charac- ''''Xthcy lwuli' bein jusido ; instead of be f'., ;?ffinning with o heart, 'end true tin j' tliat rtVnnnrx-d fliflt liPffiTl' With thfi - (t ' : : S . u Is . - i n fro mabners, and trust thahcai-' tb -chap ''X. 'loScpnces '; The golden rule contains ' J tne very iifo and 'eoul " of politeness. -.' ' Children may be tausm 10 maho a g";w V ful Courtesy or a f entlemanly JboWbut .;-.V'-.mlW'tcy ha?e likewise beea taught to Xv SJeor: tt hat wai cifish aiid always pre V ibVer another's c'omfort" adVplasure'. to their VwnA fif Iy;aVtcU..and : -fHicU. A band. a :tnily benevolent; land-Jieartcd " person," will'tlvays bo distinguished for f fo- "iVi t &1loi'ntt.vfi noliteness. th'dnffh . entirely ignorant' of the' conventional ,4'iorraof80Cty. .--'v. ; ..f t bV iio meaiii thinl4 "graceful manaers f of small importance, v; thTey.are the out ' J.Wlrd' form ot refinement in thenind, and nflflrtirtn fit the heart i and aaWch 1 ' - Must be lovely But Tyben the .form v-Art (Ka1 lirineioie vithin. v '.i unrl lifeless as flowers arvec in foriiiin't.Twho resided at some distance from tlie place. ' , During his abfence,'se vrral ladies who were assembled at the place, determined to make an effort ,td raise the bodies frohi the well. One of them threw a pailful of water down inpst of M'hich fell on tlie face of Mi1. Yiil, when immediately, caogbt breath, aud raising orr, his feet, he seized the breathless and apparently lifeless body of his eonand with it in his arms' suc ceeded in serting into the bucket or tub, in which situation they wcre raised to the top of the Veil by the irpmen.''Va terwas Immediately applied to the young man, which in. Vshprt timo produced ejCiptoms of returning life.' Mr.; Vial in a few hours attained, his usual health and strength and the young man by tne clical aid, had so far recovered as to he able to walk about on' the, succeeding The experiment ofletting down a can dle was then. tried, which i jy'et' -out at the depth six feet froin the tbpvpf the , well-a live "chicken. Was als6 let down, and at the1 depth of si feet animation bo- came suspended, but y pouring down, water on it anirqation was immediate ly restored', From j these 'experiments says there Is a report that the Lithuani an insurgents hare again bad 4 battle with the Russians near "Wijrw. ; I' The Polish Gazette esjt H-'Vebave josi received intelligence thai Col. Cie- rakowski, supported by tne insurgents, has had,' w ith very superior, force , ef the enemy, near Mariarnpol, as bloody a battle as that of ustroiensa, oiuy i was more favorable Id Our troops are said to have twice made themselves mas ters of the town, ani to have been twice driven onU till on the third attack they maintained their ground, and entirely dispersed the enemy's ecrpa. : By letters just Veceived from Meme, dated tlie 4th instant, H is stated that the Rjissian General Sicken, 'with; 10,000 mefl dnder bis command, nai beercom pleiely beated by the Insurgents .by', Li thuanhv and it was supposed would at tempt to cross ihe Prussian frontiers for safety, Their military chest had alrea dy arrived at f af small towi) within ; the Cordon Simi.taire. Mv ; A Commandant of ; AftilleTjy Boslim, gaiiopeu up io uie tvussian j.iuauir, cu ring the battle, with 12 pieces of artille ry, and discharged them seren or eight times at the distance, of 60 paces; . He 19 gaiu to nave Buuuuiaieu iwcuij vu isutQ'baalioBi fr-U:' T;' f t jjonaon, june.io, it appears that oa inhaling this gas, life is not immediately extinguished, but sus pended only, and that the application of water will restore it-whether by von- yeyjiug ;. atmbshrid"- air,; contained ' in oinet cause, we are, not; sumcientjy sci ' Ar:.nnvneTer betauffht byelmaxims. " jy eiterfelsli pO'Uaf forming. . trm ftharacter of children ana. in naui; f i falf yW arabltually olitethat ihbuld always 9uch;yoa wish your - 4 ian?hy iQ fiavi icompan at fritfcout ibmiting aboutiwheft Ccetafn"i&ufw .A-ft,:irwordJ)ni wane us pie?uig, tcJr , r , " ' .ii- due importance !andv the P J worth'ineSs.' f ' "; cfesi f bvr mrtb Jmanerl are nobabit- if J allynsjstpi'i ;f e.: Vie p'f Jtd Jil wilL: fri atttbb iv lai this momeni'recllecUltfwdp't' icbi! 'ilainW islwwi- that politeness M.; -T ; , ffiftortiiiW':,i' Ja; Moment's ?i t v WarnBTikiaarme nsei fJtVorthv butoinewhafulgaV Sbmani - visiifrOm BlratfgeHAbf sOmegdiatincr k;r''idii fiii SDudf'the ioccasion."'ahe t XVcalled hef icbaldreji Jtbgether : and; said. - it very itijl, til thompny pmesahd '... V 1 ( ':" V - ! .'..' L '..,..''a: .Tr. .nJ men you iuuat uo. buiw , w ec u u uu ''tftahkt vu. The visitors arnined---nd ? hildrensbate ' rn and twenty little dogs all Ina row,' jBp. Ijrostf'at '"Onee,' bobbed their boWs' arid courtesies, - andT jabbere , over Ycs -. , 'ma'am, No aam ;airNo, eirI t - ithankyou. Tiiere-f-motheri w.e'redone i.TALfcLErDiscoy , r ;XJnderthls bra , Venna Ctouierstate4facircvJtance ' . - which we abstract as follows ; ' , V t :V vVOav the .' seventeenth 'of June las i , -'' hree individuals, B' BIr.". Tial, bis son ; iL" Vnl anpthW person, were :eu-aged dig- glng a welHn the tOwnship or Copely, . l' , - iledilTa county, and having been absent - out briVbour, on returning he joun . J riSan went tftto the wtlbT-todfafter , de- i;. . - pending C hcrt .distance, feU apparent . ; r V 'ly i-fdess thd bohbmUisfath ct uu j i.iedtately descend, i to his, ,r- : :, at rin arrived at ( J 9 regKa many names is thus described by a. no- nee in tn&Xionapn iviormng iieraia, caw ling a meetm'gpf his creditor's V-'; Xi ;,yuexahaef ,walKer,therwise Wruce, otherwise v'ScoiC; otherwise Malcolm, Otherwise West, otherwise XVhiteother- wise A4UUII, uvJjuwcra, ucasiuuauy rep resenting himself ;"tS be and; passing aaf a man pf literary, pursuits,' and an, editor or propretot of newspapers nd literary journals,' an agent for; the a manufactory Or sale ot new patent meqicioes, also a gent tb the Colombian' Government captain pr .magtef of a ship,' the' projec .ttoMk'Vnter tnA rulUsbilriXftnd Jresi' injg In brMrryin'g! pnr fepructing such supposed pursuits ami .business: -at Weitbournev terVacI Bayswater4; e2 i W -ili ii-'W-liif-i:- - South 1jabtn:jBbogbi-ir Quthwark; Jenningfpn arid various' other places in and, about London and, also at ;Greeu- wicbj Cantetfeftry, .1 trgateRainsgte. Doverv tiaWicouihend, and Bathl and wh'prit" ppearisb'y ie Gf iette tff tlie this name arid dekriptm Walker, of Dorer. stattoneri printer and pBbMrt.;f FOREIGN ;NWc." hi T i iThe Warsaw Gazette of tordav savas j Wf havpno account of the further )p. erations.of pur srriiyin Lithuania4-A- moriff the1 reports that reauiro conimk- uoa is one mai ucnerai uniapowsm Das had inpther battle with a Russian dorps, anger, General Wlodek." i . -1 ; i), t , 'Poli$hlfronticr$t "June 7.CountDi eoit&ch is said to remain - in" his' forinef AHfiiti ii Asr1aW M.aVtM tence Pf his army ; buV M.OCX) men bave advanced to Prasriysi probably to raaik ine movements oi asirong corps sent jn pursuit pf General Gielgud. ' Thelatter, is aid Jo : be following the,, corpsiof General Sacked Which we now hear has T taken v the road to. Knowno.- Kalwarr Jureported ,to vbe v'ocennied by, the Polish troops,' tmited with theW curgents.; In prder to give mbre.unityp a TVT7cTi , Vftrrtmmfln rmno f-r.. toryski wiH j WJJP". appointed Tlie Warsaw Courier sajrs.tLat the pbs sacks have already advanced from Pras- 6ysirtoj Ciechanowiion'theT'othef band troop cfCos:acks are said to hare 8f. pearr i ateut gkIeC,TViame paper if The progress of the Polish,'' detach mtnts into the nnfth ia marvelloiia. It proves, the general support of the coun. try? ana meir uner conxcmoi oi uic uen- - ..-,. . . - i. . erals for the boasted resources of Rus sia, the entire' advance being on the high road towards Petersburgh. i By the -.last accounts, the rolish Generals had reached Kalwary,: ind Mariarnpol, from 230- to 260 miles; from' Warsaw, and within 30 roilei of the centrical city pi xvowno, parauci wiiu x rmi onu ,t rial and near thetnV 'What is more,they had aided by the insurrection, fought a great and decisive . patfie at iwanampoi pear tof iiave concentrated J and it end ed in the route and dispersion of the lat ter. It appears in fact to have peen j a most desperate conflict r for the town was retaken twice, and taken tkricei by assaultthe tlussians being- fiaaily, ex- peuea, ana n is saiu uisi'cracuui nu try jof deadly bosUh'iy,' and ' near wjhich they had recently been committing ! te most frightful,, enormities. Such a de feat pf the Russians, and the occupation oiF tlie towns above named must carry Ihp'miiitaope to the;Dwiriaiso as entirely tt: separate " Thp effect ,bf . lul? occupation of the country i lying between i Piebitsch and Petereburgh, is theeuturig off his cpm- municaiion vfiui m- uumiiuk-ui. bu tjie Rapture; of all those trains, -of deprpts by which his army nas,.tm noTv, Deen ntnirtert' llitt movements illustrate embarVassirient. c ltniyf .have crpssed the Narew, and fallen badfe tp- ward? the .i'russian frontiers, wnere ne receiveV Ireaclierous sifpplies jlalid lie is probablyiendeavouriBg tov establish' a communication with Thorn, a Prussian tbWn bn the .Vistula.' as the means of ob taining 4hP carfeMs,' bic:;ia'8ttcb pro fusion, haye" been sent to tbe.aitfufrai pprtol Dantzic, once the outlet of Pp; land, end iestin$i ere long to; lew -gaitiif' Such-results' of that possession will ! not be lost on the Poles of those districts'now Prussian. in meddling with Uie aratrs of I: Tlipsc. a!nii,cJ people will t!u:i l ave ope enemy less. Autria ba ' f. .1 eropuy mcnt ia Italy, and will rer.rd die Ktl rian aa a Verv. remote no ration ; it'ap- pears to us, there forei t!;at the king of Holland will be c(l to tight the Belgi ans single handed, except in the degree in which bo may be assisted, by the pai per mis'sives of France, which lb, e . Bel gians have already learnt to l&aght at. In truth ih'e: French. Gffvcrncaent.bave enough Oil tAirbanda in war I with 111 guel; and though Belgium in certain fs pectei events, may derive, support from France, she ,ran 'bave nothing to fear from the hostility of constitutional, af imies." .V: :! X :': This summer in likely to give a new face to the stale of Europe, but not the . ,, , . ace";. which the; enemies of tlie", sote- relgoty f thd people have planned arid contemplated.&tarv ,. y l ' ' Bounamrtc'sr UdbUstllu partiality for the bath, be mistook for a necessity' He would, usually), remain in tiro )ath, wo; hours, during" 4which tJme I used to read td bun, extracts from the jour nals and pamphlets Pf'the.day.'ior, he was anxious1 to beat aiid know, all that wasohig Pm hilb inthe' bath, he was continually , turnic on, the ' warjni water, 'to raise the temperature t so jhat i was someumes- enTciopea, oc- dense rapor, that I coulbf nbt see to read and.vssobIigedto open tie dpbf, ;. Bo naparte was ekceetlingly temperalea"n4 averse to all excess.'. His flitterers, prp- bably under the idea,; that sleep is in compatible with greatness, have evinced an eaual disresard of truth, jn speokini ornis nisnt waicmng. aiuunapvrie uiaue others watch V-bot be bimselfsiepti and slept well; ; His ' orders :were7. that I should call Mm every morning at seven Y was ; therefore the first to - enter his cbarnber, but, very frequently, when I BWO.e win, ue wuuiinuru iuuiocii, ouu say'Ah Bburienne, let rne sleep a1 lit tle longWWTten th pressing busbiess, I did riot disturb biri again till jclocl slept seven hours outof the twenty Jour oesiaes laiuag a spurt oap u uiv "c; Among the iprivate instructions, which Bonaparte' gayp rne, jprie was;yery curi-"ous;-'During tbe riigbt, 'said; fceentey my cnamper as seiaom aa possiunr -yw hot awake me .whea yon liave any good news to oominuniaf i "fwitl hat,thee is no hurry j but tvheriyott bring rhei?A news rousp mVi Iristantiy, for then there b not a moment to be loit. -This was rarst, Icaue te cannot make a chmof I' nrrrsr the ihoe-ir.a!icr the fr? irr, tceau.a he fannot r ' " aj of hh I 1 is truta Is ih i-t.. ; r.1:.: -cu? edu.- on of 'the. people, i a pier.- ..-f Inso!,. -r, IrMng put ef, tho sU:j.-l" pritls cf i.'.'cra, wboFe InowU Je con soti in lookstcr the content oflKi'jk,' Learning' -' mrar.s -Inowlcd', tvi bedger,',tliit tr. JerSfand -bedlr pcf- feirtly, U lean.l I i i 1 1 i j rofci.jn.-Tte? pride, or rarity vtLurSiv.h, despises all knowledge, but that w! i !i bcloff t itself and you sbaii frequently, I 1 1 u miserable fribblo of a i'wrf c! , v ! couli bardly disatald V.i c; cai if clasped .by a couple cf stout 1 .ur.lilcs, - ' and wh .bardlr knows a toynh 4hec9 .-.I dog from a sheep,' speallug c the pea santry ss creatures torn u:uo;it Drmnj. w Qh ' no,' mjr fiicndJ--ThU educatjcn work, is ircnerallr a sort of c? eatery; f when not, it is detpicable f l!y. ReaJ ing andrttitiny cartnet M' ' labour i Ing man, henv to perform t. y oh'a du ties of life Ilia bu -he; ?, is in trie fvU k tifiiiinn rf thftland. i of n.'l btlonHfisr ' V 7 ' ' , - n a ' , tr the Iand.ijBy. these la brut l.'rei and all that is wanting- h a SULicienf y . cf , fpod( and raiment, c-nd of od5r tbing '1 that make life easy and happyi' 4 'X J : 1 .1 .- -T. ' Coin wateb-I have known t tweR flng upon a ehfld'ti forehead, is tig aj a . j 3i .- pigeon's egg," ccca shed by a fall ; and because there bar: euci' v Le h c?n phof i'the I ot;!e,'tbe? sympathising mother had irothing to dp but sit uowr V r The wide spread of the insurrectiori is provedby'lhe fate bloody. battleat Herman, in the Ukraine nearly eixhpn dredinilea from, Warsaw arid ba . the south-eastern Verge of ancient Poland " Tbis is a new feature ( the war, and itjirpves that all Pot and will be frei; and as we bare ::inamtai'ne6S lever' since their-fist fa tal, repulse' at- Praga, that THE - BTJSSIAS3 WU-U B vftiv&A vu vt r- In such complicated aflairs, e .may speculate, without pretending to propbe Mitfrtiveeinr the' restoration of Poland as hio;hly probable, and the res titution which the Poles will demand of Prussia, oa the Baltic ancT in Bosnia, U appears to . us " that Prussia.; will have other ' e'rrpbvactl fcx ter troops tian i a wise regulaiiorii ud Bonap'arW found his 'advantage; in itIutwint '-MS moirs of Napoleon! ?V : j s t1'. ; 4 S 1' . Cohb&i Ton Ae Education of the reo? j'pimmeptio has beep pracused uponjthe working, peppier un der 4 tbe pretence of giving them edaca- tibn, bT;Jchvthe parlies practising it, choose 'always tp mean, learning from oodir&- Nbw?l if this"" educatioPwork, produced real .benefit to the forking people, It would be a thing tp be prais ed : butlbl fa2t is that febice. the woik was begun the fpeople have, Tegularly neepme poorer anu poorert cfuus uc reffuiariv uicrcasco, uu wt more tat mujish and Jtransport2 felons than the-whole of the maintenance of the.'poor, - cost ;7o years agd. pf want the working people to-be igno- rant' I No ; but wnen i see uie euura- tion.'as it if impudently called, and the misery and crimes,all go on increasipg together ; whea I sey that the people. uave become more uuseraoie, uu wood 'In exact proportion as the educa ting-work has extended, I mast regard this. Work, as a despicable cheat Be sides, what is 'ignorance f There is a great deal of 1alk about it; but vhai is tl'Is'.the literary riuyjoeaXi .a hboo rer ignorant, because the latter can. nei ther -write nor read, and because he does not know A from B? Well, then, U not the labourer,, to" call, the literary roan ignorant, because be cannot hold aDlourh. or make a hurdle, tfc because he does not anow oats 'from barley, vTln thev are aix inches biffh ! Is the ! brprrnttx to call tie sboe'makct Ign'o- and cry orer her child. Low sbe should .- . ' , knoW, that cloths dipped into eoU. wt- ,' . f. ' ifin inl 'nh.n ILmn n-dn. . . . . tained,"a" enow ball wrapped jap iri a-, " clbthVand held upontbe swelling, vwlll:? i r do more'good, -than, a" gallon of cam-. ;J phoh-;;. -';!,":;.; ; ;l havp known persons hfat rum, ta - ' wash the head with; jfn vioWt'.he ad- t -acbesi tfberi showering it with ecli va s. . . ! ter. a "can Pf ftnowJ trill rdo a ffreat deal of good, as we blight expect. , The' Last Abode rf the Bourlons.tt ' . is'settled that Hungary, 'be the country, to which Charles Xi andshis Hovst Th iDachess td'Argouleme, ; possesses la that country, 'estates Varied ;' at 600,000 franc? a year, which WereJ f leftherby her aunt There w& b thusv in the Austrian dominions, the, merrityi pf an ex-imperial and ex-loyal family of France, ; : : - ;' y ."4 : LeJroi Dcciioa-A case of some Im portance was recently decided, in the courts 01 liower uanaaa. in av jean Porie'ganli Sn' alien, came , to the' pfp; , vir.ce'with three sons 'and daughtct.t all aliens, and acquired real taiev Vy his "will in 1600 be constituted his'spns his universal legatees, bequeathing a"V peenniarr lecacy to the daughter, 'lle J left the province afterwards, and died ' in' bis, native" country. .The daughter. 1: inarriod, ' and tho plaintiffs jrj tha.tj;, . issue of the 1 marriage brbugli dr; e . tion to :recover tbe.land froWi.tueitnn. . clest iThey contended,, arid xt;$ 8? ea.' decided by the eouTt uiav Dy me avr cz France' an Ztea intgbt acquire, &; hoi J , nf which be iniffht .ose, " hv sale, deed, or arift, donation, Vr Q'her mpe of conveyance," tp take effect, du- rinff bis natural life ; W that' be' could HOI peVlS-Cvcp ill id iv v born children, neither could hetbe mte- . ritcd'; jot by bia 'natural desceudsnts, alien boni i so niachW that the patural " born grandsoni. eoufd exclude; tWIe ' father from the successioa. ? ( , ' Tbe country, possessing jts pwc legal t jorisdlction, it was adjpdicated, that rer course r 'nra3t'. becaa, Mr tne laws 01 . France; ana juugxaen w"bh-.w... the plaintil7vcijw Aflff a . t , . ."--'i'i.- ;-;i Vr-cC ; '- v- - '1 ; l?baTe known a rood nurse," put on tsed'nnvrobdsteerd fa boiling inegar, to "sprained ankle, to keep the swelling down, but according to the laws of our rtsrW all hot applications. insnchcas . .!ohurt y must apply , cold to do axy good v Let pitchers fvl pf cold water, be poured from a heigi t, nponsuchananUe, and the inffainma- Uba-Mll te very f coa 8Tjbdacd.-J2. R i 1 fi