irftU IH1 fromtke to increase the v" gutioa cf oar mini Hers reside&t at the if oi uuut iu.u f - . .nMrinr of 9000 dollar per innum. Ir RobcrUoa movtd to reduce the m in diorf, uwl on tie lOlhofUit mua.nSTiMl, lMifttrirfl OuM . had Men lair, uiey COUia Mif ocra koi iotwwu I. j5i to 0000 dollar, to u to leave the salary .pointed with power to send Ur pen ft. wefent amount Mr.Robertaon supported rr, to enable them to report to WSSKf i MWr of remarks, to .hew that ,Io,all the ficU relative to theim r.aZZ Lu. ;tK ih- o.tfiL. was .ufficient. fraud aaint the LWed &Ute in this iianiMliitrt hnt thT have BOt Vet bn Produced 1 was in hoi that they woald hire been tMtln time, that a select committee slight hare been ap- power to send Ur persons and pa roar Hon position and , Fur I The Frttwun't JourntL, f Thursday, state that Messrs. Joseph Bonaparte, Marshal "(irouchy a ad Lefelrt Dennetts, mere then in Philadelphia. H'ahinzion April 15. The tessioa of eon;rress i drawing to a close I r nment MlarT, mith the oatfiU wa aufficient .fraud aaint the tailed State in Uiistraniction.j very rIpiJT. Many of the measure before the aintsia our luinister at anr of the Kuropean A thu cae, cs wen as ouier aous in me mi-, two Horlse wall, of course, be overlook, or ais ?rtiln tUe consistent with their comfort,! application of the public money have been made missed without consideration ; amongst which, CctabilitT and dignity. Tl.e motion was op-; know a to two of your former committee, and to many others, may be reckoned the project vjpecio j . f nA. fcitik. ! many members of your Hon. l!oue. as well offi- ar . National Cniveraltv. of a. Invalid Con, the Wrizhtand Picket-in" who maintained cial, as since I have been removed from office, I nropod Bankrupt Law,6tc. &.c. The House of nfttOii tlb ... ,, , . . n,r Kv rfin.ttntW attended under the einectation f c.n1, f;,Ml nn fitturHi n it " S t),at the present salary w a entirely in- that I should have been called upon to have the for the day of adjournment ; but it is nof possible Xouate to aupport our ministers abroad, paitic-jiact suoaumciaieu, niui am aim iu; v Xhtj ctn b tnat time, complete me Dusiness ne .i.J. at the courts named, in a mai fethe representatives of the nation, or in such a rf.leas was common, and necessary in Europe ft their respeciaouny , "i 11 u" to allow an aaequate coiupcusuvn i uuic of talents to leave t!icir proiession at nome anner suitable if I can ha e access to the accounts and par9 for- 1 oen hrnad in the t'Uhlic service. of facta and illustrations in. finally decided against Mr, A. of the question w ere artued at considerable w lf-.i.. I . I I.. a .inn in tjnth, ana a variety oi latiaaim musna. foucedin supjwit of the opinions urjeed merlv in rov nosession. I have the honor to be, w ith great consideration, your obedient servant. ' VM. SUMMONS, tjuteAte't. War Dept. BBBaBBaBBBBBBBBaBBaaBBaBfcaiBBBpaBBaBaBBBBaBaBWBBBBMBBB R VLHIOTI : : .1 i i Vm. il. i'xiwfuhd lias DositiVelv The Question w a hnally uecuieu ainsi -ir. , ,., , f ., ' ineijucauvu -o , ,IWd Pinr a candidate for the next Trcsi- lobertson'a motion ; aner wmcm, . o The committee ro-e, reiwrted tbeir amendment dency . the .m ur i , - F.ttr,rt tft 4,p F.H;ine. dated. Washinon citV. baud the bill ordered to a third reading. In Hejiate, Saturday, apru u. On motion of Mr. Macon, i ..'.-v Thut the tkcretaru-a of ilie d-pirtment be J'crccird 10 rrport jinily to the benhte, in 0 fiiat week fa est aevai"" ot (xnKrt, plan to .,,urc inr -i-ml setHemeatof i lie iml. ic hcc'Uh , nd - tuone e-l-m accounUM'ny of the jmbuc exienaitui e in dicir reiitcUvc paruuenui. AYES AND NOES, rin the hill oasaed by Conf ess, chansine; the ode of compensating the Members of tliai body. Id Javor of IM oaiary. YEVS--Meaina. A.exdcr, Aihcrio-:. B..y ie. Belts. B'lrdintl, Bradbury, Br..kenndKe, Kr.iwn, caihouv, Oumpion, Chapptll, chi man, CUrk N C clark K) Clton, Clendenuin, Con. I ;ct, Conner. Cooler, Creigluon. Culpeppfr. D-ver.port, t.old, (Irosvmor, Hxrdjn iicii drnon, Hopkinson, Huhert, Irvn-, J-ckon, Jevvtt. iotmion,Ky Kent,K.rr. Ki:.t -U.s M", Lovelt, Marsh, Ma rin, M lai., Ky. vi'l-eau O M l-1 lor, Middleion, Moore. M at , Nelaoo, Ma.-a Ne.ton, ) Jfeyea, Orw.sby, Parns, Pickina, firaei .n6, Pitkin, B.ndolph, Iteed, Kooerta.n, xrp'im, ....v, am-y, Smith, Pen Smitli, vid S ei'n., Sturjfii. r f., Tidlmade, T-te, I'.u , TaUjr, S C li-mps..n, Throcp, Ward, Mjlss Ward, N. V. Webster, Wci.dover, Wbel,on, Thoa. Vv'iKon Woodward. V niiL, xiea. 01. Against Vic salary. NAYS Mesara. Adgvic, B .er. B:,ruur, Basset, Bale- nan. Bennet. BU.unt, B -s. Onrnsioe, unnon, v nicy Oopton,Cvjmst.ii, ;iuf .rd,Ciocntro:, CuUiben, l)..r lirrfon, Deiha, Edwards, Forney, K..rsth, tiahton, G as- W, 6oldsboroU?h, Omawy ,lam ., - aie, nan, swnd. Hawes, Hereon, nutfer, i.ungenora, lignum March IT. 181 r. The remark ts common here that the elements of party are breaking up, mix ing and comTnin;lin in such a manner, as that the old feature which distinguished them are no longer discernaMe. My hope is, that it forebodes a return of goodw ill and friendly regard between those who have so long regarded each other with a suspicious and evea hostile eye. At all events there is greater reason to believe, that as the peo ple must now he less operated upon by the influ enr of paion and prejudice, they will in all nublic questions pronounce a so'iniler and wier decision. What need we care for the destruc tiou of partv characteristics ? As Mr. Rufus King remarked the other day, "the invaluable principles upon which we ought to act must still remain. You cannot stab truth ; you cannot hang integritij ; you cannot quarter patriotism! These must remain imperishable, however par ri in.iv mod it or fime9 mav change." Be fore this you have doubtless understood that Mr. Crawford absolutely retuses to he a cannioate lor the Presidency. De Witt Clinton and Mr Lheves have been spoken of." OXFORD ACADEMY BURNT. About half after 7 o'clock, on the evening of Wednesday the 17th of April inst. an unusual light was discovered in the Oxford Academy. It was verv soon ascertained that the house was on fire, and by the time the first person reached -the. nlace, all hones of saving the building were lost 1 he books and apparatus belonging to the Aca demv were fortunately preserved, as well as a handsome little Library lately established by a society of gentlemen and students. There is no other opinion, than that the house took fire by ao cideot. tv-.-j v5cvv4 For the information of parents and guardians it is proper to add, that the exercises of the pu-s pils have not been interrupted for a single day, suitable accommodations having been immediate ly provided for each department. Thu9, in a few short moments, has an elegant building erected by funds obtained on private m t . Ml L cessary to be done. I ne anoummeni w in, now ever, probably take place in the course of the next week. The following statement was made to Congress by Mr. Tucker, of Virginia in relation to the number and wages ol the persons engaged to su perintend the rebuilding the capitol only. One superintendant, yearly salary, The commissioners, whose yearly sala ries are Mr. Latrobe, do Foreman of stone-cutters, do Messenger to commissioners, do Clerk of commissioners, do Clerk of the works 84 per day, equal to a yearly salary ol izox Overseer of carpenters 83 per day, equal to a yearly salary of Overseer oflaborers 82 per day, equal to a yearly salary of Overeer of brick-layers 83 per day, equal to a yearly salary of Sub-Overseer of do'82 per day, equal to a yearly salary of Master "stone-cutter 83 per day equal to a yearly salary of 81200 4800 1GO0 1500 500 1500 Lot, JUjoiln- On ton J Jr2Z, i Tittyltik v Coaay, flrginis fOR SALE. . By vtaae ol Deed of Tnot t eculd t t& ubacrOttt by Salomon Uvbov.lo aeoira cerlaja UMa da ly kiSa , to Ue Stale Bak of Nonk-C'aroliaa. V TRACT OF LAND, laid t lota wri than Sixty Lots, with convenient fctrttts ami ailrys, adjo-ninf the tOa (4 Uanvilk, aanl minHfX , to lorm a part of aaal lown. will be txpoacdl 8alc,4B iht 7.k day of June at, cm ht ptttnia. Tb Uraaa of ibe aale will be, caab fgr all auma ndcr as Uiftdred rtal ' - . larai acrrdit of ai and twelve moniha will be fm fc all am at rc an hundred doilmra. wkick , awtat h r aecured by note made Meotiable and payable at the 'ato Bank of Vorth-Carolina. at aUieifh, bearinc; inurrai froOl -the date, and having- two mdoracrs reatcM in ibe Slat of Nona-Carolina. Many of the LuU oov otTrred (or aale are well aUaated for Buimrn and renttemm bo wiah to make ealblialv menu is Uanville are innted to atieodtne aale. TrlO l AS KUFFIN, Trustee, fce. April 1,1816. 17-f . A Jail to be built. "WIT 7"ILL be pot up to the low est bidder, on the 2d. Monday in May next, in thw town of Whiieville, in Columbus Count yi. Carolina, tbe Buildmt; f a Ji, nearly tuch a one as the ooe ka Bladc County ; to be fiiu bed on or btfore the firet Mondaj in rforember iint. A pun ofaaKl BuilOtnr shall be lunuabed at ua time of sale, and one half of t'e moO'y paid doVn to tlaea uii... ttiker, he pivinr auch bond and accurity as maj be . requirtid. a ad the balance when the work is done. ' ' iuc MTUvctUy miutuLvm xvaw y Tkomoi FrinJc, Simon Grrnt, t Solomon Jleeves, J. B. fFhitt. 17-4w. CommUsiontTI. . ' 939 G2G 939 626 939 816,421. Thus sixteen thousand four hundred and twenty-one dollars are annually naid,notfor cut- i i i l i ..a r ting sione ami laying oritRs, oul iui .lance and keeping the accounts of expenditures ! Johnson, Va- La: gJon, Lrwi, Ujvc, Lowndss, Lumpkin, Lrie.Lvon, MacUy, viaaon M'Coy I'iptr, Hoot, Koms tmilh, Va. Soutliard. Stanf rd, Strong, Tayor, N- Y Telfcir.TownMnd, Tukcr, V. . Wallace, Aard, N.J. . !,.: ii : i,.....v.k.. ,v;u. wbiteatde, wucok, viae "', .imu, am Wdwn, WilUanv, e 67. raOat TBRtMATIOSAL INTELLIGENCER. MR. SIMMONS LETTER. WASHINGTON URCH 11 181G. 'The Hon. the Speaker and members of the House of Representatives. gentlemen While I officiated in the office a9 accountant of the War Department, it w as disco yered, on the examination ot the accounts xt ( ol. ! subscription, as a nursery lor the rising genera James Thomas, Quarter Master General attached j tion. been consumed and the fond hopes of its tii the army in the vicinity of Black Rock, in the .patrons frustrated. altateof New-York, in the years 1812 and J813, The Trustees are, however, unwilling to aban that fraudulent charges had beeij made against don an undertaking in which the community is the United States to a considerable -amount upon go highly interested, and for the advancement & leceipts and vouchers, purporting to be payments , completion of which they have cause to look for made to a person by the name of Michael T. the good wi.-.hes and co-operation of all Who can Simpson, a volunteer with (general lannehm 8 appreciate the benefits of a virtuous education. Brigade from Pennsylvania, w ho it appeared had , been employed by Thomas as an agent to purchase At the public commencement of the IJniversi- flour and other supplies for the use of the army, ty of Pennsylvania, held on the 5th inst. the de and that the flour purchased by Simpson gree of Doctor of Sledicine was conferred on 68 wag at the price from 7 50 to 9 dollars per young gentlemen, viz: 1 from New-York, 4 from barrel, and the same transported at the public New-Jersey, r&from Pennsylvania, 3 from Del expence with public teams to Black Rock, and aware, 4 from Maryland, 1 from the District of .the flour has been charged to the United states Columbia, 29 from Virginia, 4 from Kentucky, at from 12 to 14 dollars per barrel, and a commis- ;2 from North-Carolina, 3 from South-Carolina, &. MARRIED In New-York, on the 15th inrt. Doct. John C Osborn. ormerly of thia atate, to Mias Louisa Payne, all of that city I t Cumberland county, on the llth. inst. Mr. Josian Turner of Hillsboro, to Miss Rliza Evan. In Buncombe County on the 36th ult by James A hit ikcr f.rq. Mr. John Inleaged 50yeats to Mrt Elixa heth Warlkina afred 70 Mr Ingle was a widower and Mrs- Wadkioi a widow the third time. HIED. Suddenly on the 19th ult-in fJreen County, after an 'llneaa of a few hours, f -lie Epidemic, Miaa Maria Speight Also on the 24.h of the samf complaint, aftc unillness of eiftht hours. Richard Dobba Speight, both chil dren of VVnv V Speight, Esq Also in Guilford Caun- tv, Jartiei, H. Starratt Also, in Wilkeaboroutrh on t'ne29th March. Mrs Eliiahetb Robinett, aged 64, tho amiable consort f Jesse Robinett, Esq she depa.ted in full Confidence of a happy immortality At tbe house of Mr George Art .old, in Fredenrkubii'-jr, Virginia, cn funday, the 31 at ult the Vfnerahlf Bishnp W SCW ASBTJUY-, Superintendant of tbe Mk4t K pi'tcepal C tiurch, in the United States of America In Fraiikti'i county on the 10th inst. Mr. Isaac House, sen in the 81st- year of his age. Not lonpr since, at his seat Mount Ida in Rowan County, Edward Chambers Esq He was a useful member of .'Kiiety, benevolent and Just. Tlie Celebrated tm pur tea Uurte TRUE BLUE. WILL Stand the ensuing season at my StA . ble in Salisbury on the following terms , Twtuty dollara tbe aeaaon which may be diachargtd hf tne payment of aiiteen dollars on or before the 35th De -m cember next, forty dollars to ensure a mare to be in foal with the sami deduction as in the season, if paid wkhia the aame time. Ten dollars the single leap, to be paid. when the mare is covered, with tbe privilege of turning to the seaaen. Should Uk pnp r.yofaoy mare Insured be changed, the enaurance will be demanded In every ,n' v ic ; ahould a mate insured not prove with foal tho ' ' 6 y wi . be returned. r t iic araaon haa commenced and will end the lOtb Au ust, every attention aliall be paid to mares sent to the: ; Horse but no liability for accidsnta or escapes. ' 8. L FERRAKD. -Salisbury, April 10 1815. 17 3w ' ' Notice. PT1HE subscribers duly qualified as executor 'i? to the last will and testament of Robert ;J Stei ic DecYt. at march term of Richmond County Cturt ' 18 6. All p- rotu having claims against the testator are - f noiifl d to render the same within the time prescribed" b -. , l iwotiierwise this notice will be plead in bar of rteote -ry, and all persona indeb ed to said deoeaked Will pleat j make payment of their rt speetive dues, otherwise legal measurts will be puraucd tor tbe recovery thereof. Tho' Htteie, 11. J.Stule. RoVt. Powell. Richmond County, April 1st. try tne j" 17 Executor- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Jas. Jefiers 5 Co. TIN AND COPPEIt SMITHS, Having commenced business in this place, of fer their services to the inhabitants and its victnr.y. They have connexions in Petershurgh through whom their materials will be procured on the best terms. Tlicy are warranted in the belief that justice will be done to those who may favour them with business. Thrir shop will be kept on Salisbury street back of the Star huil'linfrs, and their work offered for sale at the Leather Store of Messrs. Brewer and Pairlamb. OO Cash given for o'd pewter and copper. Raleigh, April 23, 1816. 17 tf. Notice. havinj; m of Elijah Mitchell dee'd. requests all persons riPlHE subscriber having qualified as Executor JL ion of2 1-2 per cent, upon the amount charged. 4 from Georgia.-Those from North-Carolina are,' living claims against th-.- estate to bring them forward It the time this discovery was made, both Thorn-.William J. Polk & Thomas R. Ruflin From S- i immediately, ihat provision may be made tor their pay Taken up ND committed to the Jail of Johnston cotnf . jtya negro Tnan whosaya his name f9CiU' ami Jul l.e oeioni'S to James Ruthetford, in the new Pur chase in the itate f Geoig-ia, nd that he was carried f rom Richmom' in Virgii ia, ia very black, a flat chin, aV small scar in the upper lip, also one on his forehead, is bout twenty six ars old about five feet ten inches high. Ht; further auted after bei g put in prison that he has been runaway about two yea s and a half, that he wa9. apprehend d nc r Kayetteville & committed tojail, where lieaUii nine m mtha, and then Was sold for tbe prison charges and that Doct. M'Coy purchased him, and that be servt d his time out and was discharged by Mr M'Coyr le further suud that his right owner is John Lewis ui Union district in ti e state of South jCrolina in the fork of.' Uioad River and Tiger river, near New-Bury CoUrt hotosev V. The owner is required to come forward, prove property , pay charges and take him away. ' ROUT- GULLY, Ja Sh'ff April Oth. 18 6 , 17 4w ' To UndertaSterSi , WILL be let to the lowest bidder on t!i$ 17th May next, the building of a Bridga he mill of Messrs. Bennehnnj & Cameron, en B ooe River, in the county of Orange. Bond and approved s curity will be required by . JOHN CADE. HUGH CAIN HOilT. HA KRIS. 4 Cornmnionerii ' April 17th. 1816. 17 3w s and Simpson were implicated in the fraud, and the account was settled after I was out of office, ky the person who succeeded me, and was repor ted to tiie Treasury, where it wa9 re-examined and revised by the then officers of the Treasury, On the appeal of Col. Thomas, who attended the final examination at the Treasury, whtfn a balance of upwards of 130,000 wa9 reported against him ; &is examination and settlement, according to thetbeu us42-e of the Treasury was considered A 1 1 , . r 1 1 i jl l-i 0 , 1 a ' 1 It. mhu ana conclusive, l nave since unuerstoou wmie preparations were malting to apprenena mm Carolina- Henry Frost, Richtrd Fortman & Sam uel Wilson jr. From Georgia, Millitljte Galphin, John L. Wingfield, Alexander Cunningham, and James Tinsley, m 1 On the 9th. inst. a Man of colour passed through the neighbourhood of Mr. James Clemmons in Guilford county, who from the great abundance of bank notes he exhibited, excited the suspicion of the neighbours, he called himself id. Hill - l . ,.,! .11 r.olnr,o ;,,,l.k,l lku I ed to ci'me forward and adjust their accounts. THO F LCONER.Exr. Raleigh. April 32, 1816 17 3w that all the payments purporting to have been ue to Simpson, except tne commission, nave he made his escape--Mr Clemmons & Mr Jesse Stanly have about gOOO ot the money in their pos thereby reducing the balance considerably from ' jiat it was, butstill leaving a large sum due from nnri on the settlement of his cash accounts to thefjqited States. And I find, on enquiry at the office'of Mr. Cutts, the Superintendant General for Public Supplies, that no part of the public :, Prperty purchased and received by Thomas, as ; .Quarter Master General, has been accounted for ity him, and that his store account has never been v Tendered for settlement ; he has notwithstanding 'yerj lately been furnished by the War Depart at wft,b one of the most important contracts in v"e i?ft tf that department, and has received a '. krgejuin in advance on account. I have repeat -V JJT applied Bince my removal from office to the l-eseiit'Cornptroller of the Treasury and Ac countaritof the War Department, for a sight of i:;PVTlohias!8 cash account, for the purpose of it'xnic' before" congress, and have as often "enrefu8"ed--ind UncA ibia txrson has been fdr ' 'edwith; ol tmporUnt-a cdntract,I haye .t ioughtif mfdtttv'tfl h'av'ehis case asrain known to V v. w vSi and that his accounts should , W brought, before ypo.;. A resolution "waa atcor-! P beenpasedto Thomas's credit, under the special session. This is no doubt the fellow who robbed jurectioa of- the present onicersol the 1 reasury, j Messrs. (iilispie & banders ol Chesterneld fe. C. whose advertisement appears in this paper. Specie Importations The .British Schr. Mary Ann, arrived at Charleston from Nassau, on the 8th had 20,000 dollars specie on board. Large Importations of this article are expected, it be ing not much above par value in the most of the British possessions. " It is stated that the state of New-York affords more than one third of the revenue, of the United States. JVe?c Fork April 1 8 . The Connecticut Election has resulted in the choice of a federal Governor and Lieut. Governor, an entire federal Senate, and a federal majority of 40 in the House of the Assembly. The great Cdnal bill passed our Assemby on Saturday 84 to 15. A law-Passed the Legislature of this state last Saturday," prohibiting all banking institutions or other corporate bodies, or individuals, of this .state, from issuing any bill or notes representing money, iorJi less mm than one eumar, , Land for sale. TTRSlTAftT to a decree of the Court of E- quity, held for Wake county, Spring Term, 1K16, will be sold to the highest bidder on credit ot nine months, before the Union Tavern in th-- city of Ra leigh, on Tuesday the 21at of May ntxt, beinfr Court week, a tract of land beloneine 'o the estate of Ann Pei - -son, late of the county of Warren; which land lies in the county ot Wake, on the waters of Beaver eirek, anjmning- ne lands oi unristopner oariD ano outers containing 3.:u i cres i ne purpnaser giving oona ana approved secu rity. &c JESSK PERSON. 4pril 20, 1816. 17 3wp. Forty dollars reward. R ANA WAY from from the subscriber, about the 31st January, a negro man named SAM, aboui 21 or 22 years old, light complected, 5 fe t 8 or 9 inches high, stout made, wore stiver rings in his ears, and when he left borne had a horseman's cap on hia clothing light. Said negro was brought from Portsmouth, Vir ginia, where he will probably attempt to tro. The above reward will be given for his confinement in any jail, and giving me information so that I get him again. Letters on the subject to be directed to me at Lemuel Moore's Post (Jihce, Rutherford county. ABEL BEATY. April 20, 1816. 17-tf. Advertisement. ANA WAY from the subscriber on the 6th. JLj instant, a bound boy by the name of Tho mas Little, who has near two years to stay before he is free. I therefore forwarn any person from trading or trafr .Committed TO Joal in March last a negro man by th$ name of George who said on his examinatior . nat he belonged to WiSliam Black man o" Philadelphia, ' ' ut since he has been Confined he haa Confessed his nome io be Simon and says he belongs to Charlotte Collingr of " . Carolina .Caahaw Distriicr. Said m orn a fire fi( l. ven inch s uKi, of a dark rorrplt x on d wears large) whiskers ; hud on when committed t Joal a roundabout it gro cotton coat, overaila of the same, o d shoes and old hat and some other clo'ht s such as aliiru &e The owner. is d sir d to come f u ward prove his propery, pay chaf gc and take him away. ' - J DUNNING, ShfiVyi Gui'ford Tounty, March 1816- 17 3w :t 5. ' -Kottcei - '' '--7rr- THE Subscriber will leave this place in all April, and wishes all those who have any do ds to send in their accounts to be paid. mands 1 Raleigh April 16. 1816. IT G. tf 'f V Raleiffh Library THOSE few who have not yet paid their uV scriptions are requested to do lo. Persona holding Hooks are ntihed to return ttiem Immediately Or nMsurcp ramcr unpleasant must be resorted to ia order to obtain them. ,. pri!241816. 17 lw - Notice. MR. C. CHRISTOPHERS, Tanner, Butcher t &c. has thought proper in the last .Star tc aasad my character ; as the public have nothing 'to do with our personal disnutes 1 will merflv ttflv . tiM T fickSng with said Thomas Little or giving him any assis- lean justify myself at anytime to any person who merita tance. I also offer fifty cents to any person that will 1 my attention-Mr. Christophers is too insignificant to de brine the ejid boy to me OBED. ANTHOfrV Guilford CottnHv April 10 18t. 17 .. 3W serve notice. Ualeigh, April M, 1816. ighificanttode GEORGE W: CWMESif-! lit r-3 . JlWlr-v";".--- i '

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