uvt & teitioa act tnd to HitS act coo-1 "j,- uii Mteni, Liie no pny, ana ygiac " y - .i,ru tke flt of Tenne iImI bv oa ... f tV finrl Aftihlv aF ji,1 ktlfr. v vi.v. - - - . . .1. . c . n r l : j L ... Id U9 JaT - khviu buuct umvj rTjtirt ti giioiin evidence in their CovfU of Vjptct usued by the authority of this Ute u toJ by irtne" of the cetioa act, wherebj tch nd manifest injustice i dne to the citi n ef North -Carolina holdiug claim of the a- Lre kind. Iv it inr reiorg rcuiru nisi iuii wninrn- --efboth house of the Legislature be appoint-1 . . ...v.: . ...... nn.;.ir.i:..rv draft memorial to trie congress oi ine i. niteu fctate "or lllC p jrpose oi procuring a rrurcti 01 : Se sa'u! grievance. I Jler''" ' Manners anu naniei joncs ere appointed on the part of the House. rtafurdei'i. .Vor. 50. Mr. iiyVin Presented the petition of Solomon , jodiLof Wake, praying to he relieved f'"om pay-, jn "nc Cherry, tlie petition of William pjerce of Maitin, praving permission to collect irrfrs of taxes read and referred. Mr. ' presented a hill to incorporate the North, River and Adams creek Canal t'o nnanv. i Mr. 'r'Vc.'t, 14 "ill t authorise the issuing of Xfaiury Notes. Received from the Senate a resolution ap pointing Messr-. Collins, Frink and CaldwcM a jumnittee to take tinder consideration the sub ject f issuing 80,()fX) more Treasury Note. Referred to Messrs. I)rw. Porter, Webb, King and Jac ck- of the commons. Received from th? Sena- a hill to incorporate IC')Tipanv to build a bridge across the Yadkin River. Received also a hill to etahlih a turn pike road in liuike. Head and returned. .TV bill to inrorpm ite the Italeigh Library paned if.s tVi d anil last reading. M: 11 "" from a select committee, to whom vy. re i the petition of Wm. Tate of Wake, r '-',J livom.ildv to the petition, and a reso lution passed this house directing the Secretary of State to isH ie a land warrant for 040 acre? ot land. Mr. Iredell presented the report o1 the A'li'itant (ieiier.il. The rep.nt states the total 94 I--) rtmuxusia CWVrtirzrj otiitScait oq fim dij cl NoTtm'jtr tfca'prtaett JU rrtjjr, ou tk inK day ef Natemixr, It 1 9 7 at U b acccounled lor. Tm receipt tixtrt mentiood U formed or roada p of th loUowtaf Uemt, rix. From taxti propcrlj ao caUd 93,140 CT Purchase muoey of Uoda enured. 5,47r $J IUok dividends at JoKovt, via. State Bank in Drc.!i, 3 percent. 12,500 Do-in June 1816, 5 pr cent. 12,300 Uank of Cape-Far, in December last, 4 per cent. - ifiOO uo. m June 1 8 16, (old Sc new stock) 4 per cent. - - 3.T70 Birk of Newbern, in December last, two and Hlf per cent. 62 Da in June I816 (old it ocvr stock) 4 iKr c:nt. - 3,770 The United States in part of advances ma te by this kute for the use r.l the militia vrncn in service of the U. S in 'ime of the l-ite .ir, - 30,000 Do. the amount with intcicst of the adv inces mace by North-Cuiolma for the use of Col Mkinsou's re ciment of Militia, when marching from lldlsborough to Norfolk l,9o1 30 Sundry persons, not Muhfls a 7 5 69 KALE1G11: FlUDAY, DKCKMUtlll to, IblG. (iea. Moirromr stokls, of v tike, u elect ed Senator of the United States in idace of the Hon. Jane Tarner, resigned, lien, fetokrs it also elected Senator fur six years alter the 4th of March neiL Tbird ballotinr to fill the place of Mr. Tamer. Stokes 8 Uranch 8.. 1st balloting forsii vears after the 4th March next. Stoke 9-2 Hon. Rirtlett Yancey 91. 9o hein a majority no. electijn. 2d balloting Mokes Yan'cev y I. Josr.rH Joh 1) v m 1 l, K(. of llaliiax, is e lecled one ol the J J d of the Supreme Court of thii tat in :lac of Jutlw Ilenderaon, re- g lTo 559 61 The nctt amount of dividends above niei.tioi.ed 33 declared by lle Slate U:i; 1 k on fie siurcs held in it by North-Carolina, after deducting the inter est retained by f at C irpor.iti jr, .s clue under the act or 1811 on t c unpaid for shares of the Sute, up to Dicember Ust, amounted to eighteen thou sai d four hundred and fony three dollars, eml se venty six cents ; which was paid over to the PuS-IK- Tre.isurrr in money of the emissions of 1783 and 1 785, and was burnt and destroyed as the L.w directs. All the Iimd heretcfre Riven for monies had of the Banks on loan and fci tne use of the State, :md which were outsta"dir; at the date of the Treasurer's last annual Kcnoi t, have since been paid cfl" and cancelled ; u:id it therefore follows, that North Carolina is not now incWbted to at y ol ; the Hanks or otherwise, for mc:.ey ad on lon. Tne Congress of t-c United Suits having pro- itrfniith 'f Infantry in Xortlv Carolina to be I vided for the claims of the Militia and othtrs of 43,351 Cavalry 1.044. j this State, which it was b-dievtd by the Auditors Mori'lct'i, Dec 2. ( w. rc co-, tempi ted in Hie Ktsoiution of tli lust Mr. R. II. Jones prt,e'ited" a'hi'l to contrnul i cncra' Assembly uo.ler whic h they w.re ap nd vest lapsed le-acies in certain cases.-Mr. I Polnttd U 'ild not !?ccon1.? "ec,,5sary to borrow , Window, a hill concerning the town of Fivette-, ,nom'Vrom ct w H:i,Ks to ,mctt Uo V'f tiiie. Mr. Craven, a hill to mii.ee the lines ol i , .1 V. ' v ,. . ' . ' b 1 Grenadiers and Lirht Infantry in Randolnh. tfV&. RACOTE.U U jut recerrrtl, A VHaTuINERraBJ itberKANCT OO0D3, r taOD which are, lid tea1 Uiver oat. Straw and chip do Satin hita and bonnets Satin and lace head drea and cap lacecapa and spencer Black aud white lace hal do da handkerchief C-l ftilk lace, black and wlotr Cotton and nlk lace bunlviin Vatefll sraue and fancy lo A vartetr of laiiinna'de riob.ods Cotton liine aid cotton trioimin Satins, Ieantine and Florence of vaxiflas colours. ArtiSi ii! fl iwer aid fat'nen C iililren lo l , fancy U.U i-C &c Mao Iken '.nel f all orts, i.c AlC Tl.tl.Mzh. Nov. n 41-t. iook lii-re. ' I!' ""uhf i i er ii 11 .v ,-eceiv'n iiis expect . e 1 vi,. ly .1 . -- i t.i, 'ai.N, jffr'a Dia.Vri(i, y iV.vns. Me I an the natufac 11 i t iv iy c i iimati .i fie y he tunud oi t.i bet ipialitv llavio been h au'jht for Senat,,;it, place of lien. St.,kes, re.i-ned ami ;,,v f.,;. or t Ci.e;)t , tVv w,;0 .....(am.r, II (.ov.nton ,s elected t lerk Mk. . 0() A,Mi fjI. u;it to ne nenaie. 111 pmce oi urn. miauM. State of tlie vote L'ointon 5'J Am. M. SJneed 1G. signed. ."xl Biliotin Daniel TiMimer Yancey - HI ol 4th di. 94 wit'idra ,vn. Joitw Uosi-ok Lkio 11, K(j. of TarSornirh, i elected Solicitor tor the Kdenton Circuit, in place of (it'n. Iredell, re.i ied. ( iin. Uob" r. Williams is chosen Clerk of the I ,nr: i'atnr 'il Cal . nd C.il nine C 1 it ol irou The 5 electors of President and V'ice-Prei dent of the I'nited States, to which thi- .t.ito i-, j xi, n,.vjer entitled, met in thn city on WediiPsdav lait, (,. ,,J lartar ami ave an unatnniou- vote lor James .vi un oe as President and Daniel D. Tompkins as ice President of the United State-;, for fnr vear iVomthe 4th of March net. Col. l'lionus I'av- lor of uranviilc is solcctci i Bist London - ti 1 All 1 in blacking for siloes boots J Hatters stampers and ' bindings I t tun I and flat bands J Hackles & hovvstrina Washington- city. to take the scrip to Itoc'ielle and Kpsoin UiacK. white red and i yellow morocco kins' j idt lining A ia fortid and quick Silts 0 a .11 ojiin.n, opt. Copel Siiellac Swe.-t oil laro 11 1 . t nan noiues In the preceding nae wiH he found the aide speecn 01 ijimcini. . 1 a.enci . ,c .(. oi .i nriois. ; jjflM ),itts 111 tlie Virginia I .ei-lature. on interesting at the present time 01 tnij State. L'!I-'"-'"r1" Leeilvatts a suoject very;ni u j ( (t;s ( ! to the citizens! j) lv;l4, j (com. mii :jica ted.) Wneh I'CZ. Precepts were issued on Mon day last, at tlie instance of (ten. Jones and Mr Cooke, Magistrates of this city, a.iin't a cou ple of men from Virginia of the names of Ethel 1 Spirits wine Streiviii 1 s.:ia!ts silver and 5 Rtitten &. pumis stone j Ivory black andverdi J grease pills IV-st.panish sear9 5 1 amei iuds (v lis, I .. .:. . - ..I ..'.I: Received from the Senate a hill to niter 'he wide of electing hei'T's in this state. T'ds fci!! was rejected on its firnt readinr, GO to 56 TVWrty, Dec. f,. Mr. Carson presented the petition of Jason i-Vi'- ;n, of rennrssee, praying for a land v.ar- Drew presented a hill concerning ev 'vocatiotis or cancelling Ai!ls. On of Mr. Dudley, the committee appointed cpediencv of issuing Treasury Notes, i-:ructed to consider f the expediency of 8eUn', u 'de.r certain re.ilations, the Capital o tW tate Bank remaining unsubscribed. - Sent to t'.e Senate for concurrencp. a a 1 i ,aa 1 1. I L I nert ooiiani and Ko-.eir vv oodiug; anu two or;,. . 1 . . . 1- . rt . 1 .1 1 4.1 i trie L.l!3I mire ul 10 1 3. I i" r uuiei s wn;ise names are not kiiowi;. 10 nave A few 1 laims only uave btcn acted on and al-1 them apprelieudeu as uamhlers and agahonds ; pr, ni'r 1 on Were litisins &. almonds 1 4. l.i:. 4. esi-inuia Wiiite ,ik & lip salve I meats in botties Crown & hpiing Ian- i Lime Juice (fre.-di) cets j A s'Jj.-piy of the oest Silver wire tooth sug ir candys of dif- bru !ie.s ferent kuufs union d ). J Loaf brown s iirar London w'.iite lead in ; tjod'ee and molasses k'.'n - Imperial &. powder I voun 11 y- prime. .I'.vil 1.1 k'VTS ' .mo fe.m 1 ment uccuned to allow : tne amotu.t is not reut, nvirk.s ot our . orrcsponneiit, iviien rne columns j , - s . , J t.ir. ..i u..-..'i , ' . .1 . ..i i do dry 5 Bet. London and Phi- occasionally slice tAen up and paid off at the j vortising f.ieiuU his elfusions will bt: thankfully '; '4e! Ipai1 aiuj V(M'nul- laile.phia porter Treasury aa thev were presente-i, out ol the Con- received.! . a..,, ...v... LlPl ' t I- Mi ll. W Asin.vc.Tov, December 2. the Cnniress! meet in this City to day. Kroni the num'.ier of Members who have already arrived there, is liitle j. -wed by tne Auoifirs, and tbes were -.f a des- j but the y g t w ind of tin -.hsriTand made, tlieir j ( .v ;,, ) crij'tion woich the flictis of the General Govern- j escape.. jWe have not room for the further re- ; '.' ' j ment declined to allow : the amotu.t is not yreur, I marks of our Correspondent, ivhen the columns j',' ' '"" '' The Public Treasurer, under the authority of the Act of 1 3 1 5, chapter the 18ih, and ae,eeab y to the directions of tbes ud act, subscribed fr unci took on the part of the Slate of M. rtii-Carolina on toe Books of " i'bc Uoanoko Navigation Com pany," two hundred and fif y s.iarts. H.-also hel.t it to be his duty nd w uld have suhscribjd, i n I'llr nrkannr. 'nf It iilrc nl O PKn f in. Received from the Senate a Resolution pro- r r ,r . . . , . . . ' : ai a ilcj.i.'ii vuiii i , a ji iiuuiuci ui sisio 1 V , , , 1 "V " ' contemplated by 'he L.csislalure in the Act of . imt eel-: e, and amend toe Laws of this , s , s ur ti)3 but whilst he hesitated on pfjte re li:i; the nu'iiic roads am -ine c-)ir.;:iittee are aud Nixon : vh. n nons, tain and Jed'p e vs. iiirh wa vs. i ,.,..,., , r ,'iTOr';iM,f ih ri i.JUt ,r. , , TM- , "W-UH.II l' ..,. uv., I31.15I5I' M laitin, aint- s-art!i ; ut; oris :. I by lae L;w wie s-i'jsciibtd f ;r , itnrl f:.L'i-Mi 1V illdlVU II it i Ml) ! t.ilU it I .. urn. ii . A letter was presented from Dr. Jeremiah . nccts!n,y t,,3t he shuv.ia subset ibc or otherwise Ba'tle ol 'Inleich, presenting to the Le-is! i!ure t oll Ul4 occasion. book taming an account of the Peniteti-I v, havinp- it in mv non-cr to attend the ron. . 'w-Vork, describing the buildings, , ir.mplutcd nice'Jnq; of the sto-k'.old.-ra in the i v of the instistutioii and the penal j Roanoke Navigation Company, -.t H.diicx in June lat, I asked the honorable Mr. Br mcli, of the Se nate, to do me the favour to attend that Dueling, and to represent the Siate in it, on mybchaii ; i.e obliging y did so, and subs crticnt'y let me know, ..:at tlie subscribers or stocknoldcrs jia not stt tend r.or meet at Halifax at toe time appointed by ; .'aw, and as it was expected they would have done ti." ti - L ., sol tnat state Mr. Jones of Halifax, presented the petition of John Alston, respecting the removal of the - court house in Nash. Mr. II uhi. the nienio rial of Solomon Lick and others of Stokes, on l the subject of public roads. :;,; 0ti motion of Mr. It. II. Jones, the house re- olved itself into a committee of the whole. Mr. i Th:it n it. w onlv ot tb ise. fit ..nrlpmrn ,nt-t tn,.. Iiniel Jones in tlie chair, on the contested e'ec- ther at ll.difjx, ami inn: it was determined by of David Uiiks of Nash county; after ; tbem tbta full incetin: s!i -.uld oc bad at the same sending some time, the committee rose and re-' pin e io the mouth of October followii-.tj-parted progress, and the husine.s v.;n futallv re- On the receipt ol tnis infjrniattoo 1 was awue cjimaiitfed to tlie committee of Privileges and , I bad no lo .ger any legal power cr authority to Elections. act further in that business ; but beik.vin it mig.'it flic Speaker hid before the house the Annual possibly be my duty, in that paiticuiar ihStaiK C) to R''MTt if John tiavwood, Esq. Public Treasurer, jact up to tnc spirit rather than bo governed by To the Hui'jrn'tle the General lxsemb! of the letter of tlie Lw and bearing in mind thr.t the S'' tie of YorUi-CaroHnu. ; Legislature bad given repeated proofs ti;ey oau Hfa'tlemkx I nc receipts at the Treasury of u at heart that the navigation of this river shou' .l K !':-. r .i a f r the year commenctog with tlie ' he improved ; I concluded to venuue on the iibcr fi:v ol Nov niber 1815, and endi.nr; witii tnc 3!st!ly ol attending in peiso.i the October meeting, ii of 0 lober 1816 embracing the public taxes of ny power ; and in the want ot being able to at v"iy d?srrip;i .; be dividends tleclared by our l-"d peisonaliy, to icqu s of Co!. Uranch to at-t-.rcis-vcrd Ra iks on the stock or shares held ; tc"d tor me and on my behalf : well knowing, that 'i t'icin rtspe. lively by this St.ite : and the sums ootning vvnicb migot bt: done there won d be va- ' m!( by the 0 :n;r.il Government, in m of tne ; I'd or obligatory, unless su .-. qucr.tly sanctioned by Jiij -.-s beretofore a Ivanced by Noith-. aro ina : Geneial Asscniby. I could not attend, and f'!" -"'e use of t.is militia this State vfi.cn called Colonel Uranch has laid me under obligations by tlm service of t..e United Stales, am-.tu.t to kindly attendinjj tbis ineeling also for mc, ar.d oti oc i.a . dre.l and seventy thousand five hundred n,y bthult; and has since informed me, that a Mil u' , -..line dolors, :'.d sixty one and an half meeting ol the siocliholdci s look phce the. com etnts. (, : 70 550 61 1 2) 'pany was foimed and their Olivers were o;- I'o : - im ; 1 ho balance remaining in the , pointed, trsasu-y .,n th fi.st day of November 135, a-.id I have the honor to bs, ger.tlemcn, very rcs frererikor to be .ccu iUd for, viz e'ti;oiy f .ur pcctl'ully, your obedient s-irvat.t. tousind lour l.u idrcd a id forty f .ur dollars, sc- JOHN II AY vVOUU, I'ub. Treat. Ten and an half cents, as reported to the last Gene- Ealeig'i, 2'St! A or. 181u. f 1 Assembly ; and a sum t Hal'of tvv hundred a.id i fVedneshiij, Dec. 4 . ''')' ri?.thousand in:! t 're- !..l!-.iis, and sixty nine ! Mi Starling presented a bill to facilitate the fv. is forund (S 253-003 63.) I navigation of Lumber river. Mr.Nash,a bill to Fioijj this agi'Tcir. -.uui, isours'iments h-zve : amend the act entitled Feme Coverts bow to wc i oia.lc. w.t i i t.i o. i iod first above mention- : n.m land ' : I ! : IS. . i t ei million reu , prus- Dvantlv siati blue j Loiigcirk claret wine Indian red aiwl ycltorv i 5-berrv, :e l ie iT. ocure i doubt but both Houses, certainly the House of i Representatives, will form a quorum. Stone and Kings low deira, port &, coart- MAItRILT) On the third inrit. at Elm Grove, the seat of George Titnslall, Esq. Nathan Patterson Esq. Merchant of Louishurg to Jliss Eliza Barker 2'uhstull, eldest daugter of Mr. Tunstall. Al so on tlie third instant at Col. Sutherland yel- try wines, very prime iow i Jugs, u nties ana viais Rose and Dutch pink assorted Chalk & Spanish win- Coarse and fine salt. ting And many other arti- 55a nd paper and lamp- cles too tedious to black I eiuhierate Linseed oil and spirits ; Constauly on hand ot terpentine stainp paper as usu- Best cojell varnish al. etl RAxnoLrn jfebb ;,. vt....... ,... n.,r.j ..r ir..i;r.- county, to .Uiss.tor li. Sutherland datmhter : U a.er colours assurt" of Col. Sotherland. i Died, in Granville cou nty, in October last j r 'vi t . t t 'ii i nrs. nances i ay or, re ict ot col. .Jos. i ay or, he suMCriiier witil Cash aud considerable .ace oi mat couruv. .ne oore tne pains oi a , I m JEWBLLKRY., ncutracfed disease with christian fortitude resignation. Mow Advertisements. A Surveyor WHO is of strong constitution r.nd active as well -as a neat draftsman, if moderate in his terms, would meet with a long job. A Milwrihl, ALSO wanted, who understands las husi" less. For further particulars apply to tlie I'rinters. Grand Lodge. A meefing id tne G. Lodgi: oi North-Caroli- JlL na ta?- P';lcc 0,1 Stttiirday evening l) c. at the new ball. Oil'icars, ini:m:)rs, roprcseiitu uves and visitors (master mus.nn) rqnrBUMl to attend. Jl. LU'CAS, G. S. Dccem'jer fi. 4'J-l. Private iioiirdin. ETAYTNG for tiie ensuing year rented that &Ji commodious two story house on New iicru S rett thi: 1 ne residence of Will. II. Ilcywood lfj,. i prop-.se to accommodate a few youn tjeiule men .m I sma.l boy wuli boarding .ind loaiint on rea sonable, terms. The p'..-asautiiiS. of its sitviatiuii, mid its roat.uity to i Acaileiny niaite it cngiuie x .r stu dents. Apply t.) K.V.eiuh 6Ui D r.. 1 CI 6. DAN. dupub. 49 ot- i. iinu I. in,r aeleefed a ereat variety in an : New-York and Philadelphia, otters for sale on ra jverv modei ate terms, tlie following articles of ! the "late 4 importations, consisting of Ladies and Gentlemen's Gold Musical Repeating St Patent Lever Watches, Silver do of almost every des c; i;tion, also Gold Chains, Seals aud Keys of tie newest fashions, some superbly elegant, Gi.d Vest and Cornelian buttons and Sleeve do.; Gnld and Pearl set Earrings, Fingar Kings and lireast Pins, Clasps and Bracelets, Gold Cor nelian, Coral and Jett Necklace, Miniature Ca ses and Lockets, &x. Sec. Also Silver Soup Ladles, Table, Desert, and Tea Spoons, Sugar To igs, and Salt Shovels, Scissors Chains, and Spectacles of all kinds, and suited to all age3, Silver Calendar Pencil Cases, Tooth Picks, Sleeve Buttons, Knitting aud Netting Needles. Bodkins, Hooks and Eyes, and Fruit Knives, Silver mounted SwonL, Epaul-tters and Plumes. Pocket Pistols, Rims and castors, Gilt, Steal, and Silk "Watch Chains, likewise a dozen of the best kind of Eight day Clocks, warranted to perform well, with or without nice Mahoga, nv cases, Sec. &c. &e. " Watches and Clocks of the most complicated kind, carefully repaired with promptitute and warranted for twelve months. The above mentioned Goods having- been bought almost entirely with Cash the undersign ed is enabled to sell them at reduced prices lor Cash. Tlie subscriber would do injustice to his feel- inirs were he not in this manner to return greate- c' to anriu.it of one i undred and forty two thuu- Fr'ulay, Dec. 5 cine ru uhvd and forty two dollars, and s--1 Mr. u, attain presented a bill appointing com T!y four and one half ce. ls ; the v..u ,ncis lor I missiouers to run the dividing line between Buu Wi'icb ara in the i- fds d t.-..- Comptroller, and j combe and liutnerford counties. The house were occupied the remainder of the day, till near sunset, on the lloanoke Navi gation hill. The bill finally passed its third reading without any material amendment. A motion tn limit the charter to DO years was lost wis, ninety four and an half cents 11,060 ,v a considerable majority. rcaily for the inspctio.i of ins Committee of Fi nance. 1 l"is expendii ure token fr m the sum total a vc tnennoned, vul be f. uid to leave 3 ba! :nce :ie !,u :dred ai.i twelve thousand, and six y ouli 25 Dollars Reward. Tfc UN awav from the suhseriber in the night is of the 2-lih inst. at Salisbury, a Mulatto mm named Ad on, between o(J and 35 years ofajje, :i!ioik live teet ten or e'even inches h i U, and spare made, ue -has a small piece out of one of bis cars, his luir tolerably Iouk' before, had on when lis weul away a pair of d:-ab cjloured pantaloons, a round coat and an old wool bat. It is believed he will try to get to Frede rick County, Maryland, where he was rauchajscd UlcK. The abovi reward will be paid to any prs )ii fjr appre hending aad securing the above fellow in any jail bu that the subscriber &rets him again. Salisbury, Moy. 25th. 1316. 49-tt. - JOSFfUJ GAY. L tVisilt'i employ a Vouug Man wen ac- quainted with the Mercantile Business and one who will conlins himself diligently 1 1 tne store. hope no application will be madi, unless the applicant be aualified. S.C. UMAMB. ttileiifh Dec. 5 13lfi- 49ot. ful acknowledgements to a generous public for past favours, and assures them that he will use bis utmost endeavors to deserve a continuation of them. J: SCOTT. N. 1L Cash given for Old Gold and Silver. Raleigh,Oct. 30. 49 tf- Notice. t nf the fourteenth of Lais Instant j y was talien'.from the subscriber, in Pitt county, a bright bay Mare about tour lect ten inches high, three "years old last spring- She was taken out of Edmund Dupree'a lot on tar liver. She has no white recollected at this time only some saddle scalds on her back. A generous reward will be given to any person that will irive information of her, so that I can i-et her a'lin. u;iuiuiit ii joi. Nrjvenil)ef Z5, 1316. 49 Stpd i