7 V , ' "'a y V , 4 . . - , i , . V , 4 in I . 4 a B'rfonuld1 t ' The IWi ie .i..lly' informed Ihat u InmUuthrti L abli'ied,andin p'.n:cc.Turtrwfaii nt ih the city of New YorU&lJrUIge l' r. 'iu tvvccik Grand id' 'Broomcy ' mi miinntcd. i!i-?Ur- I'oiiMKn fia.uiCAi; coluxuv ' .limler lh-Jurisdiction of the Reform I McoVaI .Society of .' United 'lr; fT lhafrb:i Iiiititttiionhas prison from U ftw'rt'i'ntrjnh-id MucriU.'i notVhf tann ing tha oppoblilrto -of iUihAraTalvJ.lria'r csU'd lMivf iiatiV-tn an IrmiiuMicO m f sawrnine cvpeetiftnins o(ii fiiemU. . In-thbColleg'u a system tf . praetlcn .-if tv$h slttiftrUter Superior to!;that . ucd bv othrrivnirians ' remedial flouts bJiii!,'' principal derived from ji . the veffe table Uiijjdomj V lU.eflieacy ' hw Uit'rf DroVc'd for more than half u ttutwrj-ifornbirrin, ilirt improvements : ftf (hninrwt , ilftLinuished Medical Re- irsf iiia r nntf iithlpr ncra. . It has ..r- " lirfni lftnJ in e.ii tv varii-tv form" of 'i; 4dirtcap, and Us salutary efiecta v itneseJ f 1$ tfe mercurial o"pniicral . treal- tmuit had bcapHrsued without mc icast r . eflncU excrpl greatuyary jo me consu rtiVion. IU Biipcnority.lios.necn so. re- fc, f jWcdly "demonstrated, .'' as '-To . satisfy v theibsl .Altering and it ls;'clucfly ow J ing Mu;aucpco, that -we. aire. ;irtdobt- 'f tfd f.r the elevated character anu repu- ration 6f our lteformed:Med,ica! Coltr.a - to" eorauiunfcntemav be U-):k ,n shefth'Vm-pf practice . in? fiwt for its t- !-f ior hs The ii c'eMi ty of an InituUon of this ., t ;.. ' ll ylirnlinn a rnmnf'triit K- "l frdfessrirs,-' must 6e , strikingly evident 1 1 ill who jinvo 4 reflected pon the sub- , ;ct of medical- Reform, -,Tilc prevail , ing practice of, Thysic and Surgery is . federally admitted Jo be replete 4with danger to tW ji'eaUlf arid lives of rnan- , y tho KxirE, are how; 'e means- chiefly f ' llciVuport forlho removal of almost ev? 1 " rv rliftense incident to tha human bodv.' ptwithstaning tlipir, deleterious effects ' are so universally known "and 'expeHen- 1 tenflancei at; thii nstiutUohfV-.vriirwe WOst,Tecdlyt'a by,,th6se who ' wish to aetiltirt a Correct-knowledge of 'the healing ar$lLCSetheStudentvilI le taught air tKc;. o?diiia ry ."ibii'tine.9f p "actice tlrot in deVmod lUebaryi in ad-; ditioa to ttie Dota1nca!aar,d " in ilVonae- and pursuing a syetemauc CQUT,$.ofstu- ' rf.combiqivslr yjffiojjepartmontsv Y v , he may (cqinre a kiowJadge of both', in ; "VshatUpafG.ofnielara rery ' smfll expense in corrfpinson withtthat , Vrherollotvingtvli are taught, both on tile bid and modern, or Reform er ed Systera,ibyl?j?Ws,. recitations, ex aminations, and suitable text book's": Anatomy nm ghyshgg. - ; 2J$lateria Mcdtc nr. Iharmacy 1 ; Theory and, Prcxtitiffi Physic - Surgery. "Vr -y. v ' " Theoretical cucl Prttttical Botany , i 9? Chemistry! ". . -; .,' t," Medical jurisprudence, $c, . , . There being an IrifirmaryL connected ' VtK th Collegc,the Student will, have the benefit of Clinical Practice, by which the experimental, or practical part of . tk. tf - 1 :".t." .1.'-' nieqiciue, win ue ncquireu wjui mc uie- -v'orvJ-C . ' .! ' f ! here, will.be no specified time to a omnlete a eonrse of study, but when- . f fcver a student is qualified to pass ah exi Some will recuire one year, others two for more years, to complete a course -of studies. " , ' "t -V Students .will have an 'opportunity of attending the. New-York"' Hospital jn ; ' -Addition to the Infirmary, where many hundreds of tnedital 'ana surgical cases i. are dailv exhibited, arid Lectures dehv .-. . :reJji. Operations performed, ' &c. wit , tho r beiftfit . of an' extensive medical lihrarv. x . - 1 ' - ' ' '..- V For, the ; information - of some,' we .Vjsh to sLitc'that this System of prac tice has no Connexion with that diss era Justed by Dr." Samuel Thompson.''' . REQUISITIONS. V " Te qualifications for admission in fo the School wiDjbn A Certificate 0 t of 4od moral? ch'f; . A good t . English Education. ' ' ' . 1 5 ... ';:-T-''' ;, , frartiee; Mv'iy'ing; boaSfd and all the advantagca-plhclijslitnlio),. will be " t . at the redded, jnrice of .8230, payable in advance ;.:r $150, in advance aud810 ' nt theti-nenf gra luatinp. Some allow- a nne will be made for those in indigent ,-- ircuristancea.-The price of 3 diploma ' will be ten dollars. - . i - fc- J!vt-ry studenwill. be expdeted to 'fcupply, himself, with bed apd bedding, ; h.ipks, fu V Vc.,; which may be 'pur ; hisedin this city at a v4y email price. ' AV hav the pleasure t announce . . that our School-is jn uccesru1 wnera- ( ?ion f there baYtng been about thirty .iJiliiitl here- U an opening and a de msimV fa every fettSu., If th n, tJnitcd flute for tht educated in its' .Tho wishing "Tiirtrirf .inforr A Thofl , wuhipg. further irtlormation, will i k'8'; addrusa a letter 'post paid) to' the uoderncd ' - i, v . '. , Th pulLc are camionedagunt iiiq rrpo'rfa'-oiU laisicpn-HtniaUons. or n- terestcd 'hyiu -mn, vo ro unaniuuin tcd with the fctont of I'racticc, atil the Principles oo vhich it Is i'Otmdd. , ' Sludent'!-tnay- cnti f "the School t arty 'pcriol, lot. the Bpring or J-'oll, U "prf rabl.' i ' i V tCT l'ditora vlioin?crt itlila "Circular one ycnrwill be entitled ,lo liio gratw itou's tuition of ooe Studogvt. . v W.' BKAUII, M. :U.,VrizipaU , Stcrtogrrapliic Academy ; ; BX Mf C. GOULD, No.GXprt EightJiStrect Phil Kf''t:. u culelpliia. , Tlift' iMltirlctor of ttiU : establish mwit Iim : viuitcd 'the principal Cities, Towrts. and .Colleges In Mho .United States, as ft Iteportor, and a .a .Teacher orSTENpGRAniY, and.ia oow Hnda- rcd. bv the solicitation of numerous res pectable individuals,' in various parts bf the Country to prepare a plan Tor com inunicatinff a knowlcdgo .of his -art to all those M-ho may consider itk worth their attention,' but who,'; from tVeir jemote situation, cannot enjoy the benefits' of personal instruction. 1 '. -' .'" ; m, L iinilei!fTP nf furl it considered tno stanuara oic -imckicaw .STENOOAPUV.it'.is ,alroo8t.,fliex bnly plan used in the United ' States; and is sold by rhost of the book-sellers, to the exclusion of al) other systems. ltJ has passed throug seven large editions ;and has bceri recently much improved 6terc' otvoeti and embellished with serenteen new copper-plate engravings, illustrative j - .L :-. .... . . . '.tJ. '' :e 01 me meory.: A copy of this work will cqnstitnf ft ineh first three numbers ot aeontempinieu r ries of printed lectures, or pertor I ' -." . 1 'LliJl.-.l ..!.- sent through the meediun ofc'iror otherwise, to each suhscrihct:ipl -a rough knowledge bf.the art fchal,' lr ;- been jsOmtnuQicated."'" ,4j jii!il.bhebbjecibhhesc tecturps, ijj nnt'onlv 10 convcv to each individttail- complete and practical ! kowledgef nori-nanu vv rinngr jdih iu -1 w - the trjost eligible way ,t0 employ it, j labor and tlmfe savirffipr-' ring in 'minutctyati&hourSf I wl niust otherwise rVftJre rf ' : Should tljcjabovpbjftfs there is reason .td,Jb&" '.' P?aT opriodical numberstri'lt t " lor' monthly, atone do'Ur'r "tW the following, title to n, u : .;c va TIIE "AMERICATT ItlJSRTOT' or arts; scifixcEa," , ' L.JtATVf-2.' The object of flu w v u oc nish in numbers'to the r is7g gf '.ion, j a Miniature Encythjoear uerffil Cdbijiefi embracing in its t"W..ot"ia,. hy cise view ot epitome of the rttbsTimcrfc ting tobies of the age,' with th4eicCi tion of religion and politics. 1 Aa mat ter of great Convenience to the reader es pecially for future reference, the contents of each page will be denoted by appro priate words in the margin; tdwhichinar ginal word,a general index wilite formed upon the ; principle of Locke's., Cbm-mon-Place Book, thus furnishing to each reader an infallible, key to the whole, or any particnlar part which he "may . wish to re-examineat the same time-suggesting to the aspiranfc'after -knowledge,; a method which if pursued; cannot fail to produce to him incalculable.benefits, by an, ultimate saving ojf time and labor ; for it js asserted without the, fear of reiuta tion that a' young roan,: who will first ac quire a facility in Short-hand ' Writing, and then proceed to .write daily in a Common-Place Book ; upon the; princi ples here suggested, "will acquire, more useful knowledge in one ;; year, .than, in would be p"6ls!W70T hior to ' obtain' it 'three years, by any, other? that has ever been devised. , fl '-.''",' v 1 In carrying out this designthree im portant principles will be constantly , iq view:;, . y j,, i First To select from the great mass of human knowledge tliotonly which is iseful. ' f Secondw'-To condense it as' far as its practical utility will admit. , . - ; .' I i Third To systematite and, arrange the whole in such manner, that each and evory portion shall be atimingdiatu,couo- mand. ' ' " - " .-. ' v i ' kid tl&iIdoJUof other eonsiderations in'this place, IT jt . TTor a full course ofinstructioo an above mentioned $2 50,. payable in .advance, or on the' receipt of the first three' nun be'rs of the periodical T'. ': All postmasters are respectfully soli cited to act as agents in their, respective neighborhoods, If a postmaster . pro cures but onfe sub?eribe, he will be en titled to a gratuitous pofv of the publish ed system if four supnbers, t a "fulls I burse 9f hutruction, y $2 0 irom the liioijry f (ilicctea q iu mkv prgpoiui lor frUtir or U ''f -f .ubt w bcr iKaU td "ay iv"'Uii aIuii of twenty ptYcenl, fur Lts.tr) lets. hoh who VUh for o more full xpUinaiion.or ' -'a sjcimenuf he pg.type,&c tu !.! uvrd uisv tu . doubt be .Rratiiid by falling on iiistniastfr, wlio bufe been generally suppUtu wuuau inirouncuuii to Uo sysUraliboTB referred to ; ami 1-(in-ith a great variety of tcHtiuonials fretn thotte who hae learned the art- The issuing of numbers will rbmmence earlr4n Jiilv. froin and uf;er which ".eocli ;vi.pplicant will bo .iipplied,'.'l l mi of subscribing wit)a a. pcrtcct fid .. ' - 1 ! new, tlm from the beginning MEDICAID COMI r . OR or r frt . r i DissAfEs- or TP.fUMflo St-o . tVith thr urmiitoiDtn wuw un.l ufii , of piicvtiitiw romroqo iuBo'T'rt numajjmhvnt of diw.'blof VToinrii mid t'Jjil-, , a Dw uatry forlprrpann . '. I'nm'ilv 1r,lii'inrii atlJ ft CiLiM 14 i? a,,. - V -!. '.! "..I.. : taryetila'nmj! Tci'hia- I ; . ;oi terms f tha Nnrsrfa ' Gui.l'. - . - . I 4 - Tm Srtkktu Enirrnv. Hcvised. enlarged, and fry ttmttderahly iayjo; V ;. W-rf.- ."i .- . . , ; iiy jabi ns iv eta, m. d. - ,r ' On the irpnorUjnt suljert i f Homwtic nifdicine, many look bavo been wtiM-mj, vhirh though rx. wUcntinttthfiirwpaiitsaave jjiiridly fuild c(iw fulneps Ut Amariana't iirciu'so Vh:y treat liea aca whih ctiatinffn very frrhn rlimnMetand coiwljtutwTi, wtuA ikly differ fmn ortrs. Tho book now oH'erod to lha public UnHAburrfonV,tie gtcat advantnge of having Iwit written by aiUvq Aoicriuart, of long arid siuVenfufprittlie ni' the southern atatea, and Whi,' for yoara pahaa tur rtcd muChofhwattorKion to the torbpwitlon of it. To every faniily,'mor ei)ecially thbso ' W re mote aituationa, the pofisesa1oi ofthia book wut unquestionably, be of inrnkuliible valua for. ,con ddcied byuch guineit will not bh'premtu ouatosav that , any fcnax of tolenfbk Capacity, and reaflbnaMe'attjhriOTiiiMiy be enabled U)4rac ticc with aafcty AS adMitaije, in th'-'TMt pf I wiripje disentf VA ' nrt to on?1 ,uniQat ,.6.oU1h nwwMlHti 1 , 4Yb 1,0 1 j ' "vum! jtlr C 'itiont. -our " "j j 1 . knu'ly r' ysicu:. tjn !n hi mo it'- " veanJ'"!, .larjjfe.' .on' ia ve i" ..odv .'d p impaov ;iiir,worV" .y , oirdise nfRyj y hich greon rinri m vail" 1 It' A 41 t eom'Ctipg.'Uie mt t ueraons. 1 'W X I VHa'ktohrfit'l y ! ttta) tew,y r treatise t,. a ever been1 ed J and con.. , a aafe' and i guide foTihcaibj ol tuuiili.'a welt aa' for ounrf'practiiioners of metliciue, L frjke jauch iAskommendins it to the attention of w citizens, ootn tn lownena counira 7?,,. I " !vat! '."if vour hook meehtvith that ncoragement to whichitjs justly ntitled.'u ;i voiy Booabe called iipoa by the ub.ht-Joj; .notluir edition. . I v t u -tv', 3 I "m'dcar fiiwith tnuch reapet your friendarid j COLIN MACKENZIE, M'D", Dr. .Eitell., "T 9 ? t JPAOaoVfpi.',iiir IS' 18IW i .Deur Stn :l have l.V)ker over, with omc"ire thoeopjf he Jftt Y'dttwh ot th -"Medico. Cdtpanioh svhfcls-yfin di J She tCfavor to p'rescn we.1 ? ; . . Jt'- ?f ,i By1 trtct(f8ltfrtns fT?vipiongiven to this tieW imprespon oTthg.WorlLlt is riot only enlarged but exceedingly Umploved..-r'- After stating scf hipchr neecrhardry.Tcpean opinlon,-which I piiblicly expressed -on a fcrmer occasion, that I consider Jtf aa fndisputably, 'the moat uaeful tpoptolat freaUse ' tt medicine with which lam acquainted. "Compared with the" Eu ropean Rooks of the 'wane nature", 'ft, fiaf especially in rektion to the treahnent 6f thefiseasea of our own country, veryMocided. auperiority. . jt 1 tniKt that tlifi HiiiWsii of this liferarv enterori.ie may be equal to your very generous and benevolent j With great respect,' I am dear sir, yours, &c ' 4 r ' N CHAPMAN," M. J). ' Dbxh Sir j I carefully'perusedyour work'.'? Medical Companiort," md take much pleasure in expressing my entire approbation of the utility of me pian wuu wnicn you aave conouciea your in quiries Your book cannot fail, to be a rerylic ceptoblc present to the public in general, and es pecially to our countrymen. ', 1 am really of opin ion, .i that yoii are entitled tomuch praise for the pains which you"havo in furnishing us fwfth a work; the want of which has long been experien ced amongus. av fs -s .Your friehd, Ac. - . - ""' Just received; eioafn' . CI 1U cuts. iewariiMety ( j. nek r'.'n. c i 100 Boxes Cicara, 4 4 fi Half Ebls. Beer. , . 10 B bis. Loaf and Lnmp Sujaf. ' 3.11. BREWSTER. April 20-44 tf. , ' 1 SJEW -B(DIDS flflBE 8ubecriber8 respectfully ' inform their SL Tnenda anJ the; public Igenenuiy t&nt tney have justrectved from the JVorth .an ENTIRE NEW STOCK - CP GOODS, well airtod, and purposely selected for thia market consisting 0. Ch ina c - r and Earuicn : '.-, y- ; . J , ,f' '- 4 -also-. 1 A general atwrtwolUKJEllIES, whidi they are, determined ta'scll tove'lor CASff or Oountrv produce. " I - - ' 'JOHN S. JAMES & Co. . Al their of dttnnd Swih J4 of market $trctft , Ocleber. it . . . . . . t- , - A M E IM CAN A HM Y A "f JOURNAL rt " VUFK dK tfcN irwixwm lo jiu!lih Cio tr L', Ufly Juuriial, Ut U dVvHi i! ti ntultm eia ikvU .t ith tie Military and KiJ sendee f iho VniioJ ftuU-m ltsUt contain i . J i ,: r. 'i'hn urmy and ,Ny LUtnj . : l . V. i'ronwiwna, IXattw, RwijnaUimn, Dwcharjjca, ti'l f , - i - - C N.ap of the proccc!in of Military and Jfav. ,4 Cmirun. '. - .; ' ' i Nnviil and M Hilary move'im-ut -, r.i.'graj.hy of UflHtT Suliliert and Sailor . ' J '-. ut'a annual Bn1 rMmijto dlhrr fu'rtfc-cf It-iHi of tha H"crrtari,)i of " ar and ruvy, '' '-uiid Navu) and Military Cimuittorai, j Jutkn-of dolUa in ConrM, touching cither avrvk! ' ; ' ''.' f IjiIJ ot,Co)?M.t'c rmy orWary; 7 In iHnrt, ev ry watUr n'sjl-cifng ihu-JJ1.4c- r 'tN-nj-aofthii.Annjr ly' w pgf Z 4 t8 f.r iwli.ifn.lo. ' - U Tlrahll.htiXU-. - fC liri-tdnf flirt K,irtr,Lte.., j ! Mif I . if iiainryon ine minmin v 1 .v- jaJya iy-y'r - mi tcrcal to U.e geuerul 'ie-uuerro lliur pnniouc oti sw, jvho regftnU' tjie chivalruim deei?, ahd 'fjif f:n ol.m countrvnien. na k valuttbte ' item of thq jiublio " property. "J'h?.'iblik!MMr boperf tat itaj alui will ba Diacrtiilly increased uy onmoi qt)n tribuliona of tukutod gentlemen of tha Arn.y awl Navy.-vhoeo visits ta foreign ehoreh, and, fours of duty in the wihla of thu AVcst, enable them to ex tend the, boundaries bf Bi'ient'e, and enlarge the splicre of ii'wtruciion to their ollow etyicnfwhd are engaged in civil pursuit. ' J ' i A ' v ' ' The private Soldiers and Soilofy who have di tinguwhwl thenutelvcs by their bruvery and good, eomlrict iu' aervice, , Will .te honorably noticed. TTieir nlevation will ra atill higher tha harac W of these who tommand thenr. . tjorritnonica tiona 'mn Uieir officenv relative to individual in the-humbler walka of , the public acmcej. wl be pecBliarly accept -iblci V V.r 1 tuictf numlwr will contain two hundred and filly ail large royal .octavo pageH,- on fine pairs' aud will bo transmitted to aulwcribcrs by nfL or dt'livertd by agenta in the principal citie ht five dollar per an buid, payable annually, in "idvauce, uron the Jfolivr ry of the lirnt numWr.'., t ' " Should aUfEeient iubncrilcra ba obtaihed lite" firut number will isue In Jaftiuiiy'nxt. V " Officers of the Army and.Nay,' end Booksel lers, are solicited tdobuunaubscriptiimsi to, agenta, a eommission of twenty per cent, will be allowed. Editora, who will give thia prospcetua an in Bertiinwill confer aatori which will be,'eei pryated by the publishtfV - T. yjojif 12 , IVfaledi6ines are 't CEIVEO C".OiillS FOR fcAtE A IKtSH : 4? svvrtY . or ,J V $4iep ' tritd and ' highly Approved X- VALUABLE EirDXOHTSJS,4 lr .11. . J ... W nwnuim kuw wan raw.' -MTJ&Vlamoua Anti-Eilious. Pills. 23 :& 50 -utapejrboxijj The operation of thcrie .Pills e pciiecuynuu, so as 10 peisea m siuety; oy persons in every siiuaaon, na 01 every age. . 1 1 , l n proprieloit connoentiy Tecpnunenua tne timelv use of these villa, as a Drctentive and cure of I'.ifioUi TYellow. and JViaJitfnaht Fevers. 1 ',"! j 3 I lease inquire iur ijcira xiini-tiiiuu i nifs, , fh the signature of Noah Ridgelcy, tlate Mich ael oi io, j aa none omcr ara genuine. -A . Worm r)e.fitrovinr lmximrPA' ft most J - T- . -. r--j a 1 ' uQwetftil medicine, removes and destroys all kind .vorais, ? if" . w V iLeo a Eliiir, a sovereign rrmedy for Coldf, " bo- tntafciaglis, catarrhs, asthmas, sore throats and Lip's Nervoua Cordial dnd excellent thrdiefne )OTa.itirvcius auecuous, wvanneas, noma ui vine 1piruLack, Ac. " - . r "' . i ' .... " IV . . i t .. .fi 1 . . 1 ' Le'4 Esspnce, of ;Muatard--no tnodiciue fever excelled this in euhrg'rhmatjanv'ptiipl, bruises frosted feet, fa. .m Leo'a Ague and TcverDrops, a Met1") " t cure.v:.' , , , 'fjsi't Lee a Sovereign Ointment) warruotcd iuut( the Itch by one application ' ' ' V.--. Lee' Persian Lotion, an -excellent r medkxr for curing tetters, rlngwomw, prickly hijat, Ac. t ' ;: 1 Lee'a Vegetable Indian Hpreijlc ' an efllctuaT imre for Venereal and Oonorrruca. , ;r i ; Leies Tooth-ache Drops, which give immedi ately relief.. 14 ' . ' . '' ' Lee'a Toolh-ache Powdera, hich cleanaes and beautifies the teeth. v "V , . ' J ; Lee's Eve1 water, a ecrt;iin cure for sore even. Lee'a Anodyne Eliiir, Bjlhg cure" of head ochi Uumlreds "of ease of cure, performed m tne aoove truiy vaiuanic racuiciinn, cuuia w given .. , .. j . i . . 1 . i? ' 1 did the hmitaof a newspaper amnitl it, FOR SALE N OSHEN Butter, " , UOf Prime Beef, new, , 4 .1. 1 'nine 1 orK, Nails assorted in 100 Jb. Kfgsy Shot assorted, . ' -v .j J'ayetfeville Flour in whole ' , andhalfBirrel, t Muscnter Raihins, t t , V ChtibtHn Casks, Vw.QdeaJw-Sugttin HhK , 1 , Martins ngar m Borrcks, n 1 jit. ) .' '1 , ' CluriJiod LiuieTdico f in Halfripea, Ulu urcnadA-lium, - A pj! ErandyWhiskcy andGui,. 1 onp, Filies, ' ft . ' 1 ' Indigo. Coppers. ' ' ' .jt ' 3 . . Cotton Bagging and Bale Rope . y Bales best Scotch OsnaburgH, ' 5 Liverpool ground Salt in backs, ' '". fcarthenware in uraUja direct irom L.ivtTTKoi arid in good order, ' : . f i ;':"-4 Bottt'S, Stone Jugs, ' (4 a ' ' Virginia and Back coimtryjMnu",l V r" .fartured Totaceo, - ' " ' ') Loaf and Lump Sugar Ja " ' 1 .' Boxea and Barn l4 , i , I motBrertd, v ? April 9th ,183 1 . ; ' R. W. BROWIf. - . ; .Notice. v W-; ffnilE . Copariership beretHore existing JiL bet wwn the ubf( ribers finder fhe' flrm of Bakei" and Donne, ,?ay-ihseKfd V5 mutual consent All perrons uideWed to tbaiu, are requested to make payment without cVlay; and fioso having dt-iantHtji agai n t . V . please present them for settlement. - - .,r.--' -..-v iL'BAKElt, - V . 'U. (i. i'OAi'E. mA iitd 1 $0;:; ,V;:: ,fev?eI,V andSckeralhair ' themaJter'a nametotheai Ioal Me;lyA . r ,v T .iarrels flo. 1.1 do, . . - ' ' - Michael Lee & Co. ' :Z . , - . tfft trrH ' ' .-' . v ' " r aw friHI" auVrira taw jd-t neirf4".by th, U .-t.uowra H ityr, and Iterator, a. freU' fcui r ly Di Dry J wr, tni ' nv ; Atiiey ft.-lttteJt.y Mf. Aloiandcr Ankraoi : wLumiaiinthecityifWewaik,aidfrtiabi ; t' loi.cxlk-ri.iKinluiiiMa)lh,yflatU'rthc!nrIf, ... .u thiMKi mlia wihh to iiiircnake rood . arti ! aa low aa they can purchase ia U.wn aiul tltrir aiortnrut will couijiru ahnoMt sx-ry;. ..J artklo wanUd eithnr fur ttm-n or Countrr tntd. , A moim the art Wt now on hand aw tha fyflvin. Yk: buprfi.Blutt and Dku; t'lflUi. , . , Merino Canblruerea, ; , '-' r s s, ' ! Crapo Comhli-t, . , Menuo Bomhaidnc !, , ?'..,. t. Llnea Drilling; .' ' ; . . ' -Calicuoa& lSinj;!iami, ' ' ?V'ashkwahllWMCaBriardIUiwl;iH , - ,"Lonir-LwiALtw!n Line Cambrk-. - Linea Cambric and Cotton pocket hky . ,"s CUik'd and plain CamUica.. ' - .V1 , "v t f .rurcd a '.flU-L ujlianai io Ivantir ..Wng Hilk all till, Sw'h, f L'Urcd and plum l. .' ( - v v an and lr te nap WUL ; antinp and Satwiet,T 1 ' ij rum aii vajhjiuo, . HIiH-k hiUt veftiriirn. V 1 ; liAdiesBlnefunil WhItSi!k hose" i'tgpJ.IV lllack and White CottonJo. ; - 4 . I.V Xh4 61da Clove llutk & CVC H- . 'A Do Bearer. . f C, , , :i0 , doitshalfW,.:"' Ji A ! ' - V.'"'.,I1ca Thrtkd and Cottot r :'?; i'- i: ; .A ' jN'eedlc?, Vina aud la ' J1ih ami RiiKsia Diauer. s ' V ' T . ' Thread and Bobinet edg in ga and Larc ' 1 ;-Muanuetoe Netting ; ' , t ripet. r V CarpenUra, aiid tfoopers Tootai- . ', - r ' '( Blackfinijths Tools including'bellowa 4 jJ ' 1 Cutlery rojipisting of knives and fofks) r '!' ruikct knivesT &c. r V- .-' ,S 1 Tjimn Oil. , Sugat, Ceffe,Tea, erul LoarBngaf, t A gcheial assortnient of Mdicinca and a peal variety of articles which will be aoldlow for cash. .,'. ,,. ANDERSON JLAKGDON. , County JCbitrt pi Pleas & Quar-i - i-J' C T-, fflA 1 COI. i . oeaaiuiio iuw f wwiiMt' '.'1' 'AVib Hanover Countvs 1- iiugVq.'Cowan,&l t-'y.;'-- Sarah his wile . f (p(ff;Vn'fnVr . Xvs. A ifr-ira John flvrnfl.! . ,w.,. ;.f: iiii .t.. xi appeanng o, ii;e Btuiaiacuun vi iuir . court that Matthew Byrng. one -of thd defendants, is not a inhabitant, of '.thr ' Utai' - 'V , - ... -''.. i Jtro &. Ueacnea siurungs ana cueeunfl , ' BedTicV, . ' A ( ,k '; Y L 'Oaiabunfiajia Tickb'ngburgiy " : . . ' Chks rinida and Stripea.' -jj , . . 1 ",' Papca, Quills, Wafers, School books &$. ' " 9 by 10 and lQby 13 GLirs, .. , VVuW '"Vfr '. t' C t , f Wrought and cut nafla and brad ' . . f f X'lJron.audStesI,' -W- :,r, ,t , ' White Lead, - V . .; . 1 fvrraereu mat nouce ue, given jin uiw ' t'-. Cape Fear Recorder 1 foT three' jnonthi, x tnai unless. ine saiu Aiattnew yrnes no make his appearance aj the next terra of this court ttx be held .'at, the Court IlOusef ; , in Wilcningt6n oa'the' Secoiiir monday in September 'next and aniwe'r.ihe' nlle ' r tion will be taken pro tonfsso,' V ' 4, It A true copy from the minxites. ' ' Witness l- Thos: DAVIS. clerV.V ' "J 1.U-T7T Mill. , 1 ..j' - :.FOK-SALB.' l6,IIhds..Sugai, r; ' . v ,:;40 Barrels do, , " r - ,"' - Vr"- 4 ,lld Barrcl and 1oxcs dbublc'and aici r ;r" "gle refined Loaf Sugar. v"t ''' 4 : " ft" llJyTs. IVii.a Jamaica Coce. " v ' 12 llarreld uo i'orto'Rjcd do , T ft'B'S rnef fhd, Sjpicc,( " ' '1 ' , io'lihdri. frinj r-iofafes, ! ' , i'tuch"-'do jPipfs co?. Brandy," ' . ' . ' -400HlailouSvfeGtAVlne, V ' , , . 20 -grilVcasU Tlaieira Lisbon Tej , ' .eriile W PbrtVVine, , 5 Boxes Claret ; do. ,100 Barrels Fayetteville and Baltimore 1 .il w j . -. ... ', .4 -l.'-T J1I.V rOTK. 4k- it' ,520jBoJtclGked Herrings, : r -2(LKegsIi"ater and Butter Cracliem ' & liarrels Copperas, v- ifi 3 4 Glauber SaltaV f - " 50, Kegs Duponts Powdcf, w i ' 50 Bags Shot; . syi U i ' f 43 Kegi arid . Boxed" Manufacture!. " t k ; Tobacco, ; ' ;.'-.', ; " 1'TierceScotcISnufT,. !H Kegi Nails assorted, ' ' ' '40 J. each 50 poundsr ' f 40 Reams Wrapping paper " '50 Boxesv Sperin 'and. Fayettevill !, - Candles,' , . "' .20 Boxes Soap - " ( 13 Crates Crockery assorted,, 4. 5 W'N 'Bottles, . : ' 50 dozen Dutch Tiimblera, " 400 Gallons Spermil, -. -.2' ' 6 Baskets superior Sweet Oif;' ; It dozin superior cold pressed Cast. ' '. '-orG.V?: 12 Hales .- 4 Boxc 3 pa. ; ,10 Boxes fresh Olives, , 4 Boxes' Co npr-jjnd Anchovies - Bores I a Syrup, ,.20 HovrV! ;is ." . 10 Drun i 1 !-';4 'Fresh AJi 7-- 1 ' Race aud J. .jt4l Ginffer, ,.V. -iBtmegs, c pearlash, -.Bushels ( c.-&c '' ; Aottjf' ji Row, RotVprliJg Gin and.London Browhten."' ' i , SAVAGE k Co. ' A;.,I?-43 C.: - - - : . ? - 5. - ' - .. r v -i - fix. iii 1j-v h 1 s