VOKTICAU Wr. T. M rrrt iu ptiW-hd ol .vaci-rd Soft r a, Dateta ami Tms hich.lk ail Ma hff poetic! tfta tanna, arcfvh vtd hamKou Hi rifctio. Tfcee IWtJ Sp are aaimaled br a ararmih of Irrl.ng the km tdJnmr, aaj rt r, f 'ne poet "a mul. W extract the following at m e xamp'e t Am Layi.j l)iul Beard's KOR BLOCKING HATS- V letters patent snnted to David Beard by BY left the P l.-.. ..I tk I'n.t.! Stir. Unn dale the M'h of May 181. fi ibe full and xctui rigtit of inaking, umg, and rerding to other to mk an i u--the sij m.cUrwa He Iwu ba'g:wed tbe full and exclusive rifrbt of mOting, uiing and vending to o- ihera ilie same nvi!e pe of saul maelunfs lo the auwtn To Carpenters and HouscJoinfr. j lfontl Tln. YTiiKn.rxp.rai.i4t a inrf tin- t,( th- t men- 1 i.: n . a M r xrai . . t..r v, .- m iyq a - r r . .. . - ...... ; . . i a . . i . i e . .. 9 trr and II ij.cJmiiht. in lh" e?ilf id iw i.-:; , a.e.r- e i n-u. i i i.. - .. : rci'i'iKii. "lltKealtth the broken heart, and bimleth up lr, (or U euu.iurt oi Orsng. Chatham, and lu.do'ph . .... . '. tiu.ifxl ; kltcr the !;.c?iy of Jrc.irxt. The u- iherrlwe nreda no refomnendatioii but Oh ! thou !.o dry"at tbe incurncr'i ter, ltr0 elaik lUu world wood Sr, If when etre-ivrd and wounded here, FeevulJ INK !! to tlKC Tlx Mends. ho in wir unttine l;ve. Wheat viater comes are An AdU, rhu ha but lean to five, Muat arp Uiotc teri ajone. But t!hou w'ltt hea! that brck:n heart, WUct like the planti Umrw Tbcir JrajfTance Km the wmmded part, Brealhes teelneM out of jnjr no logger aoothei or rherra, And tnihe hope that threw A moment" frkle o'er our tear. la dimao'd and ranlii'd too! OKI who wotild bear lift 'a atorray doom, Did not thy winp of love Come, brigliUy w.niiiK throtih tle ptoom. On peace-branch from above I Then.torrow touclied by thre, pro bright, With more than rp'urc' ray, A daiknraa thei 11a worUa of liht We nerer aw by d ! the i.ioirr or truth. Let there be iiafht, " the firat cmrnnand That btirt fri'tn ileavm 'a exalted throne ; aT.h"-ah pave the a'earn 'ecrep, An I forth immediate radiance ahone? The aun, that jrlorioui orb of dar, - Waaofitered to mmct his sphere To ahed on earth tl' enlivening ray ; Tp abine abroad from yenr to year ,But tbere'a a liRht, a hrightrr liplit ! t han tun or nature e'er ohiM Uim ; Tia ahd throu) alt creation'! p. ce, And beara a (freat and jjlori m name ! The light has ahone sine Man waa mudr, And it Will thi:ie till worl Js de Cftj i tti briRlitneaa fur exceeds the morn ; 1 With it the gLomy t'hl is day. Would yuueivquire what ia this li;ht Tht ahinei wiih audi rrfulgei.t hlr.ze ! ttt name ia TUUTH, aud truth alone Can bring our wandering oi's tciarp. penmen'.. It ! uc. lUf.rra may aviii tliemaelvea ot convenient oppor i titniiirt, (r purcl:aM"ff mchinca and rijflita iy liii.e, J aTicr tiiia, in arveral .ljcrjm tlx above tiuit a 1 All ;h:r'Mi are frtv.J inJtin, uin, or vindi'.1, a'.l or an) p irt of any mv liino W'jrk'n'j upot the priuepJe ol I Oenl"j pue'it ; w;:!not firt ohtairin a right, und r the jtr.cu... ih.ii Jty of the Uw ; J'icr the 25lh of Vt tdL6. j F. .i. DEMLYli, ' Proprietor of said Mguts. Twenty-five dollars rewnrd. 1 US.V'A.VY Iruin tltc subscriber 011 the oil , February last, a negro man bv the namo t.l .!f..tii, abm'. twoniy-three yejira old, live fi-ct nine or ' ten fltchca hili, klut made, doi ci)iii.lcaion, has down lok, tjc..k;4 aoftly ; had 011 when lie went w:v li.im- pni cintiiea, no ottu-r mirlta rccullcctcd. (Siten was ra.atd in Lenoir Coitiity by a Mr. Miles Iluri:tn3, H'lierc lu has large conntrc.iona. I wiii give the boc rcwa J to any pronthal wiil deliver said fellow to inc or lode liim in any jail in this htaie ao Uml 1 gel bun, it all reujtonaDie czptiikes paid. BE.Y. TlSthY. P bounty, ner Oreensvi'l;. 42 6:'. Warren Land FOR SALE. Z N compliance with the Will of the late idiarlea Marshall, the utidei siiriieil hxecutors will expose to public sale at the Mtrkct hotiit ui v ar tcnion.im the Kn 1. day of Warren Hovciiibcr tinin next, ilmt valuable 1 1 net of Land, th.- late ns.deiueot li'.c deceived, co.itaimtig twelve hundred and ity iV a- ctis. Tl.e Und is situated four mid a half nnlcs :ionii wist of rt'arrtnion on ihc muni poat road lcauingto Wii liunisboruugn, atid s belter calculated fur a THtcrn and Store th.iil any country iand tn t.v County. One eighth mriofthe purchase money must ba paid in hand, and !.(ic b ilaii .v, i.i seven Miniul payments, Vtidi gcod ne curity, to bear inttreM t mm the dale. ruiLEMox iu n k-lys, JOSEPH 1LUVK.XS. tVnrr", Oct-15, T S 1 5. 42- ' . on Vrddiv ll Oil-fic.tr neat. I v iht pufpiu , f'l u-l . all . r 1. '..i 1 I . 1 . iLmn iLr I n 1 ijlcf li m iniiuii iiijj i'pi . i... -. ii j 1 meaiurenvrr! and pti rf - mv ' 'fiire brni., w m g ted rm (he van.Hi nth l rw dm n.ur,.f!H f a. vria ' . n l is..,.tr.M rlir.'.,l r.r ihf unw kin'l.i,'lr..M nl"! .uil 1 of wu'rtj by d.fTrrcnt me". ttM-ety i isiicret-ntnt Lnd j "nt P-1 a I I ttnic i tiiife'Kiere.l, jyd maryliiu' ""fnHU be- r ,n trn the uiiJen.kir . i'ic t.-np'ovc It em alo I Jtety necetary tint K.me i p !.oui-1 I e li.rn lo pic cm lhee great nd ro n'rviis lar pi! s aid to he;d on the one ha- d -t e employ r f.m cx.nbitaiii rxicti.iii. a-td on the l.cr, ti prr-nt l-.in, b i"f"i urh prrtpt tn .ll.Woldia fr-"Mi the um'.t r'.kker fu a Jfici i.fiinu- hi i a 1 an lh-nH-.t eariina. r.-;ron-a-C-d !, m-r-.' Ii 'I'l.cr mrr .i.iuckt and by a li ! iliat a rri""M'Vi."i : 'i- 1 -f I ;ir:;mel wi'l be pnxbictive jfir r. '. ' u - -.iImt ti ' tern in.liir-d in pui ihi ?. . . ..i, it- lli-t it wilt be afc;.dcl to l all omo.-.u 1. ELLIS FOUT. Hill:boroi:rh, Vpt. 30, U.liS. ", f'w h 1 litr lan.l i . I. 0.; ,4 "1 -ml .fl. bOl -.'j C-c. U ' r f.-v-h :r . ti ucr a t J g- i T.u..tl. lU,," . I V.'.l -. 1 U. ' ; e t. t .i Ci r il ol lr -t.i ;;r:ij II. I-. ! .g;v,r.r' pert . An. .n c.t runi .1 w.l. i- 1 .' t K) j pt. 1 JilJ I i.t W I m 1' li : .. f r, '-'v . I r I .') lilC ill- 1 IK . 1 1 "1 11 e i'.. Ill I. V alia T- s p- ll.r jnrlrt. I V-iktuL.. 11 li i.m ti.tj tu t. 1 .' v.. m.uw lt I. J vn the. 1 i 1. n. 1 ii-ivtr-f .i5l". .i 1' e A 1 e f V j?". ) .1 p, 1 i 1 v .,,1 f.i .l.b j ,. ( ,n j .,1, , f , !U'l' 1 iliu a 1 I a. Scotland eek Jockey Cltil Itaees. JIIAj cuinmencf the ft a '-t Tueih y i'i N- veinb'i-. FUt day, Cult Sceiiljk', mte hiiTvlre.l i'.. liars ci. trance, H rit'era, clo'i d i.c cmd dm-, JiKkv (Jin!) Turc, 25 dollars, 3 miU l.t' I'r.ir.l ilay, nu p'u f jocky clul ni'.r y, ; -cd l-e ROJ, twifnilcn luati FiU' h 1 -y. I'1'- pi -co. I'u-m if l st 3 i'i5, mile heats I'-mal wi-ig.'s .f ;he tin f tug.vern each dy Stat-lts and itlcr funii'iiid gratis. Liy the proprietor. ated. ;p:'t :;! f r-.u't rer.tij. r, n j I sii. ;:iti.n v;ii " a 1 in! oil 1,1 t!i neiMM ii ,1 mi 1 ..' t!,c mi 'crilivr. .ii-sc ni-M in i-t c.) ti;ii .-.it . i-y !n? li: t uf JaijJ ry . Ap'cic 1.1:1:1 .11:1 ' iv: ms.le t- 1.10 rioar K e 1 1 t r :.crouailv or bv .rc: ,9 1 1 lieward. .I'.st 1 1 .or an the H .11 ... 'nCMN:)Kl) iMjin tit 2 'L eptMit. t, a:t aj.;;ni. dr-, ,t u .l, hn'rid t i til Ii-.mi September, 1815. j.yo. i)iii:r , arc' y. r7 o-.v l.antl lor .Sale. EINfi desinms of lcn t'.ie Stat?, I o for sale the tract ofla nil im whicli I nim ft 1 e- t:r. t.iiy n.i nej J j .i'K-i ' ; -ad . I u '.ve r.-wiri ,1 1 iur.ru u il n jt 1 (tu 01 (t, c iloi'a: ,t C "' 1 in .u d in tli.i "talc vi ' in. Tlr- t'. !''. .k ain 111 the T.u!:!S. . i-in.k, a t : .-i n nrrc!io.-.r. 1 f ,rwn tm 114111 HIT J v.M4:it JOI.Y .iU.BMGlIT. S;.'iV. iirv. V C. cf. .5. Irtifi. 41 3wp t rs.v g't e 1 lie : at ate, i:- I ft In n , up: t . g.-l pciaon li-o n tustiii h.:i im sjiisrrioer. In SCRAPS. treneral Jo ckson. While Gen. Juclvon wa firosecuting the Creek war, there was a mutiny n his army, occasioned by a want of bread. One company actually resolved on quitting the Gen eral, and returning to their hoirtes. Tlie Gener al was apprised of their intention the evening be fore they intended to inarch oil', when he sent for the officers, and invited theru to breakfast with liim neit morning. They accordingly came to his quarters, and found him under a large oak tree, eating acorns. Sit down gentlemen, said he : this is my breakfast, and all that I have to give you. The officers, were so well pleased "with the visit, that they returned, and persuaded the soldiers to continue during the catnpuign. Ver. Jldv. ALEXANDER AND KUTUSOW. Alexander, the Emperor of Russia, is one of thos who knows how to confer a favour in a man ner that infinitely enhances the value of the gift. Trusts most strikingly exemplified in the adnri- rahfe compliment which he paid to the brave hlu- . .1 1 1 tusowe Compliment wnicii 11 wouiti pernaps ue difficult to parallel lor elegance, sigmucancu or re kit led teelitiz. When he announced to that of ficer his elevation to the rank of Prince 01 fetnol tniko, for his s vices daring the campaign of 1812, asrainst the French, the Emperor accoiiipa- Iiied hl9 present with a most valuablo jewel, tak- has p.-rr.iued to be 001. ju-;;(y n s ; en from the imperial crown, as a tribute to the k-l-'jy. 'isult of tht,r ex ralor ol oiie,hy whom it had been so ably de fended, lie directed the vacency thus occa sioned to Ue filled up with a small plate of gold, inscribed with the name of Kutusow. CJUTIOvY TO LAiHES. 'e uuderstanti that at a fashionu!,!e tea-party in "Virginia,- the joung itidy of the lamiiy,- as usual, was calied upou to peilorm tre honours of the tea table. In the course of it, she had occasion to rise from her chair t reach an article on the opposite ide of the w aiter. In the act of resum ingher seat, the end of her corset bone unfortun ately hitched in the rim of the waiter 5 and, ter rihle to relate ! tilted the whole of its cements iuto her Jap ! I Hot coflee, boiling tea, cream, toast, cukes, Cxc. 111 one ituuscnir.inaie mass: The scene of confusion which followed may be easily imagined. As this ia given to us as a fact. we UcCm It a Ut Wlabiun aumuiiiaii puituiS) naftienlarta mothers, utterly to discountenance . . fc sile, containing upwards .f eix.i'en I il"urd fCKs on Oabtree hud switt Creek, trn n.ili W.t of ha'e gh Tlice is cn the 'and a larj;e l)wt l!n:g li.-ius..', gram 1 y, Stables &c. &c in g.v.d r p:,ir a; u a valt.k'.ile yrniig Orchard 1 he tpi.d.iy of the land ia rqnl to any in tho County. FJ Y.YLYU JOA'ES. Wakf rnir.iv, niriii' . 2') n ti 3 1 .".mi ii Jil. po: .,i.-, ,.'1.1 nis.i to llnte V ooiku i'uiups, put in iheir N clU, can have the same done by appiira.ion 10 tlr-- subscribe cn 111' lollow tng terms ; 1.; tbe raie e t SI cnts p;-r fxn the I'urpp lo be n.-al'y f;n:!.!iel, an.i ir.aJc with ihe best of Mittcrials .uch s lr n hat'd'.L-s, n I;-nn i:od, an arcnti.edto tbe top of the Puinp, and the Pump to he painted in part iic All'AM LASH. X 11. Those win wish to have the Phil form, done ry nc, can line the same dime a iiilloushy l'nvinc nu- 3 10 txtru, so that they c'i i.c u'.com.iiodated witU a'.l the A. L. !inii-idi, A'lgnsi 2 i. 1HI6. if IU. il . - . . ... AC ?ranklin enntv, on the 12t!i ente.inrf Ust, n n'gro man nnid LEWIS, abom :7 ars oU-s iic ice . 111 111 n-.-t ; i.n, r..u . r 1 ei.urt' c .n.p'exi. n. rtt carded ot: vitti li :n a ir-ij-u j ick t ind n nl i loiieili, coat , n cvc Hul V-Si'-eliend t :e sai-I n trrn. !,. iU her him to in-, .r co: iiuehrn in Jail so lh.it I get biro g.in snail eie nueraiiy rewar.'i TLVOTIir TIL1RP. O.' 'ftVr 1, fl"S 4. For Sale, I fTJIIAT valuable and well known Tract of ! wooden Pump ami I'm: forms, fl laantl lying 111 tlie County ol Northampton on Ko&noite Kiver, aboiu three m lc It low Halifax, nd -out nine from Northampton C. II. Il contain about 70' acres, of which 550 or 6J0 are prime low fcruiituN, well timbered and watered, and us to Fertility, inferior to none in the U.S. Terms, apply to ire in LcuUt tirf. C. JUVIS hlti'.LYV. A Sehool-3Ir.jter wanted. 4 well recommended Icl'.oolniaster that un ji.deifetand8 (irammar a;id Geographv is want ed : and by applying to the subscribers will lii.d liberal encouragement. T. PRICE, tl li.LlE FEXJYEL, JUllJK'SO.Y ISJiJTT, Wake County, frih October '8;6- 42 fiw Cape-Fear Navigation Company. ' "liE Directors of the Cape-Fear Navigation 1 Company, having in discliarge of the duties of their appointment, provided llouts, Fiats, and atl ne cessary fixtures, t enable them to cany into effect Oil : I ..... 1 1 ., , provisions 01 .iieir enai iei, Him Having nearly expeli'.lea in the purr.hnse of young prime negroes, tlie balance of I the fi st instalment 011 the b'tock, are compelled to call ! i n "he Stockholders for an additonjl pnyrrt'nt oil their I rcspec.ivi shares. 'I hey trust that wi'.b the aid of the pn-sent requisition, they wul he tlial ! d to make not on ly a profitable at' ranee, towa'dj the cl.tn(!g of the I North West Branch of Cspe-Fear from r' yc'.tcviHe to Wilmington, but siiri.' m one .is wiliinunc the prison age aiul inte r' st t t:ie p'i!.:c at l:.t ve-. The li'.ti.. tliatlhe'slioi-t'ie sof timesi. cc ihpv prrn-.-rd for woik, i urr.rce to the exeitioi s w;il be b. n' fir.ia'. Ih v therrf ire give N' tire tlio.l. nn instnlmcnt of ten dollars 011 acli and 1 w;y share h:-id in tlift t.'?ne Fear nvieX 'm un.jiaT.y. ti-llhe payable to th-2 Tretmw in i'..eli. vil'e un ihc: first Mnnei.'.y in Nrvemher next, who ill cn ..he- rei 1 ipt l!ie-ei t issue the fii-rcssary scrip. 1 he Moctii :i:er3 wi l observe tli.a a torteilurc ol hare- i provided by eh-.r-i r. in case of non iiavment a- grecably lo notice. B order of the Hoard r Oircctora. J W. yViilGUT, Treas. Favc'evi'ie ?8 IHifi. 4"..5v iNew lieattier Store. rSIII'i Sub.-icribers have, opened a Leather J)L iStore in the room lately occupied by V. W. Mason in the Star buildings, ItaU-igh where thry (dl.-r far A; a general assortment of the best Northern I est'.ier, at Pet prices, f ir Cavli. They have on hand, soal and upper leather, calfskins, grain and wax, skirling and IhaiiiCfS leather, roof and lining hides, bellows hides, sheep and lamb skins, mororco ikins, hatters skins, boot trees and lasts. All which they w ill warrant of first qti.t ity. Bit EWER & FJlliWllL firch 14. 1R15. n-:f Old Star Accounts. jJTilE agents and collectors of the partnership JSL accounts of Jones and Henderson, for the V.t!r C fllii. ItuVf trt m.i1 in!ini-Q K tl.a a;li-irTTa ! earnestly, requested not to fad doing to by tbe members an election for twenty Directorsof the said Bank of tlie nextOeneral Assembly. Tbe age of 'lit scconna bv the qualified Stockholders of the capital thert renders it extremi ty desirable that th:.y thouid b clo- r Vv ill le held in the Commissioners' Room itf .j-jiue n;i. e uceii scin oy immii 10 i.ci sim-i u oiii iiiim I I have noi Female Academy, ti.iiiJIEATOJr. nffT T T r r.i .1 r. ui. c,i:i.in;m;iii 01 mo pui iH 01 tins pmiui. X ry coinnienre on Aio.-nliiv thfl 15t, .No. einber. Ihe exercises will recommence outhe urst .tlouday m Januarv. JACOB JiOIlDECJL OrtoScr Jt 41 ;w J. ilraseiinati, S Ufi ii K l). Y JtE.YJ'i S T, i.MiXIU LIil informs t!ia Ladies and jtH; Gentlemen of Raleigh ami iu vicinity, that ne is now at tlie hsuue ol Colonel Cook, and rea dy to perform operations in the did'ercnt branch es of his pr.ij'esxi.jit. Italeigii, Oct. loth, 1815. 41tf "United States' Bank NotfccT HE Co.-nmi vTio.iers for sunerinteiidin? M sub-c iptions to tlie Capital oftlieBankjfl tlie United .States at Philadelphia, hereby erveWH tice according to law, That the first instalments the subscriptions to the Capital of the paid Bablij amountiiifr to eiirht millions loiir hunured thBJ sand dollars, in gold and sMvcrcoin andinths public debt, has been actually received ; and thai T sinre heard. Tbe difTiciiiiv of rcttlir.g micIi where ag.' nls may happen to die, rendei s it proper that 1 should i-ep.-at the rci'ii-sl that proper receipts be for warded, mileiu it is ciiivenicMt to send soniclhing that will be nioiv! agreeable Mark HnUain, esq sheriirof Rurke, hr.s collected 1 KplM-ve every cent that w.-s due in that cuoity. li wis llryun, esq. Ias elor.e nc; riy as well in lnoir. To them and several other such friends sincere thanks are te- ter. d The two agents who have enquired how they hall substantiate arcou- ts which have (one in each ci'sc) been eleiiicd. are referred to (he testimony of the Tost .5astein. In general I am much pleasf el with the hones'.- of our subscribers, if I c.innot always compliment tlu-nt for th- ir punctuality, the Linco.n accounts are placed with vVm V. Wclb, Etq, ago. the banking house of Stephen Girai d, scuth thirl stroet. l it ie( ilv ol r 11 hioflnhia. 011 Mondli the twenty-eighth day of Gctolicr next, hehveel the hours of nine o'clock m the forenoon and foal o'clock in the altera. em, and by adjournment trom day to day, if lound necessary. The act of incorporation provides that " frtoct holders actually resident within the United State and none other, may vote in elections by .proxy ;' that " none but a stockholder, a resident citizi of the United States, shall be a director;" am that " no stockholder unless tic he a citizen oftli Ttali'gh, October 9, 1816. C1LVLV JO.YES. 41 Windsor Chairs. THE subscriber takes this method of inform ing the citizens of Raleigh and the public generally, that he has re rr.oved his Windsor Chair Mantt factory, from. I'etcrt-burg, Va. to the house lately occu pied by Thomas Cobbs, on Hillsborough street, orpe.itt.e m. Hcyian s, Ksq. where he is prepming and win 111 a few weeks be able to supply all elemands in his lire, in -.he neatest and most fashionable style ; Chairs, Settees, &c. to any pattern he will also paint and ornament old Chairs With bold, or ornament ibe-m lo direction. He will likevise. execute Sign Painting and Gilding, in the neatest manner and on the shortest notice. All orders tlMsv loetnicious and unseemly articles of female w'11 thankfully rtccived and diapaicheri with celerity. klC.ro rnriHermei.ees to health far more; iniliri- JOEL BROWN. United States, shall vote in the choice of tlireci Oilier agents as published a fe w weeks tors." Tnere.'brc stockholders votinz hv proxH will declare their cili.enship, and place of rest dence. anil ackiiowletk'c tlie same before son) iiusf'.reioi l!u i.rnrp. tu- niitiirv n;;hl:- In rhoievi il, - J " 1 ........ .-". ... fetray. icinitr. y A KEN up in Uowan County on the 19th September Stockholders who may have siihscrihed at mor 5. hut. by Tlieodoia M'Kiea, a brown Mare Willi a ! t,..u Ml b ,,iWln,l 4-n 'vol number o; w!n?e sriots abnu' her, nine years old, 14 Iianu9 .1. , ,r . . r 4i, .'.."r .. vf. . v.' fill. ffl Qf,V, ...11 J V) v. w ! shares so subscribed. Tlie following scale exhibits flic number votes to w hich the stockholders will be entitled h voting for directors, viz: high, and appraise d to $22 M. KAJCL. VUSEvYlSEJil , Hanger Sept 2J, 1816. 41 ! p 2d Uegt. Itowan. attire Consequences to health far more qu than being acaldetl, are known to have follow ed their use. . - tleceivt for making Iudthlle Ink: ,Take nitrate ot silver two drachms, tain w atcr two ounces, tincture ol inns 50 drops. -Pi evi- . oris to aw 1 ink tl.e ink, the tihen to be marked should be w-et with a soiutiun of peat lash iu wa- , ter, aud suUered lt cry. Aneer. Dr. Fuller used to say that the heat of paaaion u akes our tuu to crack, and the lie- srit creeps m at the crevices. , EXPEDITIOUS TRAVELLING. - Jtlbanu. Vet. 1. A tentleman arrived in, tlus city, w.tlie C'jth, who left St. Louis, Missou- ,ri. on the lit of September, having travelled 15CH failles in. 29 la vs. or 45 miles per day. The most remarkable tact is that he i ode the same horse the w hole dh-tsnce, and that neither the gentle man nor his J orse appear but little aifected by the jt tirtiey. clanks, FfTtJe at the tour Office; lUlcigh, June 2r, 26-tf Strayed, .1 - .n rt l 1 , r. rom tne i;nion laver, uaieign, two tows one read and white, mark not recollected, but I believe it to be a crop and hole in one ear : She had on a small Dell The other, is a black and bite pied Cow, marked with a swallow fork in one ear, and half crap in the other. I will give five Dollars for the deliver ipjt ot saiel Ccws to me in ualeigh, or three dollars to havethein secured in soii;e inclsstire, so that f i-t .hem 1WUE11T I'MlSLEi P.aleighOct. 11, 41 if N. D.Tlicy have been go'ie 2 or 3 Months. State Bank of North-Caiolina. Jlalehh, October -1816, mHh nresident and directors of the Sr.ito B BanK. of Nortli-Carolina give notice agreea- oic to anactot the general assembly ot the Sti'tu ct N ;nuna, passed in lbl 1, tntiHed " an act in addition : nr. ;icl establishu.jr a State Hank," &.C. That this Ibu.k and its branch's w U take up and exchange.' all the pat ci ciiire,,cy oi m s state wincn sii a'.l be presented at Una bank or any of its branches for the purpose cf being ln kenup and" exchanged ; and that this bank & its brunch es w I receive the paper currency of this state in payment my cemaue the mm. Hy order rt the Hoard, 41 (' fVm. II. JLiVirOGt), Ctnli'r A '5V i . ! Fnt vjoio A Jteaener wanu u. ... . iy-millW T i l' ,L. i... ! . , . A VALUABLE HOUbE & LOT in Raleieh. - Q '":. u;e a!uISliiury 'vcat.ciny, arc The un.lcrsi-ucd is authorised to sell thLot "cn loua c "SW a Pc, son State of INorth-Carolina, GATES COUNTY. IN F.qUITT, APRIL TERM, 1816. James Ih fHar, t-. 5. Petition for divorce filed. Deborah Kofflar, S Mia uetenuani nemg out ol the state, or so l conceals hcrsell that the ordinary process ot iaw cannot ue served upon he r ; it is therefore ordeied ly tin' Court, that ptiblicktion be made in the Ualeiuh Star for six montl s, that un'css the etclendant comes tor- ward by next Court and plead, judgmei t thud will be lrui gni8t her. lest, M. U1UD1CK. V & M. B. May 28. 181ft. 23-6m. 1 Share 1 Vote. 68 Shares lo Voles. 4 do 2 do 75 do 17 do 6 do 3 do 84 do 13 do 8 do 4 di 92 lo 19 do Hi do 5 do 10'J do 28 do 14 elo 6 do 113 do 21 do 13 do 7 do 120 do 22 do 22 do 3 do 1.30 do 23 do 26 do 9 do 140 do 24 do 30 do 10 do ' 150 do 25 do 36 do 11 do It'J elo 26 elo 42 do 12 do 170 do 27 do 4a do 13 do 130 do 28 do .54 1 14 do 190 do 29 t!' 60 do 1j do 200 do 30 1" But the act of incorporation provides, that i person, copartnership, or body politic, shair entitled to a greater number than thirty votes- Steven Girarrf, .ConhnissioW Tim. Lriper, Cwiivalluder Eva n s, jr. CIIAS. .1. NICiilLS, Secretury to the Hoard of Commissioners. . F.rdade'.pltia, Jing. 26, 181G. S6-(- Sheriff's Sale. .ml Improvements now Hi the occupancy ot Mr liurch, aiiuattd on r.yettt vide street, urrmediately south of Mr Gales'a dwelling hoube. The Lot contsina halt an acre hands6nely situated s any n town, and in hitrhlv res pectable neighborhood. The build irtgi arc near.y new d we-llirg house two stork! high, luring four rooms bclcW nd lour above witn a in-e-p'ice to ech and a cellar undtr- neatb. lerms wul be made known by application lo VILLI AM &H.i W. N. n. Pi.sieasion may be had by the 15(b cf Nortmber ltaieiSh, October ilo. 4P-U. a iticu;r oi yi um, ,uia as a rreaeher ol Iho osp-l, to take charge of their Institution, and to preach to the citizens oi Salisbury To such a pennn, whom character is UHexceptionabSe, and whose abibtics live adequate to both stations, a fixed salary of one thousand Mlur will be given. Letters addressed to the subscribers will be punctually attended to. John fultom, ) JOHN M'CLELLAND, Ccommittee CUAULES F1SUUU- S My 28li, 181&, ' J ss.tf. "57 ILL he sold for ready money at tbe Co V Y House in Tyrrell county on the 9tb dav November 13625 acrea of land lying on (Jreat ,l'5!,lp ver, the property of John (i. Biount, Esq. listed fir" or so much tlicruot as will pay the taxes due thereon cost of adverdsiug the same. . i JESSE ALEXA.YQJ3Rs&lM September 21, 1816. 40-5wp. JUST PUBLISHED THE STAR ALMANACK! For 1817.