ii t . POETIC A U FBOM Til roaT FOLIO. TRUE ADVICE. Seek M4 w plraswn's round For RL,thu r(frr of the earth, hoM aloe flower was never ttMnid l"o bUua 'antist tUonunff weeds of nurta. Seek MiinMw Beauty's spera, For Joy." balm of earthly pww, Whoa angel likeness jwver dwells WWt Fradty breathes, and Falsehood fcig ns. For Blia. tkat stranger of (he earth. On i seek Rctipoa'a sacred pale, bote hallowd joys, of heavealy birtb, Mil, por m life aoc death shall fad. Awl JT. the kaJm of earthly ri, li fcuaj in woman's wedded love, A solace through t!iU vale of lew. Ti bonds of pwre debrM shore. Adrertisement RASWAY from the subscriber eh tie Cta. instant, a toned boy by the name of Tho mm Lin, Wo his awar two ,r tauy before he i frcr. I tber fare ff-w are any prrwm fro trading or traf. ftcsung with sd TWMaa LuiWoc giving hn aay unec. 1 aU Set fty cou 10 any peraosi that will brior the aid boy to use- OB ED. ANTHONY Cuittned Co-ify Aim! 10 Igtfi lytw Exchange of Land. fTlENNESSEE LAND of rood quality will be exchan1 fr Land in Wake count v. En-IP! double those rate. Hates of Postage nrIfK folio inr iUte of poiuit are I charred after the lit da? of My, eon milj to an act of copgress, passed en the tk inL OM IINGUJ LETTTR5. Tor any distance not c&&cdifi( 0 miU a Over ia, and not ore- S3 inilrs Ovrr 80, and not orrr I4J WiU Oyer ISO, and not over 4.J0 miles Over 4X 6cewU. 10 Ul-3 18 1-2 35 I Notice. to be.rfirEubriSr latin uualifie4 U 1?iWtV oo for-, JL of Elijah Mitr.Sell dec U. requerUall person Batt daiaa t(tirM IM catie w "C Kjrv.r immediately, that proriaion ma; be made for their pty. men i aad aU persons indebted io the estate are retjueatt ed to CM Ibrward aad adjust their aerobes TrtO. F LCUNER,T.xr. V.Lirfc. April 22.1S16 17 w I Dki bra, or thoao conpoaed of two piece of May3,18l6: MISCELLANY. U 4": - SPOTS ON THE M N S DISK.. The Sun at riaingjeaterdav exhibited an ex tMiulnir annrarance. obvious to eTcrv eve A it rosebore the horizon, the phenomenon ex bibited itself to the inquisitive examiner in the farm described by an intelligent and scientific friend in tht following communication. Speak -fcig of .phenomenon the Weather for some days past ma j be reckoned among them. Without rain for now about three weeks, the whole atmos phere is filled with a thick haze, the incon venience of which is not diminished bj the clouds Of impalpable dust which floats in the air. The fields exhibit more of the aridity of Autumn, than .of the freshness and verdue of Spring. .Vat. Int. A Urge spot appears this day on the Sun's disk. Tie wed through a Telescope its figure is irregular- t consists of several Nuclei or dark tarts, and the whole is surrounded bj an Umbra. Its general appearance is noi unuae oi duster of Islands, for example the liermudnt, sur rounded by a Belt of Rocks, the outline of which Conforms to the general figure of the cluster. It is coujectured that the longest line that can be cjrawn within this cluster, is at least 40,000 miles or about five times the diameter of our earth. Various opinions have been suggested relative to the cause of these snots. They are not unfre- Juent ; 50 atone time nave been Been ; they gra ually increase and gradually decreuse and, after t certain period, disappear. It is probable that they are fixed and not oafine;. From many fthaftrvationa made on the apparent motion of these tnhonnmcm. the Suns diurnal rotation on his axis is found to be performed in about 23 days and six hours. Washington City, April 30. A Jail to he built. WILL be put up to the lowest bidder, on tht 2d. Monday in Mar hut, in the town of VMuurrilJe, in Columbua Coual N. Carolina, the Builo-nr quire at the Star Office. Notice. , TAKEN UPaUut lt Novembtr last,byJa. Dancy, living aJout 8 miles front Tat borough, ii. Lkmpaey Bfftni'a Utatrtci, and enieml on ihe Stray llouk (kept (or ihe couaty of Rdeeombe) on the 6th of March, a bl4Kl bay liorae, a fc wliite uaira in bta fore head, roacJu:d and awabb'd, dark lefra, auppoaed to be 5 or 6 tcara old, a! out 4 ftet V or 10 inchra bih. valued at Jo 4 . Ur. KI.Y POR1 EK, Rner. Grccncvillc Academy. "THE Truiteea bejf lce to inform the uli'.ie that the rxtrciseaof thit Ac demy will recommence on tbe fiit Monday of April next, wntttr vbr auperiitwk.danae ot Mr. Jotiu ti. Head, jf Sn-w-liill. 71e qualifications of Mr- Head, aa ateaclier, trr to well eiabnhed, that any encomium upon him would be deemed auperfluous. Th tiricea of tuition for reaiinr. vritinr. arithmetia and finar liati Grammar, will be four dollara For tbo Latin and j the Mate LeyiaWure are to be charted with pamphlet i j ret k languagea Geopraphy.Algcbra, Euclid'a Clementf, poatage, although not atitched or half-bound-the diflertmbrancheaof the mathrmauca.lic.nrr dollara; Postmastcra are not to forward pamtilct in the mail, per quarter, paid in advance. Board can be had In re- where the latter ia very large, or where it ia carried wiut pectiible families in Greem ville at 5 dollara per month. great expedition, or on horseback. , KICtlJtKU KrAJVS. Sec. - j" iMk Lriitrt, or thoae cotnpoaed of three pteces of ( , riy auch a one aa the one ia Uiad-n CowMy) pap r, rtp.e thoae rate. to be hnitbed oo or oerore tle nrat ilixuitjr m rioreiBhr fitckru. or lettera eompoaedof four or more pieeea or, aelU A pUn ofaakl building aball be lUibed al th paper, or one or mora other ankle a. and weighing one liroe 0f D4n 0f ijJJ. nxmry paid down to the once, aroirdupott, quadruple tboae rates, airfl in that j UfKiruker, he f.iinn auch bon.1 aitd aecurity at nay be propirUon lor ailrrter weijnt. . i rtquired, and the bjutttte wnvn Ue work ia done. liaac i'oirelt, .loulvm rrtUi iUtp Letirr,, not carried by mail, are chargeable with 6 centa. KEWSPAPftRS. Each paper carried not over 100 miles, 1 cent ' Over 100 milea, ' 1-3 But if carried to any place within the State where printed, whatever be the diaunce, the rale ia only o?w cent. MAGAZINES AND PAMPHLBT8. -Are rated by the ahcet- Carried not over 50 milea, 1 cent. Over 50, and not over 100 milea, 1 1-2 Over 100 milea, 3 Every lour folio pages, eifcht quarto papea, and aixleen octavo or leaser nrea. are to be considered a ahcet , al- ntheiumluioirei bevondeven foui a.ko Joi-nala of . i I n y - Thomot Frink; Solomon Ileevesy 17-4w. Hi, non Grttn. J. R. ffkiU. Cvmntifsioitern. New Leather Store. THE Suhacnbera hv.. e.d a Ltkther St re intb4 room Utcly occupied Ly W W. Maaon, ill ihe Staf buildinjra, Raiejgh, wliere thty .'tier f aae a erneral aortuientof thi fceat Northern LEATHEB, ar Peterabur rricea, for Caah. They have now on 1' ih1 aoal and OppeT' leather, calf akina, grain and wax, skirting and harncai leather, roof and lining hides, belxiws hidca, aheep and lamb akina, morocco akina, haltera' kina, boot trees and laita. All which Uiey will wn-.n' of firrt qu 'lity. BR WE H V PAIRLAMB March 1. 1815 12-tf March T. 12-fw pd To Undertakers. be let to the lowest bidder the IbL. be let to the lowest bitluer on 17th May next, the building of a Bridge near the mill of Mt-sara. Beuu.bana fit Cameron, on H toe Kiver, in the county f Orange ccuiity will be required by FtttmoMttr General- Onera' Pst-Oer. April 16 Jas. Jeffers C5 Co. TIN AND COPPER SMITHS, t i r 1 11 1 ' It , ni Tj, ': From the Sporting Magaiine. Htlt. LAST WORDS OV TOM ASH, THE PUNSTER Mh Friend--It is time for a man to look rare, wnen he has one foot there ; every fit of touzhxns. has put me in mind of my coffin, tho' o. 11 j. a: 1. .f J: .j.- aisaOfurs, men tue seiaomesx ituun o uwwu.11.un. This is a treat alteration ! I. that supported my. :elf with eood trine, must now b supported by a ' .... 0 . . j 11 1 small ater. - A lonune-iener once wwcu uu tj hand, and said, i This man is to be a great tra- ' teller j he will be at the Dhi of Worms, and from thence eo to Jiot-is-oone.' 1 r " Now, seeing I understand this double mean iir. I desire to be privately buried, for I think a public funeral looks like Bury fair, and the rites at tne aeatt 100 oncu prove ivg i utiu fnethifik"8 the word itself best expresses the mini her, neither few-nor-all. ' A dying man should not -think of. obsequies, but of 00 se quies. Little did J .annrehend you would so soon see Tom Stown un der a tombstone. " T. P. are no letters in death'; mtnhabet 1 he has not halfa-bit of either. Every thing bhould put us in mind of death ; Physicians assure us, that our very food breeds it in us ; so iihat in our dieting we may be said to die eating. There is something ominous, not only in the name of diseases, as di-arheea, di-abetis, (fy-sentery - hm t ' . ,1 1 1 ' . .1 i . i:r , DUt, even M tneurugs uebigueu w piscive me a o!iJcordiura, di-apente, rfi-ascordium. I per ceive DrJIovcard and I feel Aou hard thinks i Ihallrfeceae before day tease f but, before I die, iu - 1 desire to eive some aavice to tnose wno survive me. Let wamcsfers consider, ,that death is haz ijfjd and passage upon the turn of a die. Let law- yerf consider, it is a very hard case. And let ' Tunster consider it is hard to die jesting, when death is bo hard in digesting:1 Here his breath 'ffailed him, and he expired. . -x r. - Proposals "TT10R pnH'wnins in the town of Wilmington-, ;JJ2 N Carolina, a weekly Paper, to be entitled tlie ! 1 -THB finbaxriber propoaet to publish a Weekly Pper t Under the above Title 1 being convinced that the present ( ' .and encreaaing importance of Wilmington, warrants tbe 5 V:tindcnakin(r. that aupport will be given, should the me. riU of the KsUbnaoiUCBtt enuue it to mc paironage 01 - i. the public. . It otthe wish of the F-ditor to enter into a diacui sion ethe opiitiona or neasureaof rartiea in this Pro - ! tttas 1 but aa the poJitical complexion of a Newa-Paper, ' u a matter of - importance to ita Patrons, he conceives it duty to aute, that the politics of this Paper will be ? decidedly lUpublteatr; . ' , ' The wiaeand patriotJe measures adopted by our govern -iw'Vietpranousto,and during Ihe late contest with Great " v v Britain i In tbe opinion of the Editor, set all rivalship in V theory or competition in practice, at defiance-,And . ' w!:iSr the present, or any future. Administratoin, shall vcontinOeto pursue a course, which baa axalted the Amer vicaa character jo xenith of glory, to which the despotic ' "Sj'powera of Europe may aspire in vain, the Cape Fear lie-v'-Mrfar will Contribute ita humble energies towards ad- ? iroeating their policy. I - T The columns of tins paper, will be open to temperate I , inveatigatlona'of political subjects, emanating from any I " pRrty but slanderous an imadvemions on the characters I or conduct of Weainofiice.ai well as private citixens, 1 ' wiH be awwided. ? I a . xvnunt of tbePrices Current, of Foreign and Do- r-wri ankles In this Bbrt. wdl be given wetkiy, careful- y .l.i.. . wtlt Um 9nnii.Dnv,l. nrl inewxc iui 1 iv. 1 Committed TO Jail m March lust a negro man by the name of George who said on his examination tbat he belonged 10 William Biackman of Philadelphia, but ainre he bus been confined he has confessed bis nkme 10 be Simon and says he belongs to Charlotto (citings of S . Carolina ,Cashaw District, aid negro is bve ten ele- vr.u, inches nigh, of a uarK complexion and wears large whisker ; had on when commuted to neero cotton coat, overalls of the same hat and some other clothes such as shirts &c The owner s deair d to come forward prove his property, pay char gea and take him away. J UUHNlWli, Sh'tt. Guilford County. March 1816- 17 Sw April 17th. 1816. JOHN CABR. HUGH CAIN RO 1. HANMS. Cormmtrituvri. 17 3w H! aving commenced business in this place, of- Bondand approved JLJL'ertneir services to ne lnnaiutaiiu auu us vicinity. They nave connexions in reiemou; gii uirvugu whom their materials will be procured on the beat terma. They are warranted in the belief that justice will be done to those who may favour them with l-usinesa. Their shop will be kept on SaJisbuiy street, back f the Star buildings, and their work offered for sale at the Leather Store of Messrs. Brewer and Fairjamb. -'ash given for old pewter aud copper. Kaieigh, April 23, 1816. 17 tf. The Celebrated imported Horse TRUE BLUE. WILL Stand the ensuing season at my Sta ble in Salisbury on the following terms, Twthty dollars the aeason which may be 1 T. I the payment of sixteen dollars on or before the 25th ii!hStt cemWruext.forty dollars to ensure a mare to bein L. l it t with the same deducUon as in the sewon, if paid wi Taken up A ND committed to the Jail 01 Johnston cr.un- J ty-a negro man who says his name is Bill, andthuthe belongs to James Kutlietford, in the new Pur chase in the f Mate ot Georgia, una that he was carried from Richmond in Virginia, is very black, "a flat chin, a small scar in the upper lip, also one on his forehead, is a bout twenty six years old about five feet ten inches high. He further stated alter ben g put in prison that he discharged by 25th De- foal within the Same time. Ten dollars the sinirle leap, to be paid when the mare is covered, with the privilege of turning to the season. Should the property of any mare insured De changed, the ensurance will.be demanded in every instance ; should a mare itsured not prove with foal the monev will be returned. The season hu commenced and will end the 10th Au gust, everv attention shall be paid to mares sent to the Horse but no liability for accidents or escapes. S. U FERRAND. Salisbury, Anril 10 1815. 17 3w Eagle Hotel, For Sale. THE long continued bad health of our acting partner in the establishment renders it impracticable for has been runaway about two ycai itndi ball, that Be was him to give the necessary attention required to the en annrehended near Favetteville 81 committed to fail, where I creasim? custom of the house We have therefore deter he staid nine muntha, and then was sold for the prison ! mined to dispose of the Hotel with all its appurtenances charges, ana tai vocx. al coy purcnasea nimj na tuai covering two acres of gr'mno aau gwe lniniuuie pus he served bis time out and was discharged by Mr M'Coy. ssession. Any person desirous to purchase etui have rej He further stated that his rleht owner is John Lewis in i ference to nr books since we kept the home which we Union district in tbe state of South Carolina in the fork of j suppose the best evidence we cn offer to shew the value Broad River and Tiger river, near Ntw-Bury Courthouse, j of the establishment ; there cau be no doubt but it is the The owner is required to come forward, prove property , most profitable and of course the most desirable proper pay charges and lake him away. 1 ty in the southern states April 6th. 1816 ROBT. GULLY, J Sh'ff. 17 4w R Notice. ANAWAY from the subscriber on the 16th inst. two Neeroes, a man and woman. The Rileigh, February S. C BRAME, 81 Co. 8- if For sale, L NEGktO fellow, and for hire the remainder A of the vear, another. Enquire of Captain Parselr, at the Union Tavern, Raleigh. Lots, Adjoining the town of Danville, in Pittsylvania Couuty, Virginia, FOR SALE. By virtue of a Deed or Trust exec cJ to the subscribe. nt i 11. . . oy summon ucdow, to secure certain aelHS due Ly Qljg to the Stat: Bank of North-Carolina. 4 TRACT OF LAND, laid out into mnrt 2 than fiixty Lots, with convenient Streets, and Alleys, .vljoining the town of Danville, and intended to lorm a part 01 saiu town, win De exposed to Sale, on the 7'h day of June next, on the premises The terma of the sale will be, cash for all sums under an hundred dot. lars ; a credit of six and twelve months will be given for' all sums above an hundred dollars, which sums must ba secured by notes made negotiable and payable at the Slate Bank ot North-Carolina, at Itaieigh, bearing interest front the date, and having two indorsers resident ia the State of North-Carolina Many of the Lots now offered for sale are well aittutfA for Business and gentlemen who wish to make estabiiih. menu in Danville are invited 10 attend the sale. Tf;OMAS RITFFIN, Trustee, &c April 1,1816. 17-f State of North-Carolina, Wak,e County. vt Willis Newsom. name of the Negro man is JACK, aged about 25 years, 6 1 Joseph. & William Peace feet 3 or 4 mcbea high, stout made, of a yellow complex ion, his upper lip very thick he wore away a short home spun coat and dark broad cloth pantaloons. The wench is named Delia, 16 years old, 4 feet 10 inches high, of a yellow complexion, large breasts, and left a child eight months old she wore homespun clothes, when she left me. Court of Pleat and Quarter Seteiom, February Term, 181.6. Original Attachmant levied in the hands of Sherwood Hay wood and others, and they summoned as Garnishee. TUB defendant being out of the State, or so conceals himself that the ordinary process of law cannot be served unon him ; it is therefore ordered by the court, iiuitropuu wi.t Wllt'll oin, ivil - , . . . " , , A liberal reward, and all reasonable charges will "at publication be mao in toe star loruiree moiuus,u.ai be oaid for their delivery to me. or for their confinement anlw tne deteneiant comes xorwara ana rej-iey e. r 1 - . l pt-intcd J.1' , ' o.. rii.. ...1 TKMr-'Aree wwan ' 4 ibtot Cents payable tm tbe receipt of the first Number. Jtdvtuscnieii vim w 1 JCTi,;. nUm .TV tMbtrkeuCmmemmd. 4nw-r -, THOMAS LOU1NO. ilmiBjian 1818: - . DANIEL CHISH0LM, Sen. Montgomery county, April 12, 1816 8 16-4t- pleadiby next court, that judgment final will be had a rainst mm. lest, is. a. Aiyvix, c. u. Laud for sale. PURSUANT to a decree of the Court of E quity, held for Wake county, Spring Term, 1816, will be sold to the highest bidder on . crtu.iof nine months, betore the Union Tavern in the city o( Ha leigh, on Tuesday the 21st of May next, being Court week, a tract of land belonging o the estate of Ann Per son, late of the county of Wirren ; which land lies in ths county of Wake, on the waters of Beaver creek, adiointf the lands of Christopher Bahb ana others containing 3.3,. seres. 1 lie purchaser giving bond and approved seco rity.&c. JESSKPERSON. pnl gQ, 1816. . 17-1ws. For Sale, Excellent Stand for a Merchant. TTIE subscriber, being m alow state of health, and de mos of curtailing his busing, offers for sale his pro perty in the Village of Chapel-Hill ; consisting of a one acre lot, on wnicn is a good Uwelling House, Store, Grocery shop, Post-office. &c. all under one roof. The separate election is held here by law, and other public bu siness generally transacted As those who are desiroQS of purchasing will no doubt view the premises, no further description is deemed necessary. Partial possession will beigiven immediately. Likewise the plantation on which the subscriber resides, about two miles north of the village, containing about 453 acres, well adapted to the culture of wheat, corn and to bacco. As possession will not be given b fore next fall, those persons who intend to purchase will do welt to view the premises while the crop is on the grouud. The pre. sent flourishing condition of the University renders tbe above property desirable. Letters addressed to the postmaster will be attended to. E. ROltSON. Chapel-HiU Marrh . '2 R Fortv dollars reward. ANA WAY front from the subscriber, about the 31st January, a negro man named SAM, about 21 or 22 years old, light complected, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, stout made, wore silver rings in his ears, and when he It it. home had a horseman s cap on his clothing light Said negro was brought from Portsmouth, Vir ginia, where he will probably attempt to go. The above reward will be given for hjs confinement in any jail, and giving me information so that I get him again Letters on the subject to oe directed to me at Lemuel Moore's Post umce, Kutheriord county. ABEL BEATY. April 20, 1816r 17-lf. Four Hundred dollars Reward. THE STOKE of tbe subscribers was robbed 011 the nitrht of the 24th Vebruarv last, of three thousand. three or four hundred dollars, by a mulatto fellow named JIM, the property of William L Thwmas,, esquire, 'of Chesterfield District, South-Carolina. J im is about five feet eight inches high, a Tittle round shouldered, has a large scar on his left arm near tbe shoulder, and wore 11 pair of whUters. is dress cannot with accurtey be des cribed, but had on when last seen a green bombazcitc coatee He was seen and pursued on the 2d instant, by a arty ot men in ktoore county, North Carolina, where be ad purchased a horse, but was forced to abandon hit horse and baggage when pursued. Jim has obtained a free pass or rather certificate of his freedom in which he is called William Walli but it is not improbable he will vgaia change his name, arid procure another pass to pre-. rent deteeuon by the old one, sane is a very a.tfuliellow It is las avowed uitention to goto tbe state of Pennsyiva ma or Ohio, but he may be at.this time in Chatham coun ty. North Carolina, from whence be was brought some time in the month of May last by a Mr Ramsay Any person Or persons who will apprehend said fcih-w and con fine him in any jail so that the subscribers may get him, shall receive glOO reward, or 9 1 SO if delivered to them at their residence, and ten per centum for all the money restored. The money is in notes on difierecnt banks in Georcria, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia, & one &50 note on the Hudson Bank of New Yoik, which is a eomerfeit, and on the back is written u Aiwate'rs", the man's nane from whom It was received OILLESPJR & SANDERS. Chatham', Chesterfield District, Souiu-Carolinn, 19th Marco. 1816. 13 3m State of North-Carolina, Wake County. Court of Pleat 13 Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1816. Lemuel Cook original Attachment levied on a two wtHoseaA wheel THE defendant being out of the State, it is oruered that nuhlir-at'mn be made in the Star, for three n onths. that unless the defendant comes forward by next court and pleads, judgment final will be had against him, and the property levied on condemned to plaintiffs use. lest, ts. o. am, 1. t. Doctors Falconer & Henderson, , Having entered into partnership in the practice o medicine and surgery, &c &c. will promptly attend o all applications Raleigh, March 17. Strays Entered. T"VTAS entered on the Stray Book, on the 20th! If of April, 18l6,by James Hikes, living near i Wsynesborouirh, one bay Mare, 4 feet M inches high, with two small saddle spots on her back ; judged to be 8 years old and valued at 50 dollars. URIAH LANGSTON RANY. wyne, April. 1816. 18 2wp. Removal. W'm. W. Mason HAS removed his Store to the house lately occupied by E Weems, one door above Richard Smith uere he solicits a continuance of public patronage. m. rch 28th. Notice. THE subscribers duly qualified as executors to the last will and testament of Robert J. itu U Dec d. at march term of Richaaond County Court 18'6- All persons having claims against the testator are notified to render die same within the time prescribed by law otherwise this notice will be plead in bar of recove ry, and all persons indebted to said deceased will please make payment of their respective dues, otherwise legal measures wdl be pursued for the recovery thereof. Tto's Steele, R. J. Steele, i Executors. : Rob't, Powell,) Richmond County, April Ut. T 3w Hardware, At reduced prices for Western Bank paper. MICHAEL KIMMEL, NO. 4, North Howard Street, opposite Mr. Joseph Wof ley's Tavern, Baltimore. Now opening, 502 Packages assorted I utlery, Saddlery. Plated Brans and Japanned Ware, Buttons, &c. &c. and further supplies ex pected by the first spring ships. A will be worth the at tention of purchasers to call, as these goods have been purchased for cash in England. The assortment will b sold low for cash, or for liberal credit for acceptance in the city. 12-3m Pel--uary 12, 1816 Valuable Lands For Sale. The subscribers qu-i'ified as Executors, last Fe ll rury term, 1816, to the real estate of John u. anaw nee. in otic e is thkrkfoh&$1tkh to all persons wishing to make private? contract tor between eight hundred and iOCO acres of Land, :.u ; a is r -r,. T wiiu iiuprovcuicuis, tying tn rveuse mver, 01 a i. - m . . 1 . gooa quality, tne situaUon ot said deceased, to appiy to the sut scribe rs, oxamine the landand situauatk 1 t. . . . , auu juiuw tne wrus. XATHAMEL WARREN, ; PEYTOViHIGH, Wake county, March 28, 181 g. 18 To Mill Wrights. 'pHE subscriber wishes to eugage an1 able Mill Wright who can come well recommended, to erect a mer chant mill at his scite on Deen River ' JUIiJv A. KAMHAl. Forest IFill. Chatham 3d April. 18?6. 14 j To Undertakers. ' rN the 15th May next, at Northampton court-house, S v-' Carolina, will be let to the lowest undertaker, in building a new court-house, forty feet square, fourteen fee pitch, with two rooms as wings .'sixteen feet square chimneys. The main building to be set tbve feet fro the ground, on brick. Bond, with approved security, wul be required for the faithful performance of the woik, T greeably to a plan to be given at the time of letting sai work, by tho commissioners. John -hfirhnlrt. March 14,1816. James Crumfi, Daniel Ma$on, n-rs Jonas Mxitm : Carter Jo" Corflmumoner.