1 V THE t V And North-Carolina-State Gazette. HALE1GH, (N. C0"FRIOY, NOVlOlBttlt 13, isio. - - - a Vol. VIII, No. 40. rrsLlsus WHILT, jlV THOMAS HENDERSON, JUN. mjnMH, three dollan per annum No piper win Jno paper discontinued only t the opuon of the .t.or. lAleas aU arreaxagea ore paid. X-ftjr -, ax eieeedinj '4 lmcs, inrted three Notice. .... . a . . A WAS committed to the jail oi um county, on Thursday the 24th inst, a negro man Li UT hit name is John Wilson, and that he ill free man ; inai ne naa a wiie aum uhi; l-u,m4w. M J. that he haa lived in Baltimore Uj Philadelphia ; tliat a man by the name of I" - . i .1 .... f T' yho mon carneu nun to tne iic t Ten nessee as a waitiiig-iuan, aim mere sow rum to man by the name of Wilson, from w hom he stortl alterwaads ran-away. On beingexa nined'tlie fellow seems to have some knowledge if those olaces but is thought to be a slave, lie to he about SO years of age, 5 feet 7 or h( those pi nnfirl Id incneg 111511, iiiu tuui-iciuii. uv ..vi, y, or an) other person, 11 lie w neeis request- a to cume iorwaru enu rcicaac uim imm vun einent according to law. w - u. ....... .mot m.- w V 1 Pnwlnlpl. Hou t , " I. 31 'H16 45 3p tffcrfe of JVorfi-t'aroltna, LINCOLN COUKTY. Ukurt of Pleas and Quarter Stations, Octobtr lerm, 1010. jolia B .rk. aisignec " o;;il, ,,.cbmrnt. levied V in the hands of Henry Con- Miniature and Portrait Painting. TIIE Subscriber respectful! y informs th palw lic, that he is ready to execute any order in liif Un, t ibe xrtrilnotc. SprcinWM of i'M paint knf mijr be teen at hit retidence ner ib State Hoit erenr aiernoon, bet eta the hout of 3 and 5 J. MARLLVG. Nor. 8. 1M6. t .b. Private Boarding. "TJENJAMINsi. K.INO propose to accommo L JD modate about 15 or 2U Members of the eu- uinff General Aaavmbly with bovdiujr and knifing His dve I'm it rext dror to Win. SkawV Baleih, Nar- 5. '816 45 2w Stray. TAKEN up by John Malone, 18 miles west of Raleigh, a dark bay horse, about four teen years old, 4 leet 8 or9 inches high, has a star in his forehead and a small snip on his noe, in low order ; appraised to tweutr dollars. JHEUITT DILLI.1RD, Ranger. Nor 5. Ifllfi 4 2 e4, when thoe who cry Lord, L.ird, uho value themselves an their fai'tii, tbwujh rrat enou to ptfjrm miraclct bat nave ueglected &hhI work, Khali b rejecfed. lie proved he came ot to call the tijMeous, I nit binueis to rcpentanee i1iich i:nicd, in bis mode.t opi nion, that tSacre were i:ne in his tune so good that they smrded oot to hear hitn, eren for iri proTementi hut now-a.Ujf ve liare scarce a little parson that does not thiuk it the dutv of e very maq wjthin kis reach, to it under His pet ty ailmihiHtation, and that whoever omits them oia.VtJ (Jod. I wioli to auch, more ho naiiif;ii to von Valth and happiuelbeiog your friend and servant, B. FRANK.LIN, .. coinplrtfl free of her npprevaors. In supjt.irt of thii brlief and opinion, and to aatWfv th fiie.ul of the gloriou cause of freedom,' that ' Spanish ' i.enca never cau or will return to th gallin,;yoke under wLkh it haa auflercd 000 years, it will be sufficient to read the folio inr djatc!i takfii frm the Ministerial Galetteuf Bueuos Ay res of t!ie Ut Aujutt : Detpjtek from the General im Chief ofthtmrmw of Peru, to the Director if the .Yaiiou. TvcuMkx. Jult 26. -v$t Excellent sir I send vn adesi-nof the fli f "IK MiUa lad Ja-UU-XLUiflyT tank aear La Plata, about 1 1 league to the east wartTof ChoqaiacB in Vte action foferrad. t bf. conimulrHeat Don Slanuet Acaaaio.-Padilla whose modesty prevented liiia from rendering this glory to that lady who i liiit wife; but It i evW ' dent to me, from the statements of othera air men and women should marry, is not ' thy of full credit, that she with her own hands but that an? on-111 it-lit dream of it ; wrested Ironi the standard iearer this enaivn of fHOM THE CREEXSBVnO GAZETTE .Vr. .Maclean, THAT so Ktran MISCELLANY. U Juli.i Cely, ajt uniiir KT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, tliat Michael Baldridge the defendant is not that children should be born, can easily be ac- ' tvrannr, by the force of her valor and the sum- 1 countea lor sy tne principles ot natural phylos-: riority ol her skill in wartare, so uncomiaon to ophy: but that people sliould die, in this age of1 her sex. The Spauiards. who make a parade of I knowledge aad experience, appears to me to be j their cruelty, who spill the American blood in ; one of the strangest whimsies of the human brain, our davs so profuelv as to convince us bf their ORIGINAL LETTER FROM DR. FRANKLIN. j a of pi!fs onlj 5Q of ! q( narrati(J1H of K Uf The following is original, and was some time cordial, pries only 100 cents, wilf preset ve . Casas, which might otherwise appear fabulous, since published in the J'orf Folio. It will health, or renove disease upon a death bed, he excite and aggravate the mind to such a decree ejua-jimpiwuuiw, j -vv, who reiusesto purciiase me ior sucn a tnue, i oy meir airociites, tnai we take pleasure in pi e- attention. It will be read by some with ea fernes, because it is from the pen of Doctor 'ranklin--and, in the opinion of his disci ples, it is no superstition to venerate every tiiinir from him, as a precious relic. It will Jiht than as a can be considered in uo other self-munleier. I was led to these reflections, Mr. Maclean, from the number of deaths recorded in the dai ly papers in Philadelphia, Baltimore and else- be read bv others, as a curious specimen of , where , and from a conviction that the defuncts the doctor's liberality of sentiment on religi ous subjects : l d. Int. Philadelphia, June 6, 17 5o. SIR I received your kind letter of the 2d instant, and am glad tliat you increase in strength 1 hojte that you will cvitixiue meud in an innanitant 01 mis siaic , ...,." dered bv court, that publication he made three oDtlis successively m mc nucle i .. appear at the next county- court 01 pitas anu quarter sessions to be hehi ior i-incom cuivny ,t l .nrt.hniisft m Lincolnton on the third m m . v a 1 ilJ I Monday in January next,, replevy ano pieao w , , haveDcen (,f more 8crvice to you " 1 i . " 1 1 UA Aa- tAroil 11 ia a rru nittt-. . . . . v i i. sue, or ludgmeui win -f -fa- , it had, the only tnanK.8 l siiouia desire, tam and execution 1 . 45 3m res. were in most cases, felo de se. For in the same papers containing these melancholy accounts, you see advertised in large letters, speedy, ef fectual, yea, infallible, remedies for every dis ease, which flesh and blud is heir to, from the simple and titillating itch, up to the terrible and red issue atvwi uiugy v.mdhv irn till you recover your former health and' griiimsageu goin, iour cases ouiy excepieu, firmness. Let the' know whether you stili con- a!,n even inese 1 expe, in a snort time, human tinu. to use. the cold bath and what eflect it has.' ' gcn.ty,if it cannot entirely cure, will at least A3 to the kindness you mention, I wish it "c au'u U,,""4UV lu icnee. uie urst 01 utu i,!"e iuur couipiauiis ist. uiure common ill irc is that 'and th.n in any other part tf the world. Tiie vou would alwavs be equally ready to serve a; , mpt ie, dancing on nothing at all lor the nr other nerson that mav need vour assistance: ' 8l'ace al nai an 'ir, or thereabouts. In this and so let good offices go round, for mankind case the faculty are of opinion tliat the patient are all of a family. j dies for want of breath. The second case, I For my own part, when I am employed in scr-1 veiT common in England, is when the patient ving others, I do not look upon myself as confer- ciaPs a Pistol to each side ol his kuowl- rin.r fovnra. hut as navin dhts. In m tra . edge-box, and fool hardily draws the trteeers vls. and sinca my settleniAt. I Live rectivod i Here the world are very much-puzzled about ! much kindness from men to whom 1 shall ixver mtausiJ ot death 1 one side strenuously lusist- Valuuble Property lor suie. PURSUANT to the last will and testament of Col. James Vaughan, dec. will be sold on the 16th 1v of November next oi the prtroisw, to the iujte bidder at credit of one, two and threevears, that valu Uile andrell improved Lot in the town of Wil-r--.. . ;n nranviili-' emmtv. kmwn bv the name of trip Rijle Tavern, on which are buildm(fs well calcu- have an opportunity of making the least direct liieil 'or a store, tivern and boartlmjr iwus; an in gooa , return. And numberless mercies trotii Uotl, lepiir. a I) at ueaame time and place, win wkw n wh0 is infi'litel acrertitof t'vcivr monma, an me nouenu -...k.. t . . .1 :j 1 T-. n I jin.i within the , oeivii.es. Beihbourliood, containing about YAl acre, aaia tow: iuic, omj laum m ilu.m, aui 1 -" am . i a j : . .. 1 .ui.nt'M ew inp niir. o uiiaut m r v,-a r 1 rnn lx inr 1 tnwii uprOVCU aCCUrllJ Ui tC lraaa w , j ill y anew uij a'i v v ov. at I. Rruie fiaSitrtl SAMUEL DICKEXS,Ex. October 23, 1816 45-9 w. New Firm. THE Subscribers have entered into co-partnership under the firm of Silas Webb, Co. Thiy huve just received from New tfork and a-e now o VMWijin the new tre on Market su-eet and opposite the Mrkttlioue, n e errant aamrttnent -of DilY GOODS, dtWEHIBo, CUTl.liltY. CKOCKERY, and GLS.'i vi Inch ihy are determined to aeil very low for ch. ,8 it i usuui to say a great deal about a new store, ' only invite our friends lo call and judge for ihero fcivei. The L'.iii.iess of the firm will be entirely under die management of SiUa W bb. SILAS WEBB, 1UXD0LPII WEBB. Nov. 8 131 6. 45-2w. A Teacher wanted, TO take charge of the Marion Academy at Marion C. 11. South-Carolina. A salary of gSOO per annum will be given to any gentle man who can produce a aatisfactory recommen dation of his qualifications to teach the Latin & Greek languages. A clergyman would be pre fcrred. This situation is probably as healthy as siy part of North aud South-Carolina. Not "i instance of mortality has been witnessed in ita village for several years. The election of a F'incipal will take place about the latter part December next. Those who arc dcVtrous of obtaining snch a situation, will please to for anl on their names, with testimonials of their Wacter and abilities to fill the place. By or der uf the board of trustees, JOS. TRAVIS, See'tj. Kov. 4 1816 45 3w Notice. BY virtue of a deed of trust executed to the subscriber by Duke W. Davis, to secure payment of certain tr.onien therein mentioned, 1 shall wer lor side to tb- hinh"gt bidder for ready money, on e premiiMra, on Saturday the 25d day of this instant, all T .r'Kht, t''Ue and interest 0 said Duke W. Davii, in iIto one tract of Lpwl situated, lying and being in the 'Wunty cf Franklin, on the waters of Richland and Harse da containing by ea timatinn, one thousand five bun jlrtd and four acres, be (he same more or less, and wounded a follows, viz. by the lands ot Hansom. Suther J'li Thomas Lilea.He .ry Gord.oe, Ilartboiomew Ftd- ' K7i,l,,uriiui HIHA JUBIMI1 JALLIC I UC HU1IVC IAIIU f;in excellent Ouatilv. well imnroved. and in every tiptct a very desirable settlement 1 hall at the same time imd place, by virtue of the a W tkaid doed ot trust, idler for ile to the highest bidder i" 'Jy money, all the rigW, t itle and intereat of said Vuiie w. Davia, . in and to several negroea contained iu tltinut. . .... IK MOORE, Trustee. ing ui'xiti it, that when the brain are out th atan mud die ; and the other side 00 less obstinately contending that the brain is not the seat ot lite, for that they have known many respectable jus tices of the peace, and many eloquent orators who to their certain knowledge, never had a par. God bv a readiness to help his other children and ! tic,e of brains in their lives. However, this is a mv brethren. For I d not ibink that thanks knotty question 5 let doctors learned in the law anove oeing oeiietittea by our The kindness from men I can, there met cie I row and compliments, though repeated weekly, can discharge our obligations to each other and much less of those to our creator. You see in this my notion of good works, that I am far from expecting, as you suppose, to merit heaven by them. By flcaven we understand a state ot happiness, infinite m degree and eternal in du ration ; I can do nothing to deserve such reward. Ho flint fur frivlnn- a (Irnntrhf iif Mater tik n fbiru. ty person, slioulifexpectto be paid with a good 1 bourn from whence no traveller returns. plantation, would be modest in his demands ! furtli, and last case, is a dreadful one," 1 .1 a 1 j T . 1 . a 1. .1 t nrjtt it tin .iinvv ritiii n ro ti ti two tn " comDareu witn mose wno iiiiiik tiiey tieserve (.-' . v0.i decide upon it. I'll proceed to the third cuge, which is a very contagious disease in Fi ance at present. The symptoms are, first, chopping oil" a military character's hand then hanging it gracefully round his neck, and afterwards filing heaven for the little good tl.cy rt: here on earth. Evcn the mixed, imperfect pleasures we enjoy in this world, are rather from God's goodness than our merit how much more such of heaven. For my part. 1 have no to think I deserve it, the folly to expe two or three platoons nf musket bullets through his jacket. This complaint always proves mor tal, for before medical assistance can be had the patient has went hop, step and jump, to that The in and there is no place on the habitable globe so much afflicted with it as America. It is called OJice finding. I have had the complaint twice my- c ii" !.,. r ii i.i 1 Cll iiapjUIiCSb sci, aim ui uu wine, ntsi nuuiiticr, I liiuujui t t the vanity coming on again, but upon writing to Dr. '.- At r ik ' 1 t it, nor ! uie-noi, 01 rmiaueipnia, siaiiug my symptoms. the ambition to desire it hut content myself in ' &c- he recommended tome a little patent bran submitting to the will and disposal of that God who made, who has hitherto preserved and blessed me, and in whose fatherly goodness I may well confide, that he will never make tne miserable, and tliat even the alilictions I may at' any time suffer snail tend to my benefit. The faith you mention ha, doubtless, its is- sue in the world. I do r.t. desire to see it di- minished. nor would I endeavor to lessen it in dy and water, which always gives' me at least a temporary relict. But I tear it will kilr me at- lat. SANGR.VDO, FOltEIGN. SOUTH-AMERICAN NEWS. y ROM THE BALTIMORE PATRIOT. By the late arrivals from Buenos Ayres, we 1 , I i a- 1 I . 1 1 1 any man. 1 wish it were more productive 01 have received ironi a respectable gen tiemau tne good works than 1 have gcuerully seen it I following brief account which is believed to be mean real good works works of kindness, cha correct, of the power and force of the new re. rity, iercy and public spirit not holliday public of the south. keeping, sermon reading or hearing, perform. The Patriot army of Peru is augmenting and ing church ceremonies, or loiig prayers,, ;filled improving daily, and its respectable force and with flatteries aud compliments, despised even footing dispel all fears of the advance or pro- by wise men, and much leas capable of pleas- gress of the enemy, who occupies Potosi with ing the Deity. The worship of God is a duty, the greatest apprehensions, because the provin- the hearing and reading of sermons may be ces of Santa Cruz,, Cochambainba, and Fonlina, useful, but if men rest in hearing id praying, are all in possession of the Patriots, who are oc as too many do, it is as if a tree should value it- tive, and make continual attacks, and skirmish 1 t self on being watered and putting forth leaves, I though it never produced any fruit. Youi ' great master thought much less of these out 4S 2p. es even to the Arrabales of Chaquisaca. Ac cording to tftis, it may be reasonably expected that they will form a rear guard of a number of ward appearances and professions than any of divisions capable and able to impede the retreat his modern disciples, lie prelerred the uoers ol general feruela, ana compel nun 10 pay dh of the -word to the mere bearers, the son that . terly for all his atrocities and transgressions in seemingly refused to obey his father, and yet ; the presence of the innocent and oppressed in performed his commands, to, him that professed j habitants, by the most cruel tyranny. General St. Martin, who commands a division of the Patriotic army of 4000 soldiers, well dis. ciplined, was stationed in Meodo.a, at the foot of the Andes, waiting only for the favorable sea son, to march across the Cordilleras,' to alttack all the force ci" the Royalists, united in Santiago, iiis" readiness but neglected the work the here tical, but charitable Samaritan, to the unchari table, though orthodox priest and sanctified Levite -and those who gave food to the hunga ry, drink to the thirsty, raymcnt to the naked, and entertainment to the stranerer, and relief to the sick, though they never heartl of Ins name, ' the capitol of Chili. There is very little dout nMt favorable prospect of reaching the port of he leclria tiioy alia'll in tkcj fcrvday beaceet- that,in tho conrsoof tncet cy6ar, CKili rilUc' theiralfMti'afttttii m te'eo.ajajrgi bat n miymca seuting to the world these phenomena, to coo viace the buropean nations, aud the obstinately wicked one in particular, that the more she pro vokes o ir hatred, the sooner will South-Ameri -ca cea9e to be a prey to her vile cupidity. 1 re? commend to your Excellency the above men tioned lady Azurduy, who persevers in her mil itary toils in the most energetic manner, ami it accompanied by several other of her sex, whos names are not yet known to me, but I have made enquiries respecting them, and shall havaj the satisfaction of presenting them to yodrEx cellency's consideration. God preserve Jorxfi Excellency many years. MAM litjla HELGKANtX To his Excellency Dos Juan Martim Pueyrredon, Supreme Director of the State LOUD EXMOUTH'S DISPATCHES. ; Froii tha London Gazette Extraordinary, Suwi day, Sept. 15. ADMIRALTY OFFICE, SEPT. 15. Cant. Brisbane, of his Majesty's ship Queen Charlotte, arrived at this office last night itb the following dispatches from Admiral Lord Exm'outh, G. C. B. addressed to John Wiisoo ' Croker, Esq. Queen Charlotte. Algiers Bay, Aug. 28. SIR In all the vicissitudes of a long life of public service, no circumstance has ever pro duced on my mind such impressions of gratitude and joy as the event of yesterday. Tu have been one of the humble instruments of Divine Providence, for bringing to reason a feiocioue government, and destroying forever the insuf Icrableand horrid system of Christian slavery tan never cease tube a source of delight and heartfelt comfort to every individual happy enough to be employed in it. I may, I hope, be permitted, under bucIi impressions, to ofler my sincere congratulations to their Lordships on the complete success which attended the gallant efforts of his Majesty's fleet in thei r attack up on Algiers of yesterday, and the happy result produced from it on this day by the signature of peace. Thus has a provoked war of two days' exis tence been attended by a complete victory, and closed by a renewed peace for England and her ally, the king of the Netherlands, on conditions' dictated by the firmness and wisdom of his Ma . jesty's government, and commanded by the gour of their measures. My thauks are justly due for the honor and Confidence his Marty's ministers hae been pleased to repose on my zeal, on this highly im portant occasion. The means were by them made adequate to my own wishes, and the ra- G'dity of their measures speak tor themselves. ot more than one hundred days siuce I left Algiers with the British fleet, unsuspicious and ignorant of the atrocities which had been corn- : mitted at Bona; that fleet, on its arrival in England, was necessarily disbanded, and ano- ' ther, with proportionate resources, created and ' equipped; and, although impeded in its pro- grefw by calms and adverse winds, has poui t. the vengeance of an insulted nation, in chastise . ing the cruelties of a ferocious government, with a promptitude beyond example, and highly ho- , nor able to the national character, eager,, to re sent oppression or cuelty, whenever practised : upon those under their protection. . . t ouiu to uou mac iu cne attainment 01 mis object I had not deep'y to lament the severe loss of so many gallant officers and men ; they have profusely Died In a contest which had bee a peculiarly matked by proofs of such devoted he- ' i oism as would arouse every noble feeling, did I dare indulge in relating them. . Their Lordships will already have been in formed, by his Majesty sloop Jasper, of my proceedings up: to th Utli iiist. on which day 1 broke ground from Gibraltar, after a vexatious ; detention by a foul wind of lour days.' The fleet, complete infill its points, with the addition of five gun boats, fitted at Gibraltar. departed iri the highest spirits, and. with. the- in 1 ' i j a. 1 1 I I' ' ii 111 ' m ' ! i '.1 I'M. V- I f i 1 1 ..' 1 Vt t i VP 'i , t -. - I.- I) i fA , ' Hi Ail P 111 4- 1 I ft i i" l ft'' I' 1 ft v 1 nil fit 0 V, MS HI i