1:1 T. r- i 1 1 yiwri North-Carolina State Gazette. i 5 ! .1 i i ,i I t 'i I iil HALEIGH, (N. C.) Fill I) AVj: AUGUST U, lhi6. rot vin. lr - i i -- - u. j " iTii. tare soldiers, fone deranged in histruml.)' - - - - . V THOM AS HENDERSON, w,!, three dollar, per annum M par wil Tw.oux at lea.t a J 2 p.l '"J"ff.' j w p-jp discontinued only at ihe option of the bdi ar unlt-wi all arrearages axe pakL a-l - a r r timer ior i J UN. rvl 23 cent for each continuance. Taken up w V TKnmas Christen, linn in. Montgomery VtAe rWer. neap Jhn ClirUfenVl r"J' k, u- ir. .(....Uujk ih.. Wtttr H. ha LiW ltd et V K" w"1"1 1 - III tlreea. itikW'U nn an -'r -j !ore and Janus swan, tvDHyuooars- JAS. COCKHlKi Banger. fet; 2. isle n- Windsor Chairs. rKE subscriber takes this method of inform ing the citlwa nf Raleigh Pul',l .THv7tht fee Its awVd his'W mdaof Chair anu. UoW, from. 1-eten.burg, V. to the hou laWJy occu- vm. IVfWs, where he h preparing and ill in a RVtcAU I e abte to supply all demand in lu line, in . . r .k...IU f'Wira. &ettf-ri. leMW" 'Dl '-- ; . ; i. trt frv naiieri, he will lo paint and ornament old w.'ih lAifl. nr rrrsmtnt ilitm to direction. He t,n fu ru:e Sitni Paintinc and Gildii'ir, in the l,i..t miniM r im an me ior esi iwmcc. mi ill letuai t'uuy rtceivea anu uibwihku hh iyt"j HVic;, Jnnp 97, POETICAL. Forty dollars reward. ANAWA1 from from the gubhciiber, ahou die 31st January, aneirro man namd ?AM ut 21 of 22 years o.d, light complected, 3 leev o or y ncheliig.!,siui made, wore silver rwps in rns ear, anu theo he Ittt home had a r.orseman a cap on ma i nm.mB ght Said negro was brought from Portsmouth, Vir i(m. m'lxre he will Diobablv aliemut to ao. The above ardWiUfcegivtn ior his tontinement in any ju.il, and Vifiiiff me iiifoiiiiation ao ihat I get him again. Lettcrd CaUie 8uijectto be ihrccied to me at Lemuel Moore a yot omce, tcuilienoru couniy. AUbL HEi.A 1 I. Apr-l 1' - f Ciiv Luis lor !?aie. flIIE mi'lersiiifd i'oiuinissioiiers, acting un fa, tier the autii'orit y ol au act of the General As- kliibly nf nu.iVd " An ict to proviae iir xne ocv- Mr accommwlatlon of the Governor of thi state," and of itesoluuonof i8 4, on ihe wmf aubject, will tu ar puoiic iction oil the pivi!iise,nn the 21t day ut August next, ai i.nJtfivr month, for necotiabie paper at the State brnk, acco ding to the said act, three LOTS of FUdLIC AHO.inthc u;ibs ot Raleigh, numbered44, 45 46!i47, hick wen bid ttl'at tUe talc n May, 1815, by (wnoiitwho rc trmrrimplT WUl the ttrTttS ot f,aMt h WU icreivre be anaweikble ii.r he deficiency, if tbefe be any. .v . t in' ii ' i S. Goodwin, iv.jiui, II. loiter, 11. tiiau elL Falfih, 19th June, 1815. fOll 1H STAB. THE MONEY DOODLE b? joxatiwi. La it CongreM were to mghty wiae, They bat the very naiion ; They kwKht they all would draw a priae, So i eaid tkerr comrntatiu But Joiialhaa it a diiidy lad, ' Hit tonjfei a tweet at htmey, HtH turnoMt artrery r.an, by Ud, ' Who took lhi rotten money. , Ftrtt tVre waa tniater apeaker Lly, , . Aabio om )en Hardin, 7 ,1 AbdmanyotWr, n6iltd ay, .j Tbey could'ut tare a fardin. y But Jonathan is a etltith lad, - , jt' Btofft jnd their tongxtct of honey, For h can't tell, imA Ke by dad. What become of all the money. But tome there were, and not a few. Who taid it wat a shame, tir i And that it really would'nt do To play to bold a game sir : For Jonathan waa a huffish lad, Altho' bis tongue's like honey. And hin you want to make him mad, Why only spend his money. And for their parts, they urely should Not voie a single Dollar; For if they did, he realty would Turn every man out hollow : For Jonathan waa a touchy lad, Although he was to funny, And he would be tarnation mad, If they only touched his money. But then they ay, when paying day, It did at last come rotjrd air, They who aid yea, they who said nay; 'look every cent they found sir. But Jonathan is an honest lad, And hates a thief, by dad sir, And receiver makes him nation mad, For he is just as bad sir. So out he'll turn 'em all, and try To lind the man that's saving, That can live on pork and pumpkin p'.e, And make out well by shaving ; And Jonathan, he will bim rew. rd. With words as sweet as honey : But nothing will he pay, Oh '.Lord ! No not a cent cf money. JONATHAN. tii. tare soldier, (one ueranrei! in lieut. Martrn and myself. rrom tki acrouut 1 atn alrard tnat your lonl- !hiji!.iNill be apt to consider matters as in a Tery hojijs : i b it I assure you I am far from uefjui!n.. NViih the asis'ance of one of the tidier, I : : l tii.aixed a larirc canoe into a tole- ralje gouJ schooner, on board of which 1 this day !.iied the JintitS ila and shall tet sail to the1 e;t with the fixed resolution to discover th tcr mkjation of the Nier, or perish in the uttwnpt. I fcve heard nothing tiut I can depend on, tr it)ctingthc source oi this tnirhty stream bat I dUtiaore iadioud to thint, Stat it can cud no trfrebutin the sea." " v Fomnr.N. Gallant aphit ! tly sttaauoii.'i hrplca indeed. In a few days thy illustritaa cife Wk e4Jit. On descendiner the Nier. Patk wai asassrrftted near the village of Yaotir, I'he Ediuburg RevieHr (47th number) details ich tb every .Vr-Wa, JiiT, LATEST FROM LONDON. V -By the hipt Arnerica, and Lindz.ee, from Lona dou, the editors of tin; Mercantile AdTertiser. have receded London "Paper'a t the SStlt of June, inclulHve, froui which the followiflg extract are made. . ' " - '1 " - Wc learn by a patsenger, in the America", that Mr. EdUs,oa"c rrniser at th Hum re, 'and Mr Ervin, our miniistfir t Bpatirj men b.f Ui tiParii the last of May. .' ' - Mr. StfeartT"C!jaceJ3or of the American Cob. sulatc it Ixmtlnf hat arrived in tliAencaa. . tiittf 'eif last, tKe Pans tl1ier8 .rtThuntorf' i hare armed ; ami thwmdrning we retetTecL"0c hi!! t 1 t the Lets, from which the preceding is compiled, ; 0f Friday. Another French General (tfroyerV and adds, that "every tfin in the narrative I has been sentenced to be shot for the rebelli6fl6f bears witness to the fatal effects of the wet season, March, 1815 ; ami the ridiculous, farce oftry . and equally proves the possibility of leading to j U1 Marshal Grouchy, who is absent, it going oft : .lie iMjjer a iorce apparently lnconsuieraoie, out j large enough to prevent insult from small bodies I :il t MISCELLANY. J Jones, ( C. T.J T. Hunter, JV.Teace, ' 25 tf. btiitc ol ci lh-Caroliiia, BRK1IE CulINlV. coritT of v.r ii v, ai uil term, 1816. Luke iCaiy ij.u v . hi coniplainuus, j V Lewis Gotten ardCulitn Gotten, Executors of Jesse 'otltii, dtci ,a.d iiefci.danla J IT beii,D represented to the Court that Cullen Cotten, oue of the defendants in this suit re licts without the lin usot his slate : it is ordered, that notice be given ihe said Cullen Gotten by advertisement 4 tue Mai tor three months, that unless he appear at the ncx; term of thisCoUn, to be held at the Gout t-I louse in Windsor, on Uicfuunli Monday afiert lhe fourth Monday mVpten.Ltr ni.xt, and plead, answer or demur, judg lent will be taken against him pro confesto, and tet fur Scaring ciparie. 'ltst, 24 Sn. bhMAJAII NICHOLS, C- Si M- From the Richmond Compiler, .Wir Expedition. Amidst the rumors of plots, of the natives, and to protect a trading carravan It likewise remarks, that if the Congo "be the same river with the Niger, the co-operation of an ascending or decending party would of$r great facilities and advantages; while, if it should turn out to he a different Htrcam altogether, the access to the interior would thus be doubled." Philadelphia, July HI. The Hoax On Saturday last, hand-bills were posted up at the different public places in town announcing that Mr. Klancbard jr. would ascend in a balloon from the prison yard corner of Wal nut and Sixth-streets, on Monday the 15th inst. at lla'clock, A. M. the hand-bills were orna mented with the picture of a balloon and its ac companiments, for an aeronautick expedition, calculated to attract, the gaz.e and excite the wonder of the people. A modest request w as added that muskets might not be discharged at the object, as it might endanger the life of Mr. R. No one stopped to inquire whether there was such a person iu existence as Mr. Blanchard, or whether the inspectors of the prison ad so iar lonrotten their duty ana lositneir good seuse, as to give the convicts a holiday, and i f 7 t i" f 4 j T S I . t I.'ll i discharge tltem from their labour for the sake of gratyfyinff public curiosity. Friend Poulson did and the poiiuca cnanges wmcit reacn us lrom Indeed publish a doubt, on the morning of the the Old una u is pieasing to caicn, me " small, anticipated spectacle whether it was not a quiz suuvnice- oiMtinif. W a nuirh JiJ tlii nA viuMtiaium. Mi The i tt&AimwCo AfFKa seems to Bea(Tvafic-TtielH:eter of reason, that nobody seemed to at- A Teacher wanted. MIE Trustees ol the Salisbury Acadcmy are cesirous ot engaging a person well qualiuen a-Teacher of yiuth, iiiu ;s a Prciher of the Guapil, lPlsice,jcnu.rge t thgitiraiituftai, ano-ts prcr4.!.o the cWtnsorSaliSturv To such a ntrs'jn, wliose etiaracter Uacxcntior.tlite, and whose abilities arc adi quale to Ituth rtuUijua, a iixid salary of one thouuind dollar will be given. Letters addressed tb the subscribers will be punctually Uttnded to. tj John fulton, ) ? t JOHN M"GULLANDA Committee. GliAliLtS FISHlili. S g8th, 181 fi. f Notice. IN the 24th of May, was taken up and com IvJ' Hiitted to the rail of this town, a netro man Ijstud Stmpson, abt'iit 25 or oU yturs of ae, inaiked on utBtinekb, v.hich Ix says art the maiksot his country ; tfftks bicltn ai.d b; ys he came fiom Jamaica to ibis i ' . ' --n ----- j -1 , ....uv I'Wtnifktra have teeii frost bitten i he is r.uher of a dark I tyatilt xion ai d abcut five ftct fuHr or five inches hitrh. ai.d ljs.tk.at he belorgs to John M Clarren, South Carolina, ltlle.. Hfci StLCtin M-.nrni nUlpt nj.t I nn.hi.Klr.H aeciivtier is hcrebv rec;uesud to crme'forwaid. nrove IWojany, pay chaigts, i-nd tkfe him away- -LJIJillAI1l.il lllft''PII 'w' , Aiiiinuii n. uuixicit, jauur 1.SI. liington, lleatifoittdurty, Play 28, IM.O. 27 r,m. Kew Goods. NBERSON CURTIS, informs his frientte KJuandthe public, that he has just returned (.In... .-"" j. nj j-nvi.i noBuiiiiitm vi IV III X'i'Chlvtt will. sell on U)c lowest terms. Jtitiufch;' Jn'-e 6. 1 8 ' 6. 23-tf, 1 i i i ,i -i .1 1 i , fiLTTlVrt "MQTtia Vlf.lAnn.InM 1 .. 1. I .1 i, , . ' vcb ucingiijg in leuiviiis anu (, - w iuvut uu 11 Li, II Civ CUlllillll.lA:U IU r v vau ot I'orson i;nnntr nhcml- h HHh .In: u v iJltllli-9, Ftr Sale at the Star Ofiicr-. in'' with a Wudence which promises success Who has forgotten the enterprise aud fate of Park ? Alajor Pe:ldie is about treading in his steps, his ends the same, but the season, and the means, are essentially different. Every thing is shunned which was supposed to have defeated the expedition of Park. : In 1804, Mungo Park was invited by the se cretary of state for the colonial government, to undertake an expedition into the interior of Af rica. The great object in view, was, to trace the river Niger, wRose outlets have never been ex plored by the Europeans. Many conjectures had been entertained. The opinion of the an cients was that it had no connection w ith the o cean, but spread itself into a censidcrable lake, the Caspian sea. Major Rennell, the celebrated ge ographer of the present age, has adopted this o- pinion. Another supposition was, that it lalls into the Nile, constituting the western or White branch of that wonderful river. A third idea was, that it branches itself into a variety of streams, which fall into the Atlantic ocean, at the northern point of the Bay of Guinea. But the mostplausible opinion, is, that it turns to the south, and ultimately terminates into the river Conga, which is described as " one of the most munificent streams in the tvoj ld ; running with, tho rapidity of six or seven miles au hour, and a width of nearly an English mile, for man v hun dred miles above its mouth, and the depth of not was most less than 50 fathoms." Mr. Park strongly of the latter opinion. Most unlortunately tor Mr. f ark, lus journey .1 1 I x , I- . 11 , J . J tend to the friendly hint. On the contrary, by 9 o'clock in the morning of the appointed day, crouds ot people began to as semble in the State House Yard, Potter's Fiejd, and adjoining streets, fixing their eyes with anx ious gaze upon that part of the horizon from whence the aerial wonder and its adventurous projector were expected to debouch. There was something in the place calculated to attract croud, independent of the Balloon spectacle, from the circumstance cf its having been the scene of such frequent throngs during the late trial for murder, and many good souls noncstly believed that an attempt was to be made to rescue poor Smith from his fate, under cover of this pretend ed journey through the air. The mechanic dropped his hammer and th . ... i a - . l 1 1 , 1 .11 student I;, s hooks r the apprentice ueserteu nis store and the clerk his counting-room. The hucksters spread their booths, and the !ake wo men arranged their bassets, in solemn prepara tion, as for a "rand gala. The hour passed by aud no balloon appeared, nor was there even an apology made by any of the tenants ol the prison yard, lor not complying with the promises which the hand-hills had an nounced. It was not until some time after, hotv sivtvr, that the concourse dispersed, when they re tired, satisfied that it was all a hoax. And it is just in this w ay, if I mistake npt, that many peo ple get themselves hoaxed every day, by believ ing without sufficient evidence, what they anxi ously wish. The contrivers can have very little satisfaction in reflecting-that thev occasioned so to the batiks r of the Niger -was delayed so, long! many poor people to spend an hour in idleness, mat u liuenereu wun toe rainy season, ue leit , which should have been devoted to tlie regular England on the 20th January, 1805; touched at pursuits of life. on of the Cape tie Venls, in Match to procure j the assess requisite for the caravan ; and on the j The Boston CentinaJ states " that there is un 28th March reached (iorce. The plan was to . der the graver of au American artist of that town, send with him a detachment of troops, to protect (Mr. Savage.) a large Historical Plate represent himfrom interruption, and some "seamen and ing the act of signing the Magna Charta, in the carpenters to construct vessels for the navigation Hall of Congress iu Philadelphia, on the memo of the river." From the garrison at Goree, his j rable second of July 1776; with correct likenes troops were to be selected. SPS, 0f bctw ;cn .thirty and forty of the signers." OntheSGth April he left the Gambia, to cross , Sre hope this Artist is of a superior genius to the country to the Niger, nor did he arrive there j the Mr. Savage who published the Print of the before October, au interval fatal to all hisprps-j Washington Family, and of whom the following pects, trie season oi rains anu oi levers ; which j anecdote is told : Mr. S. waited Upon one ot the Revolutionary characters in the State of New York, and requested him to sit for his portrait. The venerable hero, pointing to the print of the Washington family, which he had received, ob served What! are you the gentleman that has converted the head of the great Washington into a barber's block P No, no I cannot submit to have my face scratched by any such Savage 1" Solar Spots. A Communication from Wil liams' College, states, that on the 4th July, 17 spots were visible on the sun's disk, the largest of which measured about 6800 miles; and .the diameter of the umbra, about 25,000. It. would Courier extra, of Friday morning. Several individuals have been carried before the Tribunals accused of having stolen aboatti thousand weight of gunpowder from ona of the j Government Magazines, and gold it to Ri gieri, the fire-worker. The carriage which Ceft veyed it having been stopped at Montmartre oil ' the 28th ult. gave rise to a great number of tup- MnoW.nno n . . I immmAnlnma 'I'ka . Mttnnt S powder was greatly magnified, and thev whole y. 'I'lMf was said to have been contritPtl by conspirator . -v, v , I '-jl against xne aiate. s .- ' j Paris Journals to the 1st instant, And a Flan( .. f .1 i i i . : i . - i s . 1 1. uers ivian, navu m lveu mis uiviuiug. a ue, as- -'i'.;i sertion in the previous Pans papers, which we. I 't did not notice, knowing it to he untrue, that our , f' f mhassador, Sir Charles Stuart, was to be rA - iff ) ' , placed, is now contradicted from authority. , :J ihe valuable services ot that Gentleman cannot fe t "t. H yet be dispensed with. Ihe lhikeo! Vellingtu is expecteu 10 oe ai raris, wnere it is supposea ne will remain till September, hie Grace bavinfc made all the necessary arrangements on th.e fron tiers. A considerable change is operating in the temper, the vigilance, and the vigor of th6 French Government since the explosions at Gre , noble and elsewhere. This we find proved ivovb by our private letters than by the public"Jour nals. There is one important paragraph- in thsse pa pery under the head of Vienna, which commen- ces the report that the Russian Array itt tO bcj kpt upon the war footing. - The King of France has very preperly distri buted the forfeited property of the rebellious fam ily of Bonaparte among the soldiers and officers who had lost the pensions earned by their wound in battle, and has in this respect made no distinct tion between the royalists of La Vendee and . those who had served under Bonaparte prior to the first restoration. June 6. j From the Paris Journals we have this day made some further extracts. A misunderstan ding had arison between the Swedish Court and the Porte. To the approaching. Diet at Frank fort i to be referred a dispute oetweeti Austria ' and Sardinia, respecting tlie fortresses in Italy. These subjects, together with the disputes in Wirtemburg and Baden, which will come before the same Diet, will afford opportunities for tho mediation of Russia and tlie other great pow ers. " We are concerned to state," says the Bath paper of this morning, " that a disposition to tu mult exhibited itself among the lower classes at Yeovil on Tuesday, but, by the temparate con duct of the principal inhabitants, it was sup pressed without any material damage being done." We understand, that the statement which has appeared in several .oCthe papers of the appoint ment of the Earl of Dalhousie as Governor and Commander in Chief of Nova Scotia, is erroneous. Prince Antony of Saxony is expected to re nounce his claim to the inheritance cf that Crown in favour of Prince Maximilian, who 48 about to marry an Austrian Archduchesa. '$i. June 12. carried off hjis Europeans with a tremendous ra pidity. The following extract of a letter to the secretary of 6tate for the colonial department, written from Sanding, November 17th, 1805, will best paint the situation to w hich he was reduced. " Your lordships will recollect, that I always spoke of the rainey seasons with .horror, as being extreifely fatal to Europeans; and i)u'r journey from Gambia to the Niger will furnish a melan choly proof of it." We had no contest w hatever w ith the natives-, nor w as any one of us killed by wild animals, or any, Other accidents and yet I am sorry to ay, that of forty iour Europeans who left the Gambia in perfect health, five only are at present alive, require 47,000 suchBpots to covcrtlc whole disk, The Dutchess of Berri is to make her cntrfiB to Paris on Sunday the 16th inst. The Duke of Wellington has arrived in Paris. Little importance is attached to this visit. -His. Grace s audiencej with the King seem to be mas ters of course, and it is in the nature f Bourbou associations to mix the hero of Watorloo wjftht their happiness. Some consequence seem9 na turally attached to the change spokeA of iifc the Russian representation at Paris. It is expected that M Pozzo di Borgo will be recalled from his . diplomatic situation at the Cou-t of France, and succeeded by Count Woronzow, the commander of the Russian contingent. ' An extraordinary degree of activity pre vails in the French naval departments. The Cyt bele frigate has sailed from Brest for Newfound land, where sho is to be stationed, with twosloopt of war, for the protection of the fishery. The tri al of Didier, the ostensible leader oV tho insur rection at Greenoble, has- commenced. : . Brussels papers to the 10th, and Hamburgh Ga zettes to the 5th, nave been received, and brought rather an important piec of intelligence-The whole Russian amy', which has hitherto been sta tioned oi the frontiers, especially towards 'Tur key is dissolved ; and the troops of which it was , composed have-commenced their inarch te the, re mute provinces of the Kutiai empire. 3