(fcellcro of Ncw.Orletot, J ACKSON. cterVler(htjlloweau mtrr'rbr want. . would ask 407 of job r waders, should t tak oamtttr of cttircni of diuiociioo from -1 delightful la cowdr th co-mfort they j stcb lit rlies, in he I lame solemnly wt apart Jtorth CaroTtoa hae visited the spot, whi w destined le receive, winch w.ald rtfW la pure and suoliasa worship of th. mi Ifoaouticeit to b the moat advantageous '' itm from all apprehensions for the fatat; ' IliS. A CITIZEN. iUce of trade oq the river od the proprie-!LaJ , e,V , foment upon the 1 tOTI IP "I" V m v V 1 41 iu 2 at SIS-1 - .. r All- . , I ,. 1 J P V c... n.w f iv. ' I " notce of tie .secretarr 1 r, rrauiriis a IittJe aoct that ema frw, it: all the en ft T If the .ri nt S r "Ch t,'m"t in bU fiienc. that could be eipccted where .mil. and Impendent Of th : vast extent of country, th-t lrtMB rrjuceJ circum(ancrl in ifcS he merit prompted. Auo.g theae 1 have re M-.ted-wluchmiut afld will cwry ua produce to ib. nerd. th. a,,i,..oce oHus couut. v f.r support,' noticed one ScriM. Hi. ac,.om pbce. iheaoil inihe immcdute Bc:ghbuh(Xd t atteuueij viitn much inconvenience. Some uld j wtiU I...M fth tSit h had not once tUolit cf fckon, ia of the innat fertile dt.ripti.n, persons whom t penaiou -aould m ike comfort- what opiuionitritrrs inn ix..ihlT hae taken nn producing wheat, corn and t tccco, besides imnt vet be able to eii.t witluut receiv- I respecting him. lit presume he 1 ilin liirit iFT ? ' " "t"4 ,J.r P"-f evrry tabic commodity, in ihc great-. st perfi c- tien due , ar.d as the act doe uot in its term and that )u company, and" install aie aU av I h.nk dowh-t lio.n and abundance. S . well are the ad Van ''K utf ' " sh-iuldbe made, it i rather j acceptable m miilj-r ho .tlr suiM-rior'to I Ajm-u i. tatrra of this new town understood by the ",-,0i '--tu r. qui. e it. h,m the companv in y l, lie il.e "n;tt kmiw il,j proprie-j brefUlJ f Araoof thertat variety of geniuae. Uiere i NOTICE. l all cIU mmr it I Ut Vtrlr f Tltrf A4. U U t n, Jow;fc lluitua.ll, Jk ( Kmrtl, J.art Orr. mar S jr.w;;i, 00 lurU tKXa.-ca IV Wj u U li au4 i, hiTfllaJI. kire SauiajH I auj J , J. Fl.- - UM 1ir p-.rple of the adjacent country, iha ihr.e fiiMlrcd doitr.ra, tor a ha'.f acre l .t bj b?en ftprardlv " ttd buiuoaalc u'uloc tnalc UDiil '.he 15.h of thia ci nih. I'aukt avi:ri'fhv ary unpiej-.u' r ,' mirr' vnll c at le lO i VAC S ;ll el o'j!(l be t.i co tf:n;i;ite o .e 1 'h : 1 . .1 .1 . present is-'it i i-i' e .u .1 hU nii"i ''" I.tj'.t iln'"-1 1 ' t '- ' c IV, Trr,..' I'.v. fit, cH iVtiun j1nifilrtle .1 1 ;; .! i-.j, '. r I : v i v- and if ite did in lou Ill tl'-t C ce how tiiat hnulrt hride his pnwlce of iviii; ul'i t lu or iiat he ple.ieu li Dill In li 1 11 . nl 1 11 l v ;n:i n o ! v is 01 i tie 4th instant, uftk- m:it mmrui. tr,-.t tri m a.'d altrr the i know uiithin u .NO I ICt N ih'.9iK Mincij o ne m U- Sior of Mooai lr fl.t tn in liia kj ir'uuu Mualr. in th .t 11. 1.. it i .7 . . . e.ieu he Ittl' -i.i.uiii.i.iini-.itiiv. ",U IniU-fciQO tMini a IlilliiK'i . , u. .m r a tui,4cjrr rha- ,, .. --..rrwii. .n .hiik (nl wU-n I VYo HO I iK4 if i ; iv" t'hirier-i, b.H 1 17. .n'..d Mripes, ! itijj. In all C"inpauie4 lie :Vi U .1: l.o.ne .wi.l . at 1 Miti,,i l,iri -xnirj ,.ii.mi. ml after nukin ' .1 rXi.-i to '. -l-rt him h- broVe rr.Ki.vl irvl .n.tr h,i... li;. i.:i I el.Ktunjr r.u. nun Ti rr Ul tea iunn l.i i. .t'i ml .l.wk. niuKl !.)(!.( Unr, a.ul fro.n i.l.-aree Vjal tinri . 1 J ..r. lw h.te : a. !thi:hc Uuion I hi cae !c is but a had in- ..jn a..i! I.i, nel . iUf, vl.i:c ir. u Liut fj.id. The,',n3"d ditiim ,.1 ie--iti:l in- b-ii in t. -ita- twn in Jay. 11 !. ild of a -cu uiu-M-vtr he frc one idle jihI niid-a on, . iict'ier a 1 1 1 0 c r. oflcis or not ii he lii.d ins liiiiv. tl-- to Mite, l.c write his iiiuue, Simon Scril-blr, i 11 n S. ribiil,, Vr;i7i:i, kih. tillv tiiiios, "ii anv i.aiu'r or book he m t imld of. v. a l of ll i) i!.;s ,)li!-.'t r ulr 1l1.1t, oil the a imissioa m.iU: into the Uunu, oae sr.ar it J. t tht. Uaion of the fiug; ;i n i ta tuk,- tficct c n the 4tn :.lea ntiit iiiece.lirii.- si.ch -.ild.i. o j w hi r'ru;,t,on the th riven 8trne8 will ! b, r..wd .1 hook I,,.,,, UAv.l a.,.I :,f..r,.' nJLTrL. . ... : , - - . - - . ,lt warraou to be ol llie ,.v. ui:.i. "- ai' u. iv iiuiii, a'ld w.i leajinit wlicn thii Inetnl --es 'Jtig -a l.y etlected Amenon uine in. I lud ulitenor. etiougn, (ti;o' not o- e: a.i'.j'tfic- auu ti i.l siara tin- vci In. I ,t.) u 1 j y down (he nmk. to i.av m.- ;n-r.l to in, Uik. lie iv.lnail imaginable I rti-dom ' I V W Y fi-om U.t- Subier.ber about the fir of Feb'. ieaU-d lii.nscll at my vi llil table, w hero 1 lud Iniary, a neo maii naincU 1K)C I'OR, alxnit J'J year ol laid the mi-iii, and ' I I ' J ; i t . tt ei.Ti ttii' iu-itf a cnlincil at llie- info ,k . ' i.r f-trr ; j 1 10 ;.iiiii tl in ilj fiHcl (! a Irt!. r Irani 111'- i 'nl- l si '.- iit:nci )( tt' il 10 liiiM.Hy atlci.liuii ot (un. Slo1 bi 1 is l..tr-. t : ml tl ii Ill's . i.i li( . 11 i .'I rh" : , .;;J ;i-:iu. ! : 1 .e.i ut w !i I ; on UiiUu,:.. ! 1 i!i .s :: scc.ir.ii a .eratioa which has ta kc:i pljj'.- in t:ir rlaij ut the United Sutes, wid ue tiitr last. 1 here is a , Warranted JJoltin-Clotiis. ;.s nut a little mii uiiled the otliei dav uith I" MCR VCK VN, No -J l Pi rl Hrert, Nrw-York, 2.iiiui ai..lluei..llv ltiUK-t itiii'iu e. ' i had ' h" Ju" Mr T"' 'i1'"" fr V ,bc M'"'-' -3 r 1 t t. 1 . 1v . . ' , . . . , . ,r,e'? """" fo- Jc-.a c. upl.u- aatort.ncnl of BoUiu, o.jtoi coi;, cios.-i iptioii, lncti lie warraoU to be of the M. umlitv cvrr iinNirt.?il, ami i mico.Timonlr lo tnc 4 N or, Mmxh I, IRIS lo 6w ii has b: n bjn iwc I (rum t;ie ..c. i,. ."itlioii'jn.v) w.iliiia'k thj increase ;i: s a:, s bincetti. advjpk'un ul ihc prcsci.: a.d . t t:u.ii U TAKE NOTICE. eflc I was auaiCof it he , .' '. .i s n.tnr niS,H fla.-kcomplrxioii, aome of hit ";" "wis, iiil wncn waiamif hi coiiaeqiience of hia mi almost every f ti iul I. , or atrure luai ilia.. .lest i.ii.. Vi n ct.ee in altrrioj a n..tion 1 1 me i.; .'t'l r.-,.l IMS. l-ll. ; a .g ; and in tuc picsciit stance, it may, m jU.-mr degsee jruvc iaji.ii ijus to our tiaviua ; imp, ci)nidei ; ig th.; i.uu.bi r i f licentious ! .macet i ti at art a i. i.id. Our merchants I 'v u.'.vig,i.i ivwutj d wdl toa'.u. d v the j -ut-ra I'j-i in ti'jt. j i he fl -.g of the Unit -d Sttt;s was first de I ign ;tcd by conj-.'ess, in a r.-soiat' in which ! 'J p .Sscd un tin- 14-ili of Jans, 1777. Ac- Tlie eit Su-am Ht ,v.y.'v, jei-rh-w.1 i,y die 'e-.v. ...r'l.n to (I..1C i h ilatm i the otripes were V-rn Sti-maHimt coniiai.y of Mr.. Taswkll.I.i.s :u-:iv,-.! ii the b.l lit' a-i i.reatnbcd bv the act of the 4th ' ' ! in'tnt ; and the Urtioa was thirteen stars, U-r:-fil.j'oJ.(t Von : M ?tok.-, Sib I li.ivt- tlr honour to ohs.-rvr i-i of tin- ' u't as will ..s In ill,- 1 lu-i- t!i mi1.!- hi I'll!,',' in" :.tH Ion-nil a s . ..i teen Kali i-;i Kin! ha!'-iii, N.. '. Iiv or ! ! mxi. l iiiivi; oil' no..o .: id uo iuui . i si i a-.i, u J. :::n..s. to v t T' :ii-!'Fl!. In .' ! - !--.:y nn'l Ii !'i:v lac Cfil of ju h.id wut'eii hth:,ju ticii'tule 'dank piaee iti ihe b' ,k. 1 oilVr tins a a Coin- "ot r''"'-.t.-,l, I s-ihiw lii.n Uj l.o lurking in tlie oei);hbor plaint at;uin.t ad uch eliaracu-rs (fori litid ti.eie IT," wf " Hieliard hanK he ri: i v ,, , .Ue.iili-(Iioliavtf a ilt.. A rrwunl of ten uullari will Jrc oui.i, u. Ill, smni , no pill- -u W.iltjp bl Kin. l,,.v y -n. .:, 10 aill brim: l.im bo.ai- i i. . , . i .- . .i - ..... " I as to an n v me a.'itciioie ui uuvic iue what m-u p.-i uu,i oi imu measures 1j t.kc wiin them. 15. i liwiuiv rEAKSDN. ; ronr miMsoudi of Itali-ijjli, April Kill, 148. 101'. We ire i:.d, h',.-.l :o the p-.',.liicjs of a iidj irt TCcwbcrn NlTIc" fur tLc fnUii. liijr rci me 'ur mttuii; oinirr ail . . - ,. , , , . .. " ,. r , j I ' " 0t-"ilai.lwo-oflianda!rainrtna?M liom esjititti.ee can r. cuini.iena it us u excellent : I .Smilli, s;ui ot I l.-nry, om- for ft JO), ,Utiii aoine time ia C0' a;.u : M :i, ISIu, kkty iUiiiilia-iUi-, one do. agaiust do. for Kilt fiiXiJKR 15KER 'J i'tM,.lal,tl,cnn,iot February, 1817. Tliil ii to lop- i' in ir ii . HI"'' "'v l"-"1'' "i' 1'ciioua of inircbiiinir or reoeiTinir anr lo 40 fpiarU ol water, add 13 i.ihupU of S;i- aaub.Noti.-a. 1 6 mowing an KihIh-ih. .Sin- is to lily between Newborn :'. . ! Kli Cilv twice u vreK will leave Ne'.'bem t-vrrv 'AYi!,., - y rid Satnnluy mid return eTerv Tiinrsilay ami Su,nI.o . I be price f p--.R.,-e is Sl5. It i. believed she will jut." u--u the triji tro i e.ibi-ni to Kliiabth Jit), 17." .ui! s, in 17 hours. The co.npaay c.iter. ii-i no doubt hut the stock will be iro .(biile MS au uver.ice ol t'.iree i.asseneis will irie C tier cent- Tli Sfer.rn Boat Norfolk, Capt. (-l uek'-r, nf tfr heinj; new I v 'puintnil an I cotsipletel v i j ye.i, look her departure JVom tins port on 'l'ues il.iy altei tiiton, and at 5 oVlnck t'ic next niorn iti )t It tiie t apes of Viriia:.. dest.'n.e l for ).e- !w employment on tne :ptcinu3 waters ol N'.rth Carolina. Since I n deD.n turc there lias w-l.i:e in a bine fuld, represen:ing a new con- eila.io.i. Uy an aet ui tdc J 3ihot Januan , 1 794, ih - str pes and stars were both 10 be hliten in number to take cliVct frarn the h st ot Mav, 17U5. This addition of two at .rs and tw v. :tripts to the flag owing to '.he adm.ission ol the states ol Veimont and Kentucky into the Union the r' i nitr on the 4iho: March, 1731 the la:ts.r oa the lstof June, 179-. Tin. ilaij as aUe-ed by the act nl the 13 h i.f Junurv, 1794, is ifrtrj)rt6ent Hag of ihs United S.ates. The t.in allowed tr the alteration on- .ar. looii icnon i or a propi.i tionatR (juatiti-i iy ol lime juice 8 ounces ol" hinimd inu,ti, and' 'he white id G e-. s well i.er.ten mix all together -kin.i: it beiore it commences boding, and boil it lor idt !uint!tv-. Add an ounce of isdn-jUs. ' and a .-jrin.ilui of halm ; al'teV it is put irto the ea.-.k tir it well . lOdavH. f.ivc ivi!le, I'itCo Aj.rft 10. S1MUEL WILUAVS. 19-3t,d. STAYS. i 1Kn,tM:wl tm ,l,e Stra-V b( of Wake county oi the , , ..iu ......i u. iiv .ur.joim vioore who Uvel U milra It will be ready in- boUiui Dll'.U l.ulei, i.i eoUi.iid Neck, llililan roiiutv, Mhjor Jlrthv JLu, a icujiectaliie citizen of timt count v K .Vv A 1) V E I i TfSE . i K N T S. TO LET, T?()ll the b:il ah cc of the ciu-renl ;ear, that neat and rc tir en munition, heretofore t,eriiiicil by Mr. Jaiucs Caldeli anil near the residence of C.:iot. atoll. Applv to ALliX. LUC Anl.10. 15L .5, ,, ,.,. CIVL.N, uiw bay liois.-, an years old, , ... i j v inenes nig,,, uoln liiiid Ret white with a iqiaK si:ir in us lorel.ea.1, wind, su-ay horse was valued to twen ty fnc .loll in One other was entered 10th of April, by Mi V itua ,i Haitle, wh-j lives ten or twelve miles c nl Kal tigu, o,i the great rea 1 leading from Italeijyh 10 S.uiUifield, ft soae Iwrsu about la or 14 yea, old, Lot., iuud feet while a : uove ll.e teltocks, w ith 8o,ne spoUon his back, occasioned by lit. iuu. i leet 'J or loiucl.e. l.il,, and valued at Uiirt- Wake county, April 12 MEirr DlLLIAttU, Ka per. 10 3w. been no weather thatcould . xi Me the k-at alarm itcnaplated .).- tne act ot h-r 4:h instant is, ue from her saft, ar.d she probably arrived at ; fear, t io -it: . t. It does not allow ihree lSewbern yesterday. I ;n ir.hs t'j pcrsofls interested :o prepare ttv. tn- IOVVN LOIS FOR SALE. THE Git&A VE -iT cOMJin VVAllY. DK. ViJAM CLAHKE's Commentary on the Holy Biblev is admitted, by the literary world, to be the most learn ed il.uitrauon of t:.e lioiy Scripture, that has ever been civ cn, as well as tne most critical, and not excelled uy an. for r.. - - . "ujaiu,, mi Liiis great work will be REK..VK!.E to an Act oi the General Assembly of the P" i I" .1 A' Mr U' S" Ki"U'Vtore uuuI jsiaUi ol Norili Carolina-The undeeiKeU coiumiasion- Minister ol" this City s Kaleigli, April 13th, 1818. er. will oiler fir bale on Wednesday the 3d of June next: llnr ,il,il I-.. 1 li,r in II,.. fm.'n ..1 .l...l.w,i, ..I ll... lf , I tit 1 I J . I, , ! . -...-v. .v.... V. aw... UlllltliCllOll We maV WC I fcUOnOSC V-ltll What ll"fire ni ; ..' l.V.:S l'-r the chatiCt : and It Will taie :lie Oi Wan and Main rivers, iii tU. rnii,.li- ..f lo.,.i:....i...,. r i i rv tJ , - .' .viipiiniii null joy an I adilli ntloil her armal will be hailed l.v llio.'th a:. I. at btf sc. lhe pro-. isioiiS of the ' Su,k' "' frtli Carolina ; on aereditof twoyeai-s, in annual lr.i-n,. l "pvu!.,.i ii (,.,,.!, ,n ...I-.,....:. " ' .. . ...; I., i ... K' .. ..... , pa.Miients, one hall each. 'I'lie Coiiiiuisaioners do not hes- . v w.r , w. ...... ... , u invilllUll Septem and cir- 16 St. villi which ahe a beheld own waters at.tl we d -ub i liet will li:.d tin ir esjiei tu r.l ae ot her, real -ed lo . i.c; Lnii ina she coiititii e s . i she must, in the ratine ol i to the j .bite. Ger. Minn T' p New the . u:t. !.. : ii'io.i.s that in the e it ot i.-.e allaut Mina. iinediiitelv a?ter In viis in ,,: re;n;it' d. it ftvii 7 four de Mii: .i ;iri d ru; ' lh it her t.ew ow ls ii n:n the pur til P o.'tinfiiCtiliil .'.'able to ti'.ei!-. a . be -s-rv.cj :L'ie Gas tr, 6. il. e.i .'n ; i v. an t :; .t "t i DM i . J. 1'ijuers lid i : n e.i et. y.lct? uf "ruri'fs.m-V- c End pf-fi' , tl d, in the tit v uf d !i;.leii:, lleix'ou, G . I' -t iie :ia i lii t. a;:-' : -e.l t.i . ! Hii- i!i:. C. ' h unit , ;,; V.u wid v the ide, and Winsc ' .1 -Ml it nl . lili- wil b.: knomat New Oritanji. j I.i fie case d the- first ..lrtijti neatly s x it' tU UTD'HllS well- ii'iiOW,. i vvocl . e:i!p:o i i i i h a:i -,,).' -i tun y .vi h x pr-.!;ei ti..j;. I Iiic:u-m.t ( Vir.) .'r.-; -is. j A la mod r n i. a:;a:i. Yiteiday nio.uiiii ; w e ha ,-jtl.t r a cut iua and singular spectacle in tae ali-v's ol t'lts city A tn.ui dressed in a i.'iu:i."tv i 't, ar.einnj. aided bv a woman i'.'adiiin :a !,o,i: ap.ieared before us. 0 n I lie. horse was ! a sa. I 1'.'., throw n over and ir. each Ci.d of tin: :.-.! p- e; d outllie heads of two cinldren. The . ii:l( i .eatiii . s were so a.-ranged, tiiat the tw o ;i.i each e"d weiepiaeej back to back, so th. t ;tivo looked toward the head ol tiie horse, and two tou arils the .ail. One of them was an iulan; i say lh.it the tow u ol' Madison has a decided advantage FOR SALE, R. SAMUEL K. JBNMNtiS' Vapour Bath, whicU iihs been uaed with admirable suceesb in all chroma .11.. j . j i 11 jtoaii- " it. tm sum tu lutvu ueeii rripii in 1 t .a...i. : j.-.. i . ..ii I.- iih . no, il.i. .iU. nimo,.. ... . .. .i . . . . ",vu,lJ i-Aiiuuurar d, SO that Ain.ncan .,..,'"' "i. " " T.. " V 'V "!,le,i,s " " eoy anecuons. ibeUJth mav be had al , , . . f , . B ........ .-..... . iiuiinw,. ,o me an, periuM mum year, at the Stores of M. U. S. Kiua- Mea Istant paitS ot the Wolid Klvi,t tails. Madison hasa viry extensive tn.et ot c.mntiT, s.- 4r,.ei k lloolh, and at Uie jewelry store of X I Oi providia thetnsrive, . h and west ol it, the most fertile of the State Scott , ltaleigli, at the ordinary price ol ten dolla'r. I O ( i. Mi,, i l.,i,-ii is Wi'll us Hi'VHml C.init.i..u r, v..... .. ..i. A .. 1 : la, il .11 the hvi.u- i f iriiiLi, mnl might w idiout exaggeration e believe a.lil a p;.rt ol lie; State o. l eninsiee, as it will he , tne nearest place oi iuui Ket .Madibon has a numlier of ex-! cehent sprm-jS 1) ibg in and r.djoining it j with the i.i!djt:on-j at beuetit of a mine, a! sp: ii.i; ly.ng within half ii.i, of die tou n, the meon-al and nahibnoiis (ji:..l;ties of n hicli , cip, .1 if (j't prefer.eile to any liiihi ltd lound in the Sut. . wt .ii w illatroi l jip at ') -:ieiil. lo the eiiu.-.ts of Madison h. ; o,,le resortiue; i:iu,i r lor lu-nlili. A i'nrdii-r di.keriiilio., ot .lu disou is ueuine,! iiiu.ecessHiy, as it is presumed that the place can tecoiuiueiid ilSwlf more lhau our pen is able to i!o. JObilL A j -llltl. iii.:;t i(i wall, Xi.';!li'Lo DALTOX, ; JOil.N .UV, JOEL C A it i ) WELL, Comiuissi'iiiers Apid Gth, ISIR. 10 -,iw. WiLL HE SOLD AT AUCTION OX THURSDAY theaOtli I sS f. f.Wj ' Precisely al 10 a'clovk; At the Store of Mr. W. E. 1 t bxer, (H-i being about to decline business') W ,. 11LLS''Uj'""("1"( reserve, a lar-re and vulua-' f f at.e assoit-aeut of fresh imported Uritisii and German GOODS, Embracing a variety of kinds, suitable to the season Ten& l'etLi-.:mrg, (Va.) April 14. 16 tds. bi'Ai'E NOR; ii CAROLINA. .JIIAM.E COUNTY. IH. ii 1.1 . - v. .:. Cttii.xiiie. n years e- f ie advan- c: rJur. U- u!,,c the mot-ier h-dd the rein, she presen- !-Af'..:j. -,1- wi.lbe. oflVred loro lffiSSS ici-es ol l,ii, adioiiiiiii! the low ii ii Iviiiir in the tinksirf !!,. ' and .Mayo rivers, 1.10 ol" which are ion--grounds. I ltd her n o un aim trave suck to the lute ureln as It 1,1 st i. d in 1 ho ;n' k Tin. I,e:ul , ,1' lilt' i-iiii dten .; rt sunk almost out of' si-ht, and thenJftL: , . .... 1 .-....... .-v. ... . . . ...v. iu.-i,-riioiiM in rooms 111 a net I he , luen i-,-,i, cl.i-i- n.iiieis, and forward their uccounts for m v. ,Oifi. ;ir ipped un l:k- you ii w-,jle i-::v.,l;-ittie ,a- i.i, dilv amusing to those ; lm'"1 lo ''' :. saw I-. ;e liae o:.ea setu a nurse cai - rv (hiiiiil. !i:;t nevor hiiori ihi oi-i-asinti. lmi .j.... !... .r .. . .... i vc se in oi.e cai . y quadruple. It was rattier a Til , v I . . i rs tow'; 1 1 ot I'ANvi .LR. Norvil (!.iroiina nt t h. r. fl m,r. ..I . v o a ; u f n u.l vice jm vigj tiox D;..n and Smidi's river, opposite Leukuville, on the soudi side, of the firmer river, across which a biide-c is to h- , ir,'. Juniitt -i id. 4 K 1 K ' '-av- ii t....-t tion to slate, -.hat I !-!W'- nimieol riding, and certainly .somewhat - . . lvi-d t:.c iiili.riiiatiou iV.-m jr. ;rico:.vt:ient to the riders; but I d. iy anv one I'M- n itiist. : U! Tars, that Ne- eU l n-e- I -" '!ilV(-' a more SU.OIliary or cheeper mode j iiruneiliaieiy n-tcud. 1 his ui.vn is pLasan ly situatea the Tinted States, with clean ldl!s') ' !d" traU'ling. ami witiiia which ai-e five aprm. I.".ch sflWrd most ex- , iu niiiui,ii hsi;, o , cedent winter. There is at tins ,mie, a Un-ge VVaifchouse 1 , i i . i' '.'.i . 1 1 1 1 1 . , i i, . i , , 1 1 1 it , i i . .. i . . . . . j.. .... . ..v. ... , ,,. v . I ' I U J . a ll l I li'.'. . . l . .... . . . . , Ll'ltlill. I 171 L'l'i . nl lU'l'l. l,'lll"'l IC oil .1 . , ll ,i.r...n Sntinl,!,.. I, .11...... I . .1 ...... r. t 4 .w w. ...- ...... ..i(b.i 1 niLi.fiiC'- Cir illl C- ininnce-.tini.ient to piolect illioni l'rtslics, and from P'1'u.sed to f.i.d.e tliis fact known lor fl"' indii ' alnni ot these it f.ia conce lh : u. IV r (ue ' ir;ii.jui-to of very lespeetlully Tour 1 . . nJi,.lltscTv:Mit Ii. G. BKASL12V. tiie Cuiitictor of the Customs, Costuu. Matii -'1: k. ...... L 1 ! - w.. . - - v - 't ri. h 'ttii 1 iitiidiv 11 nit tnr. ninrutrniir i i J !S..r;.I,iirv HI1.1 tpiili.i-v to lll.'!r ciahn I'CSS. ii .. Jtl 1! 1 V I - i,;i i:); lor p -.MiMons 'liider l on tiK: the past week, ta present ; niV lt. l VI UUII- loti; ultimo. j An American Scientific Journal is proposed tu 'i... . I.I-.1... I ..i v-..... it , . i ; hihiwih oc oaui.siieu ai iu-iv Liaveu,DV rmicssor sun- ....... ,.vo nerso.ls t.i, m-,lr!l ,.,,-, . imitti ol Yale Coi!e,e. The jo-irnab says the j the boat lai.din.fersons inclining to purchase, on j ."New-fhiiand (Jaiaxy, is uiteuded eo embrace I their viewinfr tlie preniises, w.ll at once see thair eiii ;the ciitlc of the Physical Sciences, witli their bility for a settlement The bridge within 2U0 yards laimlir.ation to the arts and to ev.-rv a,.r,.l tlie warehouse wiilim 10Q, the r.um-rou". springs, and 1 t .11 . 1 , 1 , . ... ' I tlje excellence ot tneir water, within ih limits of tiie ,..a ic v.1,1 ue .1 .-rauiu-oojeci, 10 illustrate towII ,,lUht ;e rrre.tt inducenie.its losettlerr. The mad from the nrtli passes tlnough liiis placfe to Roekiiviu'n C. House (7 miles ofi") every Monday inorn-uijj-, anil there meets the southern and western mail. On the 'J'2d and 2dd days of the present ni intli I will sell tlie above lou on a ciedil of 12. li and 'Jl m j.h UU I ' t .ii . . - "OB 1 . l,Al,l,,l V .1' :po American Natural History, and especially .Min- Fro-.n the Boston Intelligencer. vobHionary Wan ior am n, have apneared before the Hon. run THE STAR. Mr. Editor Will vou allow mo in offer mv lhe9e Old complaint thro' your respectable paper, about "a in hold i era .,.-, -ti,-. .. hil, r . ., :.... .i a Or int-,,; i.i- , ,- " r i inav.iiw. iniiiii iiiiuciiui iiicuinuiuues tv vexes cr, ll i fW , ,U'm Here l,l),,n "ie vul7 mudl 1 alludi; to the f thy abuse of d,l 5i "l Vi' f be;,1 t,m? b-y aSe an(J !r places of public worship, from a common & siases ; but -ome ol them showed the remains p10fuse emission of the essence of tobacco in ut,;-!1, -T::1 d''r,and their martial spirit jtime of worship. Iain oblured to be cautious -". t.rir rn trt n I ii.,. i no ' I 1101 - irn n a I ,. .t ,. .. 1 , .. ..... - . . ..v.., hniciaia,-ii iar 1 ii;) not let mv r live nr iiim kprpu.f In . , - -in-- '-"'."V'VUIVI IUI Rockingham, April 6, 1818. i chitf fall to the floor, lest I pick it up aijain riot only wet, but of a color &fuine I am not very fond of. As lor tt-'ct however was souallid. mean and' needv Hie iiiterest of tne. scene chielly ai 0e from ll!0 T.o . . . j- . .. . ... . - uaauoiauoii-i wiucri t ie contrast, octvvpeti Hi a0 ;n,nn.,j,,a; u .i i - , ...-t...ii6uii uui-ii UI.I.U3IUIIS, in; iiiu&i ue ii -my uutn rim lt.l'rofl,er ll? ofl L'!'u"tr-V ,the had con- ble and resolute, who can venture to descend in ibuted todeietid, and t.ie.r own decay of vigour flood of such essence. Would the master Tlsay aheucamtl.e mud. The nation at length nothing of the mistress! of tho humblest dwelling insk !ne0I,c"l,n",aunit'l)a these men in the city, eudufe to see his floor so abased? wear eld a5e who dming tne pertod 0( their j Why then in the name of decency and reason, I PATENT LEVER WATCHES THE public are respectfully informed that the siibseri'ier who has resided several years in this City, and has been employed coiistaatly mthe line ot his profession, has at length established himself on l-'ayetteville sirevt next door to the Hank of N'ew bu n, w here lie offers for sale an elegant assort ment ot Ladies' and Gentlemen's gold patent lever watches, also silver patent lever aud plain watches and clocks together with a variety of Jewelry and silver ware. As these arti cles have been carefully selected bv the Bubsciiber and from the latest importations to the northward, he deems it unne cessary to say they w ill be sold on die most accommodating lerms, ne invewise repairs watches ami clocks, and will war rant the faithfulness of his work in every instance and will be thankful for a porjon of the public favour. JOil.V Y. SAVAGE. Raleigh, 140. April, j.814, - 10, itos : and OLUei i. Sci. Ta. to call in the heirs of Wm T dee'd- ' j T appearing to the satisfaction of tin. 'Court that Littleuer Jf ry lto fcc Jesse Rose two ot the defendauUi in thist cse aif Mil inhabitants ot this stale l liei-efore Onlered that publi cation be made for live weeks in the Raleigh Star, that un less inev appear ai uie next 1 erm ol sanl Caurt to be liclj for the . oimty of Urange al the Court-house iu IlilLborouth on the toui th Monday 01 May next and plead to issue, juitW mei.l by dotaidt final will be entered agtenU them according to the plaintitt s deuiaiid. Test. J I'AYLO't r r April, 1818. 15'; A HOUSE OF ENTERT AINMENT AT THK CK08S KKVS, WEST OF THE STATE HOUSE jpllE Subscriber U.kes this method or informing the public X general!) , that he sdil keeps a House of Eutertainiricut tor those .vho may tiivour him with their custom j Uiey mav be assured tiiat no exeruuiis Shall be spared lo render the situalio.i aree-lde, due attention will be paid lo those w ho may call on him 1 they will be accommodated on as rea sonable terms as possible by their huiub'e servant JOmAH DILUARDi Raleigh, April 15. 1818. 10 tf. STRAYED OR STOLEN 57. ROM the subscriber 011 Saturday night the 11th instant, j5 TWO IIORSES ; one a gray, inclined to be iron , of this middle size, in pretty good order, his ears rather Ion get than usual, and 8 or 3 j cars old. The other a small sorrel w it It a small star in his face, one ol his hind feet white, and itioiil 5 or six years old. 1 will give a reasonable reward for any information respecting them, or for their delivery to mo iu Kaleigli. J1VO. V. GONEKE. All- ! 15 tf. ' , STRAYS. " JJ NTERED on the Stray book of Orange County, a sorrel jTj mare, live or six years old, four leet, ten inches liigh, some white on her withers, no shoes ou, Entered by William Woods, near Cain creek, valued at $27 50.A bay marc dish ed face, saddle spots, black mane and tail about 12 years old 4 feet It inches high, shod all round, Entered by James l)ioT I law-Field, valued at g30 A bay mai-e.star in her forehead wit.h colt, shod all round, lund feet white, about 7 years old, black mane and tail, saddle spoU, 4 feet 9 inches high, small bell on, entered by James Dixon, flaw-Field valii'M at R30 BAKN'AUAS O. VAMUL, haneeF. April, 17 1813. U-2wpf.-