And North-Carolina State "'Gazette. .No. 47 KALKIOU, (N. C.) FHIDAY, NOVF.MHF.U zz, 1816. .v" Vol. Mil ri'iLitnr witxiT, BY TIIOMKS HENDERSON, JUN. fjLhtHX, thw dollars jv r annuro-rM prr tti fKi ja:er discommon tvlv at the option of the antra H rrtrxT arr mid not exceeding '4 I Hwt, .inserted three Thomas G. 8colt, v a AS JO" received rgt assostmcnt 01 Fancy and Staple Goods; 'Also a supply of igj (or ckW. or khnrt credit lo puncinul customers Uileifh Sn. 15, 1816- ; 4$ ot. . Warrenton Academy,. T3E second session ofjihis. Academy will I . tlwe lJ an Examinatrou of the "Students, Tfrt J tv and I'riJay the SJdi and 20. h int on all ihe nuJi of the esim, via 011 Spcding, Heading, jng. EnglUh G'-smnur, ArhJimetic, Geography, lttiid ttrrck ( the Examination will close by the de licrj '$ teiect clip by the Student! ; after which a netliMi sill commenc-, which wiil terminate un the ktd'X of December nest. Kjrrc-Jon. N C. Nov C, 1316 46 Cv. Boot Factory. nOLLOWAY & DAVIS, at their Store on Fayeiteville street, opposite Mrs. Casso's Tite "n, hive on hand a Unr: &s Mimer.l of Su arrow , lions o! the part!':, an Pucut T"Pt awl Wel'.i'ijflon itoots Sc Sbois, wmcb they tiili-'il on ommoltioj;tTmfc. H.-wh. N"V 1 v IS'fi. 6-.",w. To guard the fntertit of the anion in our for eign relations belong exclusively to the Gene ral Government; upon the state devolve th"e no le imporUnt duty, of providing for the public welfare, in conjunction with the General Government, by a liieral and enlightened re-, gard to every branch of internal policy. Tlie encouragement of UTtcQlt'tre, commerce and the mechanic arU, the improvement of the mu ral of the people, by an extensive diffusion of useful information, 'and a strict, i:ouartial ad ministration of justice, aifo.-'d ajuple space lor the exercise of Legislative gehiu. Agriculture, the parent of health, plerUT ajd coatconueut ) the narne ol patriotutn nun eve ry vk-tnef flo'nrrh niost !:ere ht cm, with ease, ooar' her uierabundaiit'stoie into & lap t a 4ileral ivarkeL. Thu.ViUiated, cam- merce. th mechanic art- and yietr n uis, ine v'en wtdrnvc nir vf mtr viHiHcal rx- comlort a.nd clesncie 01 tifv, l.aiow in nerfims. w hen everv other ilepartmeot of the zov train. Amoti the advantavsi of a high tate ment has been involved in the strife of contend of agricultural improvement, may be reckoned, j inj factin, or swallowed in the vortex of cor the check it puts up n that reftlet b(iiit of i ruption, the decisions of tlieir courts stand as a emigratio-1, whicli keeps men in constant search mooument of the wisdom and incorruptible in of new homes. Who would nut .love the oui-' teprity of the judiciary. The judges, nelect- trv of ni birth, securing to iio me rignis :u .el tro'n the most distm'nshed tor talents, and intlieir olTices by the tenure of good be- havvMu-. though removahle hv a vote of Parha- The If relative and executive deoartment uf their ti the -overrent of this state, with power, de- and other plsces. Whether thi is t shew t. at .ucm ...u un.. eu dj tneconsiiiuiioi,,areanuu- thev do not me. to :nteifere in ll.e elvti.n a, aJly responsible to the people or their a-enU for or that her are dii!ei.t - its nrn.;iv ;,. fr tt-: :.. ' t . r - -i mrtKiinn or incapacity 10 oiuce. 1 heir odih : .' f .1 1 . .. . 1 .. inoopi innocent ami honest, tliouti deli ve red on nath, are controlled by the sovereign will. Tht judiciary is responsible to the sove reiifnty fur nothing but cnine, and in no other m de than by impeachment. To prevent the a bust of power in this department, it is most res-p-tlfiilly sulsmiTted, if good policy does not dic tt the KoHing out such inducement as may (Attuct. iud keen upon tJe beoclt, uieu of tlie irslahirrtieJ atid integrity. , Tie i Aporlanc of art upright and enlightened juikciif. cannot be' more fuilv IWasrrafedlthan fT aV rt-rence ti the hutorv of that country freedom, smilini: in abundance, and inviting hoH him, as it were, to stay and paitako ol its boun tics ? Tlie ilcsign of providence. t connect tlie na d .he me.i: community, in tlie bonds ol .)m s 01 me same , ii.terciturbc ment. seem to have acknowledged no sujerior h;it the laws, and to have known 110 party but tlieii countrv. Fhe subject of a change in the penal Iaw9 of Stray. TAKEN up on tlie Kith of Angust, and en tered on my books, a Stray Colt, about onryjr old, of blck colwn, with k blaz on iu fare, vat white neur hrid frol ; now in ihe possession of Sa rwi G-ay -a'ucd a eifflit dollarn. The rcM.i.-nre of N;. t.riy is a!oiit five nules nririh west "f SVw-Maikel, Srrihe lead of Mody creek, Rardil()i co'i'itv 4(i-?wp J01IX CU.1 VR l! inter. sHsMssBSjwsssaWBwasa8swMasssrMSissiMSS and commercial interests, seemi .iistiitesletl in this state may possihly be brought before you, tlie formation ol tue ocean a;, i i ive.s. m niuii a ul v.- LI, notlou'.it. niet with due consideration, it belongs, not to fru-trate l i e ue ig". o u- fhe report to be made by tiie geutieiiieu ap pinclv neglecting the bencli'a oneied to pointed to ascertain the number of convictious his acceptance. ! in the state, will probably enable you to judge Die Stte (ii Nortii-Caroluia. t!iouBh not 80 if any necessity for a change exists. hijiily fiuourcvi a ol ne. slates, has ; Mv private secretary will lay before you my vet many nrovi'd, would advaiitae.s, i:ici.. si ; rojxrl v n.i loi: , c ner that -Unvi 10 tne u to !.icn lier population and eie...t ol territui y SO (".111, .L-iit'y e:ititie. her. ,1 eli.iiau', )1 : al:i: scarcely WEDNE.Sl)Ai XOVEM'EH 0, lfilC. governor's MESSAGE. To the Honorable . the Gcnernl dwmbfy oj the State of iVorllt-CarolivM, GCHTLEMEV, IN conformity v.ith a icCiut';n of the list session. I enquired of the Secretary ol ur . the United States, what measures had been liken to forward to this State, her proportion of the arms to which she wrs cr.titled under the act of Congress providing foe arming the whole body of militia of the United States ; and re ceived fw uuKvvcr, tat from the returns in that department it appeared sixty-two thousand stand of arms been procured previous to the first of January last under that act : Dividing this number amourr the several States and Tcr ritones agreeably tothc militia returns, the por tion to which the state of North-Carolina would be eutilled, is three thousand seven hundred nd eight stand, of which two thousand oi liandred and eighty have been delivered, :iul &c Ordnance Departuieiit would take immedi ate measures for delivering to my order, t,i- ba lance, which is one thousand fie liundi-etl and twenty-eight. An order has been issued tii tlie Assistiiut Deputy Quart;r Master Genert.1 in this state, and it ey now await t!.e iii! i of ; tJie Executive, at the United fctatev store I t u csia Newberii and Vilmintiui. The lim uer disposition of t'.iem rests with the Lenislatui . Have the satisfaction also to itifoir.i v rj, fliatof (hcamount advanced by tl;e stale in Jk.v uifntofa detacht.itiit of militia called into l ie service of the United States, in the huthicci i I 3813, thirty thousand (gO.OdO) ckdhr. h ii.s bcrp. received from the General Govenrnci.t. J lie w hole amount claimed is thirty .seven ' tlmugand four hundred and seventy -wine dollars thirty-three cents (? 57,470 .33.) " The 1 f iance, I liave been assured will he paid; if upmi ivn ex- awiuatioii of the receipts and evidences f pav- ment, it shall be found due. Tiic t urn r.f niiie tern hundred and one dollars tbir';. ctMits (1901 SO) beinj'the amount, with in'iiL'st, ad vanced for the transportation o! a re -ment of militia from Hiilshin.uu,h to N:;rfidk,"U s also W-n received, and 'the further sum o three "thousand dollars, (S3,CG) has h.een d 'sited it!t the Clerk of f,e board id' auditors, dis Vhare certain militia clain s tranMui ru-d by .fliat hoard to the War Department. Ti e muv er rolls of the regiment called to Wu'isbo ''ough have been forwirucd to the Diti ii t J'ay laster at this place, and funds either lave J(,b r will in a short time be transmiil -d. -, Hus provision hasheen made for the pavn.vnt nearly tiie whole of the militia claim's, and' J'Jiiost the whole amouut advanced by the state . ws b.-en reluTidcd. A circumstance evincing -.jjte good faith and promptitude with which the General Government complies with its eniraxe ,:aei.ts. 1 & . 1 In reply to, tiie resolution approbating the "nductof the T'resident of the United States, ., have the honor to lay before y ou his answer in "'e file marked (A.) ' transmitted to the War Department a du i ... ...... . . . i sj:;e-i ov any oi ne, un nardv, industrious and cntern.-.i.i poputaUo.i ; intersected wi:!i rivers, I 'i.iiu.i ui convenient distances t iron ner territory ; h ai iiol tne v. iiuie eieut ol Lett it IJonk, together with a lile marked B.) containing the resignations of Leonard tleuder su'i, K-quire, late one of the Judges of the Supe ri ir ('i.urts; of James Ired-.-ll, fclaquire, Solici tor of the 1st Judicial Circuit; as also the re signations of magis' rates and held oilicers, which have come to this oilice in tlie rece is ; sundry resolutions of the legislatures of different states, and a proposal to furnish the state with any aovi t tin-', o a.. with , mmber of copies of the second edition of a work a constitution ol .unpiesi iveutiiican lonn j eriltiC( State Papers and rubtic Documents. might she to, u oer les iurces. Though, on your present meeting, the plea were properly a.uo.. : t;luated.j.gnrp ((r c'()ngratulating you on tlie bounty ol pro as she now is, a great part ot ne. r jiluce oes v;(lence ;n an abundant crop, be denied me, 1 to swell the HiiloUnt ol exports oi cue moau joining states. To pi event state priue ha weli us interest sbouid jy'.ompl us Lo use every exertion. Let ne. rivers he maue iiaieai,ie, aol if practically iter outlets to tne ocean open ed. nod ere itux we inav he tiermitted to do so ou the prosperous condition of our country in her foreign relations At peace with all the world, Europe .banishing t her shores some of her best and most useful we know not. An article from N.plea of the 7t-. (say a fa ri,raPr) uld have u, helie thu r . rt of Naplea would be disiH..J t . tele Lao.p.lo a to the Americans, if.uch a cession weir m.( disagreabletous. ! cettainly wouldhe rfi a greeable to us. (sty thesaaie paper.) ' Ru caa the Court of Naplea make such a cesiou o.r at own accord. tir David Milne was shortly to proceed t " Ualifx, to assume the coinmau! on (hat statiou ib the room of Afltniraf GrirFuhs. ' At tie corn Rxchange the 7th, a great quantity of wk.uit remaining on hand, having very littjer demaud . . J ...ik.! A L i J' a.wMtyiuiv navp peen aoe oi nevr wheal at 4rper-i.artr ander MondavVki- - ces. - ' - - -,-t J r There had been aome riots in Sunderland, in consequence of the shopkeepers refusing tf re ceive the plain shillings and sixpences now i ' circulation. "". The Bank of England had given public nntic tha4 they would continue to receive dollars at 5s. Gd. till the 1st. of Feb. next. Lord Castlereagh had gone on a visit to Ira laud. .Yew rr.V, Nov. 13. LTEFR()Vl FRANCE. ,;,V Last evening arrived at this port, the 'fasf sailing ship Rubicon, Il.ddridge, in 32 daya Iroirv Havre-de-Grace, from whence she sailed on the jth October. Mr. WiUes, passenger in the Rubicon, is bearer of despatches from our ' Minister in Fiance, to the secretary of State. H.ddridge very politely favored the Kditorf of the Mercantile Advertiser with a file of farii papers to the 3d of October, which, contain Lon don dates to the 28th of September- On a has- ' ty perusal at a late hour, we do not find that they contain any political newsof consequence. Lord Exmouth has been promoted to'thft rank of a Viscount for his servicis at Algiers. Most deplorable accounts continue to he re ceived from the continent of the deficiency of the harvest. From Munich t!lV wrifp ntnJVt despond.ngly, and the people are seriously" a larmed lor tear of a famine. The fine weather here continues, hot the corn markets does not ive way ; grain of all sort remain pretty sta tionary in their prices. alloUUl SCO ner ai icui- importance, ti.e value ol m r and her ople, nisteud ol seeking new coun-, v,1IJr t,mn a C(,ltiuace 0f 8UC, prosperity.. irie. Cf itenteit ro le.nam .loni'- i.o. tu.i.aic 2- ,pS- . ,sni -s is to deserve them i i i ..r taiencs : a place oi muge m uic uupicuscu ui Npntpmher 97 everv countrv : envied and feared by tyrants ; The mmnr of'nn bi.!..-...:.! k... i , . . . ' - - i ---- " V'Voiii im.iua.1 mil iirrwptiii inn ture improvrjy, ner coin ueiciai io.,s ,H.,. ,Kl,io:iai character at the highest pitch of e-l km? of Naoles and th. IT.,;.! w.. .-Tlf "1 .I"! Ii: ! m Me" rk a Femature. Letters frZ Naples 7t uieotn inst. state that the American squadron i a i; . i rri uuir l u ql imi r ,t i i i j a j u-uv i v. vmH a a uth i n t-t is i the n .Hi ;.tt gave thtn on ' contributing to me wv-ita an. ,,i aiuiise- '.icut of otliei s, e should ne e..u.ici to manage our ort'ii coiiuiiei cial eonceros a..,, to l.ce our selves tro;;i d dc:ait!ig .-.pici, oi Uepauuence iij.i tr.e cili.ei ol n.nei. lusivao m , I'Uace, a ailid- l) 1..LM Oi With the most respectful consideration, I have tlie honor to be, Your obedient servant. WILL. MILLER. t" going tlii're to 0130030 o om ici'-.a iiiiiuce:neiii iuui.i 11 tw li capital to ettle ia set home t. as. 1 nese little i.npo. taiice, aiul aj: arc scar r d . .1 au t.i tiie subject to a i u 1 1 : lion. The suliect ol cd;; U.iie 01 i. ..,a.'.,,ej u! no ii.'. 1.1 ei. title foui:ign. FitOM LIVERPOOL. Bo '.inn Nov. 8. II y the ship Falcon, from Liverpool we have e hiien-1 received London papers to October 1st. T hey i are uncommonly destitute of interest; no event of y ;o;i !'s ; , Wl'!l i avs lieen 011c iiaviu tauen place hardly notice. ti a to ; 1 til .eaient 01 one, or .1 te .v uinin. esia::iislieii for me uciivui t te neoMle, and not vi 1 1 intended tor Mave.-, tue muie ter. To obey tiie will oi a. u iieiibei alioti. iiut, il t.rlrcr govern. lu-iils The foliowing paragraphs embrace tlie princi- rcat i.ody ol pal articles ol intelligence contained m them. j of course to be enlightened, i : 1 rcijtiired of the citr.eifs ol a r." i j'Sst ci etpjitaijle iaws are the r;i j where the offices ol every dcya ..1 an-Meii jjhoianl Lie Let .-.Tcr 1 cij iiires no ,.jm, l.iey ought, r vai duties vei ninent where ;c ot action, a;;d t:iicntare oieu a The limes of tcutember 21, coutains the despatch of Vice Admiral Capellen to tiie Dutch government giving an account of the attack up on Algiers. Tiie Dutch prisoners, ii7in number had been all delivered on board the Admirals' ship, and were to be sent immediately to 'Hoi laud. On the first of October an ejection of Lord vlayor was 01112: on in London. The noil . . 's1 I j to merit, not .inw mar.e it tne e.uty out tne nue- stood m lavor ol the present Lord Mayor. ; rest of every individual to qmuiu hiniselt ha. Despatches from Lord Exmouth were recti- their discharge, and also reijiiiiva ol the govern- ved Sept. 23d. dated on the 3d wnich stales ' incut to ailord tiie oppoi tanit t it.turinatioti to that the treaty with the Dey was signed the day :a.ll. 11 tl;e wemtir. alone re auiunieu to tne D'.-iore tempic of sciciictv the p.iojt dangerous species of aristocracy may be appreheuued, trom the union oi two audi poverlui u'gi-uts, as wealtti and talents. 1 A new work on the Constitution has been is still in the Bay. Mr. Pinkney appeared for many nays to nave been very urgent to briujr -the negociation to a'clse : but the Court .f ' Naples did not appear at all disposed to accede ' to his demands. Paiis Sept. 27. Letters fron Mad -id mention that t.'jtir cuinstances of the King's marriage would be the cause of an act of clemency towards a. ru-nber of exiled Spaniards, whose sutferi ig and that of their friends and relatives in Spain, have touched his Majesty. Lond'in, Qept. 30. Iieicard of Valour. Commissioners ha- been seut down to Portsmouth to meet Lord Exmouth's fleet, to promote three Commander to oc Post Captains, 14 Lieutenants to be Com manders, and 40Midshipmeu to be Lieutenants. Captaiu Brisbane, of tl e Qtieen Charlotte, was on Monday sen'night presented by Lord Melviiie to the Prince Regent, who conferred on him the honour of Knighthood ' for . his ser vices at Algiers. He is now Sir James Bris bane. , , , ionrfojt Common Council. At a Court )iell on Thursday, an address was voted t to, thi' Prince Regent on the glorious attack' on Al giers by Lord Exmouth. A Vote of Than ka to Lord lxniouth, Adjniral Milne, and the Cap tains, Oilicers, and Seamen, under their, com mand was tihen unanimously atrreRr' to. TH . rs - s ( icate pay roll of the officers convened at'Sulis :ury, vyitii a request that the sum advanced, be which subject I r. Having rendered this account of Executive ,.JWW6cfionft, your attenfio.i is most respectful-. seVjBvitfl p, subjects of mole ebseiitiai lmpor- (o tne mate. , 1 ne various sernmancs whicn nave arisen 111 tiie state with.u a lew yeai s, from individual ex eriion alune, mail. taste, and points to the pi legislative patronage. uuciuie to pass, and sicken, die, and require ages to revive, lo a vaii himself of pu.ilic sentiment, in support of any measure, denotes the judicious statcMiiau. JVew-Torlc, Nov. 9. A plan bv which the means ot obtaining some 1 Arrived UstEvening witlnn Sandy Hook, the portion of education u.ay he all. ided to e ory ship Euphrates, Decost, in the short passage of Cm in. 4lAn t..A.I . u .... 1 ..rr. . ' 1 suppressed and the cop!,, printed seized by the i Torrim, nd i V X 8 WS U v' 4. ...i v r r 1 to fjord Kxmouth, and oneof 100 jruineas va u to Admiral Milne. The Leander, . with Rear Admiral Milne's flag, has arrived at Torbov rencr. ,'iovernmcnt. Cnateaubnand is one ot tiie most zealous adherents of the Bourbons. Oiranto, 8evt- 3. the inoLiess of literary has sailed forNanles. We are assured that the 1 ,7 jury masts, ,Ha on .present as the time lor American squadron intend, to go to Corfu.- I ? 1?? P?X, heHnjur.e. U..!n.. V ...L. 1 1 . . The American shin which lav- in our 'rdada I oT"'" ? "nginai aespatcnes- , 1 v 1 1 xr J , :, "7. ne returnea norae under s saneo iiirisapies. e are assured mat xnt uerican squadron intends to go to Corfu. Permit the lavourable Ther? are diiTerent reports respecting the ar tliis growing taste may tangeinents made witii the Americans by our king in battle, being nearly stove in. "The Glasgow o ,-iaiu hi nac arrivcu in loroay. ( in only three days after the action 50 men died on board the I mpregnable of their wbu rfds. The other ships had suffered proportionablv itt -a similar way. 1 The British -ship St. Antonia, taken by m one, however indigent, is, without doubt, prac- 34 days from Liverpool, with dry guods, &c. to f i 1 V ' Cr Pa3S0S ticable. The example set.u a neighboring stale, Fish and Grinnell. The ship Alliens, Meader, Zw hir W, ' g'V'n "P' f"e ... 1 . r t , .. , 0 . I -ii- e -ir 1 ! titer with ner valuabio caro, the moment iha IP establishing funus tor the advancement ot I,- sailed ... company fV New-York. Passengers nevv of the chastl8ement 0f E$ $ teralure und internal luiurovement, seems well Mesers. John and Henrv W hite, of Baltimore. ! l- 1 h. -6eiin i.aqi worthy of imitation. , I The papers contain but few articles of intel- 1 " No part vi legislative duty iuvolves, perhaps, Hgence, of which the followiug is 'the sub- mJre important interests than the regulation of tance ; tlie judiciary uenartment. Upon tlie correct unci impartial interpretation of the laws, as much defends, as on their formation. No mat- Fhe Paris paper stated that the -Thuilleries is in a manner deserted, that is, all the persons attached to the court knd the princes, even tiie Genoa, Sept. 8. By intelligence from Aljiers, we learn that the Dey has, with his own hand, taken off tha heads of several of hit suhjects, whom he accus ed of treason! Some of the Chiefs took flight towards 'th pression in many instances loilovvs as anKittsia- princes themselves1 seem to absent themselves K 1 . ooaru tne fci;g- 1 J 'if m k. , L. v. lisli vessels, thev fismed the mo ntams. Two rycouscqueuce. . , from Pans as much aa possible, passing uauch. f wrf(l$ JJx ter how iust or equitable they may be, if ad- usual court frenuenteFS, are irone to vote at the ministered by weak 01 - currupt iiiterprtlers, op-' elections in the different departments.-The v i ! 3 H ii I i'l' l'!. I 5,S ' Hi ir-, j 1 1 a .1 v-. . ' , r . . ' J tA'jU. : t ''' -r';'. 1.1 'i ',-:;.! r -

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